Chrissys proposal sequel to nude beach dream
- 4 years ago
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Christina Michelle Stanton sat in the airport terminal doing one of her favorite things – people watching. As usual, she had arrived at the airport with way too much time to spare. Her flight didn’t leave for another hour and she had already been at the gate for almost that long. She sighed and berated herself for her overly serious approach to life. ‘When will I ever learn to take life less cautiously?’ she thought to herself, as she watched the other passengers milling about through the terminal.
She was about to turn her attention to a story that she had running in her head, when she noticed a man pacing – and not just any man, but a man in uniform – camouflage, to be exact. She laughed silently to herself as she mentally cursed her attraction to uniforms. What she wouldn’t give to have that particular uniform notice her, though. This man gave definition to his clothing that made Chrissy sit up and take extra notice!
Chrissy covertly watched the man, through her lowered eyelashes. He looked to be a real man – not some teenager. She would guess that he was in his mid 30’s. His hair, what of it she could distinguish from his regulation ‘high and tight’, appeared to be dark brown. She would have enjoyed looking at him anywhere, but she was getting a particularly spectacular view because of his pacing. In fact, she notice, he seemed to be pacing a little too quickly. He seemed agitated. Chrissy’s interest was way beyond casual now. She was totally caught up in her secret surveillance.
Suddenly, without warning, the man turned toward her, walked rapidly over to her and stopped abruptly, directly in front of her. Chrissy noticed that he towered over her and that his face was knit into a deep scowl as he frowned down at her. His dark brown eyes were flashing with some emotion that looked a lot like anger. Chrissy knew that her eyes had to be as big as saucers. She was stunned by his actions, and as such, she was able only to stare up at him, waiting for him to speak.
‘May I ask what you are staring at?’ asked Chrissy’s GI Joe. Chrissy almost moaned when she heard his voice – it was just as deep and smooth as the richest chocolate. But she couldn’t spend any time enjoying that thought, because Chrissy knew she needed to focus to handle this situation with tact. She wasn’t sure what she was dealing with here. Maybe GI Joe was just a normal guy who didn’t like to be stared at or maybe he was a stressed out war veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and was about to erupt into violence. Chrissy decided that humor was the best route to go in this situation – say something funny and not insulting.
With a sweet smile and a twinkle in her eye, Chrissy said, ‘I thought you looked like you were on a mission to wear tread marks into the carpet, single handedly!’ Her GI Joe looked at her and his scowl seemed to get even deeper as he processed her response. Then, suddenly, without warning, GI Joe burst out laughing. Chrissy gasped as his face transformed from attractive into stunningly handsome. He dropped into the seat beside her.
‘I’m on my way home for Christmas and I HATE flying!’ he stated. Chrissy was looking at him with some confusion because he seemed quite at ease in the seat beside her, almost as if they had been life long friends.
‘Well, considering how hard you were pacing, you certainly could have walked where ever you are going by now’ she teased him, deciding to stick with the humor since he was responding so well. And she sure didn’t want him to get up and leave.
GI Joe smiled at Chrissy and stuck out his hand, ‘My name’s Mike. Mike O’Connor.’ He was holding out his hand and looking at Chrissy expectantly. Chrissy’s mind was spinning. This incredible specimen of the male species had approached her and was acting quite solicitous. She wasn’t sure, because she didn’t have a lot of experience, but it felt like he was flirting with her. If he was . . . ‘My name is Mickey – Mickey Smith,’ Chrissy stuttered.
Mike continued to smile at her and began waving his hand that he was holding out to her, ‘Do you shake on command?’ he questioned, with a glint of humor in his eyes. Chrissy forced herself to shake his hand, as her mind was reeling with possibilities. Of course, changes were slim that anything would come of this meeting, but oh, if only something could come of it. And Chrissy had a pretty good idea of exactly what she would like to have come of this meeting.
See, Chrissy had recently made some life altering decisions. She had a wonderful job as Commercial Loan Officer in one of the largest bank chains in the country. She had bought her first condo and had it almost paid off. Her life was going right as she had planned, except for one minor catch. Chrissy had decided, after long and careful deliberation, that she was ready to have a baby. But she was 30 years old and had never had a serious relationship with a man. She had always told herself that true love was just around the corner and that the man who could appreciate her was just about ready to enter her life. But she had waited and waited, done everything she could think of, and she still hadn’t met that someone special.
And Chrissy was tired of waiting. She just wanted to get on with her life. In her plans, Chrissy had always seen herself as a mother. Just because she didn’t have a husband, it didn’t mean she couldn’t have her child. Chrissy had decided that she wanted several children eventually, but she realized that she was going to have to start with one. Although adoption was in her future, she wanted to experience pregnancy with her first child. She had done her research, contacted her doctors and created her strategy. First she would go celebrate Christmas with her sister and her sister’s new fiancee, then she would head back home and be artificially inseminated. After that, her life would be on ‘go’ and she would be able to continue with the plans she had made for herself.
But sitting right here, beside what happened to be the most handsome man she had ever met, Chrissy was having second thoughts. If this man really was flirting with her (a concept almost completely outside her comprehension), then maybe she could actually seduce him and have a real live sperm donor. It wasn’t the perfect time of the month, but, if it worked, it would be exciting to not be a virgin when her child was born. She would also be able to honestly tell her child something about his or her father. And since she had had the sense to not give him her real name, she could walk away from this man and never have to see him again. He would never need to know that he fathered her child.
Chrissy realized that, if she ever hoped to pull this off, for the next 24 hours, she needed to truly become someone different from her everyday self – she needed to become Mickey Smith – confident, sexy and available Mickey Smith. So she took a deep breath and grabbed onto her new identity.
As she turned to look at the man beside her, she wondered how one went about a seduction? She also wondered what he saw when he looked at her. She didn’t delude herself into thinking that he was blown away by her beauty and charm. Chrissy knew what she had to work with – not only did she consider her features to be plain at best, but she also knew her body didn’t meet society’s expectations of appealing, either. She was short, barely topping out at 5 foot. She also was plus sized, extra curvy or fat depending on her mood any given day. Never had Chrissy been slender and sexy, but she had long ago decided that she could be neat and presentable. Not that anyone could tell, considering the ratty old outfit she had put on this morning, but most days she wore a suit and pulled her hair into an executive bun, looking as polished and attractive as she could, given what she considered to be her limitations.
And most days Chrissy could deal with the fact that none of the men in her life saw her as a woman, only as an executive, a confidant and a friend. But some da
ys it hurt. She was a woman, and she would have appreciated somebody noticing. But day after day, she listened to her male friends, which she seemed to have a lot of, bemoaning or bragging about their current love lives. Some days she wanted to pick up her briefcase and knock them over the head. She wanted to shout, ‘Don’t you see that I am a WOMAN?!?’ But she didn’t. And, if the truth was to be known, there weren’t really any men in her life that she was interested in having notice her in a romantic way.
But, right beside her sat a man that she was very interested in having notice her in a romantic way.
So, putting aside her doubts, she began thinking out her seduction. It made sense that first, she needed to find out where he was headed. This was a big airport and he might not be going her direction. If they weren’t going to the same place, her plans would be all for naught.
Putting on her huskiest voice, she drawled, ‘So where are you going for Christmas?’
Mike seemed not to notice her effort at sounding sexy and answered blandly, ‘My brother invited me out to see his new ranch just south of Boise. I had a little leave time coming, so I decided to take him up on it. He has just up and decided to settle down, so I figured I better go make sure he’s making the right decision. Once a big brother, always a big brother!’
Chrissy’s breath caught in her chest as he rambled on, talking about his family. She didn’t bother listening to the rest of his story after he mentioned his destination. He was going to be on the same plane as her. Great! Now, how did she get him where she wanted him? Interrupting his continuing monologue, she abruptly asked, ‘Are you really scared of flying?’
He looked at her, arching his eyebrow in surprise, realizing that she hadn’t been listening to him. ‘As a matter of fact, today, I really am,’ he answered.
‘Maybe we could get our seat assignments together and I could walk you through deep breathing if you get too scared.’
Mike looked at her skeptically. ‘Deep breathing?’ he questioned.
‘Yeah, it always works on TV!’ she answered him quickly with a sweet smile.
Mike’s deep laugh drew Chrissy’s breath up into her throat. She couldn’t do this. Oh yes she could! And she was going to, even if she did have to make a fool out of herself. She was going to give this man a run for his money. If he didn’t want her, he was going to have to spell it out.
Mike was fascinated by the red haired tiger beside him. She was feisty with comebacks and quick with her wit. She seemed to not have a pretentious bone in her body. Her hair was pulled back loosely in a clip that flipped it up off of her neck. Her ample little body was covered in a sweat suit and her tennis shoes looked like they had seen better days. Comfortable clothes to travel in, but not really suited to trying to catch the attentions of a man. If she hadn’t been so obviously trying to hide her observation of him, he doubted that he ever would have approached her. He enjoyed shocking people, but he hadn’t managed to knock this little lady off balance. She hadn’t been as put out as he had hoped by his forthrightness. She had just matched him, jest for jest. He liked how that made him feel. He liked how she made him feel, just sitting here talking about life.
Mike hadn’t had an easy life. He had been abandoned by his birth parents before his first birthday. When he was four, he had been adopted by an older couple, who weren’t able to have children. When he was eight, his parents brought him home a brother. Mike was fascinated by his little brother. He was two years younger than Mike, he had been orphaned only the year before and he had been completely alone in the world. Mike had seen the fear and uncertainty in his little brother’s eyes and had immediately taken him under his wing. Mike and his brother were inseparable as they grew up.
Early on, Mike had filled out his lanky 6’3′ frame and a coach grabbed him as a football player. Mike discovered that he enjoyed the game. Mike’s parents weren’t wealthy and Mike’s upcoming college years were going to be a huge expense. Mike was fairly sure he could cover his cost with a football scholarship. That just left Mike’s brother. But Mike wasn’t really worried about him, because his brother was the real brain of the family. Mike was proud of the fact that his brother had even managed to skip a grade in junior high.
But then the unthinkable happened. Mike’s mother had discovered that she had cancer. After a long, painful battle in Mike’s junior year of high school, she finally died, the first day of summer break. Mike’s dad just couldn’t face life without his wife. Even his sons couldn’t bring him out of his depression. When Mike got the call that his dad had been involved in a one car, fatal accident, Mike couldn’t even say that he was surprised.
That turning event in Mike’s life had occurred in February of his senior year in high school. Mike was going to turn 18 in March. After the funeral, Mike sat his brother down for a serious talk. They decided that since there was no money for college they needed to make other plans. Mike had asked his cousin, who was older, with a husband and little boy of her own, if his brother could live with them during his senior year. She had readily agreed and that situation had worked out really well.
Mike was in a different situation, though. He knew that he had lost his focus during his senior year, and even with his athletic abilities, his grades were too low to get into college. So, without too much thought, Mike dropped out of high school and joined the Marines. Fortunately, Mike had a recruiter who was truly interested in helping the young people he was enlisting. He had made sure that Mike got his GED, even if he wasn’t going to get his diploma. Mike entertained thoughts of going to college later on, but, once he got into the Marines, he felt like he found his niche in life. He loved the order, the planning and the opportunities.
Mike was a good Marine and worked his way up the ranks. While serving his country in Kuwait City during Desert Storm, Mike had managed to save the life of a young Kuwaiti woman. Her father was a diplomat, and his praise of Mike’s actions reached important people of higher rank. Mike’s reward was to be moved to a job with a senior officer. He now served as Personal Assistant to one of the highest ranking officers in the country. Even though he was looking forward to his upcoming retirement from the military, he liked his life and he was proud of his accomplishments.
The years had passed quickly for Mike. He had only visited his brother on rare holidays. His brother had managed to go on to college and didn’t stop until he had his PhD in agricultural business. Mike had no idea where that interest had come from, but his brother had done well for himself. Neither of the brothers had ever married or had children. Mike knew that his own reasons were fairly simple. He had never met a woman that knocked his socks off. Occasionally, he thought about settling down and starting a family, but, since he hadn’t met the right woman, and he was so often traveling, he had never even given the thought serious consideration. Mike had often wondered why his brother hadn’t married, though.
But things were different now. Suddenly his brother was getting married and he was inviting Mike home to meet the woman of his dreams. These two lovebirds were planning to spend the rest of their lives together and Mike’s brother wanted Mike’s blessings. Mike was a serious cynic when it came to romance, having seen far too many military marriages crumble under the stresses of life. But he wanted to give his brother the benefit of the doubt, so he was dutifully coming to spend Christmas with the couple. He genuinely hoped that he would be able to truthfully bless their union at the end of the holiday.
But, right now, he was stuck in an airport with a cute little redhead. And right now, she was worried about
his fear of flying. Hell, he was worried about his fear of flying. Not that it was really a fear of flying. He had never had a problem flying before, but of course, he had never bothered taking the time to think about it before, either. He was always on a mission, following orders, jumping ahead in his thoughts to his next maneuver. But here he was on ‘holiday’ and he had nervous jitters about getting onto a commercial flight. Go figure. However, this fascinating creature was offering to help him out and he was just tempted enough to see where this was going.
‘Let me see your ticket,’ Mike said to Chrissy. She looked at him skeptically. He explained, ‘I’ll go up and see if they can change our seats to put us together.’
Mike would have sworn that the redhead’s eyes couldn’t get any bigger. ‘OK,’ she murmured. He wondered at the expression on her face, but decided that it must be some woman thing that he didn’t really want to understand. She handed him her ticket and he went up to the counter.
Chrissy sat in stunned silence as she watched Mike’s handsome backside walk away from her. She couldn’t believe that this was going to work. She really hadn’t counted on that, but now she really needed to plan her next step.
She was still pondering the situation when Mike returned. He looked slightly perplexed when he handed her back her ticket. But before Chrissy could ask what was wrong, Mike shook his head, as if clearing out imaginary cobwebs. ‘I sure could go for a cup of coffee. Care to join me?’ he asked. When he held out his hand to her, Chrissy took it with a look of wonder on her face. This was going to be easier than she had thought.
Mike looked over at the woman beside him as they walked through the terminal. Apparently she hadn’t realized that, when she gave him her ticket, she had given herself away. The name on her ticket was not Mickey Smith. It was Christina M. Stanton.
Mike knew how tight airport security was these days and he knew that if this woman was able to get on a plane with that ticket, she had to have ID that stated she was Christina Stanton. Maybe the M. stood for Mickey and she went by her middle name, but Smith still wasn’t Stanton. He reasoned that maybe she was smart enough not to give her real name out to just any stranger she met. That had to be it. She was just protecting herself.
Mike breathed out a sigh of relief at having solved that mystery. Now that he was sure that he understood, he decided that he would wait until later to tell her that he had sleuthed out her identity. They could have a good laugh and she could tell him, in her own words, how she was trying to protect herself from some stranger she had just met.
Over coffee, Mike stopped worrying about Chrissy’s name. And Chrissy forgot all about her plan to seduce Mike. She got so engrossed in talking to him and enjoying his company that she lost track of her main objective. Mike was not only easy on the eyes, he was also a great conversationalist. He told her funny stories about his years in the service and made her laugh with exploits from his childhood. For his own part, Mike found that he liked to make her laugh. He enjoyed seeing the genuineness that shone from her eyes. He found himself wishing that the Christmas holiday with his family could be this pleasurable. Maybe he should ask where she was going to spend the holidays so he could look her up if things got too crazy with his brother. When he opened his mouth to ask, the PA system announced the boarding of their flight. Deciding that he would ask about her destination later, Mike helped Chrissy out of her seat and they walked back over to their gate.
Chapter Two
Chrissy and Mike’s seats were the last two in the plane. By the time they boarded, Mike had completely forgotten that he had been worried about this flight. Apparently his Mickey had not forgotten though. She settled into the seat by the window and looked up at him expectantly as he stowed his carry-on. He sat down beside her and she reached over and took his hand. ‘Tell me what I can do for you,’ she whispered to him.
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Story: #31 Copyright ©2005 Written: May 15 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** "RING" Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call; Jessica hadn't spoken to Stacey in over two years since they had that big fight over Jason the most popular guy in school at the time....
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LesbianPart One – Galas and Gardens (continued)One week later, Nancy walked into the Country Club after her chauffeur dropped her off. She dressed for the occasion with a tasteful blouse and tailored cream-coloured designer pants. She wore white flat shoes and had a summer shawl over her shoulders. The staff at the Country Club greeted her by name and she heard the warmth in their voices. She paused by a few and inquired into their families and well-being, remembering the names of the children and...
Love StoriesWhy is it when people share stories about losing their virginity, it sounds like a fucking fairy tale? If you just dig a little deeper and you learn the truth is nowhere near close. Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit stories people write about how when a girl is deflowered by the man of her dreams, making it sound like a loving gesture of passion and romance. Ugh! It’s said you remember the first and you remember the worst. Well, I will never forget my first or my worst. It...
"It doesn't look any different," the young Rogue said, standing hands on hips at the bottom of a narrow defile. On either side of him were two innocuous looking piles of red rocks. "Looks can be deceiving," I smiled, nodding at my tall delicately boned wife. She raised an eyebrow at me, and then smiled. "Do you have any idea what he means, Muse Blaster?" she asked the brown-robed man, who was carefully examining the walls of the defile. He probably expected cowled Ninjas to pour down...
"Goodnight Roger, goodnight Jenny, thanks for coming," I tiredly bade farewell to the last two guests. Laura held my left hand in her right even though there was no longer any need. I didn't object - it felt nice. "Goodnight Miguel and Laura, it was a great party," said the two departees. "Drive safely now," said Laura. "It's okay, we've called a cab," said Jenny, the sensible one of the two. With a sigh of relief I closed the door of my apartment. "Thanks Laura. I can't...
"I'm not even sure he loves me anymore," Jennifer said with just a hint of moisture building in her eyes. Vicki's long time friend sat across the coffee table from her with cup in hand. Small ripples disturbed the milky java as Jennifer's hand shook slightly with emotion. Vicki felt so helpless. She knew darn well her best friend's husband loved her, he was just so damn busy all the time he just forgot how to show it, that's all. "Shit Vicki," she continued, "remember a few years...
For the next three days the world revolved around Cheryl and her family. I worked on Smiley some, but since I hadn't planned to start the introduction for two more weeks, nothing had to be changed. On that third day, Cheryl's father had another stroke and it was fatal. I had been expecting it and I am sure Cheryl and her step mother were as well. I rushed to the hospital the moment I heard. I did it to show my love for Cheryl, but also to be sure nobody tried to bully her. I had no idea...
After four weeks of waiting the colonel out, he received an invitation to an evening of whist at Maynard's house. Lt. Greves was absent, and Maynard had obviously heard of Anson's card skills. He prepared himself meticulously for the evening. Stevens and Libby worked together to spiff up Anson's uniform. He now had shoes with gold-plated buckles and real silk stockings. Inspecting himself in one of the many mirrors the late Mr. Jarvis had hung from the walls Anson found nothing...
The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...
Cody pushed the foot of the staff into his satchel so the head was free of the leather. He strode towards the Lieutenant, with Gabir and Briana at his heels. "Gabir, can you carry those inside your shirt?" Cody asked, over his shoulder. "I want them hidden, and I want your hands free." "Yes, Seeker," Gabir said, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, and sliding the metal plates inside. The tablets were so light weight, that they didn't appear to hinder Gabir's movement....
I returned to the Seine’s house that afternoon. I wanted to talk with Mel again, but Mel and his wife, Cecil were out. The two girls, Tara and Tamera said they would be coming back soon and invited me in. Tara brought me into the living room and had me sit on the couch, while Tamara went to the kitchen. I saw, open on the coffee table the old church directory that Mel had referred to last time. It was open to the “S” entries. As I sat on the sofa, Tamara brought me sweet tea and they both...
Victoria was Sonya's cousin and only living relative. She was mated to Aren and was one of the Silka couples. Vicki, for that was her nick name, was three months pregnant. She was the first Silka to become pregnant since their flight from the robots had ended. Vicki would start to show in a few weeks and deliver in five more months. Sonya had told her of her plans for the trip, how she hopped to seduce Shileea, Jordan and Elan and make them her family. Vicki was shocked at Sonya's...
I IGNORED HIM. Damned old bird could just wait. I was coming and I couldn’t let go of either Katie’s pussy or Kyle’s lips. I hugged them to me and desperately held her to my breast as I kissed and kissed. My climax wouldn’t stop. Her fingers pumped into me in rhythm with Kyle’s cock pumping into her. I could feel her pulses on my fingers and knew she was coming as hard as I was. I’d never come so hard. Tears ran from my eyes as I opened them and looked into Kyle’s eyes. And saw his...
Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...
Chrissy Tanner - Part 3 Chapter Seven - Hotel Christina Chrissy slowly woke to the feeling of her big sister's hand gently shaking her shoulder. "Wake up, Sissy. We're here." Mia had let Chrissy sleep through the entire flight, and even adjusted her seat and removed her seatbelt for her after they landed. Chrissy was groggy, and it took her several seconds to wake up. Just like this morning, the sight of her painted fingernails had the effect of smelling salts, as she finally...
Chrissi ist 18 ein ganz normales 18 jährigem Mädchen das auf dem Gymnasium in die 12 klasse geht. Sie hat dunkelbraune, leicht rötliche Haare. Sie ist 1,55 groß und zierlich gebaut. Einen süßen festen hintern und ein a Körbchen wovon sie immer denkt es könnte ja mal wachsen.... sie ist eine durchschnittliche Schülerin und allgemein eben ein typisches Mädchen... Sie hatte bisher 2-3 sex mit ein und demselben jungen. Ihrem erfreund. Doch da es nicht berauschend war macht sie sich Nichtviel...
BDSMChrissie picked up the post off the doormat after a hard day's work - Monday always seemed a tiring day after the weekend. She dropped it onto the worktop in the kitchen and thought, oh no, not more bills. She took her coat off and put the kettle on to make herself a refreshing cup of tea. The tea soon brewed and she grabbed the post and flicked through the envelopes realising that most of them were just junk mail, then surprisingly she saw a hand written one. It was just addressed to Chrissie,...
Chrissy had wanted to have a pee for ages, but didn’t want to do it in front of the girls. But as they kept behind him he couldn’t just sneak off and relieve himself so in the end he turned and said I need to wee. That’s all right do it here there’s no one to see. But these shorts are so tight I can’t get my ..... thingee out. Well just pull them down a bit with your panties and squat. You mean like a girl? Yes you are wearing girl. Clothes you need to pee like a girl. Chrissy blushed bright...
Chrissy Tanner - Part 2 Chapter Four - Transitioning The drive to the airport and the shuttle ride from the parking lot were surprisingly uneventful. Barbara checked all of their baggage at the airline counter, with the exception of her purse and a small carry-on bag. Mia and Chrissy had only their purses. With her nails finally dry, Chrissy had stepped aside to check her makeup. While digging through her purse for the mirror, she found the two tampons, and she shot a spiteful...
Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...
Chrissy and Jules had been friends since high school as they lived in the same area. Chrissy had always been the more outgoing of the two, always quick to try new things, sports and outdoors were always things she liked. At 5'4", with long brunette hair down to her mid back and blue eyes, she always turned heads. She had the figure to go with her looks too, long, lean legs, full breasts that were hard to hide in a t-shirt. Jules was quieter, more reserved, but she matched Chrissy for height and...
LesbianChrissy peeked out of the door of the shower block completely naked save his pink flip flops. He couldn’t see much so had no choice but to step out onto the flood lit terrace. His jewelled cage reflecting the light so it looked like his cock was illuminated. He made his way cautiously along the terrace trying to remember exactly where there tent was whilst covering his cage with his hands. He was startled by a deep voice behind him saying ‘ are you lost cutey?’ From the rear Chrissy didn’t know...
All this started almost incidentally at the end of a perfect evening when I was feeling especially wild. It was a beautiful spring night and my wife, Chrissie, and I had gone to a great engagement party for a friend who was marrying for the third time. The pavilion in the park where the party was held was beautiful and romantically lit. Many old friends were there. The band was terrific and we danced until the wee hours, drinking a great deal of expensive champagne. We let the top down on the...
BOOK FIVE "Boss Mommy" Part LCV A stubborn fleck of red polish remained stuck to Rebecca's big toenail, and as I tried to figure out how to remove it without pushing too hard, my mistress's shrill ringtone shattered my concentration. Rebecca answered the phone with a smile. From my position at her feet, I eavesdropped on her t?te-?-t?te. "Hey, Ma. How you doin'? ... that's good. Oh, yeah, she's great ... no, she don't get home from school till about 3 ... yeah, I know, I can't...
Miss Roundbottom knocked on the door of Principal Johnson's office and waited for his "Come in" before entering. She had her student Chrissy with her and both were familiar with this situation. Chrissy just couldn't seem to keep from causing trouble and Miss Roundbottom had long ago admitted that Chrissy was beyond her ability to control and had repeatedly gone to the Principal for assistance. "Come in," came Principal Johnson's deep, stern voice from within the room. As Miss...
Prologue: This is a story written by adults for adults and contains adult language and mature sexual content. It involves no young children, however, it does involve a teenager slightly below the age of consent. It does involve mildly non-consensual sex but no overtly illegal activity. It is completely fictitious and is written solely to entertain and arouse adult readers. If you object to erotic literature stop right here and read no further. The story is difficult to categorize…there is...
Now, I also have had some sort of obsessions with breasts. Many guys unlike me, really like to eat a women out. Get down, stick their head in their hot juicy cunt, and slurp all the juice out of them. I, however, have an unusual obsession with breasts. Like pregnant women, I don't know what sparked the obsession with tits, it's just something about the female body which seems to jump out and say "Hey, I'm a slut with big boobs, so come and fuck me until they are sore." Today, I am...
It was about 8 pm on Thursday night when Chrissy came through her apartment door, still feeling the glow from her after class meeting with Mikey. He had fully succeeded in his usual quest to ravish her completely. The remnants of his efforts were still gradually soaking her panties, a feeling she dearly loved.She stopped short when she saw Lacie, her roommate, slumped down on their couch, legs up on the coffee table, a big bag of chips on her lap, two empty beer bottles on the table, along with...
BisexualChrissy found himself back under the shower with two hot girls rubbing him down, but strangely he wasn’t as turned on as he thought he would be. Instead he was thinking about the two brothers who had just used his mouth and arse to deposit their creamy loads in. Chrissy stepped out from under the water and dried off before sub consciously putting on the panties offered to him. The bra offered to him next threw him but the girls helped in on with it. The pink summer frock came to mid thigh and...
"Chrissie" Part XXXVI by c.w. cobblestone My pity party was interrupted by the rattling of the front door, followed by a startled feminine gasp. Rebecca crept into view, her hand covering her mouth. "OMG, Chrissie, what the hell happened?" Through tears, I peered at her from my curled-up position on the living room floor, right where Karl and Randy had left me. A low moan escaped my throat. My angel pouted. "Aw, poor thing. They really did a number on you, huh?" I sobbed...
Chrissy sobbed as he lay across Michael’s lap as his upturned bottom was mercilessly beaten, first turning red then purple as the blows rained down from the paddle which Michael had selected from the range of implements laid on the table next to the chair he was sat on. Chrissy didn’t know if the pain from his balls was fading or the pain from his bottom was just overpowering it. At last Michael was happy the colour his cheeks had turned and ceased his beating, he instructed Chrissy to stand...