- 3 years ago
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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity.
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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.
This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.
This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.
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‘Run’ Part 05
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Darkness was a funny thing. It seemed to hold whatever you were afraid of, even though you couldn’t see it. It is the screen you project your nightmares onto.
Pat Baker saw nothing, and that was her fear. She was used to seeing her brother’s smiling face. She was used to watching him run. She was used to him being there to cheer her up just through his love of life. His life was over, and her attempt to end her own life had apparently failed.
But as frightening as the dark was, she was even more scared of the light. She refused to open her eyes and see her father’s disappointed gaze. She had tried so hard all her life to keep him happy and off of Buddy’s back. He was probably trying to figure out how this little ‘episode’ was going to affect his plans for her. She doubted her mother was there at all. She was probably grieving for the child she had actually loved. Her uncle might be around. She knew how much that he had wished that she were stronger.
Then she thought of her friends, if they still were in that category. She had become the psychopath everyone had thought she was when Keith had been dared to talk to on that one fateful afternoon. She had almost begun to believe that life would get better. He was probably at home right now, thanking his lucky stars that he had discovered the truth about Pat before it was too late. About then, one of Pat’s headaches arrived, gnawing into the part of the brain right behind her eyes with vicious teeth and causing the blood in her temples to beat with an unholy rhythm. She tried to block it all out, squeezing her fists and her eyelids, trying to banish the pain back into the darkness that had sent it. She heard a distant beeping grow louder . . . the kind of beeping that accompanied a thin green line with period spikes marring its surface. Then she felt something cool inside the veins of her left arm and the pain subsided.
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In the light . . .
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Mary and Reginald Baker were asleep on a couch in the lobby nearby Pat’s room. Lyle Baker was walking the off-white hallways trying to get some circulation back in his legs. Tobias was leaning against the nurse’s station, making small talk and trying to dig for information. Keith and Todd and Gail had just returned from the cafeteria. Much to the chagrin of his school and team, Keith had decided to forsake the second game of the playoffs to be there when Pat woke up.
They sat down, and Keith glanced at Mrs. Baker. He had said some unkind things to her just before Buddy died which he now greatly regretted. She might not have been a great mother to Pat for whatever reason, but she had been a great mother to Buddy. And to be faced with such tragedy and then try and come to terms with her daughter’s suicide attempt was more than she deserved. Mr. Baker . . . Keith really couldn’t sympathize too much. He had frozen when his son was dying and his designs involving his daughter had been self-absorbed and self-centered. But mostly, Keith was concerned about Pat. Her spirit had died with her brother, and Keith had no idea how she was going to make it through, if she were inclined to even try.
‘Hey,’ Lyle said as he walked over. ‘You really should go to your game,’ he chided the young man he had come to respect greatly. ‘The doctors say there’s no telling how long she’ll be out. Even after getting her stomach pumped . . .’ He stopped. It had been a horrible process to watch. ‘She was exhausted and stressed and who knows what else.’
‘I wouldn’t be any good to the team right now anyway,’ Keith said. He had pitched like shit in the first game. He had been in shock over Buddy’s death. It was almost ironic. Everyone had thought it was when she twisted his arm that Pat Baker would keep Keith out of the game. It had taken something a lot more extreme. He had just quoted a ‘family emergency’ and had spent as much time as he could in the last twenty-four hours at the hospital. He looked over at Pat’s parents, then stood up and whispered to Lyle, ‘What’s going to happen? I mean, how do you think they’re going to handle this?’
‘I don’t know,’ the big man replied. ‘This was too much.’ The big man was choked up. ‘Buddy . . . now this. I know you don’t think much of them, but I know Reginald loves Pat, and Mary was trying to remember how. And before you get harsh with them,’ he said softly, ‘remember that their only remaining child is tied to a hospital bed.’
Keith sighed. ‘I wasn’t going to pick a fight. When Pat comes out of this, that’s the last thing she’ll need.’ He and Lyle noticed Tobias was waving them over.
‘I think she was awake,’ the butler said as they gazed in through the glass. ‘I saw her clenching her fists and . . . It’s something she does when she meditates, particularly when she’s got headaches. I’ve seen her in the kitchen doing it when she has a migraine.’ He covered his mouth with his hand and mumbled, ‘I should have done something. I should have told her parents what they were doing to her.’
‘We all should have done a lot of things,’ Lyle said. ‘But we get a second chance to do them now. Let’s not blow it.’
‘Is she awake yet?’ came a tired and feminine voice.
‘Hey Mary,’ Lyle said, hugging his sister-in-law. ‘No, but Tobias think she may have woken up for a second. She’s gonna live.’
Mary was staring at his chest. ‘What did I do?’ she asked. ‘I let my son die and drove my daughter to this.’
Keith stiffened his spine. ‘Buddy lived a long time because you both loved him so much. It’s the same reason Pat’s in . . . in there. Buddy loved his sister. Can you be strong enough to do the same?’
Mary glanced at him, her tear-stained eyes questioning him. Then she let go of Lyle and walked into the hospital room, pulling up a chair and taking hold of her daughter’s hand.
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In the darkness . . .
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Pat felt something warm. It made her want to cry. Her brother used to hold her hand sometimes when he knew she was feeling like crap. She knew it wasn’t him. She knew she couldn’t keep her eyes closed forever, as badly as she wanted to. So she cracked them open.
It was her mother in the room with her. Mrs. Mary Baker hadn’t noticed that Pat was awake yet. Pat glanced at the window and saw her Uncle Lyle, Keith and Tobias staring in the window. They most DEFINITELY noticed she was awake. They slowly walked inside, obviously nervous. That was when Mary realized something was up. Tobias left to wake up Reginald while mother and daughter locked eyes on each other.
‘What . . .’ Pat started in a raspy voice, ‘are you doing here?’ Her tone was empty.
‘Pat,’ Mary replied, her eyes, face and voice pained. She went to hug the girl who tried to turn away, finding herself constrained by a series of belts and buckles reserved for those patients on suicide watch and might be a danger to themselves. So she turned away from her mother as best she could.
‘Get out,’ Pat s
aid, still very hollow. ‘You don’t want to be here,’ she said, then paused, and continued, ‘and I don’t want you here.’
‘Patrice,’ came a voice from the doorway, ‘Honey,’ Reginald said.
‘You too,’ she whispered. ‘Both of you . . . out. I don’t want to look at either of you.’ She closed her eyes, preferring the darkness. ‘I don’t want you to see me.’
‘What are you talking about?’ her father mumbled. ‘Sweetie, you’re sick and you need help.’
‘You don’t give a damn about what I need. Just what you want.’
‘That’s not true!’
‘OUT!’ she screamed, bringing doctors and nurses running. ‘Get them out!’
‘Sir . . . ma’am, I think you might want to step outside.’
‘She’s our daughter!’ Mr. Baker shouted.
‘She needs rest and you’re distressing her,’ a doctor said.
‘She doesn’t need rest! She took a bottle of sleeping pills for God’s sake!’ Mr. Baker screamed.
For the second time in two days, Reginald Baker was punched in the face. This time, it was Keith doing the honors.
‘You stupid son of a bitch!’ the young man shouted. ‘How completely . . .’ Keith couldn’t think of anything that quite summarized how angry he was. The punch had done a pretty good job of that. Reginald and Keith were both ‘escorted’ to different areas of the hospital to cool down by hospital security. Everyone had forgotten about Pat in the scuffle, which is what she wanted. Except not quite everyone had left.
Mary Baker still sat at her bedside. A nurse touched her shoulders, indicating it was time to leave. Mary was crying softly.
‘I loved him too,’ she said, touching her daughter’s hand before letting herself be led away.
Pat could see Gail and Todd and Tobias and Lyle staring at her, quite obviously anguished. Her mother was still crying as she was led away. She could hear her father and Keith screaming at each other up and down the hallway until they were out of sight from each other. Then a nurse closed the blinds and turned out the lights, giving Pat the darkness she so desperately thought she wanted. But this time, the blackness held no nightmares or promises or fears. It just existed. It certainly didn’t seem to hold any answers. But after a while, it at least offered her some temporary oblivion.
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The next morning . . .
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Lyle had called his company and told them he was going to take an emergency leave of absence. It had been decided the previous evening, admittedly begrudgingly, to let him be the family liaison and Pat’s legal representative until she was considered to once again be in her right mind. Reginald Baker had been forced to swallow his pride when the doctors reminded him that her recovery was the most important thing. Mary Baker was struggling to cope. She wanted to wrap her arms around her son for comfort, but he was gone.
Keith had been sent home under threat of arrest for assaulting Mr. Baker the night before, but had been given permission to come by after classes if he promised to behave himself. Gail and Todd also had to go back to school, but promised to come by as soon as they could. They’d let the principal and Pat’s teachers know that she wouldn’t be in for a while due to a medical emergency. And it was Gail who had an idea about what might help Pat that everyone had agreed to.
‘Lyle Baker?’ asked a redheaded woman.
‘Yes?’ he replied, standing up.
‘I’m Dr. Carolyn Martin. I’m from Pat’s school. We met briefly at the tournament? Gail asked me to drop by.’
‘Thank goodness,’ Lyle said, shaking her hand somewhat energetically. ‘The kids said she might talk to you. Lord knows she ain’t talking to anybody else.’
Carolyn couldn’t help but notice how tired this mountain of a man looked. The woman’s mother looked completely disheveled and at her wit’s end, while Pat’s father was pacing the halls with a blank look on his face. ‘How is she?’
‘She’s stable,’ Lyle said. ‘She’s out of harm’s way . . . well, physically at least. But she won’t let her parents in to see her. When I go in, she just doesn’t say anything. I . . . I don’t understand,’ he said. ‘I know it must be hard . . . losing Buddy,’ he said, his voice choking. ‘But this . . . reaction . . .’
Carolyn put a hand on the big man’s arm as Pat’s parents approached. ‘I’ll do what I can. But the decision to survive or not is going to be up to her.’
‘What do you mean?’ Mary Baker asked.
‘I don’t know if she told you,’ Carolyn said clearly, ‘but I’ve been counseling her at school. At first it was just because she had behaved aggressively, but then she actually came by just because she needed someone to talk to. I quickly realized just how smart and how special she is. But her entire life had been based around one thing for a long time. Now she’s lost it,’ she added, and then looked at the parents. ‘And I’m so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what this last week must have been like for you.’
They just nodded, and then Reginald spoke. ‘Do you think you can help her?’
‘Yes. I can’t tell you about what she and I talked about, but I will tell you that I believe that based on those conversations, I believe that there’s fight left in her.’
‘Then please . . . get her to talk to us. Get her well,’ Mary said, her husband nodding.
‘Very well. We’ll make arrangements with the hospital administration to let me act, at least for the time-being, as her official ‘therapist.’ I promise you, I’ll do everything I can.’
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A little while later . . .
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Pat opened her eyes again. She had been awake for a while and knew someone was in the room. She heard the breathing and smelled a familiar perfume.
‘Great,’ she said tiredly. ‘More talking?’
‘I doubt it,’ Dr. Carolyn Martin said. ‘I suspect you’ll go silent again. Pain seems to be elevated to something almost honorable when it’s called ‘suffering.’ Suffering is something you can hold on to when everything else is missing and it’s something you get to do quietly. I’ve never been through what you’re going through and I won’t pretend to. But everyone, sometime in their life, feels pain or suffers in ways that YOU couldn’t imagine. You’re different Pat. Everyone knows that. But being different alone doesn’t make you special.’
Pat looked straight ahead. ‘Thanks for the fortune-cookie-lecture Doc. You can leave now.’
‘Actually, that won’t work with me. By permission of your family and the hospital, I’m your legally appointed psychiatrist. It’s up to me to decide if you’re intellectually and emotionally capable of rejoining society and won’t be a danger to yourself anymore. If I’m not convinced, then you’re considered incompetent and you go into the psychiatric ward until I say otherwise.’
Pat just stared.
‘And so begins the silence. You’re not like other girls. I doubt you’re trying to figure out how to lie to me so you can get loose. You’re not much for lying. You’re going to try and wait me out. But you won’t,’ Carolyn said. ‘Because I care about you.’
‘Shut up,’ Pat growled.
‘There are a lot of people who care about you these days. People who see you for what you are.’
‘A beautiful young woman who, for the first time in her life, is in more pain . . . more suffering than she can handle alone.’
‘You don’t know what I’m capable of!’
‘No. No one does.’ Carolyn drew a deep breath. ‘But Buddy did.’
Pat’s next explosion died on her lips. The pain dwelling behind her eyes finally pushed tears to the surface. ‘I . . . I . . . ‘ Pat fought to control herself, even though it seemed to make her head feel like it was going to explode.
Carolyn stood up. Pushing Pat more at that point wasn’t going to do any good. ‘I’m going to go ahead and let you think things over. I need you to believe me when I say this wi
ll get better. You’ll hurt over what happened. You lost someone you loved and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t hurt. But I don’t think your brother would have wanted you to be in this state. You’ll never forget him. But someday, thinking back at the time you shared will make you smile instead of cry. But before that happens, you’re going to have to decide to get better. And there are a lot of people waiting for that to happen.’
Dr. Martin stroked the forehead of the young woman who obviously need to cry but wouldn’t let herself. ‘I’m going to leave my phone number at the nurse’s station with instructions to let you call anytime you need to. Or call your folks or your uncle or your friends. Call Keith. Even if you don’t want to talk, it might be nice to have a shoulder to cry on. The nurse will bring you a speaker phone if you want.’ She kissed Pat on the forehead and then left.
————– —————-
That afternoon . . .
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Lola peeked her head in through the front door. Carolyn had called in sick after visiting Pat, so Lola had decided to run home and find out what happened. She found her girlfriend lounging on the couch in her terrycloth bathrobe with a bottle of wine and a glass. She wasn’t drunk . . . Carolyn had never seen the point of achieving that particular state of being. Rather, she was trying to relax.
‘That bad?’ the Hispanic cutie said, picking up Carolyn’s legs, sitting down and then placing those legs in her lap.
‘Pretty bad,’ the redhead replied. ‘It’s never a good time for a decent person to die, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. I think one of the reasons that Pat is hurting so bad is that having friends reminded her what it was like to feel good. Before . . . I don’t know. She might have just repressed it all. Not good, but I don’t know if she would have tried to kill herself.’
‘You’ll help her,’ Lola said as she proceeded to give her lover a foot rub, which was quite obviously appreciated. ‘You help the helpless. You’re like . . . like . . . like Superman with a Ph.D.’
Carolyn smiled. ‘Sometimes, even Superman needs help. I’ve got you. I know I can trust you. She’s so uncertain. She’s got parents with a history of emotional distance or disdain, an Uncle who’s a good man but can’t always be there, and friends that . . . well, that she’s just not use to having.’
‘But she’s going to be alright?’
‘I . . . I think so.’ Carolyn took another sip. ‘Enough talk,’ she whispered. ‘I need you. Just . . . just make love to me tonight.’
Lola touched her lover’s face. Then she took the bottle of wine and Carolyn’s glass and set them to the side of the sofa. The two just stared at each other for a moment. Then Lola leaned in and their lips made contact, sending small jolts of electricity racing back and forth.
Lola realized how frazzled Carolyn must be. She didn’t want to play any of their usual games. She just needed gentle contact. Lola could handle that. She placed her hand on the back of Carolyn’s neck and held their heads together so their lips never had far to travel. There was no need for the immediate exposure of skin. There would be time enough for that.
They broke their kiss with a gasp. It was then that Lola leaned back and let her girlfriend’s educated hands unbutton Lola’s work-shirt, exposing a white bra and smooth light-brown skin. Lola took Carolyn’s hand and placed it about the outline of the bra, right over Lola’s heart.
‘This is yours,’ she said.
Carolyn pressed her head to that spot, wrapping her arms around her lover and pulling her close.
‘Such a delicate thing,’ she thought, listening to Lola’s heart. ‘But so powerful.’ She kissed the skin over Lola’s heart as she unhooked her bra and took a long slow draw at one of those dark little nipples.
Lola let her shirt and bra fall away, stroking the good doctor’s hair while that tongue ran circles around the soft flesh of her breast. Carolyn cupped the smallish entity and lifted it, presenting the nipple for more convenient suction. Lola was quite pleased with the sensation.
Carolyn let her robe fall open, letting her full chest be exposed. Lola licked her lips and then applied those lips to those tits, returning the favor of Carolyn’s attentions. And she sent one of those tough hands down to untie the belt of Carolyn’s robe, pulling it until the entire robe could fall open. Then Lola rubbed Carolyn’s hot pussy, inserting one finger while rubbing her hand in small circles. Lola’s lover’s skin was already flushed with excitement and need, and Lola would fulfill every one of those needs.
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Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...
Group Sex“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...
Another Saturday night and another wedding reception, these functions were beginning to be a bore. Now most of the people I met were nice and the money was good, but they had become all too routine. I arrived early as I normally do to setup my equipment. The bride, groom, wedding party and a number of guests arrived shortly after I did. I had met the newlyweds when they signed the contract and they advised me this would be one of the easiest gigs I ever did. All of their friends and family...
The careful use of the Canadian communications expert as a new source helped save my “bacon” with the dispatchers in Islamabad at a time when my value to the cause was waning fast. They had only sent me half of the customary funds for operational expenses in the last courier run and it was a message I would be foolish to ignore. I managed to keep the identity of my new source a complete mystery and I was running her as a candle to my flame of debauchery rather than with any promise of...
I'd scraped the frost off the inside of the front window and saw the tall, slender woman struggling with the box. She was moving in next door. I didn't get much of a look at her. The frost, you see. That and that massive coat she was wearing. But she looked sexy enough for me to get off my ass and venture out into the snow to help her. "Moving in, I see." She looked at me with that boy-are-you-stupid stare and sat the box down on the icy front step that led to the little...
There's a knock at the door and, without a thought, I put down my cell phone and laptop, and go answer the door.Did I answer the door? Why am I still on the couch?Where are my clothes?I hear noise from my phone and I pick it up, and Girlfriend is talking to me. "Have fun whore?" she says in her commanding voice."What?... I don't... What's going on?" I stammer, confused."How do you feel, whore?" She asks me."I.. I feel fine I think... I have a little bit of a headache, and I'm not sure what's...
As you walk into your brand new apartment, you feel like your free for the first time in your life. After 18 long years of school and living with your parents, the freedom of having your own place is a breath of fresh air. A small breath. Your apartment isn't that big after all. The main room when you first walk in isn't anything special, it's got a couch facing a medium sized flat screen and is connected to your kitchen. The kitchen is also nothing special, although it does have a bar tabletop...
TeenI opened my mouth and enveloped his throbbing penile head and tried as hard as I could not to gag. I sucked on his man hood as greedily as I could till he held my head still and squirted his substance into my mouth. '...Don't stop bitch suck it all out and swallow every damn drop...'As he held y head, he continued to spurt copious amounts of his seed into my oral cavity, I gagged as I tried to swallow as much of his substance as I could. Finally he pushed my head away and I fell to the floor...
The next day as I walked back home from Anita's; my ex-girlfriend and now again my girlfriend, I suddenly felt how the hair on the back of my head suddenly stood up and a shiver ran down my spine. I didn't slow my pace but looked around to see what it was that had caused these age-old warning-signals to come to life. The street behind me was busy, and I couldn't see anything suspicious so I brushed it off as imagination. This continued for almost a week and than it stopped, and everything...
Simon’s breathing started to get deeper and louder as he neared orgasm. He stroked his erection faster. A buzzing sound filled the room punctuated by a squealing female voice. Emelda took her wide eyes off his groin and glanced across the bed, and the nude male masturbating between us, at me. ‘Goodness, Sally, this talking ‘laptop’ computer has gotten him excited. How long can he stroke himself? It looks oh so painful to me.’ Painful? I frowned. Emelda was a bit old fashioned as well as...
This past Friday morning my phone rang. It was Chandra my tranny friend who I met and fucked some weeks ago. She told me that she had nothing to do this weekend and that her roommate was out of town and she was alone. I told her that if she wanted to get out of the city that she could spend the weekend at my place. She said that was a great idea and that she would be over in a few hours. When Chandra got to my place she was horney as hell. She dropped her overnight bag, dropped to her knees and...
Seduced Young WifeChapter 1A hum filled Lynn Shaffer's ears as she began to arouse herself from her half-sleep. She was dimly aware of a delicious warmth which permeated her entire body, forming tiny beads of perspiration on her forehead and letting a faint dampness invade the sheltered places beneath her arms and down between her small, smoothly rounded thighs. She rolled over onto her back, vaguely conscious now of the texture of the terrycloth towel which lay beneath her, and of the...
nikmature[/user] One of the more voyeuristic memorie is of C walking out of the bathroom wearing a t shirt of mine , old holes, the kind with 2 staps, thin . And wearing a pair of jeans she cut off , just an old pair she said, very short and when she bent over for me I saw the crotch was opened up and her black pubes and pussy lips were exposed, and already swollen. It was a warm day and the windows were open, people walking around, she cleaned around the house the usual Saturday stuff, then...
Cheryl Lynn stared up into the moist pink splaying sexual lips being worked up and down by a hand with long fingers. The legs that were straddling her head were equally as long, tanned, and smooth to match the item being manipulated over her. Cheryl Lynn honestly did not know what to think. The last time she had seen a member of her own sex in a sexual way was when she was eighteen and experimenting. Being thirty-five now and not having any contact with another pussy for seventeen years since,...
I had just moved into my first apartment and needed to work out how to do the laundry. One of my neighbors had said there was a shared laundry room at the end of the corridor so I grabbed a bag of dirty clothes and threw on some shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops before heading down there.I walked into the room and started looking for a spare machine when I noticed a basket of ladies underwear just sitting on the side. I think it was just innocent curiosity that made me lift out the silk bra and...
FemdomWe're back. Water was hot. We had an excellent time. Sitting next to each other, neither of us demonstrated any hesitancy or game-playing. We are both old enough to have passed that time in our lives. We continued to laugh (Granny Here: he has a great sense of humor - I haven't laughed this much in a long time). I began to shift from my seat in the hot tub, edging closer each time. Soon, my thigh touched hers - she didn't pull away. This was WAAAAY cool!As we continued to talk, I would place my...
When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...
I woke with a yawn and a stretch. Bobby was still sitting at my feet, asleep. A bit confused as to how we ended up here. The rays of light cast through the blinds by the sun cut through the dimness of the room. I fought through a cloudy hangover to remember. My eyes scanned my body; my long tee-shirt over my old white shorts. Things started to slowly come back to me. I ran my fingers between my legs to find no panties. Further examination told me that I was fully on display. A closer look at...
TabooStriking, all-natural Riley Nixon sports a sexy shaved head, crotchless lingerie and a fleshy rear. With a butt plug lodged in her sphincter, the babe joins heavily hung director Mike Adriano for a sloppy session of anal sex. Riley flaunts her gaping asshole when Mike plucks the toy from her anus. She kneels obediently for a cock-worshiping blow job. Riley vibrantly rims Mike’s bunghole and trembles when the hung stud plunges her ass with his fat cock. A sloppy sodomy session features...
xmoviesforyouI am Karan Mittal, an electronics engineer from NIT Trichy. This incident took place in 2004 when I was returning to the college after my 3rd Semester break. It was July and was heavily raining in south India. I started from Delhi in Tamil Nadu Express and reached Chennai Central at 8.30 am. It was raining heavily and with great difficulty I reached Chennai Egmore from where I was supposed to catch Vaigai Express to Trichy at 12.25 pm. I kept my luggage in cloak room and went to AC waiting hall...
"No Alex... You know that I really want to wait until my wedding day." Joanne Olson said softly and shook her golden red hair irritably away from her soft green eyes, her nice average-sized breasts jiggled with the movement. Alex Burtin sighed for a long moment, his brown hair blowing softly in the summer wind. "I just don't know if I can wait that long, after all, we've been dating for a whole year and not only that but we've known each other for a good two years now!" They were...
Hello everyone, I know it’s been several months since . But I’m finally back. The series about Shruti aunty is formally over. I would now like to move on to other experiences, which I’m sure you’d love to hear about my sex with virgin Ananya. After frequently fucking Shruti aunty during my first year of college, I had a rather dry spell. I was pretty introverted. I didn’t interact with too many girls at college in Delhi during my first year. If I’m honest, I spent most of my first year at...
Graduation was three weeks to the day after the disaster the prom turned out to be. By then, while I was still in jail, it was more like house arrest than Death Row in Supermax. Daddy was over the grumpies, and Mom had taken me out shopping for summer clothes and goof-off time. School had gotten better. One of the guys arrested at my party had a lawyer for a father who got the charges thrown out on the twits, so they were back in school. The funniest thing that happened occurred the last day...
Emma Starletto is so hot that she has two Valentines Dates this year. A girl like her knows how to juggle two thirsty guys at once. She sneaks a blowjob with her second date while her first date waits around like a dunce! But when her first date walks in on her sucking another guys dick, he thinks quickly. Maybe a little double stuffing would be fun! Emma catches on and opens her mouth wide to suck both studs massive pricks. She swirls her tongue around the tips of their cocks and then bends...
xmoviesforyouThe next day, much earlier than I expected, Jenni was running up my sidewalk, her strong legs carrying her gracefully, until she was rapping on my front door. I greeted her with enthusiasm. Another big hug, too. She wore her new sun dress, she looked like a darling, her large blue eyes glowing at me. She told me I looked much better today. ‘Very handsome!’ I made her a big breakfast, and we were waiting at the mall doors when they opened. “I can try on as many suits as you like,...
It was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them permanently spread. Only the sound of my heavy...
I’m Don, I’m 28 and I have brown hair and eyes. I’m about 6 feet tall and I like to think I’m fit too. I’ve been with a few ladies in my time, but not enough to be considered a player or a ladies’ man. I live in an apartment building that has eight floors and every weekday morning I get in the elevator at about 8:05 and come back in the elevator around 5:45. I would say I have a strict schedule, but if I do than this woman that lives in my building does too. She is about 6 foot and also has...
My step sister Lisa, when she was young in her early teens she was an absolute nympho, not shagging but she would masturbate twice a day, i knew because i used to here her cumming through the bedroom door. She always thought the house was empty but i could sneak b ack in without her knowing. Shes blonde slight build with nice pert little titties, shes in her 30's now but still hot to fuck.She called me the other day to go and look at her shower, it was making a horrible noise. Anyway she's...
The next day was Saturday, one of the two days Donna and Prudence were off. In theory Sally and Meg had two days off during the week, but in reality they took time off only if they had something else to do. Most weeks they worked the same seven days as Mavis did. Families didn't take days off. That was the way they looked at it. Mavis got up early, as usual. Saturdays were like any other day to her. She expected her hips to ache, like they usually did, but she felt fine. In fact, as she...
Melinda whimpered softly and moaned, her legs spread wide. "Oh yeah ... mmm ... harder ... oh God..." Jason's fingers rubbed Melinda's clit hard enough to chafe her if she had not been so aroused. Instead, he glided over her pink, swollen flesh as if oiled, her moisture still copious even after two orgasms. "Uhhn ... yeah ... more..." Melinda moaned. His fingers ached as much as his cock. He had never seen Melinda this horny. Cassie must have been right about that spell. It had more...
Chapter 1: The Plan I was woken by a knock on my bedroom door and sleepily called out "Come in." The door opened and in trooped the boys bearing a tray loaded with a full cooked breakfast. "Happy Birthday Dear Mary..." they all chorused. Still a little groggy from sleep I sat up and had the tray placed across my lap. "How sweet of them," I thought, brushing away a tear as I noticed the single rose decorating the tray. They all had grins a mile wide across their faces and moved to sit...
“Did you enjoy the show, baby?” My wife purred into my ear as she softly stroked my dick.I let out a soft groan but pretended to be asleep. This prompted my wife to go further, nibbling on my ear and flicking the tip of her finger under the head of my dick. I started to thrust slowly into her hand, and she took full grip again.“I knew you couldn’t stay asleep for long. You’re so hard, baby. Is that because I had that thick dick sliding down my throat?”I reached my hand back and pulled her...
Wife LoversIt's 06:00 hours and I couldn't sleep again last night. Six months since my pet Ocempa Kes left the ship and I still haven't found a new plaything. Used to be I'd take the day's frustrations out on Kes, abusing and perverting her young supple body and then sleep like a baby. Now I can't sleep. I step into the sonic shower and close my eyes. I run my hands over my ridges, then down my face and neck to my breast. My nipples need no encouragement they were already rock hard. I slide my hands down...