Susie Ch. 35 free porn video

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Father Ray

I had spent a wonderful night, including delicious, exciting sex, with Corey, my ex-fiance. He was my ex because he had cheated on me with a woman he had met while away for several months on an internship. But now he had proven himself to be the same caring man as ever.

But, could I trust him? Did I want to get involved with him again only to lose him again? I couldn’t stand that. I had spent a nauseated, sleepless night only to realize that I was still ‘involved’ with him, I didn’t know what to do.

At home in the morning I went up to my room and fell asleep on my bed fully clothed. As I came in the door I told my Mom a partial lie, ‘I decided to stay all night with Kaitlyn.’ Kaitlyn was Corey’s sister. Without my knowledge she had arranged for Corey and I to meet at one of her Friday nude pool parties. After the party Corey and I had made love in the guest house next to the pool. Kaitlyn had been in the main house.

As always lately, when I was in doubt I was drawn to Father Ray. A call to the USC student center let me know that he was assigned to a parish in the valley for the summer. Another call and I had an appointment to see him. I had to take a morning off from my job as assistant to Dr. Jacobs.

‘Susie!’ Father Ray greeted me. ‘I thought maybe it was just a naming coincidence when I saw your name on my calendar. I hope this is just a chance to catch up.’

He led me to a cubicle with three quarter walls and no door. ‘Excuse the lack of privacy but since I’m only here for the summer I don’t qualify for a full office.’

I wanted more privacy. ‘Can we go somewhere more private?’ I asked in a whisper.

‘Oh,’ he said with a hint of concern. ‘So it’s not just to catch up.’

‘Well, yes and no,’ I told him. ‘But some of my catching up is, … rather personal.’

‘And maybe deserving of confession?’ he queried.

‘Well, maybe,’ I had to admit.

He led me out and told the receptionist, ‘Doris, we will need to use the reconciliation room.’

‘Doris’ handed over a key with something of a scowl. ‘She likes to have advanced warning,’ Father Ray whispered to me as we left the office. ‘If you want the sacrament you are supposed to tell her when you make your appointment. That way she can be sure the room is available for you.’

‘Your office would be okay if it had walls and a door,’ I said. ‘I didn’t know it didn’t.’

‘Don’t worry, she’s a good sort. Her organized nature is the only reason the parish isn’t a complete muddle. What have you been up to?’

In the reconciliation room I started with a simple question, ‘Father, is nudity wrong?’ I asked.

He responded with a tone that indicated he knew I had asked the question because of my behavior. ‘It may surprise you, Susie but public nudity is not wrong in itself. The problem is that it leads to other sexual sins and therefore should be avoided.’

I thought about how at Kaitlyn’s pool parties there were cabanas with mattresses and condoms. That made it clear that the whole point of the parties was ‘sexual sin’. My behavior certainly confirmed the point.

I told him about the pool parties and the cabanas and then about having sex with a male model at one of the parties.

‘Susie, Susie, Susie,’ he said shaking his head. ‘I thought you understood the sin in doing that kind of thing.’

‘But, Father, you should have seen him, all muscle and penis. I couldn’t resist. You just don’t understand what it’s like.’

‘Susie, do I need to point out that I am a normal human male but have made a vow of chastity and yet find myself in a position at a college where young and attractive women,’ he made a nod at me as he continued, ‘frequently come to me to discuss their sexual activities. Not only that, there are young men who come and tell me of their sexual exploits with the same young women. Believe me, Susie, I understand the difficulties of withstanding sexual pressures.’

I had never though of it. It just seemed that a priest would be above all that. It still didn’t seem possible. I wondered if he made passes at the women. ‘What about me? You want to have sex with me?’ I asked bluntly.

‘No, Susie, I don’t. What I am saying is that I find myself sometimes wishing I could have sex, not with any specific woman, just with some woman.’

‘How do you get past that?’

‘Will power and reminding myself of my vows and knowing what is right and what is wrong and talking with my own personal confessor.’

‘You go to confession?’ I was astounded. Priests shouldn’t need to go to confession!

‘Yes I do, and I’m fortunate to have a good confessor.’

‘Me too!’ I admitted to him. ‘Someone I can talk to about anything.’

‘But one who seems to have great difficulty getting you to stay on the ‘narrow path’.’

I decided this was a good place to change the subject, ‘Father, remember Corey?’


‘Corey, I was engaged to him and then, …’

‘then he took up with another woman,’ he completed the sentence. ‘Yes I remember.’

‘Father he was at the swimming pool the other day in all his naked glory.’

‘Naked glory? He also has a ‘fabulous’ body?’

‘No, he’s a bit on the flabby side, but really comfortable to hug and cuddle with.’ I paused, thinking with delight of being next to him. ‘Maybe I didn’t tell you that he has a huge penis, I mean really big,’ I giggled slightly and spread my hands about a foot apart.

‘No, I don’t think you mentioned that,’ he said in a deadpan voice.

‘Well, he does. Anyway, he was as pleasant to me as ever. I really felt drawn to him.’ Father Ray looked at me, anticipating what I was about to say. ‘Yes, I had sex with him again. Great sex. I can tell he really cares for me. His sister tells me he doesn’t have sex with anyone else. She even got some movie starlets to come on to him and he left them to talk to me. Father, I think I still love him but I don’t know if I can trust him any more. What do I do?’

I should have anticipated the answer but it surprised me nonetheless, ‘Well, first of all, stop having sex with him.’

I challenged him on that and the resulting discussion was going nowhere so I redirected it to talk about whether I should continue to go out with him.

‘Susie, you can decide to trust him,’ he told me.

‘How? After what he did?’

‘Susie, you can trust anyone no matter what they have done in the past.’

‘Even if they betrayed your trust?’

‘Yes, even if they betrayed your trust. You can decide to trust them anyway. It’s more difficult if they betrayed your trust but you can do it.’

‘What if they do it again?’ I asked.

‘Then you deal with it again, work through the pain and maybe decide to trust again. Even if someone has never betrayed your trust they might betray it in the future.’

‘But do you keep doing it?’

‘I think it’s kind of like forgiveness,’ he said. ‘Our Lord says to forgive ‘seventy times seven’ times which is really just a way of saying never stop forgiving.’

‘Oh,’ I responded not sure what else to say.

‘Susie,’ he said, ‘if you still like Corey and, I might say, love him, then you can forgive him and trust him, especially if he loves you.’ Then he added, ‘What about you? Can he trust you? You’ve had sex with, what? three men I know about, one of whom you just picked up at the pool because you liked his body. Can Corey, or any man, trust you?’

He had discovered my secret. The thing I really worried about. I tried to hide it. ‘Sure, Father. When I’m with a man, I’m always faithful to him. Those guys were all after Corey left me. And I never even went out with anyone else when I was with Henry and Josh.’

‘Susie, I think this idea of Corey being able to trust you is important. You can trust him if you want to. I can’t guarantee he won’t stray, but neither can you. In fact, you can’t guarantee that with any
man. It’s up to you to be faithful yourself and to decide to give him your trust.’

‘How can I decide?’

‘If you want him, that’s the decision you have to make. Didn’t you tell me once that your engagement with Corey was arranged by your parents?’

‘Well, only at my request. I wanted to assure them and myself that I wasn’t making a mistake. Actually it was Corey’s idea.’

‘Maybe you should get them involved in the discussion.’

I remembered something pertinent and important. ‘Yes I do need to do that,’ I responded. ‘I believe my agreement that they should choose my mate is still in force. I can ask them to decide.’

‘I don’t think such an agreement is binding.’

‘It is to me, Father, It is to me.’

Corey at My Home

I made up my mind and invited Corey home for dinner. My parents and sister greeted him warmly and I took him to my room where I showed him my journals. I brought out the one describing my transgression with Wyatt. Then I showed him the journals that covered my first semester at USC and my frequent liaisons with Josh.

Then I took out the journal that covered the summer he had been gone and my fling with Henry, an older man we both knew. He started reading and then flipped back several pages.

‘Corey, I wanted you to read about my sexual activities,’ I told him.

He ignored me and flipped back a couple more pages and began reading. I watched as tears filled his eyes. ‘Susie, I’m sorry!’ he sobbed. ‘I’m really sorry. I never realized. How could I be such a dope. How could I not think of what I was doing to you.’

I took the journal. He had been reading what I had written after I found out about him and the other woman. I read some of it. I had forgotten how upset I had been. My writing reflected it and was full of sorrow and anger, with invectives against Corey, the woman I didn’t know and the world in general.

He looked at me. ‘Susie, I’ll never do that to you again. Believe me Susie, I won’t.’

I took him in my arms as he put his head into my lap, still sobbing, ‘I never realized what I was doing to you, I never realized,’ he moaned. ‘I promise not to do it again. You believe me don’t you?’

‘Corey, I’ve already decided to forgive you and to trust you. That’s why I brought you here. I gave you my journals to read so you knew what I have been doing. I want to be sure that you will trust me.’

‘What? Why wouldn’t I trust you?’

‘Look at me,’ I explained. ‘I keep running from one guy to another. I couldn’t keep myself away from Wyatt at the pool.’ Then I admitted, ‘I’m not sure I can trust myself.’

‘Susie, I trust you. You’ve never given me any reason not to. After all it was me who broke your trust. I think I remember you saying in your journal that you couldn’t bring yourself to be unfaithful even to a guy you just considered a friend.’

We spent some more time talking until my sister knocked on the door to announce dinner. We got up immediately and as I opened the door I told my sister, ‘No sex today.’ She always seemed obsessed with whether I was having sex.

After Corey left I told my parents I wanted to speak to them and I brought out the paper on which I had written the promise to marry whomever they selected for me. ‘I want you to know I still consider this to be binding,’ I told them.

‘Susie, you know you don’t need to obey that piece of paper,’ my dad said.

My mom shushed him, ‘Why do you tell us this, dear?’ It was obvious that she knew why.

‘I want you to renew my betrothal to Corey.’

They both smiled and my mom gave me a big hug, ‘Oh, dear, we’ll be happy to agree to that. But, you know you and Corey can agree to that without us.’

‘I’ll feel better if you do it and get Corey’s mom to agree too,’ I told them.

‘If you wish. I’ll call her tomorrow.’

‘I do, first thing in the morning. Or, if you could, right now.’ I thought of something, ‘I guess you should give her back the money for Corey breaking off the betrothal.’

‘No problem. Never cashed the check,’ my dad said.

‘No cash penalty this time,’ I demanded.

‘Of course not,’ they said in unison. My dad added, ‘no written contract either.’

Corey Proposes

The next morning there was a knock at the door and I answered. Corey was there and immediately fell to one knee. He held out a small, open box containing the ring I had removed and given to his mother a year ago. ‘Will you marry me?’ he said.

I was nonplused. ‘What?’ I hesitated.

‘Your mom called mine last night,’ he told me. ‘The betrothal is on again, if you will have me.’

My mind began functioning again. ‘Of course I will,’ I told him. ‘Of course I will!’

He stood and I gave him a huge hug and kiss. As we broke it off I took him by the hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom, closed the door and slowly removed my clothes feeling the huge grin on my face spread though my entire body as I revealed it to him. I laid on the bed and laughed lightly, almost a giggle.

He began to remove his clothes and I laughed as each piece was removed. As he pulled down his briefs to reveal the huge cock I call ‘the beast’ in its fully engorged, eleven inch long glory I feigned surprise though I had seen it dozens of times before. Anticipation filled my lower abdomen and I spread my legs for his viewing pleasure, laughing loudly.

‘What’s going on in there?’ It was my sister outside the door.

‘Go away!’ I yelled, laughing uncontrollably as Corey moved his lips to my crotch.

‘Why?’ came from beyond the door.

‘Just go away!’ I laughed even louder as I felt his tongue wiggling against my clit.

‘Mom! Susie’s having sex in her room!’ I heard Cathy’s voice moving down the hallway.

‘Don’t stop,’ I told Corey as I felt his hesitation. ‘I’m over 21, my mom won’t do anything.’ I laughed again, ‘Let me at your beast, my prince.’

I had had sex many times, dozens of times with Corey, but I had never been so giddy, never so happy to be doing it. I laughed constantly in pleasure. I laughed as he licked my clit. I giggled as he pushed his fingers inside me and stroked my G-spot. I chuckled under my breath as I licked up and down his penis.

I had him lie on his back and giggled uncontrollably as I positioned myself over the rock hard beast, positioned it vertically with my hand and impaled myself on it. I felt the beast completely fill my abdomen as my clit settled against his pubes. Laughing in delight I exuberantly rocked back and forth while rising off the beast and then allowing myself to drop, repeatedly impaling myself. Corey just smiled, clearly enjoying my laughter and jubilation. He reached up and gently massaged my breasts as I continued to ride his huge cock.

I felt the tickle of ecstasy in my clit and slowed my movement. The tickle increased and increased. I stopped my laughter, exchanging it for shrieks of joy. The tickle became unbearable, I increased my pace and screamed in pleasure as I climaxed and my vagina pumped away on the beast.

With difficulty I pushed myself through the incredible waves coursing through my vagina and continued to ride. Corey began to thrust his hips up to meet mine and soon he grunted with his own orgasm. I quit moving and relaxed, gleefully laughing again as my vagina shuddered and his semen rushed through his cock, into the cavity of my vagina and squeezed its way between the shaft and vaginal walls, oozing out and onto his crotch.

I collapsed onto his ample chest, kissing him passionately.

Once More with Joy

We fell asleep, me on top, his substantial cock inside me. Because of its size it remained inside until we were disturbed by a knock on the door. It was my mother. ‘It’s well past noon. Are you hungry?’

I looked down at Corey. He shook his head.

‘No, Mom, we’re just fine,’ I responded.

‘Just fine,’ I said quietly to Corey, kissing him and kissing
him and kissing him. His flaccid cock had dropped out when I moved in response to the knock. I felt it begin to grow between my legs and nuzzle at my labia. He held me tight and then, carefully, and with a bit of difficulty, we turned over in my small bed. His legs were outside mine but his cock was firmly planted against my vulva. He smiled at me and winked. I knew what he meant and nodded.

With a bit of leg movement on both our parts I managed to get my legs outside of his and then swung them around his waist. Looking down I slowly allowed my legs to slip toward his hips until my vaginal ‘cave’ was positioned for his entry. I took the beast in my hand and guided it to the entrance. Corey pushed forward, I let it slide through my hand, pulling the foreskin away from the tip as it spread my labia and slowly entered me.

Except for keeping my legs around his hips I relaxed and let him do the work this time. At first I watched as the beast repeatedly penetrated my vaginal cavity and then withdrew, enjoying the sight of the huge cock disappearing inside, the exciting feeling of my abdomen being filled and the sense of loss and relief as the shaft reappeared. ‘Size does matter,’ I thought as I felt his pulse through my maximally extended vaginal walls. I couldn’t imagine how Josh at USC with his small cock had been able to pleasure me without this incredible feeling of being completely filled. And the way its thickness spread my labia and pulled at my clit and pressed on my G-spot!

I turned my attention to his face. Our eyes locked together in shared pleasure. He had a huge smile and I think he was holding back his own laughter of joy. I couldn’t resist, my joy exploded in a laugh of jubilation and delight. His smile broadened and his face took on a look of complete bliss.

I watched his face as the beast invaded my cave and then retreated, increasing my feelings of pleasure with each movement. The smile began to leave his face as he closed his eyes and bit his lip. He thrust the beast fully into my abdomen and stopped moving. Every aspect of his face and body showed he was trying his hardest to hold back a climax. I wasn’t about to let him wait!

I pulled my hips down, the beast moved out and inch or two. Then I drove my hips upward as hard as possible, driving my vagina over the beast and pushing his body upward.

He groaned and the muscles in his face and body tightened. I laughed and dropped my hips, then swung them up again. That did the trick! He let out a huge grunt and drove his hips down against mine. I lost the grip my legs had around his hips as the beast throbbed and pumped its fluid into me. Corey began making short, fast strokes and I felt semen rushing through the beast and along the sides. My clit was pulled and released, pulled and released. The inside of my vagina was fully lubricated by the combination of his fluid and mine. I felt the vibration of my own climax begin deep inside me. It tickled my clit and my abdomen tightened as my vagina exploded with involuntary spasms of pleasure. I let out a long, loud shriek, a combined scream and laugh.

My vagina was still throbbing and the beast was still emitting a slow stream of liquid when there was a knock at the door and someone tried the knob. I was unable to breath in order to speak. My Dad asked, ‘Is everything OK, princess?’

I looked at Corey. He looked back communicating that he wanted me to reply. I managed to get my diaphragm under some sort of control and managed to gasp out, ‘Yes, Dad.’

He sensed the distress in my difficulty speaking. ‘You sure?’

I had myself better under control, ‘Yes, Dad!’ Frustration tinged my voice.

‘Oh, Sorry,’ came quietly from the other side of the door.

I broke out in laughter and Corey responded in kind. His cock wiggled inside me in the most enthralling manner as our bodies shook.

We carefully moved to lie on our sides without allowing the beast to leave its resting place in my cave. Our bodies nestled together. We kissed and slept again.

A Third Time in Celebration

Another knock at the door. ‘Dinner time,’ this time my sister, Cathy. ‘What are you guys? rabbits? I think rabbits stop to eat once in a while. Give your cunt a rest for a change! God, right here in the house too,’ she mumbled as she went down the hallway.

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Sensational Swimwear Be my Valentine

Sensational Swimwear: Be My Valentine By Paul G Jutras Molly Evens, a cross dresser, and her friend Mike Hairball heard many legends about the old hotel. It had been passed from owner to owner as if some kind of curse kept it from making a profit. They got out their flashlights and stepped through the unlock door. Because it was haunted, nobody been inside and there was no fear of thieves. "Better than the tunnel of love at the amusement park." Mike said as they passed the...

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Spizoo Skylar Madison Classy Blonde Passionate Sex

The blonde Skylar Madison is eager to have a black cock to suck, lick and put that cock in her pussy very deep. With her dreamy blue eyes lying on a white sofa, she caresses her body, her pussy and shows her desire inviting that great Bobby’s black cock to suck and lick it while Bobby rubs her clitoris and goes down to her pussy to lick it. She sits on the sofa with her legs up and he introduces his big cock very deep and very hard into her pussy. Now she is placed in a doggy position and...

2 years ago
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Miss Callahan Ch 05

Chapter 5I’m so disoriented that it’s not until I’m in the parking garage of Altitude’s building when I remember that I didn’t drive today, and I don’t have any of my stuff from upstairs. I probably should have taken a breath and thought things through, but I just had to get out of the office.Not even Jackie’s confused questions stopped me or the handful of texts she’s sent since running out. I can feel my pocket buzzing incessantly, no doubt all from Jackie.I know I’ll need to go back to the...

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William Redman CarterChapter 22

The underground bunker for housing the computers had been completed. A work crew sent by Dan Biggerstaff was busy wiring the room to support the network that would tie the computers together. It was a massive job considering that they were linking ten thousand computers together. It was made even more difficult due to the fact that they were physically located on four separate floors. The room was cold. The air conditioner was set up to cool ten thousand machines, but there were only empty...

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320 sending in a substitute

320 sending in a substitute Part 6 It was the next available weekend, and we knew Harry was due to visit. The whole week leading up I noticed she was more perky, more sensuous, and a joy to be with, though she said nothing about the subject. I of course was on late`s on the Friday, as usual, so it was 11 before I got home, she was ready for bed, and after coffee together up the stairs we went. It was a tired night, we slept well though I noticed she was hiding something, a man gets to know...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Emma Starletto Lana Smalls Nailing No Nut November

Clarke and Jason believe their stepdaughters Emma and Lana are young and innocent. Yet, when they find a condom in the washing machine, the two friends want to ground them for life. Emma and Lana know their stepdads are exaggerating, so they challenge them to try the “No Nut November” challenge. The men feel confident that they won’t fail, but the lusty girls know how to play with their minds. Jason and Clarke are constantly tempted when the girls shake their hot bodies around them, rubbing...

1 year ago
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My unbelievable step daughter

100% fiction! About three years ago my wife Started having some health issues nothing serious. But it put our relationship on hold. With me working and trying to pay the doctor bills and my wife doing everything she could to recover things started getting out of hand. We started arguing about the smallest things. My step daughter at the age of twenty four gas always been there for her mother and I. We have always been close line father and daughter talking doing things with each other like...

3 years ago
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It's been a while, a long while since you've thought about this. This feeling fills your chest with pain and regret, as your head begins to circle around these memories you've chosen to hide from yourself. Sunlight flits through the slightly ajar window blinds softly illuminating your bedroom. Dirty clothes lay in piles on floor next to your bed, not all yours, some from nights where you've ended up adding another notch to the bed post, others are friends' that you never bothered to return. On...

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Night visit

Introduction: If you do not like the themes tagged then do not read the story. You do so under your own will. The story is written with very little lead up for anyone who just wants to get straight into the messy details. If it is liked I may add a second part. Ryan stood in the doorway of his little sisters room watching the sweet girl sleep. This was the third night in a row he had stood here with his hand down his boxers, thinking about how soft Mels tiny lips would be to kiss. He had...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 24

The rest of the week went by with the two girls adhering to their new “sister time” schedule. For the first hour, and sometimes a little longer, they made no mention of their mistress/slave relationship. On this day, Thursday, it was June, who ended the sister’s time. “I’ve been thinking about the book I gave you to read, and here’s what I want you to do. Never mind giving me a report on each story. I want you to make a written list of all the things that the submissive in each story is told...

2 years ago
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The Paint Job Part 1

With the current fashion for newlyweds to have their wedding night nuptials committed to canvas, I have become familiar with sketching hesitant couples alongside their conjugal beds.  Painting such tender moments presents a fascinating artistic challenge and I've developed a reputation for capturing the mood of the marital suite with discretion and sensitivity.What I hadn't anticipated was that, inevitably perhaps, one day the happy couple asking for my services would turn out to be two men.My...

Gay Male
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Fun evening

Another extract from the Kath story. Names changed as usualKath rang me up and asked if I could do her a favour. Well not her, Gill in fact. She said Gill thought she’d left a tampon inside her, but was too embarrassed to go to the doctors, and could I have a look for her. With Gill being on her own she had no-one else to ask, though why she couldn’t ask Kath I’m not sure. Now Kath always had a thing about the angle poised lamps that we had at work. She used to call them “gynae lamps,” because...

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Pussies GaloreChapter 10

For a moment there was a stunned silence. Then they giggled. "Thank you, we'll love to," red shirt said. They were identical twins in their early twenties, slim, tall with deep blue eyes. The Indian sun had given them a beautiful golden brown tan. We boarded the minibus. "My name is Ramu and this is Saheb, my friend," Ramu said introducing us. "I am Karen and this is my twin sister, Irma," Karen replied, "We are on a holiday." "How long are you staying at the Hotel Grand...

1 year ago
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Sex with my neighbour

I had been married 18 years and I hated being on my own. I had met a woman and I moved in with her just to have a bit of company. She was nice enough but I didnt love her and to be honest I didnt fancy her either. Her husband had died suddenly and she was lonely too. One day she told me the woman next door had a dripping tap and she asked me if I could fix it for her. I told her I would go round after she had gone to work so a little later I went to see the divorced woman with toolbag in hand....

3 years ago
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My daughter Krystal

I walked in and there was my daughter Krystal stretched out on the bed laying on her stomach doing her homework. She had on a very short nightie that showed off her long, beautiful legs and a little bit of the swell of her sweet little ass."Hi Daddy!" She grinned up at me.My daughter is so incredibly beautiful! She has her mother's green eyes, beautiful chestnut hair, and a smile that lights up a room. I could also see pretty much all of her full, luscious breasts with the neckline of that...

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The Beach2

Beach Prologue I am tired after my trip and fall into bed as soon as I get back, not even knowing yet if I have the promotion, my head reeling from the experience. Word has got around, however, and Cija knows I am back. She rings, and I can hear the delight in her voice. I can’t resist agreeing to see her, but tell her how weary I am. I hear a little hesitancy in her voice, but she tells me to come right on over to the private beach below the villa she inherited from her parents....

4 years ago
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Night at the Movies

My wife, Kay, and I went out to dinner one night and were going to catch a movie afterwards. Now Kay never wears a bra and more often than not when she’s wearing a dress or spandex pants she never wears panties either. That’s just fine with me because I know how nice her camel toe looks in her spandex pants. This night she wore a dress. When we go out like this I usually only wear jeans and a shirt, no underwear or t-shirt. She likes that. Anyway, after dinner we headed to the theater. The one...

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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 13

(The Fall of Year Three through that Winter) The fall was crisp and cold earlier than expected. With hundreds of willing hands available, we dug out a new underground food storage pit. This one would be the last we'd need. It was dug twelve feet deep, and it measured thirty by thirty feet. We made the floor of a couple of inches of crushed granite stone, on top of which we floated a mortar bed and then tiled the floor in the thick tiles we'd been using for the safety walls out in the...

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Moms Unique Punishment Part 1

All I did was shoplift a few things from a department store, and the next thing I knew, I was in big, big trouble with Mom. I got into trouble before but never anything this bad. Mom immediately grounded me and made me quit my baseball team, which really killed me. I loved playing ball with the guys and I was a pretty good fielder and I was batting over 300. But that's all in the past. I haven't held a bat or seen any of my friends since my punishment began a few weeks ago. This was some...

3 years ago
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My Daughter Cindy Part 4

I look at her and she smiles back, moving torwards the bed and saying; " Good morning daddy! " She lifts the covers and snuggles into me, laying her body on the right side of me and her right leg over my right leg. She lifts her head up and kisses me on the neck. I return by kissing her on top of the head. She moves around more and her leg moves up and hits my hard-on. Her eyes get big and she has a devilish smile on her face saying; "Ooooh! Somebody's ready! " I look back at her,...

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Mustang Romance Ch 02

Dinner was passed pleasantly enough, much better than the last four years of dinners that Amy had grown accustomed to. The whole dining room was a mass of conversations held across the table, across the room, even across the house! Laughter and warmth was so heavy in the air, that to an unacquainted soul, Amy suddenly felt like her life had been empty without these new friends. Cowboy after cowboy had strode into the house, and she had been pleasantly surprised by the drop of countenance in...

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the blackout

I never knew who it was. on friday night just chilling infront of netflix when suddenly my light went off tv and allthe backyard door slammed open ''who is this?''''its daddy and his friend''''what the fuck?''''get him''and i endup fighting the 4 hands on my couch trying to get my cloth ripped offuntil they succededass slapped doddy , hold by them calling me a white boy slut ''stop stop i dont know you''i bright flashlight on my face , naked as a worm , not seing them blinded by the...

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Glory Be The Day

About two years ago, I read online about the glory holes at an adult bookstore that was close to my office. So with nerves of steel, I visited during lunchtime later that week. With caution, I parked in the rear of the building so no one would see me from the street. Then I nervously entered the back door. Heedfully, I walked into the darkened entryway. There was this seedy looking woman sitting behind a counter who prompted me for two dollars. I paid her, and the spindle allowed me in.Once...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 5 8211 Memorable Day

Chapter 5 “We are looking like…”, cutting him in the middle of the sentence Rose in her sensual voice, humorously added “Like a nerd”, and both the girls starts to giggle. “Lets do some nerdy thing.” That lucky guy with two of the bombshell one with 36C-28-36 and other with 38D-28-40 were standing out of that old building. Three of them went in separately to avoid any kinds of noticing activities in the entrance. Milky white legs Anamika was followed by curvy waist Rose. Arun went in at last,...

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My Fetish For Panties CH1

I LOVE dirty panties! Yes I have a panty fetish........BIG TIME!! I would like to share my experiences on xhamster here with like minded individuals or those who are just curious about panty fetishism. This is one of many chapters I would like to share, so I hope everyone enjoys! I would like to start from the begining, the first time I ever held a pair of dirty panties in my hands...........I was 8, and being an only c***d, never had the opportunity to check out girls undies before going over...

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My new neighbor blows my brains out

I was home along that Saturday morning; since my beloved wife had travelled to Buenos Aires to visit her parents. So, I was purring alone in bed, as I heard a truck pulling up close to the window. I went out to the balcony and saw we had new neighbors.The man was in his early fifties and the wife looked really hot.The lady was younger than him; a sensual brunette, with a slim sexy body to die for; including a pair of killer legs. She looked so fucking hot!I stood there stroking my hard dick...

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My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia

My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia I thought it was my dream job. I must have been mad! A new restaurant, The Rabbit Warren, was about to open in the city where I lived, and I applied for a job there. Part of a growing chain throughout the country, The Rabbit Warren's big selling point, apart from top class food, was that it was themed like a gentlemen's club, and the waitresses, called 'hostesses', all wore bunny girl costumes. It must have been licenced by the Playboy Corporation,...

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The Lady of Bathe Street

Look, I know I should've looked in the rearview mirror, okay?I know.I mean, I know now.I should've looked in the rearview mirror, or twisted to look out the back window, or hell, I guess I could've washed my car so the goddamn backup camera wasn't covered in dirt.There's a lot of things I should've done. There were a lot of things I could've done. The fact of the matter, my friend, is that I did not do those fucking things, and I ran over the crazy old lady who lived down the street.Well, okay,...

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Morning Ritual

. . .She was as wet as she ever had been in her life as she lied there on her bed, her legs spread as wide as she could get them. She could feel the sexual fluid of her arousal escape her hot vertical lips and drip down between her ass cheeks. She felt the warmth of her near orgasmic fluid coat her asshole and it made her moan even louder than she was already. She knew that she would have to change the sheets after she was done. She could feel the pool of her natural juices soaking into them as...

1 year ago
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Booty Payment Plan

When my buddy bailed on me at the last moment to attend the Orioles game, I decided to go on alone. I was running about 20 minutes behind schedule but figured that I could still catch the 3 inning if traffic and parking wasn’t too bad. Just my luck as the stadium lots all had full signs posted. I started looking in the housing areas adjacent to the lots around the stadium for curbside spots when I spotted hispanic guy holding a homemade sign offering inexpensive parking in his alley entrance...

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My Early Days

When I was a young lad of 18 I was a seasoned sex maniac but due to censorship lets just say I started when I was this age. Like most of us reading these stories in our youth we enjoyed experimenting and I was the frontrunner trust me, a lot of my friends were the same age and yes we used to have the odd fondle here and there maybe have a wank together just for a laugh but there was this lad who was a couple of years older than me who was very feminine and liked playing girls games instead of...

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Godless and FaithlessChapter 4

Axel’s worrying over the plan to attack the bandits proved misplaced. As Barny explained to him, battles were often small-scale brawls and went from one extreme to the other. With lots of death on one side, or an indecisive outcome with few fatalities. Theirs had been a resounding victory. All the bandits they knew of were dead. They took longer than expected, as they had to deal with another two dozen women and girls rescued from the bandits. Then there was the packing of the loot. The...

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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 17 Hard Decision

With Marjorie gone the place felt empty. Now I know how it feels to be lonely in the middle of a crowd. The three months won't be long in passing, but it will be mid winter when she returns. At least this time we have a very warm home to return to. Preparation for the winter has begun, and we have been collecting wood ready cut for the fires. All the thick branches taken from the trees which were felled for lumber, have been cut up, and distributed to each individual's home. I made use of...

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Sangeetas time in Prague Part 2 Yvette visits

Seeing Yvette was always fun, and when they met at the airport Yvette gave her a big hug, which Sangeeta enjoyed more than usual because now she could only think about what she would do to Yvette if she ever got the chance. Taking her into work so she could meet her colleagues meant watching Yvette smile and flirt her way around all the men and women in the laboratory. By the end of the day Yvette had a string of lunch and dinner invitations. Of course, Sangeeta got invites too,...

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Best Friend Nu Subeh Choda Khoob

Hi, mera name vipul hai or mai punjab se hu. Iss story mai apko pta chalega kaise maine first time apni best friend ko choda. Meri height 5.11inch hai and dick size kbhi measure ni kra but bda he hai. Iss story ki heroine hai aanchal jisko maine khoob choda. Aanchal ki age 22 year hai sry mai apni age btana bhool gya meri age 22 he hai. If any girl bhabhi aunty wife lady koi bhi age ki ho mere sath pyr time sprnd krne chahe sex krne chahe to mujhe email pr contact kr skti hai . Hamari meeting...

4 years ago
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With great power come great boobies

-My Lord, are you sure mankind is ready for this gift? Millions of lightyears from our planet, the etheric bodies ruling the universe were having one of those endless debates on how life on distant planets needed to evolve. -Now is the time, said one of them. The people of this planet have evolved enough to receive it. Through the centuries, they slowly progressed to better themselves. Once a small group of them will be able to use these powers from the greater good, they will get rid of the...

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Summer in san Francisco

When i was "18", i met a man at a rave.he asked me if i wanted to go party at his house.when we got to his house, he revealed he was gay.he was in his 40's and he was gonna be my first master.and i was gonna be his prefect Fuck doll.He owned an adult arcade in San Francisco and had a whole room full of extra merch,and seeing that i was curious he didn't push, instead he suggested we party a lil bit. When i use stimulants,i.e. coke,crystal meth,extacy,molly, i get really horny for man on man...

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