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Whoever the scriptwriter is in my life is a sadistic bastard, and I’m considering firing them.

It was another of those dreams in the first person, but I knew that ‘I’ wasn’t really me. I was some girl named Stephanie, typical cheerleader type but with brains. I was with this big jock type football and wrestler. He looked a lot like the jock guy from American Pie. Come to think of it, the chick I was looked a lot like the girl he was after in the movie.

We were all living in this huge wooden house. Built like a shack, but 3 stories. I think at one time it had been a frat house the school had shut down (revenge of the nerds?) and we had bought. He had moved up at the beginning of the summer to get a job and I had joined him a week before fall semester begun. Some university, I don’t remember which. Probably whichever one she was going to end up at in the movie, who knows.

I was nervous about seeing him again because it’d been three months since we’d been together. He had talked a lot about some girl named Molly who worked with him and had been really nice about showing him around the city. Yeah. Nice. He seemed oblivious to the fact that she wanted him and, I knew from experience he was a little slow on the uptake.

Still, I was a bit worried.

First thing I needed to do was get a part time job, early mornings and/or evenings. All my school was taken care of but I wanted some extra cash for spending and such.
I was looking though the want ads when I saw an advertisement for a lady who needed child care for a couple of hours every morning and every evening. The child required special care. While I was reading the advertisement I got flashes of a 6month old girl who had to be put on a breathing system (Ventilator?) for ten minutes every hour. She was born prematurely and her lungs hadn’t completely developed yet, but the treatment was supposed to help.

So I called and talked to the mother, let her know that I had some experience with children and with instruction I could easily learn what needed to be done to help out. She thought it was great and had me come out right away to meet her daughter, Brianna.

They lived in a huge house, one wall entirely made of glass overlooking a grassy hill with a HUGE yellow dog in the back yard. I was looking out there Christyne (the mother) started to get nervous and said something about not going into the back yard. She asked if I believed in magic and voodoo. I kind of shrugged off thinking she was just trying to make her point that I shouldn’t go out there. That, and why would I, the grass was waist high, no way I was taking the kid out there!

We toured the house, which was beautiful. In the master bedroom the bathtub was literally a swimming pool. The kitchen was like a hotel’s. As we were walking through the house, I kept thinking of the Shining, her husband’s name was Jack…

It was all great and wonderful, and I headed home to tell my boyfriend about it. He was happy, though a little uncomfortable about the house I was going to, there’d been some odd stories about the place. He wouldn’t go into it, saying he’d only heard bits and pieces. Bad things happening, strange noises, typical haunted house type stuff. I didn’t care, I liked Brianna and I liked Christyne.

So next morning I headed back. Christyne was in the bathtub with Brianna, throwing her around and getting her to swim. I sat at the edge watching and laughing. Christyne turned to look at me at one point and stopped, dropping Brianna into the water. She looked shocked and for a brief moment, afraid. She quickly recovered, asking me to grab towels, and picking up the baby. It was time for her treatment.

As I dressed the baby and Christyne got dressed, we talked a little bit. Just making conversation. Suddenly she looked serious and asked if I knew anyone named Maghean. I said it didn’t sound familiar and she let it drop. I could tell though that there was something that seriously bothered her, and I had no clue what or why.

The next few days went well. Then one night she asked me to come sit with her during a thunderstorm. I brought my boyfriend along, and a bottle of wine. All was well. We sat and chatted and had a great time. She seemed to have gotten over whatever bothered her about me that first day and we had become friends.

Flash of lightning, crash of thunder, and she yelped out something about the dog being outside. I volunteered to go find him and let him into the laundry room. There wasn’t really much rain, and I couldn’t find a flashlight so I grabbed a book of matches. They’d been water damaged at some point but most of them still worked.

As I was stumbling along, I noticed a clear patch on the side of the hill. There was a silver pentagram imbedded somehow into the dirt. No grass grew in it or within a foot of it. I was impressed because it was very beautifully done. There was a candle, and a picture and a mirror in the center of it. I dropped to one knee and fumbled with matches until I managed to get one to light the candle.

I muttered something under my breath, then stopped, confused because I had no clue what I had just said, or in what language I had spoken. I heard a soft growling from behind me and turned to find the dog. I laughed and called to him, but he wouldn’t come any closer and ran down the hill.

We played chase for a while, and finally he let me catch him. I had completely forgotten about pentagram and the candle. I clipped a leash to the dog’s collar and we ran back to the house.

Christyne was sitting on top of the dryer in the laundry room waiting, looking worried. I grabbed a dirty towel and dried the dog off while we talked. She asked me at one point if I had found/seen anything odd… I told her the candle was burning, having no clue why I said it. She became almost frantic, asking if I had lit it or if it was still burning. I couldn’t remember lighting it, so I told her it was burning. She looked relieved and we went back to our wine and conversation.

Later, she was at my house. Her husband was with her. Apparently her mother had come over to watch Brianna for the night and let them go out for a bit. It was a HUGE party. People everywhere. Orgies had started up in every room. I wandered around talking to people, looking for my boyfriend. I found him upstairs in the shower, talking to two guys and a girl who were having a grand time soaping each other up. They kept inviting him to join them but he said no, he had other plans. The girl grinned and said she could bet. He looked at her funny as I came in, then he turned to me with a big grin. ‘Hiya Babe.’

We ended up in the same bedroom as Christyne and Jack. Christyne said she wanted to try me, and my boyfriend was all for it, so long as they got to stay and watch. So we put on a show for them, then I pounced my boyfriend and drug him off to our own room. Just couldn’t get enough.

Later we were talking, and I asked about the people in the shower. He said the girl was Molly, one of the guys worked with him and he didn’t know the other guy at all. I asked why he was in there with them and he shrugged, saying with everything going on around the house, he figured he’d end up in a room with something like that anyhow. He just stayed in one place till I found him.

Sounded logical. I got up to go check on guests and say goodnight to Christyne and Jack, who had to leave before midnight. There was still time before they had to go, so they pulled me into bed with them. Nothing happened, we just snuggled and talked a little. She laughed that she had been worried before. We all dozed off, waking up when Jack’s cell phone went off, her mother wanted to know what time they would be home.

I got up and went back toward my bedroom, freezing in the doorway. Molly was in bed with my boyfriend. He was completely passed out still, obviously hadn’t moved since I left him. She curled up close to him, kissing him. Of course he responded, why would he thi
nk it was anyone else but me? They started making out pretty heavily, she was pulling off her own clothes to give him better access. I couldn’t speak or move. A door slammed somewhere behind me and I jumped, running down the hall.

I heard him say something back in the bedroom, from the tone of his voice I knew that he’d realized it wasn’t me he was with… I spent the next half hour getting rid of people in the house, then passed him in the hallway. I waited for a minute for him to say something, anything… To tell me what had happened… I understood why he had responded to her but I expected him to tell me. He didn’t know I had seen it all…

He said nothing. A few minutes later I passed him again, stopping to ask if he had seen Molly. He said she’d gone home already. I asked when, and he said a couple of hours before. I bout exploded, he was lying to me. Was he ashamed, embarrassed? Or was I completely mistaken, had he known the whole time that it was her and not me?

I headed upstairs to wait for him to come to bed so that we could talk. After an hour I went looking, he was taking a shower downstairs. It was what we called the dorm area, 7 guys living in a room that took up half of the first floor. I’d taken to nicknaming them after the seven dwarves. Grumpy answered the door and told me I couldn’t come in. I did anyway, completely ignoring the random naked people wandering through, waiting for my boyfriend.

When he came out I told him we needed to talk. He dragged me out to the hallway, pushing me against the wall and started kissing me. He assumed I wanted to have sex again, and seemed to want to get it over with as quickly as possible. Either that, or he was trying to avoid talking to me. I got him to stop and told him I needed to talk to him. He said he was really tired and was going to crash downstairs with the dwarves. Sleepy had passed out on a couch, so he was going to take his bed.

I was livid, go figure. I left without another word, heading upstairs to catch a nap before I went to ‘work’ the next morning. It didn’t improve my mood much. Christyne asked me what was wrong but I didn’t want to go into it. To avoid the question, I offered to take the dog out for a few minutes before she went to run her morning errands.

I felt better after a good run with the dog, and was heading back up the hill when I heard something. Whisper soft like rustling through the grass. I couldn’t help but think Children of the Corn as I headed toward the source of the sound. As I got closer to the clear patch in the grass, the sound got louder.

Someone was crying… She sounded so hurt, and lost, and alone… It touched the part of me that was the most hurt by what had happened the night before. In the center of the pentagram, the mirror and the glass over the picture had shattered. The candle had melted down completely. I was carrying a wooden box, and knelt down. ‘Help me, please.’ there was a shimmering from the center of the pentagram. I gathered the picture and the broken mirror into my box and told the voice that I would help it, if it could help me somehow.

I tucked the box into my jacket pocket and headed into the house, wondering if I had woken up yet or if this were some weird dream brought on by my being upset. The house was in chaos. Things lay broken everywhere. Christyne and Jack were a mess. He was missing a chunk of hair from the side of his head, and her shirt was ripped. I thought at first that they’d gotten into a fight. They both looked terrified though, as if they’d been attacked.

Christyne asked me what I had done. Had I lit the candle or was it already lit when I found it. Had I touched the circle or anything inside it. She was not accusing, simply very… afraid. I told her what had happened, as I suddenly could remember it all, and she started crying. Jack held her close, stumbling as his knee was hit.

Christyne told me I had released Maghean, a demon they had summoned to kill Jennifer, the girl who caused Brianna’s premature birth. Jennifer had been trying to seduce Jack, saying that his wife was no longer attractive and he must be so frustrated. She had become obsessed with him, and wouldn’t leave them alone. She had attacked Christyne.

Maghean was a vengeance demon, and would not be satisfied with only one death. They had tried to bind her into the circle. If the candle burned down on it’s own, she would be banished to her own realm and could never be summoned to harm them again. However, if the candle were lit by another… who released it… that person would become her master. The first morning I had come to work, Christyne had seen something in my face, a slight shifting so that I resembled the demon… It was an Omen that I would be the one to set it free.

As she talked, two things were happening. The demon was attacking her randomly, just to annoy her, tearing at her clothes, her hair, poking and punching at her. It had no intention of killing or harming either of them permanently… it simply wanted to punish them for binding it. Secondly, I had begun to think of Molly, and her trying to steal my boyfriend. I knew she was at work already and I couldn’t help wanting something to happen, something to punish her…

Not death…

The violence around us stopped. A soft voice behind my ear asked what I wished. I thought for a moment, giving her an image of an accident, a cast, something to damage her prized beauty… ‘It will be done.’ Then disappeared.

Christyne and Jack looked at me, concerned, wondering what had happened. I shrugged, still not quite sure what I had just asked for but knowing that so long as Molly didn’t die, I could feel vindicated by her injury. I apologized for the chaos I had inadvertently caused, and asked if I should leave. It was for the best we decided. The demon would not return to them now that it had been released and exacted its small vengeance.

I headed home just in time to catch the phone call from my boyfriend’s work, saying there’d been a freak accident. A huge pan of oil had dropped, crushing Molly’s leg, splashing oil across her. A spark of electricity had lit the oil, covering her in third degree burns. She was in the emergency room, and the place was going to be closed down pending investigation.

I did my best to act concerned even as Maghean showed me a vision of what had happened.

The perfect arc of the pot as it had slipped from the counter, slamming into her leg, shattering her knee and several bones in her leg, landing on her foot and crushing her toes. A solid satisfying thump… The oil splashing across her like a tidal wave, leaving her thoroughly soaked. The splitter splats as it splashed a few others, just for show. The spark of fire, as a drop of the oil landed on the stove, flaring up, jumping from stove to pot, and Molly. The agony and screams as the fire had spread across her, and to the others splashed.

The fear, Molly’s and the witnesses, as the fire refused to go out at first, creeping slowly toward her face, the heat causing her hair to frizz, then burn. The rush, as if to finish the job, the fire fairly leaping up to her face, blistering instantly. It concentrated at the left side of her face, making sure to leave scars that could never be grafted away. Leaving her scalp blistered in patches where hair would never be able to grow in.

A fire truck had come, smothering her with a blanket, putting out the fire. Just for added flavor, the blanket was allowed to pop some of the blisters on her face and head. The pot was allowed to shift, grinding the crushed bones together, sending a shard of it through her leg with a gout of blood.

The voice in my ear asked quietly. ‘It is pleasing?’ I nodded, saying under my breath. ‘Well done.’ It laughed in pleasure and at the pun.

I spent the next several days alone in my room. When classes started, I would leave only for the school and home. My boyfriend knew something was ‘wrong’ or ‘up’ with me, but had no clue what. He would
n’t ask. I was sure he knew I had seen what happened with Molly. He went to visit her once, but otherwise never spoke of her or what had happened.

Maghean told me where he had gone that day, when he said he was grocery shopping. I asked him as he came to bed that night how she was. He froze, then slowly settled down beside me, saying she would be permanently scarred from the fire and the doctor wasn’t sure if her leg would ever heal enough for her to walk. Probably she would have a severe limp if she walked at all. I nodded and fell silent for a long time, sat staring at my hands.

Then hesitantly I spoke, letting my voice falter, letting the tears of all my pain and rage flow. It was time for confrontation. ‘I … saw you… together… in our bed…’ I turned to look at him, letting him see only the hurt and the fear of losing him. ‘I… Why? Why did you lie?’

He turned first white, then red with shame, reaching out to hold me, realizing finally that the night of the party was when I started acting oddly. Maghean whispered to me that she would tell me if he lied again, she would know from his thoughts.

He explained that he had been ashamed, and afraid I would be upset. I would blame him. That he honestly had believed it was myself at first, but it was a flimsy excuse. How could I ever not be hurt by him not having noticed the difference, not noticing that it was someone else? He went on and on for a while about how much he loved me and would never intentionally do anything to hurt me. Every word, as attested by my demon companion, was true.

I relaxed for the first time in days, letting him hold me. My first impressions had been correct, she had tried to take advantage of him. He had pushed her away as soon as he realized it wasn’t me. I had done the right thing in punishing her by taking her beauty.

Things were well again. Months went by with little incident. I could feel the growing hunger of Maghean, the need to cause violence, the searching of my thoughts for any petty or harsh thoughts of anyone around me. Minor accidents happened to people who annoyed me. Stubbing their toes, losing their car keys. Major annoyance came for anyone that had managed to anger me. The teacher who failed my first research paper got a flat tire on the way to work. I knew it was nowhere near enough, she was growing restless. I also knew that I was growing restless as well.

Something within me had responded to the violence of Molly’s punishment. I started going to bars and clubs in the worst parts of town, seeking out those who deserved punishment. Maghean would scan the thoughts of those around us, find their sins, asking for permission to punish and to what degree. She took delight in enacting the punishments.

I took my boyfriend to one of the clubs once. I could tell he was disturbed by the changes he had seen in me over the months. I had become darker he said. He was sure it was his fault, I was still reacting to the Molly incident. Quite honestly, I didn’t care about it anymore.

The club was an underground type place. Maghean had found its location in the thoughts of one of our victims who enjoyed the thought and practice of raping young girls. It was where he had taken several of his victims.

I wore tight black leather, and had a seven ft python wrapped around me. Maghean had learned the trick of inhabiting animals, and we had discovered some interesting tricks because of it. Nifty new ways to intimidate people… We planned to get a cobra after she learned more control, and could find one that had had its poison removed if it was possible.

My boyfriend wore shredded jeans and a t-shirt. I told him it was for a research paper I was working on, which was partially true. I had decided to do a paper for my sociology class on human nature, and was trying to figure a way to work the punishments into it. Karma maybe? Didn’t really matter, of course. It was an excuse.

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The four nights of Fiona's sister's absence left her with a very loose and satisfied pussy and a much-reddened pucker hole. Her brother-in-law Reggie was a complete jerk but he did have redeeming qualities like his ability to stay hard for a very long time. It was the complete reversal of her dear departed husband who generally erupted prematurely after 30 seconds of unexciting penetration. She was, in a sense, relieved to see her sister return from her nursing duties and immediately start...

1 year ago
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Ambassadors of Peace

Ambassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...

3 years ago
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Babys Milk

Jessica, my beautiful wife had opted out of chemo. She didn’t want to hurt the baby but she was waning fast. I sold everything, both over and under the table. We were living in a one bedroom house in a crap neighborhood and it was pretty much rock bottom. 
It started off by me going on sites and selling her underwear. Obviously used. She didn’t care, she was dying and her baby girl was due soon. We needed the money. 
 I got a few hits with the tag line “Prego used panties” and was amused at...

2 years ago
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Family strip poker The sequel

3 months ago my son Brian suggested that we play strip poker for our Saturday night together. Of course my daughter Amanda and I weren't too sure about it, but although, Amanda quickly came up with some logic on it, so we played strip poker as a family. Everyone got to see each other naked up close and after the game, my kids started making out, which led to the 3 of us having amazing sex. I mean I felt connections to them I seriously never ever felt before. After that night we continued to...

2 years ago
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It May Be Adultery But I Want It

The beginning of my adulterous affair was not something I was proud of. In fact, I had been very reluctant to start it in the first place. But, god knows, I was so horny and starved for affection and sex that I allowed myself to be overcome. I enjoyed every moment of it. I had become involved with Jack Johnson soon after he moved next door to our town home. My name is Beth and my husband is Tom. He is almost completely engrossed in his computer activities so I have been having an affair with...

2 years ago
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Keep Quiet

I sat frozen in place, staring at my phone. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the picture of his hard cock. I got up from my seat and walked quickly to the toilet, locked the door and wondered how I was going to calm myself down. I looked over the sink at my reflection. Without really thinking about it, I pulled the clip from my long, dark hair, letting it cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I remember him telling me in one of our flirty exchanges that he preferred my hair down. At that...

1 year ago
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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 5 Breakthroughs

I woke up early on Friday because I never really fell asleep. I woke up at sunrise and tried to call Angie again. I let the phone ring and ring, and the whole time I was looking at the shiny new cord that the maintenance man put in when he fixed the handset, after Becky Finklestein broke it. The call went to voicemail but I didn’t want to leave a message. I just wanted to hear Angie. “Oh my God this is totally Angie you guys. Leave a message or whatever,” the recorded voice said. She was so...

4 years ago
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Growing up as much as any bit of life in this world, I found roots to call my own and drew sustenance. I began to find a taste for certain things, certain joys and ran after them with a zealous glee. I remember the wind flowing through my hair as I started to learn what it meant to truly chase after a goal, a dream. Laughter came first, then the crash of bodies and the smell of grass all over my clothes. The sun always seemed to rise and shower me with its’ warmth as I toss and turned under...

3 years ago
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An Old Trope Revisited

An Old Trope Revisited I was in the change room, getting angrier by the moment. My own mother was pushing girl clothes on me! She'd dragged me into this shop, made me strip, and now had thrown skirts and dresses and girl's underthings over the top of the door, and was demanding I put them on! I really couldn't believe my own mother would be doing something like this. Why would she want to turn me into a girl? Didn't she love me just as I was? And what could I possibly do but go along...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Karma RX Big Tit Office Chicks 06

Karma Rx is a legal assistant for a very aggressive lawsuit happy lawyer who believes that a current supreme court judge just may have appeared in an old gangbang video. When he is hit with a massive federal indictment for his false accusations, she must come to the help of her boss Codey Steele . Poor guy – he only wanted some publicity and to possibly run for president one day. Karma knows the only way to get him back on his feet and back into the game is to make him strong and self...

2 years ago
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Pinni Ki Dhoga Mogudu Ina Kodukuni

Hi readers..Na name ajay nenu epudu degree final year na age 21 height 5.9 comments cheyali anukunty ee mali ki cheyandi pls vunty sorry yar.. Ee story nenu inter lo vunapudu jarigindi..Nenu 12th varaku ma intlone vundi chadivanu taruvata inter kosam ma pinni(pavani) height 5.6 age 34 size 38 30 36 oka koduku(teja) vadiki apudu 8years vala uri lone join iyanu soo ma pinni vala intlone vundi chaduvukuntuna 1st year antha nrml ga ipoindi 2nd year lo ma frnd okadu naku blue flim chupinchadu...

3 years ago
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Daughter and friend

I surf the net a lot and check out porn. I have been using this to relieve myself by masterbating and lately, cumming in Megan's used underwear. This just started recently, since I've noticed her developement. She is just getting a little mouthfull of tit and has one hell of an ass. I have cum in my sweats while she lays around in her little t-shirt and panties. Her mouth is like that of Angela Joline, very very sexy. I'd love to put my rock hard cock in there. Her panties smell so...

4 years ago
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Sucking My First Cock on a Business Trip

I have traveled extensively on business during my lengthy career working in the insurance industry. However, it was only a year ago when I had my first erotic experience with another man. Now I look back at all the opportunities I squandered while out of town in hotels, and I’m trying to make up for lost time.My name is John, and my wife, Sharon, and I are both forty-eight years old and have lived in the greater Omaha area all of our lives. Since our daughter got married and moved away a few...

First Time
1 year ago
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All That Matters

All That Matters By Cal Y. Pygia Thick and rigid, Jason's cock stood uptight against his belly. The sight of the smooth, firm-soft cheeks of her Violet's bare ass always excited him; he found her round, compact ass delightful. It was her best feature and, considering the rest of her, that was quite a compliment. Jason enjoyed massaging it. He'd spent the last half hour doing just that, making small circles over the sleek, lovely mounds with his palm and savoring the feel of...

3 years ago
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GFs family Midwinter Lodge Retreat 6

Once the carbs and heavy food hit stomachs, everyone started drifting off in pairs or small groups to cuddle and nap. I lost track of Tina so I headed out onto the sheltered back porch and hopped in the Jacuzzi. The air was cool crisp and clean and the water was hot and soothing. I decided that Jack Daniels and I would keep each other company while everyone else slept.I heard the door open and out stepped Mom. Tina’s Mom was not quite 50 and owned a string of fitness stores back where we all...

3 years ago
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Hotel Rendezvous I From Her

Way too much time has passed since we last saw each other let alone touched each other. So here I am waiting at the airport for you arrival. This rendezvous is on me, the planning I have done is for your pleasure. My pleasure will come from pleasing you and making you purr like a lion every minute of the next 72, or so, hours. I just hope you enjoy what I have planned for us. For the next 3 days and nights you are mine, I am yours and. . . . . . .best of all WE are together.I arrived a...

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Glory Hole

I discovered a pron shop that had a back room with private booths. Bought my tokens and when in. They had to sides ( as I found out why ). One side was private and the other side had glory holes in the booths. All had a great varity of videos with several channels to choose. I first when into the side for my privacy so I would drop my pants and play with myself. Sometimes I would her some guy saying he wanted to suck my cock, but would ignor him and keep stroking. I would make lots of...

2 years ago
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The CleanUp Girl

Erika wanted to be a porn star. She was in love with a well-known female actress named Patricia. Patricia's nickname was `Pink'. In all her video's she just loved showing off her stretched open pink pussy. She was the queen of the pink show. Opening her cunt up at every opportunity. When she did an anal scene, she always tried to get the guy to lay on the bed, with her above, straddling him, that way the camera could get a great shot of her ass being fucked, while she spread her cunt lips wide,...

2 years ago
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Lie still little girl Daddy wants your arse

Laying back as he looks at me, I notice His cock growing. My pulse quickens, simultaneously my breathing shallows. Grabbing my hair He pushes me towards his growing mound."Suck" He growls.My mouth opens and as I close my lips around him, it hits the back of my throat, forcing me to gag and gasp for air. Daddy doesn't do nice soft lazy blow jobs; When I suck His cock it's like a work out, pushing myself to please Him, to fit His cock down my throat. I try to impress Him with my mouth, show him...

4 years ago
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Babiesi R UsChapter 4

After our shower, which was almost as fun as our on-the-bed frolicking, we got dressed and she went with me to my appointments. She would keep my appointments straight and organized, while I only attended to the interview and actual lovemaking. Getting to the hotel, she got a chair to sit outside the room, greeting and announcing, by text message, who was here. My first appointment was a last-minute friend of Ella’s named Shirley, also 19. She arrived on time, and after alerting me, Sylvia...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Lights Shake Ya Ass

It was a typical Friday evening in the southeastern United States. The Francis Marion High School football team, cheerleaders, & marching band were ready to put on a collective showcase of entertainment for parents, fellow students, & community members. The school had about 750 students. The student population was roughly 50% White; 40% Black; 8% Latino; & 2% Asian. On this particular night in 2002, the Francis Marion Patriots were preparing to battle the Westerfield Cougars on the...

2 years ago
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The Paper Bag Princess

The guy at the bar is wearing a T-shirt that says “Honey Badger Don’t Care.” He’s skinny enough for the shirt, but he cringes when he takes a sip from his bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.I wonder if he can fuck a girl like me and really not care.I like to tell myself that I’m not that ugly. I’ve studied my reflection enough times to believe that my cheeks aren’t that chipmunk-like, that my teeth aren’t too big, that my forehead isn’t too high. Those features are all I know, but self-confidence is a...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Student Part 1

I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed. She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn’t makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn’t a mouthy brat, she wasn’t an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same...

3 years ago
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A few minutes later Sarah reappeared wearing a dressing gown and heels, looking very pleased with herself. She turned her back and without saying a word dropped the gown to the floor with her legs apart. Her ass looked absolutely sensational with a black silk strap across each ass cheek and another around her waist. “Like that? This is for your pleasure, and my pleasure,” she smiled as she turned to face us, with a good size dildo strapped across her groin. “I love the feel of it and I...

3 years ago
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Be Still My LoveChapter 2 Desk Detecting

A short time later Bahn was at his desk, in his partitioned cubicle, in the large room used by the small group of field agents that make up the CSIS Trouble-Shooting section. Checking his computer, for more information on the four men murdered by the seasonal killer, Bahn had gleaned that they were all involved in politics, in one form or another, and that all had been killed in different regions of the country. Cross-referencing found that they seemed to have no case or issue in common and...

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An Unwanted AliasChapter 15

I met briefly with my supervisor the next day to firm up plans for my intense two-week training program, set to get underway the following Monday. There would be little rest for the weary. I was also shown my new flat, and given the go-ahead to move in at once. It was not a particularly large unit – Wendy's place was a little larger than mine – but it was to be my home for the foreseeable future. It was on the first floor of the building, which was fine with me since I've never been fond of...

2 years ago
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Dark Redemption Ch 13

I vaguely felt Peter leave my arms in the morning, but I was so filled with contentment, I barely stirred. I had dreamed in the night, and they were still strange dreams, but more along the lines of Peter and I reaching out for each other across deep chasms and raging rivers. Always in my various dreams, we touched our hands, but we were still left with the dilemma of how to get to each other. And that was what I woke to, about half an hour after Peter had gotten out of bed. Somehow, we’d...

3 years ago
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Mature and the ass virgin

It'll be around eight years ago now, when I was younger, 42. A couple were good friends of ours, still are today, but then we used to see them very regulary unlike today when it's monthly. One Sunday they were having a BBQ, so we went up and during the day it eventually came out that their youngest son had come out and revealed he was gay, he was 18.A few weeks later I saw him walking home from school, "Jay" I shouted, as he came towards me I said "You sure you're gay", he said "No not sure I...

4 years ago
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My mother my lover

The journey of how me and my mom began, started at the age of 14. I was dating this guy that my parents said were too old for me. Anyways, really to me everything started the day my mom came into my room raging at me. She was furious about his age, that I didn't tell her, and how she found out. (he is the son of one of her employees), woops? :P Anyways, we got into it really badly, we argued really intensely back and forth, till finally I told her I was not a child I am a teenager but I’m...

2 years ago
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Please do me a favor

My friend Isabel  a Spanish  called me on that day, saying she had a problem and needed my assistance. She then gave me an account or her story,  with details of her problem, on the phone: she had gone on a trip for a few days and,  on having returned home,  she dug in her purse for the apartment keys, even  pockets, everywhere; the apartment keys were gone. She possibly had lost them. She lived alone in her place, so nobody would open from inside. The only way out of this would be to get a new...

1 year ago
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Beginners Meeting A Play Third stab at humor

Beginner’s Meeting, A Play Scene 1: A church basement. An odd looking assortment of people are sitting on metal folding chairs arranged in a circle. In the corner is a table with coffee and donuts. Characters: Charles: Middle aged man, about 40 dressed in a plaid sweater. He is the group leader. Pete: a.k.a. Pervert Pete, a graying man of about 60 dressed in a raincoat. Bob: A fidgety man of about 35 who continually clutches an inflatable sheep. Alan: Middle aged man of about 48 dressed...

3 years ago
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Family SagaChapter 3

Charity walked home in the midst of a group of chattering, giggling girls of her acquaintance; her head was in the clouds, and she was in contact with reality only intermittently as she talked excitedly with them hardly believing that it was true. She had stayed after school for the auditions for the annual school musical production. Her singing and acting had been outstanding, and she had been selected to sing the leading female role. She couldn't believe her ears when the final...

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Loretta Part 6

Jade spoke first; looking up from behind Ulrich's blond head. She seemed a little embarrassed but only for a moment, "Come and join us guys," she said huskily. Next to Jade, her husband Zane was seemingly lost beneath Loretta's long, strawberry blonde locks. His arms circled Loretta's tight waist and both his hands grasped her butt cheeks. There was no getting away from Loretta once you were under her control. I smiled and nodded then Kayla suddenly said, "We've been out...

2 years ago
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Joan my wife a kennel bitch 2

We arrived back after a fantastic holiday and started settling back into our way of life. We spent our first day home shopping and stocking up. The next day we decided to go to see Paul and collect Benji, on the way she said I wonder if Brutus is still there, I miss my time with them all and feeding pups. I was milking her twice each day and she was producing over a pint and a quarter which we used in our coffee. Paul was pleased to see us, told us the web site was still attracting...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend8217s Cousin Sister

Hi to all the sexually active people… I am back to share another incident.. About me.. I am Manas.. Slim guy with a tool worth taking in your pussy.. So for all the girls/aunties/ladies who wanna have some fun in hyderabad.. I am available on mail at As you might have read in my previous story “My Girlfriend’s Sexy Big Boobed Friend – Part 1 and Part 2”. When I went for my GFs real sister’s wedding. Last time I explained how I had fun with my GFs friend. This story is about My GFs cousin whom...

3 years ago
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ReDiscovering Myself Chapter IV

I can’t tell you what it is like to wake up feeling lost and empty every morning, other than lost and empty. It is like there is a kind of scared stillness that has been lurking inside your body every moment leading up to and including that moment, which, for all you know, could be an eternal being. Not knowing who you are, where you are from or if there is anybody missing you is unbearable. You know things; what is going on in the world, who is President of the US, the dates of the major wars,...


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