An Arrangement Of Sorts Ch. 01 free porn video

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**This is just a little bit of a romance to give readers something to look at while I work up the love scene in ‘The Witch’s Want’, finish up ‘The Sighs of the Priestess’ and the next chapter of ‘A Red Leaf & Ten Orchids.’ It won’t go long, and it’s just a pleasant little thing that was inspired by a few things and a true story that was related to me about what happened in a bar.

I just gave it reasons to happen and went from there. O_o


She was on her back with one of her legs draped along the top of the headboard and her head hung back a little off the bed. Her thighs quivered a bit from the last of the tremors of her orgasm as they left her. That feeling was one of the reasons that she liked this position so much, that and the way that it reminded her a little bit of making love with a certain man. The only thing missing was him.

His weight on her, and the pleasing smell and heat of him, and, …

Hell, she thought, with a chuckle, she’d better stop having the thoughts or she might as well stay on her back and start again. She finished the list, though. She remembered the feel of his lips and teeth on her throat when her head was over the edge of the bed all of those times that they’d fucked each other so senseless that neither of them could get up anymore. They almost couldn’t stand up without helping each other then.

Walking had been right out.

They’d only crawl out of bed to pee and it had always been his job to answer the door for room service. She smiled, remembering how difficult it had been for him to do that, too.

Well, the food would have gone cold before she’d have ever been able to manage it.

A moment or two later, Julie got it together with a groan as she sat up and then stood to walk to her bath. She brought the glass dildo along with her as she climbed in and leaned back. It was always so nice to let the thing heat up in her bath and then slide it into herself when she did this while thinking of him. It was all about the small motions then.

This was getting hopeless, she thought as she laughed a little out loud. It was the desire to do that with her toy that had caused her to masturbate on the bed in the first place so that she’d be wet enough for the dildo in the bath in just the right way. And she’d really wanted that while she thought about meeting with that man today.

If she couldn’t get a handle on what was going on in her boiler room soon, she knew that she’d stand a good chance of needing him far, far worse than she dared to allow. It would mess with her objectivity and then she might not come away with what this was all about to her today and that would never do.

She smiled a little wistfully as she thought about him and what had gone between them all this time. So much promise and so much love, she thought.

Such a bloody shame that they were so fucked up.

Long ago, she’d been one hell of a hot little number, full of the promise of the pure sexual power that she could almost transmit to a man. But her mother had taught her well and she held the flames of that fire in check, just barely, as she cast her young brooding eyes around, looking for the one.

She’d found him, too – an equally young male for herself and evenly matched in his drive and need for her, the perfect mate who was descended from old nobility long ago in the Old World, and lots of old money in the New World. They’d seen each other one hot and sultry day right out in the street and that had been it, what had been the start as she felt his hungry stare from behind her, far off, and after one long look over her shoulder back at him, she just knew and she reeled him in.

They just had something between them, she thought. She’d wondered over the years if they really had been made for each other, because it all defied any logic that they knew of since they’d admitted it to each other in many places as they discussed it over the years.

She did it right, though, as hard as it had been to keep herself from clawing him into her hot little place right then and there in the gutter. But part of the plan was to use the gifts that she’d been given to get out of that same gutter, wasn’t it?

Oh, she’d done it right, she remembered, keeping their lust for each other in check just at the edge of coming to a boil at any moment, torturing him – and herself – exquisitely for two years as she maneuvered them into the young marriage that had doomed them both.

The first of the concrete battlements that had to be gotten around had been the military academy and its rules. If it hadn’t been for that, she’d have had him enslaved to her cunt easily. When she’d realized that there was nothing that she could do to get him to marry her before he graduated, she’d done her damndest to get herself pregnant, but he was meticulous about using a condom because he’d had his dream of going to that academy since he was a boy and had aimed his life in that direction from the age of seven. A child between them would have finished his dream as surely as him having a wife by those very same rules.

She couldn’t have cared less about his dream, but she’d never told him that. She’d wanted to be a movie star when she was seven and that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon either.

She could have used another man for the pregnancy that she needed to do it, but her own heart had let her down then. As goal–oriented as she was, she just couldn’t do it. From her own viewpoint back then, she’d have allowed the things that pregnancy would do to her perfection to be able to have the perfect babies with the perfect man, but she knew herself well enough to know that while any other man’s child might buy her the shot at the next level, it was a bargain that she just wasn’t prepared to allow herself to make. He wasn’t the only one with ideals, and besides, it wouldn’t have worked.

His fucking snobbish family would have demanded DNA testing, even if he wouldn’t.

As soon as he graduated, she’d nailed him. There was no way that Julie was going to let the finest buck that she’d ever laid eyes on in her life just bound off into the woods. He wasn’t some spoiled brat from a wealthy family, he had honor and as much as she could admire that, it was something that a fine little vixen such as herself could use and have absolutely no qualms about. She might have been a scheming skank from the wrong side of the tracks, but they did love each other desperately in a very real and physical sense.

Unfortunately, there was some connection between her brain, her heart and her genitalia and it messed up the execution of her plans in ways such as this. When he was against her, she was lost in her lust, but underneath that, Julie loved him beyond her ability to pay attention to what her brain was telling her. The logic didn’t come on until a while afterward every time.

And of course that came with its own set of complications, like the curse of the academy for one, and the iron will of his family for another. Even her mother hadn’t foreseen that.

There was no negotiation possible there. She had him locked up tight fair and square, but they wouldn’t bend. He’d broken some cardinal rule when he’d married her against their wishes, and since he wasn’t the blue-eyed first-born son, they’d had no trouble telling him that the only thing to be done was to ditch his young wife or else.

Of course, her hooks were deep in him by that point and he had the same cast-iron will. He made his choice and stood by her. There were probably a lot of girls like her who would have just accepted his devotion and love as the real prize and gone on from there, but that old money had been one of the main reasons behind all of this, as her mother had reminded her endlessly.

So she’d listened to her mother and pulled the ejection handles. She knew full well what she’d done to him and the sight of a man like that with tears in his eyes, …

A man like tha
t should never have to beg with his heart in his hands, but he’d done just that. She’d done the only thing that she could think of in self-defense to protect her own heart then. It was all that she had left, or she’d have given in and, … well then they’d have lived happily ever after, wouldn’t they?

Hell no, she shook her head as she remembered with a tear, that would have been perfect, wouldn’t it? That would have solved everything and that just couldn’t be allowed, could it? That would mean being the wife of a bright young Army officer with a perfect future ahead of them both.

It felt like she was killing herself, but she did it so that she might do what she could to find Bachelor Number Two and begin again while she still had time and youth on her side. She didn’t want to, but she had to run to keep from caving in. She’d fought for control of her facial muscles and she didn’t really mean to do it but she felt – and knew exactly how she’d looked at that instant.

She’d smirked and walked out.

It was one of the reasons that she’d hated herself ever since, because unlike her mother’s kind, she’d actually loved Chris so much that it hurt – and that was before all of this.

She remembered how often she’d had to wipe tears from her eyes as she’d driven to a motel in another town and cried for three days.

After that, she’d fucked any man who’d looked to her like his heart could stand her physical abuse of it and not die as she tried to make their balls implode. As if their semen could wash away any traces of his. As if the act of it might buy her some absolution for the guilt that she felt in ruining what they might have had. As if just any man’s seed could actually do that for her soul.

As if.

Later on, she’d had no trouble hunting one man after another and squeezing them for every dime that she could get, but she couldn’t make herself forget the man that she’d damned herself with. Julie wasn’t stupid and she had tons of money herself for all of it, but there was always the little pain in her heart for what had happened and the little ache in her cunt for that one man. She must have bedded over two hundred men in her travels and her search for one who might be close enough to be the replacement that she sought, but, …

There was no other man, no matter how she’d tried, who could make her feel the way that he could when she was in his arms.

Julie sighed as she got out of her bath to sit on the edge of the tub and reach for her razor. Chris had always liked it when she’d left him a little bit of a landing strip.

He didn’t know it, but to her, it was a way to tell herself that she really was still his woman all this time later, and that was another reason that she’d always left it there, because she never could tell when she’d run into him again somewhere and somehow.

It was amazing and stupid, the way that their bodies betrayed them. They could be somewhere, living their lives and not even having a thought about the other one, but all the while, it seemed like their bodies were drawing them together and they’d run into each other in places far from where their sad story had begun. And it was such a sad tale about a man with a terminally-broken heart that had cost him his family’s love and money and the woman who, despite fucking him over six ways from Sunday, still had his love though she’d completed his damnation by never allowing him the chance to begin again.

She couldn’t.

She didn’t even need the money that she was going to make a play for later today. She just couldn’t let him go. She didn’t even wish him anything other than the best life that he could have for himself, but she was in this cursed life with him and even though she didn’t really mean it, she knew that she was going to go on screwing him over forever whenever they weren’t screwing each other into the floor.

She still had the body that was just made for sin and she still had his ring.

They hadn’t lived together in years, but she was still his wife.


He looked up and saw her as she walked in. Julie seemed to be holding her own in her fight against time rather well. She still had the figure that had grabbed his attention from maybe two hundred yards out the first time that he’d ever laid eyes on her on a hot and almost deserted noonday street. It seemed like a million years ago now.

He wondered where the money for the personal trainer was coming from. Then he threw the thought away immediately afterward. What did it matter? It was someone else’s money, and the results spoke for themselves.

She was dressed in a mildly tight floral print skirt and a pastel pink cashmere sweater, wearing just the right sort of bracelets to go with everything, and her shoes had just a hint of ‘fuck me’ to them as well. He noticed them as his eyes ran down from her pretty face to her shoes and then back up to her long black hair styled in that 1940’s look that she knew could drive him a little wild when she wore it like that.

He knew what it was all about. She was dressed just right, just the way that he liked, just the right way to tell him that she was interested in what he had to say. Well, he mused, maybe it was more to get him to listen to what she wanted.

She didn’t notice him at first, as she checked herself out in one of the mirrors in passing. A quick sideways glance that told her that everything was just right, and that every set of male eyes was nailed to her softly swinging hips. He almost smiled then. Julie still knew how to work it to perfection and make it seem as though it was the furthest thing from her mind.

Julie looked right past him for a moment, and then he saw her eyes sweep to come back to him and stay there. Her face showed just the right amount of mild and friendly interest at meeting someone just slightly more than an acquaintance, but he knew better. He could almost see the faint glow of her missile indicator lights coming to him through her contact lenses. She was scanning. She was always scanning.

He stood up as she neared him and smiled.

‘Chris,’ she smiled, bringing an artificial sigh into his name, ‘I almost didn’t recognize you. You’ve changed some.’ She leaned a little sideways for a better look at the man sitting alone twenty-five feet behind him while giving no indication of it at all as she looked at who she’d come to meet. She was pretending to give a shit about how he looked these days, he thought. ‘What happened to your hair?’

Chris Moreth held the pleasant little smile, though he could almost see how her acquisition system worked from this close up. He shrugged as he picked a bit of lint from the sleeve of his blazer, ‘Nothing much, ‘ he smiled as he sat down again after she did, ‘I just wanted to keep it a bit shorter, that’s all.’

‘Shorter?’ Julie grinned, ‘I didn’t think you could have it any shorter. I’ll bet your five o’clock shadow passes your hair by noon. I kind of like it though,’ she said, looking a bit thoughtful as her eyes flicked toward the man in the background again for an instant, ‘You’ve really got a Jason Statham look going on now.’

He smiled as he counted off the seconds in his mind. He knew that Julie had a bit of a thing for the British actor and though he actually wasn’t going for any ‘look’ but his own, he knew Julie well enough to know that the resemblance would now bother her to no end. It took her five seconds, but by the look in her eyes for a moment, he wondered if Statham’s DVDs were now bound for the shitcan at Julie’s place.

What he didn’t know was that Julie always cried whenever she watched them. She only liked the actor because he looked like Chris to her and she tortured herself with how Chris had always been a wonderful man, but somehow, she just couldn’t help the way that she fucked him over every time. She knew what she must have done to him, but she just couldn’t help it.

Her next statement almost made him laugh, but he held it to
a faint glimmer of polite interest.

‘I’ve been thinking about us lately,’ she said quietly as she reached out to toy with his ring as though it interested her.

Moreth knew that it was one of the things about their past that she loathed. It was a West Point class ring and it meant a lot to him, both for what it stood for and for what it had cost him. Four years at the academy, and then another seven in his career as an intelligence officer in some pretty far-assed postings. They’d met during his third year, and he supposed that the rule that a cadet must not be married or in a legal position requiring the support of a child had pretty much been the only thing that had kept her claws out of him back then.

God knows without that, a young man who tended to follow his dick around could get into enough trouble as it was. The only thing that had enabled him to stay the course was the constant reminder that he’d told himself as a freaking mantra that he’d been nominated as a candidate to the academy by a United States senator and he wouldn’t throw that away no matter how much his balls ached for something steady to pump into. His own heart had been a lot harder to convince because it seemed to be under the impression that it needed hers to be as close as possible in order to feel comfort.

But he had to give her credit. She’d figured out that he came from some money, and she’d done her best to bring him down and it had worked, too. He’d been deeply in love. He just wondered now who the hell he’d actually been in love with. Looking back on it, he wondered how he could have been such an idiot. It didn’t matter much, he supposed. He could be as stupidly in love as he wanted to be, but old money knows how to protect itself, and after going against the disapproval of his family, he’d been pretty much cut off in terms of any inheritance, not that anyone had exactly died yet.

But once it became clear to Julie just what the score was, she was gone so fast it almost defied belief.

Years after she’d left him, they’d find each other in some of the damndest places, running into each other literally. That led to some awkward conversations, and before either one of them knew it, they were bopping like bunnies at best.

At worst, their antagonism was a lot closer to the surface, and there had been times when one of them had slammed the other against a wall for what amounted to a pretty hateful fuck.

Mostly, it had been Moreth who had been up against the wall.

In the years since, Moreth had just gone on. He knew that it was a personal flaw in his character, but somehow, he’d just never been able to put his heart out there again. It had gotten pretty stupid to his way of thinking, actually. There had been women that he’d had relationships with, and could even tell himself that he loved, and it was the God’s own truth, but when it came time to lay it on the line, Moreth just didn’t have it in him anymore.

He didn’t really have anything to lose anymore, he just couldn’t do it, and afterward, he’d kicked himself every time. He supposed that he was the stereotypical asshole that women complained to their friends about, the one who wouldn’t commit. So after a while, he recognized that the fault lay inside of him and he chose to stop messing up the lives of others, for the most part. He didn’t really understand just how it had happened to him, but he figured that he was damaged in some way and there was just no sense in causing pain to others just because he was fucked up somehow.

And true to form for him, he blamed no one but himself for it.

He smiled as he thought about the dynamic that lay between the two of them, since it showed him that for all of her venom, Julie couldn’t get him out of her veins any more than he’d been able to get her out of his back then. The only difference was, no matter how it had gone between them, or how angry he’d gotten at himself to find himself in those positions with her, he’d never once told her that he hated her, no matter what she’d done to him.

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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 2

Hello friends this is a continuation of my previous story arranged marriage-part 1. As you all know that I was being married without my interest. That’s why I started ignoring my so called wife priya. Now enjoy the next part. We both were just lost in each others arm and the time was like just stopped as it is. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. Due to phone we both came into our senses and separated. I just answered the phone it was my assistant he was having some troubles related to work...

3 years ago
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Arranged Bride to Be Ch 02

Lunch in the gardens was not as torturous as I assumed it would be, in fact it was even slightly pleasant. David introduced me to his wonderful family. The father is a little rough around the edges, however he seemed nice enough. Right now, I am sitting in the carriage waiting for David whilst he talks to the horsemen. I never realised that people could become so fortunate with their arranged marriages. I completely understand that I could be a lot worse off. I mean, I could be a slave girl who...

2 years ago
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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 4

Hello friends this is a continuation of arranged marriage series of stories. This part is little long but I promise you will enjoy this as it is full of true love making. Now enjoy… We both started feeling the rain on our bike and the rain drops were felling on our body and were making us shiver with cold and priya was hugging me tightly, her hands were on my thighs and she was kissing me from back. I was on cloud 9. And we reached home. Priya and me both were drenched in water and she was...

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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 3

Hello friends this is a continuation of my story arranged marriage series. As you know I was married without my interest. That’s why I started ignoring my so called wife priya. Now enjoy the next part. In evening I left for home and purchased gift for priya. I reached home and priya was ready for night. She was wearing a short sleeveless patiala kurti with a matching patiala salwar with light make up and matching heels. I had first time seen her in this type of dress instead of her regular...

1 year ago
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Arranged Marriage

The Arranged Marriage Sheena Sands This story begins with my marriage. My name was Neil and I was a slim, good-looking software professional in New Delhi, India who had just turned 25, and I was starting to face pressure to get married from my parents. Arranged marriage is big in India. Couples often don't get to choose or woo their partners but end up having a partner thrust upon them by their elders. I faced a similar story. The bride my parents chose was a beautiful...

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Arranged Marriage

The Arranged Marriage Sheena Sands This story begins with my marriage. My name was Neil and I was a slim, good-looking software professional in New Delhi, India who had just turned 25, and I was starting to face pressure to get married from my parents. Arranged marriage is big in India. Couples often don't get to choose or woo their partners but end up having a partner thrust upon them by their elders. I faced a similar story. The bride my parents chose was a beautiful...

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Male Sorting

In college I earned free room and board by working the front desk of my dorm. It was an easy job that consisted of answering the phone, buzzing in visitors, and using the master key when residents got locked out of their rooms. Since I usually worked the afternoon shift, I also sorted the mail. Mostly I just occupied myself by reading for class.The dorm was a high-rise with eight floors and about 400 residents. A lot of people moved off campus after their freshman year, but I decided to stay....

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De toutes sortes

It provides a list of the “in” places to go, but I’m not really an “in” place person. However at the end of the listings I came across a series of Petites Annonces – Personal Ads. I was just looking at it out of curiosity – yes curiosity I was not looking for the advert which ran “jolie fille sexy recherche rencontre hot sur Paris” and I did not answer that one (honest). Then I noticed a section headed Photos - Modeles which seemed to consist mainly of photographers looking for lady models...

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Magic Returns Justice of a Sort

Justice, of a Sort By Circe Doctor Braxton, You asked me to write about what happened because you think I'm not "confronting the reality of what occurred." That's a nice theory, doctor, but the realities - all of them -- are not in question. If I ever doubt the current reality I have two great reminders close at hand. All the therapy in the world will not change that. Still, I know that I have to complete the therapy before you will let me out of this hospital, so here is what...

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ZQ felt good as she walked down the street. She knew she looked hot, she'd gone to a lot of trouble to make sure she did, after all her and Rapboy had been planning this for ages and now it was finally going to happen.Rapboy was the only person she'd ever told about her **** fantasty, and she never really thought she would fulfill it, but after all the hours of online chat they'd arranged to make it happen.The echo of her heels echoing down the empty street were like rythmic gunshots at this...

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Arranging mum a date

After searching around for a while I managed to find a guy called dave who was up for no strings fun. I was doing this for mum as she was getting pretty bored, father worked away a lot of the time and it was if they wasn't married anymore. Mum didn't no how I was going about doing this as she probably thought it wouldn't happen. I was talking to this dave guy for about 2 weeks and we set a date the following Saturday, still not knowing what to do. During the week was talking to mum and said if...

4 years ago
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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 5

Hello friends, this is a continuation of arranged marriage series of stories. As for the very first time we were making love and then priya became unconscious. I removed my cock from her pussy and tried to make her conscious and after minutes she came to senses and hugged me, her eyes were full of tears and her body was very hot as she is having fever. I hugged her more tightly and in her ear told her. Me- Sorry pihu i gave you a lot of pain. Priya-No need for sorry dear. I am very happy now...

3 years ago
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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 1

I am 28 now and well built due to regular gymming and running my own business since last six year’s. My family was forcing me to get married from quit a long time but I always deny them for marriage because I loved a girl and she ditched me few years back. So then onwards I left with no interest in love and marriage . But some how my parents succeeded to get me married and even I had not met the girl before marriage because of anger. Then after getting married I got some business related work...

3 years ago
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Arranged My Friend Have Sex With My Mom 8211 Part II

My hands tremble as I narrate this story about how I made by best friend enjoy my conservative widowed mother. This is a true story and I am proud to have made two very important people in my life so happy. One my widowed mother Anupama and the other, my dearest friend Suri. After losing her husband ( my dad) at the age of 34 years, my mom Anupama focussed her life in bringing up two of her children, one me and another my younger brother. I learnt everything about sex from Suri, when I was 18...

1 year ago
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Arranged Marriage of Tori

Ring! Ring! Ring! My alarm goes off and I wake up and get up off the bed I was sleeping in only to realize that today is my 19th birthday so I am wondering what my family got me for my birthday. I hope it good compared to other years where they always get me what I ask for which is usually video games which I love for awhile until I get bored. So while I do my morning routine I am going to tell you all about me. My name is Tori Olson and I am a lesbian which my family was very supportive of...

1 year ago
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Another Genie Story of Some Sort

This is the first story I've dared post. I have no idea if I'll ever post anything more. I wrote it two years ago and haven't been terribly motivated to do much with it since then. It's arguably rather derivative and not terribly good, but I enjoyed writing it. Rather than let it sit on my hard drive indefinitely I figured I'd stick it up here. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. If not, I don't care. It was written for my own enjoyment and nothing more. This story is very clearly...

2 years ago
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The Generals StoreChapter 6 Peace of a Sort

Hamlin’s inaugural was a celebration not only of his election but of the Union victory. “We are, again, one nation,” he said. “Our unity must be celebrated, and it must be protected. We are one country, more American than we are Iowan or Georgian. We are American more than we are black or white, more than we are rich or poor, more than we are farm or city.” Later on in his speech, Hamlin said, “Some have attempted to divide us, and we should not give them power to divide us again.” That was...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 376 Getting Things Sorted

Well, they are all looking more relaxed, but I need to do something different. The girl that told me about the aura went back to barricade herself in her room. I went to find Ona, who, it turned out, wasn’t hard to find. “I need solid color, soft wristbands in the primary and secondary colors. One needs to be a solid color for the younger kids that don’t need to be sharing rooms with older kids or adults having the same color. At least something along those lines,” I told her. “A person I...

1 year ago
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Arranged Bride to Be

I didn’t want this, I didn’t choose this. My father has ruined my life just to further benefit his own. Some say this is a blessing, well they are wrong. This is a curse. – Alison Shade – January ~~~~ One week earlier ~~~~ My name is Alison Shade, the daughter of the noble Mr Richard Shade. Being born into a rich family sucks. People expect things of you that they wouldn’t of other girls my age. I turned eighteen in December. Some people of my village would call me a Beauty. I tend to...

2 years ago
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Arranging a webcam fantasy chat for my wife and an

So last night, I received a message from a guy who had looked at our profile telling me how sexy my wife was. He sent a photo of his cock. I was nearly blown away. I am 6” and my wife tells me she loves my cock and I am happy with that. But this guys cock was amazing.I had to give this guy credit as It was a beautiful black cock, at least 9” and thick. I immediately knew I had to show my wife. At that same instant, I became rock hard at the thought of this guy being in front of my wife and she...

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Arranged meet

Well, what can I say. Apart from wow !!!It started off with an email from a couple on another adult site.Now usually, and unfortunately, a majority of messages from 'couples' turns out to be single men, pretending to be a couple (or maybe they just wish they are in a relationship. lol)This message however, started in a different way than usual. They usually start with “Will you fuck my wife” or something like that. Not this one though, which is maybe why I followed it through.This message...

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Arranged Fuck Partner For My Mom

Hi friends, this is Rahul once again back with another story. Just to tell you the story I am going to narrate here is half real and half fictional. This story is about my mom. Those who don’t know about my mom and my relationship, please do read the earlier stories and you will understand but just to make you all understand in a nutshell, me and mom are both are very friendly. Now without wasting time, I will start with the story. This happened last year when I had an operation and my mom came...

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Sarah Gets Sorted

IntroSarah was a typical 16 year old teenager, slim build, 5ft 6in tall long brown hair, deep hazel eyes, C cup breasts, and well toned legs and butt from lots of school athletics training. She had been adopted by her uncle Sam and aunt Martha when her parents had died in a car crash and she was only 7. Sam was her father’s brother, and he often thought she had his dead brothers zest for life and challenging rules. However Martha was always trying to make things up to Sarah and in effect...

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THE Harem Tales 2 Girls Just Wanna Have FunChapter 4 Family Planning Of Another Sort

Michael lay with his head pillowed on Rachel’s stomach, turned slightly so he could smell the delicious aroma of her recently licked sex. Jimmy and the Nerds were off on the side, quietly playing their seemingly endless sex games. Their appetites and stamina had become legend within his family. Other than those three, Michael was the only one awake. Even Peter and Valerie, who often crept in to sleep with the adults, had long ago drifted off. he sub-vocalized.

3 years ago
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AbracadabraChapter 4 The Bookish Sort

Maria Barber was proud of her position. Although she was still only in her second year as a student librarian she was given almost free rein in the running of the college library. She had built up a position of trust with the college and she didn't see why she should put that at risk simply because some over-eager student was keen to get their hands on some volume or other. "I'm sorry," she said. "The book is on our controlled list. That means I can't issue it without a signed...

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A Perfect WorldChapter 4

Ken woke up the following morning feeling ill-rested and fatigued. The depression and grief of Annie's loss was still going full force within him. Accompanying these emotions were a cornucopia of others, guilt at what had happened between he and his nurse the night before the primary one. He had, in a certain sense of the word, had sex with Zeal. He had touched her body in intimacy, and she had touched his. Though she had claimed it was a standard massage technique he knew that had to be a...

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Julies story

ONE ONE ?I have to get to Tonga today!? Can?t you help me?? My name is Julie Hudson.? I am a freelance photographer and I?ve been hired to do a photo shoot on the small island of Tonga.? If I don?t get there today, the job will go to someone else.? To say that I am desperate is an understatement. The person I am talking to is Jim Carmichael, the pilot of the local air service here in Brisbane.? He is a tall, handsome man, about thirty, with sparkling gray eyes and a mouth that is in...

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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

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Special Package Delivery

(A true story of the first time, but not the last, with my favorite fuckbuddy)I was at home, just enjoying a rare day off from work. I was alone, with my wife thankfully working all day – don’t get me wrong, I love her more than anything, but sometimes it’s nice to just have some time to yourself.It was a cold, overcast day, raining off and on, so I was inside. Like I usually do when she’s not around, I was looking at porn sites on the internet, and looking forward to a good jerk or two before...

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Our Very Good Neighbor

I met Suzi in college; she was a sophomore and I was in my senior year. She was perky and delightful, I fell for her like a ton of bricks. And I was lucky that she fell for me as well. We've been together ever since, now I'm twenty-six and she's twenty-four. We've lived together since about six months after we'd met and now were living in a home we had bought together, pretty much equidistant from where each of us worked. Like so many couples, sex was always an important part of our life...

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My young mistress came home to me again

It was one month ago the girl next door had been at my house the last time, and I missed her. I sat at home alone on a saturday night and watched porn movies that my friends had uploaded to xhamster.. The movies I liked best was where an adult thai lady sucking a young thai girl who had a hairless pussy. I was horny and cock stood hard out of my panties. It was lovely to be jerking off to such a lovely pussy.It rang the bell. The time was 7 pm and I was not expecting visits. I opened the door...

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My wifes cum filled vacation

This year for spring break my wife Andrea and I carried our friend Jeff to Panama City Beach with us. Jeff has become my wife's favorite side cock because of the size of his dick. I've haven't actually seen them have sex but I know her pussy is so loose after he has been with her. After checking into the room we all decided to hit the pool to cool off so Jeff and I changed in the room while Andrea changed in the bathroom. I didn't want to appear queer so I avoided trying to see Jeff's cock...

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Cheaters never Win

"So, you ready?" Trish asked as she pulled off her shirt, reveling her huge E cup titties barely being held back by her bra. I had been friends with Trish for about 3 years before this, and she had always known I had a bit of a thing for her. She was about 5'9", short cut black hair, pretty cute face, but what really got me was her size. Trish was definitely what you'ld call a BBW, she had to weight at least 250 pounds or more for her belly to be as jiggly as hers was; however, a good portion...

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Removing the offending part

100% fiction! Barry sat watching her as she sat opposite him, his jaw dropped, the words washing over him like a stream over a rock; his ears hissed his blood ran cold, he knew it was his entire fault. He alone had started the job, He couldn’t understand the details she was telling him, and he was numb. What his choices were, she was explaining, well he just couldn't really take in. He knew she would patiently explain it again, she would have too! He felt faint. Perhaps first I should explain;...

4 years ago
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My Moms Obsession with Me

My Moms Obsession with MeI’m 24 now, and I’ve never told this to anyone. I want to tell it now, and get it out. I’m sitting at my mom’s personal computer so I can write down what all happened. Sometimes I remember more things, and now I can go back and insert them in the story at the right time they happened. I don’t want my wife to know I’m writing this, so I’m doing this at mom’s house.Dad left her years ago. A lot happened.Mom and I had a personal secret. I was about 11 when I remember it...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 3

The next morning I got up and took a shower. I took a long sniff of my fingers before climbing in, enjoying one last moment of Linda’s scent. Then once I got dressed, I went downstairs to clean up Scout. I had done little more than open all the doors and the rear hatch before I felt arms around my waist and Holly saying “Good morning Fairbough.” I returned her hug, and then she stepped back and examined my car. “Well, I knew something was up when you got home,” she said, with a smirk on her...

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