Betrayal Ch. 05 free porn video

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On Sunday, Emma really was fidgety. Peter and Derek left before 8:00 since they had an early tee time. As he was getting into his car, Derek had winked at her, and she hoped that he could draw her husband out and help her make sense of the mess her life was in.

Peter was getting her increasingly upset. Why couldn’t he just loosen up? I mean from what she’d read on the Internet and heard around, it was usually the wives who were uptight about sex. Didn’t he want to have a wife who was adventurous and willing to do nearly anything to please him? Wasn’t that every man’s wet dream?

Maybe Derek could coax him into a little boy talk on the golf course.

Giving up the day as lost, she went to the movies that afternoon to watch a something that Peter, or Derek, for that matter, wouldn’t want to see in a million years. At least it might take her mind off her current problems.

When she returned, she found Peter and Derek on the back deck, thick as thieves. Emma’s heart leaped that maybe some progress had been made. Now that her libido had been unlocked, she was unwilling to put it back in its little box where it had been relegated for so many years. The pretty 34-year-old had never felt so alive.

As she joined the men, they greeted her enthusiastically, both probably having consumed a number of beers already.

‘Now isn’t Emma just the most beautiful, sylph-like creature you’ve ever seen?’ Derek said expansively.

‘Yes,’ Peter slurred. ‘I have a very fine-looking wife.’

‘I hope you don’t mind me saying it,’ Derek answered leaning over as if talking only to Peter, ‘but I’ll just bet she’s a real tigress in bed.’

Emma couldn’t help it, she almost choked on her beer. What the heck was Derek up to?

‘I give her all she can handle,’ Peter said waving in her direction vaguely.

Only Derek’s hand motioning under the table kept Emma from voicing her strenuous objections. Was this really the way Peter saw things?

‘Would you like some dinner, guys?’ she asked, unable to sit still.

‘Sure,’ Peter said.

‘Would you like some help?’ Derek asked.

Emma was nearly beside herself as she entered the house with Derek as Peter called for more beer. ‘Do you want to know what happened last night?’

‘From your tone, not much, but I didn’t say it would be an easy, short road.’

‘Did you find out anything today?’

‘Your husband is very confused. He had thought you were one way and now he’s finding that you’re another. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. In his mind you’re supposed to be the dutiful little wife, a decoration on his watch chain.’

‘Well, isn’t that 17th Century!’

‘We talked a lot today. It may bear fruit.’

‘What did you talk about?’

‘I promised I wouldn’t say anything, and I honor those promises. I wouldn’t breach your confidences and I won’t breach Peter’s.’

Emma scowled. ‘All right, be that way,’ she hissed. ‘Go outside while I’m doing the dutiful little wifey thing here, getting the men folks’ dinner ready.’ When Derek didn’t move right away she pushed him towards the door. ‘Leave!’

‘I’m just trying to help you.’

‘Well, you’re not doing a very good job, are you?’ Emma snapped and pointedly turned her back on him.

Outside she heard her husband chuckling about ‘modern women’.

She kept her temper in check all through dinner and went in early to read in bed. When she heard Peter coming into the house, she switched off the light and pretended to be asleep. He climbed into bed without his usual shorts and cuddled up behind her, his pecker poking into her rear end. She did nothing.

It was his turn to go to bed frustrated.


Peter was naturally in a bad mood the next morning and barely spoke as he ate his breakfast. Emma longed to sit down and have a talk with him, a real talk, about them. She really felt it was time. As he left, Peter grunted something about possibly having to work late. She didn’t even get his usual peck on the cheek.

After that, she went out for a very long run, trying to work out her frustration with some punishment to her body. If anyone had asked, she wouldn’t have been able to tell them the route she’d taken, her brain had been in such high gear.

In a few short weeks, her life had changed completely. In early June, she’d been a happy school teacher. Her 2nd Grade charges all loved her, and their parents did, too. She didn’t have any real friends at work. That was all due pretty well due to the shyness thing. At least she still had that to go back to in a couple of weeks, and this year, she’d try her best to make some friends. Right now, it would be very good to have some female perspective on everything that was going on.

At home, Emma couldn’t say that she’d been particularly happy for the past five years, but she hadn’t been particularly unhappy, either. She saw now that she’d been waiting for something. Peter was basically a good man, but he was stiff, unimaginative and clearly saw himself as the boss in his marriage. Had he never heard that marriage is a partnership? She’d been too shy, too unsure of herself to be able to bring up ‘sticky’ subjects. The few times she had begun discussions of things about their marriage that were important to her, she’d either gotten a condescending pat on the head, or Peter had yelled at her. Thinking back, that’s the same exact relationship his parents had. Basically, she’d married Peter’s father.

Back at home, she toyed with the idea of bringing herself off in the shower. But having a bit of edge was good for what she wanted to do next: a bit of shopping, but shopping with a difference and it would require a fair dose of her new courage.

Late in the afternoon, Emma’s last stop was at the supermarket. She was there partly because she needed to pick up a few things for dinner, and partly to try an experiment.

Anyone who knew her would have done a double take. In fact, she carefully noted that a lot of people she didn’t know did a double take, and they were all male.

Emma was wearing some of her new purchases. Her jeans were skin tight, the kind that take a few minutes to wiggle into. They could have been made with her body in mind. The sales woman had convinced her to buy the kind that had no back pockets because they would ‘accentuate your very fine assets back there’. On her feet, she had sandal-like shoes with 3-inch heels. Two months ago, she would have called her top ‘immodest’. It was white, dangerously sheer, and hugged her breasts. It also showed a fair bit of her cleavage since the front part wrapped behind her neck. Her back was almost totally exposed. Oh, and of course she couldn’t wear a bra.

She’d also stopped at the hairdresser and the result was a slightly more shaggy look to her hair with some lighter blonde highlights. It was all done in a very understated way, but it required more courage than anything she’d done that day. She could always hide the clothes, but Peter would immediately see what she’d done to her hair. The finishing touch was a fair bit of make-up applied by the hairdresser.

‘Honey,’ the hairdresser had said as Emma left the shop, ‘you look like a movie star.’

As the seriously sexy-looking woman made her way around the supermarket, she noticed that she’d developed a following: all of them male and all of them trying to look casual about what they were doing. She even caused a three-cart pileup in the meat section.

Her nerves started kicking in as she got closer to home. Of course she couldn’t be dressed like this when Peter arrived. Clothes like these and the others she’d purchased would have to be introduced slowly and would probably cause some friction. This was the most outrageous of them, though. The others were clothes she could wear on the rare occasions she went out, and most could also be worn to work without crossing any lines, but they were all sexier than an
ything she had in her closet.

By the time Peter got home at 7:30 (late without calling), the only evidence of Emma’s makeover was her hair and a new pair of shorts, a little tighter and a little shorter. She’d chickened out on anything more.

Peter noticed her hair immediately and was not happy. ‘Makes you look like a tart!’ he snapped. She felt as if he’d slapped her. The new style really looked terrific and it wasn’t even close to making her look cheap. If anything, Emma felt it made her look more sophisticated.

That night, Derek entertained another of his women and listening to the goings on made Emma miserable. Around midnight, she couldn’t take it anymore and slipped out of bed. In the bathroom, she used some hand lotion to bring herself off. It was hard and fast and really not all that satisfying, but it did allow her to get to sleep.

Next morning, Peter announced that he’d have to travel east to head office for a meeting.

‘How long will you be gone?’

‘Probably three days, maybe four.’

‘But this is my last week before school begins. Next Monday, the meetings start. I was hoping I might talk you into going off for a long weekend. You have some days off you’ve never used.’

‘This is an important meeting. I think I’m going to be offered a promotion. That means we could move to New York!’

‘What about my job? I like my school!’

He patted her head. ‘They have lots of schools in New York, Emma, and I’m sure they need teachers. Besides, this will mean a raise. You probably won’t have to work.’

With that, he went upstairs to pack. When she heard Peter bumping down the stairs with his bag, she grabbed her car keys and waited by the door.

‘No need for you to drive me. I have to stop by the office to pick up some things and I’ll drive myself to the airport.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Wish me luck! I’ll call you when I have some news. Keep your fingers crossed, Emma.’

He drove off. Emma went out on the back deck and cried.

When Derek stuck his head around the fence, she didn’t notice, so he asked, ‘Anything I can do to help?’

Emma didn’t even look up. ‘No. Go away!’

He swung around to the Richard’s deck. ‘Tell me what’s wrong, Emma,’ he said, sitting down next to her.

She ignored him for a while longer, then decided that she needed to talk to someone about it. Emma told him everything.

‘So there’s going to be no discussion about the possible move?’ he asked.

She shook her head sadly. ‘He seems to think that I’m as eager to leave as he is.’

‘New York isn’t as bad as all that.’

‘It’s not New York that has me so upset, it’s the fact that what I want doesn’t matter. It’s always all about him! He’s not going to change — ever. I’m just another object to him, like his car or his golf clubs.’

‘Will you excuse me for a moment, Emma?’ Derek asked.

Taking out his cell phone, he walked down the yard, talking to someone and nodding. The call was brief, and he walked back onto the deck.

‘I’m sick today,’ he smiled.


‘I just called in sick.’


‘Because we’re going out. You need some serious cheering up, girl!’

Emma smiled, though it was sad. Why had she married Peter?

‘And I want you to wear one of your new outfits. If Peter isn’t interested in them, well I am.’

Though she felt like running upstairs and hiding under the covers, Emma let Derek’s good nature jolly her into going out.

An hour later, when she knocked on his door, she was wearing a summer dress in blues, greens and whites. It had a scoop neck and frills at the bottom where it ended well above her knees. Since the neck was so low, she had to wear a push-up bra she’d also bought, but she’d toyed with the idea of no bra at all. Her face was made up beautifully, but more restrained than it had been the previous day, highlighting the blue of her lovely eyes. She also had on her new shoes.

Derek opened the door and just stared at her. Emma began to get nervous. Did he like what he saw or did she look silly?

‘You are so beautiful,’ he finally said, speaking each word separately.

Emma blushed furiously.

‘Come on,’ he said, grabbing her arm. ‘We’re taking my car.’

She’d only ridden in Derek’s SUV once before. It had a stick shift which impressed her because she’d never learned to drive standard, and he also drove exuberantly, fast but not stupid.

‘Where are we going?’

‘To a little restaurant out in the country.’

‘But it’s only 10:00 in the morning!’

‘We’re going to take a walk first.’

‘But I’m wearing heels.’

‘We can walk barefoot.’

They drove along silently, but companionably, each deep in their own thoughts. About 30 minutes out of town, Derek pulled onto a dirt road. A few miles farther on, it ended at a small lake. In the distance, kids were whooping it up on some sea-doos, but being a weekday, the lake wasn’t bustling with people.

Derek turned to her. ‘May I kiss you, Emma?’

She didn’t know what to say, so he leaned over and their lips met. Again, it wasn’t a long kiss, but the intensity was even stronger than their first had been a few days earlier.

Emma pushed Derek’s face away with both hands. ‘I know I shouldn’t even be thinking this, let alone saying it out loud, but Derek, I want you to make love to me.’

‘What? Here?’

‘No, silly.’

‘What about lunch?’

Still with her hands on his cheeks, she looked into his eyes. ‘I’m not hungry, except for you. I want to know what it’s like to have someone really make love to me, not just use me as an inflatable doll. Peter will be gone at least two more days. He won’t be able to tell what I’ve done by then, will he?’


Emma kissed him again, this time very aggressively. ‘Take me back home. Now. Before I chicken out.’

Derek turned the key in the ignition. ‘Anything to please such a beautiful woman.’

‘You really think I’m beautiful? I know I look okay, but—’

‘No, Emma, you’re beautiful, and I so want to make love to you. I have for weeks now.’

Back at the complex, Derek pulled directly into the garage of his townhouse to avoid prying eyes.

‘You’re going to be in my house for quite awhile. Any fool would know what’s going on, dressed the way you are.’

He helped her out of the SUV and into his arms. They kissed in the garage, they kissed some more in the kitchen where Derek pulled out a bottle of white wine. They kissed in the hallway, on the stairs, in the doorway of the bedroom. With every stop, with every taste of Derek’s sweet kisses, the fire in Emma’s body increased.

Finally, they stood in the middle of his bedroom. Emma knew the moment of truth when faced with it.

‘May I undress you?’ Derek asked softly, as his gaze drifted openly up and down her body.

She felt herself shiver, not from cold, but from desire. ‘If you want.’

‘Oh, I do!’ he answered, stepping forward

It was infuriating how slowly Derek worked. Now that she’d made her decision, Emma wanted to get down to it. Of course he was slowed down somewhat by seemingly wanting to kiss every square inch of her body. From the front, he lifted her dress off as she stretched up her arms. From behind, he unclasped her bra, rubbing his hands across her shoulders, down her back and around to her breasts which he cupped, tweaking and twisting her nipples with his thumbs and index fingers. All the while he was showering achingly hot kisses on her neck, shoulders and ears. She could feel his erection pushing against her bottom and she wiggled back against it deliciously.

Derek came around to the front once more, knelt and slowly slid down Emma’s pretty, white cotton panties and helped her step out of them. Planting a kiss on her mons, he breathed in deeply.

‘Lovely. Simply lovely,’ he said, almost as if to himself.

Emma felt cherished.

Sliding his hands lightly over her hips and up her sides, he stood and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately. She immediately opened her mouth to give his strong tongue entry. Soon, both his hands slipped down to her bottom and he pulled her into him harder. Derek’s erection throbbed against her belly.

‘You are loveliness itself, Emma,’ he breathed into her hair. ‘Come and lie on my bed.’

He scooped her up with no effort, gently laying on her back. She shyly kept her legs together. Derek’s eyes drank her in.

‘What about your clothes?’ she asked. ‘Don’t I get to take them off?’

‘Maybe next time. Right now I want to look at you as I get naked. You can look at me, too, if it turns you on.’

Oh yes, Emma thought, watching Derek’s strong muscles appear as he pulled his polo shirt over his head.

He didn’t have the same amount of body hair Peter did, and of course, he shaved his pubic area. Truth be known, each liked the other for the sleek muscles of their bodies. Derek loved Emma’s arms and legs, strong yet feminine, but the muscles of Emma’s ass were especially fine, very little fat and each cheek made a very nice handful. She loved watching his muscles move under his skin, well-defined and powerful-looking. Such strong shoulders and arms, such strong legs, Emma thought as Derek slipped off his slacks. His boxers ballooned out obscenely.

Finally, the moment of truth as Derek slipped them off. This time the size of his cock wasn’t such a shock, but it was already very hard and seemed bigger than ever.

Derek lay down next to Emma and gathered her in. They kissed long and hard, tongues dancing in each other’s mouth. She finally captured his, pulling it with firm suction. He couldn’t help groaning.

Soon their hands were moving around, touching, pulling, gliding, quickly increasing their arousal. When Emma grabbed Derek’s erection and pulled firmly, he let out a loud sigh and his tongue went wild in her mouth.

‘You are a fast learner, dear girl,’ he gasped after a few minutes of her handiwork as she used his precum as a lubricant.

By that point Derek’s mouth had found Emma’s left nipple. He sucked it in hard and she felt herself grow dizzy at the intense feeling it caused. Throwing her leg over his hip, she began rubbing herself against him.

I’m completely out of control, she thought as she humped Derek shamelessly. What’s happening to me?

It was a simple matter for Derek to slide her over onto him.

In this position, if they kissed, his erection nestled quite alarmingly between her legs, the difference in their heights making the end of it, press into her. She toyed with the idea of pushing back to see what happened.

‘Flip around, Emma. I want to lick you.’

She scooted around, laying stretched out on top of Derek and found herself face-to-face with his massive cock, something she was now doubting would fit inside her. If she let it lie flat, about 3 inches would be near enough her mouth if she wanted to suck on it.

At his end, Derek was doing a very good job between her splayed legs, his tongue darting here and there, sometimes a surprising distance inside her (his cock wasn’t the only thing that was long, seemingly), sometimes swirling over her clit, but always seeming to do the right thing at the right time. He soon had her squirming and panting.

Meanwhile, Emma was licking the head of his cock — when she could tear her concentration away from what was happening between her legs.

Every time she ran her tongue around the underneath the head of Derek’s cock, he’d let out a soft moan. This was something worth pursuing. Stretched out as she was, when she finally decided she wanted his cock in her mouth, all Emma had to do was open wide and hunch forward. In this position, for some reason, it was easier to slide him in and stretched her mouth less uncomfortably. By the time a few more minutes had passed she was taking him in like a pro. Reaching down with both hands, she began to massage his balls and the lower part of his cock. Derek hummed his approval into her genitals.

Now that the lovers were in sync, each could bring the arousal of the other higher as they (relatively) silently worked for several minutes. Emma was the first to cry uncle.

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"Pedicure?!"I was alarmed. This had all been fun and very sexy, but a pedicure? That would mean I would be venturing in to the public, something I had previously barely even considered. Would I pass? Would I be ridiculed? Would I be verbally abused? Would I be physically abused? These were the things that crossed my mind at first. But then I considered a different scenario. Would I be hot? Would I be sexy? Would I be admired? Would I be whistled at? I started to become turned on. "Baby, I know...

3 years ago
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One lucky summer

It was the summer of 1999 and it was one to remember. For one I had just finished all my exams, two it was hot and sunny and third, I was about to go abroad on holiday for the first time ever! I came from a family that didn’t have much money, so holidays abroad were something that we just couldn’t afford. 6 months earlier my best friend asked if I would like to go on holiday with him and his family for 2 weeks in Florida in our own private villa and pool! Well I jumped at that thought and...

2 years ago
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Wendy and Miss West

She picked up the paper first thing on Tuesday morning, as she had done for the previous 6 weeks hoping to find the right job. She searched the ads quickly and the only job offering flexible working hours was as an assistant to a manager just out of town. The ad wasn’t very uninformative. There were no clues as to what the company did or what her role would be. But the hours and rates of pay looked good so she gave the number a call. “Hello, Pam West speaking.” A well spoken lady...

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The first time I saw Min Young-ju was the day she came in for a job interview. She was from Korea and new to our country. My wife and I have a small business in Phoenix and we're always trying to find front office people, so it wasn't unusual to give interviews at anytime during the week. The only thing I remember about her during the interview was that she never said a word to anyone, except to my wife, and that she was sort of cute. I was surprised when Cheryl told me that she'd hired...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 2

The music was just as I liked it; loud, fast, hammering my ears. The deep bass rhythm had my body moving on its own. My hands were raised over my head as my whole body twisted to the beat. The two guys I was dancing with were enjoying it too. I could tell. The one in front of me kept his body moving along with mine. His hands were on my sides and the straining bulge of his slacks kept brushing the front of my leather pants. The guy dancing behind me was even less subtle. His hands were...

4 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 5

Michelle exclaimed, "This was even better the second time!" "And I got to see it this time too," my mother said with moistness streaming down her face. All this was such a turn around from the direction our lives had been taking. Yesterday I was about to tell my mother my world had fallen apart and then I got surrounded by Bubble-Wrap! Lindie. My Bubble-Wrap! No, my TWO Lindies were my bubble wrap. I wanted to be surrounded by them. I wanted to be surrounded by BOTH of my Lindies. So...

1 year ago
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Reddit Spanking, aka r/Spanking! Are you a fan of spanking? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated just to that fetish, and everyone is welcome to check it out. So, take your time and explore everything r/Spanking/ has to offer… it is a free subreddit after all. Or you can just continue reading since I shall pretty much explain all that you need to know about r/Spanking/ and Reddit.There isn’t much to be said about this fetish, or so to speak to be fair. You are either into spanking or not, since...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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my panty fetish

How i got started to love nylon panties. At age 12, i rode my bicycle to school which was several blocks away from home. I would pass by my aunts house on the way to school. one day i had to use the bathroom and didn't think i could make it home in time, so i stopped by my aunts house. She lived alone and never married, because she said she never met the right man. I went into her bathroom and while in there i noticed two pair of panties hanging on the shower rod. I was sitting on the...

2 years ago
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Football Party Part II

Todd and I sat at opposite ends of my couch, watching a football game. My girlfriend, Jessica, sat between us. The three of us had just finished having a hot threesome. Jessica was still topless and wearing a pair of tight skimpy blue shorts. We all stared straight ahead at the television while Jessica gently massaged us through our shorts, waiting for us to become aroused again. I replayed the earlier events in my mind. At the climax of our threesome, Todd's cock was in my mouth, shooting...

3 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

2 years ago
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Sex With One Uncle In Bangalore

Hello all this is Rahul. Me 21 years slim and very smooth boy currently in Bangalore. This I am sharing my story that happened in Bangalore city just few days ago. First let me tell something about my beautiful body, I have tempting girlish like slim n silky smooth body without any hairs and tiny small bubble ass. I wasn’t been in gay scene but I realized few older men look at me in different way and like wise I watched some gay porn out in curiosity. I saw few movies of skinny boys with...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Talaaqshuda aurat ki choot maari

Hello friends main summit33 years ludhiana ,punjab se hoon maine abhi tak bahut fuiddi maari hain humaare mohalle me 1 aurat rehti thi jis ki umar 24 years ki hai woh hospital me kaam karti haiuski duty kabhi day time kabhi night hoti hai meri us se jaan pehchaan ho gayi hai..1 din maine raaste me us ka mobile no. Le liya aur raat ko usse dial kiya aur kahin milne ko kaha pehle toh usne mana kiya jor dene par maan gayi usse main apne 1 frnd ke ghar le gaya jo apne gaon gaya tha aur mujhe apne...

4 years ago
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Watching Sue

My job had taken me away from home, only to return for two days at most and not every weekend. Our relationship had always had an element of fantasy and fun. It was a good relationship and strong. I had just returned home for the weekend and as usual we always preferred plenty of sex play before making love, sometimes it could last for hours. We were gently playing with each other and chatting about our respective weeks. Sue said that she had been swimming, not unusual but I sensed...

4 years ago
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Office Life Is Cool When You Have Someone To Fuck The Whole Time

Life in my office was not that interesting as others may have… My story is almost 8 months back.. It was my ex company where i was working but due to extra stress for sales I was quitting it. I had 1 month before leaving it was that period when my senior send a new recruit at my site. JAYA. she was maybe 3-4 years elder to me with wheatish in color with a figure of 30-32-36. Looking at her I just thought when will I get to bang such a lovely ass.. Whenever she used to walk front of me I would...

3 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 5 Bringing Home a Kitten

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission. This chapter is another sort of interlude like Chapter 2 was. Coming...

2 years ago
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Mature lady

I was 18 and at college , a bit wet behind the ears so to speak, but with a eye for the ladies , older ones do not know why but always had a thing for older ladies.My course tutor was a lady of around 50, and short dark hair lovely rounded breasts, well made thighs, and a bottom that just said mmmmmmmm.She always dressed with a blouse, that showed her breasts, off, and a skirt just above the knee, with tan stockings or tights, with a nice heeled shoe.The last class of the week on Friday...

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The Neglected Wifes Revenge

I had been working on a difficult project with a looming deadline for about three weeks without giving much thought or consideration to life outside the job. I had not taken time for personal time, including spending time with my wife. She said she understood and had kept herself busy with her work, friends and outside activities. Until one Saturday morning. Having worked late into the night Friday night talking to personnel across the country coordinating a solution to our problem, I was...

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FootsieBabes Katya Rodriguez Quickie with her Pinky

Mr Pete has business in town, but before he needs to see his sexy foot fetish lover, Katya. Ms Rodriguez has the ankles that Pete would kill for, and the first thing he does is place his mouth all over those sexy toes. Soon he gets to sucking on the tiniest cute little pinky, the final tip on her perfect body. These two bang away, as Katya Rodriguez goes extra deep throat on her illicit lover. She cries extra loud with lust as he fingers her hard to a moaning orgasm. As he spanks her breasts,...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter 26 Freshman Year

I returned to school in the middle of Freshman Week. I was in an upperclassman dorm so I could drink whenever I wanted to. Janice and the cataloging were coming along well. Since we had already cataloged all shows through the middle of summer, there were only maybe fifty or sixty a week to catalog, which took little time. Mike, our senior resident, told me that a bunch of freshmen would be coming over for Q&A that night. They were short one senior and asked if I, a lowly sophomore, wanted to...

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I felt quite good to have ridden the city of a filthy vermin, yet I needed to see my sweet Elizabeth in order to feel more man than beast again. Only the touch of her creamy flesh would expunge the violent death from my hands. I was desperate to see her flawless face before me; it was the only thing that would help erase the sickening vision of the filth I had just eliminated.I need you, Elizabeth! I need you now…The hour was late, but I went to her anyway, weaving my way silently through the...

2 years ago
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Pumping Mom

Melody opened her son's door queitly so not to disturb him. All she really needed were the clothes he had been wearing last night. Brian was good enough to have put all his other clothes in the laundry room as she had asked. It may have taken 18 years to get this far but Brian was turning out to be the polite young man they had hoped him to be. Brian slept peacefully with his back to the door as Melody titoed in and began gathering up his clothes from the floor. His even rythmic breathing...

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My Sons Need Comes True

The last eight years had been strenuous for both of us. I had suddenly found myself all alone with a nine-year-old son after his father had left us in the lurch for a younger model with fairer hair than mine. The years had passed me by, sexually, and I became the mother, carer, the responsible adult, constantly looking after my son and watching him grow into a young man, a teenager.He had grown up to be unsure of himself at times, and I did all that I could to give him the confidence he needed...

3 years ago
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How a brother8217s lifelong love affair with his younger sister began

My affair with my sister began when we were teens. Even today, as she nestles in my arms after a long afternoon of lovemaking, I still marvel at her rich chestnut hair, her high, firm breasts, her slender, tapered legs. Over the years we have clung together, drifted apart, found one another again, and refreshed our love anew. We kiss. I reach for her even as her slender fingers travel down my body to grasp my cock, stroke it stiff again, and then she glides underneath me, and once more I revel...

2 years ago
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What Are Friends For Part 1

Why not, I had nothing else planned; “sure” I said. “Cool,” was his response, “see you then”. We talked a little while longer about different things; mostly chit-chat about nothing in particular. I was getting tired, so I said the customary lines of text and signed out. I can’t remember what I did after that exactly; I probably got a drink or something then watched some film or TV show from my DVD collection. It’s really not that important actually. Before I got too tired I went and brushed...

4 years ago
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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 5

And back to the present Distantly I heard someone saying, “Sam? Sam? Sam?” then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was standing beside Janice and was grinning like crazy. She had a small bandage on her forehead. “The doctor has finished his exam, Sam, and there is no sign of physical ... or mental problems,”...

2 years ago
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Darlene By: Malissa Madison 6/16/2013 Daddy and Momma Jill loaded up my Mustang on the back of TooTall's Mack by the time we emerged from our motel room the next evening. My Momma's and Daddy were there and my brother's Wolf and Red Wing. My sisters Rose, Flower, Night Wolf and Lorelei, and it seemed like everyone was about to start crying. And then Momma Missy started crying and I started crying. Then I noticed Momma was driving Beauty...

3 years ago
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Ponygirls for Christmas

Ponygirl's for Christmas By: DonnerTie "What about this one Lizzy?" I held up the black latex corset. A look of utter embarrassment spread across my friends face. Her cheeks had turned crimson red, and she quickly averted her eyes. "No I don't think so Kelly" she managed to whisper. She tried to hide her discomfort by turning back to the rack of latex and rubber outfits that hung in front of her. I looked down at the shiny piece of material in my hands. It felt deliciously smooth to the...

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The ProdigalTwentynine

I WENT TO WENDY’S ROOM after I’d put the boys to bed, trying to explain to them that Kate was going away for a while, but no, it wasn’t like when Meddy’s daddy went away. She and the Trips were going on an adventure and we’d hear from them soon. I said it with conviction—as if I believed it. Every time I looked at any of my lovers, I felt their incriminating judgment. I’d driven Kate away. I’d let her drift, hidden what I was painting, held back some portion of my trust. It was my fault that...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 14

Saturday Interviews, Contracts, and a Party David woke up alone. Margaret had decided to stay at the office overnight to have a Hen Night with the girls. She was a little worried about the workload on Friday having had an impact on the other people. The load had been pretty extensive and while everyone was serviced, there were some signs of overload. Everyone wanted more goats to keep the program working, but David was afraid that anyone they added would change the mix. The situation with...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 15

On his way home Tim Crowell mulled over the events of the past week. He needed to talk with someone and he didn't know who to talk to. He had professed his love to Janie but he was sure she didn't love him as much as he loved her. He knew that Janie and her brother Joel were sleeping together ever since Janie had walked out on her husband Hank. Tim wasn't sure how all the pieces of this puzzle fit together. He wondered how Joel felt about Janie. He wondered whether or not Joel wanted...

3 years ago
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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 1

Bill Lorde propped on his elbows, grinding away at his wife’s insides.Amanda Lorde lay underneath, wincing and whispering, ‘I love you’ in between kisses and her approaching climax.“Oh God… Oh God,” Bill strained as he nestled his head next to Amanda’s and their sweaty bodies reached a simultaneous peak of release.When the deed was done, he rolled off and they lay panting; turning their faces to each other and sharing a toothy grin. Amanda lowered to rest on her husband’s hairy chest and he...

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Whatever Works Chapter 3

Ed pulls into the parking lot and clocks in, then goes directly to Arnie's office. He knocks lightly on the door and Arnie looks up from his computer. Seeing Ed at the door, he motions him to come in. "Hey Ed, have a seat, even if you didn't help me with Molly." Ed glares at him, "Whoa now, buddy, you shot yourself in the foot with that bullshit about driving yourself and not telling me, and kinda forgetting to tell your wife about Charlene. You have to admit you made yourself look pretty...

3 years ago
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Block Party

My wife had always been the life of the party. She could knock back the drinks with the best of the men, and always stayed out way past the rest of the wives. The only down side of having such an otherwise perfect wife, was that she was not very adventurous sexually. And unlike most people, when she drank she really lost interest. I had always fantasized about seeing her fuck other people. Swinging, cuckhold, her licking pussy or having her pussy licked. Hell if it were up to me, we would be...

4 years ago
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Teddy Bear Sex

Hi Sexy people. Handshake to boys, boobs shake to girls. Thank you for all who responded for my previous stories. This time I’m gonna narrate a cute story. This happened between me and my beautiful and cute friend. Let’s get onto it straight. Guys, your hands on your dick and girls, your fingers in your pussy now. I have a friend called Sahana, whom I met over the internet. In fact she was one of the reader of my sex story and we became friends. In the beginning we used to talk more about sex...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 179

A group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, accompanied by two female teachers, went on a field trip to the local racetrack, (Churchill Downs) to learn about thoroughbred horses and the supporting industry (Bourbon), but mostly to see the horses. When it was time to take the children to the bathroom, it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the other. The teacher assigned to the boys was waiting outside the men's room when one of the boys came out and...

4 years ago
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Back from Iraq Examination

Another essay, another glimpse at an officer back from overseas duty and the places he visits with his girl. * The sweet tart red tropical juice trickled down my throat and soothed away the heat. How considerate of the room steward to leave the pitcher and ice, I thought. His soft comment earlier in the morning however, deeply concerned me. Spoken as I left the breakfast veranda in a quiet aside and meant to be complimentary, the effect was like a depth charge to my psyche. ‘Missy not so...

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