Melody’s Bad Day Fairy free porn video

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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this for another Literotica voyager who was apparently having a bad day. At least I assumed that from the tear stained Email she sent me. Mark.

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‘Oh, who the hell is that? It’s ten o’clock at night…just figures, everything else has been going wrong…so why not this…shit.’

Normally I don’t swear.

Girls aren’t supposed to swear.

But the last few days had been brutal. You know the old saying ‘if it can go wrong, it will’? Well, it was true. But why the ceiling was caving in on little ole’ me, an innocent, okay, marginally innocent, twenty something (ah-hem) year old woman was a mystery.

At least to me.

‘Just a minute,’ I screamed as I jumped out of bed and decided that, unless it was the Queen of England, I wasn’t going to open the door to my apartment anyway and therefore it didn’t matter that I was only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of red lace panties. ‘Okay, okay, I said just a minute, I’m coming, I’m coming. I’m coming!!’

Of course that was another problem. It had been almost six months since, well, you know, but I can’t get into that here or I’ll start crying again.

I squinted through the glass peephole and saw a wildly handsome man standing outside my door. He must have been at least six and a half feet tall, short hair, great smile and he was dressed in nothing but a pair of loose running shorts. And he was absolutely gorgeous. He looked like one of those guys in a TV commercial for those abdominal cruncher uppers.

‘What do you want? And how did you get past the building security guy?’ I shouted through the door as I suddenly became aware of a slight tingling sensation in my clitoris.

‘I’m your Bad Day Fairy.’

‘My WHAT? Oh, look, I can’t understand you, wait a minute…’ I gasped as I fumbled with the locks on the apartment door and opened it a few inches, making sure that the chain lock was still securely in place.

‘Melody Ryan? Are you Melody Ryan?’ he asked with an a smile that was almost hypnotizing.

I leaned around the edge of the door, trying to hide my completely naked legs and then immediately realized that he smelled absolutely intoxicating, like a forest with a babbling brook running through it or something, all clean and fresh and yummy.

Very, very yummy.

‘Yes, I’m Melody Ryan. Who are you? And what did you say you are?’

‘I’m your Bad Day Fairy, Melody. Look, I know it sounds strange, most people think fairies are all little twinkly things that flit around and land on people’s shoulders, like in Peter Pan. But that’s an image problem our union has been trying to reverse for years. Anyway, I’ll explain how it works. You’ve had a bad couple of days, right…’

I was so confused by this that I just nodded my head up and down as I absentmindedly repositioned myself so that I was standing directly in front of the open crack in the door.

‘Well, that’s why I’m here. To make your life better, you know, the there-there-there type of stuff. Hug you, hold you, pat you on the back and tell you everything’s gonna be okay. Umm, at least for a few hours anyway. At six in the morning I have to leave. Actually, it would be more correct to say disappear. You know, poof? All gone. Bye bye. So, are you going to let me in or are we going to spend all night staring at each other through a crack in the door?’

‘I’m not dressed,’ I stuttered, unconsciously crossing my legs because the small tingle in my clitoris had now migrated into a screaming throb.

‘Oh, that’s okay, Melody,’ he said matter-of-factly as I noticed that he was beginning to get an erection. ‘I’m going to take off all your clothes anyway.’

I’ve always had a thing for tall men. And gorgeous men. And men who show up at your apartment door in nothing but a pair of loose running shorts and blithely tell you they’re going to take off all your clothes. Especially since I couldn’t remember the last time a tall, gorgeous man took off all my clothes. Especially one I didn’t know from Adam.

So much for the screaming throb.

Now I had a full-fledge flood gurgling around down there.

But, before I could even mount a cursory objection to this whole incredible scenario, he said, ‘you see, I exist to make you feel better. That’s my whole raison d’etre.’

Okay, either fairies could speak French or this guy wanted me to eat some shriveled up grapes. I chose French, noticed that his penis was completely erect by now, and stuttered, ‘that’s the only reason you exist? To make me feel better? How are you planning to do that?’

Well, that shows you how bad the last few days had been. There’s a magnificently beautiful man standing at my door in nothing but loose running shorts, muscles are rippling all over his stomach and chest, he’s telling me he’s going to take off all my clothes, has what appears to be an erection that would shame a stallion, my vagina is already screaming at me to just fall over backwards and I’m actually asking him exactly how he’s going to make me feel better.

I decided that, if this guy was a rapist, he had the best line I’ve ever heard so I just muttered, ‘oh, what the hell,’ and opened the door.

I figured that if he stuck a twelve inch dagger through my chest in the next eight seconds it would be the perfect ending to a really shitty two days. By the way, the following things had gone wrong (I’ve listed them alphabetically): EVERYTHING! I wanted some TLC and nobody in my life was giving it to me so this seemed like the next best thing.

Without saying a word, he stepped inside, locked the door, turned around and then simply took off his running shorts.

I just about swallowed my tongue. I mean, at least I would have swallowed my tongue if my lungs hadn’t been in such a hurry to hurl all of the air in them out my mouth in one uncontrollable gasp.

But, before I could recover, he simply reached out and pulled my T-shirt up over my head.

Then he whispered, ‘okay, Melody, there are some rules I need to tell you about before we get started.’

‘Yeah, I bet. Like what. Like I can’t make a sound or spit out the ballgag or pull off any of the electric wires attached to my body or you’ll kill me,’ I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and suddenly felt my nipples shoot straight out into the room like two little red bullets.

Ooops, there went the panties.

‘And I bet I’m not supposed to complain about the fact that my knees are tied behind my head and I have to make each of the lips of my vagina swell up independently as they sing The Star Spangled Banner in Japanese or you’ll suffocate me and I can only cum when you tell me to and then I have to cum so hard that I flop around like a just caught fish while I’m hanging from the ropes that are suspending me from the ceiling and have a single orgasm that lasts for at least eleven hours and, after all that, if I don’t please you I have to act like a robot and perform oral sex on a lamp or something? Those kinda rules? Help…’

While I was busy trying to scare myself half to death he simply sat down on a stool, pulled me quickly towards him and suddenly I was sitting in his lap, straddling his thighs with my arms over his shoulders.

This position was so erotic that I almost fainted when he suddenly kissed me very softly on the mouth. Little sparks started flying off my lips, bouncing across my nipples and then shooting straight down to my vagina and disappearing deep up inside it.

I swallowed twice and gasped, ‘umm, is that something magic, you know, fairy stuff. I’ve never felt anything even remotely close to that when any other man has kissed me?’

‘Nah, you’re probably just incredibly horny, Melody,’ he said with a grin. ‘But we’ll fix that. Eventually. By the way, you’re absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, do you know that?’

I started to shake my head back and forth but he just
started kissing me again.

Very softly.

Incredibly softly.

Biting my lips gently and exploring my mouth with his tongue and then kissing me again. He tasted like apple pie with vanilla ice cream and hot chocolate and strawberries and the more he kissed me the hungrier I got. Food sounded like a good idea, too. After about five minutes of feeling like I was in the middle of a fireworks show on the Fourth of July I was grinding my vagina down against his erection and panting and moaning so hard that I almost didn’t hear him say, ‘now, tell me what’s wrong, Melody.’

‘I forgot,’ I gasped as I tried to wrap my legs completely around his hips. ‘I…ummm, just a lot of general stuff. This, that and the other thing. You know. Shit happens, that sort of thing. Now, umm, what do you think about maybe, umm, going into the bedroom and making mad, passionate love to me until we both pass out.’

Yeah, like any man could say ‘no’ to that! I’d read all the stories on Literotica. Wildly aroused and completely naked women, especially naked women who are sitting on a guy’s lap, always end up in the bedroom.

Or on the floor.

Or on top of the refrigerator.

‘Actually, having sex with you sounds like a great idea but I’m really more interested in how you’re feeling,’ he said as he stared directly into my eyes. ‘Tell me everything that’s frustrating you. All this sex stuff can wait. It’s not important and I’m not in a rush and, besides, I’m really concerned about you. Now what’s bothering you and how can I make it all better. Just talk to me. Take as long as you want. I’m really, really interested in how you feel.’

Okay, maybe this was a strange new form of hypnosis or something. You know, instead of ‘look directly at the swinging watch’ it was ‘just listen to the sound of my voice while I confuse the hell out of you’.

‘You mean you don’t want to just screw me into the floor. You don’t want to jump on top of me, rush through eleven seconds of perfunctory foreplay and then just fuck me until you cum. Whether I do or not. You mean, umm, you want to listen to me instead while I tell you how my day went and what matters to me and how I feel?

Oh, yeah. Right.

This was a man and I didn’t fall off a turnip truck yesterday.

‘Of course, I want to make love to you, Melody. You’re gorgeous. You’re aroused. You’re a wildly sensual woman. I want to make love to you over and over and over until we both faint. But, first, I want to talk to you, hold you in my arms, caress every inch of your body while you’re staring into my eyes and just listen. Just listen to the incredibly beautiful sound of your voice as you tell me everything that’s ever gone wrong in your life. And then I want to make it all better.’

Well, it worked.

My eyes were glassed over like a puppy in a steak restaurant. He could have asked me to cluck like a chicken and Colonel Sanders would have come running.

Besides, rubbing my vagina and clitoris all over that wonderful erection of his, while we were sitting here chatting, just felt so damn good.

I tried to talk but my mouth was completely dry. I figured that was because there’s a delicate balance in a woman’s anatomy. And right now the other end of my body was busy auditioning for the Great Rivers of The World TV series on The Discovery Channel so it was only logical that my mouth would be a bit dry.

He watched me struggling with all these conflicting emotions and desires for a few seconds and then whispered, ‘look, maybe this would help, Melody. I think I’ve gone about this wrong. The paperwork I got from the home office indicated that your LOH wouldn’t be this great and that you’d be able to talk, to really open up about your troubles. Let’s try a little trick I know…’

‘What’s LOH?’ I finally managed to croak out.

‘Level of hornyness,’ he said perfunctorily as I felt him slide both his arms down between us and then slip the palms of his hands under my thighs. ‘It’s a technical thing, one to ten, where one is a comatose woman and ten is, well, apparently ten is you. But this should help.’

Ten my ass, try six hundred and eleven!

‘Ohmygod that feels so good…’ I screamed as he picked me up carefully and then lowered me down slowly on top of him until the head of his erection was one or two inches inside my vagina.

Then he just held me there.


Apparently Bad Day Fairies are really really strong.

‘Now just relax, Melody. Maybe this will help you concentrate. I might have been teasing you a little too much a few minutes ago. And I really don’t want sex to get in the way of a meaningful discussion with you.’

By now I was biting the side of his neck, gnawing at him and spiting out little chunks of flesh like a lioness at a fresh kill and then biting into him again because I could feel him lowering me down slowly until he was completely inside me. Then raising me up just as slowly and lowering me down again.

‘Now, don’t move. Just sit there and try to relax,’ he whispered after five or six repetitions. ‘I’ll spend a few minutes tickling your back and massaging your shoulders and, when you’re sufficiently under control, we can talk, okay, Melody?’

I knew I had blood all over my face but I just looked up at him and snarled as my nipples burrowed into his chest, ‘okay, umm, hey, what do I call you. Somehow, sitting here completely impaled on you like this, Mr. Fairy doesn’t seem particularly appropriate.’

‘Mark. Just call me Mark,’ he whispered as I grunted through my two hundred and eleventh Kegel exercise.

‘Well, Mark, I don’t know how many classes you had in Fairy School on making love to a woman but I know you got A’s in every one of them. Oh, oh, ummm, ohmygod, that feels so good!! And, by the way, so does sitting on your erection.’

He had started to massage my shoulders and back. Rubbing the palms of his hands over me gently at first and then gradually harder. Until he was pressing my body against his. Kneading all the muscles along my spine. Making me shiver with pure hedonistic pleasure as much as I was shivering with arousal.

Ten minutes later I was purring and only occasionally, but very discretely, shifting my hips around slowly on top of him as I whispered, ‘okay, I think all that worked. I’m a little more under control. Now let’s go in the bedroom. I really do want to talk to you, Mark, and, well, I want to do it while I’m laying on top of you, listening to your heart beat. Okay?’

There is absolutely no way to make what happened next look dignified. The strongest, most athletic man in the world cannot walk effectively with a woman’s legs locked around his waist and his completely erect penis crammed inside her vagina.

But it was sure fun!

By the time we reached the bedroom I was gasping and giggling and hiccuping. I think the hiccups were an autonomic reaction to overstimulation. Besides, I’d finally decided how to get even with all those skinny, stuck-up women who work as high fashion models.

Make them all slither across the runway clamped onto a man exactly like I was.

‘And now, wearing the hoity toity six million dollar tinfoil dress that no ordinary woman would ever even dare look at is Tofu. Tofu is impaled on the massive cock of a Scottish stud named Eric…waddle, waddle, waddle, turn, waddle, waddle, waddle…’

Yeah. Try and fucking look pouty now, Tofu!

‘Did you say something, Melody?’ he asked as he sat down on the bed, carefully brought his feet up and slowly laid down on his back.

I straightened my legs out and nuzzled my head in against his shoulder. Then I began to very delicately rock my hips up and down, only and inch or two at a time, sliding my vagina and clitoris up and down over the magnificent lover inside me as I groaned, ‘stick thin women with attitudes. That’s Gripe Number One. Hmmm, you feel wonderful, Mark. Wow, too bad Macy’s doesn’t ha
ve a complaint department like this. Ohhh, that feels good. Now, ummm, you said something earlier about some rules?’

‘Well, they’re not actually rules,’ he said as he began to match my delicate motions with small, very controlled, thrusts of his own.

Which, of course, started to seriously complicate things because I immediately lost my ability to see.

‘Hmmm, you feel wonderful, Melody, I love touching you like this,’ he groaned as I suddenly became aware of his erection literally throbbing inside me. ‘Anyway, they’re not rules, they’re more like suggestions, things you should know. Like, for instance, I can read your mind. That’s one.’

‘Huh?’ I barely managed to gasp out as the tiny little muscles around my anus began to spasm uncontrollably.

‘I can read your mind when we’re making love so you have to be careful about…’

Too late.

Suddenly he flipped me over and began to thrust his massive erection up and down into me almost uncontrollably as I screamed, bucked up against him, wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my fingernails into his back.

Five minutes later I exploded.

An orgasm that felt like a wildfire raging out of control began in my toes and raced up the center of my spine. Exactly one second after I started to cum, I felt his entire body shutter like we were in an earthquake from the intensity of his orgasm. I was screaming and flailing my head back and forth from side to side when I suddenly realized I couldn’t catch my breath because he was kissing me so furiously.

And then it was over.

Two bodies. Together. Breathing as one.

‘So, umm, okay, wow, let’s see, I think I understand what happened,’ I whispered when I could finally talk about eight minutes later. ‘One minute I’m laying on top of you, rocking my hips slowly up and down and that gets me so aroused that I start to fantasize about what it would be like to feel you slamming your rockhard erection into my vagina while I’m underneath you and, voila, just because I thought about it, it happened.’

‘Yeah,’ he said, still breathless, ‘you, umm, you have to be careful what you wish for around a Bad Day Fairy, Melody.’

‘What’s that smell?’ I said quietly, sniffing at the air and realizing I smelled chocolate.

‘Oh, that’s probably you. While my semen is inside you it’s an inert lubricant, like KY Jelly. But as it seeps out it turns into anything you want, your favorite perfume, whipped creme, it’s up to you. Since you didn’t specify anything, I took a guess and chose chocolate syrup.’

I knew I shouldn’t ask him what I was about to ask him but I couldn’t resist.

‘Ummm, then what happens, Mark.’

‘I get to lick it all off.’

All I could do was gasp as I felt him sliding across my body until his mouth was directly over my vagina.

Oh God, this was going to be fun!!

‘How does that feel, Melody?’

‘You mean how does it feel to have your tongue sliding softly across the lips of my vagina, licking, flicking, biting, taunting, teasing, caressing and generally driving me crazy? Ummm, oh, well, pretty good.’

Before I could catch myself I started thinking about what it would feel like to have him slide the tip of his tongue around the base of my clitoris and then suck it slowly up into his mouth, flicking his tongue across it wildly.



Orgasms Number Two thru Six hit me like locomotives. An hour and a half later, after I’d stopped screaming, he simply moved back up on top of me and delicately slid his erection back into my vagina.

‘You’re still hard? I don’t understand…how do you…I mean, how long can…’

‘As long as you want, Melody,’ he whispered softly as he began to nibble on the side of my neck. ‘As long as you want…’

Okay. If I didn’t start telling this guy about my problems pretty soon I was really going to forget what they were so I closed my eyes, wiggled my nose and told him to flip us over.

Ten seconds later I was on top.

Over the next half hour he rubbed my shoulders and back, kissed me softly on the side of the face, caressed by thighs, tickled my butt, nodded his head in agreement and stared directly into my eyes as I unloaded all the cares of the world on him. This guy was absolutely fantastic. He listened to everything I said, hung on every word and even kissed my tears away during that one five minute period when I was talking about my, well, oh, I guess there’s no reason to depress you. After all, you’re reading this for the sex. Not to hear some neurotic woman rattle on about this and that.

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Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad

This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...

3 years ago
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Chudayi Ke Din Chdayi Ki Raaten 8211 Part I

Meri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

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Alias Sinbad

ALIAS SINBAD © 2014, 2019 by Anthony Durrant As I climbed up to the top of the clock tower of the Royal Palace of Bagrad, I could hear nothing at all. Hence, when I finally reached the window at the top, I simply climbed in through it and walked over to the gem set in the front of the main hall. Grabbing the gem, I ran back to the window, only to be grabbed from behind by a guard and dragged off to see the Crown Prince of Bagrad. ?You!? he shouted. ?You...

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The Toothache Fairy

Collecting the keys of the car from the rental company’s underground offices, he headed west out of the airport. He tapped in the hotel’s post code on the Sat Nav, to be informed that he would reach his destination in under an hour. As English country house hotels go, it was no great shakes. But it was the end of the financial year and the Brussels office had had its travel budget slashed.Cyber-security specialist Mark Cavendish was in Britain representing an international cartel (backed by...

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Blowjob Fairy

Magic still exists in the world. The Blowjob Fairy stands ready to serve. Who will summon her and receive her favor? More importantly, do they even know what they're in for? Please feel free to submit chapters/characters, or post suggestions in the comments to keep the adventure going.

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

4 years ago
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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

4 years ago
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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 24 Holliday Surprise

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 1, 2010) Chapter 24 - Holliday Surprise Wednesday morning had me dreading school again. I couldn't believe that the day before I had been excited to go to school as Megan. Now, I was considering dressing up as Brett again....

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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 16 Holliday Dinner

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 4, 2010) Chapter 16 - Holliday Dinner Dad, acting as our agent instead of my dad (I hoped), had made us reservations at an upscale restaurant. I also found out that pulling a limo up to the door was not exactly the best...

3 years ago
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Apni Badi Didi Ki Help Ke Badle Chudaai

Mein Delhi mein rehta hoon, aur mere ghar main mere mummy papa, teen bhai aur 2 behne hai, meri didi sabse badi hai aur ek behan sabse chhoti hai, meri didi ki umar 40 saal ki hai meri umar 28 ki hai. Meri didi ki shaadi hue 14 saal ho gaye hain unka ek beta aur ek beti hai. Meri didi ka figure aaj bhi bahut hi attractive hai, wo sanwali hain lekin chehre pe bahut sex apeal hai. Jab mein kuch samajhdaar hua to mujhe pata chal chuka thaki meri didi sex ki bahut bhukhi hai, aur kai logon se uske...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

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The Dayton Hillbillies Ch 02

California… Anaheim… Disneyland And suddenly, the loudspeakers all over the park announced, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Dayton Hillbilly Marching Band from Dayton Ridge, Texas.’ A momentary hush fell over the crowds, until from beyond the Matterhorn came the sound of drums and then the sound of horns, cymbals and washboards as the band played ‘The Horse’ and marched to their position directly in front of Cinderella’s Castle. The people all gathered as the drum majors silently...

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TMKOC Daya ke bukhaar ka ilaaj 8211 Part 3

Pichle parts mein aapne padha, ki Daya ko bukhaar ho gaya. Aur hospital mein usko doctor Karan ne choda. Udhar Daya ka pati Jethalal nurse Shweta ke sath rangraliya mana raha tha. Ab wapas chalte hai Daya ki taraf. Karan se chudne ke baad Daya ki chut shaant ho gayi thi, aur woh aaram se so gayi thi. 12 baj chuke the, aur Daya so rahi thi. Woh ek taraf karwat leke soyi hui thi. Tabhi ek hath Daya ke boobs par aaya, aur uske boobs dabane laga. Fir woh hath uski shirt ke andar gaya, aur uske...

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Hot holiday at Barbados

Hot holiday at Barbados Holiday again, with my loving Victor relaxing at a nice Barbadian beach.A couple of evenings after our arrival, we were at a beach bar after dinner; Victor was enjoying some local drinks and I had been flirting a lot with a very handsome black man called James, the bartender and his friend Francis.Around midnight I told my husband I was so tired; I would go back to our hotel room. He said he would come later, after finishing his last shot. I said I was tired, but still I...

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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 4 Daya ko akela dekh Iyer ne faida uthaya

mein aapne padha tha, ki kaise Jethalal ne Sonu ki paison ka laalach deke choda tha. Ab thoda flashback mein chalte hai. Jab Jethalal Sonu ko window mein se dekh kar uske peeche jata hai. To woh room ka darwaza band karna bhool jata hai. Jethalal ke room se jaane ke baad Daya akeli hoti hai. Woh is baat se anjaan thi, ki Jethalal room ka darwaza khula chhodh gaya tha. Aur woh befikar hoke bathroom mein nahane chali jati hai. Koi 10-minute baad Iyer Jethalal se koi baat karne ke liye uske...

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Tmkoc Bapuji ne Daya ko kiya majbur 8211 Part 1

Baat hai Gokuldham society ki. Ek din Bapuji jaldi subah uth ke bathroom ki or jaate hai. Waha unhe darwaja khula dekha aur andar paani chaalu tha. Bapuji: Are yeh paani kisne chaalu kiya? Jarur Jethiya bhul gaya hoga, hmm akal vagar no dhandhiyo. Lekin woh jaise hi darwaje ka paas gaye to unhone Daya ko nanga dekha aur turant waha se chale gaye. Yeh sab Daya ko nahi pata tha. Fir jaise hi Daya bahar nikli to Bapuji andar naahne gaye. Aur unhone Daya ki panty aur bra dekha to unka lund khada...

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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Looking for fuck in Hyderabad Secundrabad

Hi friends, Any Aunty/Gals …or anyone like to loose virginity its 100% Assurance dont worry mail me on ( ) This is Rah(26) from hyderabad writing my experience when i had been to madras.In madras i had been to a supermarket where i found a girl called sirisha(20) doing Bcom final. And coming to sirisha, she was fair,5’5″ and very good structure with long hair and in one word just sexy. I was entering the supermarket in madras and she with her grandmom was coming out of supermarket in perambur...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 1 Daya Ke Photos

Hello guys my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old studying in college. Please puri story padiye jise ek acha sa mahol banee aur imagine karte jayie jis characters ki baat hoti hai jisse jyada maja ayega. ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ARE 18+ ADULTS. Iss serial ko introduction ki koi jarurat nahi hai yeh meri aapki aur sabki favourite serials mein se ek hai ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.’ Toh iss story ki characters toh aapko pata hee hai toh sidha story pe aata hun! Toh start karte hai...

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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Daya aur Roshan ka sonswap

Gogi ko ek school project ke liya kuch important file aur document internet se download karna tha. Lekin uske pass apna computer nahi tha. Gokuldham mein Gogi ke sirf do doston ke pass hi computer tha. Tapu aur Sonu. Gogi ne socha ki kyun na Tapu ke pass jaya jaye? Udhar aacha khane ko bhi milega aur Tapu se project bhi karwa lunga. Gogi Tapu ke ghar jane bahar nikalta hai. Udhar dekhta hai Tapu aur Bapuji kahan bahar ja rahe hai auto mein. Gogi- Oye, Tapu kahan ja raha hai? Tapu- Aare Gogi,...

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Faraday Serum II Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans By: Light Clark and Meridian Synopsis: Almost two years have passed since the Protean serum capable of changing men into women was brought to Aurora in an effort to save the people of the world from extinction. The Aurorans have since organized the Faraday Initiative, a program calling for volunteers to undergo the treatment and begin bringing women back to the planet. Two lowlifes from the streets of the opulent city's underground volunteer in the hopes of...

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Daya Bhabhi Ne Babu Ji Aur Kamwali Ki Chudai Dekhi

Tarak Mehta ka oolta chashma ke stories ke fans ke liye ek aur kahani pesh hai aaj.  Fantasy hai ye jisme Babu ji apni kamwali ki le rahe hai. Unhe Daya bhabhi ne  dekh liya aur chut mein ungli ki. To chaliye ab time waste na karte hue khani par  chale. Daya bhabhi kamre mein ayi to usne dekha ki Babu ji kamre mein nahi hai. Chai ki pyali ko table par rakhi. Woh jhaadu padi hui thi kamre mein use side mein rakh ke kitchen ki taraf chal padi. Tabhi ek sath uske dimag mein do sawal aaye, “Babu ji...

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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

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Holiday in Barbados

We like going on sun holidays and as Linda had always wanted to go to the Caribean this particular summer we managed to get a cancellation to Barbados.It was not peak season nut the place was busy enough with alot of couples there. It was our first time in one of these resorts and it took a short while to get used to what you were allowed to do and weren't.There were places it was OK to bathe topless or nude, even walking around topless or nude was allowed in certain places aswell. Linda had...

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Holiday in Barbados

My wife Linda is a good looker and cannot say no to sex with men or women, She is mid forties and once started will have sex multiple times at one session. She has a great body and take me to bed eyes. We had taken a seven day holiday at a resort hotel near Bridgetown Barbados. it was first class and had a great pool. On our second day we had been out and came back late afternoon to the pool. We heard a lot of chatter and then became aware of a well known airline crew making their way to the...

Group Sex
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Badi Behen Ko Diya Bada Lund

I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...

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Students from Islamabad

My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...

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Living In Dayton Town chapter 11

The women. The women in Dayton county were some of the hottest ladies you could hope to see, let alone talk to. This wasn't bragging. From the 18 year old girls at the local high school to the mature married milfs who lived in the neighbourhood to even our very own police force which had at least 25 female members were as hot as hell. Secretaries, 2 judges, the 70+ married women still in their twenties, the 90+ single women still in their twenties, the 100+ mature Milfs, the High...

2 years ago
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Doomsday Cruise Delight

John hadn’t caught her age as things had just moved too fast. She was no teenager, but she couldn’t be more than twenty-five he figured? My god what a body, what a flat stomach and look at her firm tight ass. As her plump raspberry tinged lips enveloped John’s hard cock he groaned again and she giggled at his reaction. She looked more vulnerable and sexy than John thought a woman could be capable of looking. Their wild bedroom antics had tousled her hair and her make-up was streaked and smudged...

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