Aaron’s Association free porn video

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The question hung over my mind like a summer squall. All of the evidence pointed to an answer that would shake, if not destroy, my world. I wanted to ask him, but I was so afraid of the answer. Afraid of the truth, afraid of a lie. Afraid that I wouldn’t know the difference.

I should not have invited him here, should not have opened myself up to the temptation of the two of us alone.

I should not have looked into his powder blue eyes. One look at the desire reflected in those expressive orbs and I was lost in a sea of need. I felt that long suppressed tingling beginning in my belly and radiating to all of my body.

I did not want to want him but I could not stop myself. My feet moved to close the distance between us as our eyes remained locked, burning into each others souls. His head tilted ever so slightly and my eyes closed as our lips met. I drank in the smell of him, the delicious aroma swirling through my head. I felt his strong arms encircle me, pulling me tight, safe in his warmth.

Our tongues danced with each other to a silent primal tune as jolts of electricity ran down every nerve, the fire spreading to every part of me, puddling in my core. The soft touch of our bodies rapidly becoming more passionate. I felt my breasts crushed against his chest as he pulled me close. My arms wrapped around his firm body and one fist clenched, bunching his shirt in my grasp. My breathing coming in gasps.

I felt his want rise to poke me in my belly and the feel of it sent chills washing through me. I could feel the shivers taking hold of my every muscle. Alternate waves of cold and heat washed my soul. The feel of his rising desire pumping up the need in me as if the two were connected.

The question was almost pushed from my mind. Almost.

Suddenly the image of a lithe brunet with a fabulous figure and a bubbly personality popped into my head. A fantasy woman who loved the man in my arms. Guilt flashed in my head. I couldn’t do it to her. I didn’t know her, didn’t even know if that woman existed but I could not do this to her. Was she only an invention of my over fertile mind?

I sucked in my breath and pushed him away from me. Every fiber of my body wanted him, needed him but my mind was uncomfortable with the impending intimacy. I imagined being doused with a bucket of cold water. The mental picture didn’t help.

I opened my eyes as our bodies separated and looked deep into his questioning eyes. It was as if our minds made a partial connection. I could see that he read the fire in me and the confusion. I could read his desire and see him struggle to push that down. His mind churned trying to understand what was happening with me and then he surrendered to my hesitancy.

Should I explain my concerns to him? Should I just ask him? John was simply too attractive to have survived more than thirty years without a woman staking claim to him. He stood a trim but muscular 6’2′ tall with sandy neatly trimmed hair and the bluest eyes that could penetrate a girls soul. He had a quick smile and a sharp wit. He knew how to make everyone around him laugh. He could carry on a conversation with just about anyone about nearly anything.

We both worked for a very unusual company. It wasn’t what we did that was unusual but where we were. One would expect a multifaceted consulting company to be in the heart of a major city, but we were almost 100 miles from Chicago. I liked living in the ‘boondocks’ but it must have made attracting new clients more difficult.

It didn’t matter much where my apartment was, none of the companies I did my work for were in the same place. There were more than 100 specialists employed by the firm with many different talents. I was a marketing analyst while John was a mechanical engineer. We had both worked for the same firm for over five years but until three weeks ago, we had never worked together.

A team of four of us had been dispatched to a new start up company. The days had been incredibly busy, but like usual the nights were a lonely bore. We spent a week on site, a very unusual week for me. I generally lock myself in my hotel room with my computer and the TV, but this time I joined the group each night in the bar. John was the reason. I enjoyed his company. The other two filled space at the table and kept that week from turning romantic.

When we got back, John asked me to dinner. We did dinner, then we did a couple drinks. The band started at 8:00 and we danced a few dances. At 9:00, John’s wristwatch buzzed, he excused himself and left for the night.

I enjoyed each of the work nights that week, all of which were much like that first night. He was fun to talk to. Fun to dance with. Fun to be around but always left shortly after his watch buzzed just after nine.

I thought about him each day and couldn’t wait to be with him after work. He was so much fun to be around. When the first weekend rolled around, he said he would love to be with me but couldn’t.

I saw him again on Monday but it was more of the same. I had him from 5:00 P.M. Till 9:00 and then he went home. He was busy the second weekend too. The seed was sown in my mind. I never simply asked him. I should have.

On our third Monday, I checked with June in accounting. He listed his status as single but his behavior was so strange that I was really having doubts.

We enjoyed being together, talking, dancing, watching a movie at the theater but it was totally platonic. Shouldn’t a married man be rushing me to bed before I found out? He wasn’t. We had not even kissed….. until tonight.

Tonight, I had invited him to my apartment for dinner. Cooking and eating and talking and wine and dishes and now it was almost 8:00. I only had another hour with him. Why was that anyway?

I never should have looked into those eyes. The powder blue orbs that left my knees weak and my panties damp, my breathing rapid and my soul aching. God I wanted this man!

Instead, I sat him on the couch while I took the chair. Isolated from him, safe from him, safe from myself.

We had talked about his life before. We had talked about me before. We had talked about stock prices before. Tonight we were going to revisit him.

I looked at the clock on the wall and then I looked deep into those beautiful blue eyes. ‘Only another hour until you have to go to your next girlfriend.’ I said it with a touch of humor in my voice but ice in my heart. My eyes locked on his. I saw a cloud of hurt appear there.

‘I don’t have another girlfriend.’ It was a statement. There was a little defensiveness in his voice but no anger.

‘You are so good looking, I find it hard to believe that you don’t.’

‘Not many girls must feel that way. Believe it or not, I haven’t even had any real relationship before.’ His eyes didn’t betray anything.

I smiled at him. ‘Lots of women would like to get their hooks into you. Take you home to mama and make beautiful grandchildren for their mothers. Believe ME they all talk about you at the water fountain.’ My brain was processing information, trying to determine the truth. I also knew that I wanted him to be single, wanted to have him in my bed.

‘I bet they say, stay away from John, he’ll just break your heart and leave you at the curb.’ John said, a touch of sadness in his eyes. I almost believed him.

‘Why would they say that? You make a habit of breaking girls hearts?’

‘I don’t try to, but I’m afraid I do. I always go out with a girl for a few days or weeks and then……’ He sighed and there was a touch of sadness there. ‘When I was in high school, when I wanted a girl to meet my parents, her mother would go ballistic and her father would try to punch me out. I guess I never got over that. I haven’t met a girl I felt I could invite home.’

‘We’re both a long way removed from high school. I don’t need my mother’s permission to go home with you.’ I was hoping he would take the hint. I wa
nted him and the only thing stopping me was his home life.

‘Jill, I’ve had more passionate relationships than ours has been. I’ve had longer ones but this is where they all break up. I think I’m falling for you. I want you in my life but give me time. I love where I live, but I’m not sure about taking you home yet. I’m afraid that you won’t like it and I don’t want to lose you.’

I knew I was falling for him. I knew that if he just invited me home, he could have me any way he wanted for hours. ‘John, I don’t care if you live in a tent.’

He chuckled for a moment. ‘I don’t live in a tent. It isn’t about my house. It’s about my family and where I live. If you think I’m married, or in another relationship, I’m not. There is no lady in my life, except you.’ Those eyes looked so scared, so honest. I didn’t know what to believe. He had said the words, directly and I believed them, or wanted to.

‘Why do you have to go home every night at 9:00?’

‘A very stupid reason. It’s the security system. The damn thing locks everyone out at 10:00. I have to be home before 10:00. The damn thing doesn’t have any over ride. It really pisses me off.’

A security system? I couldn’t quite wrap my head around that one. He had to be able to come up with a better excuse than that. Or was it so stupid it was true? There was only sincerity in his eyes.

‘Your security system?’

He made a really annoyed face, not at me but at the truth. ‘It’s an older one and when we bought it, we just didn’t ask all the right questions.’

‘WE?’ I asked him.

‘Yeah. My brother and I. We bought it together and we goofed. Jill, I really don’t want to lose you. What can I do to prove it to you?’ There was panic growing on his face.

I thought about it for a moment. ‘Two things. You can invite me home, or you can stay with me, here, tonight.’ Taking me home would prove that he was single. Staying with me in an unplanned visit wouldn’t be a fool proof but I would think that some communication would be required. Any other night would not prove anything.

A smile lit his face. ‘I would love to stay here with you tonight.’ I saw the desire burning in those blue eyes. He understood the sexual promise behind that invitation. Some other worry flashed across his face but it was fleeting, a seemingly small concern.

I stood up and held out my arms toward him. We both knew it was an invitation to my arms and my bed. I felt the heat rising in me again.

John’s eyes locked on mine as he rose from his chair. I could see the desire in him as my own fire began to build. He had taken one step toward me when his phone rang. I watched his hands and his eyes. He had not caused it to ring.

He fumbled for the phone and then groaned. ‘OH GOD, NO! Not now. Not tonight.’

‘Hello, Don. What’s up.’ He said into the phone. There was a long pause as he listened.

‘Well, you know where the shut off is. You know where the wrench is. Just this once, fix it yourself.’ Another long pause.

‘I know you’re a lawyer, but even you can turn a wrench. I’m here with Jill and I was planning to stay.’

‘SHIT! What do you need? There aren’t any hardware stores open this time of night.’

‘O.K. I’ll stop at Wally world and get it but you know I can’t get there in time. You’ll have to hold the fence open for me or I won’t be able to get home. Amanda is gonna love us both with the alarm going off until I get there. The kids are gonna be up after bed time with that thing going off.’

‘I’ll be there as soon as I can but you owe me big time and I do mean BIG time.’ He slammed the lid of the phone shut and looked at me with eyes pleading for forgiveness, for another chance that I wasn’t sure I would give, him at least not at my place.

I hadn’t heard the other side of the conversation or even if there was a real phone call. He could have just been talking into a dead phone for all I knew. He had mentioned my name and his plans to stay with me. I simply didn’t know what to think. Was it possible that he could have arranged for the phone to ring?

He came to me and wrapped his arms around me. I didn’t return the hug enthusiastically and laid my face beside his. Then I took pity on him and our lips met in what I wanted to be a friendly kiss. I wanted it to be friendly but neither of us could keep it that way. Our tongues met and dueled as the fire was lit once more.

‘I’m sorry, but I really do have to go. I’ll see you in the morning.’

I walked him to the door, closed it and threw the dead bolt before collapsing in my chair. I was mad that he had chosen something else over my bed! A real mix of emotions were flowing through me. Anger, confusion, doubt, depression and most of all desire. I was left with an empty feeling.

I don’t know if I was thinking straight or totally confused but a sudden thought came to my mind. I couldn’t picture a security system that could cause this amount of grief. I couldn’t see how John could have arranged such a convenient last minute excuse. One thought flashed through my mind though. If I followed him home, I could see for myself.

He had a five minute head start but I knew where he was going first. I would find his car in the parking lot at Walmart and then follow him home. If his car wasn’t there, he was lying.

I don’t really remember the drive to the store. I was at war arguing with myself if this was a good idea or not. I never resolved the internal conflict, but I kept driving. Until I was there.

The parking lot was nearly full at 8:45. Damn! I would never consider going shopping at quarter till nine!

It took almost ten minutes of circling before I spotted, not his car but John coming out of the store. I stopped in front of the door as if I was picking someone up and watched which aisle he walked into. I drove to the next one and headed away from the store until I found where I could drive through two parking spaces and face into the one John had walked into. I got into the parking space just in time to see John open his trunk and deposit a large bag.

He could either go toward the store or toward me. If he went toward the store, he would have quite a head start on me. I got lucky. He came toward me with one car in trail. I pulled out of the space one car behind John.

I followed him easily for the first couple miles. At the edge of town there were three traffic lights. He got through the first one while I got stuck by the red light. I thought that would be the end of my evening except that he got stuck at the third light and I caught up.

Following him proved easy. My only concern was that I was right behind him. It was dark enough that he couldn’t tell. For fifteen miles I followed John easily along the two lane main highway.

He turned on his turn signal as we approached a county road.

I had never even thought about following someone before and I didn’t quite know what to do. He had chosen a small county road to turn onto and after following him for 15 miles from town, it would be too obvious for me to follow him down that road.

I let him turn and then pulled into the next driveway, turned around and quickly retraced the path to the road John had taken. I saw tail lights a quarter mile ahead of me. I pushed the accelerator down and sped up, not quite like a NASCAR driver but way faster than I usually drove. I closed the distance quickly wondering what I should do when I caught up.

As I closed the distance the farm fields slowly yielded to tall trees whizzing by me on my left. The whole left side of the road was a dense wood that seemed to stretch forever. Those trees were going by in a blur as I sped down the road trying to catch up.

The gods were with me that night. As I neared him, his left turn signal came on again and not near any road. I slowed and stopped behind him as he turned onto a gravel lane in the middle of the woods. The lane seemed to materialize out of that thick tangl
e of trees. Along the side of the road was a mailbox. Not the usual single mailbox like all the others along the road, but one of those large apartment boxes subdivided into over a dozen smaller locked boxes. More than a dozen people lived inside that woods!

I drove by. The woods stretched almost half a mile to the next county road and then turned back into freshly planted crops. I turned the corner to the left and followed the county road to the next intersection. That whole mile long plot was thick trees and tangled underbrush.

Turning the corner, I suddenly realized that it was only this one mile patch of ground that was woods. I drove slowly trying to peer through the murky darkness of night into that tangle of vegetation. I could see nothing but was sure that it was almost as visually impenetrable during the daylight. I drove all the way around that one mile square of trees. It was solid.

When I got back to the lane that John had used, I turned in. The lane proved to be a long twisty affair. Every 100 feet there was a major curve and on each curve on both sides of the road was a sign that read:





It didn’t look like my sorta boyfriend lived in a very friendly place.

Just after the third curve, the road became straight for a short period and there was a large chain link gate. I stopped the car and got out.

The inky blackness enveloped me. I felt the creepy feeling that some wild thing was watching me. The sound of crickets chirping their call of love, was not a loving sound to me but a noise that sent chills up my spine.

An eight foot high chain link fence stretched into the woods as far as the headlights could illuminate it. The fence was topped by three strands of barbed wire. This place was serious about keeping people out, at least those that weren’t members or guests.

There was a sign that spanned the top of the gate. It simply said ‘AARON’S ASSOCIATION OPEN 7:30 A.M. TILL 10:00 P.M. POSITIVELY NO ADMITTANCE AFTER 10:00 P.M.’ and a phone number. I fished around in my purse until I found a business card and a pen. I wrote the phone number on the back of the card and tucked it into a pocket in my purse.

The gravel drive was only wide enough for two cars to pass. It wasn’t easy to turn my car around, but I managed and drove back to town.

My mind was spinning through the whole 30 minute drive. John wasn’t lying about the security system. It was there, I couldn’t believe that it worked the way he said, but it probably did.

What I knew was simple. John Aaron lived in a place called Aaron’s Association. Obviously the association was named after him, but what was it and why didn’t they like visitors? Why was it tree lined and fenced in almost like a jail? There were at least a dozen people living there, all of them guarding their privacy. Someone named Don had called him. A tenant? John didn’t want me to go there. Why?

My mind was running full speed analyzing the flying questions. I barely remember the drive home. The car must have been on autopilot.

I collapsed into my overstuffed recliner and put my feet up. I turned on the TV just in time to catch the weather. I didn’t hear it. My mind was whirling. I didn’t mind that I missed the sports. It was when I realized that the late night show had already finished the monolog that I decided that it was time to turn off the idiot box and crawl in bed.

I pealed off my outer clothes down to the matching black Victoria’s Secret bra and panties and padded into the bath room to brush my teeth. I couldn’t help but admire myself in the mirror as I twisted sideways and back. John could have been such a lucky man.

I thought of those blue eyes and his trim frame and sighed. I could have been a lucky woman!

I passed up the white frilly see through baby doll sleeper that I had made sure was close at hand in favor of a more comfortable nightshirt and crawled in bed. I made sure the alarm was set, checking the current time at just after midnight. I turned out the light.

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It was 10pm when I got into my car and headed out. I will never forget the look of horror on my wife's face when she caught me balls deep in our daughter's cunt. I was fucking her brains out, she was screaming harder, harder while cumming like a freight train. I didn't even have time to pack anything. It looked like she was looking for our gun. Why did I have to buy that damn thing anyway? Where was I going to go? I got to the Indiana border about 80 miles out of town at a rest stop...

4 years ago
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Aaron Naked In SchoolTuesday Too Many Questions

I don't much see the point in wearing my uncomfortable school uniform this morning, since I have to take it off anyway. So I get dressed into my weekend gear and arrive at the school gates wearing heavy duty black boots, blue jeans, an open weave black mesh shirt and a leather jacket. I've also brought with me a small fleece blanket and Christian's newly washed jumper. There is a crowd at the school gate, including several teachers, most of the school, Christian, and Mr. Johnson. All to...

3 years ago
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AaronChapter 4

I wondered how I would feel without Neica sleeping just up the hall from my room. I found I didn't miss her at all. I could relax now and not worry whether she would change her mind or make some demands. Needless to say she was an attractive woman and I was a male with needs, but she hadn't tried to tempt me. I hadn't made any move on her either. Karen was just as attractive as her sister and maybe more so. She had the same dark coloring. She was a couple inches taller, lithe and not...

2 years ago
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Aaron Arvald Life Mender

My name is Aaron, and you'd call me a "mind controller". I use the term loosely. I peer into minds and, with hard enough pushes, I manipulate them. You don't need to know my history: I've been this way for many years, that is all. Practice makes perfect and I'm still not as powerful as I believe I could be. My abilities allow me to read the thoughts and access the memories of others, and push suggestions through their conciousness in the form of the first person. For example, I push "I should...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Cuckolded by My WifeSwapping Work Associates

The period from the 1960s to the 1980s has been defined as the ‘Sexual Revolution’. That was a time when premarital and extramarital sex were much less stigmatizing, and homosexuals were gaining more acceptance by society. That was also a time when birth control medication was becoming mainstream, and our culture was much more accepting of sex in the media than in the past. It was in that backdrop that my wife, Linda, and I graduated from college in 1972 and we moved to Atlanta for my new job...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Dominant Lady Barrister Subdues Young Associate

Synopsis: This story is about a young lawyer and his journey with a senior star lady barrister. The story is in multiple parts and involves some really sensual moments, so enjoy this journey with me (Anshuman). Nothing was special about the morning except the comments of my gym trainer, “Anshuman, your abs are a work in progress. It may be visible in the next 5 weeks.”  While standing on the weighing scale it read 78 kgs, which was pretty decent for a 6ft tall guy. What a narcissist, I told...

3 years ago
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Human Resources Associate

"How do you put up with all of this?" Cynthia Forester asked. She and Sandy were standing at the copy machine just around the corner from Sandy's desk at Hubbard & Associates. "Don't you get tired of the constant nudity and sex, the men groping you and wanting to, you know, all of the time?" Sandy looked at her friend in surprise. Cynthia was relatively new, hired in to replace one of the Admins when that woman had quit after maternity leave. She and Cynthia had been friends since...

4 years ago
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Cuckolded by My WifeSwapping Work Associates

The period of time from the 1960s to the 1980s has been defined as the ‘Sexual Revolution’. This was a time when premarital and extramarital sex were much less stigmatizing and homosexuals were gaining more acceptance by society. This was also a time when birth control medication was becoming mainstream, and our culture was much more accepting of sex in the media than in the past. It was in this backdrop that my wife Linda and I graduated from college in 1972 and we moved to Atlanta for my new...

2 years ago
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The GILF and the Young Hotel Associate

Diane and I stayed at the Hyatt in Philadelphia last week and had a great time. It’s a nice place and the attendants carry your luggage to your suite. Our attendant (Phil) was a very good looking young man attending college and working there part time. Diane is extremely pretty and was dressed in a white sheer top, no bra of course, and her big hangers bounced ever so gently as she walked. Phil was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of them. (I have her dress that way for travel as I...

3 years ago
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Sexy Married Business Associate

Hi, again, I am Prashanth, from South India. Good looking, medium built but athletic and pure rugged, desi-Hindustani. This sex story happened on my Palakkad tour when I had tour on-duty for my private firm. So, I came to Palakkad where I had given a hotel to stay. It was just a small hotel. So, I went to this industry and my reporting manager happened to be a very hot, dark, lovely girl (she must be 35). I straight away reported to her and got down to business. She was rather serious at first...

3 years ago
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Me And My Office Associate

Hello everyone. I am Ajay Singh. I got transferred to Chennai and I worked in a private organization. As I was the hiring manager, I took lots of interviews. One day I selected a girl called Aparna. She was good looking. She was 5.8 ft tall and has a good shape. She was very fair and beautiful eyes. She came to office in salwar. Chennai mai hum same area mai rehthe the. So one day it was very late night and she asked me ki can I leave soon as it is getting very late. I said okay but she was...

2 years ago
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What Are the Chances

So I’ve been sucking cock at least three days a week with my Mailman As I’ve said before I enjoy licking pussyas well Well it’s Tuesday I’m at my local coffee placeits packed as always only chair &table available is with this lovely lady I ask if I can joinher says she doesn’t mind We chat about everything she tells me she’s married but not happy , she even tells me her sex life is dead , which I couldn’t imagine she is very voluptuous I love women that are Bbws and has big tits and she as...

2 years ago
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prude spouse part 1

Andrea is going to be my wife.After so many years of refusal she finaly agreed to marry me,i can't wait to have sex with her,she is a vergin, at 24 she never had a boyfriend or anybody touching more then her arm,simply repulsing any physical contact.This was driving me mad with frustration but also with an immense desire for her slender legs n very perky, medium breast but above all was her prudence to excite me the most.Just 24 more hours and a dream will come true.Andrea decided the exact...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Model

I have this problem and it's starting to get serious. My Mom is beautiful! I always knew she was beautiful but it wasn't until about age 15 I really started to notice her more and more. Before that she had just been Mom and all Moms are beautiful but about that age I began to notice that she was a truly beautiful female, not just Mom. It isn't just MY opinion either because YOU all think so also. You see, my Mom is a Model (capital 'M'!). I won't describe her other than to say she is...

3 years ago
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21 And Still Virgin

Hi I am Astik story goes around some years back when I was in my grads 2nd year and was staying in a hostel as a new batch of guys came in. I was tall and well built and muscular due to my regular workout regime and average at studies juniors mixed with me at one go. Ab aage se Hindi me. Meri koi gf nai thi kyunki meri image collage me kuch khas nai thi wajah main kisi ke liye bhi lad jaya karta tha jis wajah se sari ladkia darti thi mere se Ab hua ye ki main hostel me dekhta tha naye naye...

2 years ago
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Amazing foursome

My ex wife Emily and I had dabbled in the swinging lifestyle for most of our relationship. We had threesomes with men and women, gone to a couple swing parties and had some group sex experience. I was 24, she was 21, and most of our extra partners were significantly older. We were very excited when we met another young couple online and began chatting. Kimmy and Steve were both 23, and had been together almost as long as Emily and I. They were new to the scene, they had both had threesomes...

2 years ago
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A Young Chap8217s Old Man Fantasy

Dear all Hope u enjoyed my story with an old man. I am a 26 year old (bi) man I am working in Dubai. I like both men and women. Dear Readers after reading this story please send feed back to this id I like the company of old people very much(especially 50+ people) Here I am going to narrate an imaginary story of mine with an old man. One day I was reading a book while sitting in the balcony of my house. Nobody was there in my home all people were gone out to visit relative house. After some...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Tit for Tat

TIT FOR TAT by Geneva A Gypsy's book found in a Nazi death camp plays a part in foiling some Cold War espionage. 1945, Germany "I should warn you, Captain. It's pretty horrible stuff, maybe the worst I've ever seen. I've seen a lot in the Great War and quite a bit in this one, but nothing to compare with this Hell. Have you seen much action and killing?" Captain Armstrong looked across the small camp table at the colonel. "Yes sir, my regiment was involved at Falaise. In...

2 years ago
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Young and Willing Part Three

My body jumped in surprise as I felt four long feathers caressing me up and down my body. The players tickled my nipples, down to my stomach. The men paid particular attention to my balls and my soft cock. It wasn’t long before I could feel a light tingling sensation up and down my ass crack. As my body began to get used to all the feather teasing, I slumped back in the swing and relaxed. But not for long. The light feather strokes gave way to stinging whacks from four bamboo sticks. ...

1 year ago
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The Strip Club

It's a Sunday afternoon. You're feeling horny, so you decide to check out the local strip club and see whats happening there. When you get there, you find out Sunday's are 2 for 1 dances. Even better, you think. When you get inside, there's only one guy sitting at the stage. He's enjoying being the only guy there. A dancer who looks a lot like Rhianna has her legs wrapped around his head. As the song ends, the DJ annouces "give it up for Debbie! Don't miss your chance for a dance with her at...

3 years ago
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Sarah Becomes a SLUTChapter 7

"How was Chemistry?" Andy asked as he joined his naked partner in the corridor. She gave him a brief kiss and touched his rear gently. "Fine. I had to wear a lab overcoat so no problems. Physics?" "Just boring sort of magnetic stuff. Pretty easy really." They looked out over the school grounds from the doorway and sighed. The weather, that was reasonably warm, had turned chilly and rain had started falling. "Weather's got grumpy," Sarah moaned and they watched a few students leap...

3 years ago
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One sexy mature lady

I have known Marie for a few years, due to my job, she is a lady , of about 57, short dark hair , nice boobs, and a nice well rounded bottom .One day last week she was really down in the dumps, so I asked her what was up, she said a friend, had told her about a sexual expierence with a man , and it had got her , a bit randy as she is a widow, and not had a man for a few years.Anyway I ended up chatting away , and she asked me if I would like to come round to her,s for a drink that evening , so...

4 years ago
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Pleasures Of Small Dick 8211 Part 2

Dear readers of this website, continuing from earlier episode of series. After Pappu and Neha, had a wonderful, passionate love making, in which they became one, they were absolutely committed to each other. None of them were looking for other person apart from each other. They were absolutely loved and lusted for each other. In college, they started behaving like couples. Spending quality time with each other, hugging and cuddling was common for them. They became the idol couple for rest of...

3 years ago
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How It Started With The MIL Chapter two

How It Started With The MIL Chapter twoThree days after driving Joy, my Mother In-law home from the Rehab Center the wife informed me she wanted to drive over to visit for a day or two. The huge winter storm that had been predicted fizzled out after one day. I was a bit apprehensive for fear of my Mother In-law saying or doing something that would get me or both of us in serious trouble. I didn’t have much luck avoiding the visit and Saturday morning we set out for an overnight visit.On the...

2 years ago
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Surprise Beach Vaction

BEACH VACATION Master came home today really happy saying He has a big surprise for me. I ask Him what it was but He wouldn’t tell me said I had to wait until Friday to hear. Damn how am I going to wait until then that is two days away. Ughh I hate waiting. Master snickers knowing that about me too. As I go thru the days doing my chores and serving Master I try my best to get Master to tell me. By Thursday night Master was so frustrated with me trying, I got a really bad spanking, 100...

4 years ago
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Guests Chapter 9

I have not been here for a while and I needed to bring my readers up to date. The continuing saga of my anal sex happenings. I don’t want to confuse my readers by the use of the word saga. It is not bad from my point of view. It is actually very, very pleasurable. Sexually pleasurable. My wife Gabby, and our lover Nancy, have been having quite a ball with my ass. I really love it and have multiple orgasms when Gabby and Nancy use my ass for their pleasure. We continue to discuss the concept...

2 years ago
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That SummerChapter 5

As they had the previous day, Emma and Kyle drove to the high school for her practice and his work out. When Kyle got to the track, there was just one other person running, and after just a few laps, Kyle realized that he recognized the other man. "Good morning, Deputy. Remember me?" "I sure do. I figured you would find your way here, given who you are staying with." "Well, I do have permission to run on the track. Honest, I do." The Deputy laughed. I know, that's not a problem,...

1 year ago
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Sheas Dream A True Story

Shea’s Dream The 25 minute bus ride after school was always an annoyance for Shea. The adrenaline from the final bell ringing was always drowned out by the sight of the bus. Even as a 17 year old senior in high school, she didn’t have a car. If only she had a car, Shea would be able to get home in about ten minutes. Plenty of boys had offered her rides home, but she knew they only wanted to get into her pants. One boy had tried to in the past, which had made her cautious from that point on. On...

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Wild Ride

I've got long black hair and bangs, medium sized but very firm tits, and a tight little ass. I'm a lawyer, and usually I have to dress conservatively, but I have a very hot body when I get horny and want to show it off.I've always had a fantasy about being fucked by two guys. Sucking two cocks at the same time, or one cock in my ass, one cock in my pussy. Having my face and tits covered in cum. It gets me wet just thinking about it. But because I'm a lawyer, I work all the time. I don't have a...

Group Sex
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Cry HavocChapter 3

"Where were you last shift?" Kern demanded. The man was hovering over Qi as he sat at his desk. He had only been seated a minute and he hadn't had time to hit the power switch on the desk comp. "You disappeared into the dark for 17 minutes last night. Now where the hell were you?" "I can't remember," Qi said with fake confusion on his face. "Was I spewing dinner out my backside or was I jerking off? Seventeen minutes you say? I never take that long to jerk off. I'm an old pro at it...

2 years ago
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Lexidegrade Chapter 3

-Lexi- chapter 03 I had just been fucked for the first time, and I was still going over it in my mind. There was nothing else to do - Dressed like a slutty schoolgirl, handcuffed, tied, blindfolded, face down on a stool in the middle of a small service building in the park not far from my house, with a padlock on the door. The cum was still splattered on my face. I didn't have any way to keep track of time in that place, I just hoped it wouldn't be for too long. My mind wandered on all the...

1 year ago
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A Long Hard Look part 5

I couldn’t speak. I was proper shocked as he sat down next to me. ‘Judy! Bloody hell, is Ross really your brother’s friend like?’ ‘He is, they’ve been friends since college,’ I answered, not able to take my eyes off him. Mmm, he was the gorgeous stud that I face fucked 2 hours ago. Now we’re in the same household together. I couldn’t believe my luck. ‘Is Ross your brother?’ ‘Nar babe he’s my cousin. Just visiting my auntie for Chrimbo, my dad’s on vacation with my mum in Portugal, they left...

1 year ago
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Nani maa aur bahan choda

Mera nam raj hai aur mai ahmedabad ka rahane wala hun. Mere ghar me mere maa aur pitajee ke alwa meri ek bari didi bhi hai. Didi ki abhi shadi nahi hui hai. Is samay mera umar kareeb 22 saal hai. Mai ab apna parhaee khatam karke ek mnc me junior executive post kam raha hun. Mai aaj jo kahani sunane ja raha hun wo aaj se kareeb 10 sal pahale ki hai. Us samay mai 11th class me parhta tha. Garmee ke din the aur humari nani humare ghar par aayee hue thee. Nani ke sath gaon se humare chacha ke...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sandi

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction.  None of the events depicted here actually happened.  Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental. I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself.  Well, here it is.  Ah, memories… The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one.  The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Procrastinating

Every night was a struggle for Rina.When she wasn’t focusing on an assignment or study for exams, she was procrastinating, and nothing seemed to grasp her attention more than the sound of her housemate, Rebecca, laughing obnoxiously into her phone.Every night like clockwork, a tirade of nonsense would overwhelm any hope of concentration. Even if she tried studying earlier in the day, the same thing would happen: Rebecca loudly chatting and complaining to her girlfriends, or talking dirty and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Trip

     “This vacation is gonna be epic,” Brian said as he threw his bag in the storage compartment of the RV.  “The Meyers and Hunts finally joining forces to take on vacation.”       “Oh yeah, we’re gonna have a great time,” I replied.  “I can't say the same for Grace. I don’t think she's all that excited to spend so much time in an RV.”       Brian and I have been best friends since we were 12 years old, and I’ve known his wife Brandi even longer.  When we were kids I thought she was kind of...


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