God of LoveChapter 2 Romance
- 2 years ago
- 35
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‘He looked at her alabaster thighs glittering in the moonlight and felt his hardened cock lurch in his tight pants. He wanted to be buried between those thighs and sunk into her wetness as deep as he could go, but for now he would settle for a simple taste of the dew on the lips hidden beneath her lower soft, auburn colored hair. Bending his head…’
A clang and a deep booming voice broke into his thoughts and his own voice. ‘Ten o’clock gentleman, get your sorry asses in your bunks if you ain’t already there stroking that chicken, and if you are, you better stop, other wise you’ll be licking up your own dew before the night is over. And you Joker, you tell that hot little bitch you got on the outside to stop sending you those porno books.’
Joker had to protest just as he always did. ‘It’s not porn Captain, it’s a novel called ‘The Blushing Bride, it’s a novel set in old time England. My girl doesn’t read porno.’ He was proud of Dani, she was the smartest woman he knew and she did more then lay around reading books like this all day. Dani is a lady…’
‘Well, I’ve seen your lady and she is still the hottest looking bitch I have even seen, even if she is a little too plump for my usual tastes.’ That came from a cell farther down the line and the laughter was good natured. ‘Hell, if she was my girl, I sure as hell wouldn’t be sitting in this damn cell, I would be on the outside bending my head for a simple taste of her dew.’
That produced more laughter and even the Captain chuckled as the lights went off in the cell block. ‘Good night gentlemen, and I use the term loosely. Get your selves some sleep, it’s still two days before any of you get a look at Joker’s fine lady or any other lady that comes for a visit. And in the case of some of you all, I do use the term loosely. Which is probably how all of you would describe what they got between their thighs.’
There was the usual rustle of men settling down for bed, but Joker Gates simply laid back on his bunk and put his hands behind his head. His cock was throbbing, but not from the sex scene, it was from the thought of Dani. He couldn’t help it, from day one, he had been hard for her.
Watching her walk down the street with his sister Candy. Her long golden brown hair swaying in the wind, and her 44 double D breasts moving in time to her loose hipped walk. He and the group of guys around him knew instantly that she was jailbait, just like his sister Candy was, but that didn’t stop any of them from drooling and wanting even just a taste of those hot looking tits. They were all human and though some folks might disagree, they were all reasonably clean.
The two girls stopped as they reached the bottom of the steps. ‘What did I tell you Dani, there they are, the Brood. Now, tell me true, ain’t they the ugliest group of men you ever did see?’ Candy smiled as she spoke.
Dani looked at each one of them in turn, her smoky gray eyes lingering on Joker a fraction longer then the rest. ‘Oh they ain’t so bad Candy, I can think of worse.’ She didn’t have the soft southern drawl that was so normal to his ears.
Tom stood up behind him and took a bow. ‘Thank you darlin’, nice to see a beautiful woman with some taste in this town at last. Now tell me you got an older sister who is just as hot and twice as horny as you, and I will be in love.’
Candy laughed. ‘Actually she’s got four. Dani’s older sister Kate just bought that old road house out on the old highway. She’s gonna fix it up in to a real club. Got a big settlement from her…what was it Dani, her third or fourth husband?’
‘Fifth. Now that is a woman who is hot and horny. I pity the men around here once they all get going good. And poor little me, has to wait six more months before I can even think of finding out about the birds and bees.’ She gave a sigh and Joker knew his wasn’t the only cock that lurched. ‘Well, maybe by the time my sisters get done, there will be one or two leftovers for us Candy.’ They went on in the house giggling and Joker decided that for even a feel of her body, it would be worth it to spend six months living like a monk.
The girl didn’t make it easy on him. More then once he came home to find her sprawled on the living room floor with Candy and one or two of the other town gigglers and books scattered around them. More often then not Dani would be explaining something even he didn’t understand. He would find him listening to her voice and imagining all kinds of things as he looked at her full round bottom in a nice fitting pair of jeans or a tight little skirt. More then once too, he found himself sitting across from her at the dinner table.
His folks had taken a real liking for Dani. She was nice, she was quiet, and she was polite. He discovered her parents had been killed when she was thirteen and she had gone to live with her older sisters who seemed to travel in a pack. Her words about them being man hungry had turned out to be true, and he knew of more then one man in town who had found happiness in their arms. None of them were what anyone would call small, but damn if they didn’t have some looks and moves to go with them. They weren’t shy about letting a man know they were interested either. A lot of the local woman were already creating a drive to get them out of town, but it wasn’t working very well.
Not that he gave a damn about her sisters. Dani was all he could see day and night. He ached for her night and day and more then once he found himself so hard that he needed to jack off while at work or late at night. He could hardly wait until she was legal so he could do more then dream.
Dani seemed to feel the same way about him. He would catch her watching him when she thought no one was looking and the first time found the nerve to ask her out, she nodded shyly. ‘You’ll have to get past my sisters though. You being so much older then me and all.’
Joker didn’t consider his twenty-six years being so much older, but these days who knew. Used to be a man could find a woman and age didn’t matter, now if he looked at her or touched her wrong, he became marked as a sex offender and wore the tag for the rest of his life.
The night of the date, he showered, shaved, and made sure he looked his best before leaving the house. Even Candy looked shocked as he came down stairs in clean jeans, a crisp white shirt and sports jacket he had borrowed from his dad. His boots were high polished and you could smell the cologne he wore.
‘Damn big brother, you look good.’
‘Think I can get past her sisters?’ He smiled as he checked his reflection.
‘I would be more worried about them attacking your ass. Those women are sex happy, or so I hear…’ His dad John grinned from his chair. ‘I know a few of my boys have been wearing a lot of smiles lately.’ The Gates Construction company was one of the local companies Dani’s sister had hired to help with the remodeling.
‘I’ve only met one of them, Lucy I think. She seems a nice lady, a little loud for my tastes I admit, but still not at all what some women say about her.’ His mom Karen looked up from her novel. ‘And I can only say good things about Dani, not like some of them women you’ve dated in your time Joker.’
Joker nodded. ‘She is different mom, she’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s all the things I been looking for and never knew it until I met her.’ He heard the mantle clock chime the hour and grabbed his keys and ran out the door. ‘Later you all.’
Dani and her sisters lived in a big house at the edge of town. Like the roadhouse it was undergoing remodeling and as a tall, very well developed woman answered the bell, he saw her eyes move up and down his tall, slender but well build frame. Her tongue darted out to lick bright red lip that were full and lush and a sparkle entered her bright blue eyes.
‘Well hello honey, and who might you be?’ Her voice was husky but sexy at the same time and Joker saw what his dad had meant.
‘I’m Joker Gates,
I’m here to see Dani. We have a date tonight.’
The woman didn’t hide her disappointment. ‘She told me she had met a hunk but I was beginning to doubt there was such a thing in this town. I’m her sister Mattie. Come on in.’
He moved into the hall and as he did, he had the feeling that Mattie was checking out his ass. He knew he was too slender, but he had a good body and it was clear she approved.
‘Down Mattie, he belong to little sister. We got to learn not to be selfish.’ Another woman appeared at the foot of the stairs. She was just as beautiful as the other one, but more dignified somehow. She held out her hand and Joker took it. ‘I’m Kate. The oldest of this group of sluts. Dani will be down in a minute. Come on in the living room and have a seat while you wait.’ She took his arm and led him into a room filled with fancy furniture and paintings that looked like something out of an erotic dream. All of them were of women who were large but just as beautiful as the women in real life and he had to admit that it was the look of the paintings that caught his attention more then the subject matter.
Kate followed his eyes to the last painting. ‘Beautiful aren’t they, Dani painted them. She ‘s the artistic one in the family. Mattie is the writer, and our other sister Anne is the musical one. Me, I have the brains for business and Lucy is the more material type. She runs the house. Such good taste too, give her a good look at furniture and she can tell you if it’s a Chippendale or a replica.’
As if on cue, another of the sisters appeared, bearing a tray of coffee, sugar, cream and a plate of what smelled like home baked cookies. Dressed less formal then the other two she smiled at him. ‘I also do windows. Hi, I’m Lucy.’
He shook her hand and they sat down with the coffee. He had the feeling of being a steak in the butcher shop, but Kate did her best to make him feel at ease. She wanted to know where they were going and when he would be bringing Dani home. She also told him that she was impressed with his dad’s business sense and how pleased she was with the work his company did.
‘Of course, my second husband told me that when you hire some one to work for you, you hire the best. All your dad’s prior customers gave me nothing but glowing reports. So nice to meet an honest man and so careful in his work.’
Lucy mentioned the brief meeting with his mother and again nothing but praise. When she was finished, a voice floated down from the stair case. ‘Watch them Joker, when nothing but sugar comes out of their mouths, you know the vinegar won’t be far behind.’ Dani came into the room and her eyes glittered with a mischievous glow. ‘Well, you’re still in one piece.’
‘Didn’t you expect me to be?’ He smiled as he stood up and walked over to her. She looked gorgeous. The well fitting top revealing the fine lines of her body and the flirty little skirt going well with her nylons and boots. ‘You look beautiful.’
‘And you look gorgeous. But you didn’t have to get all dressed up for me, I like how you look even when you’ve just come in from work.’ Still, she looked happy and that made him feel good.
‘Is dinner at the café okay, then I thought we’d go see the movie they got going.’
‘That sounds great. I think we should go though, before the other one comes down stairs and you don’t get out of here alive.’
He helped her on with her jacket and she took his arm as they went out the door. In the car, he looked at her one more time, and wished to god she was legal before turning the key.
‘It’s okay Joker, I understand.’
‘What do you understand?’
She gave a soft giggle. ‘About sex, and the human body. I can imagine how hard it was for you, all that candy and you couldn’t even get a lick.’
He understood. ‘Dani, honey, I’ll be honest. I took a vow of celibacy the day I first saw you, and until the day you turn eighteen, if I can’t keep my drive in low gear, then I ain’t the man I think I am.’ He pulled up at a light and bent his head to hers. ‘I never been a gentleman, I admit it, and I will warn you, the day you turn eighteen, you better be ready for a wild man on your hands.’
Tilting her head to look at him, she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. ‘I think I can handle it, and thank you.’
Over dinner they talked about her paintings and she admitted that each one was of one of her sisters, and one of their previous lovers. ‘I never minded seeing them together, but more then one of the guys was a little embarrassed having me paint him while he was with his woman. To me, it’s just art. I think the human body, regardless of it’s size is beautiful. It doesn’t matter if a woman is a size five or a size fifty. And the same goes for men.’ A small blush crossed her face. ‘To be honest, I’d like to paint you.’
Joker was glad his mouth was empty. ‘Nude?’
‘Yeah, you have a great body and terrific looks. Though I think I like you better when you’ve got a bit of five o’clock shadow. Would you Joker, would you let me paint you?’
He thought about it. ‘Sure, why not. Maybe some day I might end up in the Louver or some other famous place like that.’
‘Or you might end up in my bedroom facing my bed so you’re the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning.’
Joker smiled. ‘I think I like that idea even better.’
He worked hard during the day. The auto shop where he worked was one of the most popular in the county, but it was nothing to being seated on a stool while he posed for Dani. She had him so he was turned slightly and his right arm down so his hand covered his crotch. At first he had been a little concerned about his constant state of arousal around her, but soon he found himself not caring. Her eyes glowed when she looked at him and he couldn’t help feeling a smug pride in her admiration.
It was different when her sisters came in to see how it was going which was more often then he felt comfortable with. He felt as if he was on display to hungry eyes and that at any moment he might find himself in a situation he knew other men would relish. Dani seemed to understand and finally told her sisters to stay away until she was done. It worked and she looked at him as she shook her head.
‘They drive me crazy sometimes you know. I want you relaxed, not feeling like you’re about to be gang raped at any moment.’
‘Most men wouldn’t care, even want it.’
‘You aren’t most men Joker. I saw that the first day we met.’ Her voice was soft. ‘Do you believe in romance Joker?’
Did he? He had never considered it before. He’d never written some girl a poem or brought her a rose. He had never taken anyone for a walk in the rain or spent the afternoon reading poetry to a gal. Still, he found himself thinking about her question for the next few days. Did real men believe in romance?
His dad was the first man he asked, he couldn’t think of a man who fit the description of being a he-man more then his dad. John Gates was the kind of man who worked out, worked hard, and played hard. He rode a motorcycle to and from work, spent evenings playing pool or watching foot ball with his friends. He smoked cigars when he played poker with buddies and just fit the image when the words ‘real man’ came to mind.
His dad didn’t seem bothered when he asked him. ‘Romance huh, I suppose you mean poems and roses and all that stuff women like.’
‘Well, yeah.’
John laughed. ‘How the hell do you think I got a fine woman like your mother to look at a big ape like me in the first place. I remember we had been going out and it was her birthday. Her sixteenth, and I made all these big plans about how we would celebrate. But something came up and all I could do was write her this silly poem and give her this big red rose I stole from your grandma’s garden. She cried all over me when it was over. Said I had given her the best present of all, and that she loved me beyond words. I felt like I was ten feet t
all and I still do. You ever wonder what your mom and I do on our anniversary? I take her out to the best restaurant in Atlanta, then we go dancing. After that we check into the finest hotel and there is always a bottle of champagne and the biggest bouquet of red roses I can find. And attached to the champagne is a silly little poem that I spend the whole year before thinking about writing. So yeah, I believe in romance.’
Over the next few days Joker asked others and he was surprised how many of the so called ‘good old boys’ believed in it. Even his boss Bubba Barnes, a man who spent his days telling dirty jokes and talking about women as if all of them were whores admitted that once in a while he liked to get dressed up and take his wife out dancing or to dinner somewhere, and he always gave her roses on her birthday. Red ones for each year they had been together and then a solid white one for the year ahead.
‘Once we even spent a night just curled up in front of the fire and I read her this poetry that made her cry.’
One of the other guys laughed. ‘That bad?’
Bubba shook his head. ‘No, it was some guy she had read in school and it was full of all this flowery talk and she said I made her so happy to have remembered that she just had to cry. Go figure.’ He grinned. ‘We did have some hot, sweaty sex that night. So yeah, I believe in it, and it does come in handy at times.’
As the day of her birthday drew closer, he wondered what he could do for Dani that would be romantic. He was no poet, and he didn’t remember much from school that even seemed remotely close to what the older men had told him. He knew that he wanted to make love to her that night, and she had told him that she could hardly wait for them to do more then just kiss or hold each other.
So what the hell could he do? Sitting back on the couch, he picked up one of the supermarket novels his mom and sister read. It was a Saturday, and wet and rainy. His folks had taken Candy out shopping for some new shoes and some other things they needed. He looked at the picture on the front of the book and saw it was of a guy in old style dress nuzzling on the neck of a redhead with boobs that looked ready to fall out of her low cut, southern belle sort of dress. His hand was on a bare thigh and you just knew from the look on the gal’s face that she was waiting for him to move it higher.
The title was ‘Lover or Husband?’ Flipping it over, he looked at the description on the back. ‘Lovely Savannah Houston was faced with a difficult choice. Did she forgo the more acceptable idea of marriage to the rich and powerful Brody Martin, to spend her life with her more romantic and handsome lover Brent Hastings. Or will Brody show her that even a man like him could be romantic when it came to a woman he loved?’ On the back along with the words showed a man standing in front of a stately plantation, dressed to the teeth in pre-civil war style and even Joker knew this was a real man. At least the most acceptable version of it.
Without thinking, he opened the book and began to read. Soon he began to become involved with Savannah’s hard choice and found himself torn between the two men himself. Brent was softer, more educated and less involved in the steamier side of life then Brody, but Brody had his own side too. It was clear he loved Savannah and would do what ever he could to make her his.
The first sex scene in chapter ten made him wonder what his mom was doing letting Candy read this trash, but gave him such a hard on that he and the book soon retreated to the privacy of his bedroom. Soon he was lost in his own fantasies and when he came it was with a force he hadn’t expected. He had tried not to picture Dani in the place of Savannah but it was so hard. Finally he was able to focus on the picture on the cover but he knew that deep in his heart it was Dani he wanted.
There were more sex scenes and by the he finished the book it was late at night and Candy was going crazy searching the house for the book. ‘I can’t find it anywhere mom, and I just have to know if Savannah chooses Brody or Brent. I’ll just die if I don’t find out before I have to take it to school on Monday.’
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"How was your annual chat to Rashumba? I saw you had a nice long talk before she started slicing up your poor old back! It must be great to meet up with her and talk over old times! She gave you her best effort yet, I would say. But you seem OK. They'll never break you, Clemmy!" Alexia and her lover were lying together at midnight on the day of the anniversary. It was bad enough to know that another year had passed and her imprisonment was going interminably on and on, but each...
I had been considering for some time looking into one of the various penis enlargement methods that are constantly advertised on TV, the radio and of course, the constant stream of email spam promising me three more inches in just days. My cock is only five inches long, so the advertisements are constant reminders of my inadequacy. I really want to experience the power of pushing a big, thick cock—MY big thick cock into a girl and watching her squirm and groan, trying greedily to accept every...
"It's been a month since your last flogging, Clemmy" said Alexia encouragingly. As she spoke, she was looking at that strong and much whipped back, running the tips of her fingers down the ridge of the spine, making Clementine shiver pleasurably. Her skin might have been thickened and desensitised after the savage treatment it had endured of late, but she could still enjoy those sweet caresses from Alexia! No matter what abuse had been heaped on it, Clementine's back was still a very...
Sam Mendes called Mena Suvari into his trailer, he wasn'thappy with her work, he explained that she had to be a bitch,she hadn't had much acting work and wasn't very good. He told her that her water bottle was gone, she began screaming.That was what he wanted, he told her now I need you to be sexy,get into your part, make love to the camera, Angela was a very sexycharacter.Mena started to massage her tits, she played the virgin in AmericanPie, American beauty was going to make her a star, both...
The dreaded time of her fourth anniversary came around. It was a Friday and that meant her usual one hundred and a further five hundred from Rashumba. The guard gave her the hundred and wanted to go easy, in view of what she still had in store for her later in the day when Rashumba and James came visiting, but she knew Rashumba would spot it if she hadn't given Clemmy her due and so she was sore and softened up for Rashumba's marathon session. Rashumba prefaced her whipping with her usual...
Hi my nick name is love. My age is 20 years. Meri height 6.1 ha ma sports loving person hu ma basketball khelta hu meri athletic body ha. Ya meri first story ha. Ma saharanpur ma retha hu. Ma iss ka regular reader hu. Ma iss ki story sa inspire be hua par jyada tar story muje bakwas lagti ha. Ya jyada tar story imagination ha ya ek dusre ki padhke likhi ha jise (ya log story padheta ha or jo inhe pasand ati ha ushe ya thoda sa change karke apni story likh deta ha . Ya log sochta ha ki koi ladi...
The young, innocent Clementine and her new partner in crime, the happy, dancehall girl Emma sat in the rudimentary restaurant next to the saloon eating prime steak and biscuits with an attitude of youthful sensuous gusto and lots of lip-smacking movements to show their full satisfaction. In Emma’s case, it was simply her normal display of unladylike attitude, but in the case of Clementine, it was an inspired act to convince her new friend the amorous trail hand she was just as committed to...
"And what do you think of my second home, Clemmy?" "You mean Abhlovia?" asked Clementine, as the couple prepared to go to bed at the end of a hectic first day. " It's clean and well run to all appearances. I'll say that much. But I get the impression of a place very much under the thumb. I'll be glad to get up to the mountains and breathe clean free fresh air! It's great to be with you again, though. I'm glad you still like me without my thighs on public view, but I think I'd be...
"Thanks for the dinner, Rashumba. It was lovely to talk over old times. And I'll think about coming to see you in Abhlovia. Now that the pain of losing Clementine has gone away to some extent I think I would like to see where she spent her last days." "It's been my pleasure, darling Viola! Quite like old times - minus the flagellation! How about a goodnight kiss?" Viola obliged. It was horrible. She expected to see Clemmy when she opened her eyes and instead it was her former lover...
"I still can't believe we saw that savage whipping last night. That poor girl - she looked so lovely and delicate. But I suppose she submitted willingly, as James said. Didn't she?" Stella sounded doubtful! Clemmy nodded. "I guess so, Stella. There are certainly twisted people around who love pain. I've even fantasised about it myself before now, though I hope these particular dreams never come true! We just can't get inside their minds to see things their way. But I would rather like...
"Nice breakfast, girls?" asked an excited Viola. The four were seated around her dining table on the morning of the Great Fight which was to decide who of two strong and lustful women was to be her mistress - the young and fair Clementine or the mature Rashumba, with her muscular body and excitingly cruel ways. She was clearly looking forward to the coming contest, no matter who won, unlike Estella, who was dreading it, and Clementine, who was beginning to have butterflies in her stomach....
"Why have we driven out here, darling" Viola asked Rashumba innocently. Inside her heart was working overtime. Could this be it? She had been here for a week now and Rashumba and James had treated her magnificently. Had she not known of his betrayal of Clementine, Viola would have been happy to meet James again. He had great appeal and was still great to look at. She understood very well how Clemmy had succumbed to his charms. But James was busy today and Viola and Rashumba were alone, and...
It was close to midnight as Callum Donald followed the tight butt of curvy Paula Olsen, his latest girlfriend, up the narrow stairs to her apartment. It was the third time they’d dated and he wondered would she’d get lucky tonight. She must want it as she’d made admiring comments about his physique. That surely indicated her level of interest. Paula was an assistant accountant at a construction company he’d visited when engaged as a consulting engineer. He arrived at her workplace whenever the...
"We've been friends for nearly two years now and in all that time I never knew you could fight, darling! At least not like that - you are something else. Where the hell did you learn? I mean that was just tremendous the way you took all that punishment and still came through it all to win. You must be made of something more than ordinary flesh and blood to have kept going against that woman. Because she was tough too. I should have thought you'd both have been unfit to go on after a couple...
"Well, they certainly taught you one hell of a painful lesson" said Olga, the ugly tough who had just whipped her. This seasoned prisoner was sweating from every pore after her exertions, despite the night chill. She was standing over her recent victim and examining her handiwork. The new girl was certainly in a bad way. Clemmy had been warmed up herself, but she was still shivering feverishly from the after effects of the beating, which had brought her out into a cold sweat. "You must...
"You still miss her don't you, Viola? Even now, after all this time?" Estella and Jules had flown back from the States, where they had been living since just after their marriage. The couple had brought their two sweet little children with them to start a new life in Estella's native town. Little Estella was getting on for three and already as lovely as her mother. Little Jules was six months old and adorable, smiling delightedly whenever he caught anyone's eye. Estella was clearly...
ive always been very sexual ever since i was a little girl even before puberty me and boys use to kiss and rub each oyhers privates even a few times ina tree house out side of town we both took each others clothes of and exsplored , i am always finding my self getting wet i mean wet my pussy is like a water fall , when i get horney or get exsited about a guy my pussy juices gets my insides pf my pussy very very wet it runs down my legs and if im not wearing panties and have on a skirt...
Wie ich zum Schwangerenschwimmen gekommen bin Meine Freundin Petra wusste davon, dass ich mir bei ebay sch?ne Schwangerenbadeanz?ge, so genannte Umstandsbadeanz?ge und Badekappen f?r Damen ersteigert habe. Voller Stolz machte ich dann immer mit der WebCam Aufnahmen davon und schickte sie meiner Freundin. Sie l?chelte immer nur und meinte, mit meinem Bauch sehe ich wirklich aus, als bekomme ich ein Baby, Sie meinte auch, schade, dass es niemand weiter sehen kann, den ich h?tte ei...
Hello everyone, this is Varun, age 24 athletic body 5’11”. This is my first story in ISS. I work in an MNC in Bangalore. I met Menaka (age 26, 5’6″, Fig: 32, 28, 32) in this company. Menaka was a senior in my company and she was supposed to my initial trainer. This story took place 2 years Everything was normal during the first week of my training. She had a variety of dressing sense. The first day we wore jeans and tee and the next day she wore salwar and the third day she wore one-piece...
FOREWORD FOREWORD This story is copyrighted. Please do not repost this without my express consent, or use it for your profit. The characters portrayed herein are not based on any real people - any likeness to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. While this story is not intended to offend, it does contain material that you may consider offensive. If you find non-consensual sex, humiliation and blackmail (just a few of the themes in this story) unpalatable, then please, for...
"I suppose you know what you're getting yourself into, Amanda" said Jeremy. "And you'll have to tell me what to do. I'm a bit new to this." "You are totally new to this! But it is in at the deep end for you! Just give me some water to swill my mouth with and the bucket to spit blood into at the end of each round. Clean up any cuts - and there will be lots! These gloves are lethal mon ami! You can't do much else. And wish me luck, because I fucking need it!" Jeremy sighed. This...
Max was with me today, being a good work colleague he sometimes shares his lunch hour with me rather than his new wife. He'd go on about her sometimes, which is fine and I'm happy for them both, but it simply serves to remind me just how single I really am. Today was my lucky day though. She showed up almost right after I did, and ordered a mint chocolate coffee and a muffin. Her name's Karen. I discerned that from her orders being called by the barista, but I knew very little...
CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...
Chapter One: Boy Meets Girl I noticed her on the bus ride to downtown in the morning. She was a very pretty young woman in her mid twenties with a nice shape but painfully shy. She had a faded purple streak in her brown hair but now she was sporting a new style, blond curls with highlights. She worked in an office and always wore sneakers even with her dresses. I was attracted to her and started saying ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘have a great weekend’ and was granted a rare smile. One day I...
If you want raw, graphic sex, go to another story. This is romance, and also a sad story. ***** My wedding to Carla, my fair skinned, black haired beauty, was an event I will always remember. It was not just because I was publically committing to the woman I wanted to spent the rest of my life with. I hadn’t thought about it while single, but on my wedding night nearly every woman in the room wanted to spend time with me. All the men wanted to be close to my beautiful bride was well. We had...
**A/N** So this is something new.. I’m trying it out and will post the next chapter if this gets high reviews. Rate and Review please Kay City Romance Monday It had been a long day. My body was sore and I definitely needed a shower, I reeked of hard manual labor. My hair had sweated itself into a mass of tangles stuck flat to my forehead and face, I was the epitome of a hard worker. My clothes were caked with a layer of dust collected over the years in a filthy attic. What’s sad is that...
CHAPTER 1 A three-night stop in Chicago and then back on the train to Boston was Harvey Chadwick’s plan. He had been visiting his sister in LA after roaming the world for two years following his wife Sophia’s death in a car accident only three months after their marriage. The 30-year-old computer systems troubleshooter had long lost his grief and when reaching his parent’s home in Boston Harvey planned to find another lively lady and settle down again. His mom reckoned she had three lined-up...
A romance is a tale told by an idiot, full of flowery phrases and stolen kisses, and signifying nothing. To the fool, the teller of such tales, the fascination lies not with the sexual act: a messy business finishing with a shout and a grimace, but with the dance that brings them there. That eternal game of cat and mouse that brings two seemingly complex people into the hormone-induced dream world we call love. Love causes people to merge until they wed and propagate, or go their woeful ways. ...
This is a work of fiction. As this is in the Romance category, it takes time to build the entire story, including the sex. Be patient and enjoy. Your feedback is always appreciated. MEETING DR. STEIN In my capacity as the Regional Manager for a large pharmaceutical company, I was given the charge of developing a partnership with the Cardiology department at one of the major New York City Hospitals. Dr. Stein was part of the faculty at the hospital. She was the physician I was told to contact...
Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...
Five years ago I started to fall in love with my beautiful wife BUT WAIT it’s not what you think it’s my sister but with a step in front of it. I’ve always seen my step sister Jane as the most beautiful woman ever and the day that I met her was the best day of my life...well not exactly because a month before my parents got a divorce and I couldn’t see my mom anymore because she cheated on my dad and took my by blood older sister away so I was not in the best mood. At the time that I met her I...
RomanceLet me start by introducing myself before I tell my story. My name is John, when all this started I was a freshman in my university study. I'm a 5 ft 7 inches tall guy, I'm average when it comes to my physique, not a scrawny little guy or a fat short one and my intellect was not also on the extremes, which didn't help me to fit into any of the stereotypes at school; I was good at sports, but not so good to join the school's team, I was a gaming geek but not smart enough to join the nerds, and I...
RomanceThey dance closely, holding each other as near as possible. The ballroom is lighted romantically as hundreds of men and women dance the night away. They might as well be the only ones there, for all she can focus is him and all he can focus on is her. He's looking at her in the way a man looks at woman that he loves. His hands make their way a little too close to her breasts for The song ends, everyone politely claps. A new song begins but he takes her arm, guiding her swiftly off the dance...