Country Store indian porn

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 45

After leaving Linda had gotten permission to spend the night with Holly, and it was obvious from how bloodshot and puffy her eyes were that Holly had a rough night. I drove them both to school, and they said they were going to the library until it was time for class to start.I went and took at our usual bench, and started reading my history textbook. About 5 minutes later Keith came up and dropped his backpack on the table. “Hey dude, where are the girls?”I looked up at him, and said “They're...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 43

Next week after school we all climbed into Blue Whale, then drove to pick up Mandy at school and we all went to my house. To say everybody was blown away at the new game room was an understatement.I had already been planning this, so at the convention I arranged to have a wood screen similar to what JD had shipped here from a guy I met at the con that made them. My side had all the important tables needed, and the table was an old dining table I had found at a thrift store for a good price. It...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 42

The next morning I got up first, so after kissing my baby I slipped into the shower. I came back out and found Linda standing next to the door to the rest of the suite, the door cracked open. I slipped behind her and gave her a hug and looked to see what she was looking at.Mandy was once again laying on her back, with Peggy between her thighs. But this time she was turned 180 degrees, and they were involved in a tender 69. I watched for a moment, then pulled Linda back and silently closed the...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 40

On Monday afternoon I was doing some more cleanup on Ka-Ling when my dad called. He told me to be waiting for him to get off work. The Wagoneer was ready and we would be picking it up. I still have no reason why I kept my new car a secret from everybody, but I had told nobody that I had already replaced Scout yet. So I was waiting in front of the house when my dad got there, and we were soon on our way to pick it up.And it looked great! All of the dings and rust were gone, the peeling fake wood...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 39

We pretty much spent the rest of summer vacation together, but that does not mean we were always fooling around. I knew I had a deadline for submitting new adventures, so I wrapped up the one that we had playtested and sent it off to Mr. Cummings, along with the issues we had encountered. The idea had been to try and reverse the usual scenario and had the players controlling various monsters and traps, and trying to wipe out a band of villains that was trying to invade and desecrate a temple....

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 38

When I got home I told dad that I had stayed late with Linda and Rosie because they wanted to talk with me. And that after several long discussions I decided it was best if we broke up. Not quite the truth, but good enough. He was sorry, and I am not sure if he understood but said he was there if I ever wanted to talk about it he was there for me.I think I spent the next hour crying. And I mean really crying, the first time I think I had cried like that since my mom had died. It felt like my...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 37

Linda and I went and had dinner, then I put the top down and we cruised Van Nuys Boulevard for a couple of hours. Finally it got dark, so we headed over to the park behind the baseball field. I think we both knew that tonight was just about cuddling and talking. I put the top up as she prepared the back. Then we crawled into the back and cuddled. We talked about the almost Twilight Zone conversation we had with her mother.“Pete, I can’t believe she knew! And she seemed so calm about it!”“Well...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 36

Dad was already asleep in his room when we got home. I was going to let him know I was home, but I could hear the snoring through the door. So deciding not to wake him, I shrugged and went back downstairs. I turned the radio on softly, and noticed that Holly was sitting on the floor, her back a few feet from the couch. So understanding what she wanted I slipped in behind her and she leaned back and we cuddled.“Than you so much Pete” she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 35

That night when we went to bed, we went to my dad’s room. Holly and Keith were in the guest room, and the girls were in my room. Linda was in overdrive. As soon as we got into the room she was all over me, kissing me and taking my clothes off. I let her get me naked, then I took off all of her clothes.We were in my dad’s queen-sized bed tonight. As soon as I had her naked I pushed her down on the bed and crawled between her thighs. Looking up into her eyes I started giving long slow licks on...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 34

“School’s out for summer! School’s out forever!”Keith was singing and playing in my living room, with Holly, Linda, and I clapping along listening to him rock out. It was the first full week with no school, and we were having a blast. Linda had spent the night with Holly, and both showed up shortly after all of our parents had left for work. Then 20 minutes later Keith showed up with his guitar. Linda was sitting in my lap and dancing in it as Keith sang.Finally Keith finished, and Holly went...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 33

After breakfast, Linda and I wandered from table to table together. Holly and Keith both agreed to explore the convention on their own today, so nobody else would realize we were all together. More than once somebody would come up and tell me how much they had loved watching the game the night before. A couple tried pumping me for more information, but I told them only that they had to return tonight for the final chapter.It was almost 10, and Linda and I were playing a card game about nuclear...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 32

We hit the floor and had been wandering from game to game when I saw dad and Deana walk by holding hands. I smiled and waved to them and they came over. But after a bit she said that she had to cover a presentation in the main hall so they headed off again.Keith had been wanting to run an adventure, but was unsure of himself. So the girls and I all pulled out some character sheets and he was using the Cities book to run through a series of random encounters. And since this was basically just a...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 30

The next day after breakfast my dad and I went out to the garage. During the winter he had gotten all new hardware, and bought 2 sawhorses which were now set up in the backyard. I had also spent a chunk of my advance money on replacing all of the windows of the top and having it dyed so it was now a nice glossy black once again. First, we unfastened all of the bolts that held on the shell, then we carefully lifted until it broke free. We removed the top and set it carefully on the ground.Then...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 29

About two months later I asked dad if I could borrow the car one weekend and he shook his head. I was a bit surprised, as he had said nothing about having to work that weekend.He looked right into my eye, and said “Well, it’s not work. I actually got a date this weekend.”I gave him a big hug, and could tell he wasn’t sure how I would take that. “ I’m glad for you dad. Anything serious?”“Nope, just going to go have dinner and see a movie. Maybe a drink or two afterwards.”“Well good for you. It’s...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 28

The next morning, I woke up with Linda laying on her side and curled up in front of me. And as Holly had said, my cock was resting along her ass between her cheeks. “Good morning” she whispered, and turned her head to give me a kiss.I tried to pull her face around for a deeper kiss, and she pulled back, whispering “Shhhhh.”I listened, and could hear moaning in the next room. And the bed squeaking. And soft murmuring as Holly and Keith were saying things. Slipping out of bed Linda crept to our...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 27

I woke up in the morning laying on my back as I felt Linda slip out of bed. I watched her tight bottom as she walked to the bathroom and close the door. I looked over at the clock, it was a little after 7. A few minutes later Linda came back and slipped in next to me and cuddled up against me and we shared a deep kiss.“So, how do you feel?” I asked her.Smiling, she looked into my eyes and said “Freshly fucked”, then giggled slightly.I laughed along with her and kissed her again. “Also, a little...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 26

The next week was a frenzy of making plans for the con, and finishing the details for the campaign, and a dozen other things. Finally I had the next quest continue where the last one left off and threw in a note from an unknown leader to have the orcs mass for raiding the city.Of course they wanted to go after them. Long journey to the ruined fortress the ogres were in, big battle, finally reach the lowest levels only to find that things were not quite what they thought. Kaos was not only a...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 25

Linda looked at me and said, “Stay out here”. I nodded and put the bag in the kitchen. At this time I could hear that Mandy was crying in her room, and heard Linda go in and start speaking to her quietly. I went and sat on the couch, wondering what to do next.I could hear Mandy still crying but talking with Linda when the bathroom door finally opened. Peggy came out, and it was obvious she had been (and still was) crying. She looked like hell, but her clothes were back in order. And she looked...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 24

The next morning after having breakfast with my dad I told him about Mandy and her new passion for skating.“Well, that’s the age a lot of girls tend to go crazy for something. With your mom, it was barrel racing. Like Mandy she was kinda old really get good at it, but she did it competitively for about 2 years before we started dating. She still loved riding, but I think she mostly got discouraged because in the 4 years she did it she never won anything better than a minor award.”I confirmed...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 23

Tuesday morning I was cuddled with Linda next to Keith and Holly as we all watched the Rose Parade. It was nice, and my dad came in a few times to watch the various floats and bands play. Keith and Holly were going to go over to her house and hang out for a bit, so when they left I spent a few minutes kissing Linda and holding her against me.She asked me what I wanted to do next, and I leered at her, then said I wanted to go shopping. “What for?” she asked.Well, I knew that Mandy’s birthday was...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 22

On New Year Eve my dad went out to a party, and so did Rosie (and no, not together). We all got permission from the parental units to have a small party at my house. Just us. Holly and Keith, and Linda and I.Oh, and Mandy too. Yea, we were also on babysitting duty. Not that at being 14 next month she really needed a “babysitter”. But it was one of the conditions for the girls getting to stay over.So we hung out, listened to music, and danced between joking around. And everybody danced with...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 21

Waking up the next morning I put the guest room bedding in the dryer, and threw all of my bedding and the towels in and started another load.When I got home from school I remade the guest bed, folded it back into the couch, and did my homework. After all the laundry was done I had dinner, then called Linda. After about an hour and a half on the phone she was tired so I wished her a good night.Still wide awake, I went to the store and used some of the money dad left me to replenish the slightly...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 20

The next morning I had just finished my shower and was getting things together when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and let 2 beautiful girls into the house. “Keith, the girls are here!” I yelled upstairs after I gave each of them a big hug and a kiss (Holly on the cheek, Linda on the lips).And soon he was downstairs wearing just his pants as we were giving even more kisses to them. I headed back into the kitchen as Keith was putting MTV on in the living room. I pulled out everything...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 19

Saturday I woke up and started hitting the books again. D&D books that is. I would go through the Monster Manual for a bit, then write out the next section, then look up some treasure items or making some up myself by the time 3 rolled along I had things pretty well laid out I thought.This was a follow-up to my first adventure, which was both to get an idea how it played out in an adventure, as well as an introduction to this one. Now they would have to trace the orcs back to their lair and...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 17

Saturday I woke up, and when I went to grab the newspaper it was in one of those plastic bags, and it was drizzling. Well, there went the idea of going to the drive-in tonight. So I brought the paper in and pulled out the Entertainment section to see what was playing in one of the cinemas.Hmmmm, there was a report in there about GameCon, a gaming convention. I went to the den and got out the Thomas Guide (a thick atlas that was full of detailed maps of LA) and had to look up where it was. OK,...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 16

On Thursday I followed what had become the new norm. After school Keith and I went over to his house and got his stuff, then drove over to my house to get mine. Then around the block to pick up Linda and Holly at Holly’s house.Shortly after we were at JD’s house, and everybody was doing the usual creating a new party shuffle, while trying to pump me for information.Yes, it’s going to be starting in a city. Yes, only 1 character each. Yes, level 5 through 7. Multi-class so long as the totals do...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 15

Monday during lunch I asked Holly if she could come over to my house after school. She said of course, and only then did she ask me what for.That I have learned over the years is what a real friend does. A lot of people will ask what for, and only then decide if they are going to come over. A real friend will agree to come over, and only after ask what it is you need.I told her that since we were starting a new campaign this week, Linda would need some new characters. So we could spend some...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 14

The next morning my dad and I removed the solenoid and took it into the living room where he pulled out his testing equipment and checked it out. Sure enough, it was dead. He called a few places around town and soon we were in his car, driving to the local junkyard.“We will order you a new one tomorrow, and you can keep it in the back with the tool kit as a replacement. But at least this way we can get you back on the road today.”Once we got there we paid the admission and headed to the back,...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 13

The next morning I woke up and after dad and I had breakfast I got in Scout and headed over to the game store in Reseda. I had seen something there that was perfect for what I had in mind, and had some other Birthday presents to pick up as well.Even though Linda and I had been going out every weekend, I had actually been saving my money. So I got her a Player’s Handbook of her very own, a complete set of dice (an almost fluorescent transparent pink), and a pack of player character sheets. In...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 12

Thursday came and during lunch, Holly again told me to pick her up at Linda’s. So after school ended Keith and I went to his house to get his stuff, to my place to get mine, then we went to pick up the girls.As soon as we pulled up in front Holly and Linda came out so we gave each of them hugs and climbed in the car. We continued the game from where we had left off, and by the end of the night everybody was stoked. We were finally in the Lich’s chamber, and with the last of her spells Mara let...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 11

The next several days were a blur of school, talking on the phone with Linda, and finally writing out my soon to be run D&D campaign. Holly came over most nights for an hour or so as we mapped most of the things out. However, I did not tell her that there were some secrets I was intending to keep to myself.“So this is the character I'm going to be playing?” she asked, reading the character sheet I had already laid out.“Yep, that’s her. Kaos.”“Hmmm, female elf,” she looked at me and raised...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 10

The next day after I woke up I had this crazy idea. Since today was Halloween, why not have a bit of a repeat from last night? I called Keith, and he thought the idea was radical and we should do it.So I hung up and called Linda. We exchanged a few words of affection before I asked her to call Holly to the phone. When I asked them what they thought of my idea they both said it sounded “totally tubular” and “totally bitching”.Valley girls.I figured I could pick them all up at around 5 and we...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 8

When I got home from school the next day I saw dad’s car was there, and from the snores I heard when I walked in he was obviously sound asleep in his room. So I did some studying until dinner, then reheated the leftover alfredo from the night before. I then called Linda and we chatted for about an hour until we said our goodbyes.At least on Tuesday dad was back to himself. He spent over 30 hours helping get the Radar back up, apparently it was an integration fault with another unit that had...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 7

It was Sunday, the last day of the weekend. I was just finishing breakfast when Holly called, saying she would be ready in about an hour so we could go shopping. She had also already called Linda, and she would be ready when we got there. So I sat back and read for a bit until she knocked on the door.After picking up Linda the girls directed me over to the other side of the Valley to Canoga Park. This was where several malls were. First we hit Fallbrook, which had a lot of smaller stores. Then...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 6

Saturday I woke up and cooked dad and I pancakes for breakfast. We chatted as we ate, and I told him about my plans for the day. When he asked when he would be able to meet Linda, I told him that we would be coming over in the afternoon for a bit before heading out for the evening, so he could meet her then. He grinned and pulled out his wallet and handed me $40.“Dad, what’s this for?” I asked.“Well, if you two are going out for the day and again tonight, you should have enough money to do more...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 5

The next day was much the same, and when I talked with Linda on the phone I asked if we could get together for a bit the next day after school and she said yes. So as soon as class ended I got in my car and drove over to her house.Her mom was not home, but I finally got to meet her little sister Mandy. The three of us talked in the living room and I ignored the looks the two kept exchanging. Finally Mandy excused herself to go to her room and study, and Linda and I spent several minutes...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 4

As usual the next morning I drove around to the other side of the block and waited for Holly. She only took a minute and she was climbing into the car next to me and we headed off to school.“Well, come on, how’d it go?”“Well, if you want to know, yes. I did go out with Linda again last night. And everything went fine.”We chatted a bit and I told her I was making progress on the storyline I had worked out. I told her some of my ideas until I got to school and went to our classes. The rest of the...

4 years ago
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Country Kids Love

The bell rung, class and school was dismissed for the day. It was the last day before Spring Break, and Ryan and I were looking forward to time together. We had gotten married on winter break, after we had gotten ourselves into a bit of trouble. I gathered my books, and went out to his truck. Part way down the hall, he caught up to me, and took my books."I told you, I'd carry your books, you shouldn't be carrying them.""Ryan, the doctor told you, it's fine. It's not going to hurt me, or the...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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country gal

The news that I had a one in three chance of being forcibly impregnated hit me like a hammer blow to the chest. I watched detached from reality as the diminutive blonde, Janice, struggled and gagged from the cock rammed deep in her throat by the trainer and as the flesh on her ass quivered from the second cock being driven into her pussy. My fists balled in anger. The bitch was being spit roast when she should have been bred.The trainer fucking her in the cunt came first, his strokes becoming...

2 years ago
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Country girls like it dirty

It was a hot July day in Texas, but there was work to be done. Luke was on his way to the shop next to the house to work on the ranch pickup that had broke down the day before. He wasn't looking forward to it. Luke was a tall man, mid-twenties, good strong build, but not bulky. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He opened the big roll up door, grabbed some tools and a creeper. He threw his weathered grey cowboy hat on the bench and slid himself under the truck and got to work. It was about noon...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Country Bumpin

"Bobbie Jo Wakefield, you git your butt back in here young lady!" Mama yelled as the young girl ran down the driveway to the waiting pickup truck. But her words were of no effect, drowned out completely by the rumble of the lifted 4X4 truck and its loud straight pipe exhaust noise. Not that Bobbie Jo would have heeded her mothers words anyway - Bobbie Jo was a wild, free-spirited young girl, and waiting inside that truck was the sole object of her attentions.As she got to the truck, the driver...

4 years ago
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Country Club Lifestyle CH 3

I was standing at the large garage door entrance of the rental company waiting for Karen to arrive. She was running late and she didn't answer her cell. I really hoped she was coming because I had arranged a special warehouse tour. You see, my friend Tina owns this company and while she was out of town on business, I have been working from her office and managing her company.It's a small rental firm and being midweek, there were no scheduled employees, just me and a warehouse full of banquet...

2 years ago
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Country Club Lifestyle Ch 2

The next morning Karen made her way downstairs, grabbed her purse and keys and headed towards the front door."Amy, I'm headed out to meet Rick the caterer at the rental company to look at stuff for the party. I will be back in a few hours.""Ok mom." Amy yelled back.Karen walked out to her car, jumped in and drove down the road. She waved to the security guy as she exited the community and headed towards town.Realizing she was likely running a few minutes late, she reached for her phone, only to...

3 years ago
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Country Riding

It was a hot sunny August day and I was getting ready to go for a bike ride, my names Richard and I’m a keen cyclist, I belong to a local cycling club and we meet weekly to go for long rides, today however I was going out alone I didn’t know where I was going or for how long I would be out I was just going to ride and see where I ended up.When I’m cycling I wear black lycra tights and they are skintight leaving nothing to the imagination, I was naked and pulled my tights on, my penis was semi...

2 years ago
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Country Bumpkin

An older gentleman with a fondness for crossdressers contacted me one day and asked if I would mind dressing up and fulfilling a fantasy for him. Having done a few for him in the past, how could I decline the offer for a good dicking? The afternoon came and I dressed up in a pair of frilly socks with strappy cork heels and a pair of short jean-shorts - Daisy Dukes. I then wore a nice ruffled tube top along with a brown 'cosplay' wig. Once my makeup was completed, I drove out to the area that...

3 years ago
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Country Hotel

I parked my car quite near the entrance, grabbed my overnight bag from the boot and made my way to the reception. A delightful young blonde named Charlotte (it was on her name badge) greeted me with a very posh voice and efficiently checked me in.“Your room is on the top floor, Sir, overlooking the lake. Would you like to dine with us this evening?”“Yes, about seven thirty please, just for myself.”“That’s all booked for you, Sir. Enjoy your stay,” said the sexy Charlotte.I picked up my bag and...

3 years ago
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Country Boys Adventures Continue

My love for cock started when I was young. I lived with my mom and my dog Blackfoot, and spent most of my time doing chores around the house to help out mom since she was always at work. For awhile mom was pretty upset at the dog since he destroyed pretty much everything, but that stopped when she noticed that he had started to calm down and seemed to be less of a terror. Mom never really asked why Blackfoot had become more behaved, but if she did I would’ve had to lie to her. Thinking...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 65

The next day we mostly just hung around the house. With all of us helping the work around the farm was done by lunch, and we all relaxed in the living room chatting. Aunt Darla looked at us when I was sitting there with each of the girls holding my hand, and Kim told her it was nothing.“Mom, if Pete's mom was still with us, would you have thought it unusual if you and her both held Dad's hand? Or Mr. Culver's hand? Of course not, so why is this any different? Pete is still my brother and best...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 62

The next day we followed the same routine. After breakfast, the girls stayed at the house and helped Kim's mom, as I helped Kim's dad around the ranch. This time it was cutting the calves so they could be checked by the vet. Not all that hard on for me, as I was on an ATV and not a horse. And at lunch after I washed up we headed back into town.Now I remember Big Burger, it was one of the better places in town. The couple that owned it before were in their 60s, and apparently decided it was time...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 63

The next day after finishing the morning chores, I collected the girls and headed into town. I knew what I wanted, and went to Grand Central. When we pulled up, Linda asked where we were. Now last time I had them wait outside as I dashed in to grab the frame I wanted as we were short on time. But this time I wanted to bring her in also. When I told her it was a local chain like K-Mart, she thought it would be cool. The girls of course wanted to check out the clothing, and Linda said it was...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 68

The next morning was pretty smooth. We each took a fast shower, and Deana was making breakfast as dad and I loaded up her luggage into the truck. And the drive to Burbank Airport was uneventful. They shared a kiss, and soon we were boarding the plane.Linda sat next to me and held my hand tight, this was actually the first time she had ever flown, and she was a bit nervous. But she was also excited, and spent over an hour just watching out the window. After an hour or so I moved back to Holly...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 67

Finally I did a few more finishing touches, and went to pick up Linda. At 4 Peggy and Mandy arrived with Mike, then a few minutes later Holly and Jack. We settled down, and I handed each of them a character sheet, telling them they were free to exchange them as they wished. But knowing their likes by now they were all happy with them, and I started the introduction.And I was only a few minutes in when Holly exclaimed “Pete, what the fuck is this?”I grinned, and said “Well, as I already said....

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 66

That weekend was kind of a lazy one. On Saturday I had dinner with Linda and Rosie, and we only kissed for a bit before I headed home. Then on Sunday, Linda told me she was not feeling very good (crampy and grumpy, it was “that time”) so she begged out on our date that night.But I still made good use of the time. I spent the weekend mostly working on the new adventure I was going to put everybody through. I also had to make a slew of new monsters for them to fight, magic items, spells, and a...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 34

“School’s out for summer! School’s out forever!”Keith was singing and playing in my living room, with Holly, Linda, and I clapping along listening to him rock out. It was the first full week with no school, and we were having a blast. Linda had spent the night with Holly, and both showed up shortly after all of our parents had left for work. Then 20 minutes later Keith showed up with his guitar. Linda was sitting in my lap and dancing in it as Keith sang.Finally Keith finished, and Holly went...

2 years ago
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Country Drive

January 14,1997 My name is June. I'm the youngest of a family consisting of four daughters. At 4' 10" and 91 lbs, I'm also considered the runt of the litter by my three older sisters who always tease me. About six months ago, I took a week off from work to attend my sister Wendy's, wedding. All of the family including Mom and Dad still live in Vermont, except for me. I have an executive secretary position for a very prodigious firm in Chicago, working for the companies senior board...

4 years ago
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Country Fuck

The weather was glorious, so we decided to use it to our advantage, and indulge in our favourite pass-time of fucking in the open air. Having walked quite a distance, with me trailing slightly behind to watch the lovely firm cheeks of her firm, round arse sway with a hard-on inducing movement, as though her arse was fitted with ball-bearings. Dressed in a very short, filmy summer dress, she gave occasional glimpses of a sexy pair of brief red nylon knickers, above the lace patterned hold-up...

3 years ago
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Country Vacation

I had been the target of many cruel comments during my four years of high school, only because I had the unfortunate distinction of being the child of the drunken town whore. My mother who was abused as a child became very submissive, and would spread her legs at the drop of a hat. I guess deep inside she hated what she had become, and eventually turned to the bottle to help ease her troubles. Most of the boys in school always had the idea that I would be an easy target, since the old saying...

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Country BoyChapter 7

As soon as the building was complete, Larry and Rachel began working on their studies and ‘inventions’ once again. By this time, they had a complete understanding of the generating system and were ready to apply for patents before they attempted to release the generators for sale to the public. They were still unsure whether to license the technology, sell the patents or try to manufacture the generators themselves. They were pretty certain they would not manufacture them personally because...

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Country BoyChapter 9

Larry’s work on the antigravity device began in earnest the day after his announcement of intention to build it. Of course, he really didn’t have much chance to fail in his endeavor because he not only knew it was possible but he had already learned how to build one from Lander’s instructions. The big problem he had was to convince his companions he was doing original research in his attempts. It wouldn’t do for him to just build a device and have it work the first time. To that end, he and...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 44

The next day we mostly just hung around the house. With all of us helping the work around the farm was done by lunch, and we all relaxed in the living room chatting. Aunt Darla looked at us when I was sitting there with each of the girls holding my hand, and Kim told her it was nothing. “Mom, if Pete’s mom was still with us, would you have thought it unusual if you and her both held Dad’s hand? Or Mr. Culver’s hand? Of course not, so why is this any different? Pete is still my brother and...

2 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 11

“Now, since we have your nose out of the databanks, how is the research going? I know we are super excited learning the things you have released for us to study,” asked Rachel. “Good. Almost great. I could stay down here for weeks, months, studying and learning how to operate Lander. Unfortunately, I just can’t make myself build and release a lot of the things I have learned about. We can release better computers, but not a lot better. I really don’t see much reason to do so right now. It...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 45

That weekend was kind of a lazy one. On Saturday I had dinner with Linda and Rosie, and we only kissed for a bit before I headed home. Then on Sunday, Linda told me she was really crampy and grumpy as it was “that time”, so she begged out on our date that night. I told her I understood, and I said that I loved her and encouraged her to go and spend a few hours in the bath. But I still made good use of the time. I spent the weekend mostly working on the new adventure I was going to put...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 46

The next morning was pretty smooth. We each took a fast shower, and Deana was making breakfast as dad and I loaded up her luggage into the truck. And the drive to and checking in at Burbank Airport was uneventful. Dad and Dee shared a kiss, and soon we were boarding the plane. Linda sat next to me and held my hand tight. This was actually the first time she had ever flown, and she was a bit nervous. But she was also excited, and spent over an hour just watching out the window. After an hour...

1 year ago
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Country BoyChapter 13

Larry immediately announced a staff meeting after he, Rachel, Beth and Lander concluded their meeting. He included the family members who had arrived to check on their loved ones after the news of the attack got out. It was difficult, but he managed to exclude the reporters and law enforcement officials still wandering about. Some of the reporters had to be escorted outside the limits of the shield by security. The doors to the room the meeting was held in were closed and locked after the...

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Country BoyChapter 14

Larry and the women puttered around the lab while they waited on their employees to return. As they straightened up their work areas, they talked about what they could envision for the next several days. Unfortunately, none of them could see anything except trouble on the horizon. Even if the government didn’t make demands for the shield technology, they were sure to be involved deeply in the investigation to the point where no work could be accomplished. They also would have news media...

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Country BoyChapter 15

Larry, Rachel and Beth met in the employee cafeteria at 0415 on the morning of their first salvage expedition. They microwaved a quick frozen breakfast and carried it onto Lander to eat as they flew. While it wasn’t really necessary for any of them other than Larry to accompany Lander neither of the women wanted to miss the chance to not only go into space once again but to find and retrieve more technology. Lander had fairly accurate orbit data for the larger pieces of the ship. As soon as...

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Country BoyChapter 16

It took two years for the completion of the first small ship with FTL capability. It was only 230 feet long and held a crew of 13. Much of the equipment and many of the instruments used in the construction were salvaged from the original mother ship although there were some newly manufactured pieces also. The second ship, already being built, would almost entirely use earth built parts. When they were ready to launch the new ship, Larry broke tradition and announced, for the first time, a...

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Country BoyChapter 17

Five weeks after the Enterprise departed it returned. Once again no effort was made to prevent the ship from being detected. This time it was attacked while still in the upper atmosphere using a nuclear missile. Once again, the shield prevented damage to the ship. Unfortunately, the shield did not prevent damage to many pieces of delicate electronic equipment on the ground from the EMP. Neither did it prevent the fallout from contaminating many square miles of land. Thankfully, most of the...

2 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 18

Larry and Rachel happened to be on Earth when the next surveillance ship from the Galactic Civilization broke from supra light speed and began an approach to Earth. Detectors immediately detected it and alerted Earth Defense. They immediately alerted Larry. Lander was still with Larry wherever he went. He knew the contact protocols and language so contact was possible using both English and the common Galactic tongue. All Earth forces were placed on alert in the unlikely event the...

4 years ago
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Country Roads Take Me HomeChapter 3

Uncle Dan slowly lowered his camera so that he could fully appreciate the sight of his beautiful, naked, 18-year-old niece standing just a few feet away from him. A few moments passed in silence. “Well, what do you think, Uncle Dan?” I finally asked, breaking the tension between us. My uncle shook his head from side to side as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “I hate to say this, Tara, but the sight of your naked body is really turning me on. I have to admit, I feel kind of wrong...

3 years ago
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Country Roads Take Me HomeChapter 4

It was a few days after I had fucked my Uncle Dan for the first time. He had planned a photo shoot in a large open section of his property, next to a small lake. The area was dotted with beautiful flowering trees, and the grass was a deep shade of green. I was dressed in a ruffled white shirt with buttons down the front, an extra-short denim skirt with no underwear, brown cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. My long blonde hair was pulled into two ponytails. Uncle Dan seemed pleased with the...

4 years ago
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Country Roads Take Me HomeChapter 5

I felt a pronounced sense of heat as Jake’s hand touched my inner thigh and worked its way up to my pussy. I’m not sure if the excitement came from having an older (I would later find out that Jake is 70 years old), perfect stranger touching me so intimately, or from knowing that my Uncle Dan was watching the whole thing. The perfect silence was interrupted by the clicking sound of my uncle’s camera. I looked at my uncle questioningly. “I hope you don’t mind. This is just too good not to...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 2

Sure enough, I got up the next morning at 5:45. Linda was curled up against me with her head on my shoulder. I laid there for about 15 minutes, just holding her, and realized I was not going back to sleep. So I gently slipped out of bed without waking her, then went to go take a shower. I got out, then went into my game room. One of the things I did not pack up was my computer, and it was still under a sheet on the desk. I took the sheet off, then fired it up. I sat in front for a few...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 3

Dad and Deana came back just after noon, and by that time we had everything fully cleaned up. The girls were helping me move the last of my things into the garage, labeling all of the boxes and printing out sheets on the computer with an inventory of what was inside each one. Dad came and I showed him how I had organized it all, and he was impressed. “This way, if I need to get something or you need to send me something, it should be easy to find. There will be a folder on top with all of...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 4

I was doing some cleanup work on an article I had written when the girls came and found me in the office. Lisa was surprised, both at the arrangement, and the framed adventure covers on the wall. She went and looked at them, and said “Pete, is this really you?” I nodded, and we then spent the next 15 minutes until dad got home telling her about the games I had written. She had known this before, but did not really comprehend that it meant I was working for a professional company. She watched...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 5

The next morning after everybody was showered, the girls all took off as had become the routine on the hen trips. They would go and pick up any girls that wanted to join them, then hit up shopping malls, or anywhere else they wanted to go. Linda told me before they left, with Mandy and a few others in Holly’s car that it was going to be Topanga Plaza this time, and the malls around there. I wrote out some of what I had been thinking of the night before, and gave Roy a call. And one of the...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 7

I slowly woke up, and realized that the bed was moving, and my cock felt very good. I opened my eyes as I realized that it was surrounded by a pussy. And as I expected, it was Linda’s pussy. She was astride my hips and moving up and down, my cock already deep inside of her. “Good morning lover” she whispered as she kept moving up and down. I whispered good morning back, and moved my hands to rest on her hips. She was doing that little shimmy thing with her hips that always drove me wild,...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 8

The rink for the night was the one in Tarzana, and Holly, Jack, Peggy, and Mike were already there. Joe arrived just as we were putting on our skates. I hit the rink right away, and as soon as I was warmed up Linda skated up and took my hand. We smiled at each other, and watched as our friends would join us for a bit then skate off again. When the second couples skate was announced I was wondering who it would be. I leaned over and gave Linda a soft kiss as she let go of my hand, and I...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 11

The first part of the flight was uneventful. I was one of the last on board, and was seated in First Class! There was a Staff Sergeant in the seat next to me, and after taking off we were soon chatting. This was his second time to Okinawa, and he was looking forward to being back at Camp Hansen. I told him I was going to Camp Butler, and he told me to make sure I went up to see Kinville outside of his camp. We spent the next hour and a half talking until we finished lunch, and they started...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 12

The driver’s training the next week was a chore. I got up and we did PT, then I would go to the motor pool where I was given classes in driving in Japan. And it was a lot to learn, more than just which side of the road to drive on. All of the signs were completely different, their stop sign was like an upside down yield sign to us, and I had to remember speeds were kilometers per hour and not miles per hour. But on Wednesday afternoon I passed my test, and got licensed also for the HMMWV....

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 13

A few days later I went and called my dad, and after telling him to put all my documents on the hard drive and find another use for my computer, he handed the phone to Dee. “Dee, the next article is already on the way. I hope you like it, and tell your boss I am ready to start the column he wanted. I will keep sending you articles as I finish them, you both feel free to publish them whenever you want, in whatever order you want.” “OK, that’s great Pete. Oh, and you have your first kind-of...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 14

Jacki was the first to come in the room maybe 20 minutes later. She saw me there, and the laughter she was sharing with Fred stopped immediately died. She came over to me and sat down, a concerned look in her face. “Pete, what’s wrong? Is everything OK?” I just pointed to the two rings, still sitting on the table next to the otherwise empty envelope. “Shit. Fred, you’re doing this without us tonight. Come along, we’re going somewhere else, Pete.” She put the rings into the envelope, and...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 15

Things finally started to settle down to a new normal. I was calling my dad, Holly, and Mandy about once a week. During one call, which we always scheduled when Linda was out, Mandy admitted she finally “did it” with Matt, and it had been really good. “He did not make me, ah, cum though. But he got better, and finally last time I did. Linda is barely here now, I think when she graduates next week she is going to move in with Melissa. I can’t wait, she has become a real cunt lately.” “Mandy,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 16

I woke up the next morning, and we were just as we had been, I was on my back and Jacki still had her head on my chest. I reached down and let my fingers caress her shoulder and upper arm, savoring both the smoothness, as well as the contrast in the soft light leaking through the curtains between my light skin and her dark skin. After a few minutes she stirred awake, and hugged me as she planted a soft kiss on my chest. “Hmm, so it was not a dream then, you are really here.” I kissed the...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 18

I was even more sore the next morning, but nothing other than that thankfully. No gut pain, the headache was fading, and the bruises were darker than before. We went to the chow hall and had breakfast, where several came up and asked how we were. Then the Chief Petty Officer in charge of the MWR facility came up and asked, then apologized. “Chief, it’s not your fault. But you all reacted quickly, that is the important thing.” “Thanks Corporal, we do try. And I’m glad they are gone, we don’t...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 19

The next morning we each took a shower, then after breakfast at the chow hall we headed out into town. By the time lunchtime came around I had filled two rolls of 36 exposure film. We found a place that had a great tempura and shared a large plate, then hit the road again. Finally I had finished five rolls, including a lot of shots of Jackie, some of me, as well as a few together that we managed to get some locals to take for us. We headed back, and wrote until it was time for dinner. Jackie...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 22

I already knew where I wanted to go, and a short time later we were pulling up in front of one of the motels we regularly dropped my former classmates off at on weekends. The owner recognized me and asked how I had been, and he even gave me a nice discount without my even asking. And the room must have been one of his better ones. It had a TV, queen-sized bed, and a two person loveseat. We settled on the loveseat and Mandy sat next to me and we started kissing. We spent maybe 40 minutes...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 24

Most of the week I spent being lazy. Reservations were confirmed for the convention, and I made over a dozen calls to different companies, at the urging of Dee and Brad. And every company I contacted was enthusiastic about providing samples and other things for the convention. The real surprise was Ginger. I called and asked if she had approval for the starter player’s handbook, and she assured me she had gotten it. “At first they were not to sure, since this is kinda what the Basic rule set...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 25

On Tuesday, I decided to just go ahead and do it. I drove over to Federated Group, and was looking through the computer games when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and greeted Rebecca, and once again it was a combination of flirting, and good customer service. We talked about several of the newest games, and she suggested I try one called “Starflight”. “Oh, you should like it. It’s kind of one where there is no real goal early on, you just travel around. Explore, buy and sell things,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 26

The next morning I ran six miles, then after a shower was sitting on the floor with Georgie as he told me about Elmo and Mr. Snuffleupagus. Dee and I talked as he and I played, and she was taking him upstairs for his nap when there was a knock on the door. And I was not surprised when it was Mandy. “OK, let’s go,” was all she said. I kissed her cheek, and yelled up to Dee I was going out. We got in her car, and after asking what I was in the mood for asked me how the night before went. I...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 27

Everybody else was still asleep when I got home. I started a pot of coffee, and grabbed a maple bar and sat to watch the morning news. Dad came down a bit later, and I pointed to the doughnuts and told him coffee was already made. He thanked me, grabbing a cup and a chocolate sprinkle and sitting next to me. We talked about the baseball season that year, and thankfully he did not say a thing about my being out all night. Soon he filled up his large mug and headed out the door as I finished...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 28

After breakfast the next morning I made some last notes, then printed off my newest version of “Boken Nabasen” and got the soft camera bag ready. Dad watched and asked what I was doing as I grabbed three tapes and added them to the bag. “Well, I figured I would set up the camera and record the game. This way I can use it to make any further changes, and maybe show to Brad. Or anybody else that wants to see it for that matter.” “Don’t forget Mandy,” Dee added. “She might like a copy, so she...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 29

I woke up from an incredibly sexy dream, moaning softly. I moved my hands downwards, and ran my fingers through a head of long soft hair. And it was several minutes before I started to realize it was not a dream. I was still laying on my back, and I looked down my body. And in the darkness barely lit from the light from outside, a head bobbing slowly up and down, and eyes looking up into my face. Holly was moving slowly, most of my cock in her mouth. “Oh fuck” I softly moaned. “Holly, this...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 30

In the darkness I felt Holly slide against me, and her soft skin pressing against mine as we shared a kiss. I had already decided in my mind that whatever she wanted this night, I would do. As our tongues caressed and her hand moved down to caress my bottom and pull our bodies tighter together I reminded myself that I had made no promises to Jacki about not doing anything. In fact, she had pretty much encouraged me to do whatever I wanted. And I let my hands caress Holly’s back and bottom,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 31

I went in and grabbed a cart as Holly opened the trunk. We placed all of the luggage on it, then walked in together to get our room. I should not have been surprised that Mandy was sitting there waiting for us. “About time!” she said, and came over and gave each of us a hug. In short order I was giving the girls their keys, and we headed up to the suite. But we wasted little time, and Holly took my backpack and I had the camera bag and the three of us headed downstairs. I got us our passes,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 32

I slipped in to use the bathroom as Mandy closed the door, then turned on the radio when I came back out. I slipped out of my clothes as she took her turn in the bathroom. I was laying in the middle of the bed when she came back into the bedroom. I watched as she slowly removed the robe and draped it over the dresser. And as I suspected, she was wearing nothing under it. She climbed into the bed and curled up against me, and we started kissing as we caressed each other. It did not take long,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 33

As usual, I was up by 7. I kissed Mandy gently, then slipped into the bathroom to take a shower. I came out feeling a lot better then went into the kitchenette to make a pot of coffee. I went back into the bedroom and slid behind Mandy again. She woke up as I did so, turning onto her back and smiling. “Please tell me last night was not a dream, Peter.” I kissed her, then said “No, it was not a dream baby. We made love last night.” “Hmm, I was not sure when I first woke up. I came half awake...

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