Run Ch. 04 free porn video

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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual sexual activity.

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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.

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‘Okay boys. This is all you’re getting so you’ve got to make it . . .’ Gail was saying until Todd grabbed the money out of her hand before he and Buddy tore off down the mall to the video arcade. ‘Boys will be boys,’ she said, checking out her boyfriend’s butt before it vanished into blinking-light-and-pinging-noise hell. She turned and saw that Pat had scooted in the direction the boys had taken off to.

‘I really should keep an eye on Buddy,’ she said.

‘Todd is quite capable of looking after your brother, and Buddy’s no fool anyway. If there’s a problem, they can call us but there WON’T BE A PROBLEM! You’re not getting out of this,’ she added, tapping her foot and crossing her arms. ‘You were the one who called me, remember?’

‘Yeah,’ Pat said, then grumbled, ‘but I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.’ She dodged out of the way as a red-shirted security guy ran buy, waving a purse that some lady had forgotten.

‘What was that?’ Gail asked.

‘Nothing,’ Pat muttered. ‘Listen, I can’t do this. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not even sure why I agreed to go on this . . . this . . .’

‘Date?’ Gail prompted, somewhat amused. This was a formidable young woman, but she was a nervous wreck about a simple movie date.

‘Yeah . . . that.’

‘Well, do you like him?’

Pat scuffed her toe on the ground. ‘Yeah.’

‘Then you’re gonna have to get your groove on!’

Pat stared at her friend.

‘It means you’ve got break out of your isolationist rut and be . . . well, be a girl.’ Gail looked around. ‘Cool. Old Navy.’

‘If Mr. Baker sees me wearing something with the word ‘Navy’ on it, he’ll probably lose his mind.’ Pat looked at her shoes. When her face came up, it was filled with resolve. ‘Works for me.’

——— —————–

Two hours later . . .

——— —————–

Gail had dropped about twenty bucks to the boys to keep their video games playing rolling, but she had FINALLY actually gotten Pat to pick out a few things and Gail had to admit they fit the girl’s personality. Pat wasn’t flashy or sexy . . . well, she was sexy, but that sort of thing could wait. She had some snug yet sensibly comfortable denim jeans and a couple pairs of shorts, plus some generic but trendy tee-shirts. Pat had found clothes she could comfortably fight in if need be, which caused Gail to roll her eyes. But what really caught Gail’s attention were the tank-tops.

She had gotten a bunch in camouflage (winter, forest, neon blue) patterns, and they all fit snugly. Pat didn’t have an overly large bust, but she had enough to catch some attention. But it was the musculature of the woman that amazed Gail! Pat’s physique was . . . dare she say it . . . flawless? She had perfect definition in her shoulders, arms and neck. It wasn’t that she was bulky, but rather seemed to be cut out of marble. Gail had already admired Pat’s legs, but it turned out those legs were only the beginning. Pat wasn’t dressing to be fashionable. She was just trying to dress like . . . well, Pat. Except more comfortably.

‘So, got any money left?’ Gail asked. She had offered to chip in, but Pat wouldn’t hear of it.

‘Some. Not much though.’

‘Any chance you’ve got one of your dad’s credit cards?’

Pat shook her head. ‘No. If I need anything past my basic expenses . . . sorry, I mean my allowance, then I have to requisition it.

Gail started to chuckle, then slowly she stopped. ‘Wait, you’re serious?!’

‘He still has carbon-copy versions of the forms.’ Pat was actually blushing with embarrassment.

Gail’s mouth hung open. Pat’s Uncle Lyle hadn’t been kidding! Pat’s father wasn’t raising a daughter . . . he was training a soldier! No wonder Pat was so messed up.

‘Well, we just need shoes and under-stuff, so . . .’

‘Wait . . . under-stuff?’

‘Yeah. Panties, bras, etc.’

‘Why would I need that? He’s not . . . I mean Keith isn’t expecting . . .’

Gail tried not to laugh. ‘Keith’s not stupid enough to do anything like that. He’s not like that. But lingerie isn’t just for the guy. Sometimes it helps the girl feel a little sexier . . . more confident. C’mon, I’ve got an idea you might actually like. Please? Have I steered you wrong yet?’

‘I guess not,’ Pat said.

Gail led her reluctant friend into Victoria’s Secret. Pat felt as out of place as a bull at a tea party. There were things around that were silky or lacey or frilly. She was none of those things.

‘You’ll probably want one of the girls to fit you for the bra. Or you could go with a sports bra. They’re pretty comfortable and work pretty well for an athletic bod. Yours qualifies.’

‘I guess I’ll try one of those.’

‘Check out that pile of stuff and I’ll see if they’ve got what I’m looking for.’

Pat, despite some people misconceptions, really wasn’t ashamed of her body. She worked hard on it. She just never really understood the point of dressing any way but practically. After all, how does a cashmere sweater help you disassemble a fully automatic weapon and clean it? It was at that moment that Pat realized something.

‘Why on earth is a girl in high school cleaning an automatic weapon anyway?’

‘I’m not even going to ask what that means,’ a young girl next to her said. ‘Can I help you find something?’

‘She wants sports bras or something else comfortable!’ came a voice from across the store.

‘I can speak for myself!’ Pat shouted back. ‘Uhm . . .’

‘Sports bras or something else comfortable?’ the girl asked with an endearing smile.

‘Yeah. That.’

The girl, whose name was listed as ‘Janine’ on her nametag, showed her a number of practical but still mildly fashionable bras. Then she took Pat to a fitting area.

Gail wandered back that way after grabbing a number of items. She arrived just in time to see Pat with nothing on over her top but a measuring tape. ‘Look at those abs!’ she thought. ‘It’s just not fair!’ She tossed Pat some underthings. Pat stared at her.

‘Where’s the rest of them?’ she asked, stretching out the fabric.

‘That’s all there is to them,’ Gail said. ‘Now put ’em on. And yes, I’m sticking around to make sure you actually try them on.’ Gail stared impatiently at Pat and tapped on her watch. ‘C’mon! Let’s do this thing!’

The salesgirl chuckled. ‘I’ll be back in a moment. Some of these will be a little snug on the ribs. I’ll grab new ones,’ she added, grabbing up the non-sports-bras and wandering out.

Suddenly, Pat felt more than a little self-conscious. ‘Do you really . . .’

‘Yes, I really need to be here. Besides, it’s not like you’ve got something I haven’t seen before,’ she added. It turned out, she was wrong. For one brief moment, she saw Pat in the buff. It was a sight to behold.

‘What?’ Pat asked, pulling up a pair of boy-shorts. ‘I look like a freak don’t I?’ she added, looking for something to cover up with.

‘That’s not the impression I got. Damn girl. People have killed for worse bod
ies than yours. I think Troy was sacked by the Romans because that one broad had a body like yours.’

‘The Greeks.’


‘Troy was supposedly sacked by the Greeks, not the Romans. And it was the face of Helen of Troy that launched a thousand ships . . . not her body.’

‘Shut up,’ Gail said. She hated being corrected, even when she was wrong.

Pat turned around and felt . . . pride? It was new to her, whatever it was. ‘I really DO have kind of a nice butt,’ she thought. The boy-shorts exposed quite a bit of butt, but weren’t as overly slutty as some of the things she had seen. She noticed some stray pubic hair poking through and she turned away from her friend. ‘That just looks gross,’ she thought. She had never thought of grooming ‘down there’ before, but maybe . . .

Gail was breathing a little hard herself. It was more difficult than it should have been to tear her eyes away from Pat’s backside. ‘Okay, how can I get an ass that looks like that?’

Pat was changing back into her normal clothes. ‘Just give up your life.’ She shook her head. ‘Sorry. I don’t know why I said that.’

‘Yes you do,’ Gail thought.

Pat picked up a few pairs of the boy-shorts and a few new bras. That afternoon, she had spent more money on clothes than she had in . . . well, ever. The salesgirl was ringing her up when the girls had an unexpected encounter.

‘Oh this is precious!’ came a voice from near a panty bin. It was a voice quite familiar to Pat. She turned around and saw Dr. Martin.

‘Hey, isn’t that . . .’ Gail started to say. Then they saw Lola appear from behind a rack of nighties.

‘Only you would think sumphin’ like that was comfortable,’ the Latina said.

‘What? It’s not like they stay on for . . .’ Carolyn had just noticed the two high-school girls standing there.

‘Oh shit!’ the redhead thought. She and Lola usually shopped at this mall because it wasn’t near to their high school JUST to avoid situations like this.

‘Hey Lola,’ Gail said, obviously confused. ‘Fancy running into . . . you . . . here.’

‘Yeah,’ Lola said. ‘Weird.’

If Lola had just said something else, Gail might have thought the two women were just friends. But the awkward silence painted a different picture.

Pat was trying to think of something to say to give Carolyn and Lola a way out. They had both done so much to help her and encourage her.

Gail’s eyes shot open wide and she was grinning. ‘No way!? You two . . . Lola, you dog you!’

Lola grinned. Carolyn breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Hey chica,’ Lola replied. ‘Maybe we should all talk?’

——- —————

An hour later . . .

——- —————

Todd and Buddy had rejoined their female counterparts and all had sat down at the food court, sipping sodas while Gail tried to convince Pat to eat a corndog, JUST so she will have consumed something unhealthy that day.

‘So you’re all good?’ Lola asked. She and Carolyn had given the quick-and-not-so-dirty version of their relationship to the younger members of their dinner group, with the exception of Buddy. Buddy was sent on quick errands during certain portions of the conversation. He was a good guy, but he didn’t always know when NOT to say what was on his mind.

‘Yeah. You really think the kids would freak though?’ Gail asked.

‘Maybe,’ Carolyn interjected. ‘It’s the parents we’re worried about though. No matter how liberal the state or the parents, more often than not they freak out when they find out their precious darlings are being taught by ‘them.’ Kind of sad,’ she added, ‘but it could be a lot worse.’

‘And you knew?’ Gail said, trying to glare at Pat. Pat shrugged. ‘Ooh. I HATE not being the first to know!’

‘Sorry,’ Pat said, looking a little perplexed. She hadn’t known what else to say.

‘And you,’ Carolyn said with a smile that made Pat blush, ‘Out and about like a girl your own age . . . WITH a girl your own age. And a boy, of course,’ she added placating Todd. Todd apparently wasn’t paying attention.


‘That’s a boy,’ Lola said, punching him in the arm while he blushed.

Gail looked at him shrewdly, then leaned in and whispered, ‘Stop picturing them naked together.’

‘No deal,’ he responded, then phased out again.

She looked at the side of his head. ‘Boys.’

‘What?’ Buddy said. He was totally confused.

Pat ruffled his hair while the girls at the table had a giggle. ‘Nothin’ Budster.’

‘You still fighting on Saturday?’ he asked.

‘Fighting?’ Carolyn inquired.

‘Oh yeah!’ Gail said, happy she wasn’t the last to know on something. ‘You’ve got a tournament this weekend!’

‘How do you feel about that?’ the doctor said, instinctively slipping into work mode. She really hadn’t gotten into the weeds on how Pat felt about the path her father had laid out for her. They had discussed Pat’s reasons for adhering to the path and for dealing with her father, but maybe her martial arts wasn’t all bad for her.

‘S’okay. It’s mostly for Mr. Baker’s benefit anyway.’ Pat realized that talking about this was getting easier.

‘How so?’

‘I . . . I’ve already scouted some of the other entrants,’ Pat admitted. ‘So has he I’ll wager. He wants another first place medal in the trophy. He needs his fix.’

‘So he’s assuming you’ll win,’ Lola added.

‘I’ll win,’ Pat said. There was no doubt in her voice.

‘How can you be so sure?’ Carolyn asked.

‘He picked this tournament for a reason. It’s in a part of town surrounded by a bunch of black-belt factories.’ Pat could see her comrades looked confused. ‘See, it doesn’t take a lot to open up a dojo. Some places have requirements if they’re national and you want to use their name, but there isn’t much more to it than that. Anyone with a dark-enough belt who can break a board in half with his or her head can open one. And a lot of them are just businesses. Bring in the sheep, given a set of basics and, if they stick around long enough, reward their fees with different colored belts. That’s it. Not a lot of places that appreciate the art of it or the discipline that it takes to be really good.’

‘And you do?’

Pat looked Dr. Martin dead in the eyes. ‘The places I’ve trained . . . you have to be. I started training in the states, but I was in Korea for ten years. I got more extensive training in Taekwondo there, and there were some good Judo schools started by real Japanese masters, so I got started in that to.’

‘You’re proficient in two styles?’ Todd asked. Talking about kung-fu temporarily had gotten his mind off picturing hot lesbian action.

‘Sort of three. I started Hapkido not long before we moved back stateside. It’s not my best though,’ she stated, almost embarrassed.

‘Are you . . . you know . . . a black belt or whatever?’

‘Yeah,’ Pat replied. Except in Hapkido. I’m not at that level, and they don’t actually have the ‘belt’ system that other styles do. And both judo and taekwondo have weird age differentials so I didn’t get . . . awarded . . .’ Pat realized she was close to bragging now and promptly stopped.

‘I think I’d like to see you compete!’ Carolyn said. ‘Where is it?’

Buddy inexplicably decided to fill them in on the dates and times, much to Pat’s chagrin.

‘We’ve seen the girl you’re becoming,’ Carolyn thought. ‘Now let’s see the warrior beneath.’

———— ————–

Friday evening . . .

———— ————–

A normal boy walking up to a normal girl’s normal house for a normal first date would’ve been nervous. But nothing about Pat Baker qualified as normal. Keith had never been here before, so the size of the place intimidated him. He was actually allowed to park in front of the house. The doorbell sounded like it was being rung by a hunchback.

‘Hello?’ asked the man at the front door.
‘Ah! You must be Keith! I’ve been looking forward to meeting you!’

‘Pleased to meet you Mr. Baker. I’m . . .’

‘Oh, I’m not Mr. Baker. I’m Tobias . . . the butler.’

‘Oh. Sorry. I just thought . . .’ Keith stopped. From what he had heard, it actually DIDN’T surprise him that Pat’s father hadn’t met him.

‘He’s occupied in his study. Actually, I’m not even sure if he knows about this outing,’ Tobias said, trying not to let his irritation show. ‘Or he doesn’t remember.’

A young man who was obviously Buddy ran downstairs. ‘She coming,’ he said with a big grin. ‘Hi!’ He waved maniacally. ‘I’m Buddy.’

‘Nice to meet you,’ Keith said, offering his hand. Buddy shook it like a madman. Then he got a serious look on his face.

‘Be nice to my sister,’ Buddy said earnestly.

‘I’m sure he will,’ Tobias chastised his young charge. Buddy was as decent an individual as you could hope to meet, but his sister meant as much to him as he did to her. ‘Where are you off to?’

Keith smiled. ‘Movies. Don’t know which one yet. Probably just pick when we get there. Maybe go somewhere for coffee afterward. What’s her curfew?’

‘Having a curfew means having parents that pay enough attention to what you’re doing to actually set one,’ came a voice from the stairs. Pat descended, clad in her snug new jeans and a woodland camouflage tank-top that clung to her muscular body. For most girls, it was a fairly conservative outfit. For Pat, it was as risqué as she had ever worn.

Tobias furrowed his brow. While he had long wanted for her to take a stand against her parents on a number of issues, he wasn’t sure if it would be best that she outright rebelled. And she was becoming much more openly critical of them.

‘So you two ready to have some, but not too much, fun?’ Lyle emerged from the kitchen with a napkin tucked into his shirt and a monster of a sandwich in his hand.

‘Yes sir,’ Keith said. ‘Just a little bit of underage drinking followed by the random discharge of firearms in city limits and possibly holding up a liquor store.’

Lyle was grinning. He liked the boy. He turned to Pat. ‘Then you might want to wear a coat, and don’t forget the ski mask.’

Pat looked at her uncle and then her date, then rolled her eyes. ‘Where do they come from?’ she asked of her ceiling.

‘Some say the stork brought us,’ Keith said with a snicker. Then he offered Pat his arm.

‘Gentlemanly and not faked,’ Lyle thought as his niece gingerly accepted the offer. ‘She doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do.’

The two young folk went out to Keith’s car, while Lyle stood in the lobby and Buddy ran upstairs to spend time with his mother. Just before the door closed, Reginald Baker walked into the foyer.

‘What was that all about?’ he muttered, the way an uninterested person asks a question he really doesn’t care to have answered. He was reading his New York Times, sipping some hot tea and walking towards his study.

‘Not much,’ Lyle said while he and Tobias instinctively glanced out the window to make sure nothing ‘improper’ was happening. ‘Your daughter is going on her first date.’

‘That’s nice,’ Reginald said, walking into his study. Then, Lyle and Tobias heard the sound of a tea-cup hitting shag carpeting and a paper being gripped. The door to the study opened and Reginald emerged, a confused look on his face.

‘Excuse me?’ he asked.

Lyle put his bear-like hands on his brother’s shoulders. ‘Your daughter,’ he started, ‘is on a date,’ he added, looking towards the door, ‘with a boy.’

Reginald stared at him. ‘She . . . how . . . when . . . Did she train today?’ Reginald’s mind had gone numb.

Lyle sighed. ‘You sir, are a moron.’ He then walked past his brother and back into the kitchen.

Tobias watched as, most unexpectedly, Reginald Baker walked to the window next to the front door and peak out through the curtains. He looked worried. But that wasn’t the only surprise. Down the stairs came Mary Baker, looking just as confused.

Mary had planned on curling up with her boy when she has randomly asked where his sister was. Normally, the two were thick as thieves. Buddy had then informed her that Pat was going on a date.

She stood on the opposite side of the door from her husband, looking out the opposite window. But Pat wasn’t there. She had vanished into the night with a young man they knew nothing about.

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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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by Sanity's Plight 1. Quick Beginnings "Some days I feel like work follows me home." She smiles, "You don't seem to mind that much." "Hey, that's not fair." She cocks an eyebrow at him. "If I couldn't work, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am very good at this, and it's what I do." "I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy you like your work." He's not usually this touchy. He's agitated. Maybe he's getting it from her. "Sorry..." A satyric smile, "Come...

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Fair Warning: This story is mostly a tease, but I hope it leaves you wanting the next chapter. Tom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist. It was true that at the age of 47, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart -...

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RUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...

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Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...

Group Sex
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“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...

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Wild Horses

WILD HORSES By Hector M/f, F/f, incest, Torture, beastiality Two sisters are made to payfor teasing a boy one time too many. The girl's screaming was finally beginning to get hoarse as her voice startedto give out. It was surprising, really, that that she had lasted this long.She was a very petite girl, barely 5'3" and could be described as waifish ifnot for the too large (yet natural) breasts that hung from her chest. She waslying face down tied with her breasts hanging on each side of the...

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...

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Abducted SlutChapter 4

It had been so long since the last DVD of her precious little slut arrived. Susan could hardly contain her excitement. She ripped open the package thinking of how six months had gone by since witnessing Candy being used at the adult book store. What perverted things had she done. Susan’s lust took over, she spread herself like the pedophile slut she had become, rubbing her frothy cunt and staring wide eyed at the blank screen waiting. Candy’s face appeared streaked with cum, her hair was...

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schoolgirl cd in old ruin fucking himself with

being found in derlick building or woods dressed in my school uniform and made to pose for pictures forced to insert anything im told to old bottles.rotting carrots and a whole cucumber thats so rotten as soon as its pushed all the way up my arse it explodes into a mess of soft and stinking brown stuff running down my legs ,the laugthing gets louder as a broomis pushed in out faster cocks shooting cum over a hard cock starts to fuck me .and my arse is grabbed pulling back...

2 years ago
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Time at Home

My room is small, but comfortably furnished. A small desk and chair in the corner, a large wardrobe opposite. Its mirrored doors reflect our image as we sit side-by-side on the black sheets of my large double bed.I hold you, my right arm on your shoulder as we rest our heads together. Behind us, sunlight streams between the trees outside and through my window. The gentle heat caresses our backs and for a moment, we enjoy the sensation as warmth spreads through us.I turn and look into your eyes....

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Cousin Sonia Priya From Mumbai 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers. This is dark stud with my first story. I’m 25 now n this is the incidence when I was 22.i am a guy with good built n charming face n at that time I just completed my 1st yr of college. My college is in Delhi n due to studies I took a room near my college. It was fun with guys n gals coming to my room having parties together n no trouble from parents at all. During my middle of 3rd sem I got a call from home n was told dai Sonia was coming in 3 days Sonia is my cousin 1yr younger...

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Monica MechanicChapter 11 A Damsel Is Rescued

Damsel Trudi’s rescue was surprisingly straightforward. Pēteris and his Companions circled the expected village so as to approach from the same direction as Demon Devin and his gang. As anticipated, but not guaranteed, the three warriors arrived well before Devin and his captive and took up residence in the small inn. Upstairs, the inn had two small rooms, each with two beds, a stool, and a washstand. Its custom was to rent bed or space, but not a whole room. The food was actually much...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 31 College Onsite

Dave peered through the glass door into part of the core that was usually used by the younger school children in the Circle’s home-schooling program. He was surprised to see room full of college aged men and women peering at the teacher at the front of the class. The teacher was Marie Thereaux. The hieroglyphics on the white board behind her suggested that this was some kind of Anthropology course. He also spotted Barbara sitting in the back of the class in the last row of seats, and Kellie...

4 years ago
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Employees Only Ch 01

Note: This is my second attempt at a story. I’m going to make this into a long one, 10+ chapters, eventually. This has not actually happened, but it is based on characters that I’ve known in the past. Feedback is always welcome! To say I was shocked when I left was an understatement. I had loathed starting at first, because not many 18 year old guys worked in a pansy little store like this selling furniture to old women who were days from death. But the second I walked in, I knew why I was...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 27 Cleanup Aisle L

No one waited for Leo as he crawled his way back to consciousness. He came to in the med-tube, the technician offering a hand to help him up. He batted it away. He was a Reaper, goddammit, he didn’t need any help. He snarled as he remembered the fight. He’d got him good – but he’d still ended up on the losing end. He had made the mistake of thinking the asshole was down and out. He hadn’t expected him to get up. He hadn’t expected him to be so strong, either. He’d thought his love tap to the...

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Icys Age of Lesbo Discovery

Of course I sometimes ask myself the same question, I ask how it happened or when did it happen. Usually a reply with a look that says 'Are you stupid?' and say in an indifferent tone,” I don't know. “ I'm not really out, I'm like halfway in the closet, if that makes sense, I've told people who matter to me, eight people in total, and they've all been very awesome and supportive about it but I don't think I'm going to tell my parents till I'm going off to college, I don't have...

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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 7

We left my bedroom at seven-fifteen, making only the potential mistake of leaving at the same time. We were wearing fresh clothing, though neither of us had taken a shower. Had anybody else been up they might have reflected that we both got dressed in the same room at the same time, as opposed to one of us (me) getting up and getting dressed first, and then the other (Hannah) getting dressed while there was some privacy. We had a lot on our minds just then and weren’t thinking about things...

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Simple Motions

I had known of Daisy for ten years, recalling the way my brother Tyler blathered on about this younger woman he had met one night. Of course at first I thought he was lying or he had a desperate one night stand especially how he told me she came up to him and introduced herself. Tyler was always the one who is a dork and could barely hold any sort of romantic relationship and yet now after a decade he is still with her which is amazing really. It took another four years before I finally met...

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Unexpected Visitor Part Eight

PART EIGHT Thursday morning arrived as my alarm once again pulled me out of a deep sleep. This time Brett also woke up and turned to face me as we lay fighting off the temptation to slip back to sleep. We had made good progress with the job but only had two days left if we were to finish as planned, so we knew that we had to put in the hard yards today and tomorrow. Brett’s hand slid over under the sheet and found mine. He just held it...

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ForbiddenChapter 2

Solitude provides a venue for thinking, and that's what I was doing lying on my bed with my hands clasped behind my head. I had shoved two pillows under my naked ass -- my skirt was still bunched up at my waist. I figured I could iron it in the morning. My feet were flat on the mattress with my knees up. I stared at the shadowy ceiling. The only light in the room seeped under my bedroom door from the hall. I lay there hoping my son's sperm swimming inside me would find an egg. But then...

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PetiteHDPorn Molly Mae Hot Yoga

Petite teen Molly Mae keeps her slender body fit and fuckable by going to the gym. Her short shorts ride up for some serious camel toe and her tank top lets her big all naturals create a perfect eyeful of cleavage. She has just completed her workout routine when she is joined by her gym partner and friend with sprinkles, Logan Long. Logan is quick to whip out his stiffie so Molly can get her fill of something just as energetic but way hotter than a good workout. Opening her mouth wide, Molly...

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The Depths of the Dry TortugasChapter 8

All of my thoughts about a graceful retirement and a wise retreat from the dangers that surrounded me on the Spanish Main went down the like a ship with a deadly “below the line” hole from a British warship. Then Donna Louisa’s loyal and lovely handmaiden Annette took me into her full confidence and she told me about the treasure of the Antilles minor with no less than three full cargos from huge merchant ships of the gold-obsessed Spanish Court, all loaded to the scuppers with booty from the...

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Excerpts From My Inexperience The First Time I Bought a Vibrator

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. There is a time in every lass’s life when she imagines what a big, hard cock-pounding would be like. There is also a time when she can’t get hold of a cock for love nor money. And what does she do, in such a situation? She buys a vibrator. Or a dildo. Or a banana. Or maybe, if she’s ambitious, a cucumber. I’m sure some lasses consider purchasing a marrow, too, but in my opinion, that’s stretching it...

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Sonia A Dirty Whore Sonia8217s Adventure In Goa 8211 Part 2

Hey guys mai sonia ek bar phir apni story puri karne aa gai aapke pas please guys aap log aise hi mujhe sapno mai chodte raho aap log kai comments padhkar to mai kai baar jhad jati hu or yahi baat mujhe mazboor kar deti hai itni zaldi apni story likhne ko per dosto jisne meri first two stories read nahi ki hai wo please un stories ko read karlo sonia a dirty whore part 1 jisme meri sari details hai or ye story wahi se suru hoti hai jaha se sonia’s adventures in goa part 1 khatam hui to guys ab...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 26

Her mouth was twitching. She couldn’t speak. Her husband was trying to calm her. He went to her and held her. “Oh my God!” said Lea. “They were here? He heard me? She heard me?” she sagged back into the couches’ cushions, her tears seemingly without end. “Apparently. She’d forgotten her purse is what she told me. When they came back to get it, the door was open or ajar, and they just came in and heard us talking in the dining room,” he said. “They listened and left. Not sure exactly what...

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My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy Part 3

Here’s the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn’t make you guys wait too long. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ,-) My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy – Part 3 ————————————————- I lay on Jess’ bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen for ages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I was already dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, a short black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off my pretty green eyes and my...

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Three Girls

Ric was the single father of three teen girls. Mary was 17, Pam was 18, and Lisa was 19. The girls had been kept protected all their lives but now as their bodies developed they got sex curious and wanted to explore. They and always ran around the house half naked and now dad was noticing how they were developing into sexy women. He did not know the girls had been watching porn and reading about sex. Mary said one day "I think dad has not had sex since mom died. We should help him. He is a very...

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Jessicas Choices

Scorched roads shimmered in the intense white rays of the sun as Jessica and George sat in the muddied silence of his car. The brown beaten up upholstery and leather seats wouldn’t help any situation but everything shook with each bump in the ragged road, jostling them both back and forth in the muggy heat that seemed to press in on them, even sweating was no good. It trickled down their necks and backs like warm soup and whilst their hair clung to their heads, the air conditioning done very...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 3 The auction

7 July, 1686 Afternoon A small platform had been set up in the port. The crowd was too big for the main square. Isabel had just been auctioned off. The sisters, having been placed behind an improvised curtain, had not been able to see anything, but they had heard the bid—ding and the roar of the crowd. Isabel had been sold to a Miss Bjorn, a land—owner of Scandinavian origin who possessed one of the largest plantations of sugar cane on the continental coast. She had fetched five thousand...

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CherryChapter 8 I Start Work

Ben had agreed with Allison that I’d help at her shop each Thursday and Friday for a couple of weeks to see how things went; so on the first Thursday that Ben was back at work he drove me into town on his way to work. It was too early for Allison’s lingerie shop to be open so Ben gave me some money and told me to go to McDonalds for a drink while I waited. There weren’t many people there and I easily managed to get a seat facing the window and had a bit of fun flashing the people passing by....

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Undercover RoseChapter 53

"Luis, we have decided you must vacate your apartment since you have broken two of the articles in the agreement you signed when you moved into the towers. We would like for you to be out by the end of the month," the chairman said. Luis looked shocked. Why I don't know since he had expected it. He looked at me like do something. "Mr. Chairman I think you need to give Luis the required thirty days notice at least. Thirty days would give him till March 20th. March 31, would be better," I...

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Snow on the RoofChapter 10

Tom Martin had been in a valley as to how his love life, but now it seemed that he was out of that valley. Kim and Ellie were the main reasons things were going good. Both of these ladies were very conscious of how they conducted themselves in public but once inside the bedroom it was like a switch had been thrown because they became very aggressive sexual partners. They just enjoyed making love and as far as Tom was concerned he wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Tom had spent...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 14 Virgin Claims Her Reward

Chapter Fourteen: Virgin Claims Her Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michael Vivian grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it up her body. She exposed her flat stomach and an outie bellybutton. I grinned, reaching into my open fly to pull out my cock. Vivian had scored the highest on the pop quiz I'd given my students. Now she was eager for her reward. The twenty-year-old stared at my cock with brown eyes hungry for it. Then her...

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Sleeping With Beauty Part 4

Wherein Prince gets awakened by BeautyPrince ran rapidly, back to his damsel in distress. Now what exactly did they mean when they shouted out behind him ‘kiss her on the lips, the ones you find on her face?’ He puzzled, what? How did they know? Did they? He recollected what his haggard old nanny had once confided, that though people could well be asleep they did indulge in somnambulism as well as sleep walking amongst other things. He had often wondered what those other things were and had...

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Thats So WrongChapter 19

Day 4 (11) –Date night When Richard pushed open the door to his new suite, he saw Fuki right away. She perched on the edge of the bed, wearing a long-sleeve, short-hem, black, fishnet-style mesh "dress". It didn't cover anything up, and she wore nothing underneath it. Fishnet stockings and platform heels completed the ensemble. Her hair was down, eye makeup made her green eyes leap out at him. He stepped in and let the door shut behind him. The suite was huge, one big open room. Along...

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The Preacher His Wife and Me Finale

When we finished our meal on the patio, Paul suggested that we retire to the den where it was cooler and less humid, and that he and Darla wait until morning to clean up other than putting leftovers in the refrigerator. Paul was still fully clothed whereas his wife Darla and I were naked and weren’t as bothered by the outside temperature as he was. Nevertheless, we all went inside. Once in the den, Paul brought in a chilled bottle of wine for after dinner drinks for himself and Darla, and he...

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