River Ch. 09 free porn video

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My lazy stay-at-home Friday, started wonderfully with that car-based release of pressure. After putting our clothes back on with fumbling fingers and trying to fix both my and his hair, whilst looking guiltily out of the windows of his car, John drove us back to the grocery store. We gave each other one long, loving kiss and said goodbye. I slowly walked to my car and then equally slowly drove home, head again filled with sensory memories that needed to be processed.

I walked like a sleepwalker into my apartment and just barely remembered to shut the door. I then threw myself in the sofa, my body warm and spent, with a satisfied smile on my face. The tension I had been feeling for days was gone and I felt deliciously rumpled and very well loved.

The phone rang and I reached for it quickly, ‘perhaps it’s John’ I thought smiling hopefully.

‘Hello’ I answered, my voice as lazy and satisfied as the rest of me.

‘Hello yourself’ I heard Mary say, ‘is that a post coitus voice I’m hearing my dear?’

‘Ehhh’ I answered, once again struck by the fact that my friend was a little bit too perceptive.

‘Never mind’ she said with a quick laugh ‘I didn’t call you to interrogate you, I just wanted to know how you were’.

And that was Mary for you, if she worried about one of us, she usually took some extra time checking up on that person. The fact that she called to check if I was ok made me remember Rose and the way she had acted a little less… rosy that Thursday evening.

‘I’m fine’ I told Mary and added ‘but I think there might be something wrong with Rose’.

The fact that Mary was silent for a long while spoke louder than words, she definitely knew something and since she didn’t say anything, I guessed it was something bad. I went from calm and well pleasured to instantly anxious and worried.

‘What’s wrong with Rose, please tell me’ I begged her. ‘Is she ill?’

‘The only thing I can say is that she’s not happy with her Iife’ she answered and then continued with ‘I think Rose will tell us really soon what is wrong, and I think it’s better if you don’t say anything to her or ask her questions until she’s decided what to do’. She finished the Rose-discussion with a firm ‘you know I’ll keep an eye on her and help her if I can’.

Her simple explanation and my trust in her ability to keep an eye on all of us made me relax enough to laugh and tell her ‘You know you sound sort of like a fairy godmother sometimes’.

She barked out a short laugh and then answered with a surprisingly clear singing voice ‘Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo’.

We continued talking for a little while about simple, everyday things and I even ended up telling her what had happened between John and me, the less private parts of our story. She said she was thrilled that I’d finally met someone that was good to me and for me and after wishing each other a nice weekend, we said goodbye and ‘see you Thursday’.

I fell back into my sofa, now suddenly sleepy, it was exhausting jumping from well-pleasured to anxious to happy-friendly. Or if it was just the pleasure after pressure part? I was about to dose off when my phone buzzed. The text message was from John and it said ‘Do you think we dare try to have dinner tomorrow?’ I quickly answered ‘You, me and Sam?’ and just as quickly I got the response ‘No, just you and me. Sam will go to his grandparents’. I answered ‘Ok’ and his last message read ‘I’ll pick you up at 8’.

I jumped out of the sofa and did a little ‘yay’-dance on the floor by the TV. Then that first ‘uh-oh, I’m going on a date’-wave hit me and I ran into my walk-in closet to try to find something to wear. Half an hour later I had found the perfect clothes for the occasion and this time when I sat down in my soft, comfortable sofa I fell asleep straight away.

– – – – –

The next morning I woke up with a somewhat strained neck, from sleeping in the sofa half of the night, but I felt a bubbly, happy feeling inside of me when I thought about my date with John that evening. Since I had slept unusually late I didn’t have that many hours to anticipate and worry myself through. I started with a long leisurely brunch, reread parts of one of my favorite books and then took a long bath accompanied by soft, calming music. After cleaning, grooming, polishing, tweaking and moisturizing myself into perfection I was ready to get dressed. I had chosen my softest, prettiest and most expensive set of underwear, a black set with a gently winding vine curling its way across my bra and panties. The same vine was stitched onto the thigh highs that I fastened to a simple, black garter belt.

I walked up to the mirror and took a long look at myself. As I looked I had to smile, because I looked ridiculously happy and beautiful. I let my fingers follow my generous curves and tickle my soft skin and I could tell that my senses were still heightened. Every brush of my hands sent tingling sensations through my body, tingles that collected at my very core.

The dress I had chosen was a simple but seductive black knee-high one with long sleeves and a generous neckline. The sensual creature that gave me a saucy smile in the mirror also gave me a sense of power. The messy but classy hairdo and the high heels perfected the image. With one last application of lip-gloss I was as ready as I was ever going to be, in more ways than one.

A short time later the doorbell rang and with quick, bouncing steps I speeded to the door. I opened the door to a picture of manly perfection. Dressed in everyday, office clothes he had looked pretty amazing, dressed in jeans he had been absolutely mouthwatering. Now, in his black and white suit and shirt I almost wanted to squeal like a teenager seeing her favorite pop artist for the first time.

I saw his body grow tense at the sight of me and my sense of female empowerment grew as his eyes grew large and blank, when I greeted him with a smile. He started taking a step towards med but stopped himself, straightened his shoulders and said ‘I think it’s best if don’t touch you right now’ with a slightly hoarse voice ‘Shall we go?’

I got my coat, locked my door and started walking towards his car. With a smile I realized I had yet another place where I would always feel that excited feeling, as I remembered what we had done to each other there. My smile grew wider as I glided into the car, remembering that he’d actually been eager enough to lift me up and into the car the previous time we’d been in it.

Once again every bump in the road reminded me of my sexual readiness, my body balancing on the very edge of release. I made a concentrated effort to pull myself out of my memories and when we reached the restaurant, I managed to look, walk and talk as if I hadn’t been stuck in fantasies about completing what we’d started in his car.

Walking into the restaurant I realized that the tall woman with the silver-blond hair standing in front of us, waiting for the head waiter to show her to her table, was actually Susan.

‘Hey, Susan!’ I said and touched her shoulder. With a jump she turned around with a question in her eyes.

‘What, who?’ she asked, but when she saw me she smiled and squeezed my hand.

‘Sarah! What are you doing here?’ she asked and then added with an embarrassed smile ‘I mean, I’m happy to see you’.

I introduced John and Sarah and we talked some about what had been happening since we last met. I almost felt sorry for Susan, eating out all by herself, but before I could ask her to join us for dinner, two nicely dressed, handsome, dark haired men came walking and placed themselves by her sides. ‘Our table’s ready. Are you coming?’ one of them asked and placed his arm around her. The other man put his hand on her back and then looked at us with a slight worry-wrinkle between his eyes. With a quick wave of her hand Susan said goodbye to us and then glided into the restaurant closely followed by the two men.

re’s definitely a story there’ I thought to myself as my eyes followed them into the restaurant. I turned my surprised-looking face towards John and then realized that he was also watching them walk away, his eyes full of unanswered questions. Our thoughts were interrupted by the waiter wanting to show us to our table.

John had chosen the perfect restaurant for a first, intimate dinner. By the use of a clever interior design and with screens and flower arrangements, the tables were separated from each other, so that the guests would be able to have a larger amount of privacy than in usual restaurants. The lights were dimmed and the soft music that was playing had a smooth, almost sensual feel to it. ‘All this, and a wonderful man to share it with’ I thought to myself. With a wide smile I told John as well, that is was beyond perfect.

As we enjoyed the delicious food we kept a simple conversation going, talking as if we’d known each other for much longer than we actually had. The ever present attraction was kept at bay, mostly by not touching each other. My hands, so eager for contact with any part of him, kept reaching out and I had to stop myself so many times, that it was almost ridiculous and in the end I just laughed when I noticed what kept happening. John on the other hand seemed to be basically sitting on his own hands to keep from touching me, so I think both of us knew that we would eventually end up hurrying out of there.

When we’d just started with our dessert, a divine chocolate mousse, and I was licking the lovely chocolate goo off my spoon with a low groan I heard a growl from the other side of the table. Looking up I could tell that John was following every move I made and I realized that the way I was enjoying my food was putting him even more on the edge. Feeling completely, wonderfully female I leaned forward, making good use of my neckline and the deep cleavage that appeared at a certain angle. I reached for some more chocolate mousse and lazily licked my spoon whilst looking at him through my eye lashes. His body was twitching slightly and he had a somewhat crazy look in his eyes. From my next spoon of sweet deliciousness I ‘accidently’ spilled some onto the exposed parts of my right breast. I heard one of his knees hit the table hard as he called out for the waiter. Minutes later we were taking yet another quick drive, this time eagerly hurrying towards my apartment.

After fumbling with my keys and finally letting both of us into my apartment, I quickly dropped my shoes and my coat on the hallway floor. Looking back at John, that was still standing in the doorway, I heard him grumbling something about ‘being eager as a schoolboy’. I started walking with slow, sensual steps towards my bedroom, unbuttoning my dress and demonstratively letting it glide from my shoulders and down my back. With a muted bang the door was shut and as I kept walking I could hear long, heavy footsteps following my way down the hallway.

Finally ending my journey at the end of my bed, I turned around just before he reached me and let the dress fall off completely. Pure fire shot between my legs as I saw his eyes grow impossibly dark at the sight of my almost naked body. He froze in speechless, motionless wonder, hands stretched out towards me, almost, but not quite reaching me. I felt the timeless power of pure femininity as I walked towards my bed and sat down slowly, raising my hand in a come-hither motion.

* * * * *

Leaving Sarah at the grocery store seemed like the hardest thing I’d ever done, but I had promised to come get Sam early, and because of all the previous disappointments in his life, I really tried to make sure that all of my promises were kept.

I had to pull my shirt out of my pants to cover some of the evidence of my and Sarah’s recent activities. I didn’t and wouldn’t ever feel embarrassed at the fact that her beautiful orgasm had made me come in my pants. I did, however, not want to try to explain the fact to one inquisitive 6-year old boy.

As we were driving home, Sam looked at me and probably saw a silly smile on my face, a smile that just wouldn’t go away. He worried his teeth on his lower lip and then he started talking.

‘Daaad’ he said ‘I’ve been thinking’. He paused and seemed to be thinking about how to continue.

‘Yeees’ I said to keep the conversation going.

‘Well, I was thinking that since I like my teacher and you like my teacher too…’

‘Yes?’ I answered wondering if he could possibly be thinking what I had just recently started thinking.

‘I was thinking that since we like her and she seems to like us too, couldn’t we ask her to come live with us?’

I looked at him quickly and he seemed to be waiting eagerly for an answer. I’m always amazed at how incredibly perceptive children are. In the few times that he had seen me and Sarah together he’d been able to tell both that I liked her and she liked me. In a child’s way of seeing the simple solution in everything he’d quickly formed the idea that we should all live together.

‘Would you like that’ I asked him.

‘Yes, then she could teach both of us how to build things’ he answered, seeking another simple solution to his ever present wish to learn how to make things with his two small hands.

‘I’m not sure I can just call her and ask her to move in with us though’ I said with a small smile.

‘No, I guess not’ he said with a disappointed pout.

‘But you know what’ I told him ‘I could ask her out on a date first, and see if she likes that’.

‘Yes, yes, tomorrow’ he said with a nod.

‘Are you sure?’ I asked him, ‘weren’t we going to do a lot of things together you and I this weekend?’

‘I can go to granny and gramps’ he answered ‘they’ll like that!’

And simple like that my worry about not seeing Sarah alone for another 3 weeks got solved by my precious son. A phone call later, with a happy grandmother wishing me a really nice outing with my special lady friend (about time too), I sent a text to Sarah asking her out on our very first date. Several phone calls later I had managed to book a table at ‘the most romantic restaurant ever’ according to a friend’s wife. After eating and watching TV with Sam, I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.

– – – – –

After a Saturday morning playing with Sam and then driving him to his grandparents, I kept busy doing things in the house and in the garden. Through all activities I felt anticipation running through me, getting stronger and stronger as the evening and our date got closer.

I took a long, steaming shower, my imagination painting pictures of her standing in there with me. Pressure had been building up again since our shared release the day before, and I handled the situation with strong, quick strokes that ended in a powerful ejaculation. Perhaps that would make it easier for me to behave like a gentleman through our romantic dinner for two.

Driving to her apartment I kept thinking about the incredible way that everything seemed to just fall in place, as if Sarah was supposed to be a part of my and Sam’s life, as if it was all a part of some divine, greater plan.

Walking up to her apartment this sense of everything being predestined filled me with calmness. Of course, just one look at Sarah made all that calm evaporate as if it had never been there. I had never seen her in a dress, and oh boy what a dress it was, short and showing all of her curves to perfection. She had done something with her hair making it look stylish but also slightly tousled, as if someone had pulled his fingers through it, just as my fingers were itching to do. Or perhaps it was the hairstyle of someone who’d been spending the afternoon in bed, vigorously active.

‘Beds, mustn’t think about beds’ I thought to myself as I got a hold of the doorframe, to keep myself from throwing myself at her. I muttered something about not touching her and then we were on our way. Of course, sitting in the ca
r, I couldn’t help thinking about the way our grocery shopping ended up in this car and I had a feeling that she was thinking about it too, the way she kept twisting in her seat.

The restaurant that I had chosen was supposedly the perfect place to bring someone special, and hopefully Sarah liked the place, I only had eyes for her.

Standing in the short line waiting to be seated I saw Sarah look once and then again at a tall, thin, blonde, attractive in a cold sort of a way woman standing before us. She touched the woman’s shoulder and by the short conversation they had it was obvious that they were friends. By the slight pinkish tint to the tall woman’s face, it seemed she was a bit embarrassed to meet us there. Before long, two men came walking up to her. The strange thing about it all was that both men showed the distinct male signs – that has been handed down to all of us, probably since the cave man age – that the blond woman was his.

Finally seated at the table, we started a conversation that we kept up all through two courses. The comfortable feeling of knowing each other and food that was very well prepared and seasoned made time pass quickly. I had to keep myself from touching her and she laughingly confessed that she had to concentrate real hard too. Nevertheless, I was having hope that we would manage to get through the complete dinner without me behaving like a cave man again.

My hope was still alive up until the point where dessert arrived and I got my first look at a chocolate-loving woman devouring chocolate mousse, the way she slowly and thoroughly licked every last piece of mousse off of her spoon, the way she moaned in pleasure. I had just about reached my limit when she suddenly spilled some mousse straight into her cleavage. And that was it, I quickly payed for dinner and then rushed her out of there, heading straight for her apartment.

Standing in her door, holding myself still by hanging on to the doorway, I could see her walking a slow sexy walk down the hallway, throwing off clothes as she went. When her dress started falling off, my ability to hold myself still also fell away. Closing the door as slowly as I could possibly manage, I threw my shoes off and followed her quickly into what was obviously her bedroom. As I reached her she turned around and let the dress slide off all the way.

I had always been fascinated by the effect that really nice underwear had on not just me, but on the woman that was wearing them. The effect that made the woman that stood before me now, look like a powerful sexual goddess. She slowly slid away from me, climbed onto the bed, seated herself and waved her fingers like a snake charmer, smilingly asking me to join her.

With a whispered curse I pulled all of my clothes off, walked up to the bed and climbed onto it. Standing on my knees I could tell that she was looking at me and her breathing getting quicker told me that she liked what she saw. She reached out and touched the only part that was close enough for her to touch, my right thigh. With a shudder I closed my eyes, unable to both watch her touch me and feel her hand stroking me up and down, as far as she could reach, but just not far enough.

She rose up on her knees and glided closer ending up in front of me, just inches away. She took one of my hands and pushed it onto her breast and then she pulled me in, kissing me slowly but passionately. My hand was filled with her heavy breast, my nose was filled with her special scent of female arousal, my mouth was alternatingly kissing her, licking her lips, greedily sucking her tongue or gently biting it, without pattern and without control.

With a decisive hand on my shoulder she pushed me down onto her bed and then slowly crawled up, placing her thighs around my waist. Just as I could feel the moist heat of her, she placed a quick kiss on my lips and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

‘First I’m going to caress every part of you…’ she said with fire in her voice ‘…slowly’. ‘Then, I’m going to lick every part of you, thoroughly’ she added with a nod. ‘Then I’m going to ride you… slowly… and then you’re going to…’ She ended the sentence without finishing it, but in my mind I had already come up with hundreds of ways I was going to…

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Brandi Finds It Hard To Resist Sex Chapter 2

After Brandi had decided to go back to work, she got a job with her old company. It was one of the largest companies in travel agency business. She had been back to work for four months. One Friday afternoon Brandi's company had to shut down, to have their computers serviced. They let everybody go home at twelve noon. Brandi hadn't planned to be off so she decided to do a little shopping. She went into Macy's and started looking at the tops. She had on a short skirt and a sweater top. Brandi...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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My Reluctant Lactating Wife at the Halloween Party

At the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. This is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services, so we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night. Max...

1 year ago
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Home Again

Kate just got home from college. She had been gone all year and during that time her mom married a man who is now Kate's step dad. Kate had changed a lot in her year of college. She had learned to fix her make up and hair and dress sexy but not slutty. She had also ventured in some sex with the college guys. Her step dad seemed to pay a lot of attention to her. He stared at her tight shirts and very short shorts. Kate could hear he and her mom fucking almost all night. He seemed to really need...

4 years ago
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Time in New England Part 4 and final

This is the fourth and final chapter of a series exploring the ins and outs of a fantasy with my new friend Rosalind also known as Roz or Wholelottarosie here at Lush. I’m in a bit of trouble with Rosalind. Accidentally, I called her by another woman’s name last night – Jo. Jo is also a Lush member who calls herself Sexywife104. Rosalind isn’t really angry with me but she’s teasing me without a scintilla of mercy and so as ‘punishment’ I’m to give her a full body massage complete with...

1 year ago
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dost ki behen ko chodarlm

yeh aaj se 6 saal pehle ki sacchi ghatna hai.jab main 11th class me tha...pehle main aapko apne baare me bata do..meri age 20saal hai aur baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai meri height 5;8hai aur main kaafi handsome bhi hoon chalo ab baaten to bahut hoti rahengi main asli topic par aa jaate hai.If anu girl, bhabhi,aunty wanna sex wid me in delhi then u can mail me at [email protected] and please comment me on my story if u like or dislike my story1 baar main aur mera dost Farooq.study kar rahey...

3 years ago
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“N-No! Laura, stop!” I squirmed as I writhed around underneath her on the bed we shared. I had been over at her house for the weekend, sleepovers planned. It was late, nearly midnight, and we were playing like children on the bed, not like the mature, 19-year-old best friends we were. We were simply tickling each other until we couldn’t take it anymore. Her fingers worked endlessly on my sides, our hair tussled and messed as we fought. I kicked her off with a triumphant laugh, rolling over so...

3 years ago
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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

3 years ago
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Paris Trip Part Five

Sam didn’t come out of the cubicle for about fifteen minutes and, when she did, she was still red in the face. She strode across the floor, not breaking step as she returned the items to the counter and made straight out the exit without glancing back to see if I was with her. I wasn’t too sure what to say or how to react and didn’t get much of a chance to try until she stopped walking about fifteen minutes later. By that time we were quite a distance from the shop or any of the streets we had...

3 years ago
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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I’ve been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

1 year ago
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Valentines day suprisex

my girlfriend is let’s say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cock In porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance. thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man with an 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help. 7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no idea whats gonna happen I keep her from...

3 years ago
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Mom and Aunt Meg

Mom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...

2 years ago
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Ill Take Care of You

"What am I doing?" Bob asked himself, as he drove toward the local community college. It was his first day back in college since 38 years ago. He'd already graduated from the Junior College, but was now taking an adult education course in Beginning Sign Language. This course was necessitated by an inner ear problem that was slowly taking Bob's hearing away. "Better learn it now, while I can still hear the instructor," he thought. So, Bob parked his car and found the classroom. He was...

1 year ago
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First and best time ever

It happened when I was 18 and used to babysit for a young couple Mark and Launa. I’d been their babysitter since I was 15 and lived a few doors away. My mother recommended me for the job, little did she know! Mark and Launa were both 25 and had a baby boy. They were a really cool couple. Mark was very good looking with piercing blue eyes and the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. I always got the feeling he knew I fancied him, just by the way he seemed to tease me sometimes with a wink or a smile.

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina The Finale

Jim and I rode the elevator in silence, contemplating the sight that would welcome us when we entered their unit.  The sounds that were emanating from the bedroom pulled us in like dogs to a can-opener.  I was obscenely close behind Jim as he headed for the bedroom.  So close, that when he stopped to take in the spectacle, I bumped right into him.I mumbled, "Sorry," as I attempted to move around him, but he paid me no mind.  As I moved around him, I saw Christina on her back, nude.  Her legs...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Thomas Lends A Needed Presence

Thomas sat on his couch feeling confused and quite strange. Other feelings were going on, but his confusion was overwhelming. He sat back on the couch trying to make heads or tails as he remembered. To his own surprise, he felt his cock stir. He brushed his hand across it and felt it hardening. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but when he squeezed it through his shorts, it felt good, really fucking good! He started rubbing it through the shorts and was giving real thought to just taking it out and...

3 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 23

“Su Lin calling Grant.” “Go, Su Lin.” “We’re on the way but you can meet us and take out the ships. We’ve got the Admiral, his orders and charts. McVey was there, but once he saw us he uttered two words and keeled over. When we reached him, he was already dead. We did gather all his notebooks as you suggested, but we didn’t worry about the bugs, locators or explosives. We figured getting this stuff back to the boat was priority.” “You were correct, and we can see you on radar. Keep your...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 14 The Garden in Mother

Holding hands we skipped down the hall. Ship suggested we see what sort of setup Mother had before we decided on how we got clean. "You'll be surprised." was all she would say, as her right hand scratched under her left perfectly cloned boobs. So did Simone ... same hand, same breast ... together. I was sure it wasn't preplanned. As for our reeking clothes, she suggested we use the 'refresher'. The refresher is some kind of ionizing cleaner that clothes are hung in, the door shut,...

3 years ago
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forbidden love part 2

please before you read this read the first part called fobidden love.As the handle of the door turned i felt a slight arousal coming from the eperience so I started to jerk my still slightly erect dick. but when the door opened i got a surprise, for there standing in front of me was not only my roomate rebekah but she had also had on some very nice and very lacy lingerie i had to start thinking about sports just stop my load from exploding all over her and the bathroom. she came over to me and...

2 years ago
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The Old Man and the Sea

THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA By C Once a small village along the great Southern Sea was afflicted by an especiallycruel, lustful tribe of mermaids. They were beautiful, with luxuriant blondhair, full round breasts, and slender waists. Their skin was pale, nearly thecolor of snow. The human (somewhat human) half ended in a gently swelling,hairless mons , broached by a little cleft that madea rosy contrast to the white skin surrounding it. Farther down, they had thetails of dolphins, with powerful...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Queen Sia Masi

Hi friends, mera naam Yash hai aur me kolkata se hu. Age 21, height 6ft whitish complexion aur athlete body hai. ye story meri aur meri sia masi ki hai it happened in December 2011 jb me lucknow gaya tha.. Sia meri mummy ki cousin sis hai jo lucknow me rehti hai. unki age 25 hai height 5ft 2inch aur gori hai. she is very cute. matlab aisa hai ki unhe dekhte hi kisi ko v unse pyaar ho jae. bas fir kya tha mujhe v unse pyaar ho gaya. hum aise jada baat nai karte the fir ek din unhone mujhe...

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Korean Koolaid Ch 03

Korean Koolaid Confessions of a whoremonger. I am Writing this story as a mini-series. There is quite a bit to tell of the year that I was in Korea. Although I may refer to the girls in this story as young, I assure you that they were all over eighteen at the time these events occurred. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 – In which I learn the secret meaning of having a shower. I was on my knees. A Korean girl was on all fours and I was looking at a small, tight ass. My dick was being...

2 years ago
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My GirlFriend Fucks Me Pegged

It all started when she would rub my ass while she sucked me off which felt so good. Then it progressed into her fingering and massaging my prostate which felt even better still. In fact, That's how I discovered the "anal orgasm". I didn't even know that existed until she gave me my first one. I suppose orgasm isn't the perfect word for it as there is no ejaculation. However, it is so intense and it sweeps across my whole body. I can't think of another word to properly describe it. I can only...

1 year ago
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Bens MomChapter 2

Ben went back to his room. Jock said, "I'd better go home now, Rachel. He has seen us in very intimate embrace. If I stay any longer he might make damaging conclusions." "You think so?" "Yes. Now you must go and talk to your son and pacify him. Otherwise he might tell on us and we will have hell to face." "All right, Jock. Will you come tomorrow?" "It depends. You phone me on my mobile tomorrow. Tell me how Ben has taken it. We will decide after that." Rachel saw Jock to the...

4 years ago
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NINA CINDY obey their Master

Cindy was getting viciously skull fucked it was a no mercy facefuck , much like her mom Nina,Cindy was just a cum/pissbucket to him. He had seen 25 year old Cindy at the mall ,4 months ago & he knew he had to have her . She kept her cunt bald , & Nina kept her cunt trimmed. Gagging on his prick Cindy wasn't as experienced a dicklicker as her mother Nina but Jack was training her. Cindy was also making his life easier because she was now bringing women over for her master. As he...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Love

Chapter 1 "I don't know," my wife said as soon as she had applied lipstick on her full lips. "It's a big step to take. Up till now it's only been you and me. What will happen when we get a third person into our lives?" We were getting ready to receive our guests. There was to be nine. They were my staff with wives, except for Thomas, Tom, who wasn't more than eighteen and just out of school. We used to have them around a couple of times during the year partly to keep the feelings of...

2 years ago
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Eve Bites the Apple Again

It was a perfect, sultry summer night. The rock pool in the middle of a natural forest with its spectacular fifty-metre waterfall accentuated by the glimmering sparkle of the moon must surely have been a leftover piece of Eden. The moon was full and sensual; it's light skittering on the water in a siren's song, luring me in. I was tempted, but I was going to take my time before I swam. Feeling awed by the natural majesty around me, I dropped my shift dress on a rock next to me, stepped closer...

1 year ago
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FapHouse Black

Faphouse is known for being this premium website that houses quality porn from a variety of places. One category you may not have known about being is Faphouse's Black and Ebony section. Black girls can get pretty naughty, can't they? And quite juicy, too! The ebony porn Faphouse covers a range of different kinks and fetishes from a variety of places involved with the porn industry. And one aspect of Faphouse I can always appreciate is its eye toward keeping things simple, easy to understand,...

Premium Black Porn Sites
1 year ago
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One Massage Made Me A Cuckold

I am Vinod, now married for over 7 years with a lady, not beautiful but certainly having an attractive figure. 5 ft 5 inches tall, fair to very fair having statistics of 34-inch breast, 24-inch waist, and 34-inch hip. Her hairs were dense, dark brown and grown long coming below her waist. But she did not have which any lady should have for being called as beautiful. She has a stony face, no smile. The smile was very hard to come on her face. On bed also, though she was agreeable for sex every...

3 years ago
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The Plan

"My ex-wife calls me an asshole. She's probably right about that. Of course, she wasn't right about a lot of other things. It was those other things that led to our divorce," I said while admiring the golden beverage in my beer glass. It had been a long time since I had a beer and I intended to enjoy every ounce of it. It was even better knowing that it was on the house. "What other things?" my drinking buddy for the evening asked. I was pretty sure that he was wondering if my ex-wife...

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Dream girl2

Rath's eyes scanned the room before him slowly taking in the sight. He couldn't quite recall how he got to this room, or even why he had come here, but he didn't dare leave. His trim, muscular body was exposed except for the tight shorts he wore. The chilly night air that slipped in from the window to his left blew his lush brown locks to and fro as he looked upon the goddess before him. He could scarcely believe he had been so lucky as to come across such a stunning woman. The...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning Pt 04

It was Sunday morning and Abbie was out for her morning swim. The dinner with David’s parent’s had been Thursday evening followed by a date with David on Friday night. That date was an eventful one for both. They’d gone to the local place on their side of the lake instead of the fancier restaurant with the walking path. They sat opposite the other eating their burgers and fries talking about college and the soon to start academic year. ‘The swim team meets for first work outs in ten days. I’d...

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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Part 3

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 3Our kiss/introduction continues pulling each other tightly against one another, my hand moves down your back over your short skirt to feel the warm skin of your ass, pulling your hips even tighter against me so that you can feel my erection through our clothing. The closeness of it, and feeling it even through the barriers of our clothing increases you desire...your need to have it, feel it, to have it cum for you. As my hand slides slowly over your skin,...

3 years ago
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Family BrideChapter 3

Her cunt seemed to be stretched wide-open by the tension of her widespread thighs. With the quilted satin belt of her housecoat, he had tied her ankles to the legs of the coffee table. Her wrists, bound with his wide leather belt, were pulled behind her and tied in a similar manner. Her head and shoulders rested on nothing, and her efforts to keep her head up so that she could see what he was doing only served to make the muscles of her abdomen shudder as they tensed. Her heavy breasts shook...

3 years ago
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Ours a Daddy Babygirl story

I figured it was time to do a story of my own, something simple and cute. As always I hope you enjoy & please leave comments, Enjoy Ours A Daddy & Babygirl story By Auora ————————- Oww I cry out as I bend over and grab the counter top. Daddy comes rushing into the kitchen Whats wrong babygirl? My tummy hurts daddy I tell daddy. Its okay babygirl come here as daddy take me and get me to sit on the bar stool.Babygirl were is the baby? As daddy feels around on my tummy. I just laugh for a...

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