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This is another story that, like my previous story ‘A View From the Bottom’ and others, draws from my personal experience. This time it is a wife who accused me, wrongly and often, of having affairs, and would launch into a screaming, sometimes public, tirade. While you may think these incidents are unreal, believe me they are very real. Other elements of the story are from my imagination and should not be taken as perfect in every way, I may, and probably will, get it wrong. I use these elements as a vehicle in a romance, the getting of two people together. Whether the romance is long lasting, or short-lived, it is still a romance. CM


‘Don’t lie to me!’ The words were hurled at me from a distance of around ten centimetres. ‘You have been fucking Paige!’ Paige was her younger sister and I wasn’t fucking her.

‘I have not been fucking her, I don’t know where you got that idea from.’ I said as calmly as I could. This had been going on for the almost all of the five years of our married life, these accusations of infidelity borne of her insane jealousy.

‘She told me! That’s how I know you’ve been fucking her!’

I have tried to convince her that she should seek treatment for her jealousy before she really goes off the rails and ends up needing psychiatric care. These moments are balanced out by her loving nature at other times, a loving nature that encourages me to persevere with our marriage, but at times like this I begin to seriously wonder why I bother.

‘I have not been fucking Paige. I am not going to stay here and listen to your irrational jealousy, I’m going for a drive while you cool down.’

‘That’s right, you’re going for a drive, straight over to her place to cry on her shoulder and tell her what a bitch her sister is, and then she’ll get all sympathetic and caring and fuck you.’

‘Look, if it puts your mind at ease, why don’t you call her and you can talk to her until I get back. That way you’ll know that I’ve been telling the truth.’

‘Don’t worry, I will, I’m not going to let you bluff me.’

‘Take care of yourself and I’ll see you in a little while.’ I would have kissed her but the look on her face told me not to bother. This was the last time I saw Emily alive.

My stress relief driving course took me up into the hills on winding country roads, where even the speed limit can be testing in places. I found that the combination of having to concentrate on my driving, and the adrenalin rush that this brought on, took my mind off my problems, and when I turned back it gave me time to think. My thoughts bore no resemblance to what waited for me when I turned into my street.

There were two cars out front of my house, both with ‘red and blues’ flashing, and there was an ambulance backed up in the driveway, also with flashing lights.

I pulled up out front and walked up to the front door, there was a policeman standing beside the door who blocked my path. ‘You can’t go in there sir.’

‘Why not, it’s my house?’ What was going on. ‘What’s happening here?’

‘Just then another policeman came out of the house. ‘Mr. Holland?’

‘Yes, what’s happened, why won’t you tell me what’s happened?’

‘I’m Detective Sergeant Peterson, would you come this way sir.’ He led me into our bedroom. Emily’s naked body was stretched across the bed, I assumed that she was dead because no-one was making any attempt to revive her.’

‘What happened here?’ I was shocked at what I saw.

‘That’s what we thought that you might be able to tell us.’

Alarm bells were clanging in my brain, surely they don’t think that I had anything to do with this.

‘I’m afraid that I know nothing of this, she was fine when I left here about an hour ago.’

‘Where have you been for the past hour?’

‘Well, you see the thing is, we were having an argument and I left her here while I went for a drive to let her calm down.’ I realised the moment I said it, that they would now elevate me to the top of the list of suspects, a long list of one.

‘How long ago did you leave’ Peterson asked.

‘About an hour ago, give or take a few minutes, I didn’t actually look at the time but I remembered that the news had just started on the car radio, so it must have been on the hour.’

‘That would make it fifty-two minutes ago.’ He looked at his watch and wrote this in his little book.

‘Now this argument, what was that about?’

‘She accused me of having an affair with Paige, that’s her sister.’

‘And you of course denied this?’

‘Of course.’

‘Were you having an affair with this Paige woman?’


‘Of course you wouldn’t admit it even if you were, would you?’ He asked. Well he asked me, but I got the impression that it was a statement to himself.

‘Tell me sir, who packed the dishwasher and set it going?’

‘I did, why?’

‘Very convenient.’

‘What has this got to do with Emily’s death, come to that, how did she die?’

‘We believe that she was poisoned, and by putting the dishes into the dishwasher, any chance we might have of finding traces of the poison, or fingerprints have been effectively erased. ‘I think Mr. Holland, that you should accompany us to the station. I am arresting you on suspicion of murdering your wife Emily Holland, anything you say may be taken down and used in evidence against you,’

‘Yeah, I know, I can contact my lawyer and all that.’

‘I’m sorry sir, but I have to tell you your rights in full.’

‘Get on with it then.’ He did, and then he put handcuffs on me and led me to a waiting police car. To the neighbours and onlookers, I was guilty, it’s hard to look innocent when you’re being led off in cuffs.

I was formally charged and I was allowed to call my lawyer who came as soon as he could.

George McTiernan and I sat in an interview room. ‘First things first, did you do it?’


‘Right, now that’s out of the way, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. What evidence do they have for reaching the conclusion that you’re guilty?’

‘Emily and I had one of our regular arguments this morning, and I went for a drive to calm down and give her a chance to calm down. When I got back she was dead and the police were there. Before I left I had stacked the dishwasher and turned it on, they say it was to erase any evidence.’

‘When did you do that, was it before or after the argument?’

‘Before, why?’

‘How long does it take to complete the full cycle?’

‘About an hour and a half.’

‘Was it running when you got home?’

‘No, but I don’t know when it would have finished. Is this important?’

‘It could be very important. Do you feel up to being grilled by the police?’

‘Let’s get it over with.’ He pushed a button on the desk and a couple of minutes later Detective Sergeant Peterson and Constable Stevens arrived and sat opposite us.

‘Mr Holland, when we spoke to you earlier, you mentioned that you had been having an argument with your wife, is this correct?’


‘And this was because she had accused you of having an affair with your wife’s sister Paige, is that correct?’


‘Were you having an affair with her?’

‘No, I’ve already told you that.’

‘Would it interest you to know that we have spoken to Paige Middleton, and she has told us that you were in fact having an affair.’

‘We weren’t.’

‘What possible reason would she have of saying that you were?’

‘I don’t know, I get on well with her but the very thought of having an affair with her has never entered my head.’

‘So you say. Tell me, why did you turn on the dishwasher?’

‘Because it was full.’

‘While you were on your drive, did anyone see you?’

‘Hundreds of people would have seen me but I don’t expect that any of them would remember me.’

‘I thought th
at you might have stopped for fuel somewhere.’

‘No, I had plenty of fuel and didn’t need to stop.’

He asked several more rather innocuous questions before telling me that I would be remanded in custody until a court hearing in the morning and that he would be opposing bail.

‘I’ll see you in the morning.’ George said as he stood up. ‘I’ll do a little fishing and see what I can come up with.’

‘Thanks George.’

‘Come with me sir.’ Sergeant Peterson said as he led me to the front desk where the rest of the formalities took place.

Prison cells are not designed to raise the spirits of the prisoner. I lay on the bunk and tried to think what had happened and who could have killed Emily. No inspiration came.

Some time later the flap in the door clanged open and a tray was slid in, on it was my cordon bleu evening meal. It remained on the tray untouched. I had no appetite for the muck that was on the tray.

The committal hearing was brief, the police presented their case, accusing me of killing my wife, when asked, I pleaded ‘Not guilty’ and I was committed. The police asked that I be held in custody, George opposed this and applied for bail, the police objected to this application, the Magistrate set bail at fifty thousand dollars, George agreed to this, the police were unhappy, a trial date was set in three weeks and the matter was adjourned.

‘What are you going to do?’ George asked as we left the courthouse through the milling crowd of media each trying to get me to answer their inane question.

‘Did you murder your wife?’ Some clown asked. Do they think that I’m totally stupid enough to admit it even if I had?

‘No comment.’

George stepped in. ‘My client is innocent of this charge and we will prove his innocent if this ever gets to trial, which I very much doubt, because what little evidence the police have will not hold up in court.’

He drove me home to my now empty house. I set about tidying up the mess left by the police, the finger print powder was almost impossible to get off without using harsh cleaners. They’d emptied the dishwasher but left everything lying around, which was probably just as well because I had to wash them again.

I had just emerged from the shower when the front door bell rang. It was Paige. ‘Hi Matt, I hope that I’m not bothering you, can I come in?’

‘Sure.’ I stood back and let her in.

‘I just dropped by to see how you were holding up.’

‘Tell me one thing, did you tell the police that we were having an affair?’

‘No, I haven’t spoken to the police. Why, did they tell you that I had?’

‘Yes, they told me that they’d spoken to you, and you told them that we were having an affair.’

‘I can’t for the life of me understand why they would do that?’

‘Did you tell Emily that we were having an affair?’

‘No, I told her that I’d met someone but wouldn’t tell her who it was, she must have assumed that it was you.’

‘Can I get you something, a cup of coffee?’

‘Sure, let me help you.’ She filled the kettle and pushed the go button while I got a couple of cups from the cupboard and the coffee from the pantry.

We sat and sipped, both of us for a moment lost in our thoughts, me reliving the sight of Emily’s lifeless body stretched across the bed, she probably having thoughts of the sister so callously taken from us. ‘I’m going to miss her, she wasn’t the easiest sister to live with, but I don’t know whether I can live without her.’

‘What do you mean when you say that she wasn’t the easiest sister to live with?’

‘Well, she had this jealous streak, even with me, she was jealous of my achievements, she was jealous of the men I dated, she was even jealous of my freedom, I think in a way that was why she got so angry with you, she wanted her freedom and thought that if she made life difficult for you that you’d leave her. She couldn’t face the stigma attached to her leaving you.’

‘Do you think that she may have been seeing someone?’

‘Why would you ask that?’

‘It’s just that I can’t think of any reason why she would want to break up our marriage, I can’t see her as wanting to live on her own, she wasn’t the type to do that, she would have prepared for the future, and that could mean her backup plan of another man lined up already.’

‘No, I can’t see her doing that.’

‘Why not?’

‘She doesn’t have the guts to go behind your back with another man.’

‘I’m not sure about that, she’s been a little pre-occupied lately, as if something was bothering her.’

‘So you think it was something other than your supposed affair with me?’

‘Yes, I wasn’t aware that she was thinking about me having an affair with you, but I think it was something else.’

‘She never said anything to me, and I think that she’d tell me if she was seeing someone.’

‘I don’t know, I don’t know what to think, and now I have the police who are convinced of my guilt.’

‘If you feel the need to talk to someone, just give me a call, okay?’

‘Oh, sure, thanks Paige, you’ve been a great help already.’

‘That’s what sisters are for.’ She stood up and bent over to kiss me. ‘I’ll let myself out.’ And she was gone.

I sat and thought about how I could clear my name and then it hit me, my Sat Nav. I rang George and asked him to come over.

‘What is it?’

‘Come with me.’ I led him outside to where my car had sat since I got home. I opened the door (I hadn’t locked it and it was still there, amazing.) I turned the ignition on and waited for the Sat Nav to boot up.

‘What are you doing?’

‘You’ll see.’ The screen burst into life and went through the usual routine of loading the maps until the main menu opened. I pushed a button. ‘Look,’ I said, pointing to the screen, ‘that’s the trip log with details of my drive yesterday, it gives not only the number of Kilometres down to two decimal places, but the running average and overall average speed as well as the highest speed that I drove at. You will notice that the running average and overall average are very close, this means that I stopped only for traffic lights and turns, no major stops. From this information we can get a pretty good estimation of how long I was driving.’

‘How do we convince them that this is actual evidence?’

‘It sets a time line, and helps me account for my movements from the time I left the house to the time I returned.’

‘We need to preserve this, how do we do that?’

‘By taking a photo of the screen using a camera with the time and date stamp, and I just so happen to have one of those. I have the feeling that if I give the police access to this evidence they might just accidentally erase the information.’

‘Do it, and then we contact the good Sergeant and let him impound the car.’

While I took the necessary photographs George contacted the Police Station. ‘Sergeant Peterson, it’s George McTiernan, Matthew Holland’s lawyer, my client has remembered that his car is fitted with a Sat Nav that records trip data, and we intend to use that to prove that he was away from his home for forty-nine minutes, this establishes an alibi for the time that Emily was killed.’

‘We will need to impound the vehicle so that we can verify that information. I will send a police tow truck to pick it up.’ The evidence lasted less than five minutes after the tilt tow truck arrived. We expected that the car would be winched onto the flat-bed, instead the tow truck driver drove it onto the truck, effectively wiping the last trip data from the Sat Nav.

‘I hope that Detective Inspector Peterson didn’t tell him to drive it onto the truck.’ I said as the driver began to place the shackles onto the car.

George walked over to him a spoke to him for a minute before the driver drove away. ‘He was not told to winch it on so he decided to drive it onto the tray.’

‘This could prove inter
esting, apart from wanting me to be guilty, I wonder if there could be any other reason for Peterson’s actions.’

‘I’m going to have fun finding out in a couple of days when we get to court.’

‘How did she die, do we know that?’

‘It was poisoning, it was something very potent administered orally, this is why they’re convinced of your guilt, you turned the dishwasher on destroying any evidence. But it now appears that you haven’t.’

‘But how can we establish the time line?’

‘Apparently they received a call from a neighbour reporting a disturbance, this call would have been logged so we’ll know roughly when the argument started and when it finished. We know that the dishwasher was finished its cycle when you arrived home. Now the poison that they say was used is very quick acting, it takes less than a minute to cause a death that appears to all intents and purposes to be a heart attack. If you started the dishwasher before the argument began you could not have destroyed the evidence after she ingested it because you weren’t there when she died.’

‘Who could have done this? And what was the motive?’

‘I don’t know, but what you have to worry about is proving your innocence and to do that we have to cast serious doubts over any evidence that they put forward to show that you had the key elements, motive, opportunity and method. The opportunity we have covered, as for motive, I think we’re pretty safe unless they come up with something like the phony admission by Paige, if she says you were having an affair with her we could be in strife. As for method, unless you have access to this poison that I don’t know about they’ll have their work cut out. Our best bet is to convince the Magistrate that you have neither of those elements and ask that it be thrown out of court.’

Who could have done this and why? My mind drifted back to when I first met Emily. It was seven years ago. . . .


‘Hi.’ She had just sat next to me on the QANTAS jumbo at Heathrow. She was much better than the usual passenger that I was forced by circumstances I neither understood, nor had any control over, on these long-haul flights from London to Sydney via Hong Kong.

‘Hi, are you going all the way or just to Hong Kong?’

‘All the way.’ She smiled at me to reassure me that she would be the perfect passenger.

‘Good, I’m Matthew by the way, Matthew Holland.’

‘Emily, Emily Middleton. Is this a business trip or pleasure for you?’

‘A bit of both, I had business in London and took the opportunity to do something that I had promised myself when I was a kid. I went on a tour of the Morgan car factory.’

‘Oh.’ She said it like she couldn’t understand why anyone would want to waste time doing that.

‘I enjoyed it, it was interesting to see where my car was built, to see those tradesmen forming the body panels by hand, it’s a lost art. How about you, was your trip business or pleasure?’

‘Business, I’m afraid.’

‘Who do you work for, if you don’t mind me asking?’

‘I work for the Government.’ She caught the puzzled look on my face. ‘I was lucky to get upgraded to First Class, the thought of spending all that time crammed in cattle class was just too horrible to contemplate.’

We talked for a while and after an hour she nodded off and her head dropped onto my shoulder. I tapped her shoulder. ‘Would you like to lay the seat back to get more comfortable?’

‘No, I’m quite comfortable enough, thank you.’ She closed her eyes and left me to dream about this beautiful young woman who was comfortable with her head on my shoulder. This was so much better that the usual overweight business man snoring his head off into the night. I eventually went to sleep myself.

‘Matthew, wake up.’ I opened my eyes to see her face looking at me. One of the cabin crew stood behind the dinner cart. ‘What would you like?’

‘What do you have?’ I asked the stewardess. She rattled of the list of exciting menu selections.

‘I’ll have the chicken thank you and a white wine.’ The dinner tray was handed over along with one of those ridiculous little bottles of wine and a plastic wine ‘glass’. Oh well, haute cuisine it wasn’t, but it was better than nothing. Emily selected the same and we munched our way through the meal in silence.

After the remnants were collected Emily turned to me. ‘Don’t take this as an insult, but do you mind if I check to see if there’s a decent in-flight movie on?’

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Mary knocked on the door tentatively. Tap-tap? A bellow rattled the door. "Come!" Mary squared her shoulders and marched into the small cubicle that served as the office for her boss, who ran the news operation at WJM- TV. Lou Grant was a balding fireplug, short and squat with beefy arms that bulged out of his rolled-up sleeves. As Mary came into his office, he slid closed the drawer where he kept his bourbon and planted both meaty fists on his cluttered desk. His expression softened as he...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 9

Her long legs were spread slightly, toes pointing outward and flexing, helping maintain her balance. Her pussy was wet, its lips engorged in anticipation. She hoped the scent of her arousal wasn't too obvious. She checked her makeup, and then went to re-join her new friends in the first class compartment, two glasses of champagne in her hands. "Thanks Stephanie," said Raul sincerely. "You're sure taking good care of us," said Barbara softly. Her hands lingered on the fingers of the...

2 years ago
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Hot Chat Leads To Sex In Movie Theater

Hello ISS readers, I am Ravi 26 from Chennai. Thank you so much for you feedback and comment for my previous story. Females or ladies in Chennai can approach me for massages and other services to my email address . My service will be top class and classic. Sorry friends in the first part end I said that me, laxmi and his friend enjoyed in Mahabalipuram. It is not Mahabalipuram which is Pondicherry. Now, let us dive into the story which happened only a couple of weeks ago. One fine day, I was...

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Ma petite pouletteAmy ENGLISH

After the cold winter passed by,Life went on in our village. However Wwe came from the USA,they lived in Southern Germany. Long ago,their grand-fathers had stayed in Germany after World War II. Our Family( Robinson) was a very basic family, excisting out of a father,mother,daughter,brother. And not to forget, our cat Mr. Whiskers. Amy(16), the daughter, was the kind of student that doesn’t really care. If she gets a 6/10 her parents are glad, so is she. Hours, a day she would listen to...

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The Tree House Book 1Chapter 1

I’d arrived home just the night before for a Memorial Day weekend visit. Morning had broken as I mindlessly gazed out the double French doors into the backyard where I grew up. No thoughts were rattling through my brain. It was just empty like the backyard. Sipping my morning coffee I heard my Mom shuffling about and then there was her light hand on my shoulder. I leaned my head over giving a little peck to her hand and said in my usual abbreviated way, “Morning!” “Good Morning, Michael,”...

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Baap Ki Galti Chupai Choti Beti Ne 8211 Part IIII

Dear ISS reader jaisa ki maine aapko apni pahili teen stories (BAAP KI GALTI CHUPAI CHOTI BETI NE PART-1,2,3)main bataya ki meri biwi Diviya apne maayke shadi main gayi to mujhe meri beti Anushka ne mere dost ki biwi Dimpal ke saath range haathon pakad liya aur meri beti ne mujko bola ki main maa ke aane par usko sab kuch bata doongi.main uski is baat se dara hua tha.maine ek plan banaya aur jiske anusaar vo bathroom main slip ho gayi,maine usko uthakar bistar par lita diya. usko hip aur right...

1 year ago
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Day DrawChapter 3

As a second year Collegian I had the option of living away from the College although it was considered more risky of missing classes. Usually only those able to afford a carriage house as well as house and grounds, and fairly near as well were able to successfully live away. I could afford to, so I did. I managed to secure a cook and maid who were discrete to the point of invisibility, which well pleased me. They soon learned that the less obtrusive they were, the higher their bonus. The...

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Shadi Ke Baad Blackmailing 8211 Part II

Hi, mera naam varsha[change name] hain.main mumbai me rehati hu , mere age 30 hain,married hu aur 5 saal ka ladka hain muje.husband ek co me job karte hain .hamare arrange marrige hain , 7 saal hue hamare shadi ko. kuch dino se muje indian sex stories padane ki aadat lagi. tab mera man bhi karne laga ki kyu na main bhi mera expirence aapko logo se share karu. lekin ye sab karne ke liye bahoot himmat jutani padi muje. akir ye stori aapke samne batane ja rahi hu main. 23 saal ki thi tab mere...

2 years ago
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The Week following Memorial Day

The Memorial Day weekend finally ended. During the ride home Mike thought about what he had experienced over the holiday weekend, and as usual he got hard again. He thought about Loni jacking him off on that first night and being invited to her futon the next night. In his mind's eye he saw her throw back her covers to reveal her new silky and see through lingerie.Through half lidded eyes he saw that his mom was snoozing in the passenger seat. The twins were in the second row of the van and...

1 year ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4

Another Space Battle. The enemy is hungry. One of their food sources is humans from planet earth. The newcomers had been around the moon. John had a bit of fun with the cookies. John could sense something not right. He looked at his phone for the time. “Admiral, head towards Venus at full speed.” “Brien announce to everyone to make sure their seat belts are on secure.” Admiral Mary advised. “Buckle up and make safe, Tito log in a direct path to Venus and advance at full speed,” Brien said...

2 years ago
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WinnerChapter 6

I could not remember who had been the last president to throw out the first ball at a Washington Senators' baseball game. I had to go look it up and then TV and the newspapers were full of old pictures showing Roosevelt and Kennedy and Harry Truman, who could throw with either hand, doing the job. And all of them smiling and obviously enjoying it, all the way back to Taft. I probably was trying to forget about the last guy that did it. I did remember the last game at the ballpark, the one...

3 years ago
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Daughters Horny Urges 3

"Hi, honey," he said, kissing his wife on the lips. "G'morning, John," smiled Alicia. "Ready for breakfast?" "Hell, yeah," he said, sitting down. Then, eyeing his wife's great body he leered, "How 'bout a little ass, too? He-heh?" His wife turned away, hurriedly snapping, "Now, John, I've told you that's supposed to be only for having a baby. Now, please. Stop bothering me about that. I let you have your way once a month as it is, you know." "Yeah, okay," he...

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Abby Abby Matt and Jeff on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jeff on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

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Milwaukee Cuckolds Wife and the Neighbor

Milwaukee Cuckold’s Wife and the NeighborMy wife had been having lots of fun entertaining “friends” since she cuckolded me. She had several regulars and was getting filled regularly. One day she was talking to our next-door neighbor Cindy when Cindy said to her, “Judy, last night I heard you yelling in ecstasy and shortly later I saw some guy leaving and I know your husband is out of town, is there something you want to share?” smiling and grinning when she said it. Judy got a fearful look on...

4 years ago
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House arrest is interesting when mom got it

I left home like so many boys did to enlist in the military at 18. I knew from a young age that I would enlist just like my father had. Part of me was doing it in his honor of sorts. He was killed in action in Iraq in 2004 when I was a boy. Life adjusted and continued as best it could for a few years after that until my 18th birthday approached. My poor mother was a wreck after dad died and became a house hermit for the rest of my time there. We weren’t very close but she always did what was...

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The Cheating Game

It was a game we played, and nothing more. Some flighty teases here, some forbidden glimpses there, dropping my purse and bending over, making sure my short dress rode up to reveal more of creamy thighs and butt cheeks than considered proper or allowing greedy, foreign hands to linger on my body far too long, all that was part of the secret, thrilling game we used to play whenever we were spending evenings mingling with ‘society’. These games, they always ended with Paul’s arms encircling me...

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Condemnation RedemptionChapter 2 fvrier 1688 Versailles

“Pardon monsieur,” came a feminine voice from behind me as I stood looking down upon the fountain and in the distance an artificial lake, really the extension of a canal, completely covered in winter’s white blanket, “But are you Christian?” Without bothering to look, I waved my hand as if shooing away a fly and replied in the aloof manner that I cultivated, “It seems to me that one’s religious propensity is a rather personal, and potentially fatal question, Mademoiselle.” Only then did I...

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Angie Chap 2

Angie Ch. 02 By bmunchausen© Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. * After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed. Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’ ‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed. When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 19 Crisis

1873 After several days of iron-willed control, the young woman was exhausted. "But Daddy," Caroline wailed, a sour knot in her throat, "he was only thirty. It's so unfair. We were just getting started." She beat weakly on her father's chest with one fist, her confused baby trapped between them. Mr. French held his daughter as best he could as she cradled her youngest in her crooked arm and had her other two children hanging to her skirt and legs, impatient to be somewhere else,...

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Vidya fucked by neighbour uncle

Hi all, i am vidya now 23 yrs and i look very fair,pretty, but bit fat, it happened when i was in school,, I used to go to school in my cycle when i was in 6th.. because i had a very fair thighs and bit fat thighs guys used to always look at my thighs when iwas riding cycle.. Sometimes i never used to wear petticoat.. One day my neighbour uncle pinched my chicks and said i look sexy.. i got excited bcs it was first time in life called by like that.. He was 39 yr old that time and was married.....

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The Black Seas Ch 06

Antigua, 1702 The months at sea seemed like ages for Jack Rackham. Every day was like a lifetime away from Anne and every day he couldn’t wait to return to her arms. The day came when his ship returned to port. Upon seeing the town from the distance he rushed below deck to pack his few belongings and rushed back up to finish up his tasks. Helping the rest of the crew the ship was docked and unloaded in record time. Jack ran to the mercantile to collect his pay and ran all the way to their...

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My Experiments 8211 Part I

Dear friends! One night I could hear a rocking sound. It was a full moon night and the rays of the moon come through the window. I tried to see around in the room. the beds were rocking, i could here moans and whispers.My Mother asked dad if he wanted to have a drink. I couldn’t see her. I then heard her say ”Drink my love , it’s all yours. I could hear the bed rock wild. I could see no one. I strained and saw somebody bending over. “You are really tasty, my love? Will we have to keep some for...

3 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 20

It never rained but it poured. At one time, she hadn't really understood that expression. Today she did, she could have explained it to whole classes of people. She stood at the counter of the rental company, the one and only company in Lapeer that rented cars. She had been there for an hour and a half and she still wasn't any closer to getting a car. First there had been trouble with the computers. The salesman was an overweight, sweaty man who unsuccessfully tried to cover his balding...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home

After a long, full week without seeing her, finally I was on my way home. My pent up frustration had left me hard since I began my journey home. Looking at her text message saying “I’m waiting for you baby, I’m so hungry ” I drove home like a possessed demon and charged to the door and threw it open where she was no where to be seen. Stepping in I could hear the shower running upstairs and so I crept upstairs with the flower in my mouth hoping to surprise her. She stood to greet him...

Straight Sex
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Taking One For The Team

I work at a shipping firm. Mainly I just take orders from my boss, then tell others what she wants. Normally the moment she comes in she heads straight to her office, closes the door then calls for me over the intercom. Then the barking begins. Today I looked up at the time. Four minutes from now the doors will open up and she will walk in. As usual I had her coffee ready, the sales reports ready, as well as a few other things that she had texted me earlier that she wanted when she came in....

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Interstate Meeting

As I barreled down the interstate, I realized I was fast approaching a point of no return. On one hand I was entering into something I wasn’t sure I was ready for, but on the other hand, I was drawn towards something I had no control over. It started innocently enough, casual conversation on an adult site. We quickly learned that we were both in the same position. We both had a need, a want, a desire to feel something; anything other than the day-to-day feeling of being a friend, instead of...

Straight Sex
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Latin Linda The Bathroom Quickie

I had just flown back into town from a quick family weekend get together.I went to a house party for one of my besties. It was in the summer around 5:00 PM. There was plenty of food & liquor & even a DJ playing great music. There was a sizable group of people at the party. Since it was summer & they had a pool I dressed casually with a mid thigh dress, no bra & sandles. Once I arrived I was helping out my friend & mingling about. I noticed this really cute guy talking to...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 2 Sluts Submissive Passion

Justin Sampson I laughed with everyone else as my three bullies scrambled to get dressed. Their normally strong, dominant forms wilted beneath the gales of laughter. I had the biggest grin on my face as I witnessed Chris and his two asshole friends’ humiliation. To them, they were about to kick my ass because they thought I was ogling their girlfriends. In an eye blink, I vanished and they ended up in their new pose. For them, no time had passed. For me, it had been hours. This all started...

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Dominique Takes Control

Related to an earlier story, Dominique Leads the Way. A few days after my brief, sweet and so naughty encounter with a young French woman, Dominique, I am driving up the lane to the house I am renting for a few weeks in the South of France. As I near the entrance to the house's drive, I see three people walking up the hill that I instantly recognise: it is Dominique and her parents, with whom I had met when I gave up my table to them at the café on the village square. I'd got to know Dominique...

Quickie Sex
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Toga Party

Stacey’s parties were always a great fun night. Any excuse, no matter how insignificant, Stacey would throw a party. Her parties were a mix of her young female friends, neighbors, and work colleagues. Her friends were all as hot as Stacey and some even hotter. Stacey decided to throw a toga party, it was sure to be a great night with everyone wearing minimal clothing and lots of flesh on display. The night of the party arrived and the wife and I were really excited as we had never been...

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Boyfriend Or Switching Teams

Sam's POV:I have been with boys and girls. I think I do prefer girls to boys... they know what other girls like, where they want it, and how much they want it. Whilst dating, girls have a little more sensitivity than guys do. There's only one girl I'd like to try, seeing as I've tried out the other ones at Ridgeway High... that's my best friend.Carly Shay. The prettiest girl by far, and of course, she has a boyfriend currently. And why wouldn't she? She's hot. I mean, drop-dead gorgeous.And I...

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Wife fucks my boss

My wife was interested the moment I told her about the guy. She always likes to hear juicy stories about people at work. When I told her some of the stories I had heard she said “I have to meet this guy.” When I asked my wife to marry me, she told me that she would always need more than one man, and she would only marry me if I was ok with her continuing to fuck other guys. I have always been good with that- in fact, I enjoy it very much. However, she surprises me sometimes. Jack is not...

4 years ago
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Two Exhibitionists Meet

Recently I had to go to New Jersey on business. When my work was done I decided to disappear for awhile. I turned off my cell phone, and a bus ride later I arrived in a mid-sized city I had never been to before. No one knew me or cared. I rented a hotel room and relaxed for the first time in a couple of weeks. After three days of sleeping and eating I was getting antsy. I hadn't even been able to expose myself to the maid. She always cleaned up while I was gone. The weather had turned...

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The Firefly verse didn't exist for long. An incredible show destroyed by ruthless Fox execs who keep churning shit out on the TV. But enough of that. Firefly had plenty of incredibly sexy women. Choose what happens to these women, and what they get up to in the black.

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 5

Seriously, the problem with obsessions is you can easily become obsessed by them. One minute you think you're finally beginning to get a hang of things, then suddenly something comes along and you find yourself with your dick hanging out and fapping in the wind.  BAM. Just like that. The weird shit that you're not supposed to think about suddenly becomes the new normal which you find is way better than the old normal.Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life....

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Chapter One My Friend Carries Beginnings

My name is Carrie and I was the product of a very well-to-do family. I was one of four siblings who were raised by extremely strict parents. After all we were the upper classes, and not expected to mingle with those below us. I was a plump girl, fat actually and not particularly attractive. At least that’s what I came to believe, although once away from home and with the help of make-up and a different hairstyle, I was quite passable. I never had many friends as a result, so became a bit of a...

2 years ago
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L at Midnight

On a mid-winter’s night, there were two lovers, alone together, gently lying on their bed, whilst passionately cuddling and kissing each other. The boy had one hand gently placed on the girl’s cheek, so he could guide her lips to his, whilst he gently ran his other hand up and down the girl’s flawless back. With each stroke, the girl leaned in a little more, giving deeper and deeper kisses.The girl had both of her hands on the boy’s cheeks, so she could take control of the kisses. At first,...

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