Awakenings Ch. 18 free porn video

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Mel said, ‘Okay enough poetry, back to your date. Trent was lying on the bed. You were on your stomach between his legs playing with his cock. It was growing.’

‘Yes it was and when I started kissing and licking it again it grew even faster.’

‘I’ll bet it did.’ Amy was chuckling.

‘Once Trent was fully erect I sucked him for a minute or two and then I slipped down and started licking his balls.’

‘I’ll bet he loved that.’ As she said that, Mel gave my cock a gentle squeeze.

‘He did, but he liked what I did next even more.’

I asked, ‘What did you do?’

Mel said, ‘I know. This is when you did it, isn’t it?’

Jeanne breathlessly answered, ‘Yes, I was so excited. While I was licking Trent’s balls I pushed his hips up and slipped my tongue down to that spot between his ball sack and the crack of his ass. When he felt me licking him there he went wild. He pulled his feet up and gave me full access. I grabbed his cock with one hand and held him up with the other and then I did it. First I licked the crack of his ass and then I licked his asshole. While I licked him I slowly pumped his cock with my hand. He was so hard.’

I asked, ‘Weren’t you afraid you might make him cum again?’

‘Michael, I’m sorry. At that moment I was so turned on I didn’t care.’

‘It’s okay, I understand.’

Mel asked, ‘You told us Trent was going wild. Did he say anything to you?’

‘He did.’

‘What did he say?’

‘When I pushed my tongue into his ass he told me no one had ever done that to him before.’

‘What did you say to him?’ Mel was still squeezing my cock.

‘I asked him if he liked it.’

Mel laughed. ‘I’ll bet he did.’

‘He told me he loved it and then he asked me if I liked doing it to him.’

I asked, ‘What did you tell him?’

‘I told him I loved doing it. I loved it because it was really slutty and I loved being a slut.’

Amy said, ‘You were excited.’

‘I was. I was so excited. I actually had a little orgasm while I was doing it and I wasn’t even playing with myself.’

Mel asked, ‘What did Trent say when you told him you loved being a slut?’

Jeanne hesitated. ‘I ah…’

I said, ‘Jeanne, total honesty.’

Reaching over, Amy cupped my balls in her hand. While she gently held them she said, ‘Jeanne, don’t worry. We’re taking care of your sweet baby.’

Jeanne guardedly said, ‘He asked me if I was his slut.’

‘What did you tell him?’ Amy was still squeezing my balls.

‘I told him I’d be his slut for the rest of the afternoon and every time we get together to play I’ll be his slut again. Michael, was that all right?’

When I heard Jeanne’s answer I grinned and said, ‘Baby, that was an excellent answer. You and Trent are playmates. While you’re playing you’ll have more fun if you both feel free to adopt the roles that excite the two of you the most.’

‘Thank you Michael, you really are a wonderful husband.’

‘Jeanne I’m trying hard to make this work. I will admit that right now it’s easier because I’m getting some pretty intense support from my new friends.’

Laughing, Jeanne asked, ‘Amy and Mel are both of you holding Michael’s cock?’

Amy answered, ‘No, Mel’s holding his cock. I’m holding his balls.’

Still laughing, Jeanne said, ‘Michael honey, right now you’re in voyeur heaven, aren’t you.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Two beautiful women are playing with your cock and balls, you’re wife is describing a hot sex party she just had with another man and didn’t you tell me there’s a porn movie playing on the television behind you?’

Mel said, ‘There is, it’s a Julia Ann movie. All three of us are imagining that it’s you.’

‘I wish, she’s so gorgeous.’

Amy said, ‘Jeanne, you’re gorgeous too.’

‘Where were the two of you when I was sixteen.’

Mel shook her head. ‘We’re younger than you are, but when we were sixteen both of us were at home feeling just as insecure as you were.’

‘But two years later both of you went to Las Vegas.’

Amy said, ‘And you went to college. We didn’t have that choice. Do you wish you would have gone to Las Vegas? Think before you answer that question. If you’d gone to Vegas you might have had a lot of fun, but you wouldn’t have met Michael and you wouldn’t have Tricia and Jodie.’

‘You’re right, life is filled with trade offs.’

Mel said, ‘Jeanne honey, right now you’re enjoying the best of both worlds.’

‘I’m lucky. I found Michael. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. While the girls were growing up he provided us with a stable, worry free life and now he’s giving me the freedom to experience an incredibly exciting style of living.’

‘Mel and I’ve been lucky too. First we found each other, then we found Vince and now we found you and Michael.’ Amy leaned over and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her.

‘Okay, we’ve all been lucky and we all love each other. Let’s get back to the sex. Right now I’m so hot the towel I’m sitting on is soaked.’ Mel was grinning.

Laughing, Amy said, ‘Mel just think about how hot you’re going to be later when you watch me suck Michael’s cock.’

‘Hell! I’m so hot right now that I’m about to squirt. My clitty’s harder than Michael’s dick.’ Mel picked up my hand and placed it between her legs. She was so wet that two of my fingers easily slipped into her. She said, ‘Michael that feels nice, but I’d like it even better if your rubbed my clit.’

Amy said, ‘Jeanne, Mel has a big clit. When she gets hot like this she loves to have it rubbed.’

Jeanne said, ‘Michael honey, be a sweetheart. Rub Mel’s clit for her. Get her off right now.’

Laughing, I said, ‘I’m happy to oblige.’ I slipped my finger’s up to Mel’s clit. Fully engorged, it was large, almost a tiny cock. This wasn’t a surprise. I’d already spent several evenings with my face buried between Mel’s gorgeous brown thighs.

As soon as I touched her I felt Mel shudder. She was close, very close. She whispered, ‘Oh yeah baby, that feels so nice. Harder, do it harder. You don’t need to be gentle. Rub it for me. Make me cum.’

I pressed my fingers against Mel’s clit and rubbed her hard and fast. She started gyrating her hips in response. ‘Yes Michael, that’s what I want! Rub me off! Rub me off like a slut.’

Jeanne whispered, ‘This is so hot. I’m glad I have my vibrator with me.’

Amy asked, ‘Are you using it right now?’

‘Oh yes.’

‘I wish I was there. I’d love to lick you.’

‘I’ve never been licked by a girl.’

‘Would you like to try it?’

‘Very much.’

‘When we finally meet for real we’ll do a little love box, all four of us. I get you and you can have Mel.’

‘I’ve never gone down on a girl.’

‘Believe me, you’ll love it.’

Laughing, I said, ‘Trust me Jeanne, it is wonderful.’

Suddenly Mel arched her back and cried out, ‘Oh shit!’ A flood of her cum gushed from the lips of her cunt. And then she started to alternately laugh and cry as her orgasm surged through her loins.

I kept rubbing Mel. I knew that was what she liked.

Giggling, Amy said, ‘My girlfriend is a screamer.’

From the telephone we heard Jeanne gasp and then whisper, ‘Yesss! Yesss! Yesss! Oh Yesss!’ As her orgasm erupted.

I felt Mel beginning to relax. I pulled my hand away from her cunt. Amy and I waited in silence.

After a moment Jeanne laughed and said, ‘Oh my god, that’s the first time I’ve ever cum while I was talking on the telephone.’

‘It’s fun, isn’t it.’ Mel was giggling.

‘Yes it is. Amy you didn’t cum.’

‘Not yet.’

‘Michael, don’t you think you should be a gentleman and get her off?’

Laughing, I said, ‘I’m not sure it will make me a gentleman, but I would love to get her off.’ I turned to Amy. She lasciviously spread her thighs and pointed at the floor in front of her.

I said, ‘That’s an invitation I’ll never turn down.’

I got down on my knees between Amy’s thighs. As I buried my face in her cunt Jeanne asked, ‘Mel what’s happening?’

Mel said, ‘Your sweet husband is on his knees eating my girlfriend’s pussy. Her eyes are closed. She’s clearly enjoying the experience. Your husband is quite adept at giving oral pleasure.’

‘I learned that in San Francisco. During all those years I was a prude Michael wanted to go down on me when we made love. Most of the time I stupidly refused to even consider the idea. The few times I did relent and allow him to do it I was so uptight that I couldn’t relax enough to actually enjoy it.’

‘But you enjoyed it in San Francisco.’

‘It was incredible. Right now I’m very envious of Amy.’

Suddenly Amy arched her back and cried out, ‘Son of a bitch!’ And then she started to shake. I pulled back and watched. My lips, cheeks, and chin were slick with her moisture

Grinning at me, Mel said, ‘My sweetie doesn’t squirt, but she sure does get your face messy when you eat her.’

I grinned back at Mel.

As I was climbing back on to the couch, Jeanne asked, ‘Is Michael’s face wet?’

Mel answered, ‘His lips, cheeks and chin are coated with Amy’s cum.’

‘Michael, does having a woman’s cum on your face excite you?’

‘Yes, I have to admit it does.’

‘I told you I won’t let a guy cum in my mouth, but sometimes at Brady’s I’ll let a guy cum on my face. I’m learning that it excites me when they do it.’

Nodding, Mel said, ‘It’s really slutty, isn’t it.’

‘Yes it is. Want to know something else?’

Mel answered, ‘Definitely.’

‘Walking back into Brady’s with streaks of cum in my hair is exciting too.’

Amy smiled. ‘Everyone in the bar knows you’re a slut.’

‘Yes they do. Michael I’m sorry, but I love it when I know other people are thinking I’m a slut.’

‘I realized that in San Francisco Jeanne. You’re clothes and makeup are much more provocative then they used to be.’

‘I used to dress like a prude.’

‘You don’t anymore.’

‘Does that bother you?’

‘Not anymore, in fact realizing that other people know I’m married to a slut is turning out to be a big turn on for me.’

Reaching over and rubbing my erect penis, Mel said, ‘Our sweet baby is learning to enjoy being a cuckold.’

Shaking my head, I said, ‘While it still surprises me, I have to admit that Mel is right.’

Jeanne said, ‘Sweetheart, that makes me very happy.’

‘Actually it makes me pretty happy too.’

Amy, Mel and I all smiled. While I couldn’t actually see her I was certain that Jeanne was smiling too.

After a moment Jeanne said, ‘Michael, you haven’t cum yet. Amy, Mel would one of you please take care of him.’

Amy shook her head. ‘Jeanne, I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

‘Why not?’

Nodding in agreement Mel said, ‘I concur.’

‘Why? Cumming is good.’

Amy said, ‘It is, but when men cum most of them temporarily lose their sexual ardor. If Michael really is going to be your cuckold you’re going to have to remember that. If he’s at home while you’re entertaining a man a little sexual edge will make it easier for him to enjoy the experience.’

Mel said, ‘And when you’re telling him about a date you’ve just had with another man, like you are right now, it’s important that he maintain a sexual edge while he’s hearing about what happened. It will definitely make it more fun for him.’

‘Michael, is that true?’

‘Jeanne, I think it is.’ I paused. After a moment I said, ‘Even when I’m watching porn I try to keep from cumming for as long as I can. That sexual high feels good. It’s fun. I think this should be part of the cuckold game we’re playing. When you’re with another man or when you’re telling me about a party you’ve just had with another man I shouldn’t be allowed to cum until you’re finished.’

‘You’re sure?’

‘I am. Actually I think this is probably one of the reasons that orgasm denial is such a big part of the cuckold fantasy.’

‘Okay, it’s settled. You don’t get to cum until I’m finished telling you about my date with Trent.’ Jeanne paused and then she quickly added, ‘But Mel and Amy, when I’m finished will you please be sure to get him off.’

Laughing, Mel said, ‘Jeanne as soon as you’re done we’re going to suck and fuck your sweet baby into oblivion.’

I looked at Mel and then at Amy. They were both licking their lips while they stared at me. All I could do was grin.

‘Okay, that’s settled. Michael gets to cum, but not until you’re finished telling us about your date. Now let’s get back to that. You were licking Trent’s ass. What happened next?’ The eager tone in Mel’s voice made it clear that her orgasm had not diminished her ardor at all.

‘I licked his ass for maybe a minute or two and then I moved up and started sucking his cock again. As soon as Trent realized what I was doing he sat up, rolled me over onto my back and told me he was ready to fuck his slut.’

‘He was ready to fuck his slut, he really said that to you?’

‘Yes Amy he did and I loved it. Michael is that all right?’

Chuckling that my wife’s insecurity was just as much a problem for her as mine was for me, I said, ‘Yes Jeanne it’s all right. I understand. This is one of your kinks. It certainly doesn’t hurt anyone, so you should relax and enjoy it. Frankly, I’m enjoying it too. Being married to an avowed slut appeals to my voyeurism. That, as you well know, is one of my kinks.’

‘Michael, I love you so much.’

‘I know that Jeanne. I love you too.’

Mel said, ‘Yes and Amy and I love both of you. Now lets get on with the story. You were on your back. Trent was about to fuck you.’

Giggling at Mel’s eagerness, Jeanne said, ‘Okay, I keep condoms on the night table next to Tricia’s bed. I didn’t even have to remind Trent. On his own, he picked one up and opened it. After rolling it on he climbed on top of me, grabbed my wrists, pinned me to the bed and started rubbing the head of his beautiful, big hard cock up and down my cunt. He was teasing me. I didn’t care because it felt so good. Suddenly he pushed his cock into me. When he did that I must have shrieked a little. Not because it hurt, believe me it didn’t. I was so wet that all of his cock, the full length slipped in easily. I shrieked because his cock felt so good inside me. Anyway, my shriek made Trent pause. While he enjoys being rough and aggressive, Trent is actually a considerate playmate. He stopped because he had to make sure he hadn’t actually hurt me.’

Amy said, ‘He sounds like a real sweetheart.’

‘He is.’

Sensing that hearing Jeanne’s new boyfriend described as a sweetheart might create some feelings of jealousy for me, Amy turned to me and said, ‘Don’t worry Michael, you’ll always be the apple of Jeanne’s eye. Think about it, if she’s going to have a boyfriend you really do want him to be a nice guy, don’t you.’

‘Of course I do.’

Jeanne said, ‘Michael you don’t ever have to be jealous. You’ll always own my heart.’

‘I know that Jeanne. You’ll always own my heart too.’

‘Thank you Michael.’

‘Okay, you love Michael and Michael loves you, now back to the story. All of Trent’s cock was inside you and it felt wonderful.’ Mel was squeezing my erection.

He fucked me Mel, I mean he really fucked me…’ Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, ‘Michael, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right. You fuck me too, you really fuck me. You’re wonderful in bed. Our weekend in San Francisco was the first time I was uninhibited enough to actually realize that, but now I do realize it. You’re caring and gentle and so very graceful. With you, sex is like ball room dancing. It’s magnificent. You make be feel like a ballerina or a princess.’

Nodding, Amy said, ‘That is true. Michael you really are graceful in bed. Believe me that makes you an outstanding lover.’

‘She’s right Michael. I can’t wait to get you into bed in San Antonio. I think about it every night.’

‘Yes, but I’ll bet you think about Trent too.’

‘I do, but please understand this. Trent isn’t better than you. Actually you’re better than Trent. A steady diet of him would get old very quickly. If I had to do it, I could be content spending the rest of my life making love with you and only you.’

‘But it would be more fun if you could occasionally have Trent too.’

‘Yes Michael, it would. With you sex is like a ballet. With Trent it’s more like a wrestling match. Every once in awhile it’s fun to wrestle.’

‘Don’t worry Jeanne, I’m actually starting to get that. Sex with Trent is a different experience and that makes it exciting. All I ask is that you share it with me, like you’re doing right now. That makes it exciting for me too.’

Jeanne giggled. ‘I’m so glad I’m married to a voyeur.’

‘You are and I want to hear more. I want to hear every seamy little detail. Jeanne this may be hard for you to believe. It certainly amazes me. Knowing you’re excited excites me. Right now I can tell you’re very excited, so let’s hear more of the story. Trent was fucking you, really fucking you.’

‘Michael, he was. He was careful not to hurt me. Like I just said, Trent really is a nice guy, but he likes to be rough and aggressive. There were times when he tossed me around on the bed like I was his personal sex doll.’

Next to me, Amy said, ‘His personal sex doll. Ooo I like that.’

Mel nodded. ‘Me too.’

Obviously excited, Jeanne continued. ‘Trent fucked me for at least twenty minutes. By the time he came I’d had two wonderful orgasms. When we were finished I felt like I’d spent an hour working out in the gym.’

Mel said, ‘Hot sweaty sex. It really is fun. What happened after Trent came. I assume you took a little break.’

‘We had another hour before he had to leave, but you’re right. We did need a break. For a little while we lay in bed quietly. We weren’t cuddling, just lying there side by side feeling good. Michael, Trent and I both understand what we’re doing. It’s just recreational sex and nothing more. He loves his wife and I love you.’

‘Thank you Jeanne. I think I now know that, but it’s still comforting to occasionally hear you say it. It also helps to know that Trent feels the same way.’

‘He does.’ Jeanne paused for a moment and then she said, ‘Anyway, after resting for a minute or two we talked for a little while.’

‘May I ask what you talked about?’ I was curious, but for some reason I was concerned about being intrusive.

There was a brief pause and then Jeanne said, ‘Of course you can ask. Michael you’re my husband. I’ll never keep secrets from you. You can ask me anything.’

‘I know, I just…’

‘Don’t worry sweetie. I understand. Were both still figuring out the etiquette for this new lifestyle.’

‘Yeah, I guess you’re right.’

‘We talked about you.’


‘Yes, Trent asked about you. During our first date I told him you traveled. That’s all I told him. When he asked today, I think he was trying to find out how often you’re away from home.’

Mel smiled. ‘He wants to get together with you on a regular basis.’

‘Yes he does and Michael if you’re okay with it I’d like to do that too.’

‘Yes, I’m okay with it. We talked about it in San Francisco. If you’re going to do this I believe it’s inevitable that you’re going to meet guys like Trent who you like and want to see more than one time. You’re going to meet men who you’ll want to see repeatedly, men who for all practical purposes will become boyfriends. I even think it’s likely that you’re going to develop feelings for some of these men. It’s essential that we use this time I’m away to find out how that’s going to affects us.’

‘Michael, I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you.’

‘I believe that Jeanne, but I still think both of us are going to need time to get used to you having an occasional boyfriend. While I’m now reasonably confident that you won’t fall in love with one of these men, I suspect a period of infatuation is inevitable. Infatuation is exciting. You need to feel free to express your excitement around me. I you feel compelled to hide your feelings from me I fear we’ll drift apart or even worse, you’ll grow to resent me. I have to experience your infatuations from beginning to end several times. That’s the only way I can hope to become confident that they’re only temporary. Once I gain that confidence I think it’s possible I might even be able to enjoy the excitement of a new infatuation with you. That’s going to take time and I think it will be easier for both of us if we try to do it while I’m away.’

Jeanne was silent.

Amy said. ‘Jeanne, he’s right. I can tell that you’re already infatuated with Trent’

‘But it’s only temporary. Michael you’re the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’ll always be that man.’

I said, ‘I know that Jeanne, but right now your thoughts and fantasies are focused on Trent, aren’t they.’

Quietly Jeanne answered, ‘Yes.’

‘Think about how you’d feel if I was suddenly obsessed with another woman.’

‘You are, only it’s two women, Amy and Mel.’

‘They’re friends and we brought you into our friendship as quickly as we could. Are you going to include me as an equal in your friendship with Trent? Can you imagine the three of us chatting on the telephone like this?’

‘No, I’m sure he wouldn’t be comfortable with that.’ Jeanne’s answer was a barely perceptible whisper. After a pause she said, ‘Michael, I’m sorry. I’m hurting you. What are we going to do? I’ll stop seeing Trent. I’ll call him in the morning.’

‘Jeanne, you’re bright. Stop and think. I don’t believe you’re going to fall in love with Trent.’

There was another pause and then Jeanne said, ‘This is your strength, isn’t it. You’re an accountant. You know how to logically analyze a situation. I was an English major. I think with my heart. Although lately I guess I’ve been thinking with my pussy.’

Laughing, Amy said, ‘Jeanne honey, thinking with your pussy is fun, but believe me, it can get you into trouble.’

Nodding in agreement, Mel said, ‘Aint that a fact.’

Ignoring Amy and Mel, Jeanne again asked, ‘Michael, what are we going to do?’

‘You’re going to keep seeing Trent and you’re going to continue telling Amy, Mel and me all the seamy details of your dates. Eventually you’re going to get bored with him and move on to another guy. You’ll continue to tell me about your dates and even though I’ll probably have left Tucson we’ll still continue to talk to Amy and Mel about them too.’

‘Amy, Mel, after Michael moves on can we keep in touch?’

Mel said, ‘Of course we can Jeanne. You’re our friend. We don’t have many friends. We can’t afford to cast them aside.’

Smiling, I said, ‘You can’t ever afford to throw away good friends.’

Amy and Mel grinned at me.

Jeanne said, ‘Thank you.’

‘Jeanne, after Trent you’re going to meet another man and he’ll be every bit as exciting as Trent is now.’

‘Yes Michael, I understand. I’ll fall for him and then I’ll eventually get bored with him and move on again.’

‘And while you’re dating him, you’ll freely talk to Amy, Mel and me about everything. You’ll share all of your excitement with us. While the voyeur in me will enjoy it, the insecure little boy in me will be frightened, but that will be okay. Amy and Mel will constantly remind me that you really do love only me, so I’ll survive.’

‘Michael, they’ll be right. I will always love only you.’

‘Jeanne, I’m counting on that.’

Amy asked, ‘So what did you tell Trent?’


‘Everything?’ I was a little taken aback.

‘Yes Michael, I was completely honest with him. Why shouldn’t I be? Neither of us has anything to be ashamed about.’

‘Did you tell him about our weekend in San Francisco?’

‘Of course I did. I also showed him the ankle bracelet you bought for me. He loved it. He wants me to wear it whenever we get together.’

‘I’ll bet he does.’

‘I even told him you encouraged me to call him for a second date.’

‘Jeanne, please tell me that’s not true.’

‘Michael it is true. I told him everything. Why does that bother you? I don’t understand.’

‘Jeanne, he must think I’m a total wimp.’

‘Michael, he not only doesn’t think you’re a wimp, you’re his hero.’

‘I’m his hero?’

‘Yes, I told him everything. He envys you. His wife is an uptight prude like I used to be. He’d love it if she was a slut like I am now. And you’re currently living in Tucson with two exotic dancers. For Trent that’s an unbelievably exciting fantasy.’

Laughing, Amy said, ‘Michael honey, she’s right. Most men would envy you.’

‘I never really thought about it like that.’

‘Michael, I also told Trent that you gave me permission to let him have my ass.’

Mel asked, ‘What did he say when you told him that?’

‘It’s not so much what he said, it’s what he did. Our chat ended immediately. He started kissing me and then he pushed me down the bed.’

Amy smiled. ‘He wanted you to suck him to get him hard again.’

‘He did and I was happy to oblige him. I gave him the works. I sucked his cock, kissed his balls and licked his ass. It only took me a couple of minutes to get him fully erect. Once he was hard Trent put on another condom while I took a tube of lubricant out of the drawer in the night stand next to the bed. As soon as he was ready I handed the lube to Trent and lay face down on the bed. He did a very thorough job of greasing me up. He was having fun. I don’t think his wife ever lets him play with her ass.’

‘You never used to let me play with your ass.’

‘I know and I’m sorry about that. All can say is that when we’re together in San Antonio you can play with my ass as much as you like.’

‘I’ll hold you to that.’

‘I hope you do.’

Mel asked, ‘While he was lubing you did Trent push a finger into your ass?’

‘Oh yes and when I told him it felt good he pushed a second finger in and when I told him that felt good he added a third finger.’

Grinning, Mel said, ‘He had three fingers in your asshole, way to go girl.’

‘Micheal and I did some practicing in San Francisco. It really helped. Thank you Michael.’

‘You’re welcome.’

Amy reached over, gave my cock a firm squeeze and said, ‘I commend you, practicing with your wife so her boyfriend can fuck her butt makes you the good husband of the month, maybe even the year.’

Realizing Amy was teasing me, I said, ‘I do try.’ We were both grinning.

Mel said, ‘Tell us about Trent fucking your butt?’

‘It was fun, but it started out kind of funny.’

‘Funny?’ I was curious.

‘Yes, funny. When Trent was pushing his cock into my butt he admitted that this was the first time he’d ever done it. Trent tries to create the impression that he’s a sophisticated lover, but the more I get to know him the more I realize he’s actually rather inexperienced. I suspect most of his knowledge was acquired by reading sex stories on the Internet.’

Mel asked, ‘Does that bother you?’

‘Not really, I just find it interesting.’

‘That may be one of the reasons you find him so attractive.’

‘What makes you say that Michael?’

‘While you’re learning quickly, you’re actually not very experienced either. Your daughters taught you how to give a blow job.’

Laughing, Jeanne said, ‘I hadn’t thought about that, but I think you’re right. We’re a couple of novices learning together.’

‘Frankly Jeanne, I’m not very experienced either. Most of my knowledge was acquired by watching sex movies.’

Jeanne was silent. After a moment she said, ‘I told you this in San Francisco and I’ll repeat it now. My greatest regret in all of this is that I didn’t include you at the beginning of my sexual awakening. We should have been experimenting and learning together.’

‘I would have liked that, but it didn’t happen and we’ve talked about why it didn’t happen. It’s in the past and we can’t change it. We’re both still learning, but now we’re each learning on our own.’

‘I wish we could be learning together.’

‘Jeanne, we can’t. Not yet. I haven’t reached a point where I can sit in the den watching television while you’re entertaining Trent in Tricia’s room.’

‘I know Michael.’

Amy said, ‘But you can listen to Jeanne tell you about it now and that’s progress.’

Mel added, ‘You even enjoy hearing about it.’

‘Yes I do and you’re absolutely right, that is progress.’

Amy said, ‘Since you are enjoying it, let’s hear a little more. Jeanne did you enjoy your butt fucking?’

‘I did Amy, it was amazing…’Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, ‘The three of you were right.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Pussy fucking does create greater sensations of pleasure. Butt fucking is fun. No, it’s incredible, but I have to admit the thrill is more mental than physical. I love it because it’s so kinky. I think Trent feels the same way.’

Mel said, ‘You’re enjoying being his slut, aren’t you Jeanne.’

‘Yeah I really am.’

Amy said, ‘You went down on Trent three times today, but you never mentioned him going down on you.’

‘He didn’t. If I asked him to do it I’m sure he would, but I don’t really want that from him. I get that with Michael. With Trent I want to be a total slut. I want to do things for him just because they’re dirty and nasty.’

Nodding, Mel said, ‘Like licking his ass, deep throating him and letting him butt fuck you.’

‘That’s right. Michael now I’ll do all of those things with you too, but when I first started with this new life style that was difficult. You’re my husband. I’m the mother of our children. You’re the father of our children. Your admiration was important to me. It still is, but I’m beginning to understand that my sexual behavior has very little to do with my worth as a person. I think you realize that too.’

‘I do.’

‘Still, the fact that I don’t give a damn about Trent’s opinion makes it easier for me to act like a total slut with him.’

Amy said, ‘It allows you to feel free, doesn’t it.’

‘Yes, for the first time in my life I’m not worried about what other people think about me. Michael as far as I’m concerned your opinion is the only one that counts.’

‘But when you decided to go out with Derek Fischer you risked losing my admiration.’

‘I know. I now realize that was a stupid decision. I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t know how go about getting it. I decided to take a chance. I threw the dice. Fortunately for me you were wise enough and strong enough to not allow that rash decision to destroy us.’

‘I love you.’

‘I know that and every day I’m thankful for it.’

Mel said, ‘That’s why you like sucking guys off at Brady’s too, isn’t it.’

‘Yes, I don’t give a damn about they’re opinion of me either, but at Brady’s there’s something else. It’s empowering.’

Shaking my head, I said, ‘Empowering? How can giving a guy a blow job in a parking lot behind a bar be empowering?’

Smiling, Amy said, ‘I think I understand exactly what you’re saying.’

Mel nodded. ‘I do too.’

I said, ‘Please enlighten me.’

Amy said, ‘I’d be happy to enlighten you. In our culture men have traditionally been in control of all male female relationships. Boys ask girls out. Boys ask girls to dance. The man is supposed to initiate marriage proposals. Women have always been expected to passively wait for men to act. Think about making out in a car by the lake when you were in high school. If I guy puts his hand on a girl’s breast all it means is that he wants to cop a feel. If a girl puts her hand in a guy’s lap it’s interpreted as a sign that she’s ready to go all the way.’

Smiling, Mel said, ‘I don’t care if it’s in Wisconsin, Chicago or Minnesota, men have always been in control of sex. They get to ask, all a woman gets to do is say yes or no. At Brady’s Jeanne is in control. Jeanne how often do you suggest to a guy that you take a walk out to his car?’

‘Almost every time.’

‘She’s already in control. When they get to the car they both know why they’re out there so there aren’t any games.’

Jeanne said, ‘That’s right and I get to take the lead. I repeat, that’s one of the things that’s fun about being a slut. I don’t have to worry about anyone’s opinion. When I put my hand on a guy’s cock I don’t have to worry about how he’s going to interpret it. We both know I’m going to give him a blow job, that’s why we’re out there. All that’s left is to decide how it’s going to happen and I’m the one who gets to make that decision too.’

Mel said, ‘Actually Jeanne the moment you decided to openly live as a slut you gained power. You no longer have to wait for a man to make overtures. As a slut you’re free to make the overtures yourself because you’ve already made it clear that you don’t give a damn about the traditional conventions of our culture.’

‘I’m so glad that Michael met the two of you. You’re helping both of us. Even though we’ve never met in person I’m already feeling like we’re close friends.’

Amy said, ‘We feel that way too.’

There was a moment of awkward silence and then Mel asked, ‘So what happened after Trent finished butt fucking you.’

‘He took a shower. After he was finished he got dressed and left.’

Amy asked, ‘Did you shower together?’

‘No, Trent needed to get home. We didn’t have time to play around anymore.’

‘But you had a fun afternoon.’

‘Yes Michael, I really did. Was that all right?’

‘Yes Jeanne, I’m glad you had fun.’

‘Are you Michael? Are you really?’

‘Yeah I am Jeanne.’

‘Thank you.’

While it was getting late and none of us had eaten supper, we still chatted for a few more minutes before we said goodbye.

Thanksgiving was the following Thursday. Jeanne asked if we had plans. Mel told her that she and Amy always bought a turkey and made the full dinner. They cooked together while they watched the parade in the morning and football in the afternoon. It was a nice way to celebrate the holiday day and I was going to be part of it.

Amy asked Jeanne if she had plans. She told us that she and Jodie were going to Tricia’s. Paul was going to be making the dinner. Mel suggested that this year, Thanksgiving at Tricia’s might turn out to be rather interesting. All of us agreed.

Mel asked Jeanne about her impending date at Brady’s Pub with Ruth and David. Jeanne told us that she’d talked to Ruth that morning and it was on for Monday. Both Tony and Bill would be there. Mel insisted that she call us as soon as she got home Monday evening so we could hear every detail. After promising that she would do that, Jeanne asked if she could call again tomorrow evening. Mel, Amy and I all assured her that we would love it if she called us every evening.

We said our good byes and our final I love yous and then Jeanne ended the call. After the call was over Amy, Mel and I sat together in silence. Jeanne had become part of us and we already missed her.

Same as Awakenings Ch. 18 Videos

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Karma This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth. Synopsis: Mark Evans 18, hated being small. He hated his father and mother for their part in it, all the way back to his grandparents. It was fate he told his best friend Susan. It was fate Susan agreed. She was a Buddhist and told Mark to embrace his size. "Your...

1 year ago
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The Road Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is David and I am 19 years old. I’m 6 feet tall and 213 pounds with an 8 inch dick. Let me tell you about Sarah before the story begins she is 18 about 5 feet 4 inches tall with 34c breasts. This is the story of the road trip we took together to Indiana last summer. Sarah Suggested that we take a road trip before we went to our separate collages after the summer was up. After a few hours of arguing about where we should go we decided to go see...

4 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 2 Two Juicy Cherries

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Two: Two Juicy Cherries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Steve Davies My hand shook as I stared at my daughter Sam's profile. The paused reality spun around me, my office tilting at strange angles. I grabbed my time-frozen wife with my free hand to anchor myself. I had bred my youngest daughter Sam. She was pregnant with my child. Anael giggled. She hugged my wife from behind, squeezing Linda's breasts through her nurse's scrubs. The...

2 years ago
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My Cumming Out

In the mid 1970’s I finished my time in the Navy and returned to San Francisco to start my college years. The gay scene was hopping in the Castro but being kind of a shy young man I was not in to the bar scene or social life. My focus was on school and work and being able to afford to live in San Francisco.The first problem was finding a place to live. I had had it with group living and got out of the dorms as quickly as possible. My solution was to rent a small apartment from a couple of...

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Mature parents for the mature brother and sister

Somehow our parents knew that we would hook up sooner or later, were they physic or what? Either way, Brett's cock was still inside me and I was wondering if the mood was dead. “Well, it seems that they know about us now, are you completely out of the mood now?” I asked. “Would you be mad if I said yes?” Brett asked. “How about I give you a blow job, you like me sucking on your cock Brett. Let your sister make you feel good,” I replied. “OK sis,” Brett said. Then I got off him and climbed down...

1 year ago
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My Hot Sister

This Story is completely Fictional! Never Ever try this at home. All this happened after I turned 17. My elder sisters name is Tina. She’s 18.She is drop dead gorgeous. In school all guys just fantasize her. She is a goddess to look at with 42DD bra size. I started to fantasize about my sister from the time she began puberty. I remember playing with her naked & all but that was before puberty, so you know it was different. One day after my dinner I went into my room. Tina was changing & left...

3 years ago
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An Unlikely Hero

Ok it was like this I needed furniture for my dorm room such as a comfort chair or maybe a futon or something like that. Hell even a better mattress for the bed would be nice. However I am your typical first year college student. I'm broke all the time. So when I was heading home to my parents' house (Just so they could feed me on the weekend) I noticed a sign that said "estate auction today." Well that sign had an arrow pointing down a cross road of the state highway I was on. I thought to...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in the Making Part 2

Jason Last night my wife slept with another man for the first time since we were married. It wasn’t really infidelity; I had, over a period of time, encouraged her to do this. On her return, Emma had told me all about it – initially shyly and with guilt in her voice, but then with growing confidence and excitement as she described her experiences to me in detail.Afterwards, a spring in her step, she had left for ‘a nice hot bath’, leaving me locked in my cage in an uncomfortable state of...


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