Hanna Ch. 14-17 free porn video

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Chapter 14

Dancing and Loving

When I woke I found that although still warm, the other half of the bed was empty, then heard the sound of cheerful humming drifting through from the small kitchen. A few minutes later Hanna appeared, she was wearing a light cotton house-coat, which unfortunately left nothing of her beautiful body in view, but she was carrying a tray. ‘Ah, my lord and master awakes.’ she said, smiling down at me as she put the tray on the bottom of the bed. ‘Tea and toast? Apart from some biscuits and cocktail snacks that’s about all I could find, and I didn’t want to wait for room service.’

‘Tea and toast will be fine darling. Did you sleep a bit?’

‘Oh yes, like a top. And so far it seems that you don’t snore.’

‘I’ve never been told that I do.’

‘If you performed the way you did earlier with me I’m not surprised. Either you left them so exhausted that they didn’t notice, or so completely overawed that they were too polite to tell you.’ she said, passing me a cup and plate.

‘Let me assure you that what happened earlier was down to the way you excite me, rather than to any inherent prowess of mine.’

‘Flatterer!’ she said with a grin. ‘But I’ll still keep my fingers crossed about the snoring.’

We munched the toast in silence for a while then she said. ‘As there’s only the one bath-room I suggest you let me go first, then I can do my make-up out here while you have your shower. O.K.?’

‘That’s fine. Take as long as you want, there’s no rush and dinner is a moveable feast.’

‘But we want a good table, I don’t want to be stuck in a corner where I can’t see anything.’

‘Our table is already arranged, I fixed that with Franko, I promise that you won’t miss a thing.’

‘Clever man, I should have guessed. Now tomorrow, you mentioned a market.’

‘Yes, down in the village, and we could have lunch there too, try some of the local delicacies. That’s if you would like to do that, there are other things we can do.’

‘No, I’d like to go, it could be fun, I love poking around in markets, you never know what you are going to find.’

‘Then, if you would like to we could go for a bit of a swim. From the forecast I think it’s going to get pretty hot and the water around here is quite clean, it could be nice.’

‘I remembered to get myself a costume so if the day is as you say it will be, I’d like that too.’ she said with a smile. ‘Now while you finish your tea I’ll hit the bath-room.’

Having finished I carried the tray through to the kitchen then roughly straightened the bed, knowing the maids would re-make it properly while we were at dinner. Then, having slipped on a robe I collected the things I would be wearing that evening and laid them out in the lounge, before going out on to the balcony.

Although by then low in the sky the sun’s rays were still quite warm enough to provide a comfortable temperature so I stood there, looking out across the small harbour, to the sea beyond, watching the last few straggling boats returning from a day’s fishing or sightseeing. And thinking that from where I stood the blend of old and new seemed to have been kept in harmony. Admittedly a small percentage of the original inhabitants had profited mightily by selling their land to allow for the resort’s development, and many of those had taken their money elsewhere. But another group had found work in the resort, providing a new source of funds to their family and the community. And those had allowed the other people to continue going about their lives as they had for perhaps hundreds of years.

Perhaps in time the impact of the foreign wealth would create tensions and divisions, but then that was human nature. Right then, at least from where I was standing, what I’d had a small part in bringing into existence seemed on the whole to have been a good thing.

I was still standing there when I heard Hanna knocking on the glass behind me. ‘All yours.’ she mouthed through it before heading for the bed-room.

While in the shower I let my mind wander, remembering the thrills I had experienced that afternoon, thanking whatever lucky stars had allowed me to meet such a wonderful woman as Hanna, and then thinking about what joys we would surely be sharing later. And those final thoughts, plus the memory of Hanna’s all to perfectly silky skin, prompted me to have another shave, beard-rash was the last thing I wanted to be guilty of causing.

I also thought of what was going on in the next room, where Hanna was getting ready, again wishing I could actually watch her doing that, and found myself starting to get excited by just the idea of that. But not wanting to get myself stirred up so early in the evening I pushed those thoughts away, replacing them with others that were far less disturbing. Then, having dressed, I poured myself a small drink and again went out on to the balcony, watching the changing colours in the sky as the sun sank slowly towards the horizon.

I finished my drink and returned inside, and was about to turn on the TV to see what disasters had happened in the rest of the world during the day, when Hanna reappeared.

Yet again she quite literally took my breath away. Although not overly heavy her make-up was quite different, more sophisticated, somehow making her already exotic features even more so. Her eyes seemed larger, sparkling more brightly, the upward tilt at the corners even more pronounced. The colour and gloss of her lip-stick made her lips and mouth even more enticing than usual, promising kisses of unfamiliar succulence.

But it was the dress, or at least what it did for the body within it, that really held my attention.

It was in fact a very simple, black cocktail length dress. But the fabric, design and cut, plus Hanna’s perfect figure, turned it into something verging on a work of art. But art that was very definitely designed to stir and arouse rather than soothe and calm.

The fabric had a clinging softness that moulded itself to her, displaying the size and shape of her breasts, the slimness of her waist and the gently swelling curve of her hips. And, apart from the two thin straps going over them, the dress not only left most of her shoulders bare but also showed off much of her breasts.

Just looking at her made me want to take her in my arms, kiss and caress those sensuous curves, and then spend the rest of the night making love to her.

Recognising the danger that lay in thinking such thoughts so early in the evening I somehow managed to push them away and then tried to clear them by concentrating on the small details of the other things she was wearing. The thin gold choker around her beautiful neck, the matching bracelet on one wrist, and the obviously expensive high-heeled shoes that completed the powerfully sexual, but still elegantly stylish outfit.

Then when she span around to show me how the dress looked from the back I saw how the skirt lifted, displaying an all too brief, but still equally disturbing glimpse of a long, long length of black, nylon clad legs. I knew that what I had earlier, somewhat jokingly said about the reaction in the restaurant, had been understated, the men would drool, and the women turn green with envy.

‘Do you approve?’ she said with almost mocking sweetness when she saw how I continued to stare at her.

‘Hanna, you look, you are. Darling I don’t have the words. You are stunning, simply stunning. I don’t know where you came from, or what I did to deserve you, but thank God I met you.’ I mumbled.

She smiled, it’s brilliance lit up her face and at the same time made my heart leap. ‘It’s lovely to hear you say that, and I’m so pleased you like the dress. The girls in the shop said you would.’ she added.

‘Like, is putting it far too mildly, but otherwise the girls were absolutely correct. But tell me just one thing.’ I said, staring at the way the dress managed to show off the shape of
her breasts.

‘What’s that darling?’

‘Are you wearing anything at all underneath it?’

She gave that low, spine-tingling laugh, then answered. ‘Just enough.’


‘Just enough to keep your interest high when I take the dress off.’

‘It’s not just my interest that’ll be high.’ I said as I felt my cock quickly making its presence felt.

‘Oh good, I was a bit worried that this afternoon might have put my other friend to sleep for some time.’

‘Far from it darling, I assure you he’s already wide awake.’

‘Good, that makes what I had to spend on the dress well worth it.’

‘Every franc. But for now, unless you want me to ruin it by ripping it off you, I think we should go downstairs, we can have a drink before dinner. If I can’t do anything else, I can’t wait to see the expressions on people’s faces when they catch sight of you.’

The reaction in the bar was just as I had anticipated, when we walked in heads turned, eyes stared, men’s mouths dropped open and women glared at them before taking a second, longer look at Hanna. She couldn’t have been oblivious to the stir her arrival caused but her poise and self-confidence made it appear as though she was, which of course only increased her impact on the watchers.

Franko must have alerted the staff to the fact that one of the resort’s VIP’s was in the house because although his eyes remained fixed on Hanna the barman greeted me effusively. Having taken our glasses across to one of the vacant tables we grinned at each other like children who were getting away with some harmless but still risky activity.

‘As expected, you seemed to have caused a bit of disturbance already.’ I said in a low voice.

‘Me?’ she replied with an air of injured innocence.

‘Well they are certainly not looking at me.’

‘Oh some of the women are Mac. But then you do look particularly handsome tonight.’

‘I do?’

‘Most definitely. The dinner jacket helps of course, but you do wear it extremely well, it makes you look strong, powerful, and that’s very attractive to women. But if they knew just how strong and powerful you can be it would be more than their little hearts that would be fluttering.’ she added with her familiar cheeky grin.

We took our time with our drinks then went through into the restaurant where the maitre d’ was as profusely welcoming as the barman had been, and even more heads turned as we made our way to the table reserved for us.

For a while our arrival caused a flurry of whispering as people tried to find out from their fellow diners who we were. But having been unsuccessful that soon died down, and although occasional heads continued turning in our direction we were able to enjoy the meal without feeling we were continuing to be the centre of everyone’s attention.

But in her own, much less overtly intrusive way, Hanna was just as keen to see who was there, with whom, and what they were wearing. From time to time making a witty comment about the bizarreness of some of the couplings, or the peculiarity of a particular woman’s sense of style. But although I responded to her comments my attention was never really drawn that far away, most of the time concentrating on what I could see immediately across the table.

Her face, beautiful, but not, like many others around us in some all too mask-like way, but vibrant, expressive, capable of showing the tiniest nuance of emotion. Her eyes, those magically hypnotic eyes, which that evening seemed to be sparkling even more brilliantly than usual. Her lips and mouth, their glossy colour reflecting the same diamond points of light that were in her eyes. Then there were her hands, their pale, almost translucent skin, their long, slender fingers.

I knew only too well and remembered all to clearly how moistly responsive those lips could be. Likewise those hands that could not only be so expressive but also had the capability of giving such intense thrills to my body.

But most disturbing of all was what I could see of her breasts. Even though the design and cut of the top of the dress didn’t result in some vulgarly brazen display, it certainly left no doubt as to the size and natural firmness of what filled it. And although the designer had made certain that something was still left to a normal viewer’s imagination, as I already had already spent so much time holding, kissing and fondling them I didn’t need any of that to complete the picture. Even as we sat talking, eating and sipping our wine in my mind’s eye I could see them. See their upcurving fullness, watch the way they gently swayed each time she moved, see the deep, welcoming valley between them, and see their tips, darkly jutting.

Not surprisingly at wasn’t long before I felt myself responding to those thoughts, felt the initially slight pressure of my slowly expanding cock. I realised that if I didn’t want to spend the next couple of hours feeling positively uncomfortable, I had better change that mode of thought.

The food and wine were as excellent as I had promised Hanna they would be so I turned my attention to those things, savouring the variety of tastes in my mouth, rather than the thoughts in my head.

A trio had been providing pleasantly innocuous back-ground music while we ate but after we had finished our main course and before our desserts had arrived they were replaced by a younger group that began to play music to dance to. A few couples got up immediately but I waited until the initially up-beat piece was finished and they began to play something slower before asking Hanna if she would like to dance.

‘Yes please.’ she responded enthusiastically and then it took only a few minutes on the floor for me to realise that she was an extremely good dancer.

‘You’re a bit out of my league at this.’ I said as she improvised a few intricate steps around my more conventional ones.

‘You lead very well darling, don’t worry about me, I’ve always loved dancing. If I hadn’t got so curvy I might well have taken it up seriously.’

‘I’m very glad you did, and didn’t, if you know what I mean.’ I replied, giving her a squeeze. ‘I’ll stick to the basics and you can make us both look good.’ I added as she made another series of complex steps.

As I had a good sense of rhythm and had always been pretty light on my feet the system worked very well for us. That remained true even when the combo began playing a much faster piece and we hadn’t been dancing for very long before I noticed we were again attracting attention. ‘It seems we are being watched.’ I said in her ear.

‘Well we make a good pair Mac, for dancing I mean.’ she said, then gave that deep-throated laugh that was uniquely hers when I replied.

‘Vertically as well as horizontally it seems.’

‘I like the vertical sort, it’s fun. But I looove doing it horizontally with you.’ she said in a low voice as she pressed herself closer and slid one leg forward between mine. ‘Is that what I think it is?’ she added after her thigh had pressed against my crotch.

‘And just what do you think it is?’

‘I think it’s my other, very special friend.’

‘You could well be right. He’s been wide awake for some time now, enjoying the view.’

‘What view?’ she asked, glancing around.

‘The view of you darling. Having you sitting just across the table, so close, but so out of reach.’

‘So long as that’s the only one that has this sort of effect on you tonight.’ she said, sliding her leg even further forward and briefly pressing herself tightly against me.

‘Not just tonight Hanna.’ I replied before the increasing pace of the music and Hanna’s immediate response made further conversation impossible.

Amongst the various people who had been watching us dance was a young man standing with a group of friends at a corner bar. He was darkly handsome, with those classically smouldering Mediterranean looks, and although he had caught my
eye once or twice most of the time his were firmly fixed on Hanna. I felt them following us even when the set came to an end and we made our way back to the table, Hanna positively glowing, while I tried to catch my breath and wiped the perspiration from my face.

When the combo re-started a few minutes later it was with a Latin American beat and I told Hanna that rather than risk making a fool of myself in trying to keep up with that I would prefer to sit it out. I could tell she was disappointed, so when the young man I had spotted earlier made his way to our table and asked if she would like to dance, and she politely refused him, I interjected. ‘No Hanna, dance with him. You know you want to, and I’ll enjoy watching you darling.’ I added meaningfully.

She gave me a questioning look, then an understanding smile when I nodded encouragingly and said. ‘You know how much I like seeing you enjoying yourself darling.’

Even as they made their way to the floor they attracted both curious and admiring glances. The latter were well deserved because they did make an attractive couple, his dark good looks contrasting with and even further enhancing Hanna’s pale beauty. But they had only been dancing for a couple of minutes before they had literally every pair of eyes on them.

Whereas I had been a competent foil for Hanna’s dancing, even I could tell that the young man was slowly but insistently taking her to the limit of her skill, then beyond that. The result was a brilliant demonstration and in a very short time the other dancers had moved to the side of the floor to give them space to perform.

I sat watching with mixed emotions. I was delighted to see Hanna having so much obvious fun and enjoyment. I was jealous of the young man’s ability to give her something I could not. I was transfixed by the sight of Hanna’s body moving the way the dance demanded, always gracefully, sometimes sensually, sometimes with all the fire of pure, unadulterated passion.

That mix of feelings quickly brought back some of the thoughts I’d had earlier, but with ten times more force. In my head I could see through the swirling cloud of her dress, see the naked form beneath, see her entire body bending, twisting and arching with almost sexual abandon.

And as I watched, as though actually viewing a split screen, on one the two dancers, and on the other just Hanna’s naked body, I felt a similar division in my reactions. At the intellectual level I was able to appreciate the skill and artistry of the pair. But at the same time another, much more primal part of me was being stimulated by the lustful thoughts the illusory sight of Hanna’s body produced.

And naturally my physical response was predictable. I felt my cock rising even more strongly than it had earlier, the position I was sitting in at first making it uncomfortable, then as the dancers continued, making it positively painful. Luckily, with everyone’s eyes on the pair on the floor there was nobody to notice me fiddling with myself beneath the table so I was able to free it from where it was trapped against my leg, and lift it into a more bearable position.

But in reducing the discomfort by providing more space for it I had of course removed the restrictions that cramped position put on its growth, and the longer I watched the bigger it seemed to get. So in one way, although of course I was enjoying what was happening, I was still somewhat relieved when I eventually heard the music working towards its close.

The man brought their dance to end by sending Hanna into a fast, twirling spin that sent her skirt flying up almost to waist height. The spin couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds but it was quite long enough for me to see virtually the entire nylon clad length of her legs. Long enough to see the circle of darker material around her upper thighs and the contrasting milky whiteness of the skin above. And just long enough for me to realise that because I could see the tiny strips of dark, wispy lace of a suspender belt, they couldn’t be her usual grip-top stockings,

Again I struggled with my mixed emotions. One set cursing the man for displaying Hanna for everyone to see. The other wishing he had spun her longer, so I could have continued enjoying the exciting sight it had given me. And while they were battling it out, wondering what the hell I was going to do about the raging erection I had by then developed.

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Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Boss

Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Bosses is a story of a woman who experiences the pleasures and frustrations of being a Hot-wife who loves Big Black Cock. It also looks at the desperation that her “husband” must endure as she is shared with a black man and given to a Master who changes her appearance without regard to how others will see her. It is a very true fictional story of how couples deal with the changes that they did not foresee when they decide to step into this lifestyle. ...

3 years ago
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Brother Boyfriend Of Lovely Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi incest lovers.I m back with second part of my story. Thanks for your comments on previous story and i also got many mails thanks for it and it gave me courage to write it’s next part.If you haven’t read my first part of the story please read it first and then read this part. you can read my first story it’s name is “Brother – Boyfriend Of Lovely Sister”. Those who are reading the story first time let me introduce myself to u. I m a incest lover too. My name is Pradnya I am 18 years old and...

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How I Cleverly Seduced My Mom8217s Sis To Fuck Me 8211 Part 4

I hope you all liked my second and third part of the story. Sorry for this story being late. I was really busy in work these days could not take out much time. I’m really amazed at your compliments. Thank you so many guys I have got so much appreciation and nice comments from a lot of my readers. I really want to thank you for this guys. I even had a few readers which we have chatted and had good fun which is highly confidential at any cost. Welcome to the ‘fucking city bitch’! Let’s get dirty...

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My First Bi Experiance writer Anonymous

My First Bi Experiance writer: anonymous________________________________________Well I must Say that My First Bi Experiance was Unexpected,....I`ll Make this short as possible,....My husband had his Christmas party at this fancy hotel; to start I`ll tell you a little about me,..I`m 53 now and still firm and sexsuall,...I`ve always wondered about having a fling with another woman,...but never got the nerves to do it,...I`m 5'8" tall weight about 128 lbs,...34B breast with very large and dark...

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The Sisters of Melody

Synopsis: When James was released from jail, after being arrested for murder, he didn't know his problems were only just starting, as a designer virus attacks his DNA and starts changing him into... what? The Sisters of Melody By Marianne Nettes It started when Janet opened the weekly newspaper at work. 'That bloke they want for murder looks just like you,' she said. She held up the Photofit picture for inspection, and I had to admit, the picture looked remarkably similar to...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 21

I tried to hide behind my dresser. I hoped this mysterious person hadn’t seen me and would go away. I was sitting on the ground and prepared to run for it like the two kids running from the velociraptors in the first Jurassic Park movie. It seemed as if they were about to leave whe I sneezed. I was doomed now. “Kara? Are you there?” asked the stranger. But was it a stranger? That voice sounded familiar to me. The person found me and got close to me. They got close enough for me to see. This...

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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 29

The boat ride back was quiet. We managed to find our clothes and dressed. Once docked, I left with Beth and Alicia. We went to the RV and ate a light supper before going to bed. In the morning, I talked with Beth about staying or moving on while Alicia slept. She had been used more and used harder than Beth the previous day. We had four more days paid on our space. After talking while breakfast cooked, we decided that it was time to move the RV to somewhere new. Beth said, “We could even...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolTuesday AfternoonEvening

Tuesday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison opened her eyes slowly, letting them acclimate to the light coming through the open door. How long did we sleep? she wondered as she tilted her head towards the clock on the wall. Is it really that late? she thought for a moment. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me she added as she looked back at the clock, and felt Emanuel’s thoughts start to stir. Manny, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up. Huh? What time is it? he replied weakly. Nearly time for...

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The CameraChapter 7

“OH-MY-GOD ... would you just look at these pictures Bobby? They look like they were never touched-up.” The prints were perfect. No alignment necessary – As sharp as a razor, not a blemish. Perfectly placed subjects, with their cocks up their friend’s asses. “Wow, let me have six each of those. I’m starting today. By the end of the week those two dog turds will be ashamed to even come back to school.” “Bobby Joe, be sure and let Charlie and Ginger see these before you put them out in...

3 years ago
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Broken PC

The CD player on your PC is on the blink and a friend of yours asks me to come around to your house to have a look at it. As I arrive your friend is just leaving. She tells me you are in the house and to go right in. She tells me you are in the living room. I enter your house and I am just about to go into the living room when I see you sitting in the chair. You have your legs open wide with your knickers to one side. Your eyes are closed shut. I take a couple of steps backwards so you won’t be...

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Carolyns Lingerie Store Sexcapade

This story is about a fun time that my husband, Mark and I had many years ago at an exotic lingerie store, in which my tits played a key role. Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud...

Wife Lovers
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Girl stories Jessica

"Hey, I'm Jessica. Everyone just calls me Jess." She must have been around twenty, really pretty long brown hair and blue eyes. "This your first time?", She asked me. "Yeah." "Hey don't worry Its not prison. You're not gonna get raped up the ass with a broomstick or anything. As long as you don't piss anybody off or get in anybody's way here you'll be fine." Of all the people in there I don't think I would have felt more comfortable with anybody else but her. She...

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Yes Friends With Benefits Works

So when I talk about myself, it should be very open and detail at this place because I know the people who will read this, they should relate this to themselves and enjoy until they have a strong orgasm. Myself Aarush I’m 24 from Mumbai, belongs to a middle class family and that’s why I’m trustworthy and loyal in such a private things. I have had experienced a very deep romantic sex with 4 women’s and almost 13 times and believe me guys I’m still a single guy because I don’t believe in fake...

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Campers Delight chapter 1 of 2

by TW, aka RatFink Chapter 1 The tires of the Halisberg's SUV picked small stones up from the rocky road that led down into Paradise Camp and tossed them relentlessly at the undercarriage of their vehicle. Eli and Ellen loved camping here. As their SUV rumbled down the last leg of the unpaved ranch road a sheer cliff came into view. It served as the background for...

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The Pregnant Wife

I am going to tell you a real story about me. I am a 20 years old lady from Bangalore. I live with my dad, who is 39 years old now. He was married at his 18 and after a year I was born. My mom was 1 year younger than him. When I was 3 years old, mom left dad because of great misunderstanding between them. So my dad brought me up being both father and mother. He was just 22 years old by then and I can imagine how difficult it was for him to upkeep me. He is a junior officer at one of the private...

2 years ago
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A New Home For Earth

1. The early years It was early in my tenth year of life that I began to notice some small things in my life that were not quite right. At least not compared to what I could see around me. I was seeing things no one else could see, hearing sounds that others didn’t hear and every once in a while I would find myself someplace where I didn’t remember going. Everyone kept telling me I had a vivid imagination....

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After the Dream

Her pulse quickened and her breathing deepened… She was jarred into wakefulness by the soft purr of Susans’ voice. “Dalia, the voice whispered, “I just wanted to tell you what a fantastic afternoon I had.” “Oh my GOD” Whispered Dalia, “I had a wonderful time” “I have never experienced anything like that before.” “Nor have I.” Susan responded, hesitating. “I think I want to experience it again.” Dalias’ voice caught in her throat. She struggled to form the words… “I… I, want that too.” And the...

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The Landlords ProtgChapter 21

For Susan the second week before Christmas was dreadful. There was a serious leak in the roof of one block, a fight between two tenants resulting in broken glass in the hallway of another and of course there was resulting police interest. Then there was a power failure in yet another. It was Friday morning when she was able to relax in exhaustion. She had every intention all week of going to see Victor, so on Friday afternoon she took Carl and drove to Victor’s house, only to find the house...

4 years ago
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Having Lust For My Mom

Hi, ladies and gentlemen, this is Abhinav here from Hyderabad. I am 23 years old now and I am working in an MNC in Hyderabad. My penis size is around 6.5 inches and it is thick. This story is 2 years back when I was 21 years old. Here below is an introduction to my family: Father: Rajesh. 49 years of age and successful businessman working in the USA for the last 10 years. Comes home once every 4 months. Mother: Rajshree. She was 47 years during the time of the incident. She has a figure of...

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Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 5

Iron. The darkness seemed to stick to her eyes and her face. It glued her lashes together. It also had icy cold fingers that made her skin ripple with shivers. Her teeth clattered. Life seeped back into her body. Gradually. First it warmed her slow, heavy heart. Then it spread throughout her flesh, fractions of inches at a time. But her fingers stayed numb, as did her feet. She opened her eyes. Nothing changed. Then all came back to her. The blindfold, the gag... the awful people. The...

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NobleChapter 14

The comfortable small protective vests we were wearing obviously were not providing enough protection. This pissed me off! The Dragonskin armor was too bulky to wear with normal clothes. So, we were wearing standard body armor vests which look like tank tops. I don’t know why we had not added the special plates MR Black sent in addition to the Dragonskin. Well hindsight is said to be 20/20 or perfect. I just hope the girls are not hurt too bad. I was on the carport for the ambulances...

3 years ago
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College Slut Fucks The Virgin Out Of Me

I was a college senior, and still a virgin. Which was depressing considering I went to a school nationally ranked for the hottest girls of any university. It was overwhelming. Wherever I walked on campus, I would see the most beautiful young women you could imagine. They were everywhere. Blondes, brunettes, everything. And as greek life was huge at my school, they were all in sororities, so they always wore clothes that showed off their tight bodies and spent every weekend getting blackout...

College Sex
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The Power WithIn

It was dark and wet. The smell was like nothing I've ever smelled before. Nothing nasty or raunchy, but rather earthy like when it rains on a summer's night and yet different, like what I would imagine men on a chain-gang to smell like after a hard day's work. The contradiction enveloped me. I was his possession. And whether he knew it or not, my skin burned, and my soul's thirst peaked just by the thought of him subjugating me during those passionate nights of old. Though, I was married and...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 85

The time with Brandi almost seemed like a dream to Laura, for as soon as the airplane hit the ground in San Francisco, she was suddenly consumed by thoughts of Sholandra. What they had begun so excitedly had been quickly interrupted by Sholandra's period, brought on partly by their frantic fucking, and her own business trip, during which she and Brandi had again tried to fuck one another into the hospital. She got home to three answering machine messages from Sholandra. "God, I know...

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Jims Tale

She was sitting alone, reading and sipping a coffee, wearing a business suit, seeming to radiate a warning almost loud enough to hear: stay away. Eventually, some dude-brah would go over and try out his best line, hoping for a miracle, but no one ever survived her withering look of contempt. One man watched her discreetly over a period of days and noticed she would glance at particular types of people. Certain well dressed men would be given a glance, but only when they were looking away....

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The John

They were on their third drink, crowded around the end of the bar, having a good time. A group of friends, and friends of friends, in their late twenties and early thirties. Some were couples, some friends of couples, some lovers and some ex-lovers, some were strangers to each other, but they were all having a good time. She kept seeing the same picture in her mind, feeling the familiar pressure. Finally, her bladder told her she couldn't wait much longer. "I'm going to the john... Want to...

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Coed Camping Trip

I’ve always been the outdoorsman. I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking and camping. About a year after recovering from my auto accident, a friend of mine asked me to lead a group of college students for weekend campout in the nearby mountains. He told me that he would be coming along and would help ride herd on the group.I was reluctant at first, but they pleaded with me to take them and teach them about nature. When I asked who all was going, I was told it was a group of 12 guys and girls who...

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It started as a favour

OK, so as a really good brother, I agree to take my younger brother and sister to an event. Not only that, I agree to do it disguised as a girl, because apparently, it's for female companions only. Which turned out to not be true. My older sister wanted to be the one, who takes the kids to the event, so she lied to them and said it's for girls only. So I dressed up like this for nothing. But whatever. Now I'm sitting in a chair, getting my hair dried by the hairdresser, who just cut and...

3 years ago
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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night

Chapter 1 ==== Preparing for the Evening It is another brisk morning walk around the manor. All the leaves have fallen from every tree covering the ground in the colors of Autumn with gold, red and orange with thin, brown veins that showed life in every leaf cut off. The crackling sound is heard clearly from stepping on small piles of the colored, thin layers every where I walk. It reminds me of the flakey, buttery pastries that I had last week for dinner. But tonight it will be about softness...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 25 Unforgotten Friends

I did give Ashley a few minutes of attention once we returned to our home. Her prediction that we would be having an orgy proved to be correct. I woke up with all six ladies draped over my naked body. It took a few minutes and a bit of effort to lift their bodies enough to allow me to slide out from under them and make my way to the small shower in the back of the room. I was carefully washing off the remnants of our play when Miki stumbled into the shower. She put her arms around me and...

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TalentChapter the Twentysixth Rehabilitation

I had left Maggie in effective stasis. No memory of the horror of Valerie's demise but little other instruction except to remain in the area and wait for me. Life for her had been one day of 'doing' after another. My previous desire had been to have her grovel at my feet as some sort of salivating sex slave. Although rather an attractive prospect; seeing her lovely mouth form the words as she pleaded for me to fuck her ass or to see her forced to engage in a threesome with me and another...

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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

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Carol Ch 02

Chapter 2: Darkness and Dawn Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him, with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn’t like it when he cried, but sometimes… She offered him no...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 16

"What are you thinking Ashley?" Jessie asked. He knew she was always full of great ideas. "Well, seeing that you enjoy wearing your pantyhose so much, why don't we just buy you some shorts? Then you can keep your nylons on?" Ashley plainly stated. She knew it would not be hard to convince her feminine friend to take this leap. "I don't know. Are you sure you that people won't be able to tell I'm wearing pantyhose? I don't want to take the risk and look like a sissy, cause boys...

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