Susie Ch. 17 free porn video

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I am Susie O’Connell and Howard provided this story about Colleen and one of her astonishing actions. I was there and believe me, it was more spectacular than Howard portrays. The reaction of the ‘fly guys’ was something that had to be seen.


My name is Howard Duncan.

This story is about my girlfriend, Colleen. She is a fabulous redhead with an amazing body. She is also a gymnast and was a high school champion diver. She is attending college on a diving scholarship. She has amazing dexterity with her small hands and slim fingers and helped a bunch of my friends build a radio controlled model B-17 with her ability to reach inside the model to make attachments. Besides all that she is amazing in bed.

The B-17 turned out to be difficult to fly. None of us had been able to fly it successfully and it had crashed several times. So it became mostly a display piece.

Fly Girl

One day while Colleen and I were at the RC airfield she asked me if she could fly my Cessna. ‘It’s not as easy as it looks,’ I told her.

She had a sparkle in her eye, ‘I’ve been practicing with the simulator at the hobby shop.’

She handed me one of the little certificates they gave out at the shop to those who successfully take off and land with their computer simulator, ‘This certifies that Colleen Murphy has successfully demonstrated the ability to take off and land a Cessna 150 on the RC simulator at Troy’s Toys, Trains and Hobby.’

‘Very good,’ I said, somewhat reluctantly. Having used the simulator wasn’t a guarantee that someone could fly the real thing. Besides, some of the guys at the hobby shop were real suckers for a pretty face. But then the Cessna was an easy plane to fly. I handed her the controller and told her to wait for me before doing anything. I refueled the plane and started the engine.

As I walked back to her she said, ‘I hope you don’t mind if I taxi it around.’

I turned to look and saw that she was skillfully running it to the end of the taxiway. She turned it around, brought it to the end of the runway and signaled that she was ready for take-off. I came next to her and said, ‘Let me have my hands where I can help if you have trouble.’

She said, ‘Stand in back and put your hands around me so you can reach the controls if necessary.’

This was a nice position I thought as I rested my hands on her hips.

The controller gave her the signal and she gunned the engine. The plane raced down the runway and lifted easily into the air. She brought it to 100 feet and turned 180 degrees in a wide even turn and brought it downwind over our heads. ‘Very nice,’ I said. I moved my hands to her tummy and pushed one partly under her waistband.

‘Keep your hands up,’ she told me. ‘We’re in public.’

She banked and turned it several times and then brought it to the far end of the field and dropped it to within five feet of the ground. ‘Watch it!’ I yelled.

She laughed, gunned the engine and it streaked past us within a few feet of the ground. On the other end of the field it rose sharply into the air. ‘You’ll stall it!’ I said.

‘Of course,’ she said. It Stalled and started dropping. She let it fall until it caught the air. She revved the engine and brought it under complete control about 20 feet above the ground. ‘Like I said, I’ve been practicing,’ she said. ‘I didn’t just take off and land. And not just on the simulator, Henry has been helping me with some of his models. I’ve flown some of his planes several times.’ She laughed in pleasure. I felt my cock swell with desire for her, pushing into her butt.

Henry is an older guy, retired, with plenty of time and some very nice airplanes. I think he comes out and flies almost every day. I looked over at him. He was watching us and smiling a huge smile.

Colleen brought the Cessna into the downwind leg of the approach, banked and brought the little machine to a flawless landing. She turned and gave me a kiss. ‘Down boy!’ she said, patting my cock through my jeans.


Then she turned, faced all the guys and announced, ‘I’d like to try the B-17!’

As I said, no one had yet to successfully bring the huge machine into the air and back for a landing so there was a lot of reluctance. She took out another of those certificates. ‘This certifies that Colleen Murphy has successfully demonstrated the ability to take off and land a four engine B-17 on the RC simulator at Troy’s Toys Trains and Hobby.’

On the back Warren, one of the guys who signs these things, had written, ‘She’s the real deal guys, if anyone can fly your beast, she can.’ We still debated among ourselves.

‘All you’d need to do is give Warren a kiss on the cheek and he’d write anything you asked,’ claimed Sunil.

‘So what if I gave him a kiss or two,’ Colleen joked, ‘I didn’t ask him to write anything.’

‘He’d have done it just hoping for a kiss,’ said George.

‘I think she may be able to do it, boys,’ Henry had come up to the group. ‘I’ve watched her fly and she is good. I don’t think your beloved big machine will be in any danger with her at the controls. Watch and Learn.’

That decided it. They gave her the controls and went out to fuel and start the engines.

Once all four engines were running Colleen taxied it around a bit and then moved it to the far end of the runway. ‘Could someone hold the tail to keep it from moving until I give the signal,’ she said.

Corey ran out and held the tail. Colleen revved the engines to full power. Everyone was watching. The four engines buzzed and roared at the same time rising and falling in volume. She signaled to Corey to release and the machine began moving down the runway, quickly rising slightly into the air. She immediately retracted the landing gear and it steadily, but very slowly, gained altitude. ‘If I climb too fast it will stall,’ Colleen said with an air of authority. ‘The engines don’t have enough power to keep its speed up at a high rate of climb. It’s not the rate of climb that causes the stall, it’s the lack of engine power causing it to lose speed.’

‘You need to climb faster to clear the bushes!’ Someone yelled. The plane was 5 feet off the ground, hurtling toward ten foot tall bushes at the end of the field. At its climb rate it would only be about six or seven feet off the ground when it hit them.

Colleen said, very calmly, ‘I told you it will stall and crash if I increase the rate of climb. The problem here isn’t runway length, you saw how quickly I had it in the air. The problem is a lack of unobstructed air space after take-off. In World War II these babies had miles of ocean to climb over.’ As she said this she leveled the plane off and executed a smooth as silk 180 degree banked turn about six feet off the ground. As she leveled off, the plane was only three or four feet up and hitting some of the taller weeds.

She resumed the slow climb and the airplane was well over 20 feet up as it cleared the bushes at the other end of the field. She banked it around again and flew directly overhead, waving the wings at us. I looked around. The guys were staring with their mouths agape. I watched her standing there, her small, tight body in jeans showing off her butt and thighs, her knit top fitting smoothly over her round breasts, her nice thin waist, her red hair blowing slightly in the wind, her thin fingers gently and skillfully manipulating the controls. My cock swelled again as I thought of those fingers gently and skillfully caressing my skin.

She flew in an oval and at the far end of the field went into a turning dive while she put full throttle to the engines.

‘You’re going to crash it!’ someone yelled. Colleen laughed. The plane pulled out of the dive at about five feet above the ground and it screamed in front of us at full speed. Colleen pulled back on the stick and it climbed at a furious rate to 40 or 50 feet. ‘With enough speed it can climb
pretty quickly!’ Colleen announced. ‘Too bad it doesn’t have that much speed at take-off.’

We stared at her in astonishment, my cock leapt in my pants and she brought the plane into the landing pattern. It turned toward the field, the landing gear came down and it smoothly descended to the runway. The wheels kissed the ground like they had been gently lowered into place and it taxied over to us. Colleen ran down the runway, leapt into the air in a complete feet over head flip while twisting her body. She landed facing us with one leg, knee bent, in front and the other extended in back and her arms outstretched. She bowed and ran back to us. I recognized the ‘dismount’ from her floor exercise. Everyone went wild as she jumped into my arms giving me a huge hug and kiss. I never wanted anyone more in my life.

Colleeen spent the rest of the afternoon showing each of us how to fly the B-17. None of us completely mastered it the way she had. The same gentle dexterity and eye-finger coordination that made her ‘Rosie the Riveter’ also made her a fabulous RC pilot.


At the end of the day we got in my car and she said to me, ‘I am ready for sex and today is a safe day.’

Thinking that I was way past ready I asked her whether she wanted to take my parents up on their offer to use my room.

‘Do you think you could get us a motel room?’ she replied.

I drove to the motel I had used with Trish and recommended by Trish’s brother. It was clean, inexpensive, and they asked no questions, not even questions about guests’ ages as long as they paid cash in advance plus a 50% deposit.

On the way Colleen said, ‘I better tell my parents where we are.’

‘Why?’ I said, worried about causing a ruckus. ‘We can be home in the next hour or so, they will think we are having pizza.’

‘I don’t want a ‘quickie’ and I am disappointed that you do. Let’s stay all night. You can pay for a full night can’t you? Or are you just going to buy us an hour?’

‘They don’t sell by the hour.’ I said, not knowing for sure but suspecting they probably did.

‘So you would get just an hour if they do?’

‘No, Colleen, I want to be with you for as long as possible. I guess I just thought you wouldn’t want to confront your parents.’

‘That confrontation is over. They accept this now.’

She called her Parents. ‘Hello, mom,’ she said, ‘I just want to let you know that I will be at a motel with Howard and probably won’t be home until tomorrow sometime. I don’t want you worrying.’

Then, ‘Yes, Mom, we will be having sex, why else do you think we would go to a motel. We’re already naked and I am admiring and stroking his penis as we speak.’

Then, ‘It’s a bit over an inch in diameter, about nine inches long, hard as wood and I expect to have it inside me within a few minutes after I get off the phone with you.’

And, ‘My vagina will be filled with his warm sticky semen and his sperm will be swimming all over inside my uterus, mom.’

Finally, ‘Don’t worry, I’m not fertile. Those swimming sperm will not find an egg to penetrate no matter how hard they look. I love you, mom.’

Her explicit statements caused my cock to swell more. I had to ask, ‘Your mom was asking you about details of us having sex?’

She replied, ‘No, she was just asking variations of, ‘do you know what you are doing?’ Like she would go, ‘do you know what you are doing?’ and I would go, ‘I’m about to have him stick his cock in me’ then she would go, ‘as long as you know the consequences,’ and I would go, ‘yeah, I’ll have his semen in me,’ I hope the explicit responses will get her to stop. I was tempted to respond with ‘yeah, he’ll be fucking me and I’ll be fucking him right back.’

‘Colleen, you’re getting a dirty mouth!’

‘I’m sorry, but the more my folks ask me about us having sex the more I find I need to get explicit, detailed and graphic.’

‘Well, ‘I’ll fuck him right back’ is not graphic, detailed, or explicit. It’s just obscene. I think you’re trying to shock her. Try not to get angry, your mom loves you and is just showing her concern.’

‘I know you’re right. I guess I still think she’s trying to talk me out of it.’

‘Maybe she is, but out of love and concern, Colleen. Be the sweet daughter you have always been to them. Be as sweet as you are for me.’

‘Why do you care so much?’

‘I don’t want our relationship to be a problem. I want them to still like the idea of us. Who knows, they might be my mother and father-in-law some day.’

‘Are you proposing to me, Howard?’

‘Well, not now. Because I think we’re still too young, I need to finish my education and so do you. I also would want to be sure you would say ‘yes’ before I ask.’

‘That’s an interesting question, Would I say ‘yes’? … Probably not right now, for the same reasons you gave. I guess we’ll just have to survive on sex.’

‘I hope it’s more than just sex, Colleen.’

‘Me too, but I do so like the sex part!’

I turned into the motel parking lot. ‘I think I better call my folks and let them know I won’t be home this evening too.’ I told her.

She began stroking various parts of my anatomy as I dialed. That made it a bit difficult to talk but I managed to let my mom know I was staying the night with Colleen. ‘Have a good time, dear,’ mom said.

‘I will, Mom,’ I replied. ‘Of course I will,’ I thought looking at the beauty next to me.

My cock was trying to rip out of my jeans as I walked to the office to get a room. I wondered if it was obvious.

I let us into the room, locked the door and turned around. Colleen was already out of her clothes, her jeans at her ankles. I stood speechless admiring her slim, white figure, the wonderful round breasts with the pink nipples, the perfect, heart shaped face framed by red hair falling over her freckled shoulders, and the wide blue-green eyes shining as they looked at me. My penis strained more against my clothing.

My eyes moved down, past her thin waist and lovely flat abdomen to her prominent mons covered with light red hair. I remembered how soft that hair is, like down. My penis throbbed and began to hurt.

Her prominent clitoral hood was readily visible through the hair. The exposed, fleshy labia major and paper thin labia minora between her slender thighs made me think of the incredible warmth and wetness inside. My penis could take no more.

She moved to me, pressed her incredible body against me and gave me a long, tender kiss. She began unbuttoning my shirt. I reached down to unfasten my belt. ‘Let me,’ she said, removing my shirt, moving my hands away from my belt and completing the unbuckling.

She unzipped my fly and laughed lightly. ‘Look, he wants to come out and play!’

I looked down and saw the tip, all of the tip, of my cock protruding above the waistband of my shorts.

‘And a little present for me,’ she said, wiping a large drop of pre-cum off. I could barely stand the pleasure of her finger touching it.

She licked her finger, ‘Yum! And my, so purple!’ she continued. I looked, it was purplish in color, I had never seen it like that.

She pulled my pants and shorts down to my ankles. ‘I don’t remember it being so big, and hard!’ she exclaimed putting her hand around the shaft and rubbing up over the tip. I think it was bigger and harder than I had ever seen it too. I jerked involuntarily at the pleasure as she rubbed and felt cum squeezing out.

‘Oh! another treat!’ she exclaimed, licking the semen from the tip.

I tensed my muscles to hold back any more cum. ‘I need to get my shoes off,’ I told her, hoping to get some time to allow my arousal to subside. I felt there was no way I would be able to get inside her if she kept doing what she was doing.

She knelt down, untied my shoes and pulled them off. Then she jumped onto the bed, lay on her back with arms and legs outstretched. ‘Take me,’ she said.

ake you where?’ I joked.

‘To a state of ecstasy,’ she laughed.


‘You are the most fabulous woman in the world,’ I told her, ‘Look at this perfect body, look at this perfect face, framed by the world’s loveliest hair. I kissed her while bringing one leg between her thighs and massaging her twat with my knee. As I moved I hoped my penis would relax a bit. I brushed her breasts with my chest and drops of semen fell onto her abdomen.

I finished the kiss and described her ‘alabaster skin, her lovely breasts, and her wonderful pink nipples’ while kissing and stroking each. I went on to praise her arms, tummy, back and butt while continuing the kissing and stroking.

Then I turned her over to reach her back and rear. I complimented her legs and kissed down their back side gently fingering her genitals while doing so.

I flipped her onto her back and kissed and complimented her feet, knees, and thighs. She was moaning in pleasure as I kissed the inside of her thighs. ‘And you know what’s most wonderful?’ I said.

‘My pussy and vagina!’ she said, laughing and turning over to face me.

‘No, Colleen, the most wonderful things about you are the amazing things you can do and that you like me. No one but you could fly the B-17 until you taught them. You are fabulous at everything you do, including your school work. You may be the smartest person I know, and I include Corey. I love you for being this amazing person and I am amazed that such an amazing, beautiful woman would choose me as her lover.’

‘And I think you are the most wonderful man, too,’ she said, smiling. ‘I think I will agree to marry you when you ask.’

I bent over her and we kissed while rubbing our bodies together. My arousal had reduced but semen was still inside my cock and I felt the slippery, stickiness spreading over her. My arms were around her and I felt all along her back and into her butt crack. She was doing the same. I felt past her butt crack and rubbed her soft, furry labia. She hummed a moan.

I pulled my tongue out of her mouth and my lips from hers and began kissing down that unbelievable body, neck to breasts to abdomen and into her lovely, soft pussy. She moaned more loudly and began the strong inhalation and squeaky exhalation that signaled her rise to orgasm.

‘I want your penis, Howard, not your tongue,’ she said.

‘I can be more sure to bring you to orgasm this way,’ I told her.

‘I want you inside me, not just being licked to orgasm,’ she said, ‘I’ll take my chances. I want your penis in my vagina and your arms around me.’

I moved my cock between her lags and began stoking it up and down over her genital lips, enjoying the softness and the way they spread apart, wrapping themselves around my swollen shaft.

‘Inside me!’ she repeated, insistently.

I pulled back so my penis was away from her and pushed the tip against her crotch. As I pushed it naturally slid to the entrance of her vagina. Then I slowly pushed it inside. The warmth and softness were incredible!

‘Ohh! good, Howard, that’s what I want,’ she said. ‘Just stay inside a bit,’ she requested, taking my head in her hands and bringing it to her lips.

The kiss was incredible, soft and gentle with her tongue slipping inside my mouth and gently exploring it. I pushed my cock hard inside her and kept it there. She was apparently tightening and relaxing genital muscles. I felt incredible sensations pushing and pulling at my cock. I wondered if she really had that kind of control and was doing it intentionally.

The kiss and the vaginal undulations went on and on. I felt my cock swelling again to the point of pain. Then she moved her head from mine, ‘Fuck me, Howard, fuck me hard.’ she said quietly.

I began moving my cock slowly in and out.

‘Fuck me hard,’ she said again, quietly but with that tone of insistence.

I began stroking faster and thrusting hard unto her cavity. ‘Oh yes!’ she said, ‘Oh yes.’

‘I’m going to cum,’ I told her as I felt the semen rising inside the shaft. ‘Unless I stop,’ I let her know.

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After Beth got dressed, we headed for my house. Beth kept up a constant monologue comprised of equal part of "Here's what I want to do first," and, "Do you really think I can do this?" And so we headed out on our Saturday afternoon safari. The quarry—clothes, of course—and a new hair style. Well-armed with a pair of platinum cards, one Amex, the other Visa. When we got to the mall, Beth started hitting all the clothing stores, one after the other, until I called a time-out about...

1 year ago
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Best Halloween Party EVER Revised edition

I was incredibly surprised to see here there. The surprise was from two reasons 1) I didn’t know that she knew Shawn well enough to be invited to his Halloween party; 2) I thought she was going to school at NAU in Flagstaff. I decided it really didn’t matter why she was there, as long as she was I figured I’d go and say hello. She came to the party dressed as an angel; her costume was made from a white furry corset that barley held in her D cup breasts and had a matching short skirt,...

2 years ago
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Hot Chocolate Daddy

I’ve been pent up for weeks. Not going to lie: a few swinger parties in the summer isn't enough. Vacation seemed non-existent, concerts got canceled, and Covid is still looming around. I worked a lot in the last few weeks and fought a few times with my spouse over stupid things. I felt like shit. What I needed was something I don't get often — and better than what I get now.I called Jackie and she had a ton of referrals. I wrote a few down and started chats with some of them. A few seemed...

1 year ago
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Patricias Daring Anniversary Experiment Part 7 Repost

I could not believe how amazing this anniversary weekend had been so far! My wife had never been interested in adding any additional partners to our sexual life, but had written me a sexy note expressing curiousity about sex with others watching, "Maybe you could take my top off in the back of the movie theater so anyone looking could see these nice tits you like so well! Too bad public fucking is illegal! We could put on quite a show!" That enticement had made me hard, but I couldn't have...

3 years ago
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Longtime friend Dana finally fucked

I know Dana since I was 14 years old when her family moved in the neighborhood. She was 2 years younger than me and we basically grew up together. We became friends very fast, we went to school together every day, we went together to handball practice (we were both playing for the same club) and we were always together when we went partying because her father was very strict and he would let her out only if I was around and I would make sure that she will get home safe. We had a very strong...

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Good Times

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 36 year old woman. I am about 5'4" and I have 36D breasts. I am very sexually active. I was cleaning the house one day and decided that I needed to get the bathroom trash. I had forgotten that my boy had just got home from college a few days earlier. I opened the door to the bathroom and he was standing there with his pants down and he was masturbating. I quickly glanced away and he pulled his pants up and ran up to his room. I couldn't believe...

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TabooHeat Cory Chase Free Use Step Mom

My step-mom, Cory Chase, came over to my brand new house this afternoon! I am excited to show her around, even though my home isn’t fully finished yet. My step-mom tells me that she is so proud of me for building my dream home, and she’s glad that I’m doing okay after my father passed away. Cory tells me that she hopes I’m not fucking any pathetic girls my own age. She thinks I deserve a more mature woman, like herself, for example. I suggested to my step-mom that she...

4 years ago
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New Jock TalesFreshman yearChptr 7HomecommingPt 1

It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And homecoming was gonna be rough—cause we had to play the Tigers once again. After a win over them on opening day, and busting up their three year winning streak, they would be out for revenge. Mindy Atkins caught me in the hall-way and...

3 years ago
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Woman With A PastChapter 6

Cape Garardeau's restaurant choices were not quite up to San Francisco or Paris, but there were several decent places to eat, and I selected my own favorite -- an Italian specialty house that was short on decor and too dark to read the menu -- but long on well-prepared cuisine. Our evening was a moderate success. The date was casual and unhurried, but it was a genuine date. Shirley Kiner was no dummy. She could tell I was interested, and while she kept the conversation light and easy, she...

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Divorced women

Hi friends this is Hemant form Delhi and I’m a fan of iss. This time the story I’m telling u is my second encounter to the journey of pleasure. it’s happened when I’m 18 years old boy. In my neighborhood their was a bob cut big boobed round ass lady named Prerna she was divorced and acc to my info her husband left her soon after marriage. She uses to teach tuition so I decided to take a chance. She uses to teach me at my home and during the classes I use to peep her boobs and nipples thru her...

2 years ago
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Working Late

I spend most of my time out on client sites. I rarely get back to my head office: a big maze of a building in the centre of the City. But sometimes, when the pressure of admin and bureaucracy builds up, I have to go there for a day. I was recently back there for a day on a Friday. I had recently closed a massive deal and felt quite the hero, with people wanting to shake my hand. I also had a new-starter with me, going through the on boarding process, so we were kept busy. Towards the end of...

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Private Alexis Crystal Summer Celebrations with Anal and Creampie

There’s no better way to get over an ex than with an instant rebound and our number one star Alexis Crystal sure knows it! Watch this blonde beauty in Private Gold, Love Beach where she hits it off with stud Christian Clay at a banging summer party and forgets all about her old boyfriend in true private style. Enjoy all the action on as Alexis has sweet pussy eaten before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob and an incredible anal fuck that has her screaming with pleasure...

3 years ago
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Fantastic Photo Session Part 1

The photo shoot happened, but I might have taken some artistic license with the rest. My girlfriend, Natalie, loves to pose for pictures. When she was young she’d always beg her mom to take her to get her picture taken by a “professional” anytime they passed them in the mall. To make things better she also loves to flaunt her body. She’s a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde bombshell. With 34C pert and perfectly round globes on her chest, a tight ass and a firm tummy she’s 5’2” of pure beauty. Lucky for...

3 years ago
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It takes one to know one

On that particular morning she was feeling especially horny – a combination of not having had the opportunity to fuck before needing to leave for work and the journey taking longer than expected giving her plenty of time to study the guys (and their packets) around her on the national rail train. She would sometimes arrive at work with a priority action for the day to relieve herself in the ladies – or with her boss if he was around…. The tube station was fairly busy as usual and as she...

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My mature next door neighbour

This is a true story and still happens till this day but i havent been lucky enough next door neighbour is in her 50's lovely curvy figure a real mature woman she lost loads of weight as she used to be quite big when she was in her 40's had 2 k**s all grown up had a few boyfriends just got rid of one now... she would always call me too look after her computer and stuff because she wasn't very good with technology one day i came across her old photos in my email as you do when sorting...

4 years ago
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The Changes Magic Can Bring Part 3

The Changes Magic Can Bring Part 3 By SuppositionLife What happens when a retired widower professor learns what magic can do. In part three Cammie goes home for his own funeral and learns new things about herself. (This is a total work of fiction and any similarity to any person living or dead is completely coincidental) Chapter 3 I looked at the time on the clock on dash and saw it was a little after 2pm I needed to arrive at Windy Rock's Memorial Cemetery a little before 4pm...

1 year ago
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Bianca and the AmnesiacChapter 10 Epilogue Thirteen Months Later

Checking the speed carefully and adjusting the helm, I glanced back behind the Riva. Bianca's hair had grown longer in the last year. It now streamed out behind her. She still insisted on white bikinis but was now, at fifteen and a half years old, filling them out with slightly more mature lines, yet she remained a slender, willowy girl. I watched her ride the single water-ski, holding the towrope handle with one hand, her other waving to me - the signal. She gave me a smile. I waved back,...

1 year ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 11

May 9, 1848 We reached St Joseph, Missouri before noon and we decided to take a while to look around. St Jo had grown since we were here three years ago. Then, it was just becoming a town. Now, it looked more like St Louis. We left Sam, Matt, and Timmy camped with the mules, wagon, and all of our pelts in the same field we had camped in three years before. Ab and Pris went off to see someone Ab knew who was in the fur trade. He wanted to see if there was enough difference in the price we...

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Couple I met from Xhamster

So I thought I would post a story of this past weekends meeting with fellow xhamster member mikerosoftpro. Well we met for diner and all things went great. She was wearing this hot little outfit showing off her stomach. After sitting around for an hour she asked if we wanted to all go back to their place and chill. So off we headed, I followed in my car to their home. Her and hubby walk on in and I follow. As soon as I close the door and turn around she puts her arms around me and...

4 years ago
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Authors note. I've been playing with this idea on and off for ages and have never felt quite happy with the ending but I'm flummoxed as to what to do with it so any idea's would be more than welcome. It was written more as a way of putting an idea down, so if anyone wants to take the idea of the graduate repayment scheme I have come up with and run with you are more than welcome. Groves By Trish The Graduate Repayment Acts were brought in as a response to the growing number of...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 47 The Lodestone

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk The treemen lumbered closer and closer. I stared at the Lodestone. Light flashed above. My hands clenched. We were so close. I wanted to just draw my sword and hit the stone. To break it apart and free all those humans behind them. “Master,” Zanyia yowled. She bristled at my feet. “They’re getting closer.” “I can hear that,” I snarled. I threw a look over my shoulder at the two approaching treemen towering over the...

1 year ago
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That Night With My Aunt Part 1 of 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! My Aunt and I have been having sex for a while now. No one else in the family knows about our "secret meetings" until one day. This is how it all started: Ok so my name is Oliver. I'm 19. I have green eyes, a shaved head, and I'm pretty in shape. I work out & eat healthy so I stay healthy. I have this aunt, Aunt Linda, who is very promiscuous. She is known in the family as "easy." She goes out a lot and and according to my cousins, she sleeps around....

3 years ago
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Dennis and Brie Part 1

Basically, Brie had told me that if I really was as much of a manwhore as she gathered I was in my last year of high school and during the Fall semester (yesiree), then I had to get tested before we had any more sex. She’d actually rebuffed me a day before, my right hand on her bra, my tongue having just been stuck in her mouth, and told me the terms and conditions. Before Brie, I would have just ditched whatever chick asked me this and found pussy elsewhere. I wasn’t sure what was different...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Gracie Gates Xxlayna Marie I Made A Mistake You Cant Fuck My Stepbrother

Xxlayna Marie goes to her stepbrother Jay Romero’s room to tell him that the friend that’s been coming over all the time recently has a huge crush on him. Xxlayna goes on to tell Jay that her friend, Gracie Gates, has an incurable disease. It’s not contagious, but Gracie really wants Jay to fuck her. Jay agrees, then learns that Gracie has been waiting right outside the door. Just as Gracie comes in for a kiss, Xxlayna yells PSYCH and dissolves into laughter. Jay is...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 29

Rebecca The weeks seemed to fly past as I started my new Job. Kenny and Marjory did a lot of the leg work collecting the lists for the council and the various other agencies which could supply us with the names that we needed in order for me to call on the firms concerned. Kenny put them onto the computer with spaces for their reactions and their needs or if it was needed any further action on our part. Marjorie created a little booklet about the aims of our organisation and the degree of...

2 years ago
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Meri Cousin 8211 The Sleeping Beauty

Hey ; ISS readers. Mere Nam Vishnu hai aur Mai abhi engineering Ki taiyari kar rha hun. Mai abh story par aata hun, ye mere first sex encounter Ki h. Yeh baat teen saal purani h, meri mausi Ki beti puja mujhse se panch saal badi h. Hum kafi frank the,Mai uska chota bhai tha par humme sari baten hoti . Usne mujhe Kai ladkiyon wale baat batayn jaise ‘ladkiyan bra kyn phnti hai’ aur ‘unka masturbation kaisa hota hai’ par hum sirf baaton me hi Simi the. Inse hmare rishte pe koi phrk nhi padta tha....

4 years ago
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Hollywood Life Coach

-Career need a boost? Need a new agent? Just want to vent? My name is Dr. John Doe, and for the low price of $100 a session, payable in advance or in cash up front,I can give advice to help you and your life in the long run. 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back. And that is a promise I am willing to keep! John Doe smiled at the ad he had posted on the internet he had posted three days ago. Los Angeles... he was gonna love it here. The nice food, rich neighborhoods, and most...

Mind Control
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Horny university

You wake up ready to go to HU the scholarship was to easy. You pack up your clothes and get ready to leave. You go to the bathroom, you look in your mirror, you see the 6’0” 200 pound man with blond hair. You say goodbye to your house and call a taxi to the airport

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Punished for catching Uncle Naked

I showed up in the morning like I normally do but the front door was locked which was weird. I rang the door bell but it didn’t seem like anyone was home. I decided to try to back thinking that maybe if my aunt was back there she might have music on or something. I opened the back door to find my uncle completely naked beating off in the middle of the kitchen. I stood there frozen. He didn’t notice me at first so he kept going. I must have gasped or something because suddenly his eyes shot...

3 years ago
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SAGN Chapter 11 The Devouring Rose

Chapter 11 The Devouring Rose Phar' Naqua, in the aether: Day 12, 0400 hours She could smell the dawn approaching. It was like a faint tickle that played tag with her senses; it was almost dancing there on the edge of her awareness taunting her. If she had someone to describe it to she might say that in some ways it was almost like the mental equivalent of smelling an iron pan on a stove slowly growing hotter with nothing inside it. Just as with the slowly heating pan the smell of...

2 years ago
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Summer SandsChapter 3

Robbie and Betsy became an item after that, dating exclusively throughout the fall and winter. Just before Thanksgiving, Betsy told him that she was now on the pill and quite safe, and that he no longer needed to use condoms with her. Also by this time, she had been to Robbie's house on so many different occasions that it was a non event for either of his parents as they arrived home for the evening to find them together in his bedroom, ostensibly studying. On weekends, they were together...

4 years ago
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‘Do I really have to go through with this?’ I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. ‘I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I’ll call the whole thing off.’ Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I’d daydreamed about the moment when I’d be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. ‘I told you bro, I’m broke.’ ...

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Rama the Adultress

My name is Saheb Sahebji. I am young, tall and slim. By profession I am a freelance commercial artist. The episode I am about to narrate took place when I was still working for a local advertising company. On my flight to London, as I sat on my seat next to the window, I saw a paragon of beauty walking down the aisle towards me. Man was she sexy. My eyes traveled from her head down to her toe pausing briefly at her tit and crotch level and then back to her head. She was tall, slim with a...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 50 A Touch of Envy

April 25, 1984 My girlfriend smiled at me across the lunch table. It was Wednesday, the day of the week when both of us had large gaps in our class schedules in the middle of the day. We had gotten together at our favorite snack bar, and were enjoying a midday meal consisting of the usual nondescript campus chow. "You seem to be in a good mood today," I said to Inez, with a curious grin of my own. "Mm-hmm," she mumbled in reply, not giving anything away. But still, the same smile...

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She didnt know it was me or did she

When I walked in the living room and saw her bent over the couch with her robe rode up after way over her ass and her bare pussy looking me in the face, I ask you wouldn't you fuck her too? She was always like my second mom as I grew up but I always found her so dam sexy. Karen is mom's best friend and seems to be at our house more than she at her own apartment when I was young. I remember asking dad when was young if Karen was my true mom but, he said that she wasn't, but it was ok to think of...

2 years ago
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Memories Revisited Teach Your Children Well

Memories Revisited: Teach Your Children Well By Heather St. Claire It was Saturday, and the city was still waking up. Although the stores at the Twin Pines Mall were not yet open, their employees, delivery people, mall walkers and others already had the structure pulsing with life. Inside one of those stores, a clothing shop for plus-sized and tall women, the owner was having tea in her break room with a customer who required special considerations?because he was a man. Eric Madsen...

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