Chloe & Her New Friends free porn video

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Introduction: Hi Guys. This is a story about Chloe, a young girl who makes some special new friends. Hope you like this story. If you do I may write the next part. Feel free to comment any feedback. 1 New Friend

I walked up to the front door. Hesitantly, I pressed the doorbell, and almost instantly I heard the sound of the girls running downstairs to get the door. I was nervous, but at the same time excited to make some new friends…

Im Chloe.

Today is going to be my first day at a new school. We just moved to a new neighborhood and Im only beginning to settle in to the new place. The house is still a mess, with packing boxes everywhere, and I havent even put my stuff way yet. Me and my younger sister, Chelsea are sharing a room together, which Chelsea is super excited about. Mom says she looks up to me and, as her older sister I have to be a good role model for her. She is only two years younger than me, but we are like identical twins. She has the same blonde hair and blue eyes like me and surprisingly, she is only a couple of inches shorter than me. Id say our sister-sister bond is quite strong actually, and obviously, that whole looking up to me thing plays a part in that. I mean, we like the same foods, we have the same tastes in music and Chelsea tends to follow my sense in clothing and fashion as well, she practically buys the same clothes as me. This kind of relationship can be good, we can tell each other everything about anything, but sometimes it can be a slight bit annoying and can make things awkward. For example, this morning&hellip,

I woke up late, and was rushing to get ready for school on time. I really didnt want to be late for my first day. As I ran into our new bathroom I began to peel down my pajama shorts, and by the time I had closed the bathroom door behind me, I had slipped of the matching pink singlet top as well. I wasnt wearing a bra, and my boobs peaked out as I pulled the top off. I turned around and noticed my reflection in the mirror on the wall across from me. My body was the one thing about me that I liked most. Sometimes I wondered where it came from. I am around an average height for a sixteen year old, and I have a round face, and white complexion. My large eyes are a sky blue color that sparkle in the sunlight and are bordered by long eyelashes that have a natural curl upwards. My hair is light blonde and radiates a golden glow. When I wear my hair loose, it just long enough to go down my chest and cover my breasts. Personally, though, I think my breasts are my best feature. Theyre perfectly rounded, but seem quite out of proportion to the rest of my figure, for a girl of my size. They are about a C cup, and most of the time they push out of my chest and make a noticeable curve in just about everything I wear.

Anyway, I showered real quick, and when I got out, Mom yelled out to me that I had five minutes to get dressed before we had to leave. Even though we could walk to school, Mom was dropping me and Chelsea off because it was a first day, and the school was on her way to her new job. In a rush I patted myself dry and ran into my room. Chelsea was sitting on her bed, stuffing some books into her bag. She was already dressed in a pair of red denim short shorts and a white t-shirt. It was knotted to one side, and had the word LOVE printed on it in big red block letters. She had left her blonde hair untied, flipping it over to one side. If you looked closely you could see the outline of her red bra peeking through the thin material of her top.

Hey, Chels. Which box has the underwear in it I said.

That one, over there she said pointing to a box in the corner looking up at me.

I went over to the box, dropping my towel to the ground. I wasnt embarrassed about doing this in front of my sister, I mean, we did share a room, and besides, we had seen each other naked before. I searched around and pulled out a white bra, and clipped it on, while looking again through the box for some panties.

Nice ass Chelsea teased jokingly as she watched me go through the box.

Come on girls, time to go! I heard Mom call from downstairs.

Chelsea pick up her bag and ran down stairs.

Lets go, Chloe. She said to me as she left the room.

Crap. I wasnt even dressed yet.

Quickly I grabbed the first pair of panties I saw, my teeny pink lacy panties with white frills, from the top of the pile in the box. I had no time to look through the box for another pair, so they would have to do. I put them on, and they pressed tightly against my crotch. Oh well, at least they looked pretty. I ran over another box, searching frantically for something to wear. I pulled out a simple red summer dress. I wasnt too fancy, casual enough for school, although not something I would normally wear, especially on my first day. But time was running out. So I slipped it on only too relies it was Chelseas a size too small for me.

Chloe! Mom yelled up to me.

Yeah, Im coming. Looks like I was wearing the dress to school.

The dress went down a little less than a third of my thighs. Hopefully that would be long enough. I would just have to remember not to bend over, I suppose. I had no time to put on shorts under the dress. My boobs pressed firmly against the light fabric of the dress, and their round shape was clearly visible.

Damn it, I thought. The last thing I want to do is have guys swooning over me because of the way I had dressed. And I especially didnt what to be seen as a slut. I wasnt ready for that. Not at a new school. Not at a place where I knew no one.

I have to admit I am especially quiet and shy too. The only thing that was different between me and my sister. Chelsea was loud and outgoing, and could make friends easily. Me, not so much. Most of my first day at school, I walked with my head to the ground, covering my face with my blonde hair. I sat at the back of the classroom, away from the other students, too shy to talk or make conversation with anyone. And when the bell rang to go home I rushed out the school gate, relieved to be going home.

Although Mum had dropped us off in the morning, Chelsea and I were going to walk home, but I could seem to find her. I figured shed make her own way back home, so I set off walking by myself.

As I walked home, I recalled what a crap first day it had been. I got lost, which made me late to class, I had no friends to sit with at lunch and on top of that I had tripped up in the hallway, and fallen to the ground. Soooo embarrassing. Even worst as I fell my dress flipped up and I landed with it slightly inverted the wrong way. Im sure that bunch of guys watching me from the end of the hallway got what they were looking for a clear view of my arse in my tight frilly panties. Fuck.

As I was trudging along, kicking rocks across the ground miserably, a girls voice piped up out of nowhere next to me.

Hi, Im Maddi, said the girl. Youre that new girl right, in my biology class?

Yeah, biology, I said dully, keeping my head down. Im Chloe by the way I added.

Yeah I remember, said Maddi, So you live around here?

Only a couple of blocks away actually, I said quietly.

Oh, me too! Ill walk with you and can tell me a bit about yourself…

Maddi seemed like a nice person. So, for the first time in our conversation, I looked up from the pavement to see the girl standing next to me. Maddi was slightly taller than I was, mostly because of her long legs. She had lightly tanned skin and was wearing ripped denim shorts and a t-shirt that left her shoulders exposed so her bra straps could be seen. Her boobs, which were a probably a large B cup, pushed her top outward and gave her an attractive curving figure.

I looked up at Maddis face to see a pleasant smile starring back at her. Maddi had great big eyes that shone a light chestnut brown, complementing her long brunette hair which she had tied into a high ponytail at the top of head. Looking at her hair, I guessed that if she undid it would be long enough to reach down to the bottom of her shorts.

Youre really pretty, said I, inspecting Maddi one more time.

Aww, thanks, but you are quite cute too you know, said Maddi.

Really… Thanks. I know didnt sound to certain, but I took the compliment nonetheless.

We continued chatting as we walked home, and I was getting progressively comfortable with Maddi. We lost track of time amongst the conversation and soon I had reached my house.

Oh, before you leave Chloe, some of my friends and I are having a sleepover tomorrow night. You should come and meet some of the girls, Maddi said.

I thought about this, and encouraged by the idea of making some new friends, I decide to go.

That would be awesome, Id love to come. I said.

Great, Ill give you my number and text you the details. Oh, and dont forget to bring a bathing suit cos Ive got a swimming pool in the backyard and we might go for a swim. Maddi said, with a wink.

Sure thing, and thanks I said reaching for the scrap of paper Maddi had written her phone number.

No problem. Bye Maddi replied.

See ya. I waved as I walked into her house. As I closed the front door behind me I smiled. Maybe my day hadnt gone so bad after all.

2 The Sleepover

Shes here I heard Maddis voice say as the door swung open. Hi Chloe, she said, Come in.

As I stepped into her house I noticed the two other girls standing off to one side. One had perfectly straight black hair, styled into a fringe that flopped over the sides of her face, and tied into two loose ponytails at the back. She was the smallest of all of us in the room, but she had some impressive curves. The other, had longish blonde hair like mine, but it was dyed and you could see the brown hair coming out though the blonde. She was about as tall as me, and had large sparkling brown eyes.

Hi, Im Tiffany, said the black haired girl, and this is Kaylee she added pointing to the blonde, who smiled back at me.

Ill show you were to put your stuff then we can all go for a swim. Maddi said leading the way upstairs to her room.

The first thing I notice about Maddis house was that all the rooms were big. Bigger than normal, anyway. We passed through the living room, the dining room and I even got a glimpse of the kitchen as we went upstairs, and all the rooms were quite spacious. As we entered Maddis room, I saw it was no exception. She had a double bed in the middle, a TV up against the back wall and a desk in one corner.

Just leave your bag anywhere she told me, and I tossed my bag off to an empty spot against the wall.

Youll sleep here tonight in my room, Maddi said, cos Tiff and Kaylee have already set up in the spare room and theres no more space

Okay I said. Then I thought of something.

Hey Maddi, were are your parents? I asked, realizing I hadnt seen anyone else in the house expect from the girls.

Oh, there out of town for some business meeting thingy, for their work. They wont be back until the end of the week.

So were the only ones here? I said, with a slight unsureness to my voice.

Yep, only us Maddi answered.

Dont worry, itll be fine Tiffany said, joining the conversation. I mean, whats the worst that could happen?

I just smiled and went over to adjust my bag, which had tipped over and was lying on its side in the corner.

Come on guys, lets go and swim now. said Kaylee behind me. I turned around to see she had already began undressing, exposing a tight pink bikini top that showed off half her boobs.

Yeah, okay, Maddi agreed. I just gotta get changed, you girls go ahead.

Kaylee was completely undressed now, her pink bikini showing off her perfect body. Tiff had also joined in, pulling off her shorts and top. I just stood still, my shyness kicking in, unsure what to do.

Hey Chloe, Tiffany said. You got your swimsuit on underneath right?

Ah&hellip, yeah. I do. I mumbled.

Well what are you waiting for? Take off your dress and get changed Kaylee instructed me.

Yeah, theres no need to be embarrassed around us Tiffany said.

Feeling slightly better about myself, I picked up the bottom of my dress and pulled it off, over my head. Underneath I was wearing a yellow, flower pattered bikini, which had round cups, and a mini-skirt style bottom. I caught Tiffany checking out my body, and I blushed.

Thats a cute bikini she said. I smiled at her. And you have great boobs she added, starring at my chest.

Urrr, thanks I guess I answered, feeling my face turn brighter red.

Come on, guys Kaylee urged lets go. She ran out of Maddis room down the stairs and out the back door. Tiffany and I followed behind her.
Once we got outside Kaylee jumped into the pool immediately. Tiffany followed her in and the two girls giggled at the splashes they had made. I walked in down the steps adjusting to the cool water. Tiffany came over and began talking to me, asking the usual questions, like where I was from and why I moved. Kaylee joined in and we began chatting away, all getting along really well.

Ten minutes had gone by before Maddi showed up. She walked out to the edge of the pool and smile at us, dipping her toe in to check the water. I looked up at her. She must have been wearing the skimpiest bikini out of all of us. Her top was light blue, and the triangle cups of the bikini exposed most of her boobs while showing off her deep cleavage. The bikini was quite tight against her chest and made her breasts bulge out showing their perfect round shape. Maddi had a matching bottom, which was equally as tight as the top, tied with ribbon bows at her hips. I had to admit, she looked really hot.

Took your time. Kaylee teased.

Shut up Maddi said. She jumped into the pool, splashing water in my face.

Hey, what was that for I said, splashing her back.

Yeah, great way to treat the new girl Kaylee added sarcastically.

Its nice to see you all getting along Maddi said, keeping the splashing going by flicking water at Kaylee. Tiffany joined in and soon we were having an all-out splash fight.

Hahaha, Maddi giggled through the splashes of water.

So whatca guys talking about? She asked.

Nothing much replied Kaylee.

Expect for how hot Matt Hudson is added Tiffany.

Ohhh, hes soooo hot Maddi said.

So hes still on the basketball team this year, right? Kaylee said.

Are you kidding, hes captain of the basketball team. Maddi said.

How do you know that? Kaylee asked.

Cos, in biology class he was talking to Jordan about try-outs or something. I heard him say that he was still captain though. Maddi replied.

Hey, is he that guy who was sitting up the front. With the blonde spikey hair. I asked, suddenly recognizing who the girls were talking about.

Yeah, thats him. Wait, how do you know him? Maddi said.

Oh I dont really know him. He just smiled at me when the teacher introduced me. I said.

Really now? Tiffany said.

Oh, shut up. Its not like it means anything. And wouldnt he be going out with that other girl anyway? I said.

Who? Tiffany asked.

You know, she was wearing a really short skirt, and had, like, a ton of makeup on

Oh, you mean Holly Maddi said.

Yeah, whatever. She was, like, practically sitting on top of Matt in class I said.

Urgggh. Just because she is captain of the cheerleading team, she thinks shes so popular, and she hits on any guy she wants. Shes such a slut. Kaylee said.

Let me tell you one thing, Chloe. We hate her. Just try to avoid her. Maddi said, suddenly very serious.

Why? What did she do to you? I asked.

Shes just mean to us. Maddi said.

And for the record, Matts not going out with her. Hes too smart for that. Kaylee said.

Yeah, he just&hellip, puts up with her. Tiffany added.

Now what did you say about him smiling at you? Maddi asked me.

Nothing. He was just probably being polite. That all. I said.

Oh my god&hellip, Just think. You and Matt would be so cute together. Tiffany burst out.

You know how much Holly would hate you if that happened. Out of all the guys, we reckon she has a thing for Matt in particular Maddi said.
Doesnt everyone? Kaylee sighed.

You should totally go out with Matt. Just to piss Holly off. Maddi said.

Hold up guys, I dont even know him properly I said.

Hey, Chloe, how many boyfriends have you had anyway she asked me.

None actually I said.

Aww, come on youre so pretty, how havent you had a boyfriend yet said Tiffany.

Its not that, its just I havent been looking for a boyfriend I said.

What, does that mean youre still a virgin said Maddi. I nodded.

Youve never been fucked by a guy before? Tiffany looked puzzled.

Well, what about a girl Maddi said, wading towards me. Have you ever been fucked by another girl? She said slipping her hand through the water and grabbing my arse.

Hey! I jumped back, Watch it. And no Ive never had sex with a guy, or a girl for that matter. I said. Maddi exchanged looks with Tiffany and Kaylee.

This sleepover is going to be fun She smiled.

I didnt know what that was supposed to mean, and I didnt think on it too hard. The girls were just messing with me. All that stuff about going out with that Matt guy. He only smiled at me anyway.

Maddi started up the splashing again and we continued laughing and giggling, just having fun. We spent about half an hour in the pool. I was beginning to start to like these girls and most of my shyness had faded. Just as the sun began to set over the horizon, Maddi called us together and told us it was time that we head in, to have a shower before we got some dinner.

Okay Tiffany and Kaylee said together, after she told us. We climbed out of the pool and Maddi led the way inside to the bathroom.

What, are we all gonna have a shower at the same time I started to say as we entered the bathroom.

Why not? Maddi said, smiling.

Dont worry, itll be fun said Tiffany.

Maddis shower was quite big and we all fitted inside really easily. Maddi turned on the water, and began to adjust the temperature, as Kaylee and Tiffany undid there bikini top allowing their boobs to bounce out. Maddi turned around and also pulled her top off, then tugged at one of the bows at her hips, undoing her bikini bottom allowing it to fall to the ground, exposing her small pink pussy, neatly shaven. By this time Tiffany and Kaylee were also naked, both their pussys shaven and perfectly smooth, too. Tiffanys hole looked the tightest, but that was probably because she was the smallest out of all of us.
What are you still doing with that bikini on Tiffany said.

Yeah you cant have a shower in that Maddi added, both girls coming toward me. Maddi reached up to my top and pulled it off and my boobs slipped out. At the same time Tiffany slid down my bikini bottom inspecting my tight virgin pussy.

Wow, your boobs are so big Maddi said, grabbing my left boob with her hand and squeezing it.

Hey- I was interrupted.

And look how perfect this pussy is Tiffany said, stroking my outer lip using her index finger.

Stop it I said, becoming slightly uncomfortable.

Relax Maddi reassured. This will be fun. And youll love it. Kaylee, bring over the bath gel.

Kaylee picked up a tube from the rack on the wall and stepped next to me. She squeezed the clear gel out onto her hands and to my surprise, started massaging my entire body with the gel. When she finished she gave the tube to Maddi, and she applied some gel to her own chest.

Okay, ready she said, stepping closer toward me, forcing me to back up against the wall. She stepped closer still, rubbing her soapy boobs against mine
Urrr, Im not sure I want to do this. I said

Shhhh Maddi replied, Trust me.

She looked into my eyes, and used one hand to comb back my wet blonde hair. Then she kissed me. Our lips met, but I strangely I didnt fight back. It felt weird, but I kind of liked it. Maddi pushed her tongue into my mouth, twisting it around and I accepted, doing the same to her. She lowered one hand over my boob and began rolling my tits between her thumb and index finger. It felt so good, I started to feel my nipples harden and I heard myself moan out loud through our kiss. She continued, parting her lips from my mouth, kissing me down my neck and then she began sucking my free nipple, whilst still rubbing the other one.

Oh my god, Tiffany said as she watched on. You two are so hot!

Im horny just watching you. Kaylee added. She was sitting on the ground, leaning against the back wall of the shower with her legs spread open and I saw her sliding her index finger into her wet pussy. Suddenly, as Maddi was licking my boobs, she dropped one had down my stomach, and started lightly rubbing my outer pussy lips. She slid down further and stopped at the opening to my vagina.

Are you ready to go all the way? She asked, pulling away from my breasts. I thought about it. I had never experienced anything like this before, but Maddi was super-hot and she turned me on so well.

Yes I said softly, smiling at her.

Thought so, Maddi winked, putting both her hands on my shoulders, lightly pushing me down.

Okay, lie on the ground and put your head in between Kaylees legs Maddi instructed me, as Kaylee spread her legs open, allowing me to rest my head down on the ground between them. As I lay back I let my hair rub gently against Kaylees pussy lips.

Ohhh, Kaylee moaned, Your hair is so soft, and it feels really good against my pussy. She began rubbing her clitoris and simultaneously bouncing her hips up and down. As she did this, Tiffany came over to me and split her legs open over my face, kneeling on the ground. I looked up at her to see her smiling back at me. Her hair was still tied in two ponytails, bobbing out from either side of her head. She looked really cute.

Go on, she said, Eat me out.

Ive never done this before I told her.

Itll be fine, just have fun. Tiffany reassured me. Tiffanys small tight pussy bulged out at me. I closed my eyes and began to lick around Tiffs outer lips as she moaned out loud. Then I pushed my tongue into her vagina, allowing myself to explore her tight pussy walls as she moaned even louder.

Shit she said. Uhh… Ohh that feels amazing, Chloe. Are you sure you have never done this before?

I reached up with one hand, grabbing her one of her firm boobs and squeezing it tightly to add to the sensation as I began to suck on Tiffs small opening. Tiffany continued to moan, so she leaned forward to kiss Kaylee, who was still masturbating away behind me.

As this was happening the steam in the room was building up adding to the atmosphere. Maddi bent over my perfect pink pussy, swinging her long brunette hair over my body. Then she kissed my pussy, sending a shiver through me. She licked my pussy lips and rubbed hard on my clit with her index finger. I began to slide my hips up and down, my boobs jiggling as I did. I moaned through my sucking on Tiffanys pussy, encouraging Maddi to keep going. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maddi slip her other hand down to her own pussy, stuffing her fingers into the tight hole. As Maddis tongue was working my pussy, I notice Maddi release her grip on my clit, and reach behind her and grabbing something, but I couldnt make out what it was because Tiffanys body was in the way.

Ready Maddi said, giggling.

Without warning I felt a thick, hard object being pushed into my pussy. Maddi clicked a button and which caused the object to start vibrating. Sensation rippled through my vagina.

Fuck! I screamed, letting go of Tiffanys pussy, who was still mounted directly on top of me. Oh fucking God that feels good!

I felt the walls of my tight vagina splitting apart as Maddi slid the vibrator deeper into me. She pulled it back and forth, back and forth, simulating the thrusting action of a cock. That motion, combine with the vibrations caused my pussy to leak out vaginal fluid, which Maddi licked up immediately. The touch of her tongue on my pussy just turned me on even more and I let out a long moan. She twisted the vibrator around, deeper and deeper inside me, fingering her own pussy with her spare hand, the sensations causing an amazing tingling feeling to spread through my body.

Looking back, I admit that I was in a pretty awesome situation. I was lying on the ground in a shower, warm water pouring over my soapy body and I was surround by three beautiful sixteen year old girls. Despite the fact I barely knew these girls, they turned me on in a way that I didnt know was possible. Maddi rammed my innocent pussy with her vibrator, my body tingling all over as she did. As she did that, she continued to pleasure herself, stuffing fingers into and out of her perfect vagina. Simultaneously, I was sucking on Tiffs super tight pussy, while grasping her beautiful, soft boobs in my hands. And while I did that, Tiffany was having a full make-out session with Kaylee who was shoving three fingers at a time into her pussy. I was super turned on, but you could tell I wasnt the only one. Moans echoed through the shower, and everyone was clearly enjoying themselves, our young bodies in pure lust.

Anyway, Tiffany was the first to reach climax. She was bouncing along, on top of me, when she suddenly pulled away from her kiss with Kaylee and screamed out:

Ohhhh….. Shit. Fuck, Chloe Im gonna cum….

Immediately I felt her pussy tighten around my tongue. I kept licking and sucking though, building the sensation. Tiffany let out a long moan, then her pussy squeezed tight and released its juices all over my face.

Ohmygod! Im cumming Tiffany screamed. It feels so good.

Tiffanys vagina contracted a few more times, letting out more warm cum over my face. She slowed, letting the last of her vaginal fluids leak out of her pussy down her leg. Curiously, I licked some of her juices up, tasting her. She had an overall sweet taste, which I quite enjoyed. Tiff slumped down against the wall exhausted.

Chloe, you really know how to turn a girl on she said. That was amazing. Ive never orgasmed that hard before.
I giggled back at her.

With Tiffany of my chest, I had a full view of Maddi fucking my virgin pussy with her vibrator. I watch her intently, suddenly noticing for the first time she had pushed her whole fist into her pussy. This turned me one even more and I felt Maddi moan as she sucked lustfully on the edges my vagina, maintaining a constant rhythm with the vibrator.

Kaylee was next. Leaning against the back wall, I couldnt see her well, but I hear her moans intensify. She was getting louder and her fingers made a squelching sound as she thrust them into her pussy, faster and faster. I figured that she had already leaked some fluid out and it was causing that sound.
Ohhh crap! Kaylee whimpered, as I noticed Tiff had reached over and was most liking squeezing Kaylees perky breasts with her hands.

Here it comes. Her body contracted violently and let out a warm stream of vaginal fluid. I felt some liquid pooling at the bottom of my head, which was resting on the ground a couple inches away from Kaylee worn-out pussy. Tiffany released her grip on Kaylees boobs, and looking up from the mess Kaylee made.
How was that? Tiff asked.

Awesome, Kaylee answered. Watching you girls, you kissing me, everything&hellip, just made me really horny. And I came so hard, it felt wonderful.
Form the other end of the shower, Maddi giggled.

Okay Chloe, your turn. Hey girls, wanna help?

I saw Tiff and Kaylee nod at Maddi. Then they both came to either side of me, and each girl took one of my large breasts, and began sucking on my already firm tits. I felt there soft lips surround each nipple, and a different sensation emerged from each. Tiffany was lightly sucking on it, whist using her hand to cup and squeeze my boob. Kaylee, though, was softly biting my tit, it didnt hurt, but the combination of the two different feelings drove me crazy. And on top of that, Maddi was still slamming the vibrator into my pussy, whist circling her tongue around my clit. I wasnt going to last much longer. I could feel it coming.
Maddi obviously sensed that I was going to cum. She was sucking harder now, and pushing the vibrator right up to my G-spot. She had also taken her fist out of her pussy, and started fingering her own clit now. I could feel my body getting tighter. My moans escalated and I kept thrusting my hips, forcing my pussy deeper and deeper into the vibrator.

Oh my Goddddd. Maddi. I cant take it anymore. I moaned. Im gonna cum.

Maddi slid the vibrator into my tight pussy once more. My muscles tensed. I felt my vagina walls squeeze together, as Maddi pulled out the vibrator. Then it happened. A sensation of pure ecstasy washed over my body. I closed my eyes. My vagina contracted, and then, to everyones surprise I squirted out my juices into the air all over Maddis face. Then it happened again. And then again.

SHIT. Maddi screamed, and I knew she too had just reached her climax. She circled her outer lips with her fingers one last time, and let her fluids seep out.

Wow, Chloe. I didnt know you could squirt like that Maddi said, as she watched the last my juices trickle out of my pussy, recovering from her own orgasm.

I didnt know I could either I said slowly opening my eyes, enjoying the pleasure of my orgasm that still hadnt worn off.

I guess Ive never experienced anything like this before. I was so turned on by you girls

That was so hot. Ive havent seen a girl squirt like that before Kaylee said.

I know. Youre amazing Chloe Tiffany added.

I pulled myself up of the ground and sat against the wall, next to Maddi. The hot water was still pouring down on us, and for a couple of minutes we all just sat on the ground, enjoy the feeling of the water run down our skin. We were all smiling, exchanging looks with each other.

So, we were right, werent we? Tiffany said.

I was embarrassed to admit it, and I blushed. Yeah I suppose you were right. That was kinda fun I said.

I paused, then I added, So are you girls lesbian&hellip, or?

Maddi slid over to me, looked me in the eye, then leaned forward and kissed me. I let her do it, because she was just so hot, and I was still stuck in that moment of my climax.

I take that as a yes, I said as Maddi pulled away.

Haha no, silly, were not lesbian Maddi said.

I looked at them all, confused.

We love guys, but girls just&hellip, Tiffany started

&hellip, know how experiment better. We know each others bodies better. Maddi said, winking

Ohh. Yeah I know what you mean I said.

Weve gotta do that again sometime. It was just awesome Kaylee said.

Yeah, but first weve gotta get Chloe a real cock. Imagine that. Maddi said.

I simply nodded at that comment. I think I was beginning to like these girls.

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Chloe sat in the middle holding her phone with one hand and her father’s cock with the other. Roy had his arm round his daughter’s shoulders, his hand resting on her breast as he gently tweaked her nipple. Ann had her hand between her daughter’s thighs, two fingers slowly stirring inside the girl’s cunt. “We’re so proud of you,” her father said, “you did so well having to think quickly when he changed the time, Suzy did a great job of filming it. Have you sent a copy to Grandad?” “Yes,”...

3 years ago
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Chloe and Jamey were meant to be

Chloe got pregnant at f******n, she had to get her GED and worked all sorts of jobs to provide for Jamey her only son. The father was not in his life and her parents had given up on her. Chloe did her best for what she had. They lived in a single wide trailer on a open piece of land, no neighbors no friends. As Jamey got older Chloe noticed some changes in him, not like normal boys. He grew his hair long never wanting a hair cut. His brown hair was down his back. Jamey was skinny, he loved to...

3 years ago
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Chloe was a very different experience. While she took several classes with me and was my major advisee as well, Chloe and I knew from the day we met that we were going to fuck while she was in school. How do I know this, you might ask? The answer is, she basically told me so. She came to my office the first day of class to have me sign a slip transferring her from a colleague’s section of Intro into mine. Totally routine, usually due to a time conflict with the other section. So I was...

1 year ago
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Chloe 5 Future plans

“What about us?” Chloe laughed. “I heard you’ve been fucking your mother with a wine bottle,” Grandad said, “so l thought l’d give her some of my cock while she’s still loose.” Just then the door to the hall opened and Bob walked in accompanied by Darren. “I asked the other two to join us,” Bob said, “but they had one of their regulars to service so l just brought Darren. You must be Suzy,” he said, walking over to her. “Very nice,” he said, tweaking her nipples, “l hear you like plenty of...

1 year ago
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Chloe and Lana A moment with the boss in Riversi

CHAPTER 1Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them, having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through...

2 years ago
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Chloe -- the G Man - 2004 She was in a padded cell unlike anything she had known. It was on the smallside, but not cramped. The walls were padded in a soft white. The lightingwas warm and illuminating, coming from a mirrored ceiling. On one wall wasa ?couch? formed into it seamlessly. The wall curved out and then back to thefloor to provide the seat. The floor was covered in an off white spongy rubberlike material. Firm enough to be stable to walk on but with enough spring toprevent injury....

3 years ago
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Chloe 3 Confessions

“Wear a short dress, no bra, no panties,” she told her as Lucy got out of the car. “Yes Mrs…Ann, sorry,” Suzy replied, “can l stay over at your place again tonight?” “Check it out with your mother first,” Ann replied, “we don’t want her getting suspicious.” Lucy agreed that she would and went into her house. “Now she’s had Daddy’s cock she can’t get enough,” Chloe giggled. “Yes well she needs to get plenty of practice before your Grandad gets her,” Ann replied, pulling the car away. “Do...

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Chloe Kayla

"Oh, why did I come here?" I groaned, walking into the joint. "The gym hasn't lost a damn thing, it's still too hot, and the same polyurethane wood floors too. I'm pretty sure it was at least ten years old when I was a freshman, and now I'm at my ten-year high school reunion," I let out, glancing around nonstop.I began strolling around with my arms crossed. "I surely don't want to see roughly 95% of the people here, and seeing them ten years older doesn't make me like being here...

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Chloe Grace Moretz Massage

I'd been running my own masseuse business for a while now, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone like her would walk in asking for a massage. Usually I'd turn away walk-ins as my sessions were usually for pre-booked appointments only.But when Chloe Grace Moretz of all people showed up just as I was about to close for the day, I found it impossible to resist attending to her needs. "Hi! I'm so sorry to drop in so late in the day, I just wondered if there's any chance I could...

3 years ago
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Chloe Spanks

This story is inspired by the Betty spanks series and is written with the permission of the original copyright holder Peter242.   Betty & David’s Punishments continued   Chloe remained somewhat fascinated by the fact that David had developed an erection when Chloe had spanked Betty. Chloe decided that she would take things further and look to initiate contact between David and Betty but she needed to test out the waters so to speak. Chloe realised that...

1 year ago
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The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe. It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...

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The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe.It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...

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Chloe My Cumslut Cousin

It was the winter of 2003 the bell had just indicated the end of the school day and I now had to make the 20 minute walk to my aunties house as she would look after me until my mum had finished work. I was standing outside the school gates waiting for my cousin Chloe, she was in the year below me and every school day for the past 4 months we had been walking to her house together. Once she arrived we started the walk, snow had been on and off continually throughout the day and it was starting...

3 years ago
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Chloe Smythe A Day In The Park

This story is based on the idea Chloe Smythe isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this extremely young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he...

1 year ago
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Chloe Bennet Chi Town Girl

The cold Chicago air was a jarring but welcome feeling for Chloe Bennet. Chloe had slept for almost the entire length of her four hour flight, LAX to ORD. Shooting on the ‘Agents of Shield’ set had wrapped the night before and she was completely exhausted. Her comfy-yet-cute black sweat suit she was wearing kept her warm enough in the near freezing weather. The rising star spent most of her days in the warm LA sun. She had moved out to California several years back to start her acting career,...

2 years ago
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Chloe Moretz A Day In The Park

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.“Hey mister, ya got any candy?”Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he didn’t like c***dren,...

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Chloe Seduces Me

I was just under seventeen years old when the following events took place. I belong to the local Swimming Club, training twice each day, with sixth form at school sandwiched between. I counted myself as being single but regularly had sex with various friends of either sex, it was great to have that type of freedom. For weeks and weeks, Chloe at the Swimming Club had been flirting with me but the relationship had progressed no further than suggestive remarks. We were the same age and both...

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Chloes Mum Takes It Up The Bum

I had been dating Chloe for 6 weeks when I got the invite to meet her parents. It wasn’t something I really wanted to do – I personally didn’t see a long term relationship with Chloe being on the cards, but at that moment I was enjoying having a 22 year old on my arm and in my bed most nights of the week, so it was a small price to pay. A date was agreed for me to drive down to her parents’ house in Surrey for a meal and overnight stay.The agreed Saturday arrived and I was a little nervous; I...

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Chloe Lamour 600 175000

Chloe Lamour was born in Slovakia on March 7th, 1992. Not much is known about her young life, so I'm going to jump to where a bitch is now. And where she's at now is near the top of her field.Pussy StatsCurrently, Chloe resides in Mexico city, and I'm thankful for it. Her sun-kissed skin looks good enough to put on a cracker and eat. Because sometimes the universe is a loving place, Chloe is Bi. That's some of the best news I've heard all day.I know what question you guys are waiting for me to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 4

Gromelikine “Grandpa, this place is amazing. We met Jones and he can do some great magic. He put his hand right through Chloe’s head. He said it was real easy because there wasn’t much in there. He opened his hand and inside was a big nut. He said it was Chloe’s brain. I asked him if he could do the same with me. He did and then he opened his hand and he had a small peanut which he said was my brain. He is pretty funny Grandpa for a very old AI. The AIs are very friendly, and like...

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Chloe Ch 02

Chloe woke with a start, there was movement in the room, she felt it. Noiselessly, she slowly twisted her head around on the pillow. She felt the presence more now, it was by the door, a vague shape in the dark. She moved her hand slowly to the light switch dangling from the lead to her bedside lamp. Click, she had shut her eyes and then opened them, her eyesight took in the room, seeing the guy all in black, night vision goggles whipped up as he rubbed his eyes. She stepped out of bed and slid...

3 years ago
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Chloe and Jack A BDSM Love Story

     CHLOE AND JACKABDSM LOVE STORY AVERY ST. ANDREWS Chapter 1  Chloe didn't care what they said, the ubiquitous disapproving they.? She had needed this from the time she was a little girl riding hard on her rocking horse, getting away from the bad guys who wanted to tie her up.? Now, almost forty years later, she was going for it.? After spending time in anonymous chat rooms, after turning down ridiculous dominants replying to her personal ad, she had found her man -she hoped.Of course,...

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Chloe Puts on a Show

Introduction: I wrote this one night after hearing the song I Get Off by Halestorm. The song is about a woman who is turned on by the fact that someone is watching her through her window and getting off on her. As I said I wrote this in one night, so its a little short and Im not sure how well it turned out. Enjoy! Chloe smiled as she looked up at the monitor of her computer, Time to start the show. she said to herself as she walked across her bedroom past her huge window wall to crank up her...

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Chloe plays in the bosses Riverside Manor

Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through such...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 I grew up in a town where you knew your neighbors and it was warm and friendly even though there were 75,000 people who lived there. My dad was a salesman and very much a disciplinarian. He had grown up on a farm and was a very hard worker. He was very traditional and really into sports. He had been pretty good when he was young but never did much past high school. He was 6' tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was in decent shape but his shoulders were never very big or...

1 year ago
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Chloe and Zack A night that changed their lives

Her parents and my parents along with myself, Zach, were going on a trip together. It was only a 4 hour drive from where we live in Belen, New Mexico. We here heading up to Cortez, Colorado, well, just north of there, to go camping. "Because," her mother replied, "He is Carol and Mike's son, and he has every right to go along too." "Its bad enough that I have to go to school with him." she retorted. I was starting to get very uncomfortable. I am more of an outcast in high...

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Chloe Puts on a Show

She wriggled out of her tight jeans as she checked her make-up in the mirror above her sink. Chloe grabbed her favorite lip gloss adding a fresh coat to her full lips, playfully winking at her own reflection before dancing out of her bathroom in nothing but a pink lace thong and cropped t-shirt. Chloe was a spitfire natural red head, she had been a dancer from a young age and it showed in her well toned body and long limber legs. She was beautiful and knew it, she wasn't above using...

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My job allows me to work from the house from time to time. It was one of those days and it was almost over. I was getting pretty bored so I had opened my favorite tranny sex site and was watching a hot video and getting turned on. Just then there is a knock at the front door. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was a little surprised. I hurriedly shut the web site and walked to the front door. I hope whoever was there wouldn’t notice my hard cock bulging in my pants.I looked thru the window...

4 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 5

Consequences I was nervously talking to Annie, while moving towards the Hangar. “Grandpa often quoted the great military genius and strategist Carl Von Clausewitz. He told us ‘It is better to move forward with courage rather than sit and dither.’ Or some such. He also said: ‘Given the same amount of intelligence, timidity will do a thousand times more damage than audacity’. “I never forgot that. I tried my best and I was audacious. I will take responsibility for my actions. If needed I...

2 years ago
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Chloe Gets Caught

Part 1 As a real estate agent, Jay had a lot of leeway with his time at work. After his 11 AM appointment, he had nothing else on his schedule. After he had left the house earlier, his wife Ann had called him on his cell to tell him that Chloe was not feeling well and she, Ann, had allowed their daughter to stay home from school. His wife made mention that if he was in the neighborhood he should look in on their 13-year-old. Using that as an excuse to get an early start on the weekend, Jay...

1 year ago
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Chloe the girl next door

Chloe was a small curvy girl. And to be honest she was a bit of a Gothic. She had red hair and black makeup and always dressed in black clothes, not really my type but it suited her. Chloe was my next doors daughter. Being at university in the week she would come home and stay for the weekend and then go back to Manchester on Mondays. My wife Claire was always working on Saturday's and wouldn't be back till late. Chloe was 18, and as I could see didn't really have a boyfriend. Yes ok, I had a...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Chloe at the hotel

Chloe at the hotel When I arrived at the Birmingham hotel on that cold February night, before my usual three-monthly visit to clients in the area, I was surprised by how busy the lobby was for the time of year. There were a lot of large trunks on trolleys waiting to go up to the rooms, and as well as several suited men there were three women in the lobby having a drink together. What caught my attention was that they were all attractive and wearing thick fur coats, thrown off their...

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Chloe the Chameleon

The alleyway between two brick buildings was unremarkable, hidden behind a torn-open section of chain-link fence. Some litter had slipped out of the rusty green dumpster pushed against a wall, and there was barely enough space to get a compact car past it, though it dead-ended into another wall. As the sun set, though, and darkness crept across the city, the quiet, empty street met with some company; a handful of men arrived, ducking through the hole in the fence to mull around by the...

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Chloe the Cops Humiliation

*Authors Note: This story deals with a whole bunch of kinks, as well as a fair amount of non-con. I'm looking to include a whole bunch of different kinks and fetishes and I'm happy to include whatever you guys want to see- whatever floats your boat, I’m happy to include! If you have any ideas of what you'd like to see included, or any ideas for the story in general, shoot me a message or leave a comment. I’ll be adding to this pretty regularly! Oh, and everyone is over the age of 18 and all...

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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 6

Nobatia When we arrived in the hangar I carefully rotated my feet towards the floor and we floated into the waiting shuttle. It was black and looked both elegant and very dangerous. The pilot was very friendly. We were still tapped into the AI communications and heard him receive a download of some background about us. He heard everything about us, our backgrounds, our parents and our relationship to the Emperor and to the Empire. There was an enormous amount of detail including our...

3 years ago
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CHLOE I felt wretched. I'd woken up in a strange hotel room next to a woman I'd met for the first time the night before. I'd gone out drinking with some friends to try to get rid of the gloom which had been hanging over me for weeks, and predictably it hadn't worked. When my friends decided to call it a night, I'd been too far gone to see that that was a good idea. I'd carried on drinking in my own solitary, dismal company until the bar I was in had closed, and then I'd staggered...

2 years ago
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Chloe the Office Fuck Toy

Introduction: The 2nd Story About Chloe the total slut The night out with Dave and Marcus that wound up with me being gang fucked by a bunch of strangers changed everything. Word got round pretty quick and a few pictures and videos that appeared on various websites pretty much finished my relationship with Simon. Turned out that one of the builders who covered my big round tits with an especially large load was a friend of a friend of Simons and an image of me in ripped stockings and high heels...

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Chloes Fascination

It was Sunday afternoon, I was just having some very sexy foreplay with my wife Suzy up in the bedroom prior to my departure for a week working away when the doorbell rang out. We ignored it and carried on. Ding dong again and again. "Fuck it, I will see whats going on" I said to the Suzy. I pulled on my dressing gown and did my best to hide my hard on as I approached the door, fully expecting the face to be that of Sandy our neighbour. On opening the door, my friends daughter Chloe was stood...

2 years ago
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Chloe Youre The One I Want

Introduction: Who Says Senior Cant Fall In Love With A Freshman? One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. Hes only been at Dessen for about a month and hes already made a bunch of friends from the Cheer Squad and the entire Football Team. Hes tall, muscular, has sandy blonde hair, an eight pack, and biceps to match. He has aqua blue eyes and all the girls go crazy for him....

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Chloe Moretzs 18th Birthday Party

You can't believe how lucky you are. You are walking up to the door of Chloe Moretz's house, and the sounds of a party are thundering from behind it. Today is Chloe's 18th birthday, and you managed to get an invitation. About a year ago you were an extra in a movie Chloe was starring in, and you must have made an impression on her, or else she just invited everyone she even remotely knew. Either way you can't wait to get to the party. There's sure to be many interesting famous people there to...

4 years ago
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Chloe the Chameleon II

James wasn't crazy about his job, but the whole time he was washing dishes in that downtown diner he was beaming. His first encounter with the enigmatic, legendary Chloe had left him weak in the knees and with a tenacious grin. He still couldn't wrap his head around his experience in that alley being more than just a dream. He was a gangly, toe-headed chap, and since childhood his insecurity with his frail body and unimpressive penis had been a burden, but when he compared himself to the rest...

1 year ago
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Chloe Dreams

CHLOE DREAMSA Chloe and Jack StoryEdintx99My Jack will return tonight, and I am ready for him…I am wearing his favorite: black strapless bra, garter belt with sheer stockings, and simple high-heel black shoes. Clothing: sophisticated, beautiful and available… I am his ideal of the perfect woman: pliant and yet also hungry and aggressive in sex. My love, my Jack, wishes all these things from me, and I comply.I am waiting for him, relaxing on our favorite gold silk sheets. I prefer wine and am...

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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 9

After the Battle “You guys did an astoundingly good job back there!” Grandpa remarked when we got to the control room. Everyone was happy and proud. Harry looked like a weasel that ate a delicious slug. Anita looked like she got that real lethal marine knife Grandpa has. Her mother had a cadenza, just like mum when Anita asked for one like Grandpa’s. So, what if it can cut through steel blocks and armor. A girl needs that sort of thing to keep in her backpack to cut her cheese. Chuck...

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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 3

Queen Lynas Parayekt “What did your dad say, when you got back, Harry?” I asked. “First he laughed at my mother’s shocked face when he told her about us competing. She was gob-smacked and sat with her mouth open. Dad was so proud he could burst. Ben was stunned like mum. Mom hugged me for the first time ... in like ... forever. She then held onto Nita. She said she always knew we were amazing and she was so proud.” Harry said, then went on to act like his family members while he narrated...

2 years ago
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Chloe Dominated and Degraded

                                Chloe - Dominated and Degraded                                  (lex ludite)                                                                                   Chapter 17        Half an hour later the prisoner showed no sign of coming out of the comatose state in which he found her. He heaved a sigh, checked his monitor board just to make sure that some gremlin hadn't been screwing with it, and having no other alternative, put in a call to the station chief....

3 years ago
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Chloe Youre The One I Want

“Yes, I am Chloe. And you’ re Kyle.” she said in a guarded way. And she must’ve caught him off guard with her tone, as he looked shocked. He said “Yes I am. I’ve been wanting to get to know you since the day I started in this school. You seem really nice and sweet.” She started to blush a little bit but then after a beat she finally asked, “Is that why you came and sat next to me for the past week?” “Yea, I was just too scared to talk to you in class. I wanted to talk at our own pace, with...

4 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 2

Take me to the Moon. “Harry, have you got your backpack?” Anita asked. “Yes, let’s be on our way,” said Harry. The group headed down the street towards the river a few miles away. It was a blustery balmy day. The roads were quiet in the sleepy neighborhood. I rode with Harry in the front, and both of them were careful with their siblings at the intersections. “What a lovely day! I love cycling,” I said. “Come on, you horrible lot, lets go down this way. We are almost at the river. Cars...

2 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Preface

“Chloe is on tenterhooks; she is going to ask Harry to come along with her to the signing ceremony. She and Chuck refused to go along unless they had a friend. Chuck’s buddy Bird-the-Nerd has agreed to go with him to help him with the chore of being part of a ceremony,” said Lauren smiling. “I like Harry’s family. Harry should have good potential, but Stan says he puts no effort into school complains it is boring and only wants to play sport,” said Dan frowning. “He has serious potential as...

1 year ago
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Chloe An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe

Chloe, An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe Chapter 1 After Maria and Lupe left, I placed another ad and interviewed many more young women. The one I want to share with you is about a young 18 year old runaway who had barely survived one week on the streets before answering the ad. Chloe was very nervous. She had run away from her home near San Antonio and had found out the hard way that she was simply incapable of living on the streets. She was a tall, 5’10”, well-proportioned,...

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Chloes new Mistress part1

Little did Chloe know she was being followed, not randomly either. The female in the car following her was 32 years old her looks of a dominatrix. Her breasts were a 36c. Her body very well taken care of. She wore a tight Latex catsuit. Her body was covered every inch in latex. The latex hugged her breasts keeping them lifted and perky. Her ass was even lifted and firmed. She followed Chloe till there was nothing, but black dark roads. She lifted a small box with a red button she...

3 years ago
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Chloe and MomChapter 5

Dear Mom, Thanks for all the advice on eating for two and taking my vitamins and stuff, Mom. You are also sooo right. Knowing your lover has put his little bastard in your belly just makes you horny as a minx. Martin spends most nights giving me several good reamings and Sidney makes me come as he cleans me up in the intervals. In the mornings he leaves full of enough spunk to knock up all the horny white housewives in the state. Darrell comes to do me a few times during the day. But still,...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

4 years ago
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Pheromone therapy renews a retirees passion and more

The clinic was an unobtrusive white stucco structure surrounded by gnarled oak trees on an obscure back road. There were several cars parked in front but it gave the overall appearance of being unoccupied. The smell of late summer was in the air, with just a hint of fall breezes – my favorite time of year. I was getting on in years and just started retirement a few short months earlier. My wife continued to work to secure her retirement, having entered the work force only after my two...

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Chloe writes to Mom about her need for sex with other men

You have the most outrageously sexy ideas! No other girl has such a clever, wonderful mom as you. You are right, of course. It’s not just that I need more hard nasty sex than Sidney can give me; I need a baby. After all, I’m almost seventeen! That explains why I am so constantly horny and unsatisfied, even after Sidney does manage to “do me.” (That and his 7″ dick. Pue-ney!) Maybe he suspected something and that is why he didn’t pressure me for sex while we...

3 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Chapter 7

Ooryphyon It is so easy to travel on Charassa. We went from Nobatia, where we were, to Senna the capital by portal instantaneously. It was about 500 miles away. We had breakfast with Ouma Chatzke and then we went to the hospital. The doctor was relieved to see us. “Ooryphyon is upset and is crying piteously. She believes her parents are dead. She repeats her regret over and over to everyone who will listen. She says they should not be dead. We cannot reassure her and I don’t want to sedate...

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