Run Ch. 03 free porn video

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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity.

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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.

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‘Thanks for seeing me on such short notice,’ Pat said, having a seat in Dr. Martin’s office once again.

‘Not a problem. I must say I’m happy that you’re so much more willing to talk, particularly since you’re not really required to be here anymore.’ The attractive redheaded woman looked over the top of her glasses at her young ‘patient.’ ‘What’s on your mind?’

Pat had worked it all out in her head, but suddenly her words failed her. She just sat there with her mouth open.

Carolyn Martin was amused. This was a bright, athletic and beautiful girl, but she had the social skills of a hermit.

‘When . . . when did everything get complicated?’ Pat practically growled, standing suddenly and beginning to pace. She felt a pressure inside her that had grown increasingly uncomfortable as of late. ‘I don’t know what to do, and I’m not even sure what the problem is. I mean, they’re just teenagers . . . I guess friends . . . so . . .’ She stopped and took a breath. She had to keep control of herself.

Carolyn watched the young woman enter into an almost trance-like state. ‘Are you really THAT afraid of letting loose?’ she asked.

‘What do you mean?’

‘The whole point of coming in here to talk to me is so that you don’t need to keep stuff bottled up, but you’re still trying to do that. Just let it out.’

‘I can’t,’ Pat whispered, sitting down. ‘Mr. Baker doesn’t like mistakes.’

‘Your father . . .’ Carolyn was in the rare situation of getting frustrated herself. ‘Is pleasing your father THAT important to you? So important that you’d drive yourself insane to do it?’

Pat uttered something she’d never thought she’d say out loud. At first, she wasn’t even aware that she was doing it. ‘If I make him ‘proud,’ he forgets how disappointed he is in my brother. And making him ‘proud’ is the only thing I know how to do.’

For a moment, there was silence. It was the most genuine, personal thing that Pat Baker had ever admitted to anyone.

Carolyn walked over, knelt and took Pat’s hands in her own. ‘I don’t understand what it must be like for you. I know of both your parents. People like that don’t move to a town like this and not be noticed. Big time players, right? But you don’t have to be like them. You’re eighteen years old. You’re entire life is ahead of you.’

‘I’ve already told you,’ Pat whispered, depression setting in. ‘It’s not my life.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because . . . because I don’t know how to make it my life.’

Carolyn kissed the girl’s hands. It wasn’t a come-on or erotic in any fashion. It was a sympathetic move.

‘The first thing you have to do is open yourself up. Let these new kids in your life be your friends. Let them in. And for crying out loud, give yourself a break! Let yourself make mistakes.’

‘I can’t. If I make mistakes . . .’

‘I know, you’re father will be disappointed. But if you don’t, you’re going to make yourself sick, and you’ll wind up making mistakes anyway.’

Pat sighed. She wondered if Ms. Martin had any idea how accurate she was, or of how sick Pat already felt most of the time.

Carolyn smiled. ‘Talk to your friends. They’ll probably admit to a lot of mistakes. But they’re probably happier than you seem to be. Actually,’ she added, ‘why don’t you talk to Lola?’

‘Your . . . girlfriend?’ Pat asked. ‘Why?’

‘Because Lola can probably explain better than anyone that making a mistake doesn’t have to be the end of your life. It could just make it the beginning.’

———– ———————-

At lunch the next day. . .

———– ———————-

The group of four teenagers was sitting at their table, and Keith was telling the story of when he and Gail, then both fourteen, had gotten caught trying to toilet-paper the house of a local politician who had been trying to get the city council to past a stricter curfew ordinance for the district they lived in. The motion-detector activated lights, causing the two conspirators to panic. When they turned to run, Gail’s foot had slipped and she had fallen into the soft earth of a flower bed. When the owner of the house had looked out his window, all he saw was a mud-covered creature dripping lilies and leaving a trail of toilet paper screaming down his lawn. It had been pretty easy to find which house she had gone to at that point, and Gail had been grounded for a month. Throughout the story, Gail had tried to keep her face covered to hide her blush, but she was also laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe. Todd was grinning and taking mental notes of things he could use against his girlfriend at a later date.

But Pat noticed one thing about the story that almost got glossed over. Despite his involvement, Gail hadn’t turned on Keith. And Keith had appreciated that. He had snuck over to her house whenever he could and they played cards and gorged on the candy he brought. They had tons of stories like that. Todd had heard them all already, so Pat’s ears were a welcome outlet.

‘What about you?’ Keith asked, looking right at the newcomer. ‘You ever get in trouble?’

Pat wracked her brain. ‘No, not really.’

‘Your dad keep a close eye on ya?’ Todd said, a grin on his face. Todd looked at his comrades. ‘On a military base, everyone knows who the boss’s kids are. You’re a brave soul if you’re the one who gets them in trouble.’

‘I guess,’ Pat said. ‘No one really tried.’ Her friends looked stunned. ‘You’ve never really dealt with Mr. Baker. He’s not someone you cross,’ she added, trying to find something else to look at. She noticed that Lola, the lunch lady, was popping out the back of the kitchen. ‘Hey, I’ll be back in a few.’

Keith watched Pat stand up and wander off. He figured she was just going to the bathroom. He also caught himself checking out her firm backside. Gail had said she was in great shape, and he had often wondered just what that drab fashion of hers was hiding.

Pat snuck out of the cafeteria and around the side of the building. She had half expected to find Lola smoking. Instead, she was kicked back against the wall reading a book.

‘Lola?’ Pat said.

The beautiful, tough looking Hispanic woman looked up and smiled. ‘Hey. Carolyn told me you might be comin’ round sometime.’

‘She did?’

‘Yeah. Figured you were finally tryin’ to figure stuff out in your head. Got it in that brain of hers that I might be able to help.’

Pat sat down next to her. ‘What are you reading?’ she asked.

Lola held up the book. It was titled ‘Tender Buttons’ by Gertrude Stein. ‘She’s one of my favorites.

‘I’m not good at poetry.’

Lola put the book down. ‘I can’t get enough of it. I write some too. Carolyn keeps encouraging me to do it. She wants me to send it to some agent or publisher or somethin’. It just helps me get my head clear.’

‘I wish I could do that,’ Pat muttered. ‘How . . . how did you two meet?’

‘In prison,’ Lola replied. She noticed that Pat didn’t back away or look nervous. ‘This is one c
ool customer,’ she thought. ‘When I was young, I thought I was invulnerable. I was the baddest girl in the world,’ she added, a look of sardonic amusement on her face. ‘Strange. I always thought I didn’t need anyone, but eventually that just made me pick the wrong kinda people to be around. Don’t get me wrong . . . I’m not passin’ the buck. I made my decisions. I just didn’t have anyone around who tried to help me make the right ones.’

‘So how’d you end up in jail?’

‘Armed robbery,’ Lola said. ‘I had a big-time heroine habit to support. Me and these guys were gonna hit a liquor store. Things went bad when one of my supposed friends decided it would be fun to rough up the guy behind the counter. It was just some white kid workin’ his way through college. That was when I realized that somethin’ was wrong. I didn’t want to hurt nobody. It was just one of those moments, ya know? I realized I’d let things get so bad that some kid wasn’t gonna get capped just ’cause I needed a fix.’ Lola closed her eyes. It wasn’t one of her favorite memories.

‘What happened to the clerk?’ Pat asked. She was totally absorbed in the story.

‘He lived. My associate pointed a gun at him and I stood in the way. Could’a swore I was gonna die right then and there. Kept tellin’ him that we didn’t need to hurt nobody and that he’d be in a hell of a lot more trouble for killin’ somebody than for robbin’ ’em. Didn’t know the clerk had already triggered the alarm. I was just standing there when the cops showed up. My partners freaked. One of ’em ran out the back door. The other turned and pointed his gun at the cops. They shot ’em dead right in front of me. I dropped my piece. I was scared shitless. Cops came stormin’ in and pointing guns at me. The bad-ass-bitch was cryin’ like a baby when they stuck me in patrol car.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Pat said.

‘Don’t be. I put myself in that place. But I got myself a majorly reduced sentence for tryin’ to help the clerk. He actually showed up and testified on my behalf. I’d tried to rob him, and he was tryin’ to help me. It sucked. I’d finally decided I wanted to turn stuff around when the judge’s gavel was comin’ down.’

‘But you did, right? Turn things around?’

‘With help from a certain redhead I did.’ Lola noticed that Pat looked confused. ‘She was providing psychiatric evaluations for the prison. She started there about a year after I arrived. Weird. I wasn’t even on her case list. But by then, I’d started spendin’ time in the prison library. I figured I needed to know more stuff if I wanted to turn my life around. I didn’t have the slightest fuckin’ idea how I was gonna do it. Mostly, I just wound up reading books of poetry. That’s when I started writing but . . .’

‘But what?’ Pat asked.

‘But I was scared to show it to anyone. I felt like such an idiot. But one day, Carolyn was doing an interview in the library ’cause her usual meeting room was being renovated. She saw me readin’ a book of stuff by Edgar Allen Poe. I don’t know why she did it, but she came over. I still remember her quotin’ ‘The Bells’ just off the top of her head. I just looked up and saw this . . . beautiful woman . . .’ Lola was actually blushing. ‘All I could say was ‘Hi. I Lola.’ I just stared at her and she started to laugh. She was just so . . .’

‘Beautiful?’ Pat finished with a smile. ‘I got that part.’

Lola covered her blushing face with her book. ‘Sorry. It’s hard to stop once I start with that. Anyway, she just sat down and talked poetry with me. Some of my stuff was on the table, so she just started readin’ it. She liked it for some reason. I dunno. But she started comin’ round to see how I was doin.’ She was the only visitor I had, and sometimes she’d drop by the library when she could take a break from work. She donated some new poetry books to the library so I’d have more stuff to read.’

‘When . . . when did you figure out that there was something more between you?’ Pat asked. ‘Sorry. I guess that’s none of my business.

Lola smiled. ‘Prison riot.’


‘Prison riot. The maximum security wing ‘residents’ decided they didn’t like there living conditions I guess. Anyway, when things get hot in a prison, they lock everything down to keep the mob from spreadin’. She and I got locked in the library together with a couple other girls. These other inmates were lookin’ over the Doc like she was a sack lunch. I let ’em know in no uncertain terms that they weren’t goin’ to get anywhere near her without a lot of blood loss. They knew I meant business. She and I went and hid back up in the stacks. Carolyn’s no scaredy-cat, but she was freaked. She was clinging to me . . .’ Lola was remembering how wonderful the woman had smelled. ‘Sorry. This is the part where I need to stop talkin’,’ she said. She could still remember Carolyn hugging her for protection . . . then kissing her and then . . . Lola had fucked a lot of people, but she had never made love until that day in the stacks.

‘That’s the same looks SHE gets when she talks about you,’ Pat said.

Lola felt her heart flutter. ‘She does?’


Lola was smiling from ear to ear. ‘I’m so lucky I found her. I wanted to make my life better, but I don’t know if I could do it on my own.’

‘But you DID make it better,’ Pat said.

‘Yeah. I just had to make a decision. Continue along a self-destructive path or make a new one. I made the choice, and Carolyn made it worth it. I had to lean on her a bit, but sometimes that’s the way it goes.’ Lola shook her head as if coming out of a sleep. ‘Sorry, I can’t believe I babbled on like that. Carolyn said you might want me to talk about something. What was it?’

Pat smiled. ‘You just said it,’ she said. She stood up and headed back inside as the lunch bell rang. She looked back. ‘She really does love you, you know.’

Lola clutched her book and sighed. She couldn’t wait until she got home. She had a certain redhead she needed to make love to for a long, long time.

——— —————-

That evening . . .

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Carolyn dropped her keys and purse off on the end table next to the front door of an apartment. She stopped in the hall, taking a deep sniff. She smelled a heavenly aroma! Something spicy, Carolyn suspected.

‘Hot damn!’ she thought. ‘My woman’s cooking!’ Her girlfriend made the best Mexican food on the planet. But as she turned the corner to the kitchen, she discovered that food wasn’t the only thing Mexican on her menu.

Lola was standing next to the stove, her strong hands chopping up an assortment of peppers and onions. She was wearing a chef’s apron and . . . that was all. Her brown hair tumbled softly down her back, leading Carolyn’s gaze to that firm, perfect bottom. Lola glanced over her shoulder, a shy but sensual smile residing on her face.

‘Hey beautiful,’ she said, turning back to her work but flipping her hair and exposing that delicious neck to Carolyn. Carolyn couldn’t resist, just as Lola had expected. The redheaded woman sidled up behind Lola and kissed Lola’s neck. She pressed herself against her girlfriend’s naked back.

‘What’s the special occasion?’ she asked. ‘Not that I mind.’ She kissed Lola’s neck again.

Lola was struggling to keep calm. She wanted to drive Carolyn insane. ‘Just felt in the mood,’ she replied. She put the knife down, reached behind her and grabbed one of Carolyn’s hands, placing it on Lola’s bare ass cheek. ‘Mind keepin’ those warm?’ she asked. ‘The rest is almost done.’

Carolyn wasn’t sure what was going through her lover’s mind, but she liked it. Normally, she wanted Lola to be aggressive and just fuck the living hell out of her, but sometimes it was nice for a more romantic evening at home. This was apparently going to be one of those nights. She squeezed Lola’s ass, trying to slide her hand up the woman’s body but having it slapped away with the broadside of the knife.

‘Unh unh,’ Lola reprimanded
. ‘No dessert until after the meal.’

Carolyn grumbled, but inwardly she was happy. She knew that Lola was up to something and it could only be good for her.

‘Why don’t you have a seat . . . besides mine, that is,’ Lola whispered, turning and giving Carolyn a warm kiss.

Carolyn didn’t want to play anymore. She wanted to do very naughty things to Lola. But the girl, who was ten years her junior, was in control. She walked over to the dining room table and sat down. When she did, she felt her foot brush against a bag on the floor. ‘What the . . .’

‘Don’t you dare look in there,’ Lola said. ‘As a matter of fact, maybe you should put your hands on the table.’

‘Damn it,’ Carolyn thought. She had wanted to provide herself with some personal relief while she waited, but Lola wasn’t going to let that happen.

Soon, a sizzling plate of fajitas was placed in front of Carolyn, while Lola took a smaller portion. The redhead was a little surprised, as normally Lola was a voracious eater. Lola took off her apron and sat down naked across the table from Carolyn.

‘Eat up,’ she purred.

No sooner than had the good doctor put the first fork of meat and spices on a warm tortilla than she felt something against her knee. Slowly, Lola was pushing her foot between Carolyn’s thighs and against her swollen mound, rubbing against the woman’s panties with her toes.

‘Oh . . .’ Carolyn gasped.

‘Keep eating,’ Lola said with a grin. ‘You wouldn’a wanna upset the cook, would you?’

Carolyn started to eat. Every morsel seemed a million times more delicious than the last. And all the while, Lola’s foot kept pressing and rubbing and kneading Carolyn’s crotch. Juice from the meat was dribbling down her chin as her own juices were dribbling down her thighs.

Lola quickly finished her own meal, preferring to spend time watching Carolyn savor the bites and the passing moments. The doctor’s face was perspiring and some of her hair was plastered to her forehead. And no matter how much she ate, she still obviously hungered.

Carolyn gripped the edge of the table as she felt a wonderful and familiar pressure in her loins. She squeezed her thighs together against Lola’s leg and pressed her panty-clad pussy against that loving foot. And she came. It felt like it would go on forever as she achieved release on Lola’s toes, and she half wished it would. She arched her back and stared at the ceiling as her breasts heaved and her body tightened, expelling her cum with abandon.

She barely noticed when the pressure from her groin vanished, but when she looked across the table, she definitely noticed that Lola was missing . . . missing until, that is, Carolyn felt her knees being pushed apart by a force under the table. Soft lips caressed the insides of her thighs, as did a talented little tongue. Carolyn couldn’t eat another bite. Her body was at maximum arousal, and her stomach just wasn’t interested in anything. It was Lola’s turn to satisfy her appetite.

Lola sniffed her lover’s crotch, then licked it . . . then kissed the moist satin of Carolyn’s panties . . . then placed the width of her tongue against the fabric and drug it upward. The tongue started to move faster while Lola traced her fingernails along the sensitive skin of her girlfriend’s inner thighs. For Carolyn, it was maddening. For Lola, it was just the beginning.

Lola let her hands drift to the floor where she opened the bag that Carolyn’s foot had brushed against earlier. From it, she withdrew a small vibrator, a butt plug and a bottle of lubricant. She got the butt plug slicked up first, then nudged Carolyn’s legs a little further apart before coaxing her to scoot closer to the edge of the chair. She then grabbed Carolyn’s panties with her teeth and slid the plug into the redhead’s willing asshole. She could feel Carolyn’s sphincter clutching at it like a baby at a pacifier.

‘One down . . .’ Lola began. Then she fired up the thin, five-inch tacky-pastel-green vibrator and pressed the first inch into Carolyn’s sex.

Carolyn was chewing on her cloth napkin and groaning somewhat loudly. Lola was running the vibrator up and down her slot while sucking on one outer labia and then the other. Having something in her ass was a happy bonus. Since Lola could check, Carolyn shoved a hand into her own blouse and tweaked her nipple.

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by Sanity's Plight 1. Quick Beginnings "Some days I feel like work follows me home." She smiles, "You don't seem to mind that much." "Hey, that's not fair." She cocks an eyebrow at him. "If I couldn't work, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am very good at this, and it's what I do." "I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy you like your work." He's not usually this touchy. He's agitated. Maybe he's getting it from her. "Sorry..." A satyric smile, "Come...

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Fair Warning: This story is mostly a tease, but I hope it leaves you wanting the next chapter. Tom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist. It was true that at the age of 47, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart -...

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RUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...

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Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...

Group Sex
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“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...

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60 Days as a Woman Part 1

60 Days as a woman By Fiction Girl Forward: I am writing these events after they occurred. I can assure you that there is an ending and I will let you the reader be the judge as to whether it is a happy one or not. My name is or was Joseph; my wife's name is Faye. We have been married for 8 years; we were married when we were 20 years old. We work hard, I was an Office manager and Faye is an Operating Room nurse. For the sake of the story I will tell we look like or...

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Becoming Emily Part VI

I was awoken the next morning by an annoyingly high pitched beeping sound. My first instinct was to reach over and slap the alarm clock but when I did the beeping tone didn’t cease. After a quick peek out of my window I saw that a moving truck was backing up to the Davis house next door. It had been empty for the last 6 months and I had mixed feelings about the idea of having a new neighbor. In a huff I collapsed back into bed but not 5 minutes passed when my phone rang.“Hello?” my one was a...

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Luna Meets A Lascivious Loiterer

“Well fuck you then! Ugly bitch!”Alan sat in his black pick-up and released a billow of cigarette smoke.Another advance.Another rejection.Another dose of bitterness.“When you’re sixty, you’ll be begging for this attention!” He drew in another cloud, inhaled, and then quickly exhaled followed by a chuckle.A bleached blonde with oversized, gold-framed sunglasses marched along the side-walk via his wing mirror. He planted his forearm on the vehicle’s window frame and smiled as she grew in the...

Quickie Sex
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Kat meet a young friend

My wife Kat is asked to give a talk at the high school on safty as far as dating goes. ( why her I have no idea) she thinks and then agrees to it. On the day of the talk a young gril about sixteen ask to talk alone so they go into the hall where the girl grabs Kat's tits Kat jumps back and says what gives here? the girl says my name is Tess and PLEASE fuck me just like you did my mom friday nite! Not knowing what to do or say the girl tells Kat friday nite about 8pm. my mom and me were walking...

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mum gets caught

I’d moved out of home along time ago, mum and dad got divorced when i was young, so it was just her, me and my brother that lived together. Im in my thirties now and live with my wife and two sons in another town, my brother now lives abroad. Mum is sixty three, so i go and visit her as often as i can so she’s not too lonely, she’s had boyfriends before but nothing serious, i think she prefers the single life. Mum had given me a key in case i needed to get in when she wasnt around, an act...

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CumLouder Amaranta Hank Amaranta Hank fucks a fan

Amaranta Hanks’ plans have been disrupted because, although the first casting she organized was very successful and Andreina DeLuxe tried out five amateur guys, now she’s all alone without even being able to take the next step and evaluate those same five candidates by herself. After apologizing for it, she decides to masturbate because she arrived feeling extremely horny thinking about the gangbang that was supposedly waiting for her but now, something else interrupts her. This...

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Christmas Vacation

With thanks to the founding fathers and the U.S. Constitution Chapter One It was snowing outside and the temperature was in the low twenties but the heat was stifling as I moved through the terminal. The flight was late... I was pissed! This fucking weather! Why the fuck did I want to go back East to college!? I dragged my luggage forward about a foot as the line crawled toward the ticket counter. I should have traveled lighter... Then I could have just gone to the gate! Nancy's e-mail was...

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Hot Night With My Busty School Teacher

A new teacher came to our school to teach hindi.She is from orissa.She had a son of 7 yrs.She took a house with her hubby near to my house and school.She is very white in colour and she has rep lips without lipstick.She had big boobs of 40 size.I am very weak in hindi as I am from vizag,andhra pradesh.So I know telugu and english only.After final exams in 9th std school was open for the students to come and collect their papers.Students can come and sit in school as per timings and clear...

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Sissys SheCock Training Part Two

As sissy sat facing the wall head bowed, my tongue was hard at work on Mitresses sopping wet pussy, eagerly lapping at her like a hungry puppy, Mitress taste so delicious her yummy wetness over my lips, chin, and in my mouth, giving a little gasp, and licking her lips, Mistress said oh god yes right there.Pushing my face deeper in to that hot wet heaven as i lapped at her tongue sliding through those wet lips flicking at her hard tingling clitty, Mistress gave a moan, shuddered oh don't stop...

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The Bradley BunchChapter 7 The Wedding Night

Six months had passed since the Bradley Bunch had all started fucking each other, and Lisa and Robert had finally gotten married. They did it on Saturday morning at the county courthouse. The ceremony itself wasn’t a big one, just the Bradleys and the Taylor cousins who had come up from San Diego. They took over a restaurant for a lunch reception, and that was a much larger crowd—friends, neighbors, and co-workers. There was food and drink and dancing, until 5 p.m., when the restaurant staff...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 2 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - Part 2 of 5 a story by PRIM The story so far: Roger Pressington rebels against the sissy clothes his mother Thelma chooses for him. Fortunately the boy's grandmother Valerie is a match for his independence. However, Thelma asks her good friend Sonia Forbes-Withers for help, knowing that she and her mother Agatha have made a good job of bringing up her son Jodie as a pretty, nicely dressed boy. The Pressingtons are invited to Sweetwell Park to see...

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Meri naukrani meri raat kali

Hi desi readers! I am 25 yrs of age and stay with my parents at home. We had a naukrani who does all the work of our home. One day what happened is my parents had to go to native place urgent for 2-3 days for Some property matters work. So my mom told naukrani to stay with me for 2 days And do all work (cook, cleaning etc). But she told no as she was having many other house and so she had no time. Then she agreed to keep her daughter mohini if my mom pays more. Also my mom agreed to her...

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A Pickup in the Pub

It had been a hard day at work, and Lisa was glad when she at last felt able to power down her workstation and make a dash for the door. She made a “fancy a drink” gesture in the direction of her friend Emma, but Emma made a miserable face and indicated that she still had work to do. That was a shame – Emma was good for a laugh in the pub, and could always be relied upon for some filthy gossip and the latest celebrity scandal. As she waited for the lift, Lisa weighed up the remaining options...

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Womens Venom Chapter 1

Women's Venom Historical Notes: The human body is very peculiar, different from other animals on the planet in many ways. This is particularly true of the female human. Females are one of the very few non-insect or reptilian species to come equipped with a stinger. However, this stinger has very different properties than others, which primarily use venom or the stinger itself for defense. The woman's venom serves a very different evolutionary function, reproduction. Women's...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 4 Different Strokes Day Off

Friday I got up and did my chores for the day. I was a real hot one. Knowing that the girls would be gone to their gymnastics class this afternoon, I thought I would go over and take a dip. Skinny dip that is. So after lunch, I got in to my suit just for the walk over. When I got there, I stripped down and went in. Splashed around for awhile and did some laps. OK, I was done, then I heard the gate swing open. God, I forgot to lock it. I got up close to the wall so no one could see my lower...

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Flight Attendant Lufthansa

Having just joined the Air force I couldn't wait to be stationed overseas at my new assignment. Germany. All I could imagine was flowing beer barrels and blondes as far as the eye could see. I had hit the jackpot. Not many men my age were given this opportunity to serve their country overseas. Having just turned twenty-five and being in the best shape of my life, I was eager to explore the world, and the women within it. I was about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, and had a decent tan,...

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Femdom Invasion

A society of aliens, ruled by females, is invading Earth. Here are the options: Amazines: Human in appearance, the Amazines are a barbaric people who are very strong and tall. They want to show all other races the superiority not only of Amazines, but females in general. Felinineceans: a cat-like society of hunters, the males of their species are not sentient. As a result of these two factors, they seek to hunt and dominate males of other species. LLirgs: a race of completely hairless...

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Giving Chuck A sexy Gift

"Come live with Chuck and me, Tricia," I implored her, pulling her to me."Why, Chloe?" she pondered, putting her clothes in a trash bag. "I'm just gonna move back in with my mom.""Well, I have an idea. I have a way to make it up to him, considering I've been cheating on him. How do you feel about having a threesome with him and me? You need a place to live, and that way, you won't have to pay rent or for utilities. I already talked to Joe and Bionca about it, and as long as you're on board,...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 22 The Queens Rage and the Masters Ride

Charley was able to immediately keep his promise to his daughters regarding the Summer Camp, and by the next afternoon, (a Sunday) all bunk house superintendents were passing out revised activity schedules to all the bunk houses, and at that evening's dinner, the kids enjoyed sitting with their friends, family and selected companions for the first time since camp started. With all co-gender programs up and running again, you might think that the Riverdale bunk house toll bridge would be a...

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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

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The wicked showoff

Elizabeth, my neighbor. She's 19 and she lays out in her yard topless getting a tan with her headphones turned up loud and her polished toes tapping. She knows I can see her, sometimes she looks straight and she smiles. She sits up rubs sunblock on her round 34b breasts. Then, if that weren't enough, my wife and her are friends when we go over there she know my wife does not know what she is up to.

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Keeping Company Ch 02

My deepest thanks go to NinaWild for taking on this marathon project. This story does go between past and present, but I do try to make it as easy as possible to understand as it does. ***** The Present… Mandy was already gone by the time Amy and I woke. We showered and dressed and I pulled the ‘do not disturb’ sign off the door on the way to breakfast. We were the last to arrive and the girls brought us up to speed on the gossip. Amy watched Mandy for a while before I gently tapped her leg...

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The Food DesertChapter 2

I sat there, watching those hips sway as she walked away, remembering. Mickey brought me out of my reflections. “So, that was your first wife. Damn, was she a child bride?” “Don’t let the clothes fool you. She’s actually two years older than I am, forty-one now. She’s just a very well kept forty-one. Appearance was always important to her.” “This is the first I knew about you being married before Maria and Sandy. What happened?” Ashley realized she made a mistake when she saw my face,...

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Kitty Girls Day Out

Part I: Full Fur Jacket I wore my kitty ears last night. It felt good. My Mistress, the lovely and amazing Mistress Laura, had asked me to wear them the next time I was online, so, of course, I did. The events of last night? Well, perhaps I won’t share the details, and I certainly won’t admit to peeing in a bowl before going to bed and drinking every last drop, still hungry for an orgasm, yet satisfied that I could make her cum. No, I think I’ll keep those details private, and just share...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 92 I Know Who the Father Is

“Listen up, everyone!” began Sonika Jharm. Sonika gave a few sharp claps with her hands to get the attention of all the members of the Redsands First Congregational Church Youth Choir. It took a few minutes but eventually all was silent in the choir chamber just out behind the church’s main platform area. Jessie Harper was sitting in the room with everyone else and waiting for the choirmaster to speak to them. She had a fair idea what Sonika was going to talk about but was still keen to hear...

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Experimenting With My Cute Bestie

Brie's vagina sat a few inches above my mouth. I realized I was salivating looking up at her. My eyes danced between her elated face, looking down at me from above and the delicate, moist flaps of skin whose warmth I could feel emanating across the short distance. Her thighs and butt formed a warm chamber in which my face felt surrounded by her private parts, swirling with the radiance and fragrance of her arousal. Slowly she lowered her pelvis down towards me. Her coarsely cropped pubes dusted...

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The ProtectorChapter 67

When I finally got my stomach back under control, I got dressed and packed my few clothes into my bag and set it by the door. Kat was still packing and grumbling about how she had so much stuff. I sat down at the table and was finally able to eat a little of the different pieces of fruit while I watched her. When she carried the third bag over by the door I was chuckling at her. She gave me a dirty look but kept packing. When three men from the village knocked saying they were supposed to...

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Prison Farm Pleasure

                           Prison Farm Pleasure!                                 TJ Ryder                                      Profusely illustrated Adult stories!                               Chapter 1                             Paula's Choice!     Summer at Oakdale Reformatory, the experimental female-runfacility for the correction of male offenders, was very pleasant, for the guards, with green meadows surrounding the starkly black and white huge concrete block...

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The Cycle By Michael J. Simmons (ADULT SITUATIONS: Male on Female, Male on Male or Female on Female. If you happen to be offended by sexually explicit situations or language between, Peoples then please do not read further. Also any Resemblances between this work of Fiction and any person’s living or dead, is not intentional.) Sebastian slowly got out of his car. It had been a long, long day at the Base and he really wanted to get home so he could go for a swim in the Commune pool. He walked up...

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Mary My niece0

True Story I live in an older house on the outskirts of a small town. For reasons too complicated to get into here, my wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms. She has the master suite on the main floor and I have a “man-cave” on the second. There are also two guest rooms with a spacious bath up here and my wife rarely comes up here. I am 30 and my wife is 31. She is a good looking woman, but totally uninterested in sex. I only some love every couple of weeks and its hurry up and get...

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StepSiblingsCaught Gracie Green Rosalyn Sphinx Scared Out Of Her Pants

Rosalyn Sphinx and her friend Gracie Green are watching a horror flick that is even more terrifying because Rosalyn’s stepbrother, Van Wylde, won’t leave them alone. He sneaks up behind the girls and puts a hand on each of their shoulders, scaring them. Then he takes a stick and uses it to lift his stepsister’s skirt for a peek underneath. When Van shows up wearing a Halloween mask, the girls realize they’re too scared to continue and abandon the movie. They move upstairs and start undressing...

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Ik Sexy Girl Ko Usi Ke Ghar Mai Pataya

Hello mai aap ka dost preetsing apne pehli real story lai ke aap ke bech hajir hon ummed hai aap is ka muje achs respons denge ta jo mai apne or bhi mare sath hoi ghatnaye aap ko bata sakon … Ye story nahi hai mari ik real ghatna hai jo ik saal pehle hoi thi or muje kafi majaaya tha is mai… Mai punjab ka rehne wala hon 5-7hight hai or avereg boddy hai ,, simpel but good looking hon or mera tool 5-5 hai jo ki ik normal size hota hai or 70%logon ka yahi size hota hai… Aaj tak jo bhi girl or lady...

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