- 4 years ago
- 34
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The blast of the speakers caused Nazareth to squint. The sound was sharp to his ears as he stood in line behind Brendan. Brendan turned and gave him a similar look which turned apologetic. Moments later their tickets were scanned and they walked in to the sound of loud applause.
‘Do you want drinks?’ Brendan asked the woman in front of him.
‘Sure honey, just the usual.’ Talli grinned and gave him a kiss. ‘We’ll meet you at the usual spot.’ She walked off with Riley and Cass in tow.
Brendan shrugged and smile. ‘Looks like we’re on drinks duty.’ He motioned with his head towards the drink stall.
‘About time you came to a bout.’ Jez fell into step next to Nazareth as they followed Brendan.
Nazareth shrugged. He’d heard enough about it from Brendan and Talli, but it had just never struck him to go. ‘Sure, I guess. Women in tiny amounts of clothing being brutal? Not sure what took me so long.’
Jez raised an eyebrow. ‘Don’t you know we go for the sport?’
Nazareth laughed. ‘And what, just like you read the girlie magazines for the articles?’
‘But the articles are good!’ Jez pretended to be all innocent, but he couldn’t hide the amusement in his eyes.
‘Jeez do you want to go out on a date?’ Brendan handed them two cans each. ‘Come on, we’re missing the action!’
They made their way to the side of the stands, where the track opened up before them. The place was jam-packed with people of all walks. Some dressed in what looked like team clothing, others with face-paint, and Nazareth even spotted someone with a fluorescent green mohawk.
He looked down to see Talli grinning. ‘What did I tell you.’
Nazareth nodded. ‘It’s interesting all right.’
The pa system wasn’t the best, and it was near impossible to really understand what was being said, but he watched as a team of women on skates were introduced, each one waving to the crowd as her name was called out. They skated around a few times, some of them backwards, then forwards and another jumped over one of the girls lying on the track. It looked impressive.
‘They’re the called the Deadly Darlings.’ Talli yelled through the noise.
Brendan turned to him. ‘Deadly alright. What do you think of their team uniform?’
Nazareth nodded his head. There wasn’t much left to the imagination. In fact he’d never in his mind put skates, elbow and knee-pads and helmets together with fishnet stockings and tiny disco shorts that could pass for boyleg panties.
It wasn’t long before the next team came out, the Blindside Betties, dressed in similar red and black attire.
Nazareth’s eyes scanned over the crowd again. It certainly was a mixed bunch: families, couples, alternatively dressed people, dyed and shaved hair, dreadlocks, piercings, tattoos, rockabilly and goth. You name it and they looked to be there. They didn’t account for the majority, but they certainly stood out.
The whistle sounded and everyone cheered again. The next thing he knew, Talli had rattled off the basics at a million miles an hour. He tried to keep up, but before he could wrap his head around what she was saying, she was onto the next thing. At least he got that the girls with the star helmet covers were jammers and point scorers and the striped ones were pivots. He tried to follow it as best he as could but he couldn’t quite work out the point scoring. At the end of the fifth jam, he could see that the Deadly Darlings and the Blindside Betties were evenly matched, with only eight points separating them on the leaderboard. The lead had switched a few times, but it looked like the Darlings were pushing to increase the lead.
He looked at Brendan who seemed to be completely engrossed before throwing up one of his hands. ‘What the hell? How the hell did she get sin binned for that?’
Talli looked at Brendan sideways with a smirk on her lips.
Nazareth watched one of the girls skate around the outside of the rink and take a seat.
‘She got sent off for an illegal block.’ Talli looked at Nazareth.
‘Garbage it was illegal, that was a great hip check.’ Brendan took a swig of his can.
Talli shrugged. ‘Well her elbow got in the way.’
When half-time approached, Nazareth could see that the crowd was as much there for the thrills and spills as they were for cheering their teams on. He had to admit he was impressed. The flat track was concrete, and when some of the girls came down, the came down hard. There wasn’t any protection for their hips or arses, and much of the crowd cringed when a girl crashed, chorusing with an ‘ooo’ that resounded through the venue.
As much as he thought the crowd was varied, the girls seemed even more so. They were all shapes and sizes, something he hadn’t seen before, but regardless they were incredibly fit—especially the jammers. As the bout went on he could see that there was a method behind the madness, but he still couldn’t quite get a grasp on the technical aspects that the refs could easily see, making the difference between an effective block or getting sin binned as well as scoring points or not. Taking his final sip, he squeezed the can in his hand.
‘Do you want another one?’ Cass looked up at him, her cute round face breaking into grin under her moussy brown wavy hair. It cascaded down her back as she turned and looked at both Brendan and Jez.
‘Sure, why not.’
Cass grabbed the can out of his hand. ‘That’s okay, I’ll chuck this on the way there. C’mon girls, it’s our turn.’
Nazareth put his hands in his pocket and looked around. People were moving about during half-time: toilet breaks, food and more drinks.
‘What do you think?’ Brendan grinned.
‘It’s different.’
Jez laughed incredulously. ‘There are hot women skating around in tiny shorts and all you’ve got to say is that it’s different? Either there’s something you’re not telling us or you’ve completely lost your mind.’
Nazareth laughed. The three of them had been friends since elementary school when Jez pushed Brendan over in the playground and sat on him, and Nazareth had then pushed Jez back off Brendan. All three of them were reprimanded for fighting at school. Afterwards they were literally inseparable, always finding new ways to get themselves into the trouble, and that included admiring the ladies. Jez had always had a bit of love ’em and leave ’em streak. He loved the chase but once he had them, he didn’t know what to do with them. So it was a shock when he fell for Cassandra. She didn’t go weak at the knees for his dark-haired, blue-eyed, bad-boy looks. They had fun and afterwards, she never called, didn’t run after him and was friendly but not overly familiar when they ran into each other at social engagements.
Nazareth grinned to himself, recalling his friends dilemma. Cassandra drove him out of his mind until the penny dropped and he realised he had to have her, which of course meant a lesson in humility.
Brendan on the other hand, despite the playground incident turned out to be a bit of a sports jock. Thick dirty blond hair and light-blue eyes, the girls nearly fell over themselves in the bleachers during a game trying to get his attention. The only difference was, he really was a nice guy, fully aware of the fact that he could sleep around but somehow always opted for the steady girlfriend route.
Nazareth’s mind drifted to his own school days. He loved women and had, had his fair share of relationships but there was always something a little lacking. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it and even sometimes his friends thought he was mad. It was always, ‘What happened to whatshername? She was nice.’.
‘Hey there, it must be good where you are.’ Cassandra snapped him out of his musings and handed him another can.
‘Thanks Cass.’ She winked at him and went over to Jez who put his arms around her and muzzled her hair.
‘Hey Naz, how are you?’ Riley tipped her fedor
a back to look up at him.
Nazareth’s reply was lost in the cheering as the second bout started.
Riley smiled and put her thumbs up. She’d heard him and obviously William was good.
There was a small lull where the crowd was somewhat subdued. In that moment a woman skated up, looking like a cigar girl on wheels.
‘Hey guys, how are we tonight? I’ve got stubby holders, badges, key rings and raffle tickets.’ She looked at the group with small smile on her red lips.
Nazareth vaguely heard everyone around him say something and it took him moment to realise he was staring with his mouth hanging open. He quickly closed it and her eyes suddenly snapped to his, dark and intense.
‘Hey.’ Her smile widened as she gave him a cheeky look and skated a little closer, standing almost eye to eye with him. ‘I can see you haven’t picked a team.’ Her voice lowered. ‘Are you a derby virgin?’
Are you a derby virgin? The line echoed in his brain and all he could do was think about the way she’d said it. He’d never heard a line with the word virgin in it sound sexier than it did in that moment and suddenly he was thinking of the woman in ways that were not gentleman-like in least.
She raised her eyebrow slow and gave him a smirk as she held up two stubby holders, her black bangles jangling against a studded cuff. ‘Unfortunately it’s only a single bout tonight so it’s a choice between the Deadly Darlings or the Blindside Betties.’
Nazareth snapped himself out of it and looked at the stubby holders. Both of them sported cheesecake style pin ups on the front, but the Blindside Betties character reminded him a bit more Bettie Page.
He gave her his most dazzling smile. ‘The Blindside Betties I guess. Thank you.’
She beamed. ‘Good choice! That’s ten dollars.’
He handed her the money and she took his can from him and put it in the stubby holder and handed it back.
‘You know,’ She drawled. ‘the Betties often come from behind.’ She winked and like that she was off, skating to the next group of people to peddle her wares.
Nazareth stopped his eyes from following her and tried to concentrate on the scoreboard, but all he could see was her standing in front of him. Her bangs weren’t blunt. They looked like they’d been rolled up. One side of her head had been shorn, but not completely bald. Her face was pale and heart-shaped with dark smokey eyelids and eyes that looked almost black. She wore fishnets, tiny black shorts and what looked like a corset but he couldn’t tell as she was wearing black cardigan over the top. Her legs looked like they went to heaven or hell and back. It took him a moment to realise that Jez was talking to him.
‘Holy shit! She was absolutely smokin’!’
Brendan nodded in agreement and Nazareth pretended to be nonchalant about the whole exchange, but the truth was he was almost speechless at the reaction she’d provoked from him. All three of them turned and watched as she skated to yet another group of people, further and further away from them.
Nazareth felt a twinge in his gut. He wanted to speak to her, find out her name but that would be too obvious.
Jez shook his head. ‘Her legs…’
‘Honey put your tongue back in your mouth.’ Cassandra rolled her eyes. ‘Do you want me to hook you up?’
Jez closed his mouth. ‘Aww why would you say that.’ He gave his best little boy’s look. ‘Besides, all I want is here.’
He whispered something in her ear and Cass laughed rolling her eyes. ‘Well if you’re a good boy maybe I’ll just put on some skates and nothing else.’
Jez choked, his eyes widening. The both of them started kissing, forgetting about everything else.
‘Ugh get a room!’ Riley called out as Talli pretended to be sick, but then turned around to hug Brendan.
Riley shook her head. ‘Anyone would think they’re all a bunch of horny teenagers.’
Nazareth laughed, but his thoughts didn’t stray far from the dark-haired woman. A couple of lines from her and he had it bad. He couldn’t believe it, it was like someone had reached up and twisted his stomach into knots, not to mention the other parts of his body that had suddenly become hyper-aware. He barely paid attention to the second half, but saw that her words rang true. The Blindside Betties had indeed come from behind to win one hundred and seventy-five to one hundred and fifty-three.
Half the crowd raced to the track to congratulate the winners, and as Nazareth watched, he tried to get his head straight. Who was she? How could he see her again? Would he have to wait until the next roller derby? He scanned the crowd, but didn’t spot her anywhere. He shook his head. Maybe he should just forget it. She wasn’t really his type anyway.
* * *
It was easier said than done wasn’t it. Nazareth let go of the mouse and rubbed his eyes. He’d barely made any progress in the last week with 3D prototype, and granted that he was ahead of schedule, he still wasn’t one to waste time. He sighed pressing his thumbs against his brown bone.
‘I didn’t realise the new model looked like this.’
Nazareth looked up. Lost in his thoughts he hadn’t heard Ken come into his office. He stood there holding Nazareth’s sketchpad with his wry look on his face.
Nazareth reached up and pulled it from his grasp. Several pages were filled with sketches of the roller girl, everything from her skates and legs to the look on her face when she spoke to him.
‘I did realise you could draw like that. Perhaps you’re in the wrong career.’
‘Very funny Ken. I was just relaxing.’ Nazareth turned the sketch pad onto its face.
‘Aha. Right. Just came in to see how you were doing.’
Nazareth shrugged. ‘It’s going fine. The drawings should be finished for the meeting next week. Don’t worry.’
Ken smiled. ‘I never worry about you.’ He patted him on the shoulder and left.
Nazareth slumped in his chair and let out a deflated sigh. He was going to have to put some hours in this weekend, but right now he needed a drink.
* * *
When he arrived at Brendan’s place he found everyone congregating near the door.
‘Hey, what’s going on?’
Talli looked at Brendan. ‘Did you forget to tell him?’
‘Tell me what?’
‘Sorry man…’ Brendan gestured in apology but Talli cut him off.
‘We’re going to the skate rink.’ She grinned while Brendan and Jez shook their heads.
‘What for?’
Talli put her hands on her hips. ‘Well since bonehead here forgot to tell you, there’s no roller derby for the next couple of months, but there’s a fundraiser at the skate rink tonight.’
Cassandra laughed. ‘It’s okay, the boys don’t want to skate anyway, so you guys can drink and us girls can relive our youth.’ She wiggled her hips, her short flared out skirt dipping from side to side.
Nazareth shook his head, realising that the women were dressed in eighties’ attire: fluorescent colours, pig tails and exaggerated makeup. He chucked to himself. ‘Well as long as there is alcohol I really don’t care where we go.’
* * *
By the time they’d pulled up the rink the carpark was jammed. It seemed a lot of people had turned out to support the fundraiser. The girls couldn’t wait to get out of the car, so the Brendan stopped to let them out while he looked for an empty space.
‘Oh god, look at that.’ Jez rubbernecked as they drove up one aisle of the carpark.
‘Look at what?’ Nazareth looked out the window.
‘That! That!’ He pointed excitedly then slumped in his seat. ‘Christ it’s a ’48 Pontiac convertible.’
Nazareth looked at the black car, parked on the nature strip. Whoever owned it obviously cared for it a great deal. In the evening light, it gleamed, the paint, the chrome, even the windows.
Brendan laughed. ‘Finished having your hard on?’ He pulled into a space. ‘Come on, I’m thirsty.’
* * *
If Nazareth though the girls
had dressed up, he was mistaken. The outfits were even more outrageous inside the skate rink. There were women wearing lycra leotards, more wild hair and a lot of laughter. It was dim with the exception of the disco ball and black lights.
They leaned against the bar and drank as they looked around.
‘Well I never thought I’d be spending my Friday night drinking at a skating rink.’ Nazareth shook his head and took another long swig. As he continued looking around, something dawned on him.
‘Hey, I never noticed that the derby had quite a following…’ He voice trailed away.
Jez smirked. ‘What? You didn’t notice at the derby? Oh… I see…’
Brendan looked puzzled. ‘You see what?’
Jez was silent for a moment as he grinned. ‘Good old Naz here didn’t notice because there was only one woman he was paying attention to.’
The understanding crossed his face. ‘Oh yes. Rollergirl.’
Nazareth frowned. ‘Rollergirl? What is this, Boogie Nights?’
Jez began to laugh. ‘Just look at him. I’ll bet he was thinking of doing worse things to her than Dirk Diggler.’
Nazareth rolled his eyes. Even if Jez was right, there was no way he’d admit that about a woman who he’d barely spoken ten words to. He ignored him and turned his attention to the rink. It had been a long week. He hadn’t only been preoccupied, but sleep seemed to be eluding him as well. That probably explained his lack of progress at work, more than any woman.
He was about to take another swig when he stopped, the can midway to his mouth. He shook his head and looked again. If he wasn’t mistaken, there she was, skating on the floor with some children. This time she was wearing a one piece body, that dipped low at the back. Her bangs were pinned back iin a high poof. Nazareth watched her laughed and skate, paying attention to what the children were saying to her. She waved other skaters and made her way slowly around the rink. After some time she brought them in, skating them to their parents and afterwards hopping up to sit on the counter.
Moments later, a leggy woman with a mass of long blonde hair walked up to the counter. She appeared to have just come from work. Rollergirl looked delighted as she hopped off the counter and embraced her, kissing her on the lips.
It wasn’t a friendly kiss, it was a kiss of familiarity, a kiss of a lover.
Nazareth’s stomach dropped. He was disappointed, but also intrigued. They spoke for a few minutes and the blonde turned and left.
‘Holy fuck!’
Nazareth obviously wasn’t the only one who saw as Jez stood next to him. Nazareth turned his head back to the rink, feeling deflated.
‘I think I just died and went to heaven.’
Nazareth shot Jez an annoyed look.
Jez threw up his hands. ‘What? I’m just saying. Tell me you’ve ever seen anything hotter than that. That beats all the porn I’ve seen hands down and they didn’t even do anything.’ He patted Nazareth on the shoulder. ‘Sorry man, I would’ve never picked she bats for her own team.’
Nazareth shrugged and drank the rest of his can. There went that idea.
* * *
A few rounds later the girls had come in for a quick drink only to leave again. Both Jez and Brendan went to the toilet and Nazareth had by luck found a seat to relax in. The crowd had thinned a little, no doubt past a few kids’ bedtimes. He rubbed the back of his neck, relaxing in the nice buzz that the last few drinks had brought him.
‘Hey there…’
Nazareth looked up to find the rollergirl looking at him with recognition. She cocked her head to the side, putting her hands on her hips and winked. ‘Well if it isn’t the derby virgin. Oh, oops my bad you were broken in at the last bout, so virgin no longer hey?’
‘Hey.’ Nazareth gave her a smile, absolutely lost for words and that wasn’t something that often happened to him, but is seemed to be repeating itself with her.
‘Whatcha doing all on your lonesome?’ She looked around. ‘I don’t see your friends, except for the girls on the rink.’ She held her hand out. ‘Come on, you should be skating anyhow.’
Nazareth started to put his hand out, but then stopped when he registered that she said he should be skating.
‘Ah, I don’t think…’
It didn’t stop her. She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. They stood eye to eye for what seem like an eternity, as she looked at him with that same well of intensity. Nazareth felt himself being pulled in.
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It was just another hot, Florida Saturday for me. I was sitting in front of the TV like any other 17 year old k*d, flipping through the channels but somehow finding nothing to watch. I clicked off the boob tube, lay back on the couch, wearing just my boxers and wondered what exactly I should do that day.Even in high school, I stood 6 foot and weighed 170 pounds of muscle. I had short brown hair and blue eyes. I’d like to say I was popular with the girls at school, but that would be a lie. I...
Mark welcomed the sanctity of his patrol car, the breakfast and hot coffee doing much to restore his energy. Damn, if he could just find it in his heart to forgive his young wife, Jean... but Christ, he couldn't... couldn't! He'd never forget the goddamned wanton expression on her beautiful face when that wild sonofabitch accomplished what he'd yet been unable to do! The vicious brute had stolen her away from him right then and there, though Mark knew she'd probably deny it to her dying...
I've asked myself more times than I can count, what it is about my mother, that attracts me to her? She is my mom for gods sake! And everything and everyone would say I should be disgusted with sexual thoughts about her, that it is illegal and immoral. But I am not disgusted and I didn't care what others thought or gave a moments consideration about any consequences. Mother was born 23 years before me - and since I'm 22 years old, that makes her 45 years old. She comes from a different...
I’m Fucking His Sister I had been fucking my best friend’s younger sister for a few months when he asked, “Are you fucking my sister?” Of course I said, “Yes” after all he was my best friend. Jason said, “I want to watch.” I laughed and said, “I don’t think she would want you too. She gets pretty wild, she really likes sex, and she gets pretty verbal too.” Jason said, “She doesn’t need to know that I’m in the room with you and she doesn’t need to know that I’m watching...
The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...
Love StoriesTHE BOUNDING MAINT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...
(China - 1680) Duncan MacLeod examined himself in the polished steel mirror. He admitted that he did look rather dashing in the high collared blue tunic with the gold embroidery on the collar and sleeves. His polished boots peeked from under the finely woven cloth of his pants. Automatically Duncan reached for his sword belt and strapped it on as the final step in his dress. He adjusted the weapon to hang at just the right angle. Kiem Sun was well respected; enough so that his sponsorship...
When I awoke, the morning light had already lit up the room and for a second I had no idea where I was. It dawned quickly on me, though, as the nights endeavors was pretty unforgettable. I felt soar - a clear reminder of being thoroughly fucked. The culprit slept beside me, and I couldn't help feeling anything but happy. All these years secretly cross dressing, and now being publicly dressed as a girl. What more could a girl ask for? Despite the fact I was having a slight hangover I...
My Family One hot summer day, many years ago, I had to go spend an afternoon at my grandma’s house. She was supposed to pass down the family pie recipe to me. I’ve never been one for baking unless you count the blunts I smoked when she wasn’t looking. The pie ended up full of my semen, but that wasn’t actually one of the ingredients. It fills me full of sticky joy to see that MyFamilyPies sticks to a sexier recipe.In case she couldn’t figure it out from the name and the fact that your old pal...
Premium Incest Porn SitesJean could not qualify the apprehensive repugnance that continued to wash through her in helpless waves, even as her desire for sensual fulfillment raged out of control in her drug- fogged mind. She sensed the warm animal breath of the sniffing dog brushing against her intensively inflamed genitals and again she looked at the taunting older woman who was watching salaciously with eagerly waiting eyes. God... she wanted to scream... to do anything that might break the drugged cocoon of lust...
I have always been attracted to my sister in law Brenda. Even thoughshe can be a bitch, I thought she was very sexy. I've found myself trying to look at her in different situations. I remember the first time I saw her naked breast. Brenda and her husband were just back from vacation at the beach and unloading the car. She bent over in front of me and I could see the full view of her breast down her blouse. The nipples were long and puffy on her small breasts. I couldn't help but to go home...
AnalLesley Charleston hadn't had a lot of luck in her life. She wasn't a beautiful woman or have a great figure. She was just average. She got by. At 49 she had probably her best years in the wind. But she never got down. She had twin boys who were 10 years old. They kept her busy, especially when you took into account she worked full time as a care assistant in a nursing home. Her husband had left not long after the twins were born, she was alone. Her dad helped but he was an old man and couldn't...
Hello everyone I am samar and I am back with my new story. Yeh story ek dum real or unexpected ghatna hai. Ye humare college trip se wapas aane ke baad ka hai. Jaisa ki maine apni pichli story “college trip pe neha ki train me chudai” me bataya tha ki kaise maine apni college teacher kam meri rakhail, neha ko 3 din tak trip me choda tha. Uske baad mujhe bahut acha response mila hai. Bahut se ladkiyo ne bhi mujhe mail kiya or pics bhi mangi. Or ladko ne bhi. Ab aage ki baat batata hoon. Ye trip...
I’m love Singh Delhi 23yer sexy and handsome boy ,story sure keny sy phely main app ko apny baar main baat dun..I’m 23yer age height 5″8inch higth,32wist,,colour fair, nd my dick 8in long or 3inmota or ye false nhi hai main app ko pic dekh skth hun..ok abe story per aath hun or ye real ki story hai..(any age female, school girl,college girl,wideo,divorce,cpl like 3one sex, incest family member like group sex,,any bottom,,any married bottom male want handsome boy like 3one sex then also buze me...
“Sir! Persuant to your orders, we reached the Barbary Coast at Oran on the 4th instant, where we sighted two xebecs carrying furled sails, but no other sea-going vessels of note. No progress on the rebuilding of the harbour fortifications was in evidence, and we continued...” It was certainly a little awkward to dictate a report to a secretary, in particular if the secretary was a boy of fifteen years wearing an ill-fitting coat over much-too-large trousers, the best of what the slop chest...
Hi iss readers this is manu from jaipur. I am 28 yrs old guy with good physique, and all skills and abilities to satisfy women’s sexual needs. I will give my contact further. Now my story starts when i was 22 yrs old passed out my engineering recently and i was trying for further studies so i was at home after the college. I was a good student specially, good at engineering drawing. Then my aunty told me will you teach a student in first semister of engineering and she is frightened by subject...
Vera King and Small Hands – Convinced she has failed in her ability to seduce her stepson Aaron, Vera stays at the bar hoping to drink away her sorrows. However, before she realizes it, Aaron shows up professing his undying attraction to her and the two quickly escape to a hotel where months of pent up sexual frustration explode. With his rock hard cock and her eager milf hole, the two fuck each other senseless in a love affair that will not end even after his load explodes all over her...
xmoviesforyouA foosball game between Jason X and Veronica Leal turns sexy as Jason realizes just how hot Veronica is as she works those knobs. It helps that Veronica spends most of her time flaunting her slim figure in her short shorts. Eventually, they give up on the game entirely and come together for a deep kiss as Veronica hops onto the table. Moments later, Jason has a mouthful of Veronica’s firm titties. He thumbs those nips to hard peaks, then picks Veronica up so he can relocate them to the...
xmoviesforyouWithin months Kenshiro had built ten gun factories and was in the process of having gun makers trained. Recruiting peasant soldiers he gave them the guns, refusing to force his samurai to dishonor themselves in using firearms. This recruitment served a second purpose; the peasant soldiers increased the size of his army, giving him more manpower to work with and potentially draw from. These troop build ups caught the attention of many daimyos particularly Lord Nobunaga Oda. He too had sought...
The Green Dress By Margaret Jeanette Jessie Taylor sat at the kitchen table with her math book open in front of her. Her neighbor, a boy named Jeff Filz, sat next to her. He said, "Algebra isn't hard if you take it one step at a time. Now, look at this problem. It's simple if you look at the parts." He went on to explain how to dissect the problem. She suddenly understood what he was showing her. He was a math whiz. She continued on and did the next four problems without...
NOTE: In honor of my 50th submission on this site, I present the first few chapters of a non-erotic mystery novel. Based on feedback alone I will determine whether or not to finish it. Thank you for reading it and for your input. Love, Traci. Chapter 1 Thirty miles. Half way. The sweltering, mid-morning July sun already was having an effect on the lone cyclist as he coasted down the country road. It had been an hour since the last of the blue-gray haze had burned off above the surrounding...
Posted: August 21, 2007 - 10:36:47 pm Even though I had a lot going on, I dropped everything to accompany Sheriff Faulkner to the courthouse. Matt wasn’t the kind of guy who would ask for help if he didn’t really need it. It took us about five minutes to walk the two blocks to the courthouse. As we walked, Matt told me more of the story. Howard’s version of the shooting was that he, Braxton and a cowboy named John Atkinson had gone to San Elizario to try to reason with Cardis about taking...
One nice thing about stopping in to the division HQ is the food. They had actual cooks and hot grub. The coffee didn't come out of a pouch either. The cooks had adopted Kat as much as anybody had and whenever she came through the line her tray was piled up too high to see over. One of them would usually help her get to the table with it. It is almost sickening to see a big burly Master Sergeant with more hair coming out of his ears than on his head try to hold the door for the little girl in...
Kendra was curled partly on her left side, sleeping peacefully, deeply. Her torso was turned to face the ceiling, he stood by the bed, looking down at her as she slept, taking note of every detail. The way the well fitted jeans hugged the curve of her hips, the way her pale pink t-shirt rode up her stomach revealing a few fingers width of soft, downy, golden skin, so enticing, so tempting. The way her high, firm breasts strained against the fabric and the v-neck teased him with just enough...
I talked to the wife about some dogging as she started watching porn about it and hinted she liked the idea of other watching us in our car. so I found out about this place where we could go and have some fun and she said "yes lets go I am looking forward to it please" so we took time off work and we drove to the place and then we sat there lights on as we should have and we started to hug and kiss and grope each other then she looked outside and saw a few blokes and a couple of ladies standing...
Introduction: There was a boy, there was a game, and there was a webcam. When a boy gets too addicted to his games, how far is he willing to go to get the most out of his playtime? This is a story about that boy, his consequences, how the people around him are affected by it, and most of all, how his best friend shows him that falling in love with a game is stupid, when actual love is already staring you in the face. Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of...
The scene is a beautiful hotel in the wilds of the Somerset Levels. It is a warm, late summer evening and the sun is setting over the hazy landscape. It is the occasion of my friend, Jess’s hen night and it is a quiet and small affair of perhaps nine of her closest friends. Relaxed and informal we have been sitting, talking and drinking in the lounge overlooking the hotel’s garden and across the fields beyond. I found myself alone with Jess. She thanked me for organising the party and I told...
LesbianIntroduction: This story takes place during the chunin exam, part 2. Naruto gets separated from his teammates and meets other women. Naruto slowly opened his eyes as he tried to remember everything that had happened to him since the Chunin exam began. First he was tied up by some Ame-nins. Then he was blown away by a powerful wind and separated from his teammates. Lastly, he was eaten by a large snake only to escape thanks to the kage bunshin. And all this had occurred in the first two hours....
This habitually horny barber (Creamy Chloe), knows how to provide exceptional customer service, even when it involves 2 big-cock clients at a time (Rowan Rails, Matt Luscious). Chloe simply loves gagging on huge cocks until they’re covered with saliva. It isn’t long before Rowan and Matt take turns spit-roasting this seductive slut. Spread wide in her chair, Matt pounds her until he drops his load deep inside her love-hole. An undeterred Rowan goes in for sloppy seconds until he gives Chloe...
xmoviesforyouLiving without you is hell for me. I know that, is it my fault we are not together now? I don't think so. You left me on the 08/08/08 I remember it well, I will never forget the date, how could I? Your fortieth birthday, the day you had told me on the first day we met. One of your little quirks was always telling everyone you would be forty on the 08/08/08, you did it all the time, even to those that already knew. Yes you left me then, you stayed in the same house, the same bed, but only...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
Hai my name is kiran the only son of my mother iam now 23.studing degre 2nd mom parvathi 42 working in a school as a science dad was in dubai last 5 mom was a good figure she has 36 size boobs and big round ass and she was white.she had long hair it touches his ass.she was looking very beaitiful when she in moms 3 students are coming tousion for every day in our house.they are more brilant students they are coming tousion for science.students are raju18.sunil...
IncestBrad sat on the couch, angry that he had to be here at this wake. He wanted to be with his high school buddies at the swimming hole. Yes, he thought it was horrible that his father’s co-worker died in that accident, but he only met the guy and his wife once.The only saving grace to this was getting to look at Cindy, the daughter of the deceased. He hadn’t seen or even thought of her since she graduated two years ago. Although she didn’t even know he existed, he remembered her from when he was a...
MILFThis is another story from my early days. I wish I'd kept more of them. I posted at least a dozen back in the day to various sites but this and "Independence Day" are the only two I could recover. Oh well. Prom Night By Zarathos(a.k.a. a younger SpectreOfHell) I was sitting on the couch dressed in my usual late night attire, an open robe and boxer shorts, watching the Tonight show and waiting for my daughter to come home. I was understandably worried. Jean was only 14, a freshman in high...
George rummaged through the exercise videos. After turning 30 he decided that some toning up was in order. Not that he minded the slight bulge over his middle, but he realized that his chances with the ladies were getting less and less. "Maybe some kind of ab workout will improve my image some." But there were too many to choose from. "Can I help you?" the woman behind the counter asked. She was attractive, but looked at him with a strange expression, partly amused and...