Sorrel’s Long Journey To Love Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter Two

The Life of the Party:

Sorrel started walking forward. She turned to say something to Fletcher, but he was gone. She looked back at the party and the partiers. Everyone was having a good time. No one seemed to notice her. She was glad of it. She walked over toward the tables where the foods were laid out. Most everything had been pretty thoroughly picked over. Though she had eaten earlier, she was hungry again. She dare not take of the food herself so she walked off toward a nearby tree. The sun was much hotter now than it had been earlier. The shade of the tree looked inviting.

Cynthia Hammer watched as Sorrel came out of the pool house. Florence had selected the outfit, and she couldn’t decide whether she liked or disliked it. She thought it looked pretty, and at the same time it looked a little too youthful for Sorrel. She considered the way the skirt swirled around the other woman’s thighs. The blouse was soft looking, on the transparent maybe opaque side. It looked sexy, but overall the outfit still looked too juvenile for someone Sorrel’s age. Cynthia thought that was the way she should be kept, in a child like state. It would eventually lead to a child like frame of mind. She’d be easier to control. Cynthia called out, ‘Sorrel come over here.’

Sorrel looked up and saw it was Steve’s wife who was calling her. Of all the women associated with the firm Sorrel liked Cynthia the least. She believed Cynthia thought something had been going on between Steve and her. The woman had no idea how repugnant Steve was to her. The way he looked at her in the office made her skin crawl. She gave Cynthia a phony smile and started over.

As Sorrel walked toward Cynthia, Mildred, the Colonel’s wife reached out an arm and stopped her. Putting both hands out, one on each of Sorrel’s shoulders she smiled and said, ‘My, aren’t we adorable. You look like a young girl, a debutante, an ingénue, a girl at her first party.’ Mildred peered in, looking closely at Sorrel’s face, ‘What does that say on your cheek. Let me see.’ Mildred leaned in for a close look, ‘Why I do believe it says chattel. Are you someone’s chattel Sorrel dear?’

Sorrel answered in a low tone, almost a whisper, ‘Yes.’

Mildred said, ‘Speak up dear. What did you say? Are you someone’s property?’

Sorrel answered again more clearly, ‘Yes I am.’

Mildred gave her an acidic smile. She despised anyone who’d try to injure her husband, ‘Well tell me. Whose property are you?’

Sorrel looked down and away. How was she going to get through this? ‘I’m the property of the firm Mrs. Hanson.’

Mildred beamed, ‘Oh what a good little girl. I’m going to have to use you sometime. Do you do laundry?’

Sorrel looked at Mrs. Hanson ‘this is what they plan to do with me, humiliate me at every chance’, ‘I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.’

For the moment Mildred was satisfied, ‘That’s a good girl, you treasonous little tart. Now run along. I think Mrs. Hammer wanted to talk to you.’

Sorrel walked as quickly as she could toward Cynthia Hammer. She didn’t want to be stopped and go through something like that again. She reached Cynthia, ‘I’m here Cynthia. I was stopped by Mildred Hanson.’

Cynthia gave her a sickly sweet condescending smile, ‘Speak only when you’re spoken to Sorrel, and I’m Mrs. Hammer. Mildred over there is Mrs. Hanson to you.’

Sorrel blanched. She didn’t like being talked down to, and certainly didn’t like the idea of referring to these women as Mrs. this or Mrs. that. However, she held her true feelings in. She’d get through this, and she’d get even in time, ‘Yes Mrs. Hammer. I’m sorry I spoke out of turn, and I’m sorry I was too familiar.’

Cynthia gave her a sweet but completely artificial smile, ‘That’s so much better dear. I do like my people to be appropriately polite. I saw you over at the food table. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?’

Sorrel answered, ‘I haven’t had much to eat today, and yes I am hungry.’

Cynthia said, ‘Go over to the food table, fix a plate and bring it over here. We’ll eat together.’

Sorrel gave Cynthia her the most obsequious look she could muster, ‘Yes, thank you. I’ll be right back.’ She promptly turned and walked to the food table. Taking a paper plate she filled it with some of the foods that still remained uneaten. She then turned and walked to where Cynthia was seated. Upon reaching Cynthia she sat the plate on the table beside her. Not knowing what to do next Sorrel waited.

Cynthia took the plate, turned to Sorrel and said, ‘Here sit beside me on the grass. I’ll feed you.’

Sorrel was furious but refused to let Cynthia see it. Remembering Fletcher’s warning she knelt carefully on the soft, now damp grass.

Cynthia looked over the morsels on the plate and selected a piece of cheese. With a great show and deliberate movement Cynthia leaned forward and held the piece of cheese out to Sorrel’s mouth, ‘Here dear. Have a piece of cheese.’

Sorrel took the cheese in her mouth and began to chew.

Cynthia said to Sorrel, ‘My, this is fun. It’s kind of like having one’s own little puppy dog. Here, have a piece of roll.’ She tore off a piece of roll and held it out toward Sorrel’s mouth.

Sorrel took the piece of roll in her mouth.

Piece by piece Cynthia slowly fed Sorrel the food that was on the plate. While she fed her Charles’s girlfriend Denise and Pearce’s wife Collette came over. They watched as Cynthia made a great show of feeding Sorrel each and every little smidgen of food.

‘What’s that written on her cheek?’ asked Collette.

Cynthia looked down at Sorrel, ‘Oh, I hadn’t noticed. What does it say Sorrel?’

Sorrel answered, ‘It says chattel.’

Denise spoke up, ‘Doesn’t that mean something like slave?’

Both Cynthia and Collette said nothing but looked at Sorrel. Cynthia was smiling broadly.

Sorrel answered, ‘Yes. It means the same thing as being owned.’

‘Well whose property are you dear?’ Cynthia asked.

Sorrel answered, ‘I belong to the firm.’

Collette giggled, ‘We own the firm. That means you belong to us. I’m going to have to get you to baby-sit for me. Would you like to do that?’

Sorrel, wondering where Fletcher was, looked neither to the right nor to the left. She said in a flat voice, ‘Yes, if that’s what you want me to do.’

Denise interjected, ‘Hey, I’m just the girlfriend. Are you required to do what I say?’

Sorrel answered, ‘Yes, I think so.’

Cynthia took Sorrel’s chin and pulled her face up so she had to look her right in the eyes, ‘What do you mean yes? You mean yes ma’am don’t you.’

Sorrel looked right back at Cynthia, ‘Yes ma’am.’

Cynthia said, ‘Yes ma’am what?’

Sorrel answered, ‘Yes ma’am. As long as you’re the girlfriend I have to do what you say.’

Denise laughed, ‘Oh this is great.’ She leaned forward and reached her hand out and touched Sorrel’s cheek, ‘You’re pretty. You’re like a pretty little girl. That’s a cute little outfit you have on. I like those little panties you have on under that little skirt, and the blouse is so sweet.’ Denise reached forward further. She cupped Sorrel’s face in both hands. Moving her hands back and forth ever so carefully she said, ‘You’re a real little cutie, like a little girl. I like little girls. We’re going to have a lot of fun, you and me.’

Sorrel felt like she was going to be sick. She had to get away. Wanting to run, but knowing Fletcher was watching somewhere she said the only thing she could think of, ‘I have to go to the bathroom. May I be excused?’

The three women looked at each other and then back at Sorrel.

Sorrel was feeling desperate, ‘May I be excused, please?’

Denise spoke first, ‘Of course you may go to the bathroom.’ Denise stood up and held out her hand, ‘Here let me walk you to the toilet.’

Sorrel thought, ‘Oh. Jesus.
She thinks I want to go someplace with her. The woman’s a dike.’ Sorrel glanced around looking for Fletcher but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, Sorrel stood up. It didn’t matter. She knew he was watching from someplace. Taking her hand she said, ‘Thank you ma’am.’

Denise took Sorrel’s hand and walked her to the bathroom. As they walked away all the people watched.

Collette was thinking, ‘what a nice little ass Sorrel has, and she liked the way she seemed to sashay as she walked. It was cute.’ She kept thinking, ‘little Sorrel doesn’t know it, but Denise is only a ‘bi’, it’s me she’ll have to have to look out for.’ Collette bet that nice little ass would look really great with a few bright red stripes across it. ‘Yeah, Sorrel and she were going to have some real fun one of these days.’

Denise and Sorrel walked hand in hand to the bathroom. Actually it was Denise who was holding Sorrel’s hand. Sorrel was mortified. She wished she was anywhere but where she was.

They got to the bathroom and Denise told Sorrel, ‘OK. Sorrel let me see you pull your panties down.’

Sorrel reached to the side of her skirt and started to undo the buttons when Denise held up her hand and said, ‘No wait. I’ll do that.’

Sorrel stopped and Denise took over. She moved as close to Sorrel as she could and still undo the skirt. She reached forward and undid each button, one at a time. Then she pulled the belt apart. She smiled, ‘Boy that Florence is a clever one. You know it was Florence who purchased all the clothing you’ll be wearing from now on. She’s a perverted old witch.’

Sorrel stood there trying not to cringe.

Denise went on, breathing heavy, hands a little jittery, trying to control her emotions. She pulled Sorrel’s panties down to her knees, ‘Wow Sorrel you have a beautiful little snatch.’ Denise reached down with her right hand and made as if to fiddle with Sorrel’s private area but averted her fingers at the last second. Instead she softly touched the tops of the woman’s thighs. She wanted to rub between her legs, in her privacy area, but was becoming so nervous it was hard to control her actions.

She looked at Sorrel’s face and saw her soft red lips. What she wanted to do was wrap her arms around this woman and kiss her, but she knew this girl wasn’t ready. As an alternative she softly rubbed up and down the insides of Sorrel’s upper thighs. She tickled Sorrel’s navel. She took a finger and pushed inside her navel, ‘You like that don’t you.’

Sorrel swallowed hard, keeping her head facing away, ‘I don’t like to be touched.’

Looking into Sorrel’s face closely Denise could tell she was as heterosexual as they come. ‘I bet you’re wet Sorrel. You like this don’t you.’ She made as if she were going to reach down and touch where her secret place was, ‘Let me touch you Sorrel.’

Sorrel had no desire to be touched by anyone, let alone this person. Her whole world was being ruined this afternoon, and what this woman was suggesting would have been unwelcome anytime, but especially not today, ‘Please.’ I’m not like that. I don’t do sexual things with anyone. I don’t like it.’

‘Are you sure?’ Asked Denise

Sorrel stood motionless, but still had the courage to put up her hands to block any more advances by Denise, ‘Please, all I want to do is pee.’

Denise moved close to Sorrel and gave her a tentative kiss on the lips, ‘Didn’t you like that?’

‘Please no, I’m not that way. Can’t I just pee?’ Sorrel was afraid, afraid of Denise and what she might say to Fletcher. She didn’t like to be touched by men, she certainly didn’t like women to touch her. Sorrel refused to respond. She refused to react.

Denise pressed a hand against the frightened woman’s cheek, ‘Now Sorrel, if you’re going to be a good girl you’re going to have to try harder than that.’ Denise leaned forward and kissed Sorrel again.

What Denise was doing with the kissing was doing nothing for Sorrel except to terrorize her, but she’d gotten the message. If she displeased Denise, Fletcher might find out, and in her mind, he was becoming more like the anti-Christ every second that ticked by. Sorrel kissed back, but she was shivering when she did it and tears were moistening the corners of her eyes.

Denise pulled her into her arms and started to kiss Sorrel in earnest. She took her right hand and pressed it against her rear end. She took her left hand and started to gently rub the side of Sorrel’s left breast over the blouse. She stopped, ‘Let’s get that blouse off Sorrel honey.’

Sorrel leaned back against the wall as far as she could go, ‘No, please.’ She made another pathetic attempt to push the other woman’s hands away.

Denise started to unbutton Sorrel’s blouse. She undid the ribbons on her shoulder sleeves, and she started to unfastened the buttons. Pulling the blouse apart she gave Sorrel’s breasts a good long look through the chemise, ‘They’re not as big as I thought they’d be, but they’re nice anyway.’ She kept rubbing the side of Sorrel’s left breast, while she took her right hand and gently squeezed the terrified woman’s ass.

Sorrel was getting ready to pee. She had to do something to stop Denise, ‘Denise please I have to go to the bathroom!’

Denise stopped what she was doing, looked at Sorrel and frowned, ‘What did I hear you say?’

Sorrel spoke again, ‘I’m so sorry ma’am. May I please go to the bathroom? I feel like I’m going to burst.’

Denise smiled, ‘That’s so much nicer. Sure sweetie you go ahead and pee. I’ll just stand here and watch.’

Sorrel was shocked. Denise wanted to watch. Her humiliation couldn’t get much worse. Well, there was nothing to do but go. She stepped back into the bathroom, squatted on the toilet and peed.

Denise watched intently, listening for the droplets of pee hitting the water in the bowl. When Sorrel seemed to be finished Denise said, ‘Here, let me wipe you.’ Denise took some of the toilet tissue and reached to touch Sorrel’s vagina.

Sorrel held her hand up, pushing Denise away, ‘No I can do it.’

From outside the pool house Denise and Sorrel heard the Colonel call out, ‘Ladies, everyone is getting ready to leave. We want Sorrel to come out and say good bye to all her guests.’

Denise was pissed, she’d been thwarted at the last minute, ‘Oh damn. Well at least let me redress you. She slowly pulled Sorrel’s panties back up, caressing each leg as she did. She refastened the belt and redid the skirt buttons.

She re-tightened the ribbons on the other woman’s blouse sleeves. Then she pulled Sorrel’s blouse back together, making sure the backs of her hands rubbed against each breast as she did. She buttoned everything back one button at a time, slowly and deliberately. Her breath hot and heavy on Sorrel’s face and neck, she stepped back, ‘There, good, you’re as good as new, just like the pretty little girl who came in.’ She leaned forward and gave Sorrel a kiss on the cheek, ‘Now thank me.’

Sorrel looked at Denise, blushing for what seemed like the hundredth time, ‘That you ma’am.’

Denise held out her hand, ‘Let me take you back to the group.’

Sorrel took Denise’s hand and followed her from the pool house. As they walked Denise whispered back to Sorrel, ‘Next time you won’t get away, we’ll have all night.’

Sorrel answered, ‘I can hardly wait.’

The Nadir:

When the two women got back outside they saw everyone was gathered around in a big circle. The Colonel walked forward and pulled Sorrel to the center, ‘Kneel down please.’

Sorrel thought, ‘how polite everyone was.’

Sorrel knelt on the grass while everyone else stood around her. Steve and Cynthia stood arm in arm, kissing, Cynthia was quietly laughing.

The Colonel was standing beside his wife looking very somber, very dignified like an Eighteenth Century judge having just passed sentence on a murderess. His wife Mildred had a look of glassy eyed hatred, perhaps it was hate, but i
t might have been the expensive bourbon she drank.

Denise was leaning against her boyfriend Charles, while he stared at Sorrel like she was a piece of fresh sirloin. He made her cringe.

Fletcher was there too, standing off in the distance and outside the circle. He seemed indifferent to everything going on. Sorrel thought that’s probably like him, he’s making a list of things he can do to further hurt and humiliate me.

Pearce, his wife Gwyneth, and his sister Hannah were standing by. They looked bored.

Sorrel thought, her life was ruined, and they were bored. Then she saw Florence. Sorrel had never seen such malevolence. Sorrel wondered what she ever done to inspire so much meanness. Not even the worst financial scandal could justify the hatred she saw in that face.

From afar Sorrel had been able to exert enough self control to immunize herself from the endless sea of hostility she saw confronting her, but as she drew closer the hateful glares, sadistic grins, and lascivious smirks consumed her will.

Each step closer chiseled away a little more self esteem. She broke. Her face involuntarily twisted into a tightly drawn raw caricature of its real beauty. Overcome with anguish, she burst into tears.

Her tears, her degradation, her helplessness was greeted with laughter, with mirthless jeers. She looked from face to hate filled face. These had been her peers, her colleagues just days before. How could they do this? Only Fletcher looked away, but she could see the distaste, disgust written there.

Sorrel knelt on the ground looking from person to person to person. She had to recover her aplomb. One of the people out there knew she was innocent. Which one she wondered, somehow she had to find out.

The Colonel started to speak, ‘Ladies and gentlemen what we have here is a failure. She’s a failed businesswoman. She a failure as a mother, and a she’s a pathetic failure as a human being.’

He went on, ‘Sorrel look at yourself. There you kneel surrounded by people who once trusted you, people who once valued your opinions and ideas. Now you kneel before all of us, a true inferior. You’re no longer a human being. You’re what the word says that’s on your cheek. You’re chattel. You’re property. You’re an object, a piece of flesh with which we can and will do whatever we want. You’re trash!’

He was getting wound up. ‘Sorrel what do you think would happen if those children you abandoned ever found out they had a mother, and that she was a worthless piece of garbage? Do you think they would love you? I doubt it. They’d see you for what you really are, a whore, a snide bitch, and a strumpet who finally got caught. Tell us Sorrel what do you have to say for yourself?’

Cynthia maliciously chimed in, ‘Sorrel what would you say to your children?’

Florence added her malevolent two cents worth, ‘What would you say if we brought your children here and introduced them to their mother and told them what kind of person she really was?’

Mildred threw more gasoline on the fire, ‘I can’t imagine anyone more degraded than someone who would abandon two small children. What kind of woman could ever do something like that? Sorrel would you tell us, what would you do if we brought your children out here right now?’

Sorrel knelt at the center of the circle, on the grass, in her little skirt and blouse set. The afternoon sun had reddened her naturally pale complexion. Now she felt sore and gravelly. She felt the damp grass get colder as she knelt there. She looked down at the buttons that held her blouse together. Her breasts pressed against the filmy chemise causing the buttons to gape. In the cooler air her nipples were visible through the thin material of blouse and chemise. She could feel the panties pressing into her crotch. It felt gritty.

She thought of her children. She thought of her abandoned life as a mother. The waist belt was too tight, and the beribboned sleeves were chaffing her upper arms. She wished she were dead. She prayed that she would die at that very moment. Hell couldn’t be any worse.

It was all just too much for a woman who’d broken no laws save the laws of motherhood, the most important laws of all. She burst into tears. Once they started they poured out like ash from an erupting volcano. She didn’t try to hide her feelings. She couldn’t hide them. She was ashamed. She wasn’t ashamed for getting caught trying to rob the company, that never happened. She was ashamed for what she’d done years before.

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The Journey

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story I've wanted to write for some time. Many of us who feel that we were born on the wrong side of the gender divide have felt at some time or other that womanhood is all about high heels and fancy clothes and becoming a woman on this basis will solve all our problems. From my own experiences and those of other members of the trans community with whom I've interacted, I know that this is not the case and the transition process is full of ups and downs. ...

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The Journey

It was a Sunday evening. Not a usual one. I had to make a journey in the afternoon to my house from the place I worked. I missed the 2 pm bus. I waited in the ISBT and asked a handyman there. He pointed me to a bus standing in the garage. “That bus may go.” He said, “But it will take time. Something is wrong with that. They are working. You can go and ask those guys.” I moved on and asked the long haired thin fellow standing near the bus. “Is the bus going to Amalgaon?” “Yes,” he replied...

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Bus Journey

I have read a lot of stories on this site. Some are beautiful and some are fantastic. I am mentioning my very own experience during recent journey to Burdawan. Before that, let me tell u the bus journeys will be so erotic during monsoon/winter seasons. Aunties/girls can be touched/squeezed whole of their body and without others noticing it. It will be quite exciting to do it in public. I never missed a chance of squeezing buttocks and breasts of any lady irrespective of age and religion. I...

3 years ago
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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

4 years ago
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A Journey Home Part 1

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

3 years ago
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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 15

Hello readers, welcome back to this Beautiful journey. I am quite happy with the way people have responded the story so far. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. I was really happy with the sense of humor of my hubby when he said about that Boo. I was thinking what nonsense he is doing but later on, I realized how cleverly he is trying to bring Ayesha out of the shackles of shyness. They kissed for quite some time. The way he was kissing, I realized he is no...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 2

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I’m male and this sex story is completely a work of fiction. I can say by my experience that the journey is always more powerful than the destination. I hope you will enjoy the journey, so let’s go. As I had told earlier I had an early marriage and as my hubby has a job in an MNC, we have to move to different places so Ayesha could not enjoy the love of her grandparents. Many times it so happened that we could not provide her that pleasure...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever. I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

3 years ago
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After Train Journey Effect With Nickey

Hi guys, I am (Neel) back with the next encounter here. I am sure all of you read all my previous stories “Enjoyed with Nicky the Online friend”, “My Story with Nickey Part-2” and “The Train Journey with Nicky”and who hasn’t read that, I would request you to read it. So guys, here I am with one of the next encounters. After that day, we had more encounters in the train. People could not understand anything about us. However, one person in the train asked, if we are married, to which I said we...

2 years ago
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A Strange But True Journey to Happiness

A strange but true Journey to happiness. If I begin at the beginning - my earliest memories. I knew at school I was different, I hated football, I hated rough and tumble play. I wanted to play with the girls, to look pretty like them and to enjoy their great hair, pretty clothes and games which seemed fun. Sure , I tried my mums clothes, my sister clothes but I knew that to keep them happy I would have to toe the line and be a boy.... Uch, how much I hated that. It frustrated me a...

3 years ago
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Fucking Bus Journey

Hey all…Its ritu again writing ma experience in mah new story in this site. Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story m sexy girl with figure of 34-28-32 any one can fall for me. Its my cool cool journey to my native. I was in hostel and going to my home during holidays.And that time my bf told me to accompany me.I also readily agreed.My bf, akash..Handsome hunk and many classmates has fallen for him but he proposed me. And we both paired. Akash is so caring...

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Beautiful Journey To Bountiful Love 8211 Part I

Soon after my graduation I got job in neighborhood village as asst. Engineer in a company, which was 1 hr. from my town by local bus. Though the company was providing accommodation in nearby town which was only 15 min from the company, I chose to up & down every day, so that I can stay with my parents. I used to leave from my home early in the morning and used to go by private mini bus initially as it was faster than govt. bus. The journey used to be boring as most of the stations between were...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts:

4 years ago
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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

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My father was a mean man, and living with him was horrible. Once I started filling out, he would find any excuse to grab my tits, pull on my nipples, and slip his hand between my legs. There were 3 of us in my family…my father, my mother and me. When we ate meals at the dinner table, my father would sometimes pull me onto his lap, slipping his hands under my shirt to squeeze my tits, and even pulling his cock out of his pants and making me stroke it. Once it was hard, he’d pull my shorts down...

1 year ago
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A Journey Home

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

3 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 2

A Life Long Journey, Part 2 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. By the time I was 4, Amy's momma (Mrs. Jones) had seen me wearing several of Amy's outfits. Sometimes I would...

2 years ago
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Tripletit 03 Journey to Tripletit

Journey To Tripletit Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The events in this story happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet Tripletit’ but it can be read on its own.Introduction.Tripletit....

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A Hungry Sex Journey Inside The Train With My Milky SisterInLaw

Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience inside a moving train with my cousin sister-in-law, Janani. She is 27 years old and looks so very beautiful. Her skin complexion looks somewhat like a white foreigner, milky white and even parts of her arms looks slightly pink. She is slim, chubby arms and about 5’4” tall. She is a very hot woman and has a 1.5 year old son. She lives in hyderabad with her husband and in-laws and her parents are in...

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Hot Journey With Mom

Hi ISS readers, this is my second incest story. I have been the continuous visitor to this site. It is amazing site and i guess it is the place where we all share our experiences. I am a 23 year old boy. I am 5`7 tall and well built guy, with a shy nature. I am fond of incest. I love my mom very much she is very cute and pretty and every time I see her I get a nasty hard on. After, I have seen her nude while changing I always fantasize about her in my dreams. My mommy is 48 years old she has a...

1 year ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 6

A Life Long Journey, Part 6 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. My sixteenth birthday had arrived and I was so ready for it. I had found a part time job in a print...

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The Sexual Journey Of A Teenager 8211 Pt 2 Neighbour Aunty8217s Love

Dear friends, hope you liked the first part of my actual life experience through the title of the story, “Journey Of A Teenager”. This is the part 2 of the sequel and all these are real-life experiences. As I entered my college, I became close to a family with 2 young sisters who lived very close to our house. The aunty whose name was Kalyani, also had an unmarried young sister, Kuheli. With time, I became very close to their entire extended family. The relationship developed into such a bond...

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A life Long Journey

A Life Long Journey This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Even before I was born, something seemed to be working to get me to the point I am today. While Momma was pregnant with...

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A Life Long Journey Part 5

A Life Long Journey, Part 5 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. As we got to the car, Steve opened the back door for me. As I sat down, I made sure to smooth my skirt under me but...

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A Life Long Journey Part 8

A Life Long Journey, Part 8 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. The next year and a half were awful for me. I hated being forced to be a boy and yet I was afraid to tell anyone,...

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The Journey

Staring out over the wastes, Val wondered what had possessed him. Sand, dust, and more sand, that’s what awaited him. He’d never been this far from the oasis, and knew that any water was days away…unless he turned back. Others had done so. It would only be a year till he had the chance to go again. Only a year. A year of sideways glances, and whispered jokes. After his strong words, his boasts, he could not go back. No, postponement was not an option. He would not learn anymore to prepare him...

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A hot train journey

My name is Seema and I am married housewife. I am 19 years old and was married off only 3months ago while I was in college. I am married to a well to do Electrical goods store owner. But don’t have a happy married life, rather I should say I am sexually not satisfied as my husband is old enough to be almost my father. Anyway this is the story of my train journey where I was fucked by a berth full of people in broad daylight. I was travelling from Delhi to Kolkata via train and had booked a...

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The Journey Towards Ecstasy

(Keri’s Adventures) Keri opened her eyes to a new day. Unfortunately, that new day was the same old shit that made her hate her life. She knew that she would have the same chores to do today that she had done every other day for the past four years-ever since she was fourteen. Her parents didn’t allow her to have boyfriends and rarely allowed her to leave the house. She was home-schooled, which meant that she never got to socialize with kids her age. She knew how the world was because she...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fifteen

It was Thursday night, one week later. The Grandparents were babysitting our two kids while my sweet, unfaithful wife and I went for what we had described to them as ‘a bit of light supper with some friends that might go on a bit late’. The truth was that it was nothing of the kind. Food was definitely a secondary consideration; the entire evening had been arranged by the She-Devil Carmen in order to allow me and our new friend Hilary to have an intimate sexual encounter in their house. For the...

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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever.I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

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My journey into submission ch 12

My journey into submission (ch 1-2) The following is an account of real things that happened to me. There is nothing particularly sexual about the events of this story, the purpose of this is to express how I felt about them in order for myself to better understand my feelings and find anyone with similar experiences and thoughts. Everything in this story happened after the age of consent for everyone involved. A final warning, this is not a romantic story of any kind and I’m sure some will...

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An interesting journey true story

I recently bought a motor home and planned out my trip to the south of France, arranged to meet a friend a week after I started so that I could do the sightseeing bit all through those lovely villages, a couple of days before the trip a family crisis arrived and left us with our 4 year old granddaughter to look after. After some discussion my wife said I should carry on and do the trip and when things improved she would meet me at Perpignan by flying down. So off I went to Dover, on the boat I...

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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny Milf 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj and I am back after like a year. A lot has happened over the time and I hope to share all of my stories with you here. I stay in Bangalore. Feel free to contact me anytime for feedbacks, chatting, hangouts or anything. ;) This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the next parts. * * * This happened some 8 months ago. I was in Bangalore and had to go to Mumbai on a short notice. Reluctantly, I booked sleeper bus tickets as flight and train tickets were not...

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Journey Of Indian Wife To Whore Part 8211 1

The heroine of the story Priya is a 26yr old Indian wife married to Arjun. They were married for a year now. They had a very wonderful one year. Priya was a bomb. She’s a show stealer right from her college days. The guys always use to imagine what it feels like to see her nude and touch those 34D firm breasts of her. She’s a modern and outgoing girl, so the jeans and t-shirts she used to wear only enhanced her 34-28-36 body size. Her height of 5ft 6in only added to her beauty. She had a few...

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A Train Journey To Remember

Hi, guys, This is Rahul again from Odisha, please read my previous sex story which is not linked with this one but I hope you’ll like it. Anyone interested for fun in Bangalore, reply me back on This is a real sex story which happened with me in 2015. At that time, I was working in an IT Company in Bangalore and I was returning from Bhubaneswar after the Durga Puja holidays. It was Prasanti express. I was traveling with my cousin sister that time. She is elder to me and we showed respect to...

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