Betrayal Ch. 05 free porn video

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On Sunday, Emma really was fidgety. Peter and Derek left before 8:00 since they had an early tee time. As he was getting into his car, Derek had winked at her, and she hoped that he could draw her husband out and help her make sense of the mess her life was in.

Peter was getting her increasingly upset. Why couldn’t he just loosen up? I mean from what she’d read on the Internet and heard around, it was usually the wives who were uptight about sex. Didn’t he want to have a wife who was adventurous and willing to do nearly anything to please him? Wasn’t that every man’s wet dream?

Maybe Derek could coax him into a little boy talk on the golf course.

Giving up the day as lost, she went to the movies that afternoon to watch a something that Peter, or Derek, for that matter, wouldn’t want to see in a million years. At least it might take her mind off her current problems.

When she returned, she found Peter and Derek on the back deck, thick as thieves. Emma’s heart leaped that maybe some progress had been made. Now that her libido had been unlocked, she was unwilling to put it back in its little box where it had been relegated for so many years. The pretty 34-year-old had never felt so alive.

As she joined the men, they greeted her enthusiastically, both probably having consumed a number of beers already.

‘Now isn’t Emma just the most beautiful, sylph-like creature you’ve ever seen?’ Derek said expansively.

‘Yes,’ Peter slurred. ‘I have a very fine-looking wife.’

‘I hope you don’t mind me saying it,’ Derek answered leaning over as if talking only to Peter, ‘but I’ll just bet she’s a real tigress in bed.’

Emma couldn’t help it, she almost choked on her beer. What the heck was Derek up to?

‘I give her all she can handle,’ Peter said waving in her direction vaguely.

Only Derek’s hand motioning under the table kept Emma from voicing her strenuous objections. Was this really the way Peter saw things?

‘Would you like some dinner, guys?’ she asked, unable to sit still.

‘Sure,’ Peter said.

‘Would you like some help?’ Derek asked.

Emma was nearly beside herself as she entered the house with Derek as Peter called for more beer. ‘Do you want to know what happened last night?’

‘From your tone, not much, but I didn’t say it would be an easy, short road.’

‘Did you find out anything today?’

‘Your husband is very confused. He had thought you were one way and now he’s finding that you’re another. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. In his mind you’re supposed to be the dutiful little wife, a decoration on his watch chain.’

‘Well, isn’t that 17th Century!’

‘We talked a lot today. It may bear fruit.’

‘What did you talk about?’

‘I promised I wouldn’t say anything, and I honor those promises. I wouldn’t breach your confidences and I won’t breach Peter’s.’

Emma scowled. ‘All right, be that way,’ she hissed. ‘Go outside while I’m doing the dutiful little wifey thing here, getting the men folks’ dinner ready.’ When Derek didn’t move right away she pushed him towards the door. ‘Leave!’

‘I’m just trying to help you.’

‘Well, you’re not doing a very good job, are you?’ Emma snapped and pointedly turned her back on him.

Outside she heard her husband chuckling about ‘modern women’.

She kept her temper in check all through dinner and went in early to read in bed. When she heard Peter coming into the house, she switched off the light and pretended to be asleep. He climbed into bed without his usual shorts and cuddled up behind her, his pecker poking into her rear end. She did nothing.

It was his turn to go to bed frustrated.


Peter was naturally in a bad mood the next morning and barely spoke as he ate his breakfast. Emma longed to sit down and have a talk with him, a real talk, about them. She really felt it was time. As he left, Peter grunted something about possibly having to work late. She didn’t even get his usual peck on the cheek.

After that, she went out for a very long run, trying to work out her frustration with some punishment to her body. If anyone had asked, she wouldn’t have been able to tell them the route she’d taken, her brain had been in such high gear.

In a few short weeks, her life had changed completely. In early June, she’d been a happy school teacher. Her 2nd Grade charges all loved her, and their parents did, too. She didn’t have any real friends at work. That was all due pretty well due to the shyness thing. At least she still had that to go back to in a couple of weeks, and this year, she’d try her best to make some friends. Right now, it would be very good to have some female perspective on everything that was going on.

At home, Emma couldn’t say that she’d been particularly happy for the past five years, but she hadn’t been particularly unhappy, either. She saw now that she’d been waiting for something. Peter was basically a good man, but he was stiff, unimaginative and clearly saw himself as the boss in his marriage. Had he never heard that marriage is a partnership? She’d been too shy, too unsure of herself to be able to bring up ‘sticky’ subjects. The few times she had begun discussions of things about their marriage that were important to her, she’d either gotten a condescending pat on the head, or Peter had yelled at her. Thinking back, that’s the same exact relationship his parents had. Basically, she’d married Peter’s father.

Back at home, she toyed with the idea of bringing herself off in the shower. But having a bit of edge was good for what she wanted to do next: a bit of shopping, but shopping with a difference and it would require a fair dose of her new courage.

Late in the afternoon, Emma’s last stop was at the supermarket. She was there partly because she needed to pick up a few things for dinner, and partly to try an experiment.

Anyone who knew her would have done a double take. In fact, she carefully noted that a lot of people she didn’t know did a double take, and they were all male.

Emma was wearing some of her new purchases. Her jeans were skin tight, the kind that take a few minutes to wiggle into. They could have been made with her body in mind. The sales woman had convinced her to buy the kind that had no back pockets because they would ‘accentuate your very fine assets back there’. On her feet, she had sandal-like shoes with 3-inch heels. Two months ago, she would have called her top ‘immodest’. It was white, dangerously sheer, and hugged her breasts. It also showed a fair bit of her cleavage since the front part wrapped behind her neck. Her back was almost totally exposed. Oh, and of course she couldn’t wear a bra.

She’d also stopped at the hairdresser and the result was a slightly more shaggy look to her hair with some lighter blonde highlights. It was all done in a very understated way, but it required more courage than anything she’d done that day. She could always hide the clothes, but Peter would immediately see what she’d done to her hair. The finishing touch was a fair bit of make-up applied by the hairdresser.

‘Honey,’ the hairdresser had said as Emma left the shop, ‘you look like a movie star.’

As the seriously sexy-looking woman made her way around the supermarket, she noticed that she’d developed a following: all of them male and all of them trying to look casual about what they were doing. She even caused a three-cart pileup in the meat section.

Her nerves started kicking in as she got closer to home. Of course she couldn’t be dressed like this when Peter arrived. Clothes like these and the others she’d purchased would have to be introduced slowly and would probably cause some friction. This was the most outrageous of them, though. The others were clothes she could wear on the rare occasions she went out, and most could also be worn to work without crossing any lines, but they were all sexier than an
ything she had in her closet.

By the time Peter got home at 7:30 (late without calling), the only evidence of Emma’s makeover was her hair and a new pair of shorts, a little tighter and a little shorter. She’d chickened out on anything more.

Peter noticed her hair immediately and was not happy. ‘Makes you look like a tart!’ he snapped. She felt as if he’d slapped her. The new style really looked terrific and it wasn’t even close to making her look cheap. If anything, Emma felt it made her look more sophisticated.

That night, Derek entertained another of his women and listening to the goings on made Emma miserable. Around midnight, she couldn’t take it anymore and slipped out of bed. In the bathroom, she used some hand lotion to bring herself off. It was hard and fast and really not all that satisfying, but it did allow her to get to sleep.

Next morning, Peter announced that he’d have to travel east to head office for a meeting.

‘How long will you be gone?’

‘Probably three days, maybe four.’

‘But this is my last week before school begins. Next Monday, the meetings start. I was hoping I might talk you into going off for a long weekend. You have some days off you’ve never used.’

‘This is an important meeting. I think I’m going to be offered a promotion. That means we could move to New York!’

‘What about my job? I like my school!’

He patted her head. ‘They have lots of schools in New York, Emma, and I’m sure they need teachers. Besides, this will mean a raise. You probably won’t have to work.’

With that, he went upstairs to pack. When she heard Peter bumping down the stairs with his bag, she grabbed her car keys and waited by the door.

‘No need for you to drive me. I have to stop by the office to pick up some things and I’ll drive myself to the airport.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Wish me luck! I’ll call you when I have some news. Keep your fingers crossed, Emma.’

He drove off. Emma went out on the back deck and cried.

When Derek stuck his head around the fence, she didn’t notice, so he asked, ‘Anything I can do to help?’

Emma didn’t even look up. ‘No. Go away!’

He swung around to the Richard’s deck. ‘Tell me what’s wrong, Emma,’ he said, sitting down next to her.

She ignored him for a while longer, then decided that she needed to talk to someone about it. Emma told him everything.

‘So there’s going to be no discussion about the possible move?’ he asked.

She shook her head sadly. ‘He seems to think that I’m as eager to leave as he is.’

‘New York isn’t as bad as all that.’

‘It’s not New York that has me so upset, it’s the fact that what I want doesn’t matter. It’s always all about him! He’s not going to change — ever. I’m just another object to him, like his car or his golf clubs.’

‘Will you excuse me for a moment, Emma?’ Derek asked.

Taking out his cell phone, he walked down the yard, talking to someone and nodding. The call was brief, and he walked back onto the deck.

‘I’m sick today,’ he smiled.


‘I just called in sick.’


‘Because we’re going out. You need some serious cheering up, girl!’

Emma smiled, though it was sad. Why had she married Peter?

‘And I want you to wear one of your new outfits. If Peter isn’t interested in them, well I am.’

Though she felt like running upstairs and hiding under the covers, Emma let Derek’s good nature jolly her into going out.

An hour later, when she knocked on his door, she was wearing a summer dress in blues, greens and whites. It had a scoop neck and frills at the bottom where it ended well above her knees. Since the neck was so low, she had to wear a push-up bra she’d also bought, but she’d toyed with the idea of no bra at all. Her face was made up beautifully, but more restrained than it had been the previous day, highlighting the blue of her lovely eyes. She also had on her new shoes.

Derek opened the door and just stared at her. Emma began to get nervous. Did he like what he saw or did she look silly?

‘You are so beautiful,’ he finally said, speaking each word separately.

Emma blushed furiously.

‘Come on,’ he said, grabbing her arm. ‘We’re taking my car.’

She’d only ridden in Derek’s SUV once before. It had a stick shift which impressed her because she’d never learned to drive standard, and he also drove exuberantly, fast but not stupid.

‘Where are we going?’

‘To a little restaurant out in the country.’

‘But it’s only 10:00 in the morning!’

‘We’re going to take a walk first.’

‘But I’m wearing heels.’

‘We can walk barefoot.’

They drove along silently, but companionably, each deep in their own thoughts. About 30 minutes out of town, Derek pulled onto a dirt road. A few miles farther on, it ended at a small lake. In the distance, kids were whooping it up on some sea-doos, but being a weekday, the lake wasn’t bustling with people.

Derek turned to her. ‘May I kiss you, Emma?’

She didn’t know what to say, so he leaned over and their lips met. Again, it wasn’t a long kiss, but the intensity was even stronger than their first had been a few days earlier.

Emma pushed Derek’s face away with both hands. ‘I know I shouldn’t even be thinking this, let alone saying it out loud, but Derek, I want you to make love to me.’

‘What? Here?’

‘No, silly.’

‘What about lunch?’

Still with her hands on his cheeks, she looked into his eyes. ‘I’m not hungry, except for you. I want to know what it’s like to have someone really make love to me, not just use me as an inflatable doll. Peter will be gone at least two more days. He won’t be able to tell what I’ve done by then, will he?’


Emma kissed him again, this time very aggressively. ‘Take me back home. Now. Before I chicken out.’

Derek turned the key in the ignition. ‘Anything to please such a beautiful woman.’

‘You really think I’m beautiful? I know I look okay, but—’

‘No, Emma, you’re beautiful, and I so want to make love to you. I have for weeks now.’

Back at the complex, Derek pulled directly into the garage of his townhouse to avoid prying eyes.

‘You’re going to be in my house for quite awhile. Any fool would know what’s going on, dressed the way you are.’

He helped her out of the SUV and into his arms. They kissed in the garage, they kissed some more in the kitchen where Derek pulled out a bottle of white wine. They kissed in the hallway, on the stairs, in the doorway of the bedroom. With every stop, with every taste of Derek’s sweet kisses, the fire in Emma’s body increased.

Finally, they stood in the middle of his bedroom. Emma knew the moment of truth when faced with it.

‘May I undress you?’ Derek asked softly, as his gaze drifted openly up and down her body.

She felt herself shiver, not from cold, but from desire. ‘If you want.’

‘Oh, I do!’ he answered, stepping forward

It was infuriating how slowly Derek worked. Now that she’d made her decision, Emma wanted to get down to it. Of course he was slowed down somewhat by seemingly wanting to kiss every square inch of her body. From the front, he lifted her dress off as she stretched up her arms. From behind, he unclasped her bra, rubbing his hands across her shoulders, down her back and around to her breasts which he cupped, tweaking and twisting her nipples with his thumbs and index fingers. All the while he was showering achingly hot kisses on her neck, shoulders and ears. She could feel his erection pushing against her bottom and she wiggled back against it deliciously.

Derek came around to the front once more, knelt and slowly slid down Emma’s pretty, white cotton panties and helped her step out of them. Planting a kiss on her mons, he breathed in deeply.

‘Lovely. Simply lovely,’ he said, almost as if to himself.

Emma felt cherished.

Sliding his hands lightly over her hips and up her sides, he stood and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately. She immediately opened her mouth to give his strong tongue entry. Soon, both his hands slipped down to her bottom and he pulled her into him harder. Derek’s erection throbbed against her belly.

‘You are loveliness itself, Emma,’ he breathed into her hair. ‘Come and lie on my bed.’

He scooped her up with no effort, gently laying on her back. She shyly kept her legs together. Derek’s eyes drank her in.

‘What about your clothes?’ she asked. ‘Don’t I get to take them off?’

‘Maybe next time. Right now I want to look at you as I get naked. You can look at me, too, if it turns you on.’

Oh yes, Emma thought, watching Derek’s strong muscles appear as he pulled his polo shirt over his head.

He didn’t have the same amount of body hair Peter did, and of course, he shaved his pubic area. Truth be known, each liked the other for the sleek muscles of their bodies. Derek loved Emma’s arms and legs, strong yet feminine, but the muscles of Emma’s ass were especially fine, very little fat and each cheek made a very nice handful. She loved watching his muscles move under his skin, well-defined and powerful-looking. Such strong shoulders and arms, such strong legs, Emma thought as Derek slipped off his slacks. His boxers ballooned out obscenely.

Finally, the moment of truth as Derek slipped them off. This time the size of his cock wasn’t such a shock, but it was already very hard and seemed bigger than ever.

Derek lay down next to Emma and gathered her in. They kissed long and hard, tongues dancing in each other’s mouth. She finally captured his, pulling it with firm suction. He couldn’t help groaning.

Soon their hands were moving around, touching, pulling, gliding, quickly increasing their arousal. When Emma grabbed Derek’s erection and pulled firmly, he let out a loud sigh and his tongue went wild in her mouth.

‘You are a fast learner, dear girl,’ he gasped after a few minutes of her handiwork as she used his precum as a lubricant.

By that point Derek’s mouth had found Emma’s left nipple. He sucked it in hard and she felt herself grow dizzy at the intense feeling it caused. Throwing her leg over his hip, she began rubbing herself against him.

I’m completely out of control, she thought as she humped Derek shamelessly. What’s happening to me?

It was a simple matter for Derek to slide her over onto him.

In this position, if they kissed, his erection nestled quite alarmingly between her legs, the difference in their heights making the end of it, press into her. She toyed with the idea of pushing back to see what happened.

‘Flip around, Emma. I want to lick you.’

She scooted around, laying stretched out on top of Derek and found herself face-to-face with his massive cock, something she was now doubting would fit inside her. If she let it lie flat, about 3 inches would be near enough her mouth if she wanted to suck on it.

At his end, Derek was doing a very good job between her splayed legs, his tongue darting here and there, sometimes a surprising distance inside her (his cock wasn’t the only thing that was long, seemingly), sometimes swirling over her clit, but always seeming to do the right thing at the right time. He soon had her squirming and panting.

Meanwhile, Emma was licking the head of his cock — when she could tear her concentration away from what was happening between her legs.

Every time she ran her tongue around the underneath the head of Derek’s cock, he’d let out a soft moan. This was something worth pursuing. Stretched out as she was, when she finally decided she wanted his cock in her mouth, all Emma had to do was open wide and hunch forward. In this position, for some reason, it was easier to slide him in and stretched her mouth less uncomfortably. By the time a few more minutes had passed she was taking him in like a pro. Reaching down with both hands, she began to massage his balls and the lower part of his cock. Derek hummed his approval into her genitals.

Now that the lovers were in sync, each could bring the arousal of the other higher as they (relatively) silently worked for several minutes. Emma was the first to cry uncle.

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I’m not going to give my real name but peeps call me Zed, 20 year old this is how it is, I got 3 sisters and I am going to introduce my sisters the youngest name is Sham age 15 and my middle sisters name Halima age 18, the eldest is Susan whose 24 years old mum 44 and dad 50 years old. This shit never happened in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. I’m straight up from London. From a modern Bengali family. Living with my parents but I got a 1 room flat in Bethnal green. I’m like a horny maafucker...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Carmen Callaway Needs Some Cash

Carmen is getting ready to clean her young petite body in the shower when her step dad walks in on her. She needs money to go shopping and is happy to do whatever it takes to earn it. The teen drops to her knees and goes to work on the cock of the man in the house with all the money. With great excitement and glee, she bends over and fills up her shaved pussy. By the time she is on her back with her legs spread open, the young girl is begging to feel this cock inside her anytime her Mommy...

2 years ago
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The Pier

Our sorted tale: Was it coincidence? We were both at the pier, window shopping. I saw her, she saw me, we smile and go about our business. I can't stop thinking about her beautiful eyes. after about 20-30 minutes we see each other again through the window of the store she's shopping in...she's looking at a cute sundress, sheer but not revealing, short but not slutty; very pretty green that matches her eyes.I keep moving, thinking about her in the dress. With a nice little smile i continue...

3 years ago
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James Gay Awakening

He had one sister, Claire, who was two years below him in school, aged 16. She was a lot more popular than him, but despite this they got on pretty well, both in and outside of school.. Claire was stunning, tanned skin and seemingly endless legs that ended in a perfect bubble butt. Here boobs were amazing too, she wore a 34DD bra (James knew this from finding them in the laundry, as well as going through her draws once in a while). James had always fantasized about his sister, but never...

1 year ago
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Rewarded Given By Boss

Let me introduce myself first I am 24 years old and my height is 5’9″ and weight is 58 kilos and my body stats are 34D-32-36 my biggest assets are my height and big boobs. I lost my virginity at my 20 years to one of my college friend, I started enjoying my sex life from my college days.I am working for a MNC company as team lead and handle a team of about 30 employees, I had joined this company 2 years ago and I was in the list of becoming Assistant Manager. We normally have client meeting...

3 years ago
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J and Silent TChapter 2 Back to School

Interlude: Elle Magazine interview (unedited) Elle: You say you respect Cynthia. Why is that? Jason: There is an early 90's gangster movie. The movie sucks, but I always remembered the tagline from the poster. "You only respect what you fear." Cynthia is a lovely person when she steps out of her persona, which is most of the time these days. Still, I would never cross her on purpose. When she asked me to show her personal submissive how the other side lived, I was not going to say no,...

4 years ago
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My Lesbianism Discovered

Hi friends, this is Rashmi, recently turned 21. I’m 5’ 6 tall with fare complexion and attractive figures. I am a kind of shy girl. After completing my 12th class from a suburb home town, I had to move to city for higher studies. My parents arranged me a private hostel in the city where one of our neighbor’s daughter was already staying for her 11/12 studies. Her name is Niruta. Till my 12th standard, I was kind of conservative regarding sex things. There used to be few gossips and light chats...

2 years ago
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Myself And Maid Lost Virginity To Each Other

Hello Dear Friends, This is Rakesh Patil (named changed) from Pune at now I am totally addicted to ISS and making sex life happy. If any one has lost interest in sex , one should go throu stories and get involved and I am damp sure that no one will be have to visit Doctors for their failure of sex interest. Let me introduce my self I am 40 years old and still having curiosity & hunger for sex. Most of the stories are imaginary and just its written to give mental satisfaction or to get calls...

3 years ago
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Into The Black

"But I ain't got no cash for the ship, let alone for luxuries, Kaylee! We need a job, and we need one soon, otherwise we'll all be floating dead in the water." Mal Roberts finishes his tirade, the young brunette engineer in front of him begins to argue before Mal throws his hands up. "Stop. Just stop. I'm dealin' with it. I'm dealing with it - stop looking at me with that tone of voice, goramit!" You spin on your heels and begin to walk away. As you turn away you see Kaylee's usual perky...

1 year ago
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Sex life of a young man

It all started out when we were 18 and liked to dance and have fun. We would go out to dances and have a few drinks, in the state we lived in 18 was the drinking age, We had a regular dance hall we would go to every Sat night and dance and drink. One day her mother ask if she could go with us and we said sure come on. We go to the dance and the girl and I dance and I was getting hot and the old cock didn't want to behave, well her mother could see the hard on I had , which was normal for us, we...

First Time
3 years ago
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Kellys ConversionChapter 3

As her younger brother began to rub her breasts, groping her, Kelly tried to protest, but her protests were muffled by her gag, as she tried to move away from him. Her struggles were further weakened by the drugs, and so it seemed to be her reaction to his groping. "Look, the Bitch is getting turned on already!" John said, mistaking her movements for those of true arousal. As the brothers, unknowingly, continued groping their own sister, I turned on the lights on the other side of the...

3 years ago
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Abandoning Delinquency

CHAPTER 1 Seated at the breakfast table, hidden from his wife Janis behind a rustling newspaper, Claude Jones said grumpily, ‘What time did the little bitch get home this morning? She’s becoming later and later.’ A car door slammed and drunken voices shouted, ‘Goodbye Nikita.’ A screech of burning rubber indicated a nutter drove the vehicle. ‘Here she is now Janis said brightly as the hall clock struck 8:00. Claude groaned ‘Holy fuck!’ and the backdoor slammed shut and their bright-faced...

2 years ago
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The Barford Files Chapters III and IV

III: Shopping. Cleaning. Cooking. The designated time that Pam was supposed to arrive at Rubie's Mall for the screen test was actually a couple of hours before the Mall was to open for business, so it felt eerie to see so many closed and darkened storefronts as she went in, showing the printed e-mail that Shelly Piper had sent to her to the Security Guard outside. The moment Piper saw her, she lit up, and bounded over. "Yay! You're here! And right on time, too. That's gonna be a...

3 years ago
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Under the Table Prelude

I straightened my bowtie, and tucked in my shirt.  A spray of cologne - a little more pomade to even out my hair.  Well, it doesn't really take me that long to get ready, but tonight, I'm going with you to a formal business dinner with my secretary-turned-sexual-obsession.  I laced up my black oxfords, and closed the door behind me.  After a drive through some mild traffic downtown, I parked and went up to your apartment.  I rang your bell.  Your small, high-cut black cocktail dress made me...

4 years ago
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Sicilian Adventure

Sicilian Adventure The plane lands at last at Fontanarossa airport, Sicily. I have stared entranced out of the window at Etna, a few puffs of smoke trailing into the summer sky. What a contrast to dull grey Manchester; although it has been close to five hours since I left, it feels like a lifetime. This is not just a holiday; I am staying for a month, feeling that I need to recharge my batteries, take stock of my life before I return to find a new job. I am in limbo, having left my...

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Stacys Senior YearChapter 3

"We're going to play a game," Gary said, his voice light and mocking. He had shoved his hands into his pockets, and was staring off into space. "You can win it; it will have rules and an object. If you do win, we will give you all copies of the video tape and pictures. If you lose..." Stacy sat in stunned silence. The whole world - her world - had changed dramatically in the last half hour. Nothing was the same. That morning, she had woken up an intelligent, free young woman. No clouds...

3 years ago
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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 9

Rebecca sets her bag on the restroom counter and looks into the mirror. She smiles faintly to herself. She knows she was told not to do anything sexual with her husband, but she feels she needs to in order to stay connected to him. Even though Fred isn’t as attractive as Daniel, physically or mentally, he does cause a side of her long restrained out. She likes it, but to give up everything—their lives, their marriage, everything they have built and especially fought through these last six...

3 years ago
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First time with my best friend gay

Jason and Jacob were drunk. And high. They were drunk and high and plopped down in front of the TV like they had been a hundred times before. College break had just begun and with finals finally over they were able to let loose and enjoy themselves. Both boys were in shape and played various co-ed sports on campus. Jason was a runner and Jacob spent a lot of time on climbing at the college gym. When they had time, they both did well with the ladies. Both we're around six feet and were generally...

1 year ago
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SullyChapter 24

The following day my dick was groaning for pussy and I called Dottie around ten in the morning. She was delighted to hear from me and went crazy when I asked if she wanted me to come over. "Yes! Of course! Here, I'll give you directions... " After assuring her I knew the way and that I'd be there in thirty minutes, I inquired if she'd told her sister about what wee did. "Yes and no." "Which means... ?" "Oh, I said we had a great time and that you were a perfect gentleman and...

3 years ago
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Party Girl pt 1

I just turned sixteen, and the furthest I've gone was kissing a boy, but this night changed my life. It was a night of many firsts that went like this...My two friends were frequent smokers, you could say potheads. And I so badly wanted to try it just once, and I'd be satisfied. So they invited me to their party. Not really the sort of party a sixteen year old girl should be at.I got there in the afternoon, and we hung out outside until dark. Alli's dad didn't get home until three in the...

Straight Sex
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The Intern Ch07

After the front door shut a hushed stillness filled the room. I sat for long minutes re-living moments from the day while Rose’s head still rested on my thigh and I idly played with her hair. Eventually something, I’m not sure what, brought me back to reality and I nudged Rose back to wakefulness.“Come and sit up on my knee,” I told her. A little shakily she managed to get up and did so and snuggled into my arms. “Have you enjoyed your day?”“Most of it, Miss. I love what you bought me.”“You...

1 year ago
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The Sperming of Megan

She was flaky, dangerous, and irresistible.From the moment he saw her at the lunch, he knew three things: she'd fuck him; the sex would be incredible; and he might regret it.He escaped lunch safely, and then the email arrived. All that he needed to do was hit the delete key.Instead, he replied. Great to hear from you. Sure, coffee, why not?They met. She had the free spirit that sucked middle-aged men in, despite the danger. The peasant blouse, the unadorned hands, the tight waist and slim hips....

4 years ago
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The Visit

Adam was in Manchester on business so he had contacted his internet buddy Chris and suggested a beer that evening. Chris had agreed and told him of a pub he knew and arranged to meet him there about seven after Chris had finished work. The two had met up and enjoyed a pint and finally meeting each other. Chris invited Adam back for a coffee and Adam accepted. On arriving back at Chris’s, Adam was greeted at the door by a wonderful vision, there was a stunning beauty dressed in a black basque...

1 year ago
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The WolvesChapter 18

Earth Underneath Jarvis Island, South Pacific August 14, 2019 07:25 HST (13:25 EDT) We made our way back up the spiraling passageway leading to the small beach. “This will be different than diving into the water like we did to get here,” Selalea said. “You’ll need to get enough speed in the water to breach the surface and begin building altitude. Alternatively, you can just teleport in the air.” “I think I’ll try it the first way, but teleport if it doesn’t work out. It will be cool.” I...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 23

Later that evening. Time: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 8:48 PM At Aggie’s suggestion, part of the group spent the early evening converting the second floor of Black Mall’s Modern Coin Superstore into a conference room, clearing a massive wooden display table for their use and jumping in a dozen plush leather chairs from the terminal store of Green Mall, a spacious suite of meeting rooms labeled the Hilton Executive Conference Center. They were all sitting around waiting forFatimato start the...

4 years ago
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Project Super Soldier Part 6

I want to apologize for how long it has taken me to post up this part of the story. I read many of the serialized stories here also and know how frustrating it is to begin reading one from an author and suddenly the author stop posting any updates. Just so that everyone knows, my day job, which gives me the money so that I can afford a few of luxuries I have grown accustomed to (eating, living indoors & an internet connection) got very busy and many times I now end up sitting down...

3 years ago
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Her Lessons After SchoolChapter 6

Susan went into the restaurant. She was dressed in her best clothes. She was very excited. Earlier in the evening, Jack had called her. Jack was her boyfriend. She'd known Jack for quite some time. She didn't get to see him very often, since he was an airplane pilot. He'd gotten into town and called her, asking her to meet him for dinner. Susan was really looking forward to seeing Jack again. It had been so long since she'd seen him. And Jack had also told her that his sister Joanne had...

3 years ago
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Young man is fucked by two virgins

Young man is fucked by two virgins When we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon. They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday. They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy. Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your family to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville. The twin sisters had thus a flat...

2 years ago
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New Neighbors

I had gotten so lucky. I had landed my dream job in an amazing city. I had gotten a beautiful apartment and the money I was bringing home every month was more than I had ever made before in my previous jobs. The only thing missing was a partner, but I wasn't too worried about that, things were going so well that I was sure I'd find someone soon.The building I lived in was really nice. New, in a good area, and the few neighbors I had met so far seemed nice. There was one neighbor I seemed to run...

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Tammy Janet Stickney As the only son, my dad had looked the other way whenever I pestered my sisters, kind of a wink and a nod as I screwed their closet door shut, or put paint in their hairspray bottle. By the time I was in my first year at high school, (I was 14) I had quit growing, but my sisters had not. I was now smaller than Cheryl...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Is My Secret Wife

Hi friends thanks for your valuable feedback for my previous story now I am going to narrate you the story where it happened 5 years back, let me introduced my name Kiran I am 27 years of age one day it happened when my neighbor aunt her name is Punya very fair complexion with stats of 36 28 36 later I came to know having two kids which is 8 years & 5 years her husband is a factory where it was lockout & they were facing huge financial crisis, Let me directly come to the story she was treating...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Smooth Chudai

To ab me sidhe point pe ata hu me bombay me akele rehta hu mere parents ne bataya ki humare rishtedaar bombay me rehne ke liye aye hai aur sirf 2 ladies hi hai ek jise me chachi kehta(kahani ki heroine) uska naam tha meena aur dusri uski saans.Chachi ke husband ki 1 saal pehle death ho gayi thi aur unka 1 betha tha jo ki 3 saal ka tha. Mere parents ne kaha ki use kaam ho to puch lena aur muje unka ghar ka number de diya.Maine fir unhe phone kiya aur jaan pehchan kari aur unhone muje apne ghar...

2 years ago
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My New Bride

I was shy, I had met her only twice and she was now walking down the aisle towards me.It was an arranged marriage and our parents seemed really happy with the match. I was in my late twenties and my parents had let me have girlfriends as long as I knew that I would be marrying a woman they had chosen. I had messed around and even had a girlfriend at one point. My parents never seemed fazed and when I broke up with my girlfriend, my parents sat me down.“Listen, Sanjay, it doesn’t matter how many...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 548

The Prison Planet Jasmine came over and plopped down in her husband’s lap. “Oomph,” he said as she giggled, squirming her butt to tease him while he struggled to put his coffee down before he spilled it. “What’s on your mind, Beautiful?” he got out with a chuckle. She just kissed him, long and lovingly while using plenty of tongue. He got the message, but tried, “Baby, we can’t do anything or you’ll wind up too sore to make love tonight.” While he was talking, she grinned and ran her hand...

3 years ago
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What Happens In Goa Stays In Goa

Hi all, this is the story of weekend escapade in goa, mail me on for feedbacks. I work in an mnc in bangalore, earning decent money, I always loved visiting goa with friends, goa being an absolute party destination, I love its partys, one more important things about goa which attracts me is girls, girls from all over india, in fact all over world, I am more interested in indian girls, with voluptuous body, every time I visited goa, it was with my male friends, though I enjoyed to hilt,...

1 year ago
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Cheryll Birthday

100% fiction! Cheryll was taking a shower in my bathroom because the shower in her room had lost water pressure the night before. She is a beautiful 18 year old who looks just as her mother did when she was her age. She has a beautiful caramel color, with shoulder length hair and piercing grey eyes that she had gotten from me. I stood there staring through the shower doors watching as she slowly soaped her body, enticingly bending to wash her legs so that I could see the soap sliding down the...


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