A Night Of Comfort free porn video

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Author’s Note: It has been a long time since I wrote my first story. Life tends to get in the way. But here I am, and I hope you, the readers, will like this story. Also, a hat tip to Robertdoc and MeanBlackJack. They are the authors who’ve inspired me to write.

As always, a writer craves feedback. Please rate the story and send in your comments, regardless of whether you like it or not. Anyway, on to the story.


‘Daniel!’ She called as she wore her earrings. ‘How much time do we have to reach the event?’

‘We should leave in 15 minutes if we are to reach on time Ms. Strahovski’

‘It’s Yvonne’, she gently admonished, smiling as she did so.

Five years Daniel Wright had been her personal bodyguard/driver/friend, and he had never called her Yvonne, the consummate professional that he was. Always punctual, always alert, she’d come to rely on him, and trusted him implicitly. He was a good friend too. A man of measured words, she could count on him for an honest opinion on whatever she asked him. She remembered him averting his eyes from her for a week after her first appearance on ‘Dexter’ and she knew why. And even though she felt bad afterwards, she couldn’t help but tease him, asking him if everything was alright with the most innocent face she could muster everytime she saw him look away as if she was evil.

‘Ms. Strahovski? Ms. Strahovski?’

That broke her out of her reverie. ‘We should leave. It’s almost… time’, he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Daniel was staring with an open mouth, once again trying hard to look away, but not really succeeding. She’d worn a simple midnight blue dress, but paired that with lighter, robin’s egg blue earrings, and an elegant, yet unostentatious sapphire necklace. The whole ensemble matched and brought out her clear blue eyes wonderfully.

‘Almost, Daniel. Gimme a minute. And it’s Yvonne.’ she grinned, not missing the way he was looking at her. She liked to push his buttons. He always liked to be on time, at times he was a bit compulsive even, and although she was fond of this habit, it was funny seeing him pace as she took her time, finally pushing a stray lock of hair behind her ears as she stood up and said, ‘Let’s go Mr. OCD’, smiling smugly while she did so.

They were going to a small party organized for the Dexter cast and crew by the producers as a celebration of the show’s ending. They had all put in a lot of effort, and even though the finale had polarized some of the viewership, she was very happy with what they’d achieved. She had initially thought it would be difficult for her to enter a show that was settled, had received critical acclaim, and with a cast that had gelled together very well, but they’d given her a warm welcome, and the past 2 years had been fantastic, albeit tiring. She was looking forward to celebrating and letting her hair down after the gruelling past few months.

The drive wasn’t too long, and since it was a low-key affair, Daniel had agreed that backup would not be necessary. Even though her fame had risen considerably once she joined Dexter, she’d never felt the need for any extra security measures. Daniel had been more than up to the task, and she hadn’t faced any untoward incidents. They reached on time, and as usual, Daniel kept an appropriate distance, enough to give her privacy to talk, while keeping her in sight so he could reach her immediately. It was an enjoyable evening. Yvonne got to meet her co-stars as well as the cast from previous seasons. The do lasted around 4-5 hours, and it was late by the time they got out, and Yvonne was feeling slightly tipsy. Daniel was there within seconds, escorting her to the car, and it was then that it happened.

A glint of steel that he caught from the corner of his eyes, aimed at his side. On pure reflex, he moved, although not fast enough, as the blade grazed his abdomen. He let out a grunt, trying to shield Yvonne. The attacker recovered. He could tell it was a woman. A crazed fan probably. The blade glinted with Daniel’s blood. He could feel the pain at the point where the knife had cut into his skin. He gingerly felt it. It was a flesh wound, not much of a hindrance. He’d taken on stronger combatants while having suffered more severe injuries. The assailant’s eyes kept moving towards Yvonne, and he could sense the deep hatred in them. He moved in front of Yvonne, making sure his eyes conveyed that she would have to go through him in order to harm Yvonne. She raced to attack, knife thrust forward, but Daniel was too quick. He caught hold of her arm, and wrung it, forcing her to drop the knife as she screamed in pain.

He let go, saying in a calm yet menacing manner, ‘Leave now, and Yvonne may consider not filing charges against you. If you don’t, I am not averse to breaking a few bones before handing you over to the police’. Her ego couldn’t take the humiliation, and she charged forward in a frenzy, arms flailing. Daniel, although, was counting on it. Once again moving with reflexes honed from years of practice, he evaded her, used the momentum of the attack against her, and tackled the assailant to the ground. He pinned her there and removed her ski mask, but soon as he did that, she went berserk.

‘You ruined Dexter! The day you entered the series was the beginning of the end for Dexter! I hate you! Dexter doesn’t deserve you, you bitch! Let me go! I’m going to kill her! I haven’t seen a worse actress in my life! A tree can emote better…’

‘SHUT UP!’ Daniel roared, keeping her pinned to the ground as she struggled. The cops had already been called, but when he saw Yvonne, his heart ached. She had just slumped to the ground, and looked lifelessly into the distance . Making sure the lunatic was restrained, Daniel went to her side, and wrapped her in his arms. No sooner had he done so than she broke down completely. The detective who’d arrived a few minutes later wanted a statement, but he silently implored him to do so after. He understood, but gestured for tomorrow. Daniel nodded and focused back on consoling Yvonne. He slowly helped her up, all the while whispering comforting words to her and leading her to the car.

The drive back home was luckily uneventful, and even though she had stopped crying, he could hear the occasional sob and see the occasional tear wiped away from her eyes. He’d never seen her this weak. In the 5 years he’d worked for her, Yvonne had always been a cheerful spirit. Always with a smile on her face and an active participant in practical jokes, to him, Yvonne was the symbol of pixie-ish charm, even though she was quite tall at 5’11’. To see her like this pained him.

‘And all because of that fucking loony’ he whispered to himself.

‘Ms. Strahovski? We’ve reached home.’

‘Huh? Oh. ok. Thanks Daniel.’ It was the first time she hadn’t corrected him, and that told him the state she was in. He went inside after her, and looked around the living room for a couch he could crash on. He was not going to leave her alone in the state she was in. He grimaced as he plopped himself down on the couch, remembering the wound from before. He bandaged himself up and went upstairs, looking for Yvonne. He found her in her room, knees folded up to her chest and her chin between them. She saw him and tried to hide the fact that she was crying, but the traces of tears on her cheeks betrayed her.

‘Hey Daniel… Thank you. For saving my life. For everything. I don’t know what I would… God why is there blood on your shirt??!!’ She cried in alarm as her eyes moved downward.

‘It’s nothing Ms. Strahovski. Minor wound. I’ve patched it up already. You know you can’t take what the lunatic said seriously right? She’s unhinged. You can’t possibly think…’

‘But what if she’s right Daniel? What if I ruined Dexter? I keep telling myself that I did a good job, but I’ve seen the message boards. I’ve seen the ratings. What if I’m not a good actress and…’ Her tears resumed as she broke down a

He closed the gap between them in seconds and enveloped her once again in his arms. ‘Shh… It’s ok. You’re a great actress. Don’t think about what the trolls on the internet say. Your fans far outweigh the trolls. How do you think they managed to get so many signatures to extend Chuck? Not once, not twice, but three times! 3 times! I haven’t heard of any other show who has such dedicated fans. And why do you think they loved the show? Because of Adam, and Zach, and most importantly, you, Yvonne. You.’

It was the first time he’d called her Yvonne, and if she was being honest with herself, the breathy, almost devoted way in which he said it sent butterflies through her stomach. As she looked up and into those green eyes, she was sorely tempted to throw caution to the wind and seal his lips to hers. But he took away that temptation by taking the initiative himself. He leaned in, closed the distance between them, and gently placed a kiss on her lips, silently asking for permission.

As he withdrew, she looked in his eyes, and she recollected all the times he’d been there for her. Always treating her with utmost respect. Always available to talk to, even though he never opened up much despite her persistence. Always managing to make her smile with his deadpan wit. She smiled at that memory as a tear slid down her eyes, and knew what she was about to do, she should’ve done a long time ago. She kissed him back, gentle yet insistent.

Daniel’s heart was hammering a mile a minute when he kissed her. It was a shot in the dark. He had fallen for her a long time ago, observing her at various events. Apart from her penchant for practical jokes and spritely energy, the thing that he was attracted to the most was that she was kind. And her kindness wasn’t causally related to anything. She was kind out of the goodness of her heart, and that just made him want her more. And so when Yvonne kissed him back, his heart soared.

The kiss was gentle. He swiped her lips with his tongue, asking for permission, and she didn’t hesitate. She opened her mouth, and as their tongues met, the intensity of their kiss increased. But Daniel was more focused on pleasuring Yvonne, to make her forget the events of the evening. Breaking the kiss, he went south, kissing her neck, which drew out a sigh from her. That spurred him on. He found that gentle nips on her earlobe and neck drove her crazy, so he concentrated on that, while simultaneously trying to get the both of them naked.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, he stopped, and slowly undid her dress, revealing her beautiful, beautiful breasts. As he slid his hands up her sides, he couldn’t help but marvel how smooth, like a velvety leaf, her skin was. His hands roamed all over her body as his lips tended to her nipple, gentle bites eliciting even more sighs and moans from her. Her hands threaded in his hair as he continued his ministrations, and when she moaned his name for the first time, it drove him crazy. He placed his left hand on her panties, and there was no doubt left as to how wet his actions had made her. They were soaked in pussy juice. He helped her get his panties off, but when he tried to finger her, she closed her legs. He looked up at her questioningly, and she simply said, ‘You’re still clothed.’

He took his clothes off, and once again joined her on the bed. This time, she didn’t resist. He pushed a finger inside her, searching for her clit, all the while leaving a trail of kisses over her unblemished, goddess-like form. He used his other hand to massage her breasts, teasing her nipples, but not exactly touching them. She groaned as he left her hanging. ‘Daniel… please… Don’t tease me. Touch me. pleaaaseeeee!!’

He smiled as he continued to tease and torture her, just one finger flicking her clit, which was not nearly enough considering the state of arousal she was in right now. He claimed her lips once more, but before she could indulge herself, broke away again and bit her near the nape of her neck, marking her, claiming her, yet not showering her with the attention she wanted, nay, needed. She groaned in frustration once more, and this time he relented. He added a second finger inside her, rubbing her sensitive nub as she squirmed in pleasure. He also pinched her nipple, and then latched onto it, feeding on it as if he had been deprived of it for years, as if he was someone starved, and her nipple was his sole source of nourishment.

She was close. Her body had already begun the ascent to the peak of pleasure since he started teasing her, but now that he was positively ravishing her, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm, and her moans let him know too. And just in time, he added a third finger and sucked on her nipple so hard that she couldn’t help but scream her pleasure as her body bucked and thrashed in pleasure underneath him and she came and came.

He removed his fingers from her snatch and brought them up to his lips, tasting her. ‘Delicious’, he said simply, and then kissed her once again, letting her recover from her high temporarily. Temporarily, because he was not done worshipping her yet. Their snogging session lasted a while, passion slowly increasing once again, Yvonne getting revved up once again. She wanted him inside her, but presently, Daniel had other things in mind.

He broke off their kiss and stared into her entrancing blue eyes, whispering, ‘Beautiful!’, before going down on her. He was determined to eat her out like no one had ever before, to give her the most explosive orgasm he could, and to make sure she knew how much he loved her. And it was then that it struck him like a bolt of lightning. He loved her. He stopped, his mind reeling. He loved her. He gently rubbed her smooth, silky, never-ending legs as he pried them open. He loved her. Slowly kissed his way down from her mouth to her neck, to her painfully erect nipples. He loved her. To her taut abdomen, to her navel, and finally to her immensely hot cunt. He loved her.

But he didn’t touch her clit. He teased, kissing the inside of her thighs, ran his hands up and down her legs while he did so, making her writhe, but he didn’t touch her clit.

‘Daniel… Gawd. Touch my clit! Please!’ She wanted him to eat her. She needed him to eat her.

But he wouldn’t give in. No. Instead, he started kissing his way lower, paying all his attention to her legs, but not leaving her clit alone, just one finger gently brushing her labia, enough to torture her but not enough to make her cum.

‘Oh please! please Daniel…’ she sobbed. And when she finally thought that he wasn’t going to listen to her at all, he buried his face in her vagina, gently nuzzling her oversensitive clit. A moment later, he parted her labia with his tongue, slowly pushing it apart, bringing out an extended moan from her which drove him crazy. He licked her petals like he was eating the most delicious ice cream he’d ever tasted. And soon, he even brought his fingers in to help, slowly pushing two of them in while he suckled, nibbled and licked her clit, making her moan and sob evermore. His previous ministrations had already brought her close, but now, with him ravishing her clit, she went positively nuts. She was on the verge of cumming, and her moans increased in volume and desperation. He was ready. He pushed another finger inside, nibbled on her clit with just the little more pressure, and used his free hand to squeeze her boob and pinch her nipple. The sensory overload was more than enough to push her over the top.

‘Oh God! I can’t… Daniel what are you.. Oh Gaaawwwwddd!! I’M CUMMING! CUMMING!!’ She thrashed on the bed, the nerve endings in her entire body exploding like fireworks, the pleasure so immense she feared she might faint, but all else ceased to matter as another wave of pleasure crashed over her, making her forget all her fears and drowning her in ecstasy.

Daniel’s face was soaked in her pussy juice. Once she came down from her high, he rose up and to her lips, and kissed her.
She responded in kind, moaning again as she felt his impossibly hard cock rubbing against her oversensitive slit. Making her cum twice, seeing her bucking in pleasure had him harder than he’d ever been. He teased her yet again, but she wouldn’t have it this time. She wrapped a hand around his dick and guided him to her promised land.

He was gentle, slowly pushing himself in so she could get used to him. He pushed his head in, then withdrew, only to push forward a bit more on his next thrust. Soon, he had his member almost completely inside her, and he couldn’t believe how smolderingly hot and wet her pussy was, and how enticingly it clenched around his dick like a vise, unwilling to let go, eager to milk all the cum out of him. And if that wasn’t enough, when he gazed into her blue eyes, darkened with desire, it was all he could do not to explode right then and there. He knew if he didn’t move, that would happen soon enough.

He pulled out, and in the next thrust, jammed himself inside her completely, his groin colliding with her hips. She moaned and arched her back, feeling stuffed with dick. This gave him the opportunity to attack her collarbone, biting her hard enough to leave a hickey. He then started to move inside her with a steady pace, keeping busy by moving his hands up and down her unbelievably smooth skin, nuzzling her neck, and then moving north to capture her lips. She was unbelievable. She was the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful, most amazing woman he’d been with, and her little sighs and moans drove him crazy enough that soon, he was pounding her like a man possessed, like a man whose sole wish was to be joined forever to the goddess that he saw beneath him, like a man whose sole mission was to bring her pleasure. And bring her pleasure he did.

When Daniel started moving inside her, the feelings that originated from her nether regions left her drenched in such pleasure that she couldn’t stop moaning. She could sense, as if from a distant island, the build up of another orgasm, tiny at the time, but something she couldn’t ignore, like a gentle but incessant knocking at the door, slowly increasing to a hammering until that was the only thing she could feel.

‘Oh God Daniel! Don’t stop! Fuck me, fuck me! Harder! I’m getting closer! Please Daniel don’t stop!!’ Her words punctuated by little ‘Ohs’ in between when he reached rock-bottom inside her. She was getting closer, the familiar feelings rising once again, but magnified this time as his dick cleaved her pussy at a breakneck pace, her moans muffled as he captured her lips. And from the way her clutching cave squeezed his penis, he sensed as well how close she was. To push her over the edge, he brought one hand down to her crotch and started furiously diddling her clit, while his other hand pinched and squeezed her nipple hard, all the while kissing her so her moans were repressed. And it worked.

She went off like a rocket, bucking under him, her pussy gushing all over his cock, squeezing him, and since he hadn’t cum at all, it was too much. He couldn’t hold back either, giving one final thrust, grinding his crotch against hers, pushing his dick as deep as it would go before letting loose a torrent of cum. He jerked spasmodically as he came, slowing his thrusts before carefully lowering himself on her, and adroitly turning them so she was on top.

As he pulled out, they both let out a sigh, spent but sated. Normally, he could’ve gone once more. But nothing about the night’s events had been normal. He was still worried about Yvonne, but he was determined to be there for her, so that they could get through this together. Or at least he hoped. His mind started wandering, but his body was exhausted, and soon enough, sleep claimed him.

Yvonne had similar feelings coursing through her. He’d been there for her. Always had. And even now, lying in the crook of his arm, resting her head on his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat made her feel so safe. She liked the feeling. Smiling to herself, she got up, rummaged through their discarded clothes, and put on Daniel’s shirt, and laid back down beside him, pulling the comforter over them. But she wasn’t prepared for when Daniel, who was already half-asleep, kissed the top of her forehead, gently rubbed her back, and said, ‘Goodnight Yvonne. I love you’.

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

2 years ago
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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

4 years ago
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A Fathers Comfort

His rough hands were wrapped around his solid cock. The veins protruding from the underside of his shaft seemed never ending as his hands flew up and down. His head was leaned back and his mouth was left slightly open as he grunted. His noises of pleasure filled the air, I knew I should walk away but for some reason I couldn't. I stayed rooted to the spot, my eyes drawn to the precum bubbling on the tip of his erection. Nature was telling me to take it, to lick it, to taste it. My instincts...

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Knight of Passion

Knight of PassionAlone in her tower, Princess Mariella could hear the sounds of battle coming from below. Out of her window, she could see down into the courtyard of her prison, the tall stone spire that had confined her for close to five years now. Far below, the cobblestones were streaked with scorch marks, long black lines of soot that crisscrossed the ground and spread up the walls. She felt tears welling in her eyes. The poor knight.He wasn't the first person who'd come to rescue her. She...

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Knight and Dey 1 First Day of a Second Life

Knight and Dey 1: First Day of a Second Life By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "All right, crew, eyes forward!" the police sergeant ordered the three officers under his command. "Every year, somebody tries to show off by riding to school in an unauthorized manner. Specifically, down Bleaker's Hill!" and he pointed at the very steep hill in front of the two men and a woman. "It is our job to catch the perpetrator, and to make an example of him! This school will be highly...

1 year ago
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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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Knight Errant

Knight Errant 1. Argument "Sophie, you must do as I say - I command you to obey me!" Sophie flashed anger and then smiled sweetly at the young Knight. "Peter, you have always tried to order me about ... Even as children, when we played together, you always wanted to be in charge ..." "Sophie, - I am in charge - I am master of this castle, and you are my prisoner!" "Peter, you know very well that you are too soft-hearted to lock me in your dungeon ... It was your brother,...

4 years ago
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Hermiones Sex Adventures 1 Hagirds Comfort

It had already gotten late and she was the only person left in the common room after both Harry and Ron had gone up to bed after a heated debate about who’s cock was bigger! Hermione acted as though she had not been listening in on their conversation because she shouldn’t have but she couldn’t help but listen to her two best friends talk about their cocks! She was 14 and was growing massive feelings for cocks and boys! She had already charmed her dildo to fuck her a few nights previous and...

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Southern Comfort

Introduction: A FICTIONAL accounting of a guy who gets off impregnating girls, gets the chance of a lifetime. Go ahead and call me a sick and perverted bastard. But just remember, not one single living soul was damaged in any way during the writing of this story. ITS FICTION, PEOPLE!!! So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. Shed been sitting on the edge of her...

3 years ago
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An Act of Comfort

Mike had just turned sixteen the year his older sister Mandy had her heart broken by her boyfriend and he felt terrible for her. He adored his sister and she him. They had spent so much time together that it raised many eyebrows in the community including those of their parents. It seemed as though they were constantly explaining that they just enjoyed each others company.Mike and Mandy would only laugh when they heard stories of other siblings fighting constantly and that could barely...

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Maid for Comfort

MAID FOR COMFORT-Part 1 By Hajim Having recently ended a pretty stormy relationship,I was at somewhat of a loose end. I was bored at work and had only a few friends;I had always been interested in all kinds of sex-the kinkier the better! Ihad loved being tied up by one of my ex-boyfriends but when I asked him tobeat me before fucking me, he had spat the dummy and said I was too weird forhim and that was the end of that. I had had my nipples pierced and loved tohang heavy weights on them...

1 year ago
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Instinct and Comfort

#70 "Storm" Gibbs sat in the car for fifteen minutes before he screwed up the courage to lock up the car and enter the building. He'd never done this before, visiting DiNozzo when he needed comfort. Sure he'd been here to check up on his senior agent quite a few times, but never when he was the one who needed a shoulder. He probably could have gone to Ducky but that wouldn't have been right. He wanted to be here. Whatever came of it. He started to knock on the door but then just used his...

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Knight Owl and Black Hawk

It was a night like any other winter night in the City of Brockton. The snow was falling gently, the wind was light almost non-existent as two vigilantes keep a silent watch together over their fair city. Brockton used to be a nice city, it was once the ‘Shoe Capitol of the World’. The City of Champions, as its downtrodden citizens called it. Brockton was the birthplace of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler. It seemed to everyone living in the towns adjacent to Brockton that...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 20

For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...

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Knight and Dey 2 Top Dog

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...

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Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...

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Knight and Dey 4 What Kind of Friend

Knight and Dey 4: What Kind of Friend? By Ron Dow75 Vice Principal Weatherwax and Mr. Knight were out talking by the man-sized hole in the high fence the separated the front yard from everything else around the blue Four Square style house. Behind them was a red-and-blue striped tent that covered most of the back yard, right up to the hillside. In a light so dim it would be darkness to others, a teen with shoulder-length dark hair, stood in bare feet on a trapeze...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 29 Back To Camelot

Grace, Kim and I had a nice long chat and decided to take the twins with us to return to Camelot to see if we could locate the missing cheerleaders. I didn't have any evidence that we would find them other that a nagging need to try. We called the twins into my den and sat down to talk with them. I had to convince them that what they were about to hear would be hard to believe but they had to accept it on blind faith. I started out, "Girls, you remember the cave you saw on your...

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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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I kept up pounding in and out of her, as she yelled at the top of her voice, watching her dig her nails into the bed. I knew if I pulled out of her now it would either kill her or drive her over the edge and the thought stayed on my mind, and I made it up quickly. I pulled my dick out of her and watched as she collapsed down onto the bed. “Why the HELL did you do that? I was about to cum!” “You know you liked it, babe” “No, I hate it when you do that, now shove your dick back in me and fuck...

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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It was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...

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Knightly Encounter

The day of the jousting tournament started with bright sunshine and a warm gentle breeze. I was sitting along the side of my father, the Lord of the Manor. When suddenly my eyes caught sight of a knight, in shining armour, sitting astride a magnificent black horse. He came to where I was seated and held out his lance, I then proceeded to tie my kerchief to the end. Off he rode to the starting position. When my father dropped his kerchief to signal the start, the knight’s horse reared and...

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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

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Nightshift Compensations

She knew she shouldn’t be doing it as she crept towards their bedroom but with her daughter at school and Tony deep in the arms of Morpheus it was a too good a chance to miss.  Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound.  She wasn’t sure what would happen once she reached the edge of the bed.  Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but she had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and the thought of being rejected absolutely terrified her, but she was willing to take the...

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Midnights Embrace

  Midnights Embrace      In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired.    There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter...

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Knightly Adventure

It’s dark as you look out into the night. Your small cramped room illuminated by the soft glow of the candle light. It had been a rough fourteen years you went through to train. You had almost given up hope during your trials of knighthood, but you persisted and ended up here. In a cramped servants quarters in Hevidish Castle that stinks of filth and smoke. Your life had never been an easy one. You were born into a peasant family. Your mother had died giving birth to you. It hit your father...

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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...

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Nightshift at St Peters Hospital

All was quiet in the halls of St Peter's Hospital. I had just made my final rounds for the night and headed to the breakroom. I was hoping to shut my eyes for just a few minutes and gain enough energy for Mr. Le Blanc's 4 am visit. Mr. Le Blanc had been a my patient on the fourth floor for 2 weeks now. He had been admitted to the hospital for injuries he sustained in a car accident. Tomorrow he was to be discharged at noon. So I had to try and make my move soon. Mr. Le Blanc was 34 year old,...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.

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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

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Nightout Mei Wife Ke Friend Ki Sath Hua Jordar Palag Tod Sex

My id is Sb couple ek bar jarur pde…maaja ayeg…sachii kahani meri jubani apne reviews jarur dee…taki new story or share karsaku…especillay couple,girls,ladies….Or land bhi lol Ye bat kuch 1week pehle ki hai,mei meri wife or wife ki friend or uska husband humne nightout ka plan banaya sab set hogaya, hum 2-3 din se pehle se exited the ,kyoki is baar hum drinks ka bhi program rakhne wale the, Mei bata du meri wife mast figure 32*34*32 dusky color sexy adaye jaise 1 mast bhabi mei hoti hai...

2 years ago
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Knightly Affections VII

Daniel wove through the crowded hall, acknowledging guests and courtiers, exchanging pleasantries and well wishes all the while focusing on Sir John who was engaged in conversation with the Duke and Duchess of Clarington. As Daniel sidled up to John, the Duke, a rather flagrant and boisterous boot-licker, launched into a flattery strewn tribute to the prince which amused John to no end. He knew of Daniel’s distaste for insincerity and false praise. But being the honoree made one prone to such...

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