Challenging Deirdre Pt. 02 free porn video

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The first words glittered across the screen. Evening, darlin.’ Welcome to my virtual home.

Hi, lover.

The cursor flickered a moment as he typed. Missed you.

It was funny, but I’d actually missed him too. I wasn’t going to admit that, though. Is that a fact?

His response was swift. You betcha, sweetcakes! What are you wearing?

Well, if he wanted cyber nookie, I could certainly oblige him! A sleep-shirt and some freckles, lover man. Care to count them?

Another short pause. God, I remember those freckles baby. Each and every one of them! Are you comfy?

The masseuse had just left. I was relaxed and my muscles were liquid. Umm… Very… What are you wearing?

Again, a quick response. A smile… Are you tucked up in bed yet?

I snagged a sip of wine before responding. Not yet… just lazing about…

The cursor blinked a moment. I’d give anything to see you. Don’t suppose you have a web cam on your end?

I smiled. Little did he know, but I had all kinds of goodies in my bag of tricks. Just a minute… brb… I quickly set up my web cam and positioned my laptop on top of the table in front of me. Grinning ear to ear, I shucked my clothes, struck a pose and hit the enter key.

‘Hot damn, babe!’ Gabe’s husky voice emanated from my speakers.

I leaned over so the mic would catch my voice. I knew my full breasts were clearly on display. ‘You like?’

‘Oh, yeah. I like. Give me a minute here…’ I could here scuffling in the background on his end, then suddenly my screen was flooded with color images of his rangy body in all its naked glory.

I dropped my right hand to my lap, drawing his attention to my body. I’d spent the entire morning at the hotel’s spa and was sporting a new ‘look.’ ‘Notice anything different?’

I watched Gabe scoot closer to his screen. ‘What’d you do, darlin’?’

I spread my knees, exposing the smooth, clean surface of my pussy. ‘I tried something a little different.’ I stroked a finger across my labia. ‘It’s called the Brazillian look.’ I tilted my head and blinked innocent eyes up at him. ‘What do you think?’

Gabe swallowed and his penis, already semi-hard, twitched upwards. ‘Ahh, damn…’

I leaned slightly backwards into the overstuffed chair, bringing my heels up to rest on the edge of the cushion and splaying my knees even further apart. My foraging fingers delved between my lips, stroking. ‘Of course, that’s not the only new thing. I had this little item done right after I left.’ My fingers spread wide, exposing my clitoris–and the small gold ring I’d had inserted there.

I glanced toward the screen, noticing that Gabe’s eyes had turned molten and he now had his left hand wrapped tightly around the base of his penis. Teasingly, I flicked a fingernail against the ring and made it quiver. I shivered and my eyelids half-closed. Once the pain had worn off, I’d had a hard time keeping my hands off of it. It was absolutely amazing what the little piece of jewelry could do for me.

‘God, babe. I wish I was there with you. Or you were here with me.’ He stroked his hand upwards, caressing himself. ‘Touch yourself, Dee. Let me watch you find your pleasure.’

‘Hmm…’ It was a little strange. I’d done many things, but I’d never masturbated in front of an audience. I’d only done it solo. My lips quirked as I thought of the things I could do in front of the camera.

Slowly, I slid my left upwards to caress a breast. I let my mind wander, imagining Gabe’s large hands stroking, pinching, pulling. ‘Mmm…’ My right hand caressed my labia.

I could see movement on the screen. Gabe had shifted on the bed to lay on his side. He’d tucked one hand under his head and was using the other to stroke his engorged member. ‘You look so hot, babe. Are you thinking of me? Thinking about my touching you, tasting you?’

‘Yes, Gabe.’ I rubbed the tip of my finger across my clit. I pushed a finger into my vagina, burying the digit as deep as I could. I groaned softly. I was wet and oh, so hungry. ‘God…’

Gabe licked his lips. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glittered. ‘Talk to me, Red. Tell me what you want, what you feel.’

I blinked. ‘Umm… ah, Gabe.’ I pushed another finger into my sopping cunt. ‘Unh… I want you to bite me.’ I pinched my nipple hard, surprising even myself how effectively simply saying the words brought about a reaction in me. Goose bumps spread across my skin. I shifted my hips a little, trying for a better angle. ‘I need your hands on me.’ I stroked my palm downwards, across my belly. ‘I need your length deep and hard inside me.’ I began pulling and pushing my fingers in and out in a slow, steady rhythm.

‘I’m with you, babe. Can you feel my teeth against you, grazing across your nipples? Can you feel my hot breath across your neck and shoulder?’ He paused, drawing a deep breath. ‘I’m so hard, babe, I could pound nails. Aah…’ He shuddered. ‘I can see how wet you are, how ready you are for me.’

I whimpered. ‘Oh!’

‘It wouldn’t be gentle, Red. It would be hard and it would be fast. But you’re so ready, you could take me.’ The speed of the strokes over his penis increased. ‘Can you see it, baby? Can you see me mounting you, taking you. God, pounding deep, deep inside of you?’

My lids flickered. I could see a glistening sheen forming on the end of his shaft. I stroked my fingers harder, faster, lifting my hips in rhythm to the thrusts of my virtual lover. I cried out, ‘Aah!’

‘I’d have your knees hooked over my elbows, spreading you wide. Your dainty feet would bounce against my back as I pounded into you.’

I could almost feel the way his balls would slap against the cheeks of my ass as he rode me. I slid my other hand downward, pressing my index finger hard against my clit. ‘Yes, oh yes. Ahh, Gabe. I can feel you… feel you inside me.’

His hips jerked spasmodically. ‘Hurry, baby. I don’t want to cum without you.’

I opened my eyes wide and stared at the screen. I watched his hips move, matching my rhythm. I pushed my fingers harder, faster. My finger flicked rapidly across my clit. My cheeks flushed. My lips fell open softly. My breathing and heart rate increased. I was so close… so close. My head dropped back and I groaned. ‘Ohhhh! Oh-oh-oh… oh, my God.’

There was some furious grunting from the computer in front of me. Then I could hear Gabe’s answering groans. ‘Ahh! Oh, yeah… that’s it…. unh… uh-huh! Shit!’

The room grew quiet. My breathing calmed as I came back to myself. I brought my hands up, resting them on the swell of my stomach. I brought my knees together and dropped my feet to the floor. My eyes flickered open and I saw Gabe sprawled across his bed, his stomach and legs covered in cum. He was beautiful. My lips tipped up in a satisfied smile. I’d been right earlier. Oh, the things I could do in front of a camera.


I had a devil of a time concentrating on business later. I had come to Belize to negotiate a purchase of real estate for a U.S. based manufacturing company. Thankfully, my staff was quite capable as I’d spent most of the last couple of days wearing this huge, goofy smile and staring blindly out the window. I’m certain they thought I’d lost my mind. Two days and a solidly negotiated contract later, I turned the entire project over to Jace, called it quits and headed for home.

I’d called and left a message for Gabe providing my arrival information. I didn’t really expect him to meet me at the gate, but thought he might like to know when I was due back.

I was extremely surprised when I stepped off the plane to find a limo waiting for me. I occasionally used a car service, but couldn’t think of a single reason why anyone would send a limo for me today. The driver tipped his hat as I approached. ‘Ms. Bennett?’

I smiled and nodded. ‘Yes, I’m Deirdre Be
nnett. Were you waiting for me?’

He nodded. ‘Yes, ma’am. Are these your bags?’ He pointed towards the curb.

‘Oh. Yes, they are.’ I was still recovering from my initial surprise. ‘Did Tess, er I mean Ms. Klein, arrange for this?’ I was certain that after talking to Jace, Tess and the rest of my staff were fully convinced I was in need of a little pampering, and quite possibly an extended vacation.

The driver shook his head, opening the door to the rear compartment for me. ‘I’m sorry, miss. I’m not privy to the details of the arrangement. My supervisor simply told me when, where and whom to pick up. Perhaps the gentleman can tell you?’

Gentleman? I popped my head through the door. ‘Gabriel!’ My face broke into a smile.

Gabe reached out a hand, pulling me into the car. ‘Hello darlin’ girl.’ He slipped me onto his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around me. ‘Welcome home, Red.’

I dropped my bag on the seat next to me and completely melted into his embrace. I was home.


An hour later, I was comfortably ensconced in the large garden tub in Gabe’s apartment. I tilted the glass of champagne up to take a drink.

Gabe leaned over the edge and tapped a strawberry against my lips. ‘Open up.’ He instructed.

I did as I was told, biting into the firm, sweet flesh of the tender fruit. The flavors of the berry and the wine combined on my tongue were wonderful. ‘Mmm… you’re spoiling me.’

A hand grazed lightly across my shoulder. ‘I think you need a little spoiling, Red. All work and no play leads to burnout.’

I rested my head against the edge of the tub. ‘Hmm…’ Maybe, but the ‘all work’ bit had been a habit for so long I wasn’t really sure I knew how to do anything else.

He dropped his lips to mine, kissing me softly. ‘I’m thinking I’d like to take a little vacation. Maybe a week or two. It’s a slow time of year and I could probably get away with it on short notice.’ He tilted my head upwards to look into my eyes. ‘Don’t suppose you’d be interested in keeping me company, would you?’

Dating and sleeping together were one thing, taking a vacation together was something else entirely. I searched Gabe’s eyes. I think he knew he was pushing the envelope of our ‘relationship,’ but I could see this was important to him. I sighed. ‘Gabe, I…’

‘Think about it, okay? That’s all I’m asking.’

I closed my eyes. There really wasn’t anything preventing me from taking a vacation right now. I owned the firm and made my own schedule. I had a responsible, capable staff. It’s not like I couldn’t delegate the projects I was currently working on. I drummed my fingers against the bowl of my wine glass. ‘Alright.’

He went still for a moment, then leaned in to kiss me again. ‘Thank you.’


I was mellow from the wine, warm and relaxed from the bath and cozily comfortable wrapped in his oversize terry cloth robe. I sat on a barstool, my bare feet dangling from beneath the hem of the robe, watching Gabe as he prepared and cooked our evening meal.

It was odd. Gabe had touched and held me almost continuously ever since picking me up from the airport. Though, he hadn’t once pushed for sex. I dropped my gaze to the front of his jeans. He wanted me, that was more than obvious. But he was holding his needs in check, concentrating instead on mine. ‘Why?’

‘Do you like mushrooms, Dee?’ Gabe asked as he stirred something that smelled absolutely wonderful.

I brought my thoughts back to the present. ‘Umm… I love mushrooms.’

He pulled a tray from the oven, removed a mushroom, dipped it into the sauce he’d just finished stirring and handed it to me. ‘Here, try this.’

My eyes closed. ‘God, that’s good!’

‘Stuffed mushrooms and marinara sauce.’ He dropped several onto a plate along with crisp slices of pan fried bread and a small bowl of marinara. ‘Here, Red. This’ll tide you over for a bit.’

‘Mmm…’ Maybe he figured he’d pushed too hard earlier and had decided to back off and give me some breathing room. I tilted my head. ‘Could be.’ Somehow, though, I thought Gabe was more direct than that. ‘Gabe?’

He pushed the plate closer to my elbow and smiled at me. ‘Eat, baby.’

I glanced at him thoughtfully as I chewed. ‘Gabe, you’ve been every inch the gentleman today.’ I sipped my champagne. ‘Why?’

He leaned over the counter to drop a quick kiss on my lips. ‘I’m courting you.’

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. ‘What?’

He smiled and his eyes twinkled. ‘Shh, darlin’. No pressures, okay?’ He wiped his hands off and came around the counter. ‘C’mon. Let’s take our nibbles into the living room. It’ll be a while before dinner’s ready.’

I slid off the stool, gathering the hem of the robe up so I could walk without tripping. ‘Gabriel, I really think we should talk about this.’ He’d walked off without paying me any attention. I stomped my foot. ‘Oooh! That man!’ I hurried after him. ‘Okay, fine. We won’t talk about it. But you are not courting me Gabriel Jarmon!’

He set the plate and our drinks on the coffee table. Turning, he swept me up into his arms and plopped onto the couch. ‘Whatever you say, darlin’.’ He latched his lips onto mine and deftly slid his hand up under my robe all in one motion. His fingers found the smooth skin at the juncture of my thighs. ‘Ahh, it feels like I’ve been waiting eons to touch this. You’re so smooth here, so soft.’

‘Mmm…’ God, I’d wanted this from the moment I got off the plane. Hell, I’d wanted this ever since our night of virtual nookie three days ago. ‘Please…’

He sought out my piercing, deftly finding the head of the stud I’d put in this morning. ‘Hmm… not a ring today…’ He rolled it back and forth, making me groan. ‘What’s this?’ He loosened the belt of the robe and dropped me backwards onto the couch. He tapped my knee lightly. ‘Open for me, baby. I want to see my present up close.’

I smiled broadly, opening my thighs. He’d gotten a peep when I’d disrobed to step into the bath, but not much more than that.

I watched his eyes darken in pleasure. ‘Ahh… Red.’ His hands reached down to me, stroking and massaging. His left hand spread my labia. ‘God.’ The right hand went to the stud. ‘That is so very, very sexy love.’

I bit my lip, shifting my hips, trying to get closer to those fingers. ‘Gabriel…’

He pushed a finger up against the stud, making it rub across my clit. ‘I’ve read about these.’ He glanced upwards, watching my reactions as he played with the stud. ‘But I’ve never known a woman who actually had one.’ His flicked the jewel with the end of his finger, making it vibrate against me. ‘Tell me.’ He turned his gaze away from my cunt. ‘Does it make you feel good when I do this?’

‘Yes.’ I panted. Oh, God yes it felt good.

He slipped two fingers inside of me, stretching me. ‘You’re already wet.’ His tongue licked sensually across his lower lip.

I arched my back off the sofa. Damn, I’d had enough. I didn’t want foreplay. The whole evening had been foreplay. ‘I want you. Inside me. Now! Please, Gabriel. Please come inside me.’

He grasped my wrist, bringing my hand to his zipper. ‘I’m hard, Red. Rock hard. It’s going to hurt if you’re not ready.’

I reached frantically for his button and zipper, nearly ripping his pants off him in my haste. He could rip me in two and I’d let him do it, if only he’d come inside me.

He shifted my hands. ‘Easy, honey.’

‘No!’ I shoved him backwards, hard. I didn’t want easy and I didn’t want slow. Standing, I reached down, grabbed his pants and pulled. ‘Oh, yes!’ Finally, the man was naked! I dropped onto my knees beside him and swung a leg up and over his lap.

He shivered when I rubbed against him. ‘Ahhh, baby girl…’ His hands settled on my hips. ‘Slow down just a little, darlin.’ Just a little.’

I looked into his eyes as I reached my hand down between us. ‘No.’ I grasped the head of his penis an
d positioned it right where I wanted him. I kept my eyes wide open and focused on his face as I slid downwards along his silky shaft.

Hot color slashed his cheeks and his lips parted. ‘You’re so tight.’ His hands tightened on my hips, forcing me downwards, making me take all of him at one time.

My eyes watered. Ahh, shit. It hurt! ‘Mmm… don’t move… please… Just… give me a minute.’ I took a deep breath and shifted my hips.

Gabe shifted his hands, cupping my breasts. Dipping his head, he sucked my nipple into his mouth. The hard, pulling, moist suction sent a shaft of pleasure straight to my loins.

‘Mmm…’ I began to move, slowly, rocking my hips against him. I liked this position. I could take as much or as little of him as I wanted or needed. Using his hard body for leverage, I pushed upwards–lifting until only the head of his shaft was still in me–then slid back hard.

He grunted, turning his head slightly so he could take the other breast.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and increased the tempo of my hips. Harder and faster I rode. I was starting to pant. God, I couldn’t get enough of him!

His hands fisted in my hair, pulling my head back. He buried his lips in my neck, biting and sucking. I knew there’d be marks there tomorrow, but I didn’t care.

I could feel his thigh muscles tighten. Once again his hands dropped to cup my hips, trying to tame me, to control the speed and depth of my thrusts.

‘No!’ I grabbed his hands, pulling them upwards. I held his hands tight in mine and pressed them against the couch behind his head. I was in control tonight. This was my game and we’d play by my rules.

‘Dee… Baby… Please, I…’ His eyes were wild. He was helpless in the throws of passion.

Now he knew how I felt every time he took me. I looked deep into his eyes. ‘Let go, Gabe. Let go and fly for me.’ I whimpered softly as I continued to thrust. I was so close… so close to heaven. But, I needed to wait for him. I wouldn’t fly alone tonight.

He shifted slightly, moving deeper into the couch. The new angle increased the friction inside of me. Beneath me, I could feel his balls tighten and his penis lengthen just a bit. ‘Ah, damn…. Babe, I’m gonna… Ungh!’

As soon as I felt the first hot jets of cum begin to spurt deep inside me, I relaxed and let myself go. Together, Gabe and I soared.


I could hear a faint beeping coming from somewhere on my right. I raised my head from Gabe’s shoulder, confused for a moment.

He reached up and kissed me. ‘Dinner’s done.’

Ah. I snuggled back down and let the world melt away once again.


Thursday was awful. I worked like a dog to clear my schedule. Tess was in absolute shock. I think in the five years she’d worked with me, I’d taken only a handful of days off–and that included holidays.

I spent a hurried fifty minutes on the phone with Jace, wrapping up the details on the Belize contracts. Jace was worried that I was taking two full weeks out in the middle of negotiations. I told him I was fully confident he could handle it. He was very good, just hadn’t had enough time in the trenches to establish a solid sense of what he could do. And, of course, I’d leave information with Tess so she could reach me if there was an emergency.

Noon came and went without my ever leaving my desk. Tess took pity on me and ordered Chinese. I’d really have to give her a raise… again.

Freedom came around 7:30 that evening, after all calls had been returned and the staff had gathered for a quick booster session. I was tired, but pleased with my progress.

I had just picked up the phone to make a quick call to Denny when I heard the outer door open. I’d sent Tess home to her family and was basically alone in the office. I stood, keeping the phone in my hand in case I needed to make a call to security. ‘Hello? Can I help you?’

Much to my surprise, it was my own personal Viking . He was grinning ear to ear as he turned to lock the outer door and then pushed his way into my office, carrying a blanket and a large picnic basket. ‘Hey there, darlin’. I talked to Tess a couple of hours ago. She said you’d probably be here ’till 9:00 or 10:00 tonight wrapping things up, unless I decided to come down and drag you out forcibly.’ He chuckled and the sound poured over me like warm whiskey.

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The Window Ch 02

Obligatory disclaimer: All persons represented in sexual situations/activity are over 18 years of age. Any resemblance to real people living or dead is entirely complimentary, and should not be construed as meaning I give a fuck. Enjoy reading. Jen took a few days recovering from her last session, the orgasm had been violently intense, and the ache in her newly opened pussy took time to go away. She didn’t grudge the time at all, she was reading the small book from the bundle, which turned out...

3 years ago
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Danni TylerChapter 4

On Sunday morning Danielle woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. After tossing and turning, she finally got her robe and slippers and padded down to the study. She clicked through a few programs on TV that didn't seem to make any sense, but soon found a movie that looked interesting. From a few bits of dialogue she decided it was a romance set in the early days of The Project. The kissing didn't look faked and about halfway through the movie she caught a glimpse of an absolutely...

3 years ago
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Gramathu Pennai Iravil Sex Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana gramathu pennai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar karthick vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan chennaiyil vasikiren. En paati veetirku varudathirku oru murai poi varuven, salem gramathil en paati veedu irukirathu. Angu sendraale ilamaiyaana pengal ellam koviluku varuvaargal, angu sendru pengalai paarthu sight adipen. Enaku innum thirumanam aaga villai, gramathu pennai kalyanam seithu...

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One Handed Tales 5 Sissy Chrissy Pressie

One Handed Tales: #5 - Sissy Chrissy Pressie By Sarcastic Slut The final year of University, I moved in with my girlfriend Suzie. One of her housemates had moved out at the end of the previous year and there was space for me. Her other two housemates were another two girls on her course - Marie and Kelly. Obviously in a house with three women I saw some interesting things and also very occasionally got caught up in their silly jokes, like making my face up or styling my long...

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Mom had never slept in satin sheets, nor with me. By Oediplex 8==3~ It was autumn. Not just the Fall, but Indian Summer too; one of those perfect set of days, when it was not too cold and the humidity remained low. My favorite time of the year. Mom's too, and since I live in a pretty part of New England, with the foliage in full flourish, I invited her out to my place. I wanted to get her out. Not just out to visit me, but out of her apartment, out of the City; and out of her...

2 years ago
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Working Girl 3

Working Girl 3 By Susan Brown. For some reason, Mr Percy was dancing rumbas in my panties, trying to break free from its nylon prison. I could not believe that I was the same person. 'Wow.' I said with awe. As I looked at my new self, I realized that I was the spitting image of my mother. Okay not exactly, but probably when she was a girl about my age. My mum always dressed young and could have been my older sister in the photo I have on my shelf in the flat. I realised that to...

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My first day of school

I hade made it through most of the day thinking only about the girl I had met in the morning. She was just running through my mind all day long. Thinking about her gave me a hard on every time I thought about her and it drove me crazy how beautiful she girl was. I wanted to see her again in the worst way, just to see her smile again and admire her beauty. When I left my second to last period of the day I felt my chances of seeing her again for that day running slim. I hung my head low as I...

1 year ago
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SMOMS IngridChapter 8

Now that Mother had officially called me, I expected her to hang up, and I never would speak with her again. “I don’t want to lose you, Mother.” I pleaded. My well exercised tear ducts ratcheted up to full gear. “I’m suppose to talk it out with you.” She huffed. “Talk.” “It’s all my fault.” “I doubt that. You and Andrew don’t have that dynamic.” Mother knew because my son’s dynamic took after hers. “Yes, he was complicit.” I backpedaled. “But I never should have involved...

4 years ago
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A Bar HookUp

I had just turned twenty=one and was exercising my right to drink in a bar. I met this guy there. Frazer was an average looking guy. Probably late twenties, I thought he was just being friendly at first, so I was just being friendly back. We talked about sports, then women, then oddly, sex. We drank for quite a while. During the course of the evening, I noticed that Frazer would bump his knees against mine, occasionally. I thought nothing of it, since it was getting crowded. When the noise...

Gay Male
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Im Not a Slut

Lexis was a Senior at Albert Lawrence High School. She had gone there for four years, and had lived in the small neighborhood since she was a baby: she knew everyone in town, and everyone in town knew her. Everyone knew her as a mild, conservative girl. Not too shy or outgoing, she was never identified as "the mousy nerd" or "the drunk party-girl." And she was happy like that. She had had three boyfriends throughout her four years of high school. Her first, John, had dated her for a year,...

2 years ago
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This one time, I was really pissed with my mother as she insisted on saying,"What can a doctor achieve?You need a boy to fulfill you,love."I don't understand what is the necessity for me to search for boys being in high-school .I cursed violently and entered into my dorm I shared with my roommate , Zafar. Coming to my roommate, he was a complete knock-out. Hot, lean ,athletic, short straight black hair,the bluest of blue. And guess what? He never has a girlfriend. never! It's been so long that...

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Modern Relations part 01 Alexandra breaks a rule

Alexandra and Kevin made a point taking a break from their busy careers and social lives one Sunday of each month. Kevin called it Lazy Sunday. In typical fashion Kevin declared rules for this special day. He had a thing about rules Alex learned soon after they started dating. There were lots of rules in his place. Alex didn’t mind since most were sensible. Lazy Sundays had a special set of rules. Rule number one? No TV. So they typically spent the occasion reading, sunning, working out,...

3 years ago
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Caught with Consequences Pt III

Caught with Consequences Pt III By Teaser "So, lets get started then, shall we? Take off your shirt and give us a spin." Realizing that resistance was futile, at least for the time being, I complied. I took off my shirt and dropped it on top of my pants. I did clumsy 360. After all, what the hell was I supposed to do - strut down a catwalk? "I was afraid of that." She said out loud to no one in particular. She's afraid? She's Afraid? SHE'S AFRAID!?! "What are you...

1 year ago
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Queen Of Seduction

Queen Ankhesentiti lay in her chambers one day, bored and wondering what she would do with her day. She got up off her luxurious bed and walked out onto the rooftop terrace overlooking her palace courtyard.She stood on the terrace, leaning on the stone railing as she looked out at the land she ruled. It was a fine land, rich with resources and wealth. She was quite content and her people were happy with her as their ruler. Queen Ankhesentiti was a fair and just ruler, benevolent to her people,...

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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 4

Commander Whitfield with the Gamma Ten, transporting a half-dozen scientists from as many Earth centres of learning, beat Scott home by twelve hours. They were not aware of the tensions, or the attempted use of force. They didn’t realise the increased significance of the challenge they received on making transit. Their first indication of trouble was being met by an armed security detachment. We gave them a brief run-down on the events while they’d been en route, checked that they were who...

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Wifes Wet TShirt in Hotel HotTub

My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...

2 years ago
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Yarnos Last RaidChapter 1

When I got home from Crosley's Wells, I was shaken to my bones by what I saw. The Army had promised us that the Chiricahua Apaches had all moved to the reservations and we could expect no more trouble from them. That's why I had made the trip into town for seed without a worry for my family. Martha could shoot as well as any man, and she was no fool, so I was staggered when I saw that my homestead had been raided. There was no question that Indians had done the monstrous deed. For no other...

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Eva My Pool and Five Football Players

My new friend Eva and I were out swimming in my pool. It was a hot afternoon and the cool water felt fantastic. There was also the fact that Eva’s tanned skin looked amazing in bright contrast against her white bathing suit. Her suit was high cut at her hips exposing her long legs. The back was cut almost to her bodacious ass. There was a hint of ass crack showing. Her breasts were barely contained by the thin material that was tied between her deep brown breasts on a two inch gold ring. Almost...

3 years ago
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Sweet Desire

She feels his hands softly squeezing her shoulders as he comes up close behind her. She feels his breath hot as he bends down, his lips touching the soft pale skin of her neck, his teeth nipping her lightly as his tongue darts out between. She trembles, knowing he is smiling as she quivers under his touch. He shifts; moving his hips forward and she can feel him pressing hard against her ass. Her hips move, pushing back against him, rubbing against him, in her mind she imagines she can feel the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Miranda Miller 01092018

You’re about to watch super-cute Miranda Miller take her first-ever big, black cock! This is something she’s been masturbating about for years. Whenever she’s laying in bed, alone, horny and wet for action, Miranda’s mind wanders to a place where big, black Bulls with extra-big dicks roam, stretching little tight, white pussies until they’re close to tearing! It’s her very favorite fantasy, and today it’s going to be reality! Miranda’s a...

3 years ago
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My Mom Fucked By Her Collegue

My mom name is Amu and she looks perfect structure her size was 38-32-38 when she smile dimple in her face and her eyes was very attractive her body notable part is her ass well curved ass while she walking very men on street must notice her ass bouncing. I am doing degree near my mom office and my time and her office time same time we both leave house and office same time and we used to travel by train every day train will come very raise and she try to go inside but I will be there in near...

4 years ago
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Infinite Lives

(Writers note: this is a horror story. There will be some violence, but ill put a warning on any chapter that gets too intense so players can avoid it.) There was darkness, darkness and fear. That is all Kenna Smith can see and feel. There is something hidden deep within her memory. Something fighting to get out, but she has no idea what it is. There is an infinite blackness. Infinite blackness, except. Yes there are a pair of violet coloured eyes staring into her soul in the darkness. Fear is...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 60 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 3

FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...

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Casino Pays Out Big Time

Casino Pays Out Big TimeLast weekend my wife went away on a girls weekend up to the cottage, so on the Friday night I decided to try my luck at the casino. I was probably only there for 20 minutes when the machine I was playing hit a mini jackpot. The bells went off and a casino employee came over to verify my winning machine. I won $2500. Not to bad I thought! I took my winnings and went to a fancy restaurant in the casino and ordered a $100 steak dinner. After dinner and dessert I got a room...

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Remembering Becky Ch 05

Thank you for hanging in there so far and especially for the wonderful support and encouragement shown me by so many, both public and private. * A picnic? Well, I wasn’t planning on anything like that yesterday when this grand adventure started. Then again, there wasn’t a whole lot that had occurred that WAS expected. Dreams and expectations are two totally different things. So as Becky turned on the shower, I briefly thought about what we could bring on this picnic. Seconds later, when I...

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EvilAngel Amirah Adara Beauty8217s Thick Cock Ass Reaming

Amirah Adara is so incredibly beautiful that director Nacho Vidal can’t help himself. Wearing a tight bikini, she flaunts her insatiable body as Nacho grunts from behind the camera. He lays her on his massage table, pours oil over her naked body and has his way with her. She uses two hands to stroke his fat, girthful shaft, and she rides him to an intense orgasm as he fingers her clit. He reams her sweet, tight asshole while pussy juice oozes down her leg. Amirah sucks dick ass-to-mouth...

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Take Me to the River

IOnly a few of use knew the place. Behind the music room, past the tennis courts, then a snaking, furtive path under the apple trees, where the short grass of the sports fields gave way to untended meadow. To the far side of the school grounds, a hundred yards from any watching eyes. Then down the slope, and through a barbed wire fence that your boyfriend had to hold for you as you squeezed through, hoping you didn't catch your skirt on one of the points. Safe now, you held hands asyou...

First Time
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The competitive Team The Beginning

Inspired by True Events. Based on a true story. This story isnt all sex and has some plot line so you can get to know the females I have had sex with. More sex will come later but if you are looking for instantaneous sex and a fast fuck this is not the story. If you want a good story then this is the one. Please comment and rate ! Enjoy! Criticism is welcomed also ! I never would have imagined that my life would have been full of bliss. I remember saying bye and departing with my friends in...

3 years ago
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Got Jerked in Male Room

I watched so much porn this week that my inner horn dog needed something different..Took a trip into New York City and visited a wonderful sex shop with movie peeps. They have two areas, one for private peeps and one for buddy peeps. I chose the buddy booth, in hopes of attracting a buddy. While waiting for a "buddy" I discovered there are two types of buddy booths. One type has a "round cylinder peep hole" that a buddy can stick his cock through to have it sucked. The other type has a long...

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My fy Vacation

Chapter One – Daydreaming This true story took place the year of my 17th birthday. It was the last real f****y vacation my f****y took together. I was 17 years old, almost six feet tall, still a skinny k** but my muscles were developing as I was getting into lifting weights. My hair was dark, cut short, dark skin complexion like my mother and I have blue green eyes, which I got from my father. It was late summer and dad decided we were all going to Virginia Beach for a week vacation. My 38...

4 years ago
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BenjamandaChapter 21

Bink’s turn: The next morning, we brought Ada to the fuel dock and topped off the tanks. No, we weren’t near empty. We could do ‘trans-Atlantic’ if we wanted to do it. Ben, though, is all about being safe. “And fuel will be MORE expensive at Key West,” he said. So, off we go again, heading southwest, getting cleared of the shallows, also getting a bit offshore to cut down on random traffic. This IS South Florida, you know. Boating’s a big attractor (I mean, WE’RE here, for example) and if...

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Animal ThreesomeChapter 4

Cally stayed in bed all the next morning. Depression weighed on her like a huge slab of lead. Her father had been right. One misstep on the road to sin, and a person just sank deeper, deeper and deeper into the painful fires of hell. God! It was awful. Whatever had possessed her to leave Idaho falls, whatever had possessed her even to go to lunch with a strange man that Sunday after church? It was as if she were possessed. Possessed by the devil! She forced herself to get up, and went...

1 year ago
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DistributionEpilogue A Happy man

October 2009 Amanda had everything worked out, she thought. She'd done a good job of convincing everyone that sacrifice was necessary, but she had not foreseen the pitfalls that presented themselves. No one could have. We were married in December, 2008. Mona and Patrick changed schools after Christmas vacation. Paige's parents came for the wedding, but after deciding that they would prefer to live next door, where my office was located, they returned home to Boston, temporarily, they...

2 years ago
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Who Am I Now

Who Am I Now? By Vivian Bird I had to look perfect tonight. My new boyfriend was coming over shortly to pick me up and I wanted to look both sexy and stunning. We had met earlier today in a coffee shop and hit it off right away. He accepted me as I was immediately and I was mesmerized by his good looks and personality. A couple of hours later, I was sitting on his lap and kissing him, right there in the coffee shop. Tonight we would...

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The Story of Jenny Part One

Jenny was your average teenage girl. She had slightly long, blonde hair, that ended somewhere between her shoulders and the middle of her back. Her nails were nearly always painted black, aside from the times where she felt adventerous with her make up, at which they'd vary from a deep red to a very light blue. Her eyes were a deep blue, like the ocean. A clean ocean, not one thats filled with pollution. And she always worse a ruby red lipstick, that looked darker when compared to her...

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Ed BiggersChapter 14

As Kelly stumbled into the restaurant, Ed examined her, hardly believing what his eyes were telling him. Her hair was wild and she acted like she was drunk. Looking at her, it appeared that she was in a state of shock and unaware of her surroundings. She even walked past the table where he was sitting before standing next to a chair at the counter. Martha immediately greeted her, “Hello, Kelly.” It took Kelly a moment to remember that she had been at her wedding and several more moments to...

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Chris BeakerChapter 10 Eat It

I awoke refreshed and ready for the day, I was going with Nichole to meet up with Colonel Marlow at his London office. I had packed away the three parts of our security system along with the report that Nichole had created about our concerns regarding Anderson. We signed out of the House and got into the car, Nichole pressed the communications button on the dashboard. "Control? This is Major Moodie and Advisor Beaker in CJ3. Radio Check." She said "Major Moodie, signal okay 10 by 10....

4 years ago
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The Limo Driver part 3

Bonnie woke up and went through her normal routine and was thinking about a week and a half ago. She was thinking that if it keeps going like this she is going to have enough money in a year to buy a house. She drinks her coffee and heads out the door, on her way to work. The weekends are the busiest times for her. She gets requests for her to drive all the time, and she wonders what it is about her that people seem to like. At work, Don (her boss) tells her she has a...

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