Distribution Ch. 08 free porn video

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Chapter 8: Sex with Paige

I held the sheet and blanket for her, and Paige crawled in next to me. My hand went immediately to her ass, and aside from the flimsy nightgown, I felt nothing but soft flesh.

She wiggled her body in an attempt to close every inch of space between us. I groaned.

‘I’m sorry, did I hurt you?’

‘No,’ I managed to say. She’d eased her tummy back a bit, making the way she was bending my cock bearable.

I moved my hand under the nightgown, up her back, feeling the soft skin against my fingers. She kissed me, I kissed back, letting her have her way with my tongue.

God! How I wanted this. Nothing else mattered. My animalistic instincts had taken over. I could think of nothing else but mating with her.

Uppermost in my mind was getting the nightgown off, and from the way she was wiggling her body, we were of a single mindset. I hoped so. She unglued her lips from mine long enough for the garment to be drawn over her head, and then our lips were like two suction cups battling for supremacy.

My right arm was under her and that hand held her close while the other one roamed. It was squeezing her ass one second, flat against her back the next, and then between us, tweaking her breasts. I hoped I was doing everything right, and from the way she moaned into my mouth, I was.

My hand left her breasts, floated over her tummy and stopped moving when I felt her pubic hair. Paige froze for a second and I wondered what I’d done wrong. Then, with her right heel planted on the floor, she elevated her pelvis until my middle finger sank into her pussy.

The accumulation of sweat between our bodies, combined with the sweet-smelling moisture that was surrounding my finger, were making me insanely needy. I couldn’t wait any longer.

Paige must have felt the same way. As I rose onto my knees and carefully lowered my shorts, she settled on her back, positioning her legs wide.

I stabbed blindly, once, twice, the third time was the charm. We were joined, barely. Even in the dark, her grunt told me that she needed time. I waited while she adjusted her ass. With another grunt, she lifted it off the blanket. I pushed forward and sank in to the hilt. Another grunt signaled for more time. I kissed her nose, her cheeks and her chin until she wrapped her arms around me and slid her tongue between my lips.

As I began to move, the realization struck me that Paige wanted this as much as me. My need was as strong as ever, but it was not mine alone now. I tried to relax and enjoy our first union. I wanted it to be good. Somehow I knew that something was missing. We were fucking, not making love.

It was not all my fault. Paige was just as wild as me. She dug her fingernails into my back, growled like a bitch in heat, and bit my lip until it bled. When I slowed down, she locked her ankles around me, and demanded that I ‘fuck her until she gave me permission to stop.’

When I gave up and let my seed flood her pussy, she shuddered, let her feet drop to the floor, kept her arms around me, whimpered, told me she was sorry if she’d hurt me, and encouraged me to let my weight slump on top of her.

We lay still, breathing hard, collecting our thoughts. I supported my weight with my elbows and we stayed joined as long as possible.

‘I must go,’ she said when my cock slipped out of its confinement.

‘Stay with me,’ I implored.

‘Let me up before I make your sheet unbearable to sleep on.’

‘Come back,’ I said, lifting my body.

‘I wish I could, but you know that’s impossible,’ she said, getting to her feet.

I held on to her hand for one more precious second, and released it, knowing that she was right. She fled from the room, carrying her nightgown.

Except for hearing water running in the upstairs bath, I didn’t see or hear Paige until the following morning. Needless to say, I’d slept well.

The household came to life early for a Saturday. I folded my blanket and sheet, got dressed, and shaved in the downstairs bathroom.

Talk at breakfast centered on the baseball game. Pat sat next to me and Mona sat next to Paige on the opposite side of the table. Mrs. Peoples, Florence as she told me to call her, presided from one end and Mr. Peoples, first name Arthur per the will, sat at the head of the table and said little.

‘Does Amanda have email?’ Mona directed her question at me. Paige and I exchanged a look before I answered in the affirmative.

‘I’d like to tell her that I met you and that you showed me her picture.’

‘She’d like that. I’ll give you her address,’ I said, and watched her grin at me. In some respects, Mona reminded me of my daughter. There was no physical resemblance, it was purely their little-girl inquisitiveness.

While Paige ran upstairs for her overnight bag, Florence urged me to have seconds of everything.

Mona brought a paper and pen, wanting me to write Amanda’s email address. She complained when Paige returned to the room, saying that she didn’t see why her mother had to leave so soon.

‘We’re having guests for dinner,’ she said, and this prompted questions that took ten minutes to answer.

Mr. Peoples and Pat came outside to see us off. I was arranging Paige’s overnight bag and my new coat in the extended cab of my truck when I remembered the check. I told Paige to open the glove compartment. The check fell out. She first accused me of being careless for leaving the check in the glove compartment all night, but then softened.

I watched her get out of the truck, approach her father, and talk quietly to him as she handed him the check. He looked my way, smiled, and hugged his daughter. Pat looked on, completely at a loss as to what was taking place.

She directed me through the neighborhood, and we were on the expressway, heading south, before she spoke of the check.

‘You can’t imagine what a difference it’s going to make in their lives. He hasn’t been able to work since the stroke, and their retirement doesn’t go very far. I hope they don’t go on a spending spree.’

‘Is that the reason you moved back home?’

She didn’t respond for a few seconds. ‘It’s complicated. We couldn’t stay in the house. There was too much harsh public opinion about Patrick’s death. I moved here to get away from the taunting my kids were exposed to, and so I could work. My mom is a wonderful babysitter and I contribute to the living expenses.’

‘Something like that happened to me. Mary said she couldn’t live alone, but I think she moved in with us because she wanted to be near her grandchildren.’

‘I hear statistics about how many grandparents are raising their grandchildren, but I think they’re referring to homes where neither parent is present, which is different than our situations.’

‘My kids would differ with you. I haven’t been in the home for over a month.’

A stunned look came to Paige’s face, like she hadn’t considered how long I’d been away from my children. ‘We’ve got to find a way for you to spend some time at home. How much longer do you think it will take to dispose of everything?’

‘I’m ready to award the contracts for the construction jobs. We’ll vote on them on Monday. The auctions are taking forever, but that’s by design. I haven’t heard from Fred regarding the list of stocks I gave him. I have no idea what the antique cars are worth, but I’m going to propose that we purchase a mailing list of their subscribers from one of the auto magazines.’

Paige was removing the jacket she’d worn to the game the night before. She tossed it in the back and perched herself on the bench seat, facing me. I looked at her, from the leg that was folded under the other one, to the way her jeans hugged her thighs, to the light sweater that was stretched across her breasts, to the way her long neck wrinkled when she turned her head my way, to her square jaw, her parted lips, her
dainty nose, gray eyes, trimmed eyebrows, smooth forehead, and to her hair, which hung in a loose ponytail at the back of her head.

‘You’ve immersed yourself in this job, haven’t you?’ It was an observation, not an accusation.

‘I didn’t mean to expound on the estate. What would you like to do today?’

Her face took on a look of glee, mixed with shy, downcast eyes. ‘First, I’d like to move your bed upstairs. Then, I’d like for us to get naked and become better acquainted,’ she said, extending her arm and running her fingers across my cheek.

I felt an explanation was in order. ‘I was overanxious last night. It will be better today.’

‘Me, too,’ she confessed, adding, ‘But I disagree with you. It doesn’t get any better than last night.’

I loved watching her blush. ‘Was there a part about last night that you liked best?’

To my surprise, Paige didn’t blink, let alone blush. ‘There was a time, before we got lined up better, when I didn’t think I would be able to take all of you. And then, when I realized you were all the way in, I came close to shouting to let the world know how good it was. You can’t imagine how happy it made me when you showed how considerate you can be. You gave me a minute to become accustomed to being filled up. It wasn’t just the tremendous feeling of you being inside me. I knew that I had a caring lover on top of me. It doesn’t get any better than that.’

She didn’t really look my way, but I was struck by her candor. I tried once more to make her blush. ‘Gee, Paige, it looks like we have something else in common.’

We looked into each other’s eyes, smiling and feeling smug, at least I knew I was.

I was for locking the doors and spending the afternoon upstairs, but it didn’t work out that way. We’d spread my sleeping blanket next to hers and arranged the frames containing the photos of my family when Charlie rang the back doorbell. He had news that the lady from the newspaper had been there looking for me.

Paige was in favor of my calling Ms. Adams and inviting her to return. I accused her of wanting to find out if I’d been truthful when I’d described the newspaper reporter. She didn’t deny that I’d guessed correctly.

Ms. Adams’ visit turned out to be so enlightening that Paige invited her to stay for lunch. When she left two hours later, we had learned that the editor at one of the newspapers where Mackey had worked remembered him. The editor agreed to send Ms. Adams a sample of Mackey’s columns. He also expressed an interest in the article Ms. Adams was working on, saying that he would run it in the Denver, Colorado newspaper.

‘We’ve got to go shopping,’ Paige said as soon as Ms. Adams was out the door. I voiced a complaint, reminding her that there were better ways to spend a Saturday afternoon, only to be told that if I wanted to eat, we had to shop.

After the grocery store, we stopped at a mall to look for a coffee maker.

‘Serving instant coffee after dinner is like having sex through a knothole,’ she said, turning scarlet as soon as she’d said it.

‘Right now, I’d settle for a knothole,’ I said.

‘Later, Tiger, and there won’t be any knothole between us,’ she said, to console me.

Paige was putting the groceries away and I was setting up the new coffeemaker when Fred Meriwether called, saying he’d like to stop by to discuss the stock. What could I say?

Fifteen minutes later he was spreading his notes out on the kitchen table. Nadine had come with him. I gave her the Food Pantry check.

‘Thank you, Brian. The pantry can certainly use this. What did the others say?’

‘I mailed my parents’ check and Paige gave her dad his check this morning, but I haven’t seen Mr. McMahan or Ms. Dickens.’

‘My dad was pleasantly surprised,’ Paige said.

‘Wait a second. You gave him his check this morning. Didn’t you come here yesterday?’

Paige looked my way before responding to Nadine’s question. ‘Brian came to Boston yesterday afternoon. We took the kids to the Red Sox game and he forgot about the check until this morning.’

Nadine put her hand over her mouth in a mock surprise. ‘You went to Boston and stayed overnight. May I inquire about the sleeping arrangements?’

‘Nadine, Honey, I’m ready to get started,’ Fred said.

‘I slept on the floor in the living room,’ I said to Nadine before giving Fred my full attention.

He gave us his firm’s official standing on each of the stocks, and then added his own opinion when it differed from his firm’s. It took over an hour to cover all twenty stocks, and I could tell that Paige was becoming nervous. She wanted to get started with dinner so she would have time to bathe and dress before our company arrived. I nodded at her, sending a silent message.

‘Nadine,’ she began, leaning over the table to look directly in the other woman’s eyes, ‘We’re having the Whitneys for dinner tonight. We would have invited you guys if we had more chairs, but eating lasagna standing up is not my idea of a dinner party.’

‘You’re serving lasagna?’ Nadine asked.

‘Nadine, she said they would have invited us if they had more chairs. Paige is not inviting us,’ Fred cautioned his wife, obviously anxious to continue his report on the stock.

Nadine was persistent. ‘She would have invited us if there were two more chairs. We have two chairs we can bring.’

‘Really, Nadine, it’s impolite to intrude. We were just here last Saturday night,’ Fred said, trying to reason with her.

‘Please,’ Paige said, tapping the table to make her point. ‘Come back at seven with two chairs. You’ll be welcome. Let’s not discuss it any more.’

Nadine wouldn’t let it rest. ‘Shall we bring our spare bed too?’

Paige and I laughed, but it was her that responded. ‘Brian says he prefers to sleep on the floor, and I don’t mind at all.’

Fred resumed his discussion of the stock, made recommendations on the timing of the sales. We took a quick vote and told him to go ahead with his plan. The couple left, unaware that they’d ruined our afternoon.

Paige got dinner underway and went upstairs to get ready. I showered and found a decent pair of slacks and shirt to wear that night.

When the two couples arrived, the men carrying one chair each and the women carrying wine, I immediately saw that the girls had conspired to go braless. Once she removed her apron, Paige’s cleavage looked particularly appealing with the straps that tied at the back of her neck barely covering her breasts. Her hair was down, brushed to a soft sheen.

If Harold and Janice knew that the Meriwethers had been added to the guest list at the last minute, they didn’t show that they minded.

Midway through the main course, Harold raised his glass, wanting to toast me. ‘Brian helped get me a job,’ he said, adding, ‘Thank you, Man.’

We talked about various subjects, such as the baseball game we’d attended the evening before, and the article Ms. Adams was planning to publish on Uncle Mackey, and at the end of the evening, Paige only had one question for me.

‘What was the toast about?’ she asked after our guests had left. We were making a half-hearted attempt to put the kitchen in order, both anxious to go upstairs and undress each other.

‘He asked me to go with him to quote a job. I didn’t know why he wanted me to go along, but he’d missed out on getting any of the work on this house so I wanted to help him if I could.

‘It’s a siding job. Even I could see that all of the shingles needed to be replaced, but the guy only wanted a patch job. Harold tried his best, but couldn’t reason with the man. He was on the other side of the house counting the damaged shingles when I saw my opportunity. I pretended to be Harold’s partner, used some of the power-words that I learned when I was taking calls from customers, and the guy bought my argument. He told me to tell my partner to give him a quote to replace everyt
hing. Well, that’s what we did and Harold even got the guy to give him a down payment. He’s starting the job on Monday.’

Paige came to me, the kitchen forgotten. I held her and let her tell me how great I was. ‘Do you realize that we’ve only been here five weeks and we’ve made more friends than we have chairs?’

‘We’ve made some enemies, too,’ I reminded her.

‘It’s your abrasive personality.’

‘Ah, making friends is a joint project, but making enemies is because of my abrasive personality.’

Her kiss was brief. She became thoughtful. ‘We do well when we set a common goal, don’t we?’

‘It’s you. I just follow.’

‘It’s you,’ she said, linking her arm in mine and heading to the stairs.

Entering the room was like being admitted to an exclusive club, like the first time a kid with a tree house in his backyard let me join him, or when a girl in a college sorority invited me to one of their parties. This was Paige’s private chamber, and she was welcoming me to join her there.

She giggled when I had trouble finding the clasp that held the straps of her dress together. I lowered my hands to her ass and let her do it. She didn’t seem to mind when the dress fell to the floor. We continued to kiss until she discovered my cock.

‘You’re overdressed,’ she said before leaving the room.

I removed my clothes and was completely naked when she returned. We embraced in the dark and I discovered that she was still wearing the panties and shoes she’d had on when she left the room. Only now she smelled like soap.

She was silently compliant as I lowered her to her sleeping blanket. It was like this was my night to dominate our lovemaking and she had no say in the way I went about it.

Wanting fervently to please her, I began with her nipples and gave them ample attention before moving my lips down to her tummy. There was already the unmistakable aroma of arousal coming from her pussy and I still hadn’t removed her panties. They were sheer silken fabric and I would have liked to have seen the expression on her face when my tongue pushed the material into her slit, but it was dark in the room. I had to rely on her intake of air to know that my method was effective.

I repeated the rounds twice, nibbling on her nipples, leaving a trail of saliva on her tummy, and pushing the crotch of her panties deeper into her slit before I removed her shoes and placed my hands on her hips. Paige’s ass lifted off the blanket to permit me to pull her soaked panties down her legs.

The lips of her pussy were spread, and she was whimpering in anticipation as I lowered my face to pull the lips out and let them spring back. I repeated this until I felt one of her heels dig into my back, telling me to get on with it. Her clit was enlarged and obviously super-sensitive. I’d only flipped it with my tongue twice when I felt her whole body shake, violently. Her hands pushed my head away.

‘Brian…that was…,’ she said in a weak whisper, like she’d lost her voice, but not her determination. She placed her hands to my shoulders in an attempt to pull me to her.

I’d barely gotten into position when I felt her hand wrapped around my cock. I let her guide it to her opening and my entrance was much easier than the night before.

‘Are you all right?’ I asked when we were fully engaged.

‘I’m good, give me a minute…I’m good,’ she repeated, beginning to thrust her hips upward.

I drew back slowly and pushed, only to have her repeat, ‘I’m good, I’m really, really good!’

She had her hands on my back, holding me tight, and she giggled in nervous excitement. It took a few long, slow thrusts to make her settle down. Once she got used to the pace I was setting, she responded to my thrusts with pinpoint timing. We worked together until she reported that she was near climaxing and begged me to come with her. I’d been holding back so it was not hard for me to release my seed a few strokes after she peaked and wilted.

Unlike the night before, she didn’t leave me, except to slip into the bathroom to pee, and whatever. We cuddled and explored each other’s body. We talked very little.

It had been a long time since I’d slept with a woman and I guess it was the same for Paige. But I was aware that she was there, next to me. She made sure of that. At one point I became aware that her leg was drawn up with her thigh resting on my back, just above my butt. I felt her foot on my thigh, her bush tickling my hip and her breasts straddling my arm, which was between us.

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Okay, a word of warning from the off — if you’re going to be offended by a white cuck husband whose wife gives herself to a group of black men, don’t read this piece. If a scene that features black men impregnating white women turns you into a seething ball of outrage, don’t read this piece. If you’re going to get all snarled up with hate at descriptions of a white man cleaning a black man’s semen from a white woman’s pussy … don’t read this piece. I wonder how many vitriolic public comments...

1 year ago
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Santas Tinsel TeaseChapter 9

Scott returns home to find that his front door is unlocked. He opens it cautiously and hears giggling coming from down the hall. Then he hears the moaning. He walks toward his bedroom, taking off his clothes as he goes. By the time he reaches his room, he is completely naked and completely shocked by what he sees. There is his sister with her face buried in his ex-girlfriend’s pussy. Skye’s eyes are closed or else she would have seen him by now. Tinsel’s ass faces him and he can see how wet...

2 years ago
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Hello DoctorChapter 4 Said the spider

Leah awoke to find Hayden standing over her in jean pants, with the Asian woman kneeling beside him patiently looking up at him. She was already wearing her own leash and collar. Hayden turned his head away from her to gaze down at Leah as she woke up. "Did you sleep well?" He said with a smile. Leah nodded as he motioned her up. "Excellent, you'll have chores to do today to earn your stay." Hayden said, handing the other slave the key to Leah's manacles. "Unlock her, and be quick...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 10 Jimrsquos Bucket List Has One Less Item

Jim didn’t even get to press the doorbell as he stepped up to his neighbor’s house. Sam opened it before he could reach the bell button and dragged him inside. The door closed behind him and Sam gave Jim a heart-stopping kiss, so full of passion and lust that his cock nearly burst from his shorts. “Welcome back, stud,” she said, grinning as she broke the kiss and stepped back. “Now that’s what I call a welcome,” Jim said, grinning back at her. “Oh, we’re just getting started, baby. Just...

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The World Wreckers

There wasn’t much left of the village when the grinder appeared on the horizon. The huge machine took two days to arrive at the village proper, so everyone had plenty of time to get most of their stuff packed up and leave. A few people stayed, mostly old people, sitting on their steps or in their living rooms, waiting for the end. For the grinding. Some people’s spirit was already broken. Some people seemed to welcome the end ... and the end was on its way. Dutch’s family fled the day before,...

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Twelve Days a Slave 7 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

3 years ago
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Life HappensChapter 2

By the time Kevin was 18, he had grown into a handsome and strong young man. He learned all he needed to know about sex from his girlfriends. Yet, although girls were exciting and fun to be with, nothing could come close to the fantasy he held of his mother. The memory of the first time he saw her sucking on her boyfriend was burned into his mind forever. Since that day, he resolved to be her only man and wanted her for himself. No one else could take care of her or love her the way he could....

1 year ago
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Kimberly Nicole

KIMBERLY NICOLE The Wizard was bored. The little bell over the door to his shop hadn't rung in days. He even checked it to be sure it wasn't broken. But, how do you break a mechanical bell?! He had even moved his store to other malls, and still no action. Finally he took to sitting in his dusty little office, just staring at his magic ball. He had it on auto-scan, looking for anyone that could use his services. It finally stopped on a young couple having sex. He smacked the ball,...

3 years ago
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Constant Craving

Marie, you do not know how many Black Men you screwed last night because you drank a little too much and got pretty stoned. It must have been several because you smell like a New York whore and your legs, thighs and pussy are tender and sticky with cum. You guess you passed out on the bed in the guest bedroom after all of the fucking because you just awoke and that is where you are right now. The sun is just beginning to rise. You arms and legs are handcuffed to the bed. You are completely...

4 years ago
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Komal Ki Sazaa Aur Samir Ka Mazaa

Samir ek Jr College me Professor tha umar 31 saal smart tha shaadi ko 2 saal hue the and par us ki biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Iss liye college ki kamsin ladkiyo ki jawaani lootne ki us ki fantasy thi. Komal final year me Pdhnewaali ek khubsurat pari thi. Jo last 2 years se college ka beauty competition jeet ti aa rhi thi. Har ladka uska deewana tha. Woh cheez hi kuchh aisi thi. 5’6″ ka kad.. figure 34-24-36. Aankhe Kaali..lambe baal..aur tight salwar-kurta pehanti thi. Jis ki wajah se uss k...

2 years ago
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The Colon Hydrothert

For years I had so wanted to experience the next step up in the enema chain, so one sunday afternoon I finally did it. I went and received my first colonic. After paying I followed the doctor into the room. He instructed me to remove my clothes and to put on the hospital gown. After changing clothes, he came back in. Having me lay on my left side, he informed me about the process, after being instructed, I could hear him applying KY Jelly both to the speculum and his glove, then to the...

3 years ago
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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 2

Only a half hour later, Vivian knew that she would have trouble falling asleep that night. She was still much too horny. She sprawled naked on her bed, on her stomach, with a pillow stuffed between her thighs under her cunt. Vivian was dry-fucking slowly, shameful tears running down her cheeks as she recalled how her incestuous affair with her son had begun in the first place. When had it all started? A year ago, right after the divorce. Living alone with her handsome, growing teenager for...

1 year ago
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She said she Loves Me

She was on one of those dating site on the web and as soon as she seen his picture she knew she wanted him. So she sent him an e-mail and hoped he would respond. The next day she was surprised to find a response from him. He sings in Bars and Clubs for a living and He had asked her to meet him at a place where he is playing at. She agreed to meet him that night and She had her friends help her get ready for their meeting. She walked into the Bar and heard him singing, and...

2 years ago
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Femdom With Kalpana

Hi readers this is my first time to put my experience in ISS and what I’m about to narrate is happened to me 7 months ago. I’m Sid 20 yrs old and she is my distant relation. Her name is kalpana. My mom & kalpana are close friends. Frequently they use to call each other & talk for a while. Kaplan’s age is around 36 & her height is 5’5. Coming to her structure she is having D shaped boobs & little chubby. Her color is golden milky white. I’m doing college, pre final yr. my height is 5’11, color...

3 years ago
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HannaChapter 5 Love at Work

NFL draft day was total chaos. BOTH sets of parents decided they needed to be with us for 'moral support'. (I'm sure they needed more support than we did.) The coach and a couple of teammates dropped in, too. Don was going through the same thing, I later learned. The first few picks were the obvious: The Heisman winner and runner-up, and the guy who won the Butkus Award. But I was amazed, and incredibly pleased and flattered, when the sixth pick was announced. "The San Francisco 49ers...

2 years ago
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White Hills Thrills

Your name is John Doe. You grew up in the inner-city projects of Calhoun City, one of the worst ghettos in the USA. Most of the guys you grew up with are in jail, in gangs, on drugs, or dead. You tried to keep on the straight and narrow as much as you could, staying in school and playing basketball at the youth mission. Recently, your family fell apart: your dad went away for some serious time on a drug charge, and your mom descended into a drug addiction of her own. It looked like you were out...

3 years ago
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When did Mom Start Wanting Me part 4

As I was begining to wander if I was going to stop cumming, I did stop and so did Sarua and when we had calmed down some, I collapsed down over her and started kissing her as she kissed me back, with more passion for each other than we had ever done before.When we finally broke the kissing off, "Wow, Sammy, you have no idea how much I enjoyed this. I knew I wanted it with you but I didn't even know, that it would be this good.""I knew it would be good too, but didn't know, that it would this...

1 year ago
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Pooja The Class Babe With Whom I Shared A Magical Moment

Hey guys, this is Atharva from Pune city. I have an upper middle class upbringing, I used to go to a maths tuition.It was a good class my friend had referred me that class. There was a girl who used to study in CBSE school she was in the morning batch while I was in the evening batch after my Diwali vacation we had our terminal exam then premlim 1 adter prelim 1 we had had preparatory leave for one month then another prelim exam, so many exams right. After the prelim 1 exam I was home for one...

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Submissives diary Ep 2 Restraint pt 3

part 3"She's a what now?" Mike looked at me with an expression of surprise and disbelief."A virgin, Mike. A girl that has never had vaginal sex before." I answered, taking the dildo from him"Yeah, right. You're k**ding me, aren't you?""Do I look like i'm k**ding? I felt it upstairs, and saw it, too. 're you telling me you didn't know?" Mike would never be this careless. Going through what looked like hours of preparations and two Weeks of planning only to forget to ask the teen if she was a...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 16 Trials and Refits

NX-01 "Enterprise" at Jupiter Station, July 16th 2155 "Hey, come in," Trip said as he indicated Jon and Shran to enter his and T'Pol's quarters. "Commodore, huh? Looks like you fell up the ladder, Jon. Congratulations." "Thanks; As of three hours ago, but don't think you'll get rid of me," Jon answered and Trip returned the wide grin of his friend. "I'll be your fleet commander." "Thought you'd get the Atlantis?" Trip asked, while Shran and Archer took their seats at the...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 8

"Yeah, the cable is full of almost good shows. So many things have to be right to make a good show, but only one has to be wrong to make a bad one." Simon said. "Why not sit and let's explore the cable together," he suggested. "I think your brother wants to screw me," I said with a giant laugh. "Hell, so do I," Simon said with a beautiful smile. I had to admit I was captivated by their rakish good humor. "Not many men would see you this time of night and not want to screw you. I...

1 year ago
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Milfty Sara St Clair MILF Blowjobs And Job Interviews

Sara St Clair is a sexy, blonde MILF who wants to help her stepson look his best. When he shows her that he is planning to go for a job interview in a pair of super wrinkled pants, the perfectionist pussy queen is not having it. She makes him strip while she irons his slacks, and his dick stands up right away. She loves to watch him jerk, and it gives her some crazy ideas. Later that day, he comes home and reveals that he got the job! To celebrate, he pounds her tight MILF pussy, making her...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 570

This One Is Compliments of Bill W. Little Johnny was in kindergarten and a frustration to his teacher. Every day when the teacher had the children lay their heads down to take a nap little Johnny wandered around the room. The teacher talked to Johnny and tried to convince him to nap. She told him to lay his head down and think happy thoughts. He continued to wander around. Then one day when the teacher said nap time Johnny lay his head down and went to sleep. The teacher was delighted and...

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PenthouseGold Angel Gostosa Gives Stepbrother A Stiffy

One of the things that Angel Gostosa loves about coming home from college is to be able to tease her stepbrother Nathan Bronson and give him a big stiffy by letting him watch while she sensually removes her bikini and plays with herself poolside. He’s ready to bust a load by the time his sultry stepsister is wrapping her warm lips around his girthy shaft and getting on all fours to be pounded from behind in doggy. Watch the Latina Penthouse babe get in a hot 69 and fucked until the...

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Sex With The Workplace Madonna

When my place of work had a dress up day one of the women there always got involved.This particular time she dressed as Madonna.She had a Black frilly lace top on,black lace panties,stockings,and she topped it the outfit off with the famous conical bra.Although she is in her fifties she looked absolutely fantastic.In fact she had a figure that women half her age would love to have.This was probably why she was being whispered about.When we sat down at coffee time she remarked on this and i said...

2 years ago
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Welcum to the NeighborhoodChapter 5

Sunday morning was living up to its name, with the sunshine streaming in Gary’s bedroom window, so he tried to turn over, away from the sun, but found that his arm was pinned down by something, something warm and soft, and that smelled really good. He cracked an eye open, and saw the beauty of Leanne sleeping next to him. He wriggled around a little, just enough to turn onto his side, and wrapped his arms around her again. He kissed her softly just behind her ear, and got a small moan from...

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First time with cousing Pt 2 Gay

So this story has been a long time coming. But now I'm ready to write.Story is true:Read pt.1 before reading this entry.http://xhamster.com/user/FPS1337/posts/169928.html--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok, as we continued off to his bedroom. Sneaking past the fam, we needed to make sure we had a safe place to "do it" since living in his parents house he didn't have a lock. We entered his unusually large closet and awkwardly got in to...

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Little boy with his train set

A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks." The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want...

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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Part 4

It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking.  It was now the first week end of August.  As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting  together at her place to see how her finances were going.   We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together.  The time we had spent together was 100% platonic.  Both of us just simply enjoyed our...

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Absolute believability

Everyone around you believes you 100% the will believe anything you say you tell them they are dogs then they believe that also extends to other people who come across someone that you told them something then they will also believe that.

Mind Control
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Finding My Wife a WomanChapter 7

We flew to the Bahamas on Sunday the ninth of January. We arrived to beautiful weather, and checked into our Hotel. We had a wonderful view from our room, and had a nice balcony also. We unpacked and the girls went to check the place out, while I phoned Jan. She had everything done, so I got the address, and then made some last minute arrangements. The girls soon returned giggling like school girls. They were impressed. We had a light lunch at the hotel restaurant, then we all hit the pool....

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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 09

‘What is your problem? I thought we talked about this before.’ Joanne Croix stood in front of her door with her arms crossed. ‘I’m not ready to go in that direction with you.’ Gary shook his head, ‘I’m tired of this, Jo. I’m a man. I’m not some boy you can just play around with. I’ve taken you out. Bought you stuff. I thought we had an understanding.’ Jo frowned, ‘I’ll get you your money back for the tickets…’ ‘I don’t want the money back. I want you.’ ‘Look, it’s been a rough night. I…’ ...

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Misfortune Gives Birth to Love

There are some who have only good memories of childhood, there are some who have both good and bad and then there are those who have only bad memories. I'm one of those unfortunate ones who have only bad memories. The earliest memory I have is being forced to bend over a table, with my hands stretched on it, my shorts pulled down to my ankles and feeling the full force of Dad's belt on my bottom only covered by underwear. The screams, the pleadings, the pain, the red marks and the utter...

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Bodyguard Blackmail

Being a bodyguard to a famous celebrity had a lot of benefits. You get to go to all the hot parties, drink for free and travel for free. The better part is getting all the dirt on your client and their friends. I wasn’t usually into blackmail, but my latest client was just too ripe a target. I really wanted to bankrupt Taylor Swift. As you would have guessed, she’s as prude in her personal life as she is in her public one. No drugs, no boyfriends, barely drinks. Stays covered up even when...

2 years ago
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Early Birthday Present

College lass Jolene gets a special steamy birthday present from her step daddy.... I had to get out of my school uniform. It’s not that I don’t look like ‘jail-bait’ in it. I mean my plaid college skirt is so short and my thighs are super eye candy. I had a party to get ready for and not just any party- it was my eighteenth birthday celebration. I mean I was a big girl now. Virtually a woman. And I was pussy wet with excitement not because I expected a hot fuck later with my boyfriend but...

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Entertaining Friends

It was nearly four in the morning, when my phone rang. Answering it was a friend of mine named Jareal, it seems that a cousin of his from Mississippi was in town and had never been on a college campus. Not thinking I said '...come on over...' and went back to sleep. Twenty minutes latter I heard pebbles hitting my window, half sleep and hung over, I stumbled to the window and looked out. There on the qua, was Jareal and another guy, I opened the window and tried to whisper '...what the hell are...

1 year ago
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Carls Amazing Story Part II

“Carl?, why are lying down naked in bed?” Mary-Rose enquired. “And whose shoes are THOSE outside???” she continued with a more aggressive tone. Carl had to think quickly. “those..but I thought they were yours? I found them outside the front door and thought you must have left them there..I merely brought them in!” Mary-Rose could smell a rat. She could almost feel there was a third presence in the room. She decided to play along. “No silly”, she said, “they’re not mine! We’ll have get rid of...

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