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This is an excerpt from A Queen From Eden, the fourth novel in my erotic science fiction series (see my profile for more details on where to obtain these novels). This is a sequel to the first excerpt (Sarah Finds Her Pioneer). Be the first to figure out what language the residents of Ooir are speaking!


‘Doostey! Doostey!’ The man who called himself her husband was shaking her.

‘I am awake,’ Mary grumbled. Awake enough for you, you drunken fool. She opened her legs for him, but that was not what he wanted.

‘Jean siyr mir te!’ He was shaking her to her feet. She didn’t like the sound of that. She wasn’t quite sure what it meant, but it was usually followed by a slap or a lashing to urge her along. Instinctively, she flinched, but he was not hitting her. Not yet. She whimpered, and he flew into a rage. Shastagh. She could pick that out, over and over. Shastagh streebagh. You barren whore, he was screaming, and seyry. You barren whore, I’m rid of you at last!

Barren! Barren! These strange primitive people with their strange language had no concept of birth control. She had struggled forever to learn enough to convey the idea that she needed a to take a pill to release an egg. ‘Ooh?’ her husband had snorted, an egg? ‘Ushagoil?’ You’re a bird? Finally, he had understood that she needed a medicine to cure her barrenness. They had gone to a larger town to see a doctor! A doctor! These people were Millenialists, but not the second millennium, the first. They had retreated to the Dark Ages. Typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, the plague, those diseases had vanished long ago. But enough of them died of wounds, died of cancer, limped from bones that were not properly set, were lame from tendons that could not be reattached. Why? She could not believe that people would do this to themselves, do it to their children. A few generations had passed. They barely remembered, if at all, who they had been, where they could come from. But others could come, others could teach them how to hold a rifle, how to step through a wormhole, how to destroy another world.

They had come, literally, out of nowhere. There was no money for firewalls out on the frontier. No need, it would seem, with worlds so scattered. A planet with a few thousand people on it, who would ever bother it? But they came, in the middle of the afternoon, and she had watched as they killed her patron, absentmindedly raped the children in her charge, then turned their attention to her. Ten months! In ten months, she could have been free, she could have returned to Eden. But, she knew, she would never have left the children, never have left her master. She would have married him, she would have watched over him as he grew old. Then, perhaps, she would have returned. There was time, so much time, an eternity of time.

To find a doctor, her so called husband had dragged her to the town, a great, stinking thing inside a wall, erected more to keep the animals inside than for protection. People and horses and sheep milling around, all shitting in the muddy streets. The rain was constant, the mud was ankle deep. It was summertime, no one bothered to light fires for warmth. They had stopped at a tavern first, and her husband had gone off with a whore, leaving her alone, surrounded by leering strangers she could not understand. An hour later he had returned, demanding money. Argid! Argid! She had had no idea what he was saying, and he had taken coins out of his pocket, rattled them in her face. The men around her had laughed, and one of them had held up a few copper coins. No, her husband had shaken his head, held up a gold one instead. Rour argid! The other man had laughed. Too much money! She wasn’t worth a gold coin. Her husband had slapped her, and dragged her back out onto the muddy street.

To the doctor then, a big room on the second storey, a room lined, improbably, with books. They were ancient texts, in Greek and Latin. Period pieces, she had thought. It was surprising that they were printed. That was an anachronism. Then there had been a brief moment of hope. Latin! The doctor would know Latin! And she had tried, haltingly, to explain her condition, but he had looked at her with complete lack of comprehension. He couldn’t read the books, she had realized, they were just props. He had bled her then, bled her almost to death, and she had stumbled back to the village, barely conscious. It was then she had first heard ‘Jean siyr mir te!’ She had bled more from the welts on her back as her husband whipped her along the muddy path.

‘Wake up!’ he repeated, snapping her out of her daze.

‘Are you Mary?’ a rough voice broke in. In English! Heavily accented, halting, but English!

‘Yes!’ she said.

‘Let’s check,’ the man said, and he jabbed a probe into her forearm. ‘Yeah, it’s her all right. Lady, you look like shit.’ His nose wrinkled. ‘You smell like shit.’

‘It’s dry season,’ she said. ‘There’s no water, barely enough to drink.’

‘Boje moi,’ the man said, ‘how can you live like this?’

Her husband was jabbering away, and the man answered him slowly. ‘lhiasee!’ Her husband was screaming.

‘What is he saying?’ she asked.

‘He wants compensation.’ The man spoke some more, yelled out to his companions in another language, and they dragged in a girl, no more than sixteen. Not pretty, but well built, bursting with youth and strength. Her replacement.

‘What is this place?’ the girl screamed. ‘What’s happening to me?’

‘You’ve come to hell,’ Mary said. Goddess! She could not do this! She could not make this innocent take her place. But she had no choice. There was one last exchange. ‘Dragan bee!’ the man who was dragging her shouted, and her husband, her ex husband, laughed hysterically.

‘Dragon food?’ she said. ‘You’re going to sell me to the Saurians?’

‘Nah! Not yet! Too smelly, too skinny! Got to clean you up first! Fatten you up!’

They stepped through a wormhole, right in the center of the village, and emerged in a metal building. They gave her a bath, they gave her a feast, but she was almost afraid to eat it. A nurse came to examine her, and they took her off to a medical center. They repaired her nose, they repaired her teeth. They gave her a soft bed, and she slept, slept soundly for the first time in months, in years perhaps. She could feel her nanobots kicking in, healing her at last. She awoke to find the man who had come for her, sitting at the foot of her bed.

‘Better,’ he said, frowning, ‘better. Not good enough yet, but better. The big man, he wants you to look good. He doesn’t want to drag you in like a turd.’

‘Drag me where?’ To the Saurians, she thought with sudden terror. I’m going to be a snack, a delicacy. Why me? Why me? That other girl, she had a lot more meat on her bones, she wouldn’t be so stringy.

‘Why, to your queen, of course. I understand she paid quite a ransom for you.’ He started to guffaw. ‘She took a personal interest in your case, if you know what I mean!’

‘My queen?’ Mary was baffled.

‘Queen Sarah,’ the guard said. ‘I understand the ransom is in two instalments, one already paid, the other to be paid upon delivery.’ He grinned again. ‘The big man wants your queen to be very, very grateful.’

‘Sarah!’ she echoed. ‘Queen of Eden?’ she ventured.

‘Maybe,’ he said, ‘you aren’t the right person after all.’ He jabbed the little device into her arm again, frowned. ‘Don’t you know anything?’

‘How would I know anything? I’ve been stuck out on the frontier, and then in that shithole of a planet. Goddess! What do they call that place?’

‘Don’t know if it has a name,’ he said. ‘Its people call it Ooir.’

‘Earth,’ she said, ‘that’s their word for dirt. We’re still in the new galaxy?’

‘Could be,’ the man said, evasively.

‘It seems too old,’ she said. ‘They’ve been around longer that the transit system bridge.’

‘Ships,’ the man said. ‘They could have c
ome in ships. Long time ago, before the Troubles.’

‘Ships? That far? Make their own planet, all the way out here?’ Mary was dubious. ‘There were so many Seed worlds, closer in. Why would they come out this far?’

‘Come out where no one would ever find them,’ the man said. ‘Throw away all their technology, hide it at least, lock the door and throw away the key.’

‘Why?’ Mary said, ‘why would anyone do that to their own children?’

‘Save them, I imagine. Damn, lady, haven’t you seem crazy planets before?’

‘I was sacrificed at age ten,’ she said. Now, that seemed almost like a pleasant memory. ‘I was raped to death by a hundred men.’

‘You don’t look dead,’ the man observed. ‘Not as dead as you did two days ago.’ Two days? It had seemed like one long night.

‘They intended for me to be dead,’ she said. ‘They left me to die, but I disappointed them.’

‘Yep,’ the man seemed unfazed, ‘that sounds pretty fucked up.’

‘Why are you doing business with those assholes?’

The man shrugged. ‘We have a shortage of soldiers. They have a shortage of women. Works out nice. The more women we give to them, the more soldiers they make for us.’ He smiled a ferocious grin.

‘Your big man, he knows about this?’ Mary was getting agitated.

‘Knows, yeah, he sort of knows. Some of the little messy details, maybe he doesn’t concern himself with.’

‘The girl, he knows about the girl?’

‘Which girl?’ the man seemed totally unconcerned.

‘The one you traded for me,’ Mary said, ‘the one you condemned to live with that, that …’ she could not find a word to describe her former husband.

‘He said to do whatever it took,’ the man said defensively. ‘Do you think it would have been nicer for us to kill everyone and burn the village?’

‘Him,’ she said, ‘you could have killed him. You could have burned his balls off first.’

The man laughed, but not for long. ‘Bad business,’ he said. ‘Better this way.’

‘And this man, this big man of yours, he’s fucking Sarah?’

‘I didn’t say that,’ the man said. ‘I never said that. The word is,’ he added, ‘they’re in love.’

‘In love!’ Mary spat it out. ‘Goddess!’

‘Look lady,’ the man said, suddenly very serious, ‘you do anything to mess this up, and the deal is off. You understand? Even if you think you’re safe, back on some comfy little planet in the first galaxy, you aren’t, you understand?’ He walked over, lifted up her chin, moved his face close enough to kiss her. But his lips were thin with rage. ‘If your queen ever finds out about that girl you’re worried about, if she ever finds out that Luther is mixed up with this shit, you’re back there, you understand? Or, maybe you’ll be tender enough to be a little delicacy. Dragon pee.’

‘Dragan bee,’ she corrected. Goddess! She was never going to let that miserable language slip out of her mouth again. ‘You use them for livestock, too?’

‘We do not,’ he snapped.

‘But somebody, something, does?’

‘Lady, it is none of your fucking business.’ He got up. ‘Look, we could do a mind wipe on you. Wipe out the last two years. You want that?’

Yes! Yes! But she shook her head.

‘Behave yourself,’ he said. ‘Remember what I said. If the big man’s romance goes sour, you’re back in the mud.’ He turned to leave, then paused and added, ‘or the stew.’

She slept again, and when she awoke, the man was back. ‘Are we leaving?’ she asked.

‘No,’ he laughed. ‘Change in plans. The big man thinks he can get it for free now. He’s holding you in reserve.’ He leered. ‘You’re going to be a wedding present.’

Wedding present? She was reeling. ‘Isn’t the queen married?’

‘A detail,’ the man said, ‘the husband has been missing for a long time. Dead, or as good as dead.’

Noah, she thought, dear sweet Noah. You never came back. And Karen, and Swirl. She fought back sudden tears. ‘You may be here for a while,’ the man was saying.

‘That’s fine with me,’ she said. ‘Do you have a name?’

‘Of course I have a name.’

‘Would you care to share it?’

‘Pyotr,’ he growled it out.

‘Pee-oh-ter,’ she repeated. ‘Pee-oh, I like that.’

‘Call me Pete,’ he growled.

‘Okay, Pete.’

‘You looked better yesterday,’ he eyed her critically. ‘You look like the living mummy.’

‘My skin is peeling,’ she said. It had been like leather, embedded with the grime of Ooir. No amount of soap would ever cleanse it, but now, thankfully, it was peeling away, revealing soft whiteness underneath.

‘They gave you a salve?’ he said. ‘Not wise. It’s lucky we didn’t have to send you back today.’

‘No,’ she said. ‘There was no salve. It’s probably just the nanobots cleaning things up.’

Goddess! She should not have said that! Maybe he wouldn’t notice. Maybe he would not understand. But he was upon her immediately.

‘Nanobots!’ he snarled. ‘What nanobots?’ She said nothing. He sat down on the bed next to her. ‘You will tell me this thing,’ he said, quite mildly, ‘eventually. Do you understand?’

What’s the use, she thought. ‘This knowledge,’ she said, ‘is dangerous.’

‘So?’ he snorted. ‘I have tempted death many times.’ He stared down at her. ‘You’re a cyborg.’ It was a statement, not a question. She nodded, too tired, too scared to argue. ‘How?’ he asked. He leaned close to her again, breathed into her face. ‘How?’

‘My daughter,’ she whispered, so quietly she first hoped he had not heard her.

‘Your daughter?’ He punched at his phone furiously. ‘Two daughters. Boje moi! Queen Karen? Queen Karen is you daughter?’ She nodded, mutely. ‘Great God in heaven!’ he said it, slowly, in English, more a prayer than an expletive, ‘it’s true! It’s true!’ He grasped her by the hair, pulled her to his lips. ‘Change me!’ he hissed, ‘change me!’

‘I can’t,’ she said, teeth chattering. Even in her worst moments on that shithole planet with her asshole of a husband she had never been so terrified. ‘I would if I could,’ she was sobbing, ‘but I can’t, I can’t.’

First barren, now this. He was going to beat her, kill her. She closed her eyes, waiting for the first blow. But it never came. Instead, he was stroking her hair, gently, so gently. It had been a long time since she had felt a touch that gentle. ‘Sarah,’ he said, so softly, ‘can Sarah do it?’

He was such a good man, after all. She could trust him, she had to trust him. ‘She could for a while, before she gave birth,’ she answered. ‘Not anymore.’

‘Not anymore!’ The man was laughing. ‘Oh, my boss is a fool after all! A bigger fool than anyone else!’ He punched his phone again, and began to talk rapidly in Russian, too rapidly for her to pick out more than an occasional word. ‘Siny?’ he was saying. ‘The sons?’ And then ‘H’raak.’ It sounded even more menacing, more guttural when he pronounced it.

‘Well,’ he said, turning his attention back to Mary. ‘My boss, maybe, is not such a fool after all. Your daughter Karen, and this new queen, the Queen Sarah, they both had children by H’raak, is it not so?’ Mary nodded her head. ‘And the children, they are immortals?’

‘It may be,’ Mary said. ‘I don’t know for sure.’

‘Don’t lie to me!’ Pyotr came very close to her. ‘It’s very easy to tell when you are lying, did you know that?’

‘I have an expression? A telltale?’

‘No,’ he smiled. ‘You lose all expression. Your very lack of telltale is itself the sign. You were trained,’ he added. ‘You were a great woman once. You will be great again. You will grow younger, more beautiful, while you watch us wither.’

No, she thought, I’m not even going to get out of this room alive. If they had ever suspected, on Ooir, they would have burned her alive as a witch. Here, who knew? She could see the envy, the hatred, tearing through him. ‘I think they all are cyborgs,’ she said.

‘From H’raak! From H’raak! It all has to come from him!’

‘He’s dead,’ she a
nswered, ‘long dead. The gift, it doesn’t last forever, it can fade. Even Karen, I don’t know, and she’s gone, she’s far away.’

‘But the sons!’ he was back in her face now, ‘what about the sons?’

‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘how could I know? I haven’t seen them since they were babies.’

‘How is it done?’ he asked.

‘A kiss,’ she said ‘a kiss.’

‘Like this?’ And he kissed her, he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. She tried to glow, but nothing happened, except that he kept kissing her. She had no resistance left in her. She was so used to being violated that it was natural for her now. Stop me, stop me, his eyes were pleading, but she would not stop him, would not urge him on. She just opened her legs up for him, waiting for him to make up his mind. He drew back, and stared at her for a long time, trembling. ‘Not today,’ he said, ‘not today.’

‘By tomorrow,’ she said, ‘I’ll be through peeling.’

‘Boje moi!’ He turned back to her. ‘You want me to?’

The question startled her. ‘Not today,’ she said, drawing the covers back over her. ‘When I invite you.’

‘You?’ he snorted. ‘You will ask me?’ The idea seemed to amuse him. Then he remembered some of the things he had read about her, looking up information about her daughters. ‘You know things,’ he said.

‘I was a trainer,’ she answered.

‘If I force you, you’ll just be a body.’ She nodded. ‘But if you invite me …Boje moi! I will not wait forever,’ he growled, as he left her alone. ***** He did not return. One, two, three meals went by, and he did not come back. She had no idea if it was night or day, even if those concepts had any meaning. There were no windows in her room, she had seen no windows anywhere since she had arrived. She did not know if she was on a planet, or somewhere out in space, on a ship or platform. The room, she realized, was just another prison cell. At least there was a warm soft bed, a real toilet, a shower, food that arrived predictably. But there was nothing else, not a thing. It was better, so much better, than grovelling in the dust of Ooir. But she was weary of those four grey walls, the uniform, slightly blue, glow of the ceiling, the glossy reflection of the floor. There were speckles on the floor, and she began to imagine that they made patterns. If she stared long enough, ghostly faces peered out at her, or, sometimes, other parts of the anatomy.

She had sunk into a constant light doze, half dream, half meditation, when he returned.

‘You’re back,’ he said, incongruously.

‘I’m back?’ she echoed, not comprehending.

‘No,’ he said, ‘the back that belongs to you. It’s peeling.’

Of course it was, and it itched. She just couldn’t reach it.

‘Let me help you,’ he said. ‘Turn around.’ And he rubbed, not too hard.

‘Oh,’ she purred, ‘that feels nice.’

‘Are you inviting me?’ he asked.

‘Yes.’ Why not? She needed company, she needed something to pass the time. Why not share some pleasure? She didn’t care who he was or what he did. A strong eager body, not too eager, patient enough to please her, that was what she wanted now.

He moved away from her. ‘Not here,’ he said. ‘Not like this. We will do this properly.’ He reached into a bag he had brought with him. ‘Here,’ he said, ‘I brought you some clothes. I hope they fit.’

A dress, some underwear, sandals. Clean, but not new. ‘You wife’s?’ she asked.

He winced at that. ‘My daughter’s,’ he said. ‘My wife was a bit larger, if you know what I mean.’ He said it calmly, without much expression, but she could sense the pain.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said. But secretly, she wasn’t sorry at all. She didn’t want there to be a wife, not a living one.

‘It happens,’ he shrugged. We are not going to talk about this, his body language was saying. We are going to have a nice time together and not worry about the past. ‘My daughter,’ he added, eyes twinkling, ‘she’s bigger now, too. At least for now.’

‘Expecting?’ she said, and he looked puzzled. ‘Pregnant?’ she corrected, and he nodded.

‘My first grandchild,’ he said.

‘I have two,’ she said.

‘How old?’ he asked, and she realized with a shock that Eric would be almost twenty two.

‘In their teens,’ she said, evasively. She could tell that he was doing some rapid calculations. Fifty, she would have to be at least fifty years old. She had looked that old, a few days ago, but now …

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Operation Rescue

Been a long time since I felt like writing. The subject is controversial - please heed my notes below. Operation Rescue A pro-life couple laments that they can't do more to prevent abortions. However, since he directs a lab doing biomedical research, the husband looks for ways to help. ****** Author's Notes: The subject of this story includes the debate around abortion. I recognize that not all will share my particular views on the subject, and I do not intend to demean those...

4 years ago
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The Rescue

1The Rescueby ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know)Why didn’t this one stop talking and get on with it, she thought to herself.  If it were over she could go back into her shell.  She had hardly emerged now - she barely could anymore - and she wanted back in.EMMS RUNNING FILE - DAY 1:From: Manager of Acquisitions To: Manager of MarketingBought this one at the latest auction - valuable acquisition, good price.  I’ve always said it pays to talk to the merchandise...

2 years ago
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BondingChapter 6 Rescue

It was barely light when they broke camp. Mist clung to the ground but the visibility was over 100 metres and both guessed it would improve when it became lighter. Bob phoned the hotel as soon as they reached the shoulder. "Only three arrived back here Sir," the receptionist replied. "Should I inform Mountain Rescue?" "Ask them to stand by. They might have reached the hut and be safe. We'll be there in half an hour or so." Bob held the small aerial and slowly swept it in an arc. "No...

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Anitas RescueChapter 7 Rescue

Atlantic Ocean June 1985 The strangest things could get you behind schedule, Tony mused, but feminine hygiene products? In any event that was what had Kalliste cruising up the Virginia coast just after dark this evening. "Cap'n Tony!" It was a shriek, not Tina's normal good natured banter while on Kalliste. "Signal flare at two o-clock!" Tony immediately looked up from where he had been paying too much attention, Rebecca sitting in his lap, and caught the dying seconds of a yellow...

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Marys Basement

We ended up staying over at Mary’s place for the night. She was a beautiful woman with one of those sexy voices that could make you quiver. We both enjoyed seeing all her curves, and she had no problem flaunting them for us. Long, flowing, black hair,dark tan, and the most exquisite hour glass figure ending in a cute, little, tight, apple shaped ass. Her outfits were always the most revealing. I was hoping it would rub off on you, but I saw you looked just as hot in your tight little Capris...

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Marys Geschichte

Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...

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Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 1 Rescue

There will be gay sex and lesbian sex eventually, but mostly straight stuff. Also, there will be incest even though the relatives in this story have never met each other. It’s kind of like a love story at the same time but not really. I can’t quite explain it properly, so your best bet at understanding my ramblings is to just read the chapter and review. That way, I’ll know what to edit and change for the next story. Suggestions for sex scenes are accepted, but do send them to me via PM...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 26 Rescue

I decided it was safe to blink to the beach. I contacted Mia and told her to head there. I also contacted the Hoppers and asked them to coordinate with Mia and follow her. I felt a sudden urgency but didn’t know the reason. So I blinked to the beach. I arrived with little fanfare. Blaine believed they had collected the magical items that the people on the ship had worn. I closed my eyes and sent out my senses to locate the items. I got a ping, turned, and headed in the direction. Once in...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 4 Brothers Incestuous Rescue

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Brother's Incestuous Rescue By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The protesters were outside The Lady's Touch Massage Parlor, holding their signs, accusing us of being a lesbian bordello. My arms were crossed as I glared out the glass door at them marching by, a group of mostly women led by Mrs. Armstrong. That fucking hypocrite. She loved everything her daughter and I had done to her. The married,...

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Gold Digger Rescue

We didn’t have a lot of luck on our shark fishing trip, but we did have some luck in other areas, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink! Sean, Freddy, and I were heading back home in Freddy’s SeaRay Sundancer after about 10 hours of no sharks on a sunny Sunday afternoon in May. We were coming back into Indian Rocks Beach when we caught sight of a good sized single sail yacht that was evidently in trouble. A short, stocky, balding guy was waving at us, so we pulled closer. ...

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Convent lust to Alien rescue

They were very thankful that they managed to survive, but felt sick thinking about the many lives that were lost. They felt extremely self conscious because of the lack of appropriate clothing, having had to ditch the heavy convent gear as they hit the water or face a certain death. For the next few days they watched the shore lines to see if some of their belongings would wash out, but it was all in vain. The older lady immediately took charge and three of the younger girls were send inland...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Rescue

Introduction: Harry and Hermione return to Malfoy Manor to rescue Luna and Dean. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 8 Say that again, said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor. The n-news just came in an hour ago my L-Lord, replied Bellatrix shakily, they s-say Potter broke into Gringotts. Voldemorts nostrils flared in anger as he began to stroke his newly acquired...

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To the Rescue

The music was loud.  The bar was crowded.  Norm had a good buzz going, and hadn’t paid for a single drink all night.  Actually, Natalie hadn’t paid for a drink all night, because that was the name he used – when he felt like offering it – on these little jaunts.He knew he looked good as a woman.  Heads turned and men approached him relentlessly every time he dressed to kill and hit the town.  There was no better cure for the sadness of a breakup than having a bar full of straight men hitting on...

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CHAPTER 11: SEARCH & RESCUEI was on the back lawn, again. With my boys, again. It was another of the days when both the house and yard crews were not working and we could be as we wanted, where we wanted. When I could manage days at home and not running around with Sylvia or Adrian, I tried to make them these days; days when we would be in the house and yard by ourselves.I was underneath Wolf. I was on my hands and knees and he was d****d over me, providing that feeling of warm security and...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 2 Rescue

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

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Beginnings Day 5 Suzy to the Rescue

BEGINNINGS - DAY 5 - SUZY TO THE RESCUE When my doorbell rang I hurried to answer. There was Suzy, wearing a cute skirt and top looking ever so good to these tired eyes. She came in and we immediately kissed. Oh how I loved the feel of lipstick on lipstick, breast on breast. Holding her as we purred together I realized how aroused I had been since my dinner with Harry and how wonderful it felt to have her in my arms. We stepped back and she took inventory of my outfit. I did a...

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Twin to The Rescue

My Twin to the Rescue Ken Brown was an average man. When you looked at him, you saw a man that stood about 5'8" tall and was about 165 lbs. He had auburn hair that, although was a bit longer than what you would expect for a business man, was still neat, and clean. He worked as a bank loan officer and was expected to wear a suit to work every day ("You have to present a professional appearance if you want people to take you seriously," his supervisor often said). On his days off,...

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Rescue All my life I've been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I've always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make. Then one day I learned how right I had been .... I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I headed out of town, thinking I'd visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch. The engine...

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Animalslave Rescue

The SPCP "Welcome to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Petslaves," Damian,the chief Investigator, said as he opened the door. Outside, on the step, wasa man with a microphone and two cameramen. "As you no doubt know, we're anoffshoot of the SPCA. This branch was formed when the overpopulation problemmade it necessary for the excess of slaves to begin performing the duties androles of certain animals usually considered pets. We take care of abused, neglected,and abandoned ponygirls...

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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 19 Rescue

I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...

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Journey to EdenChapter 4 Rescue

“Walk with me, Tia,” said Seth, “and tell me more about this gift” They had been traveling for three days’ forced march now, and all were weary. Aard had recovered quickly, if not yet completely, and Dann’s bruise was healing well, and had subsided to a mere shadow of its former glory. Tia had teased him, saying it made him look like a patch, but patches were black, not purple. They were noisy, too, a minor annoyance when quiet was preferred. Harmless and friendly, patches were often kept as...

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ConvergenceChapter 20 Rescue

Jerome Parsons had been snatched from the cement floor of the loading dock by an invisible hand. Then everything went black. He had still been conscious. He knew that because he was aware of the blackness, the absolute silence that surrounded him, and the fact that he was being led by someone. Jerome was frightened, but not in the same way he had been frightened by the men who had kidnapped him and his family. He was also worried about his family. He needed to find a way to rescue them. “I...

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Anitas RescueChapter 18 Anitas Rescue

It wasn't the fact that Anita refused to be separated from Tony that made up Carol Smith's mind. It was quite the opposite. Tony seemed to be totally devoted to the charming little girl. Well, she was little, but at twelve she was far from a 'little girl' emotionally. Physically she might never top Tina's height by very much and it would take quite a few of Carol's famous peach cobblers to ever get her over a hundred and ten pounds. No, it was Tony's reaction to her new daughter...

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Capitol BeatChapter 5 Revenge Rescue

Zoe was escorted into the empty elevator that would whisk them to the top of the Washington Monument. Zoe noticed there was a long wrapped package propped up against the elevator wall. Zoe had good reason to fear Claire’s wrath, but her angst over her mother’s reaction was overruled by her human feelings for Francis. Their relationship had blossomed like the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin and the national monuments in Washington DC. Slap! Claire slapped Zoe who had just delivered...

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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 5 The rescue

As everyone was saying how lucky he or she was to have escaped the raid, a man was seen running from the direction we had come the previous day. Since it was obvious that the villagers were familiar with the runner they ran to meet him. Apparently, the previous day his small village had been raided, the raiders had killed two men and taken their wives, as well as the runner's wife as hostages. The raiders had consisted of fourteen men and had been observed heading west. So working out that...

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RedTails Rescued

This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.This means that my works may be reposted elsewhere provided that proper credit is given, the full work is available verbatim, and no fee or other restrictions are implemented in order to access my works.Additionally, as per the Share-Alike term,...

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Shipwrecked 2 Rescued

1. WAITING TO BE RESCUED! As the boat came towards our island to rescue us, I gathered a few items quickly that I thought I might need. I had no idea what the ship was that we were going to be taken to. I rushed around the shelter and threw some underwear, panties and bras, a few skirts and tops and a couple of pairs of shoes quickly into a bag. I put some makeup into a hand bag and then at the last moment, I grabbed a packet of the contraceptive pills I had been taking for so long and...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 14 Rescued

Thoughts I remember well the day I became more interesting. It was actually the day that I became aware of myself. The day I awoke from my dream and found myself able to put my hands — mentally at least — on the controls of my body. Everything up until now, although I've talked about it as if I experienced it firsthand, has been the dream-walk I've described. I talk about my past life the same way a human does, but all of us are only relating memories of events we believe we once...

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Dads Rabbit Rescue

I remember one time when I was in high school, we lived in a garden apartment in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The superintendent had just cut the grass on the lawn, and disturbed a nest of four baby rabbits. Those little fuzzy soft baby bunnies were only about three inches long, tops. And they scattered about for a bit, and I was able to catch three of them in my hands, and get them inside of a big cardboard box. But there was one little baby bunny that was missing, and we searched and searched...

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At Her Rescue

Amelia Donovan was going through some very difficult times. She had just lost her husband James who had been killed in war and she’s been in battle with her family who were pressuring her to marry under arrangement. She lived in New England with her mother, father, two sisters, and a younger brother. Then one morning, she decided to take a walk to the beach. She loved the smell of the ocean air and the feel of the soft sand under her shoe-covered feet. So she saw a boat and went rowing. A...

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At Her Rescue

Amelia Donovan was going through some very difficult times. She had just lost her husband James who was killed in war and she's been in battle with her family who were pressuring to marry under arrangement. She lived in New England with her mother, father, two sisters, and a younger brother. Then one morning, she decided to take a walk to the beach. She loved the smell of the ocean air and the feel of the soft sand under her shoe-covered feet. So she went to the boat and went rowing. A storm...

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Home Coming Queen to Hooker Pt 1 Rescue

I was always the class geek in high school, they called me Gary the geek! Jump forward eight years with four years of college majoring computer science and coding and four years of Seal Team training and what do you have a hansom bulked up geek! My job with the team is to go in take over a location or take out a target, then I would gather all the electronic equipment and data devices, take them back to base and extract any useful information. Our schedule consisted of days of intense training...

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Rosemarys awakening

She lay   waiting, back arched, nipples hard within the confines of her bra. Her arms crossed above her head and legs slightly parted. She heard the key turn in the lock and shivered in anticipation.   He had promised to take her in hand tonight – and had been teasing her all evening with promises of what he would do to her.   All her life she had felt constrained sexually, but tonight she was willing to let herself go under his control. He entered her bedroom, bare foot and tanned in...

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The Rescuer

The Rescuer by Caroline Jane Bradley Revised 2019 Part One A long weekend David Sheriff had always enjoyed the occasions when, after a long week at work, he could get home on Friday night and start the process of relaxation. His routine was such that, within 10 minutes of walking through the front door of his small house on the outskirts of London, he was luxuriating in a deep bath containing an...

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Lesbian To The Rescue

I am not a super-hero, I’m not sure they even exist other than comics, movies, and TV. But I was inspired by a complete stranger to not be afraid to do some things some people I know have called ‘heroic’. It all started when I was all of eighteen years old and working at a small airport bookstore. You know the type of job, you keep the shelves filled, cash out customers, and pretty well try and stay busy enough not to be bored. It seemed in the time before kindles, people traveling bought lots...

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Mountain Rescue

The cabin had two bedrooms and a kitchen/dining room plus a large bathroom. The main part of the cabin had a fire pit in the center of the main living area. There was always plenty of deadfall in the woods around the area to keep him supplied with firewood. Bill had lived there for a little over three years and he had a German shepherd dog for a companion. There was only one way in and one way out via a four wheel drive “road”. Bill had internet access from a satellite dish but there was...

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An Unexpected Rescue

It’s interesting how our lives can rapidly be changed when a new person enters our social circle. Comfortable daily routines which have long been taken for granted may suddenly fail us, as we are plunged into turmoil and uncertainty. Such was the case when my housemate and best friend, Amy, brought her younger brother over to stay in my home for a week in order to search for an apartment. Jake was enrolling in an undergraduate degree program at the state college, starting as a junior. I agreed...

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A Dangerous Rescue

NOTE: In this story the main character (you) is male and CAN be captured by the tentacles and all that entails. If you don't like scenes of tentacles on male(s) please be aware that these scenes will appear in this story. You could almost scream in aggravation at the old woman slowly leading you to the supposed entrance to the lair of the demons who took your baby girl, Elizabeth. Gripping your sword tightly in anger, you think that today was supposed to be her wedding day! She had just turned...

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