Vollspritzen indian porn

4 years ago
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Die Geister die ich rief

...dürfen gerne auf ewig bleiben. Ich weiß, so geht dieser Spruch nicht. Aber in diesem Fall machen wir eine Ausnahme. Doch etwas zu mir: Mein Name ist Bernhard, von allen nur Bernie oder im Englischen “Börnie” genannt. Ich bin Anfang 20 und durchschnittlich gebaut. Ich sehe bestimmt nicht übel aus, bin aber sicherlich auch kein Adonis. Ich hab keinen so üblen Job (ich arbeite in einer großen Firma im Vertriebsdienst und werde gerade zum Kundenbetreuer hochgezogen) von dem ich nicht reich...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Meine Mutter ist besoffen

Es war im Sommer. Nachdem sich meine Eltern an einem Nachmittag fürchterlich gestritten hatten, hatte mein Vater meiner Mutter gesagt, sie könne ihm gestohlen bleiben, und wenn sie noch irgendwelches Geld von ihm wolle, dann solle sie doch lieber auf den Strich gehen, um sich etwas selbst zu verdienen. Wutschnaubend war Mami abgerauscht und hatte ihn noch angebrüllt, sie werde sich jetzt amüsieren, und ihr sei es scheißegal, ob er das gut fände oder nicht. Ich hatte mich in mein Zimmer...

2 years ago
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Aus der Ruhe gebracht

Es war an einem Samstagabend. Ich hatte Unmengen an Arbeit. Es hatte einen kurzen Disput gegeben, da meine Frau gerne etwas unternommen hätte mit mir. Ich war wie immer äußerlich ruhig und sachlich an den Streit heran gegangen, hatte argumentiert und sie hatte gefühlsbetont entschieden, dass die Arbeit warten könne. Unter Anderem hatte sie mich gefragt: „Gibt es eigentlich irgendetwas, was dich aus der Ruhe bringst?“ Was ich mit einem Schulterzucken beantwortete. So werkelte ich dann ein wenig...

2 years ago
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Vickie die Schlampe aus dem Viertel

„Hei, ich bin die Vickie..“ Herr Meier staunt nicht schlecht. Vor seiner Wohnungstür steht ein äusserst hübsches, junges Mädchen von etwa 20 Jahren. „Ich wollte mich nur mal kurz vorstellen“ säuselt das Mädchen weiter und streicht sich dabei die schulterlangen brünetten Haare zurück. Herr Meier blickt auf die rasierte Achsel, das kurze weisse Top. Sein Blick wandert kurz den flachen gebräunten Bauch entlang bis zur unverschämt tief sitzenden Hüfthose. „Hat die überhaupt ein Höschen an?“, fragt...

4 years ago
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Wie ich zum Sex und Lecksklave wurde

Als ich mit 55 in den Vorruhestand ging fiel mir fast die Decke auf den Kopf und ich konnte bei einem Freund einen kleinen Aushilfsjob bekommen. Ich machte da Botengänge, Kopierarbeiten, Post und eben was so anfiel bei einem Unternehmen. Dabei fiel mit eine Frau auf, die mich immer mehr ansah und ich immer öfter zu ihr sollte um für sie auch arbeiten machen musste. Sie hieß Edith und war eine attraktive Dame mitte 30. Wir waren uns auf Anhieb sympathisch und sie hatte eine enorme, erotische...

2 years ago
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Allein zu Hause Part XX

Der AbendGegen 18 Uhr kam ich dann doch etwas erschöpft zu Hause an und bin dann auch erst einmal in die Küche gegangen um mir etwas zu Essen zu machen und etwas zu trinken, was mir sehr gut tat. Danach wollte ich mich duschen, damit das Sperma nicht mehr an meinen Schenkeln kleben würde, doch zuvor ging ich zum AB im Wohnzimmer, auf dem drei Nachrichten waren, die ich nacheinander abhörte...1.Nachricht"Hallo Sandra, hier ist Marc... schade dass du nicht da bist... wir also Andre und ich...

4 years ago
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Ich Will Aber Nicht

Titel: Ich will aber nicht Autor: 'Hansi' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Ich will aber...

3 years ago
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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

4 years ago
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Some femdom with Susan

Susan was not a dom sexually. She loved fucking, and I satisfied her at least daily, if not two or three times. She loved having her pussy licked and nibbled almost as often. I loved satisfying her this way, no matter how long it took. She boasted to her friends how much I satisfied her sexually.She loved to be naked, and was usually naked at home. Her neighbours on either side were used to seeing her naked in her yard, and accepted this as being quite normal. She posed naked at the nearby art...

3 years ago
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2 Shotgun Blasts Hot Leather Money Cornbread

I preface this story with a pertinent excerpt from “Tommy” Chapter 5: “The water was still hot, so I made myself a cup. Spied the .38 again, but left it be. The mere thought of holding the damn thing was too much. I’d been cured of guns during a run-in with my father’s 20 gauge shotgun when I was fifteen. But that’s another story for another time.” Brookpark, Ohio. 1970. Another time. Saturday afternoon. I was watching TV in my bedroom. I saw rapid movement in the hallway outside my door....

4 years ago
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Complicated Love Pt 02

Chapter 3 Cassie sipped her champagne, and tried to compose herself. She had agreed to a marriage, not a reception. Yet, here she was, standing in a large room filled with the richest, snobbiest people in the planet, all of whom seemed to be focusing their attention on the bride. On her. She forgot all about sipping, and went right ahead and gulped her champagne down. She looked at the crowded room again, and reassessed the people there. Well, snobbiest wasn’t right, there were some nice...

5 years ago
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True Story of Incest Part 8211 3

Hi all, this is the third part of my story please read the first two parts of my story to get the background to this part. I had witnessed with my own eyes my mother getting fucked by Balaram uncle and now both of them were sound asleep. Balaram uncle was snoring mildly and was lying on his side facing the wall.He must have been pretty tired after2 hardcore fuck sessions back to back on the same night. My mom was lying on her back fully naked with her hands and legs spread out, her soft spongy...

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 24

I wake to the smell of coffee. I jump awake and try to get up and realize I am still secured. I am still spread eagle on the bed. The tape gag is gone. I have to use the bathroom so badly. I lay there, a burning sensation runs through my stomach. I want to call out but think better of it. I test the restraints again and I know I am not going anywhere. I start to struggle and make noises, hoping that "Pete my captor" will release me soon so I can take care of business. I hear footsteps...

2 years ago
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sis this is how to use a condom

More Educational Experience“So, this is what it looks like,” Sandy comments as she turns the small, square package around to examine it.“Well... you need to open it up,” I tell her. “There's not much you can do with it wrapped up.”Sandy smiles at me, then turns her attention back to the matter at hand. She studies the package carefully then says “Oh, it tears here....” and rips the edge of the condom foil pack. She pulls it open and looks inside, then reaches in with her thumb and...

2 years ago
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Vixen Kendra Sunderland Riley Reid Unexpected Feelings

When her best friend Kendra split from her boyfriend, Riley had no problem in allowing her to move in until she got back on her feet. The problem is, in this time, she has started to have forbidden feelings for Kendra which have taken her by surprise. The stay should only have been a couple of days, but after a couple of weeks, she knows she has no option but to tell Kendra how she feels. When she does, she is surprised by Kendra’s reaction. Little did she know that the feeling was most...

2 years ago
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InterventionChapter 2

"Ashley," a male voice said softly, shaking her gently to wake her. "Ashley, wake up." "Hmm," she said, slowly rolling over and rubbing her puffy red eyes. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. H—how did you get in here?" "The door was open. It looked like it was broken. Is everything okay?" he asked with a soothing voice. "No. Everything is not okay." Ashley pulled herself out of bed and pushed past Jack. The last place she wanted to be alone with him was her bedroom. He grabbed her arm...

4 years ago
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Kasthuri A New Beginning 8211 Part 3 Birthday Gift

Chapter 3 – 09th June. Monday. Midnight. As soon as the clock turned twelve, someone popped a party cracker and all the thirty people who had assembled for the party shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” in unison. Ayan was overjoyed. One of them brought a large chocolate cake with a candle. And Ayan was asked to do the honors. They had surprised him by assembling at his place at 9, with food and drinks. They had partied all night long until it was twelve. Almost everyone from work was there, but Kasthuri...

4 years ago
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The Emma J Chronicles Part Four

This is the final part of Emma J's chronicle, I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as i have enjoyed writing them.You can find her profile under Emmajxxx, she loves to make horny photosets and vids for those that want them, she made a vid for Carl and I and it was just sooooo horny, check her out.AnnaxxxChapter TenThe men settled down to their poker, each determined to win Emma as their prize. By now they had moved on to the Louis XIII Cognac and were all puffing on huge Cohiba...

4 years ago
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It s Not the Size That CountsChapter 3

In the car, on the way to Steven's, I continued to flash back to my past. To all the things that'd happened between my break up with Luke, and now. I hadn't trusted anyone of the male species for a long time after Luke. I had a couple of guy friends (who, interestingly, all turned out to be gay - maybe I instinctively knew and that's why they didn't freak me out like other guys?), but didn't date anyone for almost ten years. Actually, that's not quite true - I went out on one or two...

3 years ago
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Cupids Bow Making Ben Angry

Ben and Melinda met online, using a website that is not exactly known for its love matches. As they initiated communications they were both tentative and reluctant to believe this might actually be ‘it’. Ben’s friend, Seth, actually completed his profile as a joke on his 28th birthday, when his relationship du jour crashed and burned. But as the emails came pouring in he took the site more seriously and started looking online for a ‘match’. When he spotted Mel’s profile it was kismet, he knew...

4 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 41

For the first time in almost a year, I wake up, and it isn’t a girl trying to pleasure me. I am woken by girls moving in my bed, but it isn’t to pleasure me. Carol and Dahlia are locked in a 69 position, having fun. I get off the bed and stand at its foot. Since Dahlia is on the bottom, I pull her by the feet, dragging Carol with her until Dahlia’s ass rests on the edge of the bed. Without warning, I push Carol’s head aside and penetrate Dahlia. I need to get rid of my morning wood and...

4 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 98

The three of us managed to scale the stairs, Elaine and me fairly efficiently, but Lena was still a bit wobbly. This girl had no head for booze, that was clear. As we made our way up, we were removing our clothes, undoing each other's buttons, pulling down zips and unhooking bras. By the time we got to my bedroom, we were more or less naked and there was a trail of clothes behind us. Lena half fell, half jumped on to the bed, her knickers were still wrapped around her ankles. She kicked them...

5 years ago
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Dr Pavlov s Protege

I arrived at the clinic, nervous but resolute.  I was resigned to participating in this experiment, knowing that it would be the only way I could afford to stay in school.  Dropping out and returning home was out of the question and that bolstered my flagging confidence.The flyers around campus had described an opportunity for students to participate in a study sponsored by a local psychiatrist.  If accepted, participants would agree to spend one week in a private clinic undergoing a series of...

3 years ago
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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 8

"Where is he?" Ishmael was standing in the open doorway of Dom Pedro's study. The man looked both tired and anxious. Sweat glistened on his swarthy skin and his breath was heavy from exertion. It was obvious that he had been hurrying about. "As far as I know, Dom Pedro is somewhere about the factory," Ibrahim stated in a startled voice taken by surprise by the abruptness in Ishmael's question. As the old teacher replied, he looked up from the book he had been reading. His eyes...

3 years ago
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Emma at the Beach

Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...

3 years ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 14

I opened the door. I couldn't help but smile when I saw how nervous Diane is. She looked as though at any moment she was going to turn and run ... or faint. I stepped out onto the front porch with her and quietly said, "Calm down, Diane. No one's going to harm you. You look scared to death. If you want you can turn and walk away. I won't tell anyone you were here. You can forget all about it." "NO! Please, Angela! I want to. You're right. I am scared. But you were scared. You said...

4 years ago
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And the Morning Mists Shall Rise

A sudden movement made Richard quickly snap his head around to the left, but it must have just been the wind moving a branch. Then as he turned back in the direction he was walking his face turned directly into another overhanging branch which promptly shed its load of cold water down the neck of his jacket, making him cry out a mild curse. He had at last decided he was lost. For the past two hours he had been following a continually diminishing trail through the September woods. Early that...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 6 Showdown Sagara Sanosuke

Goheh (wearing a Sanosuke wig): "The legendary Hitokiri Battousai! The street fighter Zanza has been searching for a match like you!" It's been two weeks! Where is that rooster head? Kiheh: I can't believe he would get scared and run off. Goheh: "I'm just looking forward to the fight!" Heh, what a joke!-- Zanza (boxing his ears): You're the one joking! You keep up that weird copycat stuff and I'll hang you upside down. Kiheh: O-oh, Mr. Zanza. Where have you been? Zanza: The...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

A few weeks ago, I was out and about and had about two hours of spare time. I knew my girlfriend Morticia would be off work early and would arrive home to an empty house. So, being the insatiable Lothario that I am, I met her there.Once we were inside and in her bedroom, I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. She squeezed my ass and played with my hair as I caressed her sides, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She moaned softly and pressed her body even closer to mine. Tongue-kisses always...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Our last night in Barbados

It was our last vacation night in Barbados.I was sitting on the hotel bed, watching a movie, knowing that my sexy wife had arranged a late night date with a black man…Anita came out of the bathroom gorgeously naked: she had got her smooth cunt waxed in the afternoon. Her swollen pussy lips were now glistening; but I could not be sure if it was from expectation or lube. My sexy had already done a heavy eye makeup, coral red lipstick, ankle bracelet, a black collar and her high heeled sandals.As...

4 years ago
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Signing My Life Away

This is a little fantasy of mine and was actually written before the "Jasmin wears the pants" serie but miraculously got lost until a short while ago I found again. Whew! There is some explicit language and scenes in the story and you know the drill, if you are underaged or don?t like to read (bi)sexual acts than don't bother. This story is explusively mine and can only be copied after contacting me. I haven't written in years and I hope I haven?t gotten too rusty and you all enjoy...

3 years ago
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A Nudist Family

Synopses: The Lifestyle brings us closer together. Chapter One: At Home We are all nudists in this house and the usual thing do as soon as we get home and inside is to go to our rooms and strip off then rejoin the family. So it was no surprise to wake up and walk out to breakfast in the nude. Now for a bit of background I’m Ted my daughter is Alice and my wife is Amy. Alice is quite smart for her age and was advanced a year in grade school making her the youngest in her graduating class....

3 years ago
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Evening the Score Chapter 1

My wife, Jessica, and I are in our mid to late fifties, and have been married for 30+ years. I’m 58, while Jessica is 55. I’m 6’2”, about 200 lbs, pretty good shape, buzzed blond/gray hair, blue eyes, and scruff beard. Definitely, a “Daddy” look. Jess (as I call her) is 5’1”, about 120 lbs, almost shoulder length dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale white skin, a nice, firm, tight ass, and a pair of C cup tits with huge nipples to die for. She is also very, very beautiful. We met, dated and...

4 years ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part5

I wore my new clothes now everyday, Sam and Tim helped make sure that I learned that my underwear was in the right place and I had this terrible habit of not keeping my legs together when I sat down. At night I was always wearing my nighty and it all just made me completely horny all the time and it was difficult walking down the street not looking at boys.Every other day I tried the different ways of keeping my 'package' hidden so no one would notice too. As I was walking through the mall, I...

4 years ago
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Alia 8211 The Begining Of Endless Love

This is a story of how fucked my neighbor Alia (name changed) who is 20 yrs. old and live in the apartment which is front to mine. She is fair, is chubby in the right proportion she has a figure to die for and every guy in the neighboring apartments stare at her like a hungry dog waiting to pounce on her the first chance he gets. She has a great figure of 34b-30-34 with marvelous boobs and ass. she and wave each other with a smile when we pass by each other. She is a good friend of mine and i...

2 years ago
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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck II

"What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered."Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands."What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?""Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you? I...

4 years ago
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Divorced Teacher

hiii friends..!!how are you all ?? me Raj frm Gujarat ..meri age 19 ki he aur me engineering ka student hu, ye stories muje bahot pasand he aur me ise regular read karta hu.. is ghatna se pehle me 100% virgin tha… maine kisi girl ka haath bhi nhi pakada tha.. itni story pad pad k maine ek bar sex kar hi liya.. aur ye baat apke sath share kar rha hu .. ye kuch 2 months pehle ki baat he, mera engineering ka 3rd sem chalu hogaye kuchh 2 months ho gaya tha, aur is baar 3rd sem k liye maine...

4 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 33

Sunday was a complete change from the previous day. The wind had veered to the north and a front had brought heavy rain, which beat on the windows of the flat. I had some toast for breakfast and then set off for the house. It wasn't exactly cold in the rain, but it wasn't warm either. Not pleasant. I entered the house. It was very quiet, so I knew the children had gone. Ann appeared. She was wearing a blouse with a scooped neck giving a delicious hint of her breasts, and a shortish pleated...

3 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 6

Sky entered the front door and saw his father working behind the counter near the trading tables. “Dad, I have something for you,” he said as Raif turned to see his son standing there with a rifle. “The General brought two crates of Henry rifles and many crates of cartridges that were given to him by Mr. Henry in my honor. I wanted you to have one of the rifles from me.” “Sky that’s very generous of you and very generous of the Henry Arms Co. to send you rifles by the General.” “Yes Sir,...

4 years ago
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More Letters To Santa

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...

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Knocked up by Daddy

I wake up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday in October. I sit up in bed wearing nothing but a pair of pink Victoria’s Secret panties. I reach over and turn off my alarm and get out of bed and look into the mirror, inspecting myself, admiring my 17 year old body. My 5’4 107 lbs. frame, my messy long black hair, tan body, and perky 30C size tits. The perfect body of an athlete like myself. I decide to start my day like every other, with a shower. So I grab my hip length robe, which is downright tiny. It...

3 years ago
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The stripper and a bet

This was my first experience of the east europeans, We would see each other a few times a week either for a meal or I would go and see her dance. The club had rules that you could not touch the dancers and they could not touch you which was really disappointing - and there were security cameras to make sure no-one did anything wrong. One night we were in a restaurant she told me she knew how to turn off the security camera for her VIP area! I teased her and told her she would never do it,...

2 years ago
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DaughterSwap Britney Light Rosalyn Sphinx Do Si Do Daughter Bang

Rosalyn Sphinx and Britney Light love getting down in their country outfits and cowboy boots. Nothing turns them on like the great outdoors and some good old fashioned country style dancing. They even got their dads to teach them a step or two while they are out at the old corral. The teen hotties look extra sexy as they do si do left and right, switching partners like its nothing! In fact, they look so good, that pretty soon these dads start getting ideas. Rosalyns dad gets stuck staring at...

4 years ago
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Zenith s Humiliation

ZENITH’S HUMILIATIONThis was the test. ?Zenith, take down your pants, NOW.? Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric ?What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion.? But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.And then Ric took Zeni’s arm, and pulled her to him, briskly unsnapping the buttons of her jeans himself, as her parents,...

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Ultimate Spider Woman Issue 10 Skool Daze

Issue 10: Skool Daze "Jessica, have you finished the paperwork?" the lady at the school office asked. Long Island City High felt like a good school and I was keen to get to classes and regain some normalcy in my life. The school was built of reddish brown brick, stood six storeys high and they called it LIC. The campus looked a little tired and underfunded. The office looked like it was from the previous century. But it ran smoothly and the people seemed enthusiastic. "Uh, Yeah," I...

2 years ago
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Property Sex

PropertySex! I tend to spend most mornings masturbating furiously to a variety of blowjob, titty fucking and hardcore explicit lesbian videos, so this morning was a little bit of a change in routine for me. Instead of popping a Viagra, lubing up and stroking it to HD porno, I had a cup of coffee and spent a few hours calling up real estate agents and making appointments to look at new homes. It’s not that I actually need a new masturbation chamber or splooge room, but the sexy bitches at...

Top Premium Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Helping Out A Friend

“Babe, can you pass me my bikini?” “Which one?” “The thong bikini that shows off a lot of cleavage.. the one you like,” I said with a knowing wink. Me and my boyfriend Mike were at his friends cottage out in Virginia. It was supposed to be a weekend of partying, but the rest of our friends weren’t coming up until the following day. So for now it was just Mike, his friend Ron and myself. Ron had been going through a difficult breakup a few weeks ago, and me and Mike were talking about how bad we...

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My Sexy Neighbor Alisha 8211 Part I

Hey guys! I am Vinayak from Pune, age 20 years. I am sharing my first experience with a sexy girl from my neighborhood. I stay with my family in Pune, in a flat system society with two sisters, mum and dad. And adjacent to our flat lived this beauty, fair colored, slightly chubby figure with tits of size 34DD (as told by her), and ass 36″ (I guessed it) with her brother and mother, her father died in a car crash. From early on, both families were very close to each other. I liked Alisha so much...

5 years ago
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Helped Step To Pay His Debts Off

By : Buttdivya Message: I was a house wife early married to a widower with a 20 yrs old son. It was 2 yrs after my marriage and my husband had fucked me nearly once a day like an animal. My step son was like my husband in behavior and also physically. I think that he was a young boy with black hair and he was old man with little white hair. The boy was studying 3rd year degree. I knew that he was not a good boy as he was peeping when we were in sex, I observed him so many times myself. On...

1 year ago
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Double Date

Although I lost my virginity when I was young, I had been smooching this boy, Darren, my first boyfriend since I was in grade 8. He would squeezed my tits and even give me a blowjob and I would cum like crazy. No wonder my tits were bulging out real fast. I remember fantasizing about shagging cocks and even fucking ever since I understood what sex was all about. So when I got the first chance I went for it. But doing the real thing was a little too much even for me at the start. I guess the boy...

First Time
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Wandering Through Life A Look Back at the Ladies I ve Known 6

This is the "finish" with Susan and the family and then back in the service. .. Susan's Mom seemed to enjoy watching me eat her youngest daughter's pussy and walked into the room holding her fingers out for me..I took her hand and smelled her fingers and told her she smelled divine and started sucking each finger that had been in her pussy with delight. She stood there and started rocking her hips back and forth and said if if kept that up she would like to let me eat her until she had...

4 years ago
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The Birth of a Slut

The Birth of a Slutby Submama79I suppose I should start at the beginning. My name is Beth and I am a 32 year old white female 24/7 sex slave. I would love to tell you that I am tall, chesty, skinny, and drop dead gorgeous but that isn’t the way it is. I am about 5’8” I weigh about 180lbs and I have 34C tits. I know I am not a looker and I have known that for a long time. So I make up for that by being the best at what I do, service cock when I am told, where I am told, and how I am told. I do...

3 years ago
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Interracial Sissy Story

wrote this a while back(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...

3 years ago
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College for Krista Part 3

Summer took her hands and ran them down the sides of Krista’s naked body.  She was not sure if she was doing something right or wrong; she was just trying to emulate what Krista did to her.  Krista did make little sounds as Summer traced her fingers along Krista’s hot skin, but still, Summer was not sure if it was enough to please Krista.   Summer stopped suddenly as she reached Krista’s smooth legs.  She was sort of in shock at what she was doing.  She wanted to please Krista as Krista had...

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Biwi Ne Chukaya Loan 8211 Part IV

Aap logon ne pichle 3 parts padh hi liye honge, ye part 4 hay, yaani ki mein apne chauthe trip ke bare mein batane wali hoon ismein. Agar aapne pichle 3 parts nahin padhe to kripaya is website par ‘criticalmass’ search karke meri stories ki list mein se padh sakte hain. Kuch dinon ke intezar ke baad sms aya, ek hafte ka trip tha is bar. Pata nahin itne din kyun. Par haan 5 EMI ka chukta bhi to hona tha is trip pe, shayad isi liye. SMS ke mutabik maine hubby to bataya ki official trip hai poore...

2 years ago
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The Branson KidChapter 7

Kitty was up next, but I needed a little rest afore I went after breakin' in my next wife. Kitty asked how long she was going ta have ta wait. I admitted that I did not know. I was not used ta fuckin' more than once in a day an' maybe three times a week. All five women looked kind of disappointed at that, but I perked them up when I said, "Of course, I ain't never had so much incentive afore. Afore now, I always had ta pay fer a woman, an' I had ta be sure I had the money afore I went...

3 years ago
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P is for Paint

Paul Peters. It was a hell of a name for kid growing up. He’d been teased unmercifully because of it. ‘P.P.’ followed by jeers, laughter and a lot of finger pointing. Not to mention bullies who shoved him into school lockers or knocked his books out of his hands. He’d fought back of course, several times, but all the good it did him was to land him in detention more often than not. And because of it, he learned to draw. With nothing better to do than just sit there, he drew, sketched, and...

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Andy s Training Chapter 8

Andy's Training - Chapter 8 ? by: Cissykay I slept like the dead for the entire night, and when I woke up it was fully light out. I left the studio, and went to the restaurant for a cup of coffee, a muffin, and a restroom. I instinctively started to walk into the ladies room, but caught myself, and went to the men's room. When I sat down to eat, I noticed it was now close to 9:00 A.M. Boy, did I sleep. I counted myself lucky that I wasn't discovered by Mistress Betty or Mistress...

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ScourgeChapter 14

Morning comes quickly for the group and despite Gunnar’s previous night’s activities he is ready and waiting for the rest to fill in. Kate is the first to arrive with Harlan right behind. Caprice is the last, but after those activities, Gunnar isn’t surprised. “We have a general idea where the Scourge headquarters are,” Gunnar begins once everything is settled in on the chairs placed before him. “Our goal is to rescue Audra. Of course if we can deal a major blow to the queen’s forces then we...

1 year ago
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Ah, vintage porn at Erotic Age! This term adopts a different meaning depending on who is reading it. See, porn or rather depictions of sexual acts has been around since the civilization of mankind. You’ve certainly seen them in sculptures, erotic artwork, and paintings going back hundreds of years. The human race has been perverted since the beginning of time. However, if I may give y’all fucks a bit of history, the first porn novel was published in 1748 and things pretty much went downhill...

Vintage Porn Sites
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good night out

so i went to the pub with a few mates we all started drinking when i noticed this girl standing over in the corner i walked over to her and introduced myself to her pretty soon we where becoming quite friendly i told her i only lived around the corner she seemed pretty keen on leaveing the pub with me as we got to my place we started pashing as we entered the door i kicked the door closed behind me and i picked her up and started making my way over to the lounge she had wrapped both her legs...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ms Yummy Enjoys some white cock

Ms. Yummy looks yummy showing off her new bikini. Her big tits look nice and they look even better when oiled up. Yummy indeed. Now let’s not forget about her nice backside. It looks fantastic with or without oil. Ms. Yummy enjoys jiggling and showing off her curves and it catches Tony Rubino’s eye. He’s got his hands all over that yummy booty and his pussy rubbing skills get Ms. Yummy’s engine humming. She rubs Tony’s big dick between her tits before sucking it down her throat. Outside...

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oh my god

It all started when I was surfing online one day while the k**s were at school and I was home sick. I came across a website where people can create their own blogs and post pictures anonymously. As you might suspect, it has devolved into mostly porn. I was feeling a little horny, which was unusual for me at the time, so I decided to explore. I came across a blog (I won't name it) which focused on humiliating women sexually. The women were called fuckpigs or sows. There were pictures and videos...

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She Loved Anal And Now Him Too

She Loved Anal And Now Him TooBy: Londebaaz Chohan Gloria and Hank were going steady for almost a year and slowly, she was getting used to visit him at his place. First she would come just for a few hours, then for one night and now she mostly came over for the whole weekend. It was Friday, late afternoon and she was here. Hank had cooked a nice meal and after the meals and the drinks they were ready to go to bed. Gloria was a gem in the bed because as compared to Hank, she was much more...

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Loveliest gift

I was relaxing in front of the television when the front door bell rang. My girlfriend and I were not expecting anyone. I was already naked under my robe, ready for a little action later. She was soaking in a bath. I peeked through the eyehole and saw a girl standing on the doorstep. I pulled my robe tighter and opened the door immediately thinking she might need directions or to use the phone."May I help, young lady? Are you all right?" I asked looking past her. I didn't see a car in...

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Long Distance Sex

Rajesh is now far away from me on his business tour. He is my hubby, my sweet hubby, we married few months back. I was a blushing virgin before I met Rajesh. Before my marriage my sex life was practically non-existent. I needed to be with a man who would pleasure me, adore me and make love with me in the way he would like, in the way I would desire. Rajesh is the focus of all my fantasies. He is the person who gave me the test of real flesh inside my pussy. He is so handsome, so male, his...

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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 2 Pool party at Heather s house

Chapter 2: Pool Party at Heather’s House SHORTLY AFTER SCHOOL ended that year, Heather Ratcliffe invited everyone in our class over for a swim and barbecue. Sam disappeared into a mob of kids at the end of the garden to play something they called volleyball. It seemed to involve a lot of pushing and shoving but very little control of the ball. I jumped in the pool and headed for a huge inner tube floating near the opposite edge. I’d just gotten myself onto it when I felt someone’s hand warm...

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A Cuckold by Birth

Chapter 1 - IntroductionsThis is the story of my beautiful wife - who is no less than a queen to me - and my life with her . We hail from an upper middle class family and have lived for most of our lives in the surrounding areas of Mumbai but not exactly in the city. It has helped us stay connected with the fast moving things in life but at the same time offered us solitude and privacy of the distance from the hustle bustle of a city life. We own a small business that has been doing reasonably...

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Massaging the Truth

VERSION ONE Lori lay in bed thinking about her brother. How as teenagers they had been unusually close and had always gotten along, so unlike most siblings. Of course, any thoughts of her brother always led to their sexual relationship, as they did now. Not for the first time, she wondered if incest ran in the family. Thinking back, she laughed at the absurdity of it all: a back-rub. It had started with a back-rub. She had come home from softball practice that afternoon with a strained back...

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Six Months TurnaroundChapter 19

Several weeks later, all of the pieces were fitting into place. There was a conference in progress in Cliff's office. Sandy had made some changes in the executive office layout. In just a couple of weeks she would be elected Chairman of the company and an office was being built for her next to Cliff's. Cliff had teased her because her furnishings were quite modern. He pretended to grump, "It's going to cost us a fortune to redecorate the entire executive floor. No one cared as long as...

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The Proposition

Grace Newell tugged at the strap of her black singlet and let out a sigh. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this. She rapped her knuckles against the door and took a step back. Her heart thudded so loud the beats pounded in her ears.  She smoothed her hands over her denim skirt and turned to gaze at the quiet street. Sunlight bounced off the windshield of her parked car. A dog barked in the distance and the smell of a barbecue wafted on the wind. The breeze lifted her...

First Time
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MommysGirl Dee Williams Natalie Knight Moms Tough Love

Dee Williams walks into the living room, where her stepdaughter Natalie Knight sits on the couch. In her hands Dee holds a crumpled up piece of paper. Natalie! Dee says crossly. What? Natalie asks in an annoyed tone, looking up at Dee. ‘I found your REPORT CARD crumpled up in your wastebasket!’ Dee says, holding out the piece of paper for Natalie to look at. Natalie is failing ALL of her classes!, Dee adds, outraged. Ok, and…? Natalie asks. ‘AND?! You’re graduating...

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Seoul Bound 4

Seoul Bound 4 I was transfixed by a little small brush, wire bristled on one side and a small mirror on the other. Studying my reflection, I was lamenting the short order that I was escorted to an operating table. I thought that we were just going for a consultation to see what could be done to increase my feminine persona for this experiment that Dan and I found ourselves in. It was a surreal experience, talking in generalities and all of a sudden being handed surgical gowns, I donned...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 3 Helena

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Jessica s Story Part 21

Jessica's Story - Part 21 Following the purchase of the car, Anne decided to get in touch with John. It was just a mere case of confirming the date for the civil ceremonies. "Hi John. Just letting you know that our weddings are booked up now," she said. "All the documents we had to take too, just to arrange it." "What would they be?" asked John. "Well, they just wanted proof that you've lived in the area for 7 days or more, proof that you are single and proof that you are...

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Spot Free Rinse

SPOT-FREE RINSE by Viv Saturday morning at the car wash. It was Jerry's little secret. He looked forward to it each week. He deposited his quarters and went about vacuuming his Volvo. He and his wife Lynn had bought the car three months ago. It was hardly the old Vette he had owned before they married, but it was a nice car and probably more appropriate for his position as a stock broker. His willingness to keep it immaculate had impressed Lynn. Normally he spent little time on...

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It was one of those typical evenings...rush home, shower shave, cream and perfume on dress sexy, and place a Craigslist ad.....You never know how its gonna work out. Sometimes you have many guys to choose from, others, not so much. But, on this particular winter night I get this response and he says, "Really hot baby! You wanna get fucked good?" I love guys who don't beat around the bush! I respond back something to the effect of, "Ummm. Yes! I really want cock tonight! Are your clean? And any...

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I love sex, that's a given, most men do. My problem is that I like to have different women and am not willing to wait for the whole courtship thing before we make it to bed. I have a friend, a chemist, who dabbles with his trade and has created a drug that makes women very pliant and complacent. He and I were college room mates and shared many women through our college years, there are a lot of pliant women in college, and no drug needed, just some alcohol, maybe some speed. Andy and I spent...

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Pool HustledChapter 8

Joyce I'm laying in David's bed, half asleep, reminiscing about last night. God the sex was great. I turned over toward David to cuddle a little bit. I reached for him and he isn't there. I quickly sat up. Then I heard some noise coming from downstairs. I put on the tee shirt and robe and went downstairs. I walked down the steps as softly as I could and stopped in the kitchen doorway. There is David fixing breakfast for my two kids. They were talking back and forth about what they...

4 years ago
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Picked up in the DIY store

The wife and I were looking for some shelving at a local DIY store, when this young man caught my eye, strange I thought. As we looked around the store, it took us around 20 minutes and then we decided to leave, on our way out he came up and slipped a piece of paper into my hand, when I got home it read ‘If you fancy meeting up text me’.I must admit I was intrigued. A couple of months later he was still on my mind so I text him. ‘You doing anything tonight?’ about ten minutes later I received a...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 29

Our Wednesday morning wake up was at three, so we were quickly up, showered, and dressed. A taxi dropped us at the station at three-thirty, where we met Larry coming in at the same time. I asked for, and was let into their equipment room, where I fit Wanda with a vest and found one in my size. I found two extra magazines for Wanda's Glock, then I checked out an MP5, five magazines, and a belt with pouches to carry the extra ammo. Larry almost started laughing when he saw us. "Jesus, Chuck,...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Jesse Pony 07 19 2022

Jessie has her doctors come over because she has an embarrassing question to ask them. Isiah and Don her 2 doctors come over to talk with her and she tells them she thinks there’s something wrong because she can’t have an orgasm with her boyfriend even though she has sex with him all the time. She wonders if there’s a pill she can take that will make her hornier because when she masturbates she can cum with no problem at all. The doctors ask various questions about the kind of...

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Too Many SecretsChapter 14

The auctioneer was scanning the crowd closely, looking for the first bidder who could match his suggested opening bid on lot 171A. Matti was also watching closely, and what he was seeing was that there was no apparent interest amongst the other prospective bidders. It didn’t appear that anyone else was interested in the two lots of diamond drilling equipment that had brought him to this auction so far from home. The two lots, designated 171A and 171B were identical, each a series of pallets...

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Me and My Mother

My Mom was always nice to me, i was an only child and we lived an an apartment… My dad left when i was 12 so my mom didnt have someone to love… My dad was the provider and when he left me and my mom moved to a 1 bedroom apartment… We slept together normally for the first few years… But then i started finding out about sex and love… And i realised that i loved my Mom… And one day when we were sleeping, i decided to make a move, like i see in the movies…I moved closer to her, and said the i was...

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Naughty Natalie Male Perspective

Her name was Natalie, she moved in next door about three months prior. Remembering that on it's own got me hard, I mean how could it not? the perky tits under her tight pink crop top just teasing all who look? Or how about the short..Oh how I loved the shorts, short tight denim daisies that gripped her ass in all the right spots, and when she pulled them up high enough her bare ass peeked out the bottom. But, the outfit she wore wasn't my favorite part of her moving in, it was the placement...

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Adonia s Breeding

Adonia sat at the library of religious studies department atYale university reading about ancient pagan rituals. Adonia’s ancestors were practitioners of the pagan religion, but unfortunately her own parents where atheists. They did not follow, practice, preach or tell anything to Adonia about paganism. Adonia was given her name by her grandmother, the last practicing pagan in their family. Adonia is the pagan festival mourning the death of Adonis, the “Lord”-the most handsome man in the...

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The Wager part 2

Chapter 4 We had five days left when Justin dropped the next bombshell. He outlined his plans for the next five years. I was to go straight to Thailand where my new home would be situated. I would work and live there. I would be located in the brothel of a notorious local madam. Justin was the joint owner of the brothel and ladyboy bar. I would be on very low income and would have no access to funds. My work would be whatever the madam wanted me to do and that was unlikely to be...

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George Part 2

Around 3:30 am that night. I woke up being rather dazed; I wasn’t sure where I was when I came to. I didn’t bother to sit up because my memories were flooding back. George; we kissed, he brought me home, and … right… lost my virginity. That’s when my vision started to clear up and I could clearly see him beside me, he was wide awake, but I don’t think he knew what I’d do if he continued from this point. “Can you turn on a light…?” I mumbled softly to him, he just nodded, complying with my...

Quickie Sex
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Cents and NickelChapter 4

She began to set the kitchen table and I helped with the silverware. I had noticed where she had reached earlier. We set three places. Dollars said, "I have canned lemonade or water." I reached into the fridge. "What for you, Dollars?" "Lemonade, please." I set two cans on the table. "Thanks, Abraham." She bent over to check the cornbread and I appreciated the view from where I was standing. I decided to pull the butter out, too. I was doing that when she straightened and turned...

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Fucking My Hot Mommy

Hello friends John here back with another hot story “Fucking my hot Mom”. To dosto mai aap sabke liye ek hot story lekar aaya hu, ye mera sabse hottest sex experience hai ab tak. Mai 19 years ka hu, height 5.10 musclular body, meri mom ka figure 36-30-36 hai, unke boobs tight or perfect shape me hai, kyoki meri mom b gym jaati hai, isliye unka itna sexy figure hai. To baat pichle hafte ki hai mere dost ne mujhe ek bf di jo k incest bf thi, Mom and son Waali. To mai cd lekar ghar aaya or maine...

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Intended AttractionChapter 5

I heaved a sigh of contentment and indulged myself in a long stretch - knowing there was a satisfied smile on my face and not caring in the slightest. I glanced over at the gorgeous woman snuggled against my side and put my arm around her affectionately. Alexis had snuck over this afternoon for an unexpected visit and we had immediately jumped into bed together. It had been a few days since my last encounter with Hanna and Sophie and nothing had happened since then. There wasn’t anything...

2 years ago
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SheWillCheat Natasha Starr Cuck Caught On Camera

Natasha Starrs husband saw one of his employees who was staying with them for a while was still sleeping on his security cameras when he was supposed to be at work. He had Natasha go wake him up, which was a bad idea because she was unbelievably horny. She knew her husband could see them, but did not care one bit. She gargled down this mans cock not caring about the consequences and got her limber euro pussy mangled. Even though her husband was pissed as he watched his security cameras he could...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter Two

“Jeez mate, come on we have to leave in half an hour and there’s going to be a queue for the bathroom” Ron explained as he hopped into his jeans, Harry rose with a groan, feeling the familiar hardness between his legs. He muttered darkly and rose to put on his own clothes. “Bloody hell” Ron said startled, Harry turned to see Ron looking anywhere but at him “Put that thing away Harry before you poke someone’s eye out” Harry looked down and saw that he was sporting a tent. He grumbled still...

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Wife s Weight Loss Mistake

My world fell apart several months ago and after I managed to control my hurt and anger I began to retaliate against the cruel, unnecessary attack I suffered through. Like most mid aged persons I (more than my wife) have that roll of fat around my waistline. My wife Ann and I have discussed toning up and losing weight for a couple of years but c'mon. Life is good and we love to eat and drink. Finally, I hit 250 and the crap hit the fan. Ann and I had begun going to the YMCA to exercise and...

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Wife and Her Sexual Exploits Part IIII

If you've read any of my previous writings here on Lush, you know by now, my wife has experienced some incredible and, for me,  almost unbelievable sexual experiences. To know her as I do and to hear her telling me about the men she was with and then things she did was impossible for me to fathom initially. But, as she told me of these exploits and went into such graphic detail, I came to the realization that, yes, indeed she did these things and, incredibly, she enjoyed them all so very...

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Copyright © 2004 She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock. They were reminding her that she was closer to a new day, than to the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell. The sorry excuse for an air conditioner, was sending a weak breeze, that seeped from the slots on top of the droning beast. It was not any cooler than the air hanging motionless in the room. One small consolation crossed her mind, at least the...

2 years ago
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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

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