Amon & Laila free porn video

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We found ourselves unexpectedly alone at the doorway, the rest of the party having already made their way upstairs. The dim lighting picked out the honey gold in your hair as you turned towards me, pausing with that half-smile. So soft-spoken as you quietly greeted me. I caught my breath and replied in kind, striving to hide the tremor in my voice. Your blue eyes searched mine, suddenly intent. I gazed up into your face, heedless of my expression, seeking answers in your own countenance. Warm and insistent, your sudden grip on my wrist sent a shock straight through me. You pulled me back through the garage without another word. I stumbled after you as we headed silently around the side and into the rarely used backyard.

They’ll notice we’re gone, I had time to think foolishly, as you tugged me closer, a warm beacon in the sudden chill of the evening. My breath came in hot flashes as I fought to keep calm. You pulled me into your arms and your hands cupped my face, lips closing over mine. The utter sweetness of your kiss made my knees buckle, and I grasped onto your arms without thinking, steadying myself. You chuckled low in your throat, a satisfied, very intimate sound and your hand reached to cup the back of my neck. Your tongue soft and warm as it explored my mouth delicately, you tugged at my lips, sucking the bottom one gently into your mouth and I shuddered under your touch with delight. We broke apart, breathing heavier, your blue eyes steady on mine, smiling, smiling with a maelstrom of emotions I could not begin to define. I can’t imagine the expression my face held as you finally pulled our bodies into full contact. We fit together like two puzzle pieces snapped firmly in place, my shoulder under your arm, head tucked under your chin, your arms came around the outside as mine snaked around your waist, I could feel the bulge of your desire against my hip, and I couldn’t help it, I whimpered a little, trying to burrow closer.

‘Oh where…. Where did you come from?’ You whispered softly into my hair, pressing a kiss there as your hands roamed my body freely, squeezing and massaging. I tilted my head back and met your gaze again, searching, searching, the vulnerability cutting me so deep. I leaned in until our noses brushed and made the only reply I could.

‘Where have you been?’

You chuckled and tangled both hands in my hair, claimed my mouth again. I shuddered, the intense pleasure I felt at your nearness overtaking me, gasping your name into the kiss. We broke apart, breathing heavily, and there was a new gleam in your eye.

‘Let’s get out of here. Let’s go.’ you whispered, a sexy grin dimpling your cheeks. Oh God, I thought, I am going to lose it with this man. All I could do was nod in helpless agreement, I laced my fingers in yours and turned towards the gate.

‘Wait,’ you pulled me back just as they began calling my name.

‘They’ll find us here, we should meet later…’ we both said in unison, than stopped, gaped foolishly. I shook my head slowly in amazement and you nodded once, planting another quick kiss on me. I held up my hand and whispered

‘Wait, and come out in a safe amount of time… I’ve got it covered.’ I raised my voice, drunkenly ‘I’m peeing!! Hold on a minute!’

Sounds of laughter and jibes floated from the front door, but nobody came back. You grinned in appreciation as I winked and stumbled convincingly back to the front. Oh there would be a later all right.

Almost 15 minutes passed before you reappeared and by then the next round of drinks had been toasted, drunk, and were in the process of being refilled. You’d cleverly stopped at the store to get more mixers, I was proud of myself, I did not meet your gaze too overtly over the rest of the evening, but I burned in every part for your touch on me again.

Hours later, as people drifted off to their own intimate corners, you crossed the short distance and plopped onto the couch next to me, shoulder to shoulder, giving me a look. I met your gaze, smiled coolly and asked if you were having a good time. You grinned and tilted your head imperceptibly towards the door. Dare I go? I shivered all over and I know you felt it too, because your gaze sharpened and I couldn’t help the flush that heated my cheeks. Wordlessly, I nodded and tried to keep my face serene.

In the parking lot, I had a silent conversation with myself waiting for you as you walked around the car to unlock the door for me. I could feel the heat of you as you leaned over me, and I could not help pressing a soft kiss just along your jaw line. Your eyes gleamed in the dark as you handed me into the car, a gallant gesture to be sure, and I scooted over to unlock your door for you as you walked back to the driver’s side. Your grin of appreciation had a decidedly wicked glint as the engine purred to life.

‘I do appreciate manners in a lady.’ you drawled and we grinned like monkeys as you pulled onto the freeway.

‘Where are we going?’ I finally asked, it dawning in me that I had no idea where we were heading.

‘I have a place, is that ok?’ you looked concerned suddenly, as if I wouldn’t want to go anywhere with you. I smiled and traced my finger along your eyebrow,

‘Yes.’ I said simply. You smiled down at me and brushed my cheek with the back of your fingers.

‘Those eyes will be the end of me.’ You whispered.

Your place was a spectacular lake house, built with a private dock complete with a boat, an expansive, tastefully appointed hideaway. I gasped like a child, standing in the foyer as you smiled, watching me take it all in and enjoying my enjoyment of it, in all its purity. I turned to you, eyes shining,

‘It’s so beautiful…’ I trailed off, the heat in your eyes stopped me mid-phrase. You crossed the short distance and your mouth came down hard on mine, bruising in its intensity. I gasped under the onslaught, and then moaned as your tongue invaded my mouth, capturing mine and dancing in a frenzy that matched your insistent hands on my hip pulling me close, on the small of my back, cupping, teasing the soft flesh at the base of my spine. I shuddered as a few spasms shook my womb, bolts of electricity shooting out concentrically from my core. Oh Amon. Your hard arousal was insistent pressing into my belly and again we stood as if we fit together. I wanted to weep suddenly, joy and fear and desire all mingling together to form a knot in my chest. Your kisses turned soft, sweet, lingering, clinging, gentle lips nibbling, oh, just so along my jaw and down my neck and collarbone. I stood anchored by your hands, swayed under this new torrent of emotion as my heat rose. You paused, returned to my lips for another leisurely exploration, and by then I was losing my grip on myself. You knew, your caress became bolder, possessive, imprinting your touch on my skin. Everything you asked for, I gave. Every movement echoed, it was as if we melded together seamlessly in a dance only we were aware of. Curves filling concave, we moved instinctively. My every nerve was on fire with your touch, the crotch of my panties thoroughly soaked when you fingers finally found their way. I moaned and sank my teeth lightly into your shoulder as you ran your finger lovingly over the soaked material, tracing my lips. We still hadn’t moved from the foyer yet. You urged me closer still, hands pressing, I could feel the hard knob of your arousal. I wrapped my legs around your waist, gripping your shoulders hard as I straddled you. Lust masked your face for a moment as you grasped me by the buttocks firmly and ground me down on your hard bulge.

‘This is what happened to me that night, when we first met.’ You whispered hoarsely, your breath hot against my ear as you carried me towards the couch. ‘Thank god I could hide it behind the newspaper.’ You laughed shakily, I squeezed your waist with my legs, moaning into your neck as you continued,

‘All I wanted to do that night was drag you off, kind of how I did
tonight,’ we laughed together and I drew back to look into your eyes just as I felt the soft cushions of the couch beneath my back. You knelt between my legs, dangling from the couch and leaned over my body, trapping my shoulders beneath your hands. I adjusted my hips, grinding them wantonly against your pelvis, felt your sharp intake of breath, a warning look in your eye. ‘Now, now…’

I grinned impishly, grinding once more extra slow and took my time so you could really feel the sopping wet heat of me against you.

‘Mmm…’ I moaned, and caught my lower lip between my teeth, this was getting out of control.

‘I want you to know something..’ I breathed. I could feel your pulse against me, beating against my clit and shivered with pleasure. It made what I was about to say go right out of my head. You watched me, listening carefully.

‘I.. I never do this.’

Your eyes turned tender, I didn’t expect that.

‘Beautiful,’ your smile was like a sunrise ‘I know.’

I hoped you meant it. I struggled to formulate a reply, stunned by the sweetness of the moment. You moved off of me, and held out your hand to help me up. I took it, pleased by its firm warmth and the way you effortlessly launched me to my feet. I felt like a doll in your arms and it was a new, rather pleasant sensation. Your eyes were grave as you kissed my hand and tucked into the crook of your arm.

‘How rude of me, can I offer you something to drink?’ I gathered my composure, and answered by pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

‘Yes.’ I answered simply.

Your eyes were amused. You led me to the kitchen, where I perched on a stool while you poured us two glasses of a very good red wine and we caught our breath. I burned inside, sitting just a little too far away from you, while we talked about a surprising array of things that we had in common. I wanted to feel you touch me again. I cleared my throat.

‘You made me nervous, that night.’ I said, your eyes were intent on me, you knew instantly what night I was referring to. ‘I was trying to invite you to join us, not necessarily for the premise I began the conversation under.’ I blushed foolishly and looked up to find you grinning like your head would split apart.

‘You know,’ you mused, eyes glinting, ‘I sort of suspected as much.’ I mock punched you, laughing as you caught me in your arms, tight against you. My breathing sped up again as your touch ignited a path to my core. You gasped something into my hair as my hand floated up to brush your shoulder, my head tilted back as our lips met again, slowly, filled with promises I shivered all over to contemplate. Your graveness almost undid me as you calmly pulled me to my feet and softly spoke.

‘Will you still respect me in the morning?’

I laughed helplessly, the tension breaking like a dam as tears of mirth slipped down my cheeks. Clinging to you, I dragged your head down and kissed you thoroughly, taking my time and enjoying the control as you stood pliant under my touch. I traced a path with my lips to your collarbone, over to the part of your shoulder I’d bitten before, breathing my hot breath through the cotton weave of your shirt. You hissed between your teeth and took a step back abruptly, breath coming fast.

‘You want to see the rest of the place?’ you bit out huskily. I nodded mutely, not trusting my voice. You grabbed the opened bottle of wine and our glasses, led me up the stairs, your cheeks flushed. The master bedroom was stunning, as fitting as its surroundings. An entire wall was given away to glass, huge skylights and glass doors leading to the large private deck outside. An enormous king sized bed dominated the room, draped in an immaculate white bedspread and carpets strewn on the hardwood floor. I wandered dazedly into the center of the room, turning in a circle, feeling foolish to be gawping like a fish. I tried belatedly to gather my composure.

‘It’s lovely, truly.’ I said softly, daring a glance at you. You were leaning against the doorway, watching me with a secret smile. What was going on in that head of yours? You crossed the room and led me out onto the balcony, where we stood shoulder to shoulder against the railing, breathing the night air and admiring the expansive view of the lake, a million stars spangling the velvet sky above us.

‘It’s a room.’ You replied, at length, swirling your wine in your glass and giving me that sexy half-smile. ‘You, however, give that definition a new depth.’ I smirked a little about to make some sassy retort but you stopped me, a soft finger against my lips, leaning closer, ‘I mean it.’ I blushed, I hate compliments, but you weren’t done yet. ‘You stun me.’ I met your gaze, cheeks flaming.

‘Amon,’ I started but your lips were on mine again, urgent and hot, your hands coming hard around my waist. You pulled me back inside, leaving the doors wide open as you led me to the bed.

‘Lilly,’ you whispered, as we lay down together, ‘I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.’

I gazed up at you, fear and desire naked in my gaze. Oh, I wanted to. You cupped my cheek, and you breath came faster as our bodies fit together on the soft white bedspread. I nuzzled into you, seeking your mouth, moaning as our lips met once again.

‘Will you stay with me tonight, Laila?’ I shivered at the sound of my name on your lips, as you breathed the words against my mouth. The ache inside was growing unbearable, I knew I was losing control, that it was too soon, but my body and my heart betrayed me. The heat between us left me dizzy, there was a buzzing in my ears. You ran your hand lightly over me, teased my nipple to a slow peak, massaging that sore spot on my hip there. How did you know my body so well already? I shuddered with pleasure and you continued to work out the tension, flipping me around to find some new source of soreness. You clicked your tongue at each new knot that your clever fingers would find. You found all of them. I grew lightheaded from the wine and the serious attention my body was getting, until I lay languidly under your touch, sprawled gazing up at you from half lidded eyes, practically begging to be fucked. I’d never felt so good in my life, alive, tingling all over with pleasure and anticipation. I never thought I would feel this rush of attraction, this infusion of emotion. It’d been so long I really thought that part of me was dead, or just a myth. Your kisses turned from an intricate dance one minute to something deeper, almost primal. You plundered my mouth with your tongue, pinning me to the bed with your body and rubbing against me. Your blue eyes glowing into mine, joy, lust, a million other emotions mixed in. I kissed you back whole heartedly, throwing my whole being into it. It felt like coming home. I whimpered in the back of my throat, and tried to impale myself on the bulge in your pants. You laughed, rubbing it against me, taunting me. Is this what you want? I gasped aloud as I felt your lips close around my nipple through the fabric of my shirt. Heat and pressure and tingles shot through my body, and I swear I almost came right then. I grasped you by the shoulders and moaned as your long fingers found the apex of my thighs, pressed into the wetness there.

Oh God, I thought, as you smiled against my breast and kissed your way down my stomach as I tangled my fingers into your blonde hair. Your teeth grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it up until I wiggled out of it, leaving me in my bra. You stopped and gazed down at me for a moment, drinking in the sight of me, before continuing, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down my narrow hips, trailing your lips down my bare legs after them, sending delicious shivers all over me. I gasped your name again, more urgently this time, and tugged at your shirt, wanting to feel your skin against mine. Effortlessly, you slid out of your shirt, and I fumbled at your waistband, trying to get your pants off. You laughed softly and made short work of it, your arousal poking into my
belly as you scooped me into your lap.

‘Mmm…’ you whispered, ‘You smell delicious.’

I grabbed your hand and guided it to my breast, as my hand found its way inexorably between your legs. It must have been at least 8 inches, its thick, veiny mushroom head leaking pre-cum onto my fingers. I made a guttural sound in my throat, licking my lips and meeting your gaze again. You were drinking in the sight of me with your dick in my hand. I smiled wryly, leaned forward and gave it a long sensual lick. I watched your eyes drift shut and a flush crept up your neck to your cheeks.

‘I want to fuck you.’ I whispered against you, before taking you into my mouth with long smooth strokes, milking you with my tongue, my throat and lips. My hand moved silkily on your shaft, grasping firmly and pumping it while I explored every inch of you. You shuddered beneath me and I savored your salty taste, your unique scent.

‘If you keep that up, I won’t last long,’ you warned me quietly, so I backed away, giving you one last lick before lying back, smiling dreamily up at you.

‘Me next?’ I inquired playfully, and pushed my panties down to my knees, exposing my well trimmed pussy to your hot gaze. I felt so vulnerable then, open to your questing eyes. You pulled my soaked panties the rest of the way off, spread my legs and just looked at me for a long moment, an inscrutable expression on your face. I opened my mouth to speak when you dipped down suddenly and licked my entire bottom. It shocked and aroused me, how sudden and controlled your movements were. Before I could truly react, your tongue found my clit and my world exploded in pleasure. Waves and waves rushed over me as you pushed a finger into my pussy, probing for that spot. I bucked, arching my back and thrusting my hips wantonly into your face, I couldn’t help it. You moaned, the vibration setting off new waves of pleasure, and I sobbed out your name urgently, feeling the tide rise. I had to have you in me, right then. I pulled at your shoulders, trying to drag you the rest of the way up my body to finally join with me. You withdrew your finger, lifted your head to smile up at me lazily. Your tongue traced a path over my lips, poking deeply into my soaking wet hole before withdrawing, and you slid all the way up my body, never losing contact with my clit as you fit your knob to my tight opening.

‘Laila,’ you breathed my name, reaching down between my legs to softly rub my clit. I tried to spread my legs impossibly wider and begged for you to fill me, my voice gone ragged.

‘Please, please, please,’ I chanted, thrusting against you and moaning. ‘Amon, fuck me now.’

You complied, turning my cheek to stare into my eyes as you entered me inch by delicious inch. The sensation was indescribable, it was like being complete for the first time, that’s how perfectly we fit. Every empty aching part, filled with you. You didn’t break our gaze as you began to pump into me smoothly, going deeper each time, admiring the flush of pleasure building in my whole body. I gasped, amazed at the feelings rushing through me as your finger moved on my clit again. I bucked helplessly under you, moaning and still staring deeply into your eyes as I climaxed again, shaking soundlessly with it, the breath escaping my lungs in a whoosh as my eyes drifted shut. You picked up the rhythm mercilessly, pounding into me as I came apart under your touch again and the series of shivers triggered your own climax as you buried yourself to the hilt in me and allowed my eager pussy to milk every bit of come from you. I gasped again as you collapsed on top of me, breathing hot against my neck. I could feel you still inside me, our pleasure leaking out around you. Not wanting to ruin the bedspread, I tried to roll away.

‘Hey, where are you going?’ you sounded bewildered. I looked at the spot where I had been laying and felt around for a wet spot. There was a huge one.

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Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the...

3 years ago
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Chamonix Chalet Fun

John hadn’t used the chalet in Chamonix for over a year. Usually he left it with an agency and it was rented during the ski season. John received infrequent cheques from Agence Group de Chamonix to remind him of the chalet’s existence. The arrival of the cheques would often trigger memories from his childhood. John’s mind would wander as he gazed at the light blue paper of the now Euro denominated cheques. John would recall waking early to take the first run, skiing virgin untracked snow,...

2 years ago
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DiamondStar IV

DiamondStar IV DiamondStar IV ??????????? Nysia laid back on her bed and watched the pristine, white planet below as she touched herself.? She ran her fingers slowly along her hairless folds, opening herself in front of the window to see her own glistening sex reflected back imperfectly, and panted, smiling, as she thrust the dildo into herself with a moist sucking sound.? ??????????? The slim object, half again as long as her hand and wider than two fingers, was made of pure diamond ?...

1 year ago
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I love reading and writing dialogue, from Jack London and Ernest Hemmingway, to William Faulkner, Elmore Leonard and Eudora Welty. To me, dialogue places one IN the scene. Often times, when dialogue is extremely well written, I can HEAR the characters talking to me. And so, I've tried to emulate these writers by attempting a special piece consisting of almost all dialogue about a black pimp being interviewed by a young lady from the local newspaper. I wuz hangin' out over at Silvey's Pool...

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Get ready for a cam adventure of a lifetime, because I’m about to show you a site which just doesn’t hold back when it comes to showing you some of the hottest cam babes on the planet. If you like cam girls, then you’re going to love seeing what these chicks have in store for you. They all have something to show you on and it’s insane that there are this many of them just ready to be complete sluts for your enjoyment. Say what you want, but if I want to enjoy some free cams, then...

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1 year ago
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Deamonology A different Perspective

Authors Note: There is a twist in this story. Say what what? How can it get any more twisty, with daemons and elves and whatnot. If you don't get the twist by the end of the first paragraph, how are you reading this story because you are obviously too slow to even operate a computer, yet alone live long enough to read this! It's really THAT obvious! So why this note? *** I just wanted to annoy you. Can't enjoy the entire story. There has to be one bit that strikes you as fucking annoying, just...

3 years ago
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Ramona Gabriel Pt1 Ramona

I’d heard my parents arguing the night my dad hired Gabriel. My mother didn’t want me hanging around the shop with a teenage boy. My dad tried to calm her down but she refused to let it go. She called him an “Illegal immigrant” and warned that my father could get into trouble for hiring him. It finally ended with my dad telling her he wasn’t changing his mind. Gabriel had come to him honest enough asking for work. I was intrigued to say the least. I was only partially aware of why my mother...

1 year ago
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Cinnamons other brother

Outside the mall...The two men watch her car. They followed her here. Seems like they have done this before. Black Van. Parked down from the spot they are watching. Waiting patiently for someone.She is a very sexy lady. Not some stick with fake boobs an actual woman. Curves. A beautiful smile. A cascade of brown hair part way down her back. The dress and heels she wears completing a very lovely picture.Her name is Cinnamon.She gets almost to her car when the Van rolls up. Door slams open and...

3 years ago
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Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

"Good morning, Ma'am. How may I serve you?" Katrina felt a shiver run down her spine to see the young man kneel beforeher, as if someone had run a pin-wheel along its length to lightly prick herskin. Such a charming welcome! Such sweet obeisance! She had heard whispers of this shoe store for some weeks now, rumours ofthe originality of its goods and the unique service it offered. It had takensome time to find, though, it never bothered to advertise, its name was nevermentioned in the press,...

3 years ago
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Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’ ‘Got a weird one for you, Adele.’ ‘I always get the weird ones, Hank,’ Detective Adele Franken responded as she walked past the sergeant and headed for her desk. She folded up her umbrella, taking a moment to make sure the rain hadn’t frizzed out her long brown hair too much. ‘The bidding rights for my memoirs are going to be fucking historic.’ She took a seat and reached for the file at the top of the stack. She flipped it open and her eyes automatically...

4 years ago
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Diamonds in the Rough

I showed up at five to nine and knocked on the door. The woman behind the desk pressed a buzzer that let me in. That was the kind of neighborhood it was now. As I entered the girl behind the counter came forward and greeted me warmly. She was a petite girl, maybe 5’1” with pale white skin and long dark hair that naturally curled down around her shoulders like Elizabeth Mastrantonio (the chick that played Maid Marion in the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie). Her mouth was small and her eyes dark....

2 years ago
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for A. I’m not sure how it all starts, but this is our first time together. It’s a sudden encounter, perhaps I am on a job interview out West and looked you up. Somewhere along the line you decided to show me one of your favorite, private places. It’s along a rocky coastline where few people go because of the strong, crashing waves, but somewhere along the shore there is a place, a small cave-like opening that is shielded from the pounding surf. We get totally soaked trying to get there, but...

3 years ago
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Diamond 1

At home I think about what would have happened if maddie got to me what would she have done? My dwelling thoughts soon turned into a sex dream that could never happen especially to me. It's the weekend and I make no plans but I get a text from one of my friends that there's a party and I should come since I don't work so I thought "That's a great idea". Before going to the party I decided to get a place to escape if something was to happen and I bought some alcohol and then went to the...

1 year ago
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Diamond is a cocks best friend

There she was shaking and muttering to herself as tears streamed down her face. The pounding of his cock was almost unbearable.Her legs were spread and her face pressed tightly against the chain fence. Her cries grew louder as the clanking of the chains echoed through the park. Her fingers numb from holding on and her pussy lips swollen twice their size. It was brutal but there was nothing she could do at the time. She took the pussy beating and the only person that could help her was on the...

3 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 09

‘Diamonds In The Rough© and its associated nine chapters is a copyrighted production by Mostera1©. Use of its character’s or any part of this story without the author’s permission is strictly prohibited. Many thanks to my editor the all powerful word wizard, SoCalOvid for his tireless work on this series. Welcome to this the final chapter of Sam and Lynn’s story. If you are a first time visitor, ‘bienvenue’ and I recommend you read the previous chapters first. So for one more time: With an...

3 years ago
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Diamond Valentine

Well, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open.Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own."Thanks for doing the dishes tonight," she said as she sat down on the bed.He climbed in next to her...

1 year ago
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Diamond belt buckle

Get it hard and win the prize! I live in a rural community in arid West Texas. There are no clubs that cater to gay and bi men. No adult bookstore. No xxx movie theatre. In fact, the chances of men having private man-man sex in my town are slim and none. That's why I was surprised one day when I received a rather cryptic invitation to a ranch party for men only. I'd heard rumors about wild gay parties at a certain ranch, but, not much else. One rumor was that there was a contest and the winner...

2 years ago
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Diamond Tours

This is a short story that takes place around 'Exchanged' in the Diaper Dimension inspired by PrincessPottyPants. I did not initially publish it to FictionMania because it lacks TG content, however this and another side-tale will have relevance on a new work I'll begin posting then up here following that. Most of my readers should enjoy this tale if they haven't read it already. Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover...

3 years ago
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Diamond Valentine

Well, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open. Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own. "Thanks for doing the dishes tonight," she said as she sat down on the bed. He climbed in next...

2 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 01

My sincerest thanks to SoCalOvid, for his editing wizardry on this story. Any mistakes you see are mine, and mine alone. The category for this series is correct. Readers: This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. So without further adieu, for your reading pleasure: Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 1 * The bar was lively for a Thursday evening. Sam Weatherly stared into the almost empty bottle of...

2 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 07

I wish to give my thanks to my editor, SoCalOvid for his fine work on this series. If you haven’t, I highly recommend you read the previous chapters first to fully understand the unique characters, and their unusual but compelling story! With an open mind, and unlocked heart, Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 7 *** * *** Major heard the faint click, and came out from the shadows. He stared at the door and cocked his head at the noises emanating from the room. He didn’t understand the sounds, but...

3 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 02

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his remarkable editing skills. Readers: If you haven’t already done so, please read Chapter 1 first! This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 2 ** Samantha Weatherly took another sip of her beer, she heard the man with the Chardonnay, a few empty seats down, sniffle. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and hid his head in his folded arms....

1 year ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 08

Many thanks to my editor SoCalOvid on this series. He has given my words, that extra zing. Thank you for opening my quirky romance. If you would please read the previous chapters before this one, it will make it more understandable, and I hope very enjoyable. To all that have followed this series, thank you so much, I have been humbled by the comments and votes. Diamonds In The Rough Ch. 08 *** ** *** The Boeing 737 banked northward and began its descent. The man in 27A packed up his...

1 year ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 03

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his patience with my writing, and his willingness to work with me. Readers: If you haven’t already done so, please read the previous two chapters first. This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 3 *** ‘What’s going on, and why am I beginning to feel happy again?’ Sam asked herself, watching Lynn play with Major. It didn’t make any sense...

3 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 04

My continued thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. With this chapter especially… If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first. Again, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 4 **** Even before Lynn could leave, Sam quickly excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled off her jeans to expose her rapidly moistening pussy to the cool air. Sam trembled with forbidden excitement. She didn’t...

2 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 05

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first.And please, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 5 ** * ** Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine’s long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel...

3 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 11 Jason

Monday morning found Jason under Bill McGowen's RV to remove the broken ball-nut assembly. The new part wouldn't arrive for a day or two, but he wanted to be ready to finish the work as soon as it arrived. He had gotten an early start to the day, only grabbing a protein bar and cup of coffee before heading to the shop. Di was still sleeping when he left. The confusion he felt when he looked in on her stayed with him all morning. She had wormed her way into his heart somehow, tempting him...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 28 Di

The knock at the door came just as Di put the finishing touches on her makeup. When Anne opened it, Di heard a man identify himself as the wedding coordinator and say he'd come to bring them down to the small poolside park. He also had a lovely bouquet of blue and yellow violas that Anne held for a moment before passing them to Di with a wistful sigh. Anne had put on a lovely blue dress to stand as her maid of honor. As they followed the coordinator to the elevators, Di began to feel the...

3 years ago
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Diamond Gazongas Takes on Monster Males

Sounds of incredible carnal debauch flooded out of Studio One as Steve passed it. A girl sounded like she was getting both her pussy split and her ass torn open at exactly the same time. And indeed that was exactly what was happening. Steve passed the open doorway, only giving a cursory glance in as he did. He was used to it by now. This was an every day reality working for A porn company with a roster only of seven-feet tall studs of solid muscle packing inhuman-sized dicks,...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 5 Jason

The dinner with Carrie had been a disaster, but somehow losing his girlfriend didn't feel as bad as Jason expected. Pushing the cart through the market on Saturday, he followed Di as she selected items and marked off their grocery list with a serious expression. When she put the tip of the pen between her lips she was so cute he had to smile. After Friday night's deep hug, Di had retreated back into her shell. They had cleaned up the kitchen together, but she was lost in thought the whole...

2 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 15 Jason

"Could you sign here?" the man in the brown uniform asked. Jason signed the electronic pad and handed it back. "Thanks." The delivery guy gave a distracted nod, then turned to walk out of the garage while tapping the buttons on the pad. The box on his work bench had the new ball-nut assembly for the RV. If he could get the part installed and tested by Wednesday, then he and Di could be on the road to Orlando by Thursday. That last minute brake job had paid well enough to consider an...

2 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 19 Jason

"Hey, Bill, this is Jason Peters up near Bryson City." "Hey! How's the RV doing?" Bill asked. "I got the part installed and tested the steering this morning. If you don't mind, we'll be heading out this afternoon and should be at your house by tomorrow afternoon." "Gonna overnight in the RV?" Bill asked with a laugh. "I figured we'd stop around Macon for the night so we don't show up at your place so late in the day. If not, we can stick to the original plan and do it in one...

1 year ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 06

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. I am lucky to have him for an editor! Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first, the story will be much more enjoyable for you if you do. And please, make sure to open your mind and unlock your heart! *** *** Major lay down by Sam’s bed and watched the men leave his mistress’s room. He put his head on his front paws and closed his eyes. Major’s ears twitched...

3 years ago
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Diamonds and Rust

Author’s note: The title and theme of this story come from a song by Joan Baez from around 1969 or 1970, about her relationship with Bob Dylan. ^ ^ ^ ^ It was late in the afternoon in late November, already getting dark on a cold, dreary day that promised snow later that night. I was at a particularly rough spot in the novel I was working on, and I had developed a headache from trying to work out the plot line at that point in the book. I knew I needed to push on, because time was growing...

4 years ago
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Diamonds or Pearls

Claire knew that anyone driving past would think she was crazy– sitting in her Mazda, screaming at the passenger seat as if someone were there– but she was past caring. He made her so angry. Blake Anderson. She wished he was in the car so she could scream at him in person. With his blue eyes and his square jaw. If he’d been there, he would have just shook his head slowly smile that smug smile of his. Look, Claire. She’d have been screaming so loud the people across the street would hear her,...


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