Enjoying Amenities
- 2 years ago
- 30
- 0
Written especially for Mina where ever I may find her
1~~Checking In
2~~Room Service
3~~More Towels Please
4~~Complimentary Chocolates
5~~Happy Trails
Checking In
Rain rolled over my windshield as lightening flashed overhead and the crackle of thunder echoed through the mountains. Traffic fishtailed in front of me on the steep downgrade of the narrow winding interstate as the headlights of approaching traffic flickered through the rapid repetition of my wipers. The state troopers were out, and emergency vehicles sped into the darkness through the slowing flow of cars. As dismal as the drive from Florida had been, my heart raced as I pulled off into the Tennessee hotel parking lot. This must be the place, I was sure of it.
As my car sputtered to a stop, I checked the map and directions one last time. ‘Map-quest can’t always be wrong!’ I muttered to myself through a snicker. I gripped the handle of my duffle bag that rested in the passenger seat and took a deep breath as I glanced into the lobby window. The place was not a total dive, but not the Hyatt Regency either. A quick glance around the premises revealed stables off to the side of one wing of rooms. Regardless of the amenities offered, my reservation was locked in weeks ago. The pinging of the alarm started as soon as I popped the door open and ceased as soon as I slammed it shut and made a dash through the raindrops falling on my head.
There was a hushed rush of air as I pushed in through the lobby door and stood for a moment brushing off what I could of the precipitation. A nice mellow atmosphere with a hint of musky sweetness I couldn’t quite place. Spinning on my heel, I walked with my bulging duffle to the front desk. Other than the hiss of rain overhead only the sound of perhaps a radio or television could be heard behind the counter. My duffle landed with a thump upon the floor as I looked around for the bell to ring for service.
‘No need for that, I heard you come in the door’ said the voice.
Such a sweet female voice it was, with a touch of a crisp northern accent. I looked from side to side and did not zero in on her at first.
The voice giggled a bit before adding ‘I’m right here in front of you silly.’
Quite the contrary, she was standing in the hallway directly behind me. Quite a stunner actually, she sported black short bangs with longer than shoulder length hair, stylish frames encircled her piercing eyes. A white, black and purple striped top hugged her petite frame and her curves were sweetly hugged by the fabric while a loose fitting belt looped through her full length jeans. One hand rested on her hip as she briefly leaned against the wall with her other.
‘How was your drive from Florida?’ she asked with a perky upbeat tone.
I was a bit baffled as to her extent of knowledge and my eyebrows raised as I must have had a look of being totally clueless on my face. One corner of her mouth curled in a smirk as she waved her thumb towards my car.
‘I saw the plates when you pulled up and you’re the only person registered to arrive this evening’ she sighed, walking past me to behind the front desk.
Seconds after she passed, I caught the sensation of that musky sweetness again.
‘Mmmm, Lovely isn’t it…’ I said, leaning forward onto both hands on the counter.
She fingered through some papers and started typing into the computer then looked up over the rim of her glasses, ‘It rains like this half the time here, I think it sucks, but we try to keep our customers happy.’
‘No honey… your perfume’, I raised my nose slightly and took in a tester’s whiff ‘…’Lovely”.
Her fingers stopped and her head rose from her work. She gave me a thorough once-over, as if searching my face for some sort of ulterior motive. As if she’d just solved the mystery, her eyes sparkled and her smile was most beautiful as her cheeks rounded flushed.
‘Yes, it is my favorite’ giving a single slight giggle in response ‘You like it… Mr. .. D.?’
She tapped her finger on the keyboard and gave me a half-squinted smile slightly wrinkling that pretty nose. The room had been fully paid for in advance by my company, requiring only my employee ID badge per corporate agreement. As I slipped out my wallet and protectively flashed my badge she leaned forward to match the numbers.
‘We usually require a PHOTO ID at check in’ she stated inquisitively while her head bobbed slightly up and back confirming each digit.
‘I apologize for the anonymity but the company is a stickler on privacy and I will pay cash for anything extra during my stay.’
‘Mmhmm’ she acknowledged while typing on the keyboard.
While her fingers glided over the keys I returned my wallet to its pocket and admired her youthful beauty. Her mixture of looks was unique. The hairstyle was reminiscent of a thinner Betty Page and the glasses resting on her nose were not thick but gave her a cute hint of a Lisa Loeb. A very agreeable low-toned voice sprinkled with a slightly sarcastic humor slipped from between her tightly painted lips below those high rosy cheeks. Her straight black locks swayed against each side of her face and caressed her neckline.
A rather dreamy petite figure and frame of perhaps around twenty five years old I would guess, sporting tight and nicely rounded breasts underneath her perfectly form-fitting top. Her back arched a bit before straightening to her upright posture as she stood to retrieve my room keycard and gave a hint of silky undergarments just inside her beltline. Not too small, not too bubbly, her buns were perfectly proportioned to her slightly taller than five foot height.
‘You’re in the nicest room accommodations we have which don’t say a lot’ she joked.
A couple of chuckles burst from my lips as she concluded ‘but I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay… I was just in there to make sure it was ready for you and you’re all set.’
My fingers touched hers as I tugged the keycard from her grasp. Perhaps she held it a bit tighter than expected, but it prompted me to give a double-take into her beautiful and rare gray eyes. She stared at me and turned her head slightly as if expecting a particular response or perhaps some final clue to my identity.
I smiled back ‘Thank you Mmm..uh..’ Her eyes widened and one eyebrow rose swiftly. ‘Thank you Ma’am’ I corrected myself, collecting my duffle-bag from the floor.
As I stood back up she was drumming her fingertips on the counter and biting one side of her bottom lip, shaking her head while squinting those lovely peepers at me.
Her drumming stopped for a moment as she pointed down the hall from where she’d originally emerged.
‘Take the elevator on your right, use your keycard to reach the sixth floor. The doors will open and your room is straight ahead. Six Ninety as requested.’
I tipped my head as if tipping a hat to a lady and lugged my baggage down the hall, pressing the button to summon the elevator. I turned back and she was still staring at me, drumming her fingers.
‘Just give me a call if you need anything’ her voice flowing down the hallway to me as the doors popped open.
‘I will honey’ I answered slipping into the compartment.
A few beeps heralded the passing floors and the paneled doors slid open. On the opposite wall the ornate door read ‘690’ as I stepped up to the lock. Sliding the keycard through, the locking mechanism popped and the door opened slightly on its own. Pushing my way through with the duffle, I found the room smelled fresh and all the lights were on. Her perfume lingered in the air, and I felt her presence, still hearing her voice in my ears. Taking a peek into the facilities I found a large jacuzzi with a shower stall next to it.
The short hallway opened into a large main room with sliding glass doors at the far end opening to a balcony. The lightening flashed through the blinds as I observed the king-sized bed turned down, and an oversized super-soft sofa along the wall. A small fridge, microwave and table for two must have been the ‘kitchen’ as advertised. Strangely enough, a large fake white bearskin rug lay in the center of the floor in front of a currently unlit wood burning fireplace.
Placing the duffle next to the sofa, I followed her perfume around the room. She’d definitely been into the facilities but no further than the closet. I felt the terrycloth towels were still warm and fresh there, so she must have carried them in with her although I wasn’t quite sure I needed so many. Following the sweet musky scent led me back to the center of the main room.
I couldn’t tell if she’d moved the rug or touched it at all, but as the air-conditioning churned in, the fragrance dissipated. Detecting a bit further, I found nothing out of the ordinary at the dresser or the television at the table. The bed however had been turned down and as I looked closer the fresh sheets indeed were indented as if someone had just laid there. The huge fluffy pillows confirmed it. Her pretty little head had rested on the one closest to the center of the room and her sweet perfume was heavy upon it.
Could she possibly have known who I was and why I was there? I peered through the blinds and just beyond the balcony was the fenced in area for horses. Just beyond the trotting circle were thick woods with a trail or two disappearing into the trees. A rumble of thunder and a flicker of lightening jumped across the rain soaked treetops. Definitely a long drive but I was now warm and getting comfortable in my surroundings. I needed a shower, I felt ripe.
I stripped out of my dampened driving clothes while the shower warmed up. A moment later and I was sudsing in the flowing warmth. The massaging flow on high felt great on my weary back, neck and head. As my eyes closed under the spritzing water, I saw her beautiful face in front of me. Her vision gave me that rosy-cheeked smile and winked. My pulse raced and a physical response was inevitable. My sudsy hand gave my cock a firm tug and as the vision came closer her clothing slid from her shoulders and I leaned forward to taste her lips.
Through the downpour of the shower I heard a tap on the door. My eyes popped open and my grasp released my semi rigid hardon as I twisted the knobs to stop the water. Another soft-knuckled series of taps on the door followed as I stumbled while stepping out of the stall and toweled off as quickly as my coordination would allow, grabbing one of the hotel-issue full-length robes. I stepped over to the door and flipped the cover from the peep hole. Leaning into it I saw nobody there, working the fisheye to either side of the door.
I popped the lock and the door yawned open. Sitting on the floor directly in front of me was a serving tray with a pot of steaming coffee, a pair of hotel mugs, one of them full and pre-mixed. A note on hotel letter-head stood folded between the condiments. I looked up and saw the elevator lights descending in number, returning to ground level. Carefully retrieving the tray, I brought it back into the room with me and rested it on the table next to the TV.
I settled into the soft chair next to the table, crossing one leg over the other and toweling my hair. The note caught my eye and I carefully unfolded it from between the creamer and Swiss white chocolate mix.
‘Welcome to Tennessee Mr. D.’ the note read. ‘Why didn’t you bring some of that Florida sunshine up with you? Thought you could use something to perk you up. Let me know if you need anything else — M. P.S., Columbian coffee with cream, sweetener and Swiss white chocolate. I think you’ll like it. Trust me.’
‘Could the jig be up?’ I thought to myself. The coffee is exactly the way I like it. I know I’d mentioned it to her before on the phone. I sipped the brew and sure enough, just as I liked it.
Room Service
My senses were revived and the caffeine was working its magic. The hotel robe was extremely warm, comfortable and absorbed the remaining droplets from the shower. As I sipped away my heartbeat increased and my semi-stiffee was not in any hurry to leave.
The eyes of the fake bearskin rug glared at me while the softness of the fur behind it looked rather inviting. My mind spun but a moment as I propped my feet up on the opposing chair and pulled the black phone towards me on the table. Punching in the digits from the directions underneath the receiver I awaited as the line gave a garbled buzz.
A distinct ‘click’ preceded the inevitable sweet relaxing voice, ‘Front desk’.
‘Hi honey, thank you for the coffee’ I offered.
A brief gasp precluded a small pause in her response. ‘No problem Mr. D.’ she replied ‘Is there something else I can do for you this evening?’
‘You might, I’ve developed a bit of an appetite honey. I’m looking for something sweet and I love chocolate, something silky smooth to melt on my tongue’ I requested, ‘Do you know of a place open that I could order from?’
A moment or two of silence was broken by her reply ‘I believe I might be able to find something for you here. I’ll put something together and run it up when my shift is over at eleven.’
Her dreamy voice mystified me, ‘You’re being too nice to me, sweetheart.’
‘Nnnnope’ she concluded and I was sure I heard a brief giggle when the phone beeped in a lazy fumbled disconnect.
Her voice echoed in my ears, so soft and sensuous. My elbow on the table, fingers propping my temple, I closed my eyes and she appeared yet again. Such a pretty young lady being so nice and attentative would soon be on her way up to my room. As her face became more vivid, the reassurance of her eager attitude to please me was registering in my foggy head. I felt her visionary hands touch my chest and slowly slide up to my collar bone as she leaned forward against me.
I could feel my cock growing stiffer as it rose more rigid, pushing its way through the soft robe fabric. Her eyes closed, lips in a pucker. I leaned forward to kiss her and felt one of her hands sliding down my lower abdomen. The quick rush of the shifting vision startled me awake from my daydream as I acknowledged the sound of quick double-knuckled taps on the door. Glancing at the clock I noted the time had indeed slipped by and was eleven straight up.
I retied the belt of the robe and it was going to be tough hiding my hardness underneath, now sticking out at a ninety degree angle. I stepped up to the peep hole and looked through. Her face was as close to the other side of the lens as possible, she knew I’d be looking through.
As my chuckles flowed forth, she shifted each eye wide in front of peep hole, smiled very big and then I heard her talk through the door, ‘Are you gonna let me in now or should I just keep knocking?’
While still peaking through the hole I reached over and unlatched the deadbolt. Her face and stance turned towards where the door would usually open, but I playfully paused, waiting for a reaction. Her head slowly turned back to the lens with lips pursed tight and her eyebrow rose.
She nodded her head and I heard a playful ‘Uh huh…’ followed by a single thud on the door. I freed the remaining lock, took a step back and swung the door wide open.
She stood there with one wrist resting on her hip, tapping her foot as a plastic bag swung from her grip. Her pensive stance eased a bit as we stood staring at each other for but a moment and her head tilted slightly with a bit of a squint to her eyes. I couldn’t take the masquerade any longer.
‘Hi Mina’, I revealed.
Her eyes lit up and she dropped her bag as she exclaimed th
rough her huge smile ‘Jim?? I knew it was you!’
A Cheshire cat grin on my face as I nodded to the affirmative, ‘I had to see you honey.’
She stepped up to me, so cute and petite, looking up into my eyes. Sometimes unspoken words say so much more. My hands opened, touching each side of her waist as I memorized every detail of her face. Her smile continued to grow as her hands touched my chest, just as in my daydream, then slid up to my collarbone. She leaned forward deep into my space with her eyes so unsure and wanting as her face came closer.
My hand rose to touch her cheek. She welcomed it, rubbing her cheek softly into it, her eyes never leaving mine. With eyes wide open we kissed, quickly at first, followed by an increasingly lingering series of kisses. Her eyelids slowly closed as our mouths soon welcomed each other more passionately and our tongues found one another.
As we stopped to catch our breath, her hands raised to my face touching mine in a similar manner as I’d done to hers.
‘Hello Jim, welcome to Tennessee’ she whispered in between breaths, looking into my face from eye to eye. ‘I am soooo happy you’re here’, she continued ‘Very surprised but very happy.’
To think after we’d chatted online and spoken many times on the phone before, meeting her in person was exactly as I’d envisioned it. Her hands then slid up and locked around my neck as she jumped high into my arms with a hug. My arms quickly caught her around the waist holding her tight and safe against me. The robe could not hide my state of arousal as her body pressed into mine. My cock pressed into her lower abdomen and she gasped, looking back into my face for some sort of explanation. She then shifted herself slightly to confirm what she was feeling against her. Her face became flush as she blushed and lost whatever words she’d prepared next.
I laughed ‘Honey, what do you expect? You are such a total turn on for me, Dream Girl.’
She smiled and slowly released her grip around my neck. Her body inched down the front of mine and she seemed to shyly savor the feel of my cock as it poked along her frame. Mina took a step back and looked down around her feet. Turning around she retrieved her bag from the floor, then pushed my door shut and secured it with every lock.
Remembering my tease at the door she turned around with one eyebrow raised, smirked and gave me a slight ‘Hmph.’
I sat back onto the very soft French sofa and chuckled ‘What’s that ‘hmph’ for baby?’
‘Jim, I’m just a little tired’ she replied putting the bag on the counter in the kitchen area.
‘Have some of your excellent coffee Sweetheart’, I offered. ‘Funny thing, it’s just the way I like it’ I said with a knowing chuckle.
‘I told you I knew you were you’, she replied putting a hand on my leg as she stepped out of her heeled shoes and snuggled into the couch next to me. My arm circled her waist as she leaned against me and she kneaded her grip on my leg as she turned her head to deliver a series of sweet kisses.
She wore a flavored gloss on her lips and it lingered on mine after each kiss. Her perfume was now all over me and of a pleasant heady scent. Her slim fingers felt very warm on my exposed leg as the terrycloth fabric laid open but still tied off concealing my hardness. I nuzzled into her ear giving it a slight playful bite and she giggled tightly to the sensation. Her dark hair hugged the curves of her adorable face as her Betty Page bangs completed the vision of beauty.
‘Poor baby, worked all day and I drove all day too’ I stated in recognition and concern.
She pouted just for a second, her lower lip swelling out as she confirmed with only ‘Mmhmm ‘Poor Baby’ is right.’
She reached over with one hand grasping the open collar of my robe and pulled me down to kiss her. Those pretty eyes closed and a series of kisses in variation followed by a moaning purr of appreciation ‘Mmmm.’
Snuggling a bit more warmly she rested her head against my chest but then removed her glasses as she slowly slid down into the couch, her head now resting in my lap.
Friends, this story is true. I’m not used to speaking in turning my first fuck I’m telling it straight. Only the name has changed everything else in the story is true. My neighbor who I Choada with him, to say that writing this story. My name is Aks I am 22 years old, blonde and beautiful boy. She is seven inches and is very fair. Her name is Mina’s aunt lives in my neighborhood. He was 50 years old but her tits and ass hot fat – fat. Bobe him at this age are hard. When she gets groovy moving...
‘She is amazing. Mina is her name. She was standing at 5 feet from me and I was able to smell her arousal and to see the slowly dropping stream from her pussy. And, trust me, her pussy was swollen and open like I have never seen before. She was desperately horny at this time. Like you, dear. I am feeling the pulsations coming from your cock. I can see the shiny drop trying to pop from your tip. Let me lick it… Mmm! She tastes good too, honey! Yes, I was catching a stream from her pussy with my...
Authors note: Hi there. This is me, the author. The story youre about to read is based on a fictional character named Mina (http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/MinaMuseumCurator/profile) The guy actually made a whole HF page about her. There are some awesome pictures of his character and even a story. Being dissapointed at the single chapter story of about 600 words i decided to help out a little. Especially because of all the potential. Ok maybe i wasnt dissapointed but it was pretty shit :/...
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Paula began trembling and a long staccato moan escaped her. I tightened my embrace as her movements became more pronounced. She clung to me desperately, screaming in pleasure while the full force of the drug induce orgasm rocked her like an earthquake seeming to last forever. I finally relaxed as her actions calmed, eventually she buried her face in the nape of my neck and I felt her long final sigh hot on my skin. I lay her back gently and stroked her thick luxurious hair, appreciating her...
We were a very happy threesome. As I said, they obeyed me. After a number of months they had gotten used to my commands. Lick and fuck. Easy commands to remember. I got them from a breeder who had a little side line. Training dogs to mate with women. Apparently word got out and he was raided. He had to get rid of his “special” dogs or risk prosecution. I found out on the web and bought both. I felt it was a shame to break them up. Well, that is not strictly true. I had looked at porn, found a...
mary kate looked at him and smiled, she thought that he was like her and had never seen another person naked before so thats why he was so stunned. but if thats the reason he sure covered it quick he sayed "mary kate what are you doing?" she replied i have no idea i need your help i think i hurt myself. he could see why she would think that because her pussy was just dripping water it was like a water show. "and i dont know why but i feel really weird, weird but good at the same time. he...
It was the school holidays and I had been visiting a relative and I was on my was home. I needed to pee and walked into the public loo…you know the sort, smelly and dirty. An old guy was already in there I stood at the urinal, desperate to unzip and get my cock out before I started to pee. Only just making it in time I sensed I was being watched. I glanced across at the only guy there and he was watching me as he stroked his semi hard cock. I couldn’t help but look at it and my 14 year old...
*** Continued from "wrestling Club"... I pulled out of Kyle and turned around to the voice that caught me fucking the hell out of Kyle’s perfect ass. It was Adam and Tim, two guys from the wrestling team. “Hey Marc,” Adam called to me, “I never knew that you were light in the loafers. What’s your girlfriend going to think?” I hadn’t really thought about my girlfriend finding out that Kyle and I sucked each other off and then I fucked him in his ass. All this was racing in my mind as I tried to...
GayThe storm was starting to subside.Mike and I sat on the front porch,bored as hell. It was so humid and the night air was scarce.With nothing to do,Mike and I just talked for a while and tried to keep cool. We both walked inside for a moment to get a cold drink. We were feeling our way through the house for candles and making our way to the kitchen. I pulled out a bag of ice and put a couple of cubes in my mouth. I stood on my toes to give Mike a sexy kiss. I glided the ice across his lips and...
People were talking, but they sounded far away and underwater and I couldn't understand them. The lights were too bright and I didn't feel anything anywhere, except my eyes hurt and I had to close them again. I was in a bed, I thought for no real reason, but I knew I wasn't standing up. Someone's finger pulled my left eyelid open and for just a second I lay in a shadow and I opened my other eye all by myself. The doctor looked pale blue with oriental eyes, black ones with silvery pupils,...
This is the story of a very exciting, and very strange summer I had, some years back. The events that took place that summer, were quite extensive. Which I think is a great excuse for naming the chapters meaningfully.Feel free to start from episode 1 - Discovering the forbidden fruit or looking up the stories on my user page. All story names start with the title "My family reunion trip".Most days since our trip to the market were uneventful. I enjoyed my time in this quiet village with my...
I had mixed feelings about coming home for the summer. I was already in hot water for blowing the first semester grades with too much partying. Four A's and a B in the second semester were all that kept me alive. Dad wanted me to work for him while I was home, Mom was all for me doing an online repeat of one of my 'C's from the first semester. I wanted to hang out and take it easy, maybe go to the beach for a couple of weeks, head up to the lake to visit my new college girlfriend (woohoo!)...
Diane and JohnJohn had just masturbated the woman in the seat next to him on the plane during an overnight flight to Milan. The woman was in her mid forties, cute with black hair and nice tits. She was a small woman, around a hundred pounds.John was tall, handsome, and at least ten years younger than the woman. He was also a very resrved man.John had the window seat and she had the aisle seat until the lights were turned out then the woman moved to the empty seat between them and raised the arm...
"Hey Vanessa are you ready yet?" my mom called out to me, since visitors were coming in 5 minutes, she wanted everything to be perfect, even me. Apparently these visitors had just moved to australia and lived across the road from us. They had two boys around my age called Alex and Drew which was exciting since my parents are always making friends with people who have toddlers and babies not that I mind since they are adorable, but it's nice to have kids to hangout with my age in these...
When he came home from the orgy, Brad was feebly trying to make it up the stairs through the darkened house to his room when he heard faint noises coming from his sister Kelly's room. He cracked her door open a slit to see what was going on with his sister. Speaking of slits, he couldn't believe his eyes. In the faint moonlight from the window, he could see her with legs spread wide, trying to jam Mr. Fleece, her teddy bear, as tightly as possible against her pussy and moaning as lewdly as any...
Molly Greenberg's agent told her that her name would never get an invitation to a modeling job no matter how photogenic she looked or how compliant she was with prospective employers. After a lot of thought she decided on the name "Holly Honeypot" because it reminded her of Holly Golightly from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the famed codename for a spy's sex trap. Besides she liked having a name with the same initials at the beginning of each name. Now that she was finally 17 and...
“What we have here, my girl, is a genuine ILEA school cane.” “ILEA? Is that the Swedish furniture shop?” “No, no, no! Are you trying to be smart with me? I-L-E-A, do try to keep up my girl! ILEA stood for Inner London Education Authority, part of the GLC.” “GLC?” “GLC stood for Greater London Council. All the ILEA school canes were stamped to show they were approved models, you see?” “Yes, I think so. As opposed to unapproved ones?” “Yes, it was to discourage teachers from acquiring more severe...
SpankingI tell Cynthia to take a break from my pedicure but stay right where she is and not move an inch while I pop along and check on Roger in his room. I like to do this now and again so he stays aware of how sexy and pretty I am. You know, keep him thinking about me. Giggle. To get to his room, I leave the main office and go a short distance along the corridor. I open his door without knocking and stroll in. "Hi Rog," I say, amused to see him buried in typing. He's another one who much...
Angel S:2 E:1 "Be Our Guest" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2013 Edited by: jeffusually Lockwood readied himself by the aluminum door of the warehouse, stopping a moment to double check his M16A2. The weapon's three round burst setting was engaged and his weapon was locked and loaded. He held up his right hand signaling the rest of the team to hold position as Hernandez took place along the right side of the door, his automatic 12 gauge in one hand, a flash--bang in the...
Eporner.com is a free porn tube website covering many porn niches, including the beautiful world of BBW fucking! There is a high chance that you already heard about Eporner.com, and if you haven't, you are missing out. This is one of the most popular porn tube websites, together with many others, which I have all already reviewed on TPD. You are welcome.I am here to talk about the BBW section on Eporner.com. BBW stands for Big Beautiful Woman for the utter virgins, and no, that does not mean...
BBW Porn SitesFirst sorry this has been so long in comeing,well after same had left and the great sex linda and me had that night and over the next days it looked as if everything was ok , sam had fucked linda and told her all about how i had sucked him etc and she had taken her part in that i now had no male underwear ! i was now in tights and pantys and a bra every day as a normal part of getting dressed and true to his word sam comes around for his blowjob, he is now comeing to the house to either pick...
"Oh, no! Not again!" Venetia hastily slumped her shoulders, glanced around the office, edged around her desk and headed for the door with a folder across her chest. "Back in five minutes," she said brightly to anyone who might be listening, although they all seemed fast asleep, or hard at work. The ladies' room was empty, which was a blessing. She closed the cubicle door behind her, and took a deep breath. Yes, no doubt about it. There was an feeling of something unpleasantly loose inside...
My wife’s best friend, Carole, was devastated when her husband walked out on her. At that time, Sally and I had just booked a chalet for a short break in the French Alps and we decided to ask Carole if she’d like to come with us. She gratefully accepted our offer.I had one problem: for the next four days I knew I’d have trouble keeping my hands to myself because Carole and Sally look so much alike, even though they’re not blood-related. It was most difficult when I looked at them from the...
Threesomes‘Honda Powersports’ Ridgeway Honda 2010 Ridgeway Drive Sal Saldona, Sales Manager Juli looked the card over and wondered what kind of ‘Power Sports’ they sold. She wished she had seen this before, she could have asked him, but they were having too much fun anyway. She ran to her room and looked at in the phone book. There it was:. Ridgeway Honda The best in powersports on the water and on the land. See us for Honda Motorcycles, scooters, watercraft, ATVs, generators, and power...
I was in a neighbouring town shopping when I fancied a drink, I popped into a pub and ordered a pint, after sitting down and drinking a third of it I asked the barman if they had a smoking area, he told me it was out the back pointing to a door. Taking my drink I headed off, as I stepped out into what looked like a rundown beer garden I got my cigs out.As I sat down and was minding my own business a young man of around 22 came through clutching a drink, we made small talk and then he said “Do...
WHY? Humming to himself, some seventy's tune, he went about his business. Permanent hair removal is so much faster now. Everything has changed so much in the last decade. The advancements, although not miraculous, are enough to make profound changes. It is hard not to ponder and marvel at what he is doing. The task at hand is something that just eight months ago would not have been a possibility. Stevie Nicks was awesome. He wondered if she wrote her lyrics. Maybe, when he starts...
Wow. Look at that guy's dick goin' in her mouth. He is so big." I touched his knee:"That would be way too big for my mouth, Bruce. I think about doing that with a boy, but I would suffocate with that guy.""Bruce, look at me, please. Don't be afraid. I want you, do you understand? I can't go on without telling you. I'm showing you these pictures because I want you to get excited. I want you to kiss me, Bruce, suck my nipples and touch my pussy. I see your boner in your pants every day. I want...
Mere do jigri dost ne mom ki Chudai ki Hello dosto this is Tanmay Deshmane from Jaipur. I love this site and I also told about it to my other friends mere 2 dost bhut ache dost hai, hum teeno sath sath khumate ek hi school mai jate hum 3 no ne isi sal 12th class pass ki hai. Mere dosto ka name Sachin and Vishal hai hum teeno sath mai hi beth ker kai bar indiansexstories per sex stories padte the aur hum teeno ko hi aunty ke sath sex wali stories bhut achi lagati thi stories pad ker hum aas pass...
Just my Luck! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. P.O.V.: Don: Friday evening, 5:08 P.M. I was standing on the corner right outside of the...
It’s vacation time for the family, in the hotel room, Mom goes for a shower while stepsis and stepbro change into their bathing suits turning back to back, she cannot resist her curiosity and decides to peek on her stepbro’s dick, he catches her and is startled, but stepsis is turned on by the size of that dick and persuades stepbro to give him a blowjob and sex until they get interrupted by stepmom who almost caught them. Later on, when stepmom is alone in the room she decides to...
xmoviesforyouSexual HERassment by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Listen, you moron, I've told you I'm not interested in dating you. You'd better get off my case, or I'll file sexual harassment charges against you!" These words should have struck fear into me, but I couldn't help myself. Since Mona had started working in my office, I found myself thinking about her constantly. She was drop-dead gorgeous, its true, but so were plenty of other women. But there was just something about her that told me that...
Archie, Betty, Reggie, Veronica, et al. and their universe are property of Archie Comics and are borrowed with the understanding that this story is never to be sold, nor a fee charged at a site to view the story. Dedicated to Eric, our biggest fan. Archie and Betty in "Trading Places" II By Caleb Jones and Anne-Mal Part 7 'Oh My God, what is happening to me??!' Archie thought as Betty's Mom dragged him into the house. Blushing to an even deeper red as he pulled down...
HumorI was just turning 20 years old and was home from college for the summer break. I was staying back home with my mom and dad. My old room was not for me so mom suggested I move into the garage apartment and that is where I will be staying for the summer. I cleaned it up and me and dad did some repairs and painted it all up for me. As we were working on the garage apartment I was sleeping in my old room until we finished up on the apartment. One morning I over slept cause I worked on the...
BEGINNINGS - DAY 6 - OFFER ACCEPTED I arrived home entirely energized from the day, both what I had done and what lay ahead. I decided to take a quick shower before dressing to meet Harry and review his offer. I just used a scented body wash and toweled off rapidly. I decided to shave but first put on my bra. These wonderful breasts feel so much better with support! After a close shave I went to work on my hair. I massaged just a tad of product into it and used my blow dryer and...
“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked. Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own. “No plans...