- 4 years ago
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My dear readers… I just wanted to thank you at the start of this for waiting for so long for these chapters. I wanted to do something different this time and actually have everything written before I started posting so there wouldn’t be months of waiting between each chapter.
I thought that perhaps I should warn you a little about the somewhat religious tone this story sometimes takes. I assure you I am not a religious person necessarily — and yet somehow I’ve seemed to have given birth to a character who is. Like Adele I was raised Catholic and I’m a little ashamed to admit that my knowledge of the Protestant Churches of the world is rather limited. I asked around my circle of friends, but they’re apparently not much of a church-going bunch, so anything and everything I know about Presbyterianism was gleaned from the internet – if I’ve misconstrued anything or made an error, I whole-heartedly apologize. It is not my intention to misrepresent the Presbyterian Church. I welcome any corrections or comments.
Also… it is not my purpose in this story to be preachy at all. I could care less which religion you follow (if in fact it’s any) — I’m firmly of the belief myself that it doesn’t matter what you believe in, as long as you believe in something. I’ve tried to make Nate as ‘unpreachy’ as possible, although he IS a Presbyterian Minister and therefore is expected to have opinions on God — if you don’t like the idea of the occasional discussion about the Big Man Upstairs, perhaps another story would be better suited to your tastes.
Thank you again… all the best…
Don’t you just love it when there’s a happily-ever-after? When the boy gets the girl and everyone’s in love? Yeah, it’s perfect…unless you’re the one standing on the outside looking in.
I rose from one of Rhiannon’s armchairs and crossed the crowded room to stand by the window. The snow covered beach and grey, ice-dotted sea beyond were dull and monochromatic – to match my mood.
It was Sunday and Sundays meant getting together at Rhi and Joe’s cottage. The tradition began with their wedding seven months earlier and even the cold weather hadn’t brought a stop to it. It wasn’t just me, Lilly, and Rhi anymore. Now it was Adam, Joe and Lilly’s other siblings, Matt and Chuck. Their little sister Violet joined us whenever she came home from art school. Adam’s best friend Nate had taken to dropping by when his duties as a Presbyterian Minister allowed it. During the summer we would spread around the sunroom then onto the porch but the winter kept us indoors, confined to smaller, cozier environs.
The men had crowded around the tiny television, completely engrossed in a hockey game while Lilly and Rhi sat curled up on the sofa. Rhi had her feet in Lilly’s lap—with her belly creating a formidable barrier between them—as Lil painted each toenail a scandalous red. Though the baby was due within the week, Rhi’s utmost concern centered on the state of her pedicure. Typical. She had to be the most laid back first-time mom-to-be ever.
I spent more time with the Tanner family in the months since Rhi’s wedding than I had in all the years prior to it. Somehow her marriage to Joe brought the entire Tanner clan closer together. Lilly especially thrived amongst her siblings in a way I’d never seen. Or perhaps Adam’s influence made the difference. Both Matt and Chuck adored Adam from the get-go and even Joe had warmed up to him. That was aided no doubt by Rhi on one hand and by Adam’s best friend Nate, on the other.
Reverend Nathaniel Fontaine was one of those people who walked into a room and befriended everyone instantly. He and Joe got along very well, which thrilled Rhiannon who was trying her best to help Joe become less withdrawn. Lilly loved it too because Joe’s friendship with Nate somehow made him more accepting of Adam.
The happy Tanner family and their happy partners. It was picture perfect. As their friend, I felt mostly happy for them. But in moments like these, when everyone appeared blissfully content, a familiar ache crept up. I never got to have my babies, I didn’t get to keep my husband. I didn’t get to have that storybook ending.
I heard footsteps and knew without turning back that it would be Nate. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around my torso, anxious to still my shaking hands. My relationship with Nate teetered on the edge of disaster.
I liked him. It was impossible not to. And it was also impossible to do anything about it. What he needed from a woman and what I was capable of giving him were two different things. Instead of admitting it aloud, I’d done what I always did. I buried it inside and refused to acknowledge it. It was easier to pretend it didn’t exist. It hurt less that way. At least, that’s what I told myself.
‘Penny for your thoughts?’ Nate said from behind me. ‘Or do they cost more than that?’ His voice had a slow, smooth drawl that sent a shiver down my spine. I hoped he didn’t notice.
‘I doubt they’re worth even a penny,’ I replied. There was more bitterness in my voice than I would have liked.
Nate didn’t respond. I switched my attention to the view from the window rather than see the surprise in his brown eyes. He stood so close to me I felt his heat. It was a stark contrast from the February chill seeping through the cottage’s ancient windows. Hot and cold. Life was such a contradiction.
‘Something’s wrong, you’re not your usual self, Adele. You haven’t been for a while. Care to talk about it?’
I recognized Nate’s tone — all calm, almost detached, and hopelessly professional. He played the caring Reverend role so damn well. He’d probably recited that same verse to dozens of other people. Why did I want so desperately for him to treat me differently?
There was a sigh trapped in the back of my throat but I didn’t give it the chance to escape. ‘It’s just the weather,’ I lied. ‘The winter seems so long this year.’
Nate reached past me to rest his hand against the glass window. He had elegant hands, long fingered and slim, with a masculine dusting of blond hair on the back of it.
‘I like the snow,’ Nate murmured in my ear. ‘It covers everything and makes it clean. Underneath it everything sleeps and waits for spring. I think there’s something hopeful about this time of year. You just know that soon it will all melt and change. Soon enough the cold will be gone and everything will be green and growing again.’
‘Do you ever have one single negative thought?’ I found myself teasing. ‘Is there anything you don’t like?’
Nate chuckled and I turned to watch him laugh in a deep satisfied rumble I felt all the way to my toes. He laid his finger against the spot between my eyebrows. His touch was cool and damp from the window but that’s not why I shivered.
‘I don’t like seeing a scowl on your beautiful face,’ he confessed in a low tone only I could hear. He gently smoothed the wrinkle from between my brows. ‘Smile for me, sweetheart?’ His hand continued across my forehead to brush a wayward ringlet from my face. I stood frozen in place as his finger traced my bottom lip before he curved his hand around my jaw. For the briefest moment I thought he might kiss me.
The intimacy of both the endearment and the caress ripped the air from my lungs. I gasped and I swayed on the spot, fighting the urge to relax against him, fighting the urge to pour out all my troubles, and worse fighting the urge to kiss him until we both were satisfied.
This was how it was between us, how it had been since I met Nate. One moment we were polite acquaintances, friends of friends. Then just when I wished he’d treat me a little differently from Lilly or Rhi, he would, and I’d feel myself slip into a place I couldn’t let myself go.
Hot and cold.
It was driving me crazy.
‘I’m sorry,’ Nate whispered as he read the shock and hesitancy on my face. I didn’t trust myself to
answer him, so I didn’t. A flicker of hurt crossed his handsome face while he stared at me. The chill seeped around me again as he stepped backwards.
I opened my mouth to apologize just as a cheer erupted from the crowd on the other side of the room. The hockey game was over. Adam and the Tanner men rose to their feet, clapping each other on the back and laughing. My gaze shot back to Nate but the hurt look was gone, replaced by a placid Reverend’s smile once more. The moment was lost.
Nate gave me a polite, frosty nod and crossed the room to sink cross-legged on the floor by the fireplace. His guitar rested against the wall and he picked it up and fitted it under his arm. He ducked his fair head and began to play softly. He didn’t look up again.
Rhiannon and Lilly were both watching me — Lil with a worried expression and Rhi with a cocked eyebrow. I knew both looks well and not a single bit of me wanted to hear what either had to say. Both were keen to have Nate and me together. It fit so well into their picture-perfect lives that way.
‘Hey,’ Adam said to me as he moved from the livingroom towards the kitchen. ‘Want to help me get dinner ready?’
I returned his encouraging smile with a thankful one of my own. I knew what he was trying to do, but escaping to the kitchen suddenly didn’t seem far enough.
‘Sorry Adam, I’d love to, but I should go. I’m in court tomorrow afternoon and I still have a lot left to prepare for.’ I collected my purse and jacket and slipped my feet into my boots. ‘I’ll see you all next week.’
Everyone in the room said goodbye cheerfully. Everyone but Nate. He never looked up as he strummed his guitar.
Three days later, I was shuffling through a stack of briefs when an inter-office instant message popped up. It was from Lindsay, our receptionist, who had introduced the system to the firm. It was a lot less obtrusive than a constantly ringing phone, but it turned out to be perfect for gossiping about clients waiting in the reception area, a feature Lindsay enjoyed. She relished the chance to be nosy without being over-heard.
I clicked ‘open’ on the message.
The most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen is here to see you.
Nate? My heart leapt in my chest. What the hell was he doing here?
Another message popped up.
He doesn’t have an appointment — but really, do we care?
I laughed out loud. Not really, I typed back. My afternoon is clear.
I’ve sent him up. Are his eyes really that shade of green?
Green? I sat back with a frown. Nate’s eyes were brown.
‘Nice digs,’ drawled a voice from the doorway. I jumped up, surprised to see Adam standing there, clad in a leather jacket, black knit toque, and jeans. He grinned as he took in the small office where I spent most of my days.
‘Thanks.’ I didn’t even know he knew where I worked. Lilly must have mentioned it at some point. ‘Come in, sit down.’ I left my desk to close the door. Adam sat in the nearest chair.
‘This is quite a surprise. What brings you here, business or pleasure?’ I asked as I took my seat across from him.
He pulled off his toque and brushed at his short, dark hair before gifting me with his extraordinary smile. ‘A little bit of both.’ He chuckled. ‘After all, seeing you is always a pleasure.’
I couldn’t help but laugh at his easy charm. He really didn’t seem to be able to help himself. Harmless flirtation was as natural to Adam Brooks as breathing. It was remarkable that Lilly was as trusting of him as she was. If he was my boyfriend I’d be afraid to leave him unattended. He could probably entice a nun to misbehave if he put his mind to it.
‘It’s nice to see you too,’ I capitulated as I drew my mind away from the thought of Adam easily seducing nuns. I folded my hands on my desk and tried not to get nervous about just what ‘business’ Adam had in mind. I hoped it wasn’t in regards to Nate. I wasn’t comfortable talking about it.
‘What can I do for you Adam?’ I asked, instantly hating how official and lawyer-ish the question sounded.
Adam leaned back in his chair and stretched out his long legs, totally relaxed. ‘Well you know my parole was over a few months ago.’
I nodded. We’d all had a rather rowdy party to celebrate the occasion.
‘So now that I’m done with that part of my life, I’d like to look into getting a pardon. It would be nice if I could have a little legal help.’
I considered him for a moment. ‘I’ve never done anything like that before,’ I admitted. ‘I’m more of a real estate, wills, and divorces sort of lawyer. Anyway, as far as I know you don’t need a lawyer to apply for a pardon.’
Adam smiled. ‘I know, but you’re still bound to know more than I do. You understand all those big, scary legal terms. Besides, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have to help me navigate all that bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo than you.’
I laughed, totally charmed.
‘The thing is,’ Adam leaned forward, his handsome face composed into a very earnest expression. ‘My criminal record means that without a pardon I may be restricted from leaving the country. And if I can’t leave the country, I can’t take Lilly to Paris for our honeymoon.’
I sat stunned. ‘Honeymoon?’ I squeaked. ‘Is there something I don’t know?’
Adam smiled a smile I’d never seen before—a slow, secret one. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a bright blue box. He opened it, turned it, then set it on the desk between us.
My breath caught in my throat. Nestled in the box lay a square-cut sapphire surrounded by a glittering row of tiny diamonds that traveled down the band. The gems shimmered through my sudden tears.
‘Oh, Adam, it’s beautiful.’
‘I wanted blue to match her eyes. I know it’s not exactly traditional. Do you think she’ll like it?’ The uncertainty in his voice made me smile. It wasn’t like Adam Brooks to be unsure about anything.
‘Of course she will. She’d be crazy not to. Have you asked her yet?’
He shook his dark head. ‘I want to get my pardon first. I don’t want anything to stand in the way of Lilly having the perfect wedding. A pardon means a clean slate for me. I can’t think of a better wedding present for her than that.’
That’s when I started edging towards a full-blown cry. I was happy—I was—but first Rhiannon, now Lilly… ‘Lilly’s very lucky,’ I managed to get out.
‘I’m the lucky one,’ Adam said. ‘She’s better than I deserve.’
I shook my head. ‘No, you two are perfect for each other. You’re a good man Adam, despite whatever it was that you did in the past. We’ll get you your pardon so you can whisk Lil off to Paris and have the best honeymoon ever,’ I promised.
‘You know Adele, Nate was right about you.’ Adam closed the ring box and stashed it back inside his coat pocket. ‘You might seem a little reserved on the surface, but you’re really a sweetheart underneath.’
I gasped before I could stop myself. ‘Nate said that? He talks about me?’
Adam froze and I sensed he was choosing his next words carefully.
‘We don’t make a habit of it,’ he said after a few moments of silence. ‘And we certainly don’t discuss you in the way you might think. We were talking about my getting a pardon and I asked him if he thought you’d be a good person to enlist for help.’
‘And what did Nate say?’ The need to know exactly what the Reverend thought of me overshadowed everything else.
Adam smiled. ‘Well I was worried that you might not approve of my relationship with Lilly, so I wasn’t sure that you’d want to help me. Nate said that despite the fact you might appear to be a little reticent on the surface, he knew you really had a soft heart underneath. Also, that despite your own bad experience with marriage, he was sure you would want to see your friends happy.’
I just sat there and let Adam’s words sink in. Nate was right of course, although why Adam would think I didn’t
approve of his relationship with Lilly was beyond me. Adam had been great for my best friend—in the nine months since they’d met she’d blossomed and become the confident woman I’d always wanted her to be. Was I so cold that Adam would find a reason to doubt my feelings about him and Lilly?
‘Of course I want to see you all happy,’ I said with a smile. ‘I’m sorry if I’ve given you the impression that I didn’t.’
‘It must be difficult,’ Adam acknowledged. ‘Lilly told me a little about your ex-husband. He sounds like a perfect asshole to me. I’m sorry that he hurt you. Take it from me, it’s really hard to let yourself believe in the good things in life when you’re caught up in the bad. I know.’ He cocked his head to the side as if lost in a memory.
‘When you’re in the dark, you forget there’s another side. But then one day you wake up and a little bit of light has crept in, and before you know it there’s more light than dark. I promise you one day all that darkness will be gone and you’ll look back and be thankful that it taught you how good the good can be.’
I sat back to process what Adam had said. ‘I didn’t know you were a philosopher.’ It was easier to be a little trite than to be honest.
Adam grinned. ‘It’s not actually my theory, its Nate’s. He taught it to me many years ago. He helped me believe in the good things at a time when I thought I’d be lost forever. If it wasn’t for him I don’t think I would have been able to get on with my life, even after prison.’
‘He’s a good friend,’ I said softly.
Adam leaned forward and rested his hand over mine. I looked down at the shadowy swirl of tattoos that crept up over his wrist, through the dusting of dark hair. His touch felt much more comforting than I expected.
‘He likes you Adele. He really does. I see how you two are with each other. You both fight it. Why don’t you give him a chance?’
I pulled my hand from beneath Adam’s and stood. ‘It’s not that easy,’ I snapped. I pushed my chair back and paced the length of my office. ‘Why do you all think it’s that easy? I can’t be what Nate needs me to be. I can’t be the dutiful wife again. I did that once and it almost destroyed me. I won’t put myself through that again!’
I almost forgot Adam as I moved about the room. The words poured from me without thought, almost as if they needed to be freed.
‘Nate should have a wife and children,’ I told him in a calmer tone this time. ‘I can’t be that for him. I could never give that to him. Pretending otherwise just isn’t fair. Can’t you see that? I think he understands that a little but none of the rest of you does. I know what you all think when you see Nate and me together. You and Lilly, Rhiannon and Joe—you’re just all so happy with each other, wouldn’t it be so neat and tidy if Nate and I could be too.’
‘Have you told the girls this?’ Concern edged Adam’s voice.
‘How can I?’ I asked, tortured. ‘They’re so damn happy! You swept Lilly off her feet — she’s so joyful and bubbly now, like a new woman really. And Rhi’s been given everything she didn’t know she wanted and…do you see how she glows? How can I disappoint them like that?’
‘They want you to be happy too. Nate could make you happy.’
‘For how long, Adam?’ I stopped pacing and looked down at him. He sat calmly as if dealing with slightly hysterical women was an every day experience for him. ‘How long until he wants someone else? Someone younger? Someone prettier? Someone who can give him children? Then what happens to me?’
Adam rose to his feet and for a moment I thought he might hug me. He wavered a little, but the anger in me must have kept him at bay.
‘I am so sorry, Adele,’ he murmured. ‘I shouldn’t have pried. I forget sometimes that things aren’t always that black-and-white. It’s just—’ He ran his large hand through his hair. ‘I see you both and I know you’d be good for each other, but you’re right. You’ve been hurt and Nate’s not just a regular guy.’
The tension in my shoulders eased a little. I was nearly as tall as Adam and his green eyes locked onto mine. He gave me another of his breathtaking smiles, this one reassuring and kind. ‘I promise you I won’t bring it up again, but you should know that Nate would never hurt you. He’s a good man.’
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"Sorry, Mac," the bartender shrugged, "can't help you." "Can't, or won't?" the guy asked, still shoving the stack of mixed Earth and New Earth credit notes toward him. "Can't." the bartender looked him square in the eye for the first time. "Those two show up, have a drink or two, then I don't see them for months or years at a time. God knows where they hang out, but it ain't here." "But damnit, I need to talk to them!" the guy did look desperate. "I mean, shit! I've...
The stereotype gun created by why not go say hi to them and for more information on the gun and its origins check out the original story here; Stereotypes, who needs them right? The bimbo cheerleader, the meathead jock, the submissive Asian maid, that kind of thing. Just a bunch of cliches that only exist in porn and lazily written fiction. But what if they didn’t have to be?...
(This is a chyoa version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching there for Unnoticeable by Galloway.) Alex just wanted to be invisible. He had just seen his long time crush, Sasha, flirting with some guy he didn't even recognize. As he walked through the halls of his high school, dodging people to get to class, he tried to be angry at her, but really he knew it was his own fault. This was the first semester where he had actually gotten to sit next to her in...
Mind ControlI’d known Kelly for most of my life. Growing up I spent most of my time at her mother’s house. It was a way to escape and avoid my parents constant arguing and fighting. It was a pretty well established fact that Kelly was lesbian early in Junior High School. Her mom and I became quite close as I was rapidly replacing the little girlie daughter she was losing to an ever increasing “butch-ness”. By twelve years old I essentially become like a member of their family. Over the next few years...
At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....
The other night, after our exchange of e-mails, I asked my daughter Beth if she ever thought about sex. She said, in typical teen fashion, "Mo-om!!!" But then she admitted that she had become interested in her developing body and had played with herself a little bit. I asked if she would mind showing me her body, and she giggled, but eventually lifted up her t-shirt and let me see her young breasts. They are still cone shaped and pointy at the tips. . .a lovely mouthful to be sure. I got...
It all started when a friend's girlfriend decided to bring along a friend of hers along on our spring break skiing trip to Colorado. Theresa was her name. We were asked that none of us guys ( since there were 5 guys and only 2 girls going ) hit on Theresa while on the trip. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and just wanted to be left alone. At first, my guy friends and I were insulted that Theresa thought so highly of herself. We all agreed not to hit on her during the trip. On the...
(Disclaimer: In regards to the cover image, I do not own any intellectual property or proprietary rights. I have no association or affliation with the owner/owners of the image or any of their content. The image is being used for demonstration purposes only, with no monetary or personal benefit of its use. If the original content owners wish for me to remove it, i will do so without hassle.) (Also. The porn actress in the cover image is called Sinn Sage. The video the image is from is called...
Mind ControlType IV is a way of masturbating in which you cross your legs very tightly and squeeze rhythmically. You can be sitting, or lying down, or on your side, just strongly tensing and untensing your legs, especially the upper thigh muscles. Sometimes there is a pillow between the legs, which can help to center and generalize the stimulation.Most of the 3 percent of women who masturbated this way (plus the additional 9 percent who could alsomasturbate in other ways) simply squeezed their thighs...
Waking up Zax was joyful to feel his mom's hand on his face and hearing her voice in the morning, even though the hand slapped him and the voice shouted. "Wake up, honey. Your lunchbox is on the counter". If she kissed him in the forehead and whispered softly Laylen was not his mother. That son of her would not wake up even during a Sun Stone storm, for him it will only be an excuse to skip school. "Get dress and go to school. I'll see you at four". She moved the curtain to allow light...
They say when you look out at the world from a planes window everyone looks like ants. I'd like to see if that's true, but I have a fear of heights and am too afraid to even look out the window. God, that sounds so stupid coming from me. Here I am on my way to face my greatest fear, and I'm scared of the view out the window next to me. Maybe I only have so much braveness to go around? It's silly really. "Excuse me, can I get you some soda water? It'll settle your stomach if your...
Stackholm ade, es lebe London. Fern vom swebischen Königshaus kostet die neunzehnjährige Madeleine ihre neue Freiheit aus – und studiert vor allem die Liebe. Zwar wohnt die hübsche Königstochter im Haus einer Freundin ihrer Mutter, ist also nicht ganz ohne Kontrolle. Außerdem ist sie vor drei Wochen mit einem gewissen Pflichtprogramm nach London gekommen. Sie hat sich an der Universität eingeschrieben, um die englische Sprache zu studieren. Aber für das Studium interessiert sich die schöne...
=================================== Ch 27 “I don’t hear anything,” Summer says, as we look down at my six half-human children. They’re sleeping peacefully right now, and haven’t made any more sounds after that one sentence. ‘You will do fine, father.’ That one sentence still reverberates around in my head. Sometimes it drowns out all other thoughts, even though they only spoke to me that one time. It leaves no room for doubts, and somehow I know I will be able to defeat the...
Ch 25 Flying away from Leslie’s dorm, I turn to be confronted my six pairs of eyes. “Do I have something on my face?” I ask, suddenly self conscious. “Not yet,” my girlfriend states, and for the first time I notice that they’re all naked. I don’t mean light-suite naked, I mean birthday suite naked, and there is a hungry gleam in their eyes, even in the angel’s oversized orbs. A hero’s work is never done, I think wryly, smiling as I strip out of my suite. “The kids will be alright...
=================================== Ch 23 With the sun coming up only hours away, I can’t wait to crawl into bed. I have my first competition with the math club this evening, and I’m skipping class so that I’ll have at least two brain cells to rub together, while there. My brain is fried, my body thoroughly worn out—all four women on Lela’s ship made sure of that, though Lela wouldn’t let me have any of her milk—and after the battle with the twins, my head feels as though the Stay-Puff...
Ch 21 The sound of a text message wakes me, and groggily I reach over to check it. Shanna and Gina had kept me up most of the night, and then when Nancy had come in. . . Okay, I can’t help but smile at the memories from last night, but I’m exhausted. I had quite literally stumbled back through my door, and fallen asleep before my head hit the pillow. I can’t even remember the drive home. I’m thankful that Lela hadn’t come to get me last night, or I'd be even more tired than I am...
Ch 19 It takes me nearly an hour to convince mom that she hadn't see an alien ship abducting Summer, and thankfully my sister is there to back up my story. Summer and I agree that my sister needs to leave our mother's home, though, just so that a repeat occurrence isn't likely. Her first thought is to come up and stay with me. When I point out that we aren't likely to be able to keep our hands off each other, and people will notice, and that Lela and/or Harana can pick us up easily...
=================================== Ch 17 All I want to do is walk into my familiar bedroom, play a few video games, read a comic or two, or maybe even re-watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Is that too much to hope for? Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is, for there’s a sock on the doorknob. I’m a bit surprised by that, as Dennis and Robin haven't been too shy in the past, and haven't cared when Gina and I'd watched them. For a minute or two I stand there, debating on just...
=================================== Ch 17 All I want to do is walk into my familiar bedroom, play a few video games, read a comic or two, or maybe even re-watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Is that too much to hope for? Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is, for there’s a sock on the doorknob. I’m a bit surprised by that, as Dennis and Robin haven't been too shy in the past, and haven't cared when Gina and I'd watched them. For a minute or two I stand there, debating on just...
[a][/a] =================================== Ch 15 Nightmares fill my dreams. Explosions, death, and cries for help haunt me, as I toss and turn, trying to escape from the horrors filling my sleep. Over and over again I watch as death claims another life, and another, and another. The worst part is that it’s the demons dying that I’m dreaming about. I have killed for the first time in my life, and no matter the fact that it had been them or... Friend’s note: Please, for the sake of my skill, and future editing, if you give a negative vote, please leave a comment so that I can improve. Quick editorial note: The use of ‘loose’ or ‘loosing’ in these chapters is intentional, and not a typo. =================================== Ch 13 It takes both Gina and Summer bouncing on my bed, to wake me. I’m dead to the world, and yet having nightmares about demons tearing part all those I...
Ch 11 The sun shines pleasantly as we drive south. The roads are dry, though the sides are piled up high with snow. All in all it’s a pleasant Sunday drive. At least, it would’ve been if not for a couple of things. Nancy is sitting in the back seat, humming softly to herself, and Lela had refused to talk to me again last night. Nancy's presence doesn’t bother me as much as Lela's attitude. When I'd called my family to see if Gina could come down, my mom had asked after her mom, and...
Please feel free to post comments, or ides on how I'm doing with his series. =================================== CH09 I know where I’m at as soon as the blue light penetrates my eyelids. My eyes fly open, but I’m disappointed to see I’m the only person in the room. The white light douses me, and I can feel my strength leaking from me, as it builds up my body. "Lela?" I call out, but there’s no answer. In silence I wait for the light to finish its work, and then I’m back in my own...
Chapter 07 It seems like any other Monday, except for the whispers and stares I receive as I walk around campus. In one way it’s an improvement, no one calling me dweeb, or nerd, but it’s also a little disturbing. Did someone discover my ability? Did Gina tell someone? I remember Lindsey saying that I’m the talk of the campus, and that had been before I'd told Gina, so I doubt she'd told anyone. I walk towards a couple guys talking, to see what’s up, but when they see me coming, they...
Personal ads placed in the comments are pathetic. There are better ways to hook up. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch. ============================== Chapter 05 Standing in cool white light, in a featureless blue room, I examine the alien in front of me. Her eyes look white tonight, with a hint of blue around the edges, and light seems to ripple around her nude frame...
Personal ads placed in the comments are pathetic. There are better ways to hook up. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch. ============================== Chapter 05 Standing in cool white light, in a featureless blue room, I examine the alien in front of me. Her eyes look white tonight, with a hint of blue around the edges, and light seems to ripple around her nude frame...
Author's note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as violence, anal, and even incest. You are here forewarned not to get into this series if any of these subjects bother/offend you. If you choose to complain about the themes presented within, you will be met with derision and scorn. You have been warned/enticed. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to...
Author's note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as violence, anal, and incest. While this first part doesn't contain any of these, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if these subjects bother/offend you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can't abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch. (Quick FYI: The Robbie in this story is...
She was 5'9" and looked like a fox, her fur color was brown and she had hair that was short, it bearly touched her neck and on her forehead hair she was a bow that held some of that hair together with only her ears sticking out amongst the hair. I guessed her bra size was 38DD but it was hard to tell as the blue short sleved top she wore was a little bit baggy. Her skirt had a small hole in the back that she could fit her tail through instead of having it lift up the back of the skirt like...
When I was 7, I decided I was going to marry a man with black hair and green eyes. His name would be Edward, and he would love me more than anyone else in the whole wide world. Now, a childhood and the first shaking steps of adulthood later, aged 18, I lay awake at four in the morning, feeling the warmth of your smooth ochre skin and silk thread hair, streaked lightly with grey. It’s dark and the light from the balcony illuminates you in a weary monochrome, sending shadows streaming from the...
*The story of how I met my beloved Kittypet and our first intimate online encounter. *Any spelling mistakes are deliberate as part of the online messages (speech). *Literotica rules apply *Once more to be clear, all characters are at least 18 years old. In fact, Kittypet had just turned 19 when we met. * Disclaimer All characters engaging in copulation, drinking, substance abuse or other so-called adult behaviour that might appear in this totally not made up story are of the magical...
Her heels clacked as she strode purposefully across the parquet floor of the small, independent art gallery. It was late morning, midweek in early November and she almost had the place to herself. She had plenty of time and space to enjoy any of the exhibits, but she was there for just one small photograph. ‘Une fleur de Créteil’, Emile LeFevre, Daguerreotype, Paris 1847 revealed the sign beside the velvet-lined case containing the photograph, a shimmering mirror-like image of a young woman...
This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...
This story is another fictional story about Mary, Sam and Marc (all adult!) and the topic is human petplay. If you dislike it, please read another story, instead of ripping my fur off because of my ideas and imagination.In case you find typos - keep them as houswarming gift. ;)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary's human-kittypet adventures (1)Mary lived half a year now with Sam. The biggest...
r/DirtyPenPals, aka Dirty Pen Pals Reddit! Have you ever wanted to talk to somebody about your sexual desires? Share your deepest secrets and other similar crap? Well, DirtyPenPals is a subreddit that allows you to do just that. Of course, Reddit on its own is fantastic, and you should visit it regardless, but if you are feeling like reading some filthy Pen Pals stories, you can check out /r/ DirtyPenPals.Now, is it safe for me to assume that you all have heard about pen-pals and Reddit? I...
Reddit NSFW ListRedditors really have a knack of making subreddits that just have weird names, but they somehow work, and here I am describing what r/PantyPeel/ is all about. I mean, since I am talking about it, that means that it will be pornographic, and thus I think it is pretty obvious what the fuck it is supposed to offer. Basically, if you want to see gorgeous girls take off their panties slowly, you can do that here.There is no rocket science here; it is literally just that. You have loads of gorgeous...
Reddit NSFW ListOne of the main things about big booty girls is that they are usually fat. Well, what if you wanted to find petite babes who had a huge ass? I feel like this can be a bit trickier, which is why I set out on an adventure to find the best source of content where you can jerk off to petite babes who have a huge ass. And guess what? I think that I found it on the subreddit known only as /r/bootypetite. This place is a match made in heaven for all guys who are fans of big booties but don’t like fat...
Reddit NSFW List04/20/---CI dreamt I made out with EK. It felt so good. There wasn't any action around where the legs split off; though my leg did start to wrap around his. I no [know] he isn't thin. And he has turned into a real rebel now. If my friends knew I like him they would think I'm desperate like Vicky. I haven't liked EK for that long. Physical touch... This was just a dream, but God... I don't care who it fucking is. I want touch...05/06/---CYou know Mom's starting to suspect I am not...
True"It's taking too damned long!" Caprio fumed. Three years he had been the head of Earth government, and while the orbital pickets were getting better at intercepting the alien attackers, the aliens were still in the system, and still, occasionally, getting through the sphere of satellites and orbital fighters designed to protect against them. The social and infrastructure programs were gradually yielding results, as witness the increased availability of near earth combat vessels, but...
so I wasm't 15! That year, my Father made all kinds of money, bought a new car and came home one night with a weird look on his face and began to sing, Bye Bye Blackbird! "Pack up all your cares and whow, here we go..." then paused, his face flushed, my Mother and I holding our breath as he blurted out "to the Catskill mountains for a week!" We stood there flabbergasted as Daddy never ever acted like this! "Were going to the Wanna Wanna resort (or whatever it was called) he...