- 4 years ago
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The rest of the week seemed to go by in a blur. Johanna and I spent our time shopping, catching up with some of my old friends and more often than not, I spent as much time with Josh as possible and Jo spent time with Brian. This was often difficult for her because his girlfriend Lacey made an appearance at the house several times during the week. Brian played it cool and Johanna stayed out of the way. She knew that Lacey wasn’t as good in bed as she was and Brian had told her so on many of their fuck fests.
Lacey was home on spring break for college since she was a year ahead of Brian. They had been dating for the last year, and I knew it was hard on Brian to have her so far away. It worked for the most part and he intended to follow her to the same college in the fall, providing his grades stay up and he can manage a scholarship for one of the sports he played well.
It was the last day we were at my parent’s house and the group of us was sitting on the deck drinking sangria and enjoying the afternoon sunshine. There was so much we had already done this week and it was hard to find something to do on our last day here. Occasionally someone let out a sigh but it was mostly boredom and exhaustion that kept us quite.
‘What about going to the movies?’ Johanna suggested. We all glanced at each other and said, ‘nah’ almost in unison.
‘What about going to the mall?’ Brian suggested this time.
‘I am so sick of the mall!’ Jo said laughing. ‘I don’t think I have shopped so much in the last week than I have in my entire life.’
‘I agree.’ I said, nodding my head. ‘There has to be something to do!’
‘We could go up to the barn and jump in the hay.’ Josh spoke this time. Again, everyone shook his or her heads. Silence prevailed for a few moments longer until a large masculine voice boomed from the house.
‘Angel!’ my father bellowed from the kitchen and smiled when he saw us on the deck. ‘There you are!’
‘Hi daddy!’ I said, jumping up and giving him a hug. ‘Your home early.’
‘ I know Angel, I figured this was your last night here, so I was making an effort to see you off.’ He took off his suit jacket and patted my back. ‘And well, I have to leave on business in the morning and wouldn’t be able to see you off.’
‘Oh,’ I said trying not to sound disappointed. By now I was used to my father being absent, but even as an adult I longed for his attention.
‘So, I thought it would be nice for the family to go out on the Yacht for dinner!’ He said smiling.
‘You have a Yacht?’ Johanna said, speaking for the first time since my father came home.
‘Yeah. I forgot about that.’ I said sheepishly, wishing I had thought of that while we were thinking of something to do.
‘Well then, I think we should go!’ Johanna said excitedly. ‘I’ve never been on a boat.’
‘Then it’s done then.’ My father said. ‘I’m going upstairs to change, but let your mother know when she comes in. I’ll call over to the slip and have the boat stocked for a old fashion cook out.’ With that, my dad headed back towards the stairs through the kitchen.
‘This will be fun.’ Josh said, reaching for my hand. I smiled back to him.
‘Well, lets get ready then. I’m gonna call my mom on her cell and let her know. She’ll be excited to go out on Angel.’ I said.
‘You parent’s boat is named ‘Angel’?’ Johanna asked.
‘Yup.’ Brian piped up. ‘They bought it after she was born in hopes of taking family vacations together.’
‘Yeah, until you were born that is.’ I said back smiling.
‘Well, I got a car for my 16th birthday, so there!’ Brian shot back sticking out his tongue playfully.
‘Children, children!’ Josh said laughing. ‘Lets get this show on the road!’
With that said, Johanna and I made the trip upstairs to change and Josh and Brian lounged on the deck. I unfolded my new white shorts and a pink halter top with my new bathing suit on underneath. On a second thought I grabbed a zipper pullover in case it got chilly later in the evening. Johanna chose a pair of denim shorts and a tank top, and also decided on a sweater as an accessory.
My mother popped her head into my room a half an hour later and her face was lit with excitement. She was dressed in kaki shorts and a big white shirt, one of my fathers I thought. She was tightening an elastic in her hair when she said, ‘Paul called from the dock and said everything is ready to go. Are you girls ready?’
‘Almost.’ I said, searching my closet for deck shoes. ‘Ah ha! Here they are!’ I said triumphantly.
Grinning, Johanna led the way out of the room and down the stairs. My father was comical in his skipper outfit, complete with hat and striped shirt. I glanced around for Josh, but he was nowhere to be seen.
‘He’s in the library.’ Brian said from the kitchen table. He was packing a cooler with soda, beer and wine. I nodded and went in the direction of the library and could hear a muffled voice from the other side of the door. I cracked it open and slipped inside where Josh was on his cell phone.
‘Em, its there last day here and I was invited to go. I can’t say no.’ He paused and looked at me and rolled his eyes. ‘No, its not like that at all…Why do you always have to argue this with me…Its not like that!…She’s a family friend, that’s it!’ He paused again and then covered the mouthpiece and whispered to me, ‘She’s jealous of you.’
I covered my mouth to keep from giggling. I never had anyone jealous of me before, and it was almost comical since I was jealous of her for having Josh.
‘Look Em, I’ll be back by 9, 10 at the latest. I promise.’ A pause. ‘I am not trying to avoid you! Its just that I should go.’ Another pause. ‘I know you haven’t been feeling well…I was home this week…you’re the one who didn’t want to come to dinner the other night…Oh, you want to bring that up now?…I don’t even like your father…what does that have to do with anything?…Emily, I have to go. I will be home later…yes, I love you too. Bye.’ Josh snapped the phone shut and clenched his fists.
‘Sometimes I wish I could just divorce her, leave her fathers fucking company and go back to before all this bullshit happened.’ He took my hand. ‘Back to when I could have you.’
‘You could have had me, Josh.’ I said, pulling him towards the door. ‘But you took her over me, and now you are stuck with her.’
‘If it weren’t for that fucking kid she carrying, I would do it all differently.’ Sighing, we dropped our hands and headed to the front door. Brian could be heard talking to my dad and I could already see Johanna in the back seat of my moms SUV and I climbed in next to her. The boys piled in after me with my parent’s in the front seat.
We made it to the dock in about 20 minutes and mostly in silence. I was enjoying the drive down the tree-lined roads because I knew it would be awhile before I made it back for a visit. We pulled into the harbor that was marked with the sign: PRIVATE PROPERTY – MEMBERS ONLY. My father swung into the off road and rumbled over the gravel to the boathouse. Paul greeted us at the door and gave me a hug.
‘It’s been awhile Angel!’ He said, smiling. ‘Last time I saw you, you were chest high!’
‘I know Paul!’ I said shielding my eyes from the sun. ‘Now I am all grown up!’
‘That you are!’ He said then turned his attention to my father. ‘Its all ready to go William.’
‘Then, all aboard!’ he bellowed and we all followed to the dock slip and boarded Angel, bobbing in the harbor.
‘Well, that was fun!’ I said in the car on the way home, leaning my head on Johanna’s shoulder. It was dark now, but the sky was clear and we were all tired from the long day.
‘Me too.’ She said, stifling a yawn. Josh and Brian were in the back seat again, both with their heads back and eyes closed. Josh looked so cute and didn’t look so worried and stressed when he was sleeping.
‘I hate to leave to
morrow.’ I said quietly to Jo.
‘I know. It’s been a nice change.’
‘Well, tomorrow its back to the real world I guess.’
‘Yeah, I guess.’
We climbed into bed and were asleep before our heads hit the pillow. It wasn’t until the next morning that the dread of having to return to Baltimore set in. Johanna and I started packing before we went down for breakfast. I had to find another suitcase to fit all of our new clothes into and when they were smashed in enough, we carried them down to the foyer.
Breakfast was elaborate, with pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs. My mother was teary as she served us and made several mentions of us staying longer. Jo and I exchanged glances, knowing that if we didn’t return today, one of Romeo’s thugs would be here by nightfall.
‘Ma, we would love to stay really, but we have to get back. Work and all.’ I said sipping my coffee.
‘I know Angel, but I wish you could stay longer, that’s all.’
‘We’ll be back soon, I promise.’
After breakfast my mom offered to drive us to the train station to catch our 11:30 departure. We accepted giving my mother a few more minutes of our time. At the station, she walked us in and helped us find the gate, although we knew where were supposed to be. Before we boarded my mother handed me an envelope. She pressed it into my hands and hugged me at the same time.
‘This is from your father.’ She said, stepping away for a second. ‘There is a thousand dollars in there.’ I started to protest, but she continued. ‘He feels guilty that he didn’t spend enough time with you while you were here and the fact he isn’t here now.’
‘Ma, I don’t need it.’ I said, lying through my teeth.
‘I know, Angel, but you dad wanted you to have it.’ She hugged me again. ‘Just take it and go shopping or something.’ I laughed and tucked the envelope into my carryon bag.
‘I have to go. I’ll call you when I get back, okay?’ I kissed her cheek and I saw her eyes well with fresh tears. ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too baby. My angel.’
We all waved as we headed towards the gate for our train. She still stood when the train pulled away from the station. We found our seats and plopped down into the cushy seats. Jo and I started at each other from across the aisle and I felt tears burn my eyes. Turning away, Johanna noticed my discomfort and brought up a new subject.
‘I was surprised that Josh didn’t come this morning.’ She said.
‘Nah. I didn’t think he was going to. We talked about it last night, and he said that if he left the house once more to come to my parent’s house, Emily was going to throw a fit and the last thing he needed was to get an earful from his father-in-law.’
‘I see.’ Jo said.
‘However, I told him I would keep it touch and call him to say hello. I know he has is own life now, and I’m not really apart of it anymore.’ I smiled thinking of the past week.
‘What about this past week?’ Jo asked, as if reading my mind.
‘Well, it was fun, ya know, but I don’t think he has the feelings I do for him. Or the feelings I had for him.’
‘Who knows,’ Johanna said. ‘You never know what can happen in the future.’
‘Very true.’ I closed my eyes and slept the rest of the way home.
By the time we got back to our apartment, all the stress that had left us while we were away came rushing back. The apartment still stank like liquor and the place was a mess. It was also deserted.
‘Thank god no one else is here.’ Johanna said, dumping her bags on her bed. ‘I don’t think I could have handled the questions.’
‘I hear ya.’ I said, also dropping my bags onto my bed. There was a note from one of the other girls who shared the apartment with us, saying she was at the club, working for Romeo. Romeo owned 2 strip clubs, and when his regular dancers was on the rag or had cramps, he often made one of us fill in. The note said that Romeo wanted to see both of us as soon as we got back, so we dressed in our street clothes and headed back out.
We made it a few blocks and entered into the Kitty Kat, the larger of the two clubs Romeo owned and managed. Carlos was at the door and smiled brightly when he saw us. Sweeping grandly as we entered the door, he slapped Johanna playfully on the ass as she walked by.
‘Hey!’ Jo said, jumping forward with the force.
‘Looking good, baby!’ Carols said, nodding his head in approval. ‘I need some tension released.’ Johanna smiled sweetly.
‘How much you got big boy?’ She said. ‘For 200, you can take me in the office and do me over the desk.’
‘Yeah?’ Carlos said, a look of eagerness glinting into his eyes. ‘You serious?’
‘Hell yeah, baby.’ Jo said, sliding a hand up his arms and into his dark hair. ‘Wanna go?’
‘Let me get someone to watch the door.’ Carlos paused. ‘For an extra 50, can she watch?’ He said pointing to me.
‘For you Carlos, anything you want.’ Johanna said. In a few moments another bouncer named Mike took the post at the door and Johanna and I followed Carlos into the office. It was small, but enough room to accommodate the three of us. As soon as the door was closed, Carlos started taking off his belt.
‘I want you to bend over there.’ He said pointing to the desk at Johanna. ‘And you, Angel, sit in the chair. Naked.’ Johanna took off her clothes and leaned over the desk, he ass waving in the air. I took a seat in the rolling chair and crossed my legs.
‘No, not like that.’ Carlos said, stepping out of his jeans. ‘Spread them. I want to see your pussy while I fuck her.’ I smiled and obediently draped one leg over each side of the chair. I rubbed my cunt with the palm of my hand and Johanna giggled.
Taking Johanna’s ass in his hands, the huge bulge of his cock was oozing precum and he whacked it against her bare ass a few times. Carlos was beginning to penetrate the huge head of his dick into her, and she spread the lips of her pussy with her fingers. Carlos grunted, easing the shaft into her.
I stuck my fingers into my mouth, moistening them to enter my own pussy. I always was a voyeur, and seeing Johanna getting it from the back was turning me on I was already dripping. I slid my middle finger into my pussy slowly, enjoying the stretching feeling it was giving me. I moaned, tweaking my hard nipples at the same time. Carlos began sliding more easily into Johanna, her slit now becoming wet and slippery. I licked my lips, and wiggled my tongue out, making Carlos increase his speed in Johanna. Although he was fucking her, his attention was on me. I loved it.
‘For an extra 50, I’ll lick her clit.’ Johanna said in between breaths. ‘Do you want me to eat her Carlos?’ She asked.
‘Fuck yeah. I want to fuck you while you eat her cunt.’ Carlos withdrew quickly, making a sucking noise as his cock exited Johannes hole. I stood and she moved a few steps back to allow me to sit on the desk and then lean back. The desk was the perfect height to allow access for everyone to enjoy the sex and the view. When I got situated, Johanna spread the lips of my pussy with her fingers and traced the lips with her finger.
‘Your so smooth.’ Johanna exclaimed. I smiled when I felt the first touch of her tongue on my clit. I arched into her mouth, sensitive to her touch. I felt her buck when Carlos reentered her, seemingly going at full force. I moaned loudly, mostly for Carlos’s sake, but because it did feel really good. Johanna was the only girl I knew that ate pussy like this. She knew when to suck my clit, when it slid her tongue up it and when to plunge deep into my hole.
‘Fuck me Carlos!’ Johanna screamed straitening her arms and pushing back into his cock. ‘God, I’m gonna cum Carlos!’ She yelled louder. I leaned forward so my face was inches from hers, and traced her lips, still wet from my pussy juice with my tongue. I held her face to mine and kissed her deeply, tasting myself on her mouth.
‘I’m gonna bust!’ Carlos said, now furiously banging in
to Jo.
‘Cum in her cunt, Carlos! Cum in her deep!’ I said from my perch on the desk.
‘Here. It. Goes!’ Carlos said, ramming deep into Johanna’s hole one last time. He stood jerking for a few seconds, but eventually withdrew from her hole. Johanna stood up, and used the paper towel on the desk to wipe quickly before putting her clothes back on. I slid off the desk and also put my clothes back on, knowing we would have to find Romeo at some point tonight.
‘Hope that was worth your 300 bucks.’ Johanna said to Carlos, was had lit a cigarette and offered one to each of us. He took 3 long drags off of his before bending to pull his pants back up.
‘That was worth every fucking cent.’ He said contentedly. He reached for his wallet and pulled out three 100-dollar bills. ‘I can’t wait for next time.’ He said, tightening his belt.
I smiled and tucked the bills into my small purse and when Jo had her bra in place, I opened the door. Carlos preceded us and relieved Mike at the door moments later. Smiling at Jo, I veered off to the left in search of Romeo.
‘Some times he can be such an asshole.’ I said, looking back watching Carlos pat down an incoming customer.
‘Tell me about it.’ Jo said. ‘But he has one of the best cocks I think I have ever had. That mother fucker is fine!’
‘That is true.’ I said, ‘but where in the hell is Romeo?’
Umm…’ Johanna said while glancing around, looking for him. I spotted him by the bar, running his hand up the leg of a woman I didn’t know.
‘There he is.’ I said pointing.
We walked over to the bar and said hi to a few of the girls selling drinks as we pasted them. Romeo almost snarled at us as we approached him, and removed his stubby hand from the woman’s thigh.
‘Nice to see you back so soon.’ He said sarcastically. ‘I hope you had a wonderful time in lala land.’
‘It was fine Romeo.’ I said wanting to get away as soon as possible. ‘What do you need?’
‘ I need the two of you to fill in tonight here. One of the girls OD’d last night and another is recovering from an abortion. She should be back in a few days, but until then,’ He said standing and wrapping an arm around each of our shoulders, ‘I need you two to dance.’
Shuddering, I stepped away from Romeo and his greasy paws. At this point, I would do anything than let him touch me, and I think I preferred dancing to hooking tonight, especially since I just got back from vacation.
‘Fine,’ I said, grapping Johanna’s hand. ‘We’ll be ready in 30 minutes.’ I tugged her away from Romeo’s grip. We could feel him leering at us as we made our way back stage, and I shuddered again. He gave me the fucking creeps!
We changed and made our way on stage. It was set up like a big triangle, with a poll at each point. Johanna took the center poll and I took the one to the left. The crowd was generous tonight and the club was full. After 10 minutes, we had each made over 200 bucks.
‘Wow,’ Johanna said, when we got back to the dressing room. ‘We made out like bandits.’
Johanna flipped her hair over her head and peeled off her thong. Standing naked now, she reached for the slithery dress she was wearing to offer lap dances to the customers. She eventually pulled the thongs back on, and added a bracelet.
‘Lets get a drink. I think James is working the bar tonight. He knows how to make them the way we like them.’ I said. ‘I could so use a drink right now.’
‘I agree!’ Johanna said walking towards the door to the dressing room. ‘I haven’t seen him in like for ever.’ Her eyes twinkled. ‘Ya know, I think he is the only person that we haven’t fucked yet in this club.’
‘I never realized that.’ I said, skirting the stage stairs on the way to the bar.
‘I think sometime in the future we need to have a little private party with James.’ I answered by nodding my head and Johanna strung her arm through mine and we took the 2 empty seats at the end. James’s eyes lit up when he saw us, nodding and took two glasses from under the bar to fill it with our favorite liquor. This would be an interesting evening after all.
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Vienna, 1899 We turned the corner and arrived in the notorious Spittelberg Alley. I knew the place by reputation, but the thought of visiting it had never crossed my mind before that evening. My friend, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease. And he was not the only one, I noticed as I spotted a number of well-dressed men either going into or coming out of the houses lining the street. This was one of the few places in Vienna where class distinctions ceased to exist. No curtains hung in...
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Last January my life changed in a way I never would have thought possible. The following story tells of the even that triggered this change. Before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela and I am 21 years old and a housewife in Tucson, Arizona. I am five feet six inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. My husband Travis always tells me I have a great body and he says he loves my 34B breasts. We have been married for a year and a half. Travis is 36 years old. He...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. ‘I love hardcore sex,’ it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. "I love hardcore sex," it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
Straight SexThe bar was crowded and I was half amused and half turned on watching the group of men literally salivating over her. She was a stunning, dark skinned, dark haired woman of 32. Occassionally a man would attempt to slip his hand beneath the material of her dress and she would laugh and remove his hand. One by one the rejected men left. She saw me laughing at the scene before me and asked me "You think it's funny?" "I do," I replied. She smiled back. "But you don't try." "No,...
She looked like she was about to answer, when the Jeep came to a near stop, then turned onto the paved road. I held her tight while we got tossed around for a second, before the Jeep started to straighten out and pick up speed. "Everyone doing Ok?" Dad asked. Mom announced that they were alright up front. "A little uncomfortable going there for a bit, but everything's fine now," Aunt Marie answered, giving a soft tug on my cock, before tucking it back between her fine legs. It was full dark...
And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...
He released his grip on my throat and I gasped, trembling, letting my head fall against his chest. I could almost hear his smile as he stroked my tangled hair and let me recover. A minute passed; my breath steadied and I lifted my head to meet his wolfish gaze."Dear heart," I murmured gently, "Where do you think I got these?" I convinced one of my hands to relinquish its death-grip on his shirt and lifted it to my shoulder. With one finger I traced a set of three shallow slices just...
Well, there I was, in my middle twenties and fresh out of the government’s clutches. It was 15 years before I was allowed out of the country as they were that worried about what I had in my head. I know they had folks keeping an eye on me for years. Heck, I even pointed out a couple to my first wife. She didn’t believe me and thought it was a great game to play - lol - if she only knew. There were certain streets in certain cities that I was not allowed to be on and they would know since those...
Part 3 I signed the contract and handed it back to my wife, well my Mistress now I guess. She took it from me and said ‘Good girl’ ‘As you will have seen you are now Philippa, now go and get all your male clothes.’ ‘Can I get dressed’ I said. She slapped me hard across the cheek. ‘When you speak it will be respectfully and always address me as Mistress or I will make you remember’ ‘Sorry Mistress, may...
CrossdressingI was in india for business when I was very tiered after long day of work, I went to my hotel room and asked for massage, after while a man showed up and he told me that he is my massager , I asked him why man? I want lady to give me massage, but he said that the policy here is male to male and female to female, I laughed and I accepted that, bcoz he was soo cute and handsome. he asked if I like to take shower first so he could help me in that, I said yes, so we took off our clothes an jumped...
First TimeAfter a rather harrowing, yet titillating, interview with the decidedly conflicted Father Bottomore, I was left with more questions than answers. While I couldn’t rule him out entirely as a suspect, his story certainly rang true. I would need to interview Mrs. Purdy Purity, but I decided my next move would be to interview Miss Heidi Honeypot. She’d been seen roaming about the house by several guests, although no one could confirm if she had been in Mr. Bucks’ bedroom the night of his apparent...
MoneyA smile appears on Anna’s face when I ask her about last night.“It was great, that’s all I can say about it.”I’m not satisfied with that answer. “Come on tell me more about it!”Her eyes start to twinkle. “It was just so romantic, candles everywhere, red wine and red roses, it was like a movie.” I’m glad Anna finally found herself a boyfriend, she has been betrayed in the past and she deserves a sweet boy. I smile at her. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”She stands next to me and looks at me in the...
Day 3—Duke and Barbara Duke and Barbara were indeed still together, or at least still in the same room with each other. After departing the bathroom, they'd grabbed some lunch from the buffet. A laughing, joking conversation really helped Barbara feel like she'd reconnected with her son. Teenage boys are always tough on a mother, and Duke was especially rebellious. Duke, for his part, enjoyed both the attention, and the complete absence of moralizing that usually accompanied any...
Hi ISS readers, earlier I narrated how my stepmom nagamani made me her slave by punishing me severely. That day onwards I became her personal slave. Now I would like to tell how she treated me at house. Next day morning nenu nidra levaledu. Sudden ga na pirra meeda dhan mani debba paddadi. Nenu vulikkipadi lechanu. Eduruga Ma amma Nagamani chala kopamga ninchuni vunnadi. Ame chethilo oka wooden cane voogutunnadi. “Gadida.. time entha ayindi? Dunnapothula nidra pothunnavu. Early morning 4 a.m....
(The Canadian Connection) Trudy worked at a dental assistant at a nice office on the east side catering to the society crowd and a whole bunch of people with lots of money and no time. I have to admit it bothered me a bit the way she was always asking me to open my mouth wide so she could inspect my teeth and reminding me it was better to brush after eating and not just the paltry once a day right before going to bed. I did like it when she got up close and personal with my mouth and got her...
The stage was set. Tonight was the night. He lit the simple candles on the table and set out the china that had been a wedding gift nine long years ago. The delicate flowered plates were rarely even pulled out of the buffet table anymore, but their bone color and lilac pattern brought back memories of the early days of marriage. He sighed, both in fond memory and regret at the loss of such simple times. The oven timer went off. He checked his watch: right on time. The smell of roasted potatoes...
RomanceAfter my encounter with Matt at the rest stop dressing like a girl became so much more thrilling with the anticipation of physical intimacy and the affirmation of my feminine persona from him. I decided to return wearing a more risqué outfit the centerpiece of which was a pink spandex mini skirt that snugly contoured my ass. My favorite part of my encounter with Matt was the way he touched my butt while I was putting on makeup so if that is what he likes that is what I wanted to give him. I...
I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...
Just a little more Army stuff and we’ll get back to the point of this story. It’s necessary, and you’ll understand that in this chapter. While my peers went on to advanced training in whatever MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) they had signed up for, I was sent to Fort Benning, in Georgia. I stayed there for twelve weeks that were remarkably like basic training, except this time I wasn’t in a position of student leadership and we learned different things. With the exception of field...
Thank you all for the nice letters about my stories. I am always amazedat how many people write and say that they really like them.A little while back I told Melly that it was her responsibility to keepme in sexy experiences so I can keep writing my stories. She gave me anevil smile and said she was working on it. I'm sure she didn't plan thisas a story but it was sexy and fun and I hope you like it. A Genny Story - Late Night Strap-onI am Genny. Last Friday night...
LesbianSo, as I settled back into my plush seat and closed my eyes, taking in the warmth of the morning sun pouring in through the windows, I was feeling a little smug I have to say. A business trip to Cornwall on a summer’s day was just what the doctor ordered. I was fully suited and booted, looking sharp, and content with the world. It was still early and the train was filling up, but I had my seat, and the chatter and hustle and bustle were passing me by. A few hours to doze in the sunshine, or...
ExhibitionismCHAPTER 1 Duke Caine arrived home from work at 2:15, ending his workday as a shift chief electrical engineer at Fulton Mine. The mine was only a 10-minute drive away and that allowed him to rise twenty minutes before he was due to clock-in at 6 a.m. He’d attend to ablutions, dress and feed the cat before climbing into his trusty red Holden ute (pickup) he called Gipsy Rose. He’d then have breakfast in the café at work providing he didn’t arrive during an electrical emergency. The thirty-four...
“It went –zzzzip- when it moved and POP when it stopped and =Whirrrrrrrrrr= when it stood still, I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.” -from “The Marvelous Toy,” by Tom Paxton I found it in a shoebox with a few of Grandpa’s old things, his dog tags from the army, a broken wristwatch without a band, some faded picture postcards, a lapel pin from some kind of fraternity or honor society, a few scraps of paper, and half of an old Captain Mid-Nite secret decoder ring. All that...
This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage Submission Keywords High Heels Appliances Machines Piercing Captured By Janet Baker How about this one? Hmmm. She's petite,...
The port city of Retreat was full of rogues, thieves and killers. It was one place in the whole world where every man carried a sword and most knew how to use them. My name is Killian and I came here after killing a man for calling me a breed. I am half elven and half human and do not like being treated less than either. I was a smith but do not really look like it. I wiped my sweaty hands when I saw the cart behind the dwarves and moved out of my shop and grinned, "Delf." The wide dwarf in...
I had a few errands to run on the way home and my thoughts were with Danni and this afternoons fitting session, I was wondering what happened with the other customer, did he get a full fitting too? I will probably never know.I got in just before 6 and Lisa was up in her room doing what girls do whatever that is and she came running down when she heard me come home, “Where is your new suit Dad?” she asked, “Did you not find anything?”, I told her what had happened, well most of what had happened...
You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...
FantasyU tha showa i ya grippin yo body rub yo towel dwn. Nd up yo chest afta every lick kiss.and bite i.wipe and massage yo neck nibble sofly on yo ear rubbn washin yo kitty sofly ass rubbin all on me u grip my dic sofly i rub tha slit.of yo pussy and press on.yo clit rubb it slow up n down givin yo breast a hug and a grip iflip u round and lean u under the showa head ifings uslow as i french.kiss yo.kitty easy slobbin deeply til u grip my head...
Hi guys, I’m Rajan (29) here again with a new real story. First of all, I’d like to thank all the readers and the story lovers for appreciating my previous story,. A bit about myself, I reside in Bangalore and work as a part-time escort masseur. I work in an IT firm as a software developer. I have an athletic body with 7” dick and a good stamina that can last as long as my partner is satisfied to the core. The heroine of this story is one of my reader’s name Mariyam. She’s having a perfect body...
Extreme starlet Adira Allure loves teasing her ‘Daddy’ by indulging in explicit sex acts with superior men! In this cuckold-themed scenario, she meets heavily hung black stud Isiah Maxwell for a raunchy interracial buttfuck, a rim job and a messy blowjob. Adira humiliates the camera as Isiah manhandles her. Depraved sodomy makes her ejaculate multiple gushers of girl cum! She chokes as she sucks his big black cock ass-to-mouth, and she crudely farts as she exhibits her gaping...
xmoviesforyouPart II ‘Dude you’re insanely hairy! How did that happen?’ I smirked a bit, while saying that, to not make it awkward. ‘My father’s Italian, remember?’ His father, Frank Ramirez, was the last coach of our team. He was expelled from school, after someone had caught him shagging a student, then our current coach was hired. Jared had a good point, his father IS one helluva hairy man! ‘And MAN, am I smelly. Gotta use the showers,’ he said. I took a quick sniff of my armpit and said, ‘Yea...
I'm not sure about love, it may only have been lust, but whichever it was it happened at first sight. She was simply the most gorgeous thing I'd ever encountered, big and beautiful, still lovely in her advancing years, almost glowing with vitality and health, although there may have been a few cosmetic tucks here and there, who wouldn't expect that for an eighty year old? I had to have her, I was infused with determination, I would possess her. There was, however, just one small problem; my...
I never knew my dad.That's not an excuse for what I've become – and that's not to say I need an excuse – it's just a simple fact that some people find relevant when trying to examine what I've become.Anyway, he was killed in a plane crash before I was born. Technically, he was killed in a plane crash while I was being born, but he died without knowing that. He'd been overseas at a business conference when my mom called to tell him she was going into labor, and had boarded the first plane he...
Eli knew he had a battle on his hands convincing the mommas of his sons and daughters that his plan was the best way to keep the Bucks, the Crow girls and the rest of them from having babies and still let them spend time with their friends. He figured the best way to handle this was to get them all at once and get it over with. Miranda, Clarissa, Tin Yu, Catt, Eva, Rose, Sissy, Suh, Juni, and Grandma were gathered together out away from the others. Eli wanted all of them to listen to what he...
If she was anything, Della McDonald was an entrepreneur. She had dabbled in several fields, trying something new every two years to broaden her horizons and to experience all that she could in life as a successful single woman. At 31 she was attractive, socially popular and enjoyed every day in her new adventure as a psychologist. Her daily routine lately began with a cup of latte at her favorite coffee shop just two blocks from her office. Today she emerged from the shop, holding a cup of the...
FetishYou would think that, after getting drunk and having a wreck where someone gets killed, that you would be in a lot of trouble. I'm talking years worth of trouble, in the slammer forever, kind of trouble. If that was true, then why was Walter sitting in our living room when I woke up Sunday morning? More importantly, why wasn't he in jail? The answer lies in the presumption of innocence, and in the fact that my parents had found themselves a well connected lawyer to represent Walter. I...