A Touch Of Death Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Candice Kane had her trials: her name, her ex, and his new skank of a wife. That, she could handle. Then a dead body forced her to confront the family curse she’d hidden from everyone, the visions that plagued her if she touched something associated with strong emotion.

The police didn’t believe it was murder. Only she knew the truth. Then the town’s bad boy showed up, added attraction to the danger she was facing. Could she find a killer and hide her secret?


Chapter One

The rising sun gently caressed the mountains west of Lake Tahoe with bright fingers. It revealed their stony grandeur in a blaze of glory that hardly relieved the gloom on the beach as I ran. The temperature was just starting to nudge up from the upper thirties. That was Lake Tahoe summers for you. You got enjoyable warm days and bitingly cold nights.

I was so busy enjoying the view that I almost missed the man floating face up in the shallows. I skidded to a halt in surprise, my braided red hair swinging wildly at the sudden change in momentum.

My breath fogged the air around me as I stared in shock, but his breath didn’t. The water was cold enough to kill and he was just floating in it.

I looked around franticly for help. The tall pine trees to my right shielded the still sleeping town of Angel’s Point from my sight. It was almost as if I was alone in the wilderness. I had my doubts about a little slip of a woman like myself being able to pull a full-grown man out of the water, but given when and where I was, I didn’t have much of a choice.

The water felt ice cold as I ran to the man’s side. My running sweats were instantly soaked. In the growing light, I could see his wide eyes staring off into infinity. I could also see that he wasn’t breathing.

I grabbed his black windbreaker at the neck and pulled him toward the shore with all my might. He moved a few inches, his body scraping along the shallow bottom. I grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled again.

That brought me into water only a few inches deep. One more heave and I’d have his head and shoulders on the beach. I renewed my grip on his collar and pulled. Something coldly metallic kissed my left hand and I fell heavily on my butt at the rim of the beach. I had a moment to blink at the small medallion on a chain around his neck before I was plunged into darkness.

It took a moment to recognize what I was seeing. It was a vision and I had no choice but to ride it out to the end. There was no breaking the hold of the curse.

I was standing on a dock looking out over Lake Tahoe at night. Well, technically the man was standing there but the only thoughts in my head were mine. I might have to ride his emotions, but his thoughts were absent. Thank God.

An overhead light shed an eerie glow, but didn’t fully dispel the disquieting darkness around me. There was a cabin cruiser moored to my right. I could barely make out part of the boat’s name emblazoned on the white hull – ‘something Valkyrie.’

The view over the lake was a familiar one for me. I saw almost this exact view from my bedroom window at the Lodge. But this wasn’t the Lodge’s dock. That left only the dock at Angel’s Point Inn on the other end of the mile-long stretch of beach from the Lodge.

I wanted to look around – no, I _wanted_ to turn around and run. Alas, neither of those things was going to happen. At this point, the man was providing all my sensory input. I could only see what the man had seen, and I could only sense what he felt at that moment. The overwhelming emotion that I tasted was his anger. If I was lucky, I might get a clue as to why he had been so angry.

I couldn’t just keep thinking of him as ‘the man.’ That never felt right when I had a vision. John Doe was better. True, too.

Behind me, I heard a creak of wood. It might be the sound a boat rubbing against the dock. I knew it wasn’t, but I could always hope.

I strained to hear anything more, but only normal sounds from the lake greeted me. That didn’t fool me. I knew someone had quietly walked up behind me and was standing there in silence.

John didn’t bother turning around. His voice was well articulated and colored by irritation. ‘I told you I’m not going to stop, so you might as well…’

The sudden kick behind John’s left knee was a surprise to both of us. He fell heavily and his wrist flared with pain as he landed heavily on it. Before he could struggle, strong fingers grabbed his hair and slammed his head into something hard.

Pain exploded like a supernova across my consciousness. I knew it wasn’t mine, but that didn’t lessen the impact one bit. Everything began swirling darkly around me.

John’s neck began to burn with pain, but his body went strangely numb. No, not numb… absent. He couldn’t seem to breathe. Panic exploded inside his mind. Mine, too.

John’s attacker grabbed the collar of his jacket and dragged him to the edge of the pier. There was a brief sensation of falling and then cold, dark water blotted out John’s vision. No matter how hard he tried, his arms and legs wouldn’t move and he sank into the frigid water.

I felt cold sand against my cheek – _my_ cheek, not his. I opened my eyes. I’d fallen onto my side above John. The vision had ended.

Passing out wasn’t a normal side effect of a vision – not that anything about this could be considered normal – but they weren’t usually this powerful either. I took a deep breath and tried to sit up, but my body refused to cooperate.

The damned visions just wouldn’t leave me alone. They made me different from everyone else and I hated that. I saw things and felt emotions that weren’t mine. They were strong and sometimes more painful than I could stand.

I should’ve known better than to touch a stranger’s things. I _knew_ I had to be careful. Strong emotion could imprint itself onto something a person was holding or touching. Metal like that worked all too damned well as a storage device, no matter how long ago the event.

Normally, I only saw other people’s quarrels, joys, and everything in between. This time I’d seen murder and I couldn’t seem to think.

Strong hands interrupted my fuzzy thoughts as they grabbed my shoulder and rolled me onto my back. I screamed. At least my voice worked.

A man’s face loomed over me, dark, curly hair clinging close to his scalp. Opaque obsidian eyes burned with worry.

‘It’s okay,’ he said. ‘I won’t hurt you.’

He wore a dark leather jacket, a plain black T-shirt, and jeans. His shoulders were wide, and his waist was trim. The tight shirt highlighted his well-defined abdominal muscles. I shouldn’t have looked but they were right there sitting in plain sight.

It took a moment before I recognized him. His name was Tyrone Walker. We’d gone to high school together. My mother warned me about boys like him. I pressed her for more details eagerly. She told me firmly to steer clear of him. She told me he was dangerous and after watching him from afar, I decided she was right.

He’d been a dark and mysterious figure that rode a motorcycle and had girls dancing around him. They swarmed like moths drawn to a flame. The whispered gossip my friends had passed around about him had both excited and terrified me.

I’d longed to ask him out and see for myself, but I chickened out. However, he did feature prominently in a number of quiet, late-night fantasies. After graduation, he joined the Navy and disappeared from Angel’s Point.

‘Tyrone Walker?’ I asked. ‘What are you doing here?’ Well, that certainly made me sound like an idiot. The damned vision had really taken it out of me.

He bli
nked in surprise.

‘Call me Ty,’ he said automatically. ‘Are you okay?’

I struggled to think of a safe, plausible explanation for collapsing and only came up with one that didn’t make me sound like a kook. I’d have to go with the weak, girly excuse, as much as I hated people thinking of me like that. This sucked.

‘I… I must’ve fainted.’ I struggled to a sitting position and stared at the body. ‘I’ve never…’

The explanation, as much as it torqued me, satisfied his worry for me. He slipped his jacket around my shoulders, making me suddenly aware I was shivering, and helped me stagger up the beach. I sat heavily in the dry sand and pulled the warm jacket tightly around me. Ty returned to John and started checking him.

‘You’re Candice Kane, right?’ Ty asked. He sounded like he wasn’t convinced he remembered the right name. I couldn’t blame him. Candy Kane sounded like a gag. One becomes resigned to the jokes and teasing after a while. Mom swears Dad slipped it past her while she was still recovering after giving birth to me. Knowing my dad, it’s probably true.

Frankly, I was astounded he remembered my name. ‘I like Candy better. You remember me?’

The corner of his mouth quirked up as those dark eyes glanced up at me. ‘How many five foot tall redheads could there be in Angel’s Point? Believe me, no one that’s seen you once would forget.’

He felt John’s neck and shook his head. The dawn had finally reached the beach and I took a good look at John. He was dressed in soaked jeans, a dark blue sweater, and a black windbreaker. One foot had a brown loafer but the other was bare. It was difficult to judge his age but he couldn’t have been over forty.

‘No joy. I’d say he’s been in the water for at least several hours, if not all night,’ Ty said, looking up at me again. ‘His name is Steven Armstrong. Something hit him hard on the side of his skull. I’d say his neck is broken.’

My mouth dropped open. He’d more or less described my vision and he knew the guy’s name, too.

‘How do you know all that?’ I demanded when I could finally speak.

‘Let’s just say that he’s not the first dead body I’ve seen pulled out of the water.’ He stood and brushed sand off his pants.

I didn’t know how to respond to that. I forced myself to focus. ‘We need to call the Sheriff’s Department.’

‘I called them on my cell when I saw what you were pulling out of the lake.’ The corner of his mouth quirked up again. ‘I expect they won’t be too pleased with me hanging up on them.’

‘They do tend to get worked up about things like that,’ I agreed. I rubbed the bridge of my nose tiredly. ‘I didn’t see you. Where were you hiding?’

He pointed at the trees between the beach and the highway. ‘I came out here before dawn and was sitting in the trees watching the sun hit the mountains. I saw you coming but I’m ashamed to say I missed the dead body in the dark water. That was incredibly careless of me. I shouldn’t have left you with the burden of finding something like this.’

It took a moment but I finally decided he was being serious. Men. Who could understand them? We couldn’t change the past. Life only went forward.

‘How did you know his name?’ I asked, nodding toward Armstrong.

Ty considered the man expressionlessly. ‘I work for him. That should be past tense, I suppose.’

‘Doing what?’

Ty shrugged. ‘He hired me to help raise a ship from the south end of the lake. The S.S. Tahoe, a ship that used to make the circuit of the lake before there were roads. Her owners intentionally sunk her back in 1940. Armstrong wanted to get her afloat, restore her, and turn her into a floating museum.’

I nodded. ‘The local paper said something about divers going down to it. I seem to remember that it was so deep they couldn’t stay more than a few minutes and it was dangerous as hell. How can you recover something like that?’

‘Armstrong bought a special deep diving suit from Canada. That’s where I come in. I trained in something similar in the Navy. I’m supposed to go down and secure the lifts to the hull and they’ll fill them with air and lift the ship.’

If Ty thought having a normal conversation next to a dead man was odd, he didn’t mention it. With the memory of his death still coloring my emotions, I gratefully seized upon this segue into normality.

We didn’t have time to say anything else before I heard a siren wailing in the distance. Ty stood up, brushed the sand from his knees, and took a couple of steps toward the tree-shrouded highway. I slowly followed.

A sheriff’s Deputy, Andy Milbank, came trotting out of the trees and took the scene in quickly. He ran to the body and made the same assessment that Ty and I had already made. Like ours, his didn’t take more than a few seconds. He stood up and murmured into the microphone clipped to the shoulder of his uniform. It didn’t matter that it was too soft for me to make out the words. It was probably in police-speak anyway.

I’d known Andy since we were kids. A year younger than me, he’d made the ritual passes at me during high school, and had taken my polite no with good grace. In a town of four thousand, I ran into him frequently, but never during something like this.

He had his cop face on, all professional and dispassionate. ‘This is a part of the job I could live without,’ he said. He nodded at me. ‘Candy.’ He raised an eyebrow at Ty. ‘You look familiar but I can’t place the face.’

‘Tyrone Walker.’ Ty offered his hand.

A look of recognition dawned in Andy’s eyes. ‘Angel Point’s own James Dean. Welcome home, prodigal son.’ Andy shook Ty’s hand. Then he gestured to John, or rather Steven Armstrong.

‘Dispatch said a man called this in. Was that you?’ Ty nodded. ‘Dispatch is plenty peeved with you for hanging up on them. What happened here?’

Ty went first. I was grateful to have to time to order my thoughts. Andy jotted our statements down in his notebook in just a few minutes.

I wished I could have given him something more solid than my public story. Even if I could’ve mentioned the vision, it didn’t provide any details about the identity of the killer – other than the fact the victim seemed to know his killer. A fact I was sure the Sheriff’s Department would quickly ferret out.

The only nudge I could give him was where I thought Armstrong went into the lake. The sluggish current along the beach did run from the north, as the body and my vision proved. Andy didn’t look convinced, but he did pass my hunch on through the radio. There was probably little evidence anyway, so I hoped they would get someone to the dock before a boater messed up the crime scene.

By the time we finished going through our stories another Sheriff’s Deputy and a couple of guys in a Coroner’s van had pulled up behind Andy’s car. The other Deputy brought me a blanket. I tried to return Ty’s jacket but he waved my gesture away.

I was starting to wonder what I should do now when Andy returned from his patrol car.

‘Senior Deputy Cooper’s at the dock,’ He said. ‘He’d like you to join him.’ I knew Cooper well enough. I’d known him since he’d first come to Angel’s Point twenty years ago. As the top man around here, he’d be in charge during the investigation. I wasn’t sure if that was good news because I thought he was a little unimaginative.

I shrugged and nodded. I needed to see my part of this through. Ty joined me in the back of the patrol car. As I buckled in, I gave him a look. I’d never been in the back of a police car before, but I bet he’d had more than a few trips in one. That would just fit his reputation.

Ty smiled briefly at me. ‘This is nice. It’s so new it doesn’t smell like drunken tourists. That’s real classy.’

‘Do you have much experience with cop cars and drunken tourists?’ I asked, amused.

‘Well, I have been a tourist, and I do have a lot of experience with the back seats of cars. Some were police cars.’ He
waggled his eyebrows at me. ‘Some weren’t.’ When I just grinned and shook my head, he asked, ‘In any case, does that count?’

I considered making a smart reply, but opted for ladylike silence instead. From his expression, I gathered I wasn’t too successful but he let it pass for the half-mile drive to the Inn.

The Fletchers built the Angel’s Point Inn some thirty years ago. When my ex, Calvin Bender, and his new wife Dora had taken over management from her parents three years ago, they carried the modern concept to what I saw as a distasteful extreme. Their remodeling was all glass, chrome, brass, and sharp angles. It looked so modern now that I couldn’t stand it. It was very out of place here in rustic Angel’s Point. Anyone who found this monstrosity pretty had all their taste in their mouth.

Yet, somehow, the redesign of the Inn had gotten all the requisite approvals and in the Lake Tahoe basin that was supposed to be difficult. I darkly suspected bribery every chance I could.

My mother said I was just letting my distaste for Calvin and Dora color my opinions. I disagreed, though I had plenty of reason to dislike Calvin and Dora.

Our marriage had been a short one. I caught Calvin on our couch with Dora less than a month after our honeymoon. Those who said our divorce was acrimonious were guilty of gross understatement. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was less divisive. Frankly, if it weren’t for the total support of my family and the fact I loved Kane Lodge, I probably would’ve left Angel’s Point.

Marrying Calvin had been a mistake. Everyone warned me what a slug he was but I refused to listen. Dora, on the other hand, I knew would do anything to hurt me. She’d made school a living hell when we were growing up. This wasn’t something she picked up from her parents, either. Her mom and dad were nice people, and kept the competition between our families from becoming personal. We’d even had dinner every couple of months until they retired to Hawaii.

Dora settled on a scorched earth policy for dealing with me in middle school and thereafter. I suppose seducing my brand new husband and wooing the two-timing bastard during the divorce was the ultimate in slap-in-the-face rivalry by the overly made up skank.

I took a deep breath and forced those thoughts from my mind. Calvin and Dora would have to take their turn. I tried to open the door when the car pulled to a stop, but the handle didn’t work. Duh! It was a police car.

Andy let us out and escorted us around the outside of the Inn. That was good. With any luck, I’d be gone before Calvin or Dora cornered me. I wanted to see them less than the dead body.

Deputy Cooper stood about halfway down the dock looking out over the water with his hands in his pockets. He wasn’t much to look at, with an unfortunate comb-over and a belly like a walrus. He waved for us to join him.

‘Morning, Deputy Cooper,’ I said when we drew close.

He took off his uniform cap and used his handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Even in the cool temperatures, he was sweating. ‘Miss Kane, I’m sorry you had to find such a terrible thing.’

‘Unlike Mister Armstrong, I’ll get over it,’ I said. I heard Ty chuckle at my dark humor.

‘You were right,’ Cooper said. ‘I’m pretty sure he went into the water right here.’

Crime scene tape sealed off several of the knee-high pilings and something dark stained the wood on one. I swallowed heavily.

‘Is that blood?’ I asked, my stomach feeling queasy.

‘Looks to be,’ Cooper agreed with a nod. ‘We’ll get some samples and send them off to the County seat. It looks like he hit pretty hard. I figure it stunned him and he fell into the water and drowned.’

I nodded. The fact that Armstrong had a broken neck would come out sooner or later. The challenge was going to be figuring out how to steer Cooper toward the fact that it wasn’t an accident.

‘But that’s not all,’ he continued. ‘Look at this.’ He pointed at a smeared streak on the planks near the stained piling. ‘Grease. It suggests how things might have happened.’

‘Um…’ I said delicately. ‘Isn’t it too soon to be saying that? You need to look at everything first, don’t you? Like on _CSI: New York_?’

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Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, November 17th, 2014 – Svitlana "Lana" Paquet-Holub – Seattle, WA I smiled at the beautiful face of my sleeping daughter. Lily was in her crib, swaddled in a pink blanket. Carrying Lily to term had been a wonderful, trying, tedious, amazing, uncomfortable, loving, and exciting experience. It was all worth it to bring forth my darling daughter. My wife, Chantelle, leaned against me, staring down at her. Lily was a miracle. A daughter born...

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Full Metal Deathmatch

Lights high above you cast a flickering half-light across the crowd, the heavy bars, the oil-stained concrete. Two hulking shadows stand, immobile, across from each other. There is a bewildering pattern of sound throughout the arena: the hum of power cells, the hiss of coolant, occasional sparks, and of course the charged anticipation of the crowd. The hi-beams flick on, and in an instant the two frames are on the move. The sounds of machinery are completely drowned by the immediate roar that...

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?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are amused when they watch horrible scenes The show of death. ?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good...

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Journal entry #1 It's been years since I slept after the sun goes down. Nobody knows where they came from but they feed on sleepers at night. You sleep during the day. You work at night. Farmers have the worst of it, but a lot can be done by the headlights of a tractor. I'm Karl. Karl Green. I've always been good with mechanical things and I capitalized on it. I'm a machinist, and I've a fair hand at MIG welding too. I live in Sidney, Iowa. It's in the far south west corner of the...

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Copyright© 1976 THREE MORE VANISH; FOGEY GANG ACTIVITY ON THE RISE New York (Yelopress/ASP) A spokesman for the DEFA today released details of the disappearance of three adult males, all in their early 20s. Missing and presumed dead are Daniel Tompkins, James Rivington, and Jacob Astor, all of the notorious Lower East Side sector of New York City known as "Bodysnatchers' Alley." In DEFA custody and undergoing intensive interrogation are two presumed members of the executive council of...

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The Arrest of the Mask of the Red Death

Hi, I’m Jenny, I like to create erotic scenes and characters in order to help me turn on and get off.  I love to enhance and embellish while I lay naked on my futon. My cunt throbbing, my juices flowing and my clit growing,I can feel myself galloping down an old country road at midnight. My legs opened wide by the girth of the saddle. I visualize my rise in the stirrups. My pelvis rocks and I slide up and down the saddle with a superior glide. The friction excites me and the heat lights me.I...

First Time
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On Death

It seems that a number of people around me have recently experienced personal tragedy, sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes in the form or a lingering illness. Their grief and sorrow got me thinking and reminded me of a story told to me by a good friend Tino, who is now a retired minister. ****************** A man and a woman had a child. He was the apple of their eye, and they loved him more than anything else. One day, just shy of this 30th birthday, a drunk driver lost control of his car,...

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Someones Death

A soul passed from earth to somewhere else and the halls are still dark, the hospital still smells of urine, we still laugh and talk over our coffee about sex, old times, and the new conspiracies. The souls come and go. We supervise their shell while their spirit floats away and then we cover them with a sheet, wheel them down the hall, and place them in the morgue. While they die we push drugs into veins, rush around, feel we can stop the whole natural process, do our best to defy God, and...

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Mom After Father8217s Death

My father died when I was 12 years old and after that me and my mom were living in our house alone (my mom has a white skin curly hair she is about 5.5 and her assets are all very huge her boobs size is 38e and 34 hips and 38 ass are her sizes.She has a very calm face with beautiful black eyes) My father when he was 34 years and then my mom was 32 he died in an accident.My mom was a nurse in a private hospital back then and my father was a real estate agent.After my father’s death my mom would...

2 years ago
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Gotta Break Em All part 5 Machampion of death

Such was the case for the Trainers on Route 34. Machoke spotted Campers on both sides of the Route, and moved to the left, while Machop moved to the right. They moved at a steady pace, believing they had not become infamous to anyone outside of Azalea. This was not entirely true, as Team Rocket Grunts did report about a hostile Machop during their attempt to take over Slowpoke Well and Azalea Town. After that initial report, no Grunt in the area managed to report anything new to the...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 The Temple of Death

At first, I thought I was dreaming. How could Zayne Masters be with Eloise de la Zouche? He was at Palakkad Fort awaiting trial. But if it was a dream it was uncannily lifelike. “You are not dreaming Elijah,” Eloise said, reading my mind. “How did I get here? The last I can remember was drinking a glass of --” Realisation then struck me, the drink had been drugged. But by whom, and why. Eloise answered both my spoken and unspoken questions. “When my High Priest arrived at Doctor...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Wagers of Death

Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 3 Going home from Karsakini And Life and Death

Molly dropped to her knees beside Ken as the rest of her medical staff arrived, checking the wound she saw the blade had cut deeply in to the stomach between the esophagus and the duodenum. "Crap, this wound is bad, Nancy how about the side." Nancy Ortiz was examining the stab wound in Ken's side; it was a clean in and out. Grabbing her medical pad, she started scanning him. "I think his lung has been nicked, but I am not sure. Yet!" Nancy waited for the scanner to finish the scan,...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 35 The Emirs Death

Few of the Emirs of Kobekistan ever died in their beds. Most were assassinated, often on behalf of one or other of their sons, who would then ascend to the throne. His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was the subject of several attempts by Crown Prince Mustapha to overthrow him during the next fourteen years, though the young Prince never attempted patricide as a route to the throne. Thus it was that His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was one of the fortunate few Emirs to die...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 40 City of Death

David Granger was driving down highway 80 heading for the 395 interchange when a bright flash lit up the sky behind him. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the huge mushroom cloud forming. "Oh my God," he said. He watched as the pressure wave came boiling out of the mountains and picked up his car. The 1990 Trans Am went flying through the air and over the embankment where it smashed into several parked cars. The fire engulfed the car as it continued moving and it smashed into one of...

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KennedyChapter 3 Kennedy Learns the Facts of Life and Death

Kennedy celebrated her tenth birthday in style with Mr. Glastonbury at a small, hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant in China Town in New York City. It was not a particular surprise to Kennedy to learn that Mr. Glastonbury spoke Chinese; it was only a surprise when she found something he didn't know. He was unusually quiet at dinner, while Kennedy was unusually unrestrained. She didn't care, she was now ten, a double-digit age. She didn't care what other people thought, but in her mind she...

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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

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I came up with the idea for this one some time ago. I just haven't gotten to it until now. Unfortunately It didn't turn out as well as I had origionally hoped, but I hope that some of the readers will like it. Untouchable By Morpheus The sign in front of me said Clairmont Institute for Advanced Medicine. Sighing, I knew that I was in the right place and started to go in. The institute was my last hope. It was one of those unpublicized places that do research and...

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A Fate Worse Than Death

                            A Fate Worse Than Death - Chapter 01 (revised)        That last punch literally popped one of my eyes out of my head. It was now dangling from its socket, giving me a very interesting view of my cigarette burned tits, both of which were missing their nipples compliments of the butane torch that had been used to turn them into a pair of charred lumps of cooked meat before the Red soldier with the pliers ripped what was left of them from my squeezies. The torch was...

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Till Death

-Virginia Woolf, “Orlando” *** It was sundown. The carriage reached the cottage on the cliffs. Porphyria followed the path to the door, but hesitated before knocking. Maybe I should go back, she thought. Maybe I should just throw myself off the cliffs instead. That would be better. But she knocked, and when the door opened she went in without waiting to be invited or greeted. She had to duck a bit to fit through the doorframe. She was a great, tall woman, with strong arms and broad...

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After a night at the Mall the Hill family suffers a fate worse than death

Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...

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Til Death

Introduction: How far would you go for the one you love? All extremes of feeling are allied with madness. -Virginia Woolf, Orlando *** It was sundown. The carriage reached the cottage on the cliffs. Porphyria told the driver to wait. And dont disturb us even if the sky is falling. She followed the path to the cottage door, but hesitated before knocking. Maybe I should go back, she thought. Maybe I should just throw myself off the cliffs instead. That would be better. But she knocked, and...

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Dragon Queen Ch2 Part1 The Festival of Death

Introduction: turning the tides we see through the eyes of the dragon Chapter 2 Part 1 The Festival of Death I broke off my dangerous words as my kid brother Sunbeam appeared at my side. Seeing through the shadow that he created, I reached my hand in and dispersed it. I was met with a pouting frown. What did you do that for sis, I was just trying to have some fun. I put my hands on my hips and scowled down at him. It is not called fun when you take the shape of a ghoul, I could have killed...

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Flirting with Death

Sometimes I’m forced to wonder if the outrageous salary that I’m paid is REALLY worth what I have to put up with in this job. When I saw the two men dressed in off-the-rack suits heading across the tarmac of Bremerton Airport towards me, I knew it was one of those times. I sighed as they approached, resigned to what was to follow. That they were FBI agents was without a doubt. They all look alike. Did they really think that after all this time I would finally decide to tell them anything?I...

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Poetry My Death

I felt your icy fingers upon my soul as you gazed into my eye.I heard your demons beckoning as you lifted up your Scythe.You called my name within your list as you wrung your hands in glee.You beckoned my soul to heed your call but you won’t set me free.I’ve earned a special place in your realm of suffering and pain.You’ve waited for souls just like mine in this existence and plane.I’d lead your minions of harvested souls that have lost their way in life.To enhance Mankind’s suffering by...

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Stepmom8217s Way To Son After Hubby Death

The house was eerily silent. Even at 10 pm, I generally expected some noise, despite the events of the past few days. Dad and Andrea had been fighting constantly lately, only changed up by his epic snoring and the very rare round of make-up sex they had. My kid sister Chloe was at the grandparents for a few weeks during the summer, as I think my folks hadn’t wanted to expose her to their fighting and whatever was going on over these weeks. They were in counseling, but honestly, it seemed like...

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Blessed By Death

Blessed by Death Jack and I were both fighting for the same promotion at the oil company. The boss was looking for a new manager and I believed I was the best man for the job. Yes, Jack was a capable worker, but he was no leader. He was only 26 which meant that he had little experience not to mention that he was hotheaded and often acted on impulse. One day as I was fixing some equipment, Jack walked up behind me and hit me in the head with a crow bar. He dragged my unconscious body...

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Cody Tortured to Death

It wasn't the first time Cody had woke up in a strange place or bed.  It was however the first time he'd found himself alone without some unknown young slut besides, or under him.  He tried to sit up but couldn't move....he was still naked, which was normal, but now he was tied down, spread eagled to a hard wooden table, fuck he wasn't even in bed.   His mind raced thru what little he remembered about last night.  There was the young  blonde, hell, she was barely 15 if she was a day, trying to...

4 years ago
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Flirting with Death

Sometimes I'm forced to wonder if the outrageous salary that I'm paid is REALLY worth what I have to put up with in this job. When I saw the two men dressed in off-the-rack suits heading across the tarmac of Bremerton Airport towards me, I knew it was one of those times. I sighed as they approached, resigned to what was to follow. That they were FBI agents was without a doubt. They all look alike. Did they really think that after all this time I would finally decide to tell them anything? I...

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Rob and the Kiss of Death

She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 309 Valuing My Death

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The publicity and excitement over my body having been successfully created, we moved on to stage three of the parents' strategy. Stage three was "Sue the Government", but it needed to done in phases. The first phase was to value Mark Anderson's life. There were three sources of income that 'we' - ostensibly Mom and Dad - had valued: Sports income. Income from being the world's smartest scientist. Income derived from medical research on my...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 207 A Dark Change a Death

Enishi: Though I bear you no ill-will, for the sake of my Earthly Justice I must take you victim here. (Kaoru assumes a fighting stance.) Enishi: You can try to string this out, but Battousai isn't coming. When he tried to fight, the outcome was clear. If you come quietly this will all be over soon. Kaoru: I know I can't beat you, but I'm not going to just roll over and die. Kenshin told me that no matter how hard, he'd fight to the end to protect the present. So he'll be here as soon...

2 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 38 Enjoy or Death

“There, that will hold Eros,” Kate informed us as she finished the complex chalk circle around the demon’s head, which was now in the middle of the kitchen table. “I don’t need magic for a protective circle.” Demie chuckled. “Good, then I won’t have to keep swallowing him.” Eros stuck his tongue out as Kate headed back to her bedroom. I looked at Demie’s brother. “I can’t believe you perverted one of my favorite childhood cartoons. Fuck you, asshole.” He leveled his Fabio-like gaze at me....

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Blackfeather34 Life and Death

“I WILL NOT put on the blues again,” Jason said firmly. “We can make ... accommodations,” the officer facing him said. Miranda watched as the two argued at the kitchen table. She didn’t like him. He’d been the one to twice deny them permission to marry until Jason was discharged. Now he wanted him back. She poured coffee. Her aching back and protruding belly complained at the effort. “You will not be an official part of the army. You can even wear buckskins like your Indian friends.” There...

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Chapter 1 Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from...

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What kind of site is Solo Touch? Well, people love wanking. And they love reading about sex. Trust me, I know; I write about what people like to wank to all of the time.Anyway, it only makes sense that some horned up designers would get together and slap together a site for people to writing about they were thinking about or doing last time they slapped their sausage…or baby slit. Anyway, that’s the primary point of SoloTouch.com, but going off of the way it looks, it’s hardly been slapped...

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