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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 38

"You've got a funny look on your face." I'd just stepped out my front door to meet Tami. I kissed her, slipped my arm around her and my hand into her back pocket, and we started walking. "I'm trying to decide whether to be insulted or not." Tami giggled. "About what?" "Mom and I were talking about Darlene, and she was saying that she was proud of me for bringing home strays, girls who need help." "And that's insulting?" "Then she added she'd be prouder if my strays...

2 years ago
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Every Inch A NymphChapter 6

Slim Ranito and Will Monroe stepped back, studying the result of their work, leaving Melanie standing by the large table and feeling their heated gazes searing across her naked titties and pussy. They stood a few feet away from her, obviously moved by the tautly curved magnificence of her voluptuous body and smooth white flesh. Despite herself, Melanie could not help feeling a certain pride well up in her as their awed eyes took in every generously rounded curve of her hotly quivering body,...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 79 Can You Feel Me Now

We'd barely made it through the door when Alistair kicked it shut behind us. He set me carefully on the bed, then took the platter of food from my hands and put it on a table. Climbing up bedside me, he curled himself around me and pulled me into his embrace. I relaxed, enjoying the comfort and closeness, enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against mine. Even after the bath, I didn't really feel warm. It felt like the cold in the dungeon had settled in to my bones, and I was having a...

9 months ago
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New WorldChapter 6

After twenty minutes her eyes opened. It took a few seconds to orientate herself and understand what I had done to her then to realise her total submissive situation. Inside she would be terrified knowing she had possibly seconds to live and have no way of doing anything about it and I would not make her feel any better. "Do you know who I am?" I whispered from behind her. "Blink once for yes and twice for no." She stared for a second then slowly blinked once. "Do you know who that is...

2 years ago
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The Rest Of The WeekendChapter 2

The women fanned out from the house early Saturday morning. They'd had no sleep; Friday night having been spent enjoying each other's pleasures until the Professor's orders came down. There was much to be done, there was no time for sleep. Evelyn Torres, Assistant Dean of Admissions, sat in the Dean of Admissions office... it was a much nicer office than hers. Far bigger, with a thick carpet, overstuffed leather couches and chairs, even a fireplace, though she had no idea if it worked....

5 months ago
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In The Kings ArmyChapter 2

"Are we headed into that mountain?" Dev asked Arel a few days later. "Just into the foothills. Loera Calderling lives with her family in a very old castle there. You know they used to man the walls of the pass, to keep the northern barbarians out of the south?" Arel asked. "No. I'm afraid I don't know much history," Dev responded. "Easily solved. About two hundred years ago, a wall was built across the Calder pass. You might note the similarity of names? The pass was named for an...

11 months ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 3

It was a simple X-frame mounted in a field near town. The Goddess Jolene gazed out at those who were attending her service, then tilted her head to see her arms raised behind her, stretched to where her wrists were cuffed to the metal frame by chains wrapped in soft, woolen bindings. Her legs were similarly stretched and spread wide, her ankles similarly secured to the lower girders of the X-frame, her breasts, bare belly and pussy displayed to all who could see her while the bare flesh of...

1 year ago
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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 15 What Bsc Girls Still Need

Over the next month Stephen ended up taking full advantage of his Penis Pal status with Latoya and Manuela. All three had many fun nights together. Stephen really and truly just loved sucking on Latoya’s pointy, puffy nipples then falling asleep in between Manuela’s lovely soft tits. He would also bury his face for ages into Manuela’s abundant black pubic hair and slowly bring her to orgasm with every flick of his tongue over a very moist clit. Sometimes he would just imbed his erection deep...

1 year ago
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Whatever Lola WantsChapter 2

“Fuck, this is incredible!” Lola screamed as she took my cock deeper inside her on every stroke and Tricia continued to lick her from behind. Lola was an animal right then, every flick and swipe of Tricia’s tongue combining with every thrust of my cock to send her into the stratosphere. She was definitely on Cloud Nine, but then again, who wouldn’t be, and she really gave back as good as she got. She bounced hungrily up and down on my pole, taking me deeper until I bottomed out repeatedly...

8 months ago
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Shame on YouChapter 11

Tommy drove home, his eyes blurry from crying, his sore ass and the garter belt clips reminding him that all of this had been real, not just a perverse nightmare. Oh God! Kathy! How could Marie have done that to him? How could she have had the heart to invite his cousin over to see him like that, and to make him do all those things while she watched? How could he ever talk to her again after tonight? Her comment about stopping by on Saturday to see what Linda and the girls would do to him...

2 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 24 For Annie For a Hero

Gunga Din leads us off to a quiet empty spot. It is by process of elimination that I decide to start with Gunga Din. He seems to agree and we start the slow process of stripping down. With him it takes longer. He has more weapons hidden over his person. My kind of man. I am rather impressed. I am down to the boots Gwen gave me. Gunga Din is down to his small cloth. I look him over. Nice. There is a small squeak behind us and I look over at Seth. He is swallowing compulsively and licking his...

4 months ago
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There and BackChapter 124 Ripples in Time

My reunion with Alistair was hampered by a massive bandage across his left shoulder. I found him sitting in a crowd of injured soldiers, patiently waiting his turn for Anders to take a look at him. His armour had been cut off, part of it dented; he’d need a new set eventually. Someone had wrapped a length of linen bandage around his upper arm and shoulder, and blood was slowly seeping through despite that. I launched myself at him, slowing only slightly when I landed on my knees beside him...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 2

Monday morning came too soon. I couldn't get to sleep in a new place until I was real tired so I only got a few hours sleep. I grabbed a glass of diet coke and hurriedly cleaned up and got dressed. I walked down to the registration office and met with the councillor. We went through the scholarship details and got me signed up for the appropriate classes and set me up with a voucher to get my textbooks. I went to the campus bookstore and got them and lugged them back to my apartment. I...

1 year ago
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The Visitor That Came to StayChapter 2 Georgia Gets Fucked

Breathless with wonder, her jaw hanging slack, Georgia gaped at the humongous gleaming red penis that had emerged thick and wet, it's tapered end swaying tantalizingly as it left the protective sheath in an ever expanding length of hardness. It was much bigger than Howard's! Georgia panted wordlessly, her eyes glazed over as she confronted this marvelously formed cock sliding with such agonizing slowness from its soft brown sleeve. Her mouth flooded with saliva. She had never been so...

11 months ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 The Star of David

Lieutenant-Colonel Barber arrived at regimental HQ on the 30th November. I had moved back to Taunton in order to be on hand to welcome him, and once we had completed the formalities of handing over command I left for Bristol, and ultimately London. The Duke of York was carrying out his plan of putting ‘men who had smelt powder’ in command of Militia regiments. Barber had been commissioned into the 10th Foot, and served with distinction in Egypt. I knew the Lincoln Imps would be in safe hands,...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 49 To E

"Seriously, Christine, what is the matter? You look pale and tired. I know it is not the opera. For the last fifteen months of preparations and rehearsals, you have been a bundle of inexhaustible energy. Are you ill, ma chère? Should I call a physician?" Christine smiled at the concern she saw on her husband's well-loved features. She turned around to face him from her seat in front of her dressing table and smiled gently. She held out her hands to Erik and he took them into his as he...

1 year ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 5

I went to Illiana's home on that day, and she wanted to have a talk with me about my experiences from the previous Saturday. We were alone so we stayed in the living room, sitting in the big sofa. "Did you like what we did?" Illiana asked. "Yes," I said, "it was thrilling, scary, even humiliating but mostly very exciting for me." "Well, that last part was obvious, when Nina pulled that cloth away from your body, and I saw your clitoris sticking out between your lips. I knew you...

3 months ago
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BethChapter 36

August 3, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke shortly after 6:00, wide awake after a good night’s sleep. Seeing that Rhee was still out of it, I crept out of bed to my PC and wrote most of yesterday’s diary account. I will finish it after practice, as reliving yesterday’s fellatio instruction has gotten me excited and Rhee is rousing. [Added August 4] As Rhee was waking, I threw the sheet off her and planted my face between her legs. “Hey,” she said, “I have to pee. Save that for a few...

1 year ago
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ColorsChapter 8 Bubblegum Pink and Playdough Blue

Sam walked into the hotel room to find Max sprawled on the bed in sweatpants and a Puysegur PE Department t-shirt. She was always amazed at how he could see a hotel room as a home away from home. On the other hand, she was eager to get back to their little apartment. "Hoover's okay!" She said it as a statement. She knew he would not be that relaxed otherwise. "Yeah, seems to be. They're holding him overnight for observation." "I'm glad since he is — from what I hear — the only...

2 years ago
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The Lost TribeChapter 8

“Daddy! Daddy!” Jason turned from his usual evening vigil sitting on the beach to regard the young blond blue-eyed boy as he ran up. “Hey, Al ... what’s up?” His son was visibly upset. “Jasper said I’m not really part of the family because Makayla’s not my mom!” Jason cursed under his breath. Allie had passed away from an infection after giving birth to the little boy, and Jasper had arrived a few weeks later, named after Makayla’s favorite uncle. Al was, of course, named in honor of his...

7 months ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 9 An Early Sunday Morning

When he made his bed once again on the sofa, he considered setting the alarm for the wee hours of the morning. He wanted to make sure he got up early enough to accomplish "his plans". Although an early alarm was not out of the ordinary because of his habitual morning run, he still did not want the alarm to potentially wake everyone else. So he left it off. Unfortunately, this was probably a mistake. He did not sleep at all. He was very worried about not waking up on time. As a result, he...

6 months ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 706

The amphitheater on the Alien Planet ... Jeff touched the First’s shoulder before very quietly saying, “Go back and tell the others. Caution them to be utterly quiet, because I suspect that sound will be amplified in here.” “Yes, Captain,” the First Acknowledged before crawling quietly away. Jeff hadn’t had a reason to do it in a while, and he didn’t have Little One to help, but he knew he could see at a distance far better than a normal person could. As he lay there waiting for the...

3 years ago
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Wanna Watch Me MasturbateChapter 3

The most boys I've ever had watch me take my pants and panties off and masturbate is three. Wow, that was something and I want to tell you about it. It was when I was 16 and a junior in high school. I went camping with three guy friends from school. We'd gone canoeing and swimming at the lake and now it was night. We smoked some weed and we were talking about sex (do teenagers talk about anything else?) and things got a little touchy-feelie. One thing led to another and I knew it was time...

9 months ago
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Motorcyclists WifeChapter 2

Larry Johnson stood beside the Smith's white imitation- leather sofa, a bottle of Johnny Walker in one hand and a towel filled with ice cubes in the other. His usually self-assured, darkly handsome face was twisted into an uncharacteristic caricature of confusion as he gazed down at the lifeless form of his best friend's unconscious wife, and though he made a brief effort to concentrate on his injured partner who lay paralyzed from the waist down in a Kansas hospital, his granite-grey eyes...

2 months ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 23 Freshman Year

I tried reaching Jeana for the rest of the summer. I did a few drive-bys and called every girl I knew who knew Jeana. The response was the same. They could get in to see her, but Jeana was on lockdown, and going to parochial school, a private girl’s parochial school, in the fall. She was depressed, but otherwise okay. Whenever one of the girls mentioned my name, Jeana would sigh and or cry, but she didn’t ask to see me or send me a message. It was over in more ways than one, I guessed, but it...

2 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 15

Tim stood back as Frank opened his daughter’s bedroom door and said, “Karen, can I see you for a minute?” The teens were lying across Karen’s bed. Both were barefooted and had on pull-over tops and shorts. “Sure dad,” Karen replied, as she got off the bed and came out into the hallway. Frank bent down and whispered the small teen’s trigger phrase in her ear, putting her into her altered state. Tim walked into the bedroom. Wendy hit the remote and turned off the CD and sat up on the side of...

4 months ago
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Parsimonious IndulgenceChapter 4

Veronica steps into the Dusty Broom, a small bar located on the outskirts of down town. She has to blink several times to adjust her eyes to the difference in darkness. Her mind is a whirlwind of confusion. She can’t believe that she just did what she did to Danny, let alone leaving him tied up like that. At the same time she feels good about doing it. She has kept that kinky side of her locked up for so long, it feels good to finally let it out. She slides over to the bar, looking at...

2 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 35

My alarm clock went off at 5am. The family wanted to start their trip home at 6am. So when I had showered and my bags were packed, I went over to the bungalow of the family. Sandy and Danny were still in bed when I arrived. The parents were making their bags, so I said I would wake the kids up. Their bags were already made the day before and the clothes they had to wear, were lying ready for them. I went to Danny's room first. He was already awake but was staring at the ceiling. "Good...

11 months ago
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Chain Gang WomenChapter 6

Mr Hargreaves, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Bastanian Republic, sadist and big time embezzler, was in a foul temper as he spoke over the telephone to the Prisons Minister. "I agree, Minister. It was right to bring the girl back. She is a good fighter and we need her. But she mustn't get it easy! Keep her under constant watch and make her life a misery. We can't have her punished to the extent that she can't fight, but make her life very hard. I hate that cow. No one...

1 year ago
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Moms BikiniChapter 7

It was a little after seven am Sunday morning. I was just getting ready to go to breakfast when the door opened, and my mother came in looking a little wrung out. She gave me a Queen Elizabeth wave and smiled. Threw her purse on the dresser. Took off her shoes and the dress and flopped on her bed in her panties and bra. “Don’t wake me until our plane arrives.” “But we have six more days here.” “I know,” she moaned and replied without moving her lips. I pulled her covers back, rolled her...

1 year ago
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XSFGCChapter 9 Skid Marks

Emma Frost sat on the front edge of her desk, arms crossed, leaning forward, enjoying the display her cleavage provided to her small class of students. As always, she was in white and as was her preference when teaching, she wore a thin gossamer long sleeved, collared shirt. Today, the sleeves were neatly folded, inversely to just below her elbows, but as always, only the bottom two buttons were buttoned, allowing all of her expansive cleavage to be seen. Looking over her students sitting in...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 412

August 10, 2017 I held a towel out for Mom, who took it and began drying herself. Liya had a towel for Dad, although rather than handing it to him, she began drying him with it. Liya was very methodical, being certain to get every droplet of water off his body, particularly off his ass and groin area. While she was down there, she put his cock head in her mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds. When she stood, she directed him to sit on the toilet so that she could dry his hair. In thanks,...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 474

???????????????? BLONDE’S DIARY ON A CRUISE SHIP DEAR DIARY - DAY 1 All packed for the cruise ship -- all my sexiest dresses and make-up. Really excited. DEAR DIARY - DAY 2 Entire day at sea, beautiful and saw whales and dolphins. Met the Captain Larry today -- seems like a very nice man. DEAR DIARY - DAY 3 At the pool today. Also some shuffle boarding and hit golf balls off the deck. Captain Larry invited me to join him at his table for dinner. Felt honoured and had a wonderful time. He is very...

7 months ago
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The ImamChapter 7

MORNING 21st of Sha’baan 1417 (January 1, 1997) Queresh awoke the next morning in the darkness. The blinds had been pulled. Nausea and a headache captured him. He felt for another body but found only tangled sheets and a cold pillow. He reached down to his loins which burned with soreness. And then he remembered what had happened. He saw images: his wife below him. Was she screaming? Her arms fought like nervous tentacles. He felt a burning on his face. Scratches still bled. He ran his...

1 year ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 9 Panorama

The shell of calm I'd learned to wrap myself in while on the ledge served me well when I got back home the following afternoon. Or perhaps it was the shell of exhaustion my parents had managed to build for themselves with almost two days at home without concern for 'my young and tender ears' as Dad referred to them. That was usually said in context of a bit of blue language following a stubbed toe or banged knee, but I understood the upside of my absence for my parents, and I was happy to...

1 year ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 22 Homecoming

We were wheels up from Warren Field by 12:15 pm. While the sweet King Air could have done this trip in one hop, the length of the trip across the entire United States would have been hard on Grandpa, so we decided on a layover at Dallas-Fort Worth. Cyrus was with us, and he had an uncle in the area, so he invited us out to dinner with him and we all accepted. We landed at Dallas-Fort Worth at 5:30 pm. We had a driver and Van waiting, courtesy of Cyrus' uncle. We checked into one of the...

1 year ago
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My Way or the HighwayChapter 4

Alex was giving it hell on Branden's cock while masturbating Doogan so hard that the kid could barely keep his balance. At least Branden had a head-hold to help support his wavering hips as the cock monger extended little mercy feeding his manic infatuation, undoubtedly supercharged by the Ecstasy high. Rising to my feet, I looked Jordie in the eye and placed my hands on his shoulders. Applying only the slightest pressure, the message became clear and he pulled away from me and began...

2 years ago
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Refugees IChapter 2 A Settled Life

August 7, 1991 With focused diligence, Jomo attacked the weeds growing in his garden with his hoe. They had provided him with the best hoe he had ever owned. The blade was made of a good hard metal, and the handle was straight and smooth and strong. With care, it would last him a lifetime. Hoeing was hard work, made harder by having to do it in nearly intolerable heat, despite it being early in the morning. To avoid the deadly hot sun of midday, he only worked in the garden early in the...

2 years ago
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BreederChapter 5 Friendly Neighborhood Relations

Rick walked down the hall from shower to the kitchen. He felt really good. This is quite amazing considering all he'd been through in the last 36 hours. Not only had he found out that he is part of an alien plan to populate the earth with a sort of master race. He'd not only found out that his mother, Laura, and sister, Janet, were part of the experiment but he'd spent hours fucking both of them. Plus he was literally given the girl he lusted over for 10 years in the form of Tracy, the...

2 months ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 15

Both Sue and Cindy were totally hot and sexy looking in their advanced states of expectant motherhood. Neither of them was really sure which had gotten knocked up first -- in fact, it might have been the very same day that Chuck knocked up his daughter-in-law Cindy and that Tim had gotten his own mother Sue with child. It didn't matter and the doctor who was seeing them both estimated their "due dates" as virtually the same day. It didn't matter because both Cindy and Sue felt "very...

3 months ago
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KinksChapter 9

Sandra turned up a little after eleven Thursday morning. I had spent much of Wednesday just tidying and sorting things away and hiding my huge pile of knickers. Mrs Clarke had never gone into any of my cupboards or drawers, and while I didn’t think Sandra would, I still wanted them hidden just in case. In the end, a couple of bin bags in one of the cupboards in Mum’s room seemed just perfect. Over the next couple of weeks I would sort them all out onto various shelves and drawers in my...

1 year ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 4

“Yes, yes, that’s a very nice skirt, babe. You’re gonna break hearts and make cocks throb with that,” Heather assured Madeira as we all selected the skirts and she got a chance to try them on at last. The look on my new lovers’ faces as Madeira picked her clothes was truly priceless, both of them on the proverbial Cloud Nine as Madeira changed repeatedly. It was eventually finished, but I could tell that the women milked it for all that they could, not just so that Madeira could play dress...

4 months ago
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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 7

I was a little worried about Harper, but Hannah wasn’t. “She’s fine. It just got too intense for her,” she said. “I don’t know,” I said. We were still resting up from our endeavors on the bed in the studio. As odd as it sounds, that was the first time I felt a little self-conscious about being naked in the house. I know that’s crazy, but when I was posing the first time I kept telling myself that it was just for art and not a big deal. The second time I was with Hannah and we had an...

5 months ago
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SpiralsChapter 22

January dissolved into February. The school seemed to have finally accepted that Liv and I were a couple and that we would do something a little outrageous from time to time. It was fun. It was exciting. And it showed me a completely different side of sex. With my other girlfriends things were all about romance and affection. Liv enjoyed that side as much as any of the others, but she also showed me that a woman can enjoy sex just for the pure fun of it. It was Monday morning, and Liv had...

3 months ago
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RachmaninovChapter 14

Algoa Bay, Union of South Africa Clara was thinking. “Always a dangerous thing, Antonin would say,” she mused. And she’d reply, “Never hurt Winnie the Pooh.” She mentally sighed. Would she ever see him again? The men from the Easy Tyme, were jury-rigging a ramp to get the contents of the wooden crates to the mostly submerged rock-bar. The contents were heavy: one a lead-lined crate, filled of course with the fissile material and another with some explosives, to make the fissile material...

6 months ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 4 Gone FishingmdashWith for Bait

THERE’S AN OLD ADAGE in detective work: follow the money. Riley’s question about where the money goes got me thinking, and it kept gnawing at me all night. In that odd way that the mind works, I found myself in a very hot dream with an unidentified model-quality date. But at every “important” point in the dream, my date would vanish and a sign would pop up that said “please deposit fifty cents more.” Most of the dream was occupied with trying to get fifty cents to deposit. When I woke up, it...

1 year ago
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The ConventionChapter 4

After the weekend encounter, Phred decided to buy her a thank you gift: a gold chain. It came in a small black box. It was big enough to hold a small card, and on it he wrote; "Thanks for a wonderful time again last weekend! Hugs P--." Tuesday morning, he tucked this into his pocket and left for work. When he arrived, he purposely went past her workstation, made sure no one was looking and placed it discreetly on the desk. He then went about his business. Deana arrived at her desk,...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 42

I crawl into bed and feel my whole body go limp. I hear the door in the kitchen and hear Nick in the kitchen putting my keys on the counter. I hear him walking down the hallway. His steps are quiet and soft. He comes into the room and sees that I am awake. "Hey, you look tired. Everything okay?" "Yeah." I say. Nick strips down to his boxers, smiles softly at me, and slides into bed next to me. I wrap my arms around him. "Do you trust me?" I ask. "Yes I trust you. Why do you ask?" "I...

2 years ago
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St Pauli Girl This is not a story about German beerChapter 5

Marcy was having second thoughts as the Mercedes taxi moved slowly through Hamburg's late night traffic. Did I really send my husband to find a German prostitute to tell me about her life? Would he just interview one or would he sample one? Yet, for some reason she knew that she was more than enough for him. There had never been any doubt that he had been ecstatically satisfied every time they made love. She also knew that he wanted, desperately wanted, for her to be wilder in public and...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 2

Mom works for Dad at the car lot in the mornings from 9:00 to 12:00 each day, six days a week. Sherry and I always sleep until Mom wakes us for school. I woke up at 9:30 on Saturday and thought I had overslept ... then I realized school was out for the summer and I was off all weekend. Mom had left a note for us, saying she’d be back to get Sherry so they could go shopping. She told me to have a good time and be sure to use protection tonight ... Dang, my own Mom telling me to use a condom,...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 149

It was almost noon when the interview finished. Veronica was pleased with herself when she affixed her name and her agent ID number to the contract. Betsy Hamilton's move had been a foregone conclusion, so much so that Celina had prepared the contract and it was predated. It simply needed Katey's signature and that of a witness. This fresh signing meant something to Veronica. Five Friends had sought her out. They had called her out of the blue, explained what they were doing and asked her...

10 months ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 12 Jimmys Delightful Dream

"What did she say, Julie? What did she do when she saw the pictures... the video?" The two friends were in a booth in a coffee shop away from the usual hangout and Sherry leaned close to find out about last night. Julie whispered the details, downplaying her own love for Don and perhaps exaggerating her sister's reluctance to the ménage a trios while her friend listened and giggled at all the right moments. "But what about you. Sherry? When are you going to let your Dad see you...

1 month ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 510

???????????????? Reltney McFee, many thanks for this one! Three brothers inherited a mining claim and decided that their fortune would be found making it a working mine. One was a smooth talker, and he was assigned assembling the appropriate workforce, including engineers. The second was bright and had a keen eye for detail, and so was assigned the task of assembling the required permits, licenses, easements, and marketing the mine’s output. The third was, well, had a speech impediment as well as...

1 year ago
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 6 Shipment

The boat with the girl from Crete came in just after sunset. As the guys in Iraklion had said she was worth waiting for, Freddie felt. At least with only her on board, there wasn't any problem with getting her unloaded while the archaeologists were around. They had finished up at the site once the light started to go, so the boat coming in just after dusk had been OK. Freddie had been looking forward to this one arriving. She made up the set. There were six of them now. An afro-carribean...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 165

Rebecca took Katya's place beside Adam when the Russian wandered off to talk to someone else. "Relieved or disappointed?" she asked. It was obvious that Adam was the last to know something again. "Confused," he admitted. "I, uh... , well... , I didn't actually realize that was under consideration." "I'm not sure it was but it's best we got it out of the way," Rebecca said with a laugh. "Now we can just drag them to the bedrooms without worrying about someone getting the wrong...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 6

Julie sat looking at Bobby after Barbara and Sammy left his hospital room. He looked so peaceful lying there. She thought back to the call she'd gotten from Van Daddock about Bobby, before they'd met. He'd told her that Bobby was a dumb jock baseball player with an air headed girl friend in high school that Van wanted to fuck. He told her that Bobby would be easy to seduce for some fun sex for her, which would set his girl friend up for Van. Van promised to make it worth her while with...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 20

Since this was the first use of TCIA against an agency, there was going to be a learning curve and I had no time to learn. Isaac was escorted off of the White House grounds and carried to clean out his office by the US Marshal. The President, Troy and the other directors left quickly, not giving me a chance to ask questions. Hanging on to the cliff by my finger nails came to mind. Senators Harrison and Whitby both stayed and when the door closed Senator Harrison spoke, “Since you’re not a...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 27

It was 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, before Barbara and Bobby finally got home from the wedding rehearsal dinner. Barbara went straight to bed. The expectant mother wanted to get plenty of rest over the last two nights leading up to the wedding on Monday. Bobby spent some time watching TV and channel surfing. He felt restless, almost anxious for some reason. He eventually realized what was bothering him: he was worrying about Julie. If nothing else, he needed to let her know he still wanted to be...

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Fifth PlaceChapter 11

In addition to being very good at reading people, Karen was an excellent therapist. No, she didn't act as my therapist for anything in our relationship. That might have been unethical and certainly would have been a bad idea. But she did help me with my understanding of revenge. The thought of carrying out some fiendish, painful revenge on the two live sperm donors was very satisfying as was the thought of making Betty pay. "Suppose you could humiliate her thoroughly. Imagine a party...

4 months ago
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Fifth PlaceChapter 13

Cooperation between Betty and I continued without a hitch. Each time I saw her, I could see a sadness in her eyes and it gave me a little satisfaction. It also gave me a little dissatisfaction with myself that I could enjoy her suffering. But each time a strength and determination to recover from her self-made unhappiness also showed in her. It gave me a little satisfaction that I was happy to see her on the path to recovery. It also gave me a little dissatisfaction that I could have any...

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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolSunday

Su .1 When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Brandon's sleeping face. So I woke up with a smile. It was a face I'd seen forever, a face I knew practically by heart... But sometimes I don't think I see him. I just recognize that, oh, yeah, over there, that's Brandon, and then instead of actually seeing him there's just this blur, which is labeled, Brandon, kind of like a video game or something—and then I can see his emotions on his face, in his neck and shoulders and hands, but...

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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 13

Sally’s mother drove her car into the driveway of her house. She was an attractive blond with a pert disposition. She was outgoing to the point of being perky. It was well known that she made it her business to know everyone in the neighborhood. Some neighbors were better than others, but there were a few who didn’t really make an effort to be part of the community. She glanced over at the Cage house, thinking that they weren’t really part of the community, but it wasn’t for lack of trying....

10 months ago
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Summer VacationChapter 4

When I got home, there was hell to pay. Mom was standing in the living room, and I knew I was in trouble. "Sit down, Son," she said quietly. "We need to talk." I sat down, not knowing what to expect. "Tommy, are you and Tammy having sex?" "Yeah, Mom, we are." She produced the condom box from my nightstand. "And where did these come from?" "Tammy's mom got them, and gave them to me." "Well, at least she's being responsible about it. Have you talked to your father about...

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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 10 Lessons

It was late, so Julie suggested that Anjolie share a taxi with her back to the Uni. They travelled in silence. Julie had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Anjolie still had her memory stick, still with her, in her handbag, and she was holding it close, as she had all evening. When Anjolie inevitably discovered Cassie's survey data, Anjolie would know that the cured women had been cheating. That was bad. They could use the same techniques in India, and Julie was sure that the...

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 11 Over And In Last Call For Sin

"Come in for dinner," Marissa told me, with a look that begged me to join her. "My parents want to meet you. I haven't told them what happened to us though! They know there was a shooting at school, but Earth First and the principal aren't letting anyone know the details. If they meet you, it would really help them accept the concubine thing." Lieutenant Jones looked at me through the rear view mirror. I had not taken a big beating, but the Earth First thugs were not gentle either. I...

9 months ago
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Love and Lust Sibling ComplicationsEpilogue

Things were better than ever at my house, and I couldn't be happier. Ever since Elisa and I had expressed our love for each other, we spent almost every single minute together. During the night, one of us would sneak into the other's room and we would make sweet love in the darkness, and during the day, we would kiss for hours on end. But not only had my relationship with my youngest sister improved, but my relationship with the twins had improved as well. For as long as I could remember,...

2 years ago
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The No Strings ChallengePart 14 An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor

A few days after I returned to California, Alix got pissed at me. In my write-up of my four day weekend, I got a little carried away. My opening line was "I just spent the weekend with the three greatest cocksuckers in the world." I then called Stefani, Tabby, and Darcy the oral equivalent of the three tenors and described all fourteen of my oral deliveries in fine detail with ecstatic accounts of Stefani's perfect fit, Tabby's private strip show, Darcy's slow tease coupled with her...

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VacationChapter 59

Day Fifty-nine - Wednesday There was a nipple in my mouth, but it wasn't a great big, long, nipple like I was used to, hmmmm. Something warm and moist was clutching my wiener, making it feel very good. I did what a guy is supposed to do in a case like this; I sucked the nipple and thrust my dick deep into the moist receptacle. That elicited a sexy groan and a pussy that clutched harder. Two hands pulled my face from the nipple and pulled me up to be face to face, mouth to mouth, lips to...

10 months ago
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Nazi Joy CampChapter 6

By the end of the first week in the Kamp East Ruth felt that she had broken every rule that had been laid down to her and even a few that they had never thought of. She had been amazed by Hans' return to her cabin. He had slipped in late that same night and presented her with a bag of food coupons. He had laughed at her concern. "They got stacks of them in a store room. I helped myself to some. You need them, I think," he said, then looked longingly at the bed where Elizabeth lay. "I...

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KlutzChapter 10

It took a little while to get everyone settled down and get all the explanations made. The four of them were sitting outside the 5th wheel. The lawn chairs were the only things saved from Susan's home. The lawn chairs and the BBQ grill that is. Susan didn't want to think about it and wasn't sure if she ever wanted to see the grill again. Bill and Susan were drinking the last two surviving beers from the case Bill had arrived with. The girls had cokes accompanied with squeals of surprise...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 25

Sue and Cindy had both thoroughly enjoyed fucking their sons Ryan and Bob for the very first time. They had also both enjoyed the erotic setting of doing it there in the same room so the two young men could feel some companionship of fucking their mothers with someone else there in the room doing the same thing. Now it was time for the two adult women to take their plans for their sons to the next step. They'd both planned to take their sons' sexual "cherry" and now they would swap...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 109 Insurance

The next morning, I found a very subdued Aedan sitting by the fire, dark bags under his eyes testifying that he hadn’t slept well. No one else was around, though it wasn’t that early by our normal standards, and I wondered if the sour expression on his face had scared everyone off. I sat down beside my brother and took his hand, resting my head on his shoulder as I picked at cold jerky I had fished out of my pack. We didn’t speak; I handed Aedan and Alistair some of the jerky, and we ate...

1 year ago
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First LoveChapter 47

"Jen!" exclaimed Karen. "Hi, how are you?" she asked, surprised to see her. Jen smiled, leaning over to give Ryan's mother a hug as she sat in the chair. "Fine," she told her. "Wish I could say the same, but... " Karen told her with a sad smile. "He'll be okay," Jen said positively. "We're praying," Karen told her. "Where's Robby?" she asked Ryan. "He's at home. He'll be okay," he answered. "Where's Dad?" "He's getting coffee for us." "Oh." Ryan sat down...

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GuerillaChapter 2 Ill Met by Torchlight

Rear Admiral Bob Blake welcomed his guest, "Dr. Singh, thank you for taking the time to visit us here. How was your trip from Azahar?" "It is my great pleasure to be here, Admiral, though I must confess that the trip was somewhat tedious. At least it allowed my team to get caught up on documenting our recent experiments. I am only too happy to present our suggestions for your fascinating problems in person." "I'm all ears, Doctor." "You gave us two problems, sir. Firstly the...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 17 Rocky Road to Belfast

July, 1989 My real birthday is only two days away, I thought as I watched the gulls flying over the Irish Sea from the back of the ferry. I was heading back to Belfast, alone. Eoin and Ambrose tried locking me in my room, but that only worked for a couple of days. Last night, after everyone was asleep, I opened my bedroom window and used the rope I wove out of curtains and sheets to lower my bag down to the ground before sliding down myself. I slipped by the roving guards, stationary...

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Captain GoldChapter 14 Rebuild

Rand was half awake, half dreaming. With the surface of his mind, he could hear Berniss using her console to talk to her repair crews, discussing which part of Skryben they would re grow next, and just how they would go about it. She looked better, younger, now that they weren't jumping every half hour or so. Even short jumps took their toll, if they were too close together. The lighter gravity aboard Skryben probably had something to do with it, too. They had all been tired, worn down...

8 months ago
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XSFGCChapter 27 Missing Pieces

Hampton Coliseum Hampton Virginia Paul David was walking to his car in the massive parking lot adjacent to the Coliseum glad to be away from his client. As an executive insurance representative, Paul's clientele were large venues like the Coliseum. Like all clients, some could be quite enjoyable and some could be like the Coliseum's Mr. Goldfield, a real prick and anal to boot. After a day of meetings with the pricks of the world, Paul wanted nothing more than to get home and sip his malt...

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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 2

Upon reflection, I realized that we did not need to hide anything from Ooru. His mind-speak contact would tell him that I was being truthful when I explained why we could not eat any of his food nor share any of our food with the locals. I did warn him that they should not panic when our fighters arrived, and they were full of curiosity when I called them in. There were 72 members of the clan present in the village, and I led them, a few at a time, on a tour of the fighters. The adults were...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 36 Espionage

Saturday, July 6th, 1996, Sanford Maine I finished setting up our two tents next to each other, as far away from where the others had set theirs as I could. I made it so that our entrance flaps faced each other and were only about three feet apart, I figured that would make it easier to slip back and forth at night when it was pitch black outside. Now, if only I’d thought to have brought some gags, the girls had a tendency to get loud when we made love. Oh well, I guess they’d just have to...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 84 Beauchamp

The daring attempt to rob the count was the topic of conversation throughout Paris for the next fortnight. The dying man had signed a deposition declaring Benedetto to be the assassin. The police had orders to make the strictest search for the murderer. Caderousse's knife, dark lantern, bunch of keys, and clothing, excepting the waistcoat, which could not be found, were deposited at the registry; the corpse was conveyed to the morgue. The count told every one that this adventure had happened...

3 months ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 6 Number 9 and 11

I'm writing this sixth chapter with some reluctance, because it involves myself. Earlier I have told that I lived in number 11, but as you shall see I couldn't very well write the story about number 9 without involving myself, and to tell you the truth, I'm not too proud of my part in that story. In number 9 lived the younger of our two vicars with his wife. He was a tall, skinny and somber man, and from official records I knew him to be 46 years old. His wife was 8 years younger, and to...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 88 The Insult

At the banker's door Beauchamp stopped Morcerf. "Listen," said he; "just now I told you it was of M. de Monte Cristo you must demand an explanation." "Yes; and we are going to his house." "Reflect, Morcerf, one moment before you go." "On what shall I reflect?" "On the importance of the step you are taking." "Is it more serious than going to M. Danglars?" "Yes; M. Danglars is a money-lover, and those who love money, you know, think too much of what they risk to be easily...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 89 A Nocturnal Interview

Monte Cristo waited, according to his usual custom, until Duprez had sung his famous "Suivez-moi;" then he rose and went out. Morrel took leave of him at the door, renewing his promise to be with him the next morning at seven o'clock, and to bring Emmanuel. Then he stepped into his coupe, calm and smiling, and was at home in five minutes. No one who knew the count could mistake his expression when, on entering, he said, "Ali, bring me my pistols with the ivory cross." Ali brought the...

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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 9

Two moons had passed since Two Bears had been welcomed into the village of Jakko and Elenst. As he had promised, Konil had worked hard to secure permission for Two Bears to learn the metal making secrets of the village. There had been three separate votes taken among the village elders. At first Konil had only received permission to show the processes where the iron was pounded into different shapes in order to form tools and jewelry. It was correctly believed that the working of the metal...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 1 News Hound

The Tribune sat behind the desk in the office he was borrowing at this Earthside CAP testing centre. His eyes were happily taking in the astonishing sight sitting across from him. A petite blond with B cup breasts, shining blue eyes and a winning smile, the vision wore a fairly conservative two-piece business suit – at least by Swarm Era standards. The creme-coloured blouse's buttons did not go all the way up to the neck, but ended just below the xiphoid process. This made her lack of...

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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 14

"Mom, how long does a Brazilian wax take?" "A what??!!" "A Brazilian Wax," I repeated more loudly. I'd been talking to my bellybutton, so maybe she hadn't heard me right. We had slept together last night, but not well, and been up early so we had time for me to do some serious prep work for being NiS again and still get to Peggy's and then to school in plenty of time. It was going to be a long day. "Depends. Could take half an hour. Why on earth do you want to know?" She came to...

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Recent ModelChapter 4

I had finished what student registration still needed to be done, and got the timetables for my various major, as well as elective classes; plus a roster and information of where to find the ROTC. Over the next several days, I threw myself into school work. Life wasn't so bad after all. Until of course, Rachel phoned on Friday evening. I ended up promising that I would come home next weekend, as long as there was no ROTC obligation, only some homework; at least that was what I hoped. It...

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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 13 A Dream Come True

Janet’s breasts were heaving as she took Danny’s huge cock in her mouth and began to work the living daylights out of it. People around were starting to cheer wildly but neither Janet nor Danny could hear them ... even when Becky called out... “YOU GO GIRL!” Danny could feel things coming to a head in his loins when Janet stopped. She took her mouth off his penis them pulled him down to the ground. “I’ve been longing to do this ever since you knocked me over and stared at my pussy” she...

6 months ago
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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 14 A New Nude Girlfriend

They lay there exhausted for some time. Technically BSC frowns upon open sexual intercourse but the crowd of naked girls that surrounded the two on the ground were very sympathetic to what they had witnessed. No one was going to report anything to anyone. Soon Danny and Janet were being helped to their feet and into the shower. Becky was there helping them both to get cleaned up. She had great pleasure in helping Janet strip Danny of all his clothes and get him under the water with some nice...

7 months ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 23 Growth and Evolution

I had called Dave at lunch and invited him to our bacchanalia. He explained that he was still with ‘an overnight date’, and asked whether he could bring her. I explained the possible issues to him and he promised he’d consider all of them and even discuss them with his weekend date before showing up. Dave and a cute young woman named Katherine Yates showed up an hour later just as some of us finished lunch and recharging our batteries. A few others were already done. I answered the front...

2 years ago
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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 7 I Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

The fire quiesced most of the sponsor action at the school. The Earth First sympathizers were back to their old ways. They knew better than to try a physical confrontation with Stephen and Pranay willing to throw down, but the sympathizers had a lot to say out loud. A few met my eyes in the hallways, challenging me to make a move on them. The mayor and police captain were shoving a bullshit story down the media's throat--a high CAP individual, who had been turned down by one of the girls...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 14

It took weeks to get over the bleeding. The surgeons found and fixed the problems – there were three sites all bleeding at various rates – and kept me sedated while my body knitted itself back together. Since they had me under anyway, the doctors brought in a team of facial reconstruction experts, and fixed my damaged face. Between the two sets of surgery I found out later that I was under for over twelve hours. I regained consciousness three days later, which got me past a lot of the...

10 months ago
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ButleredChapter 12

There were some blank looks, but one boy suddenly looked scared. I looked at him and said, “Yes, I have trained with the Gurkhas. Their tradition is never to draw your kukri without blooding it before putting it back. Consider yourselves lucky. Now, gentlemen, I have matters to attend to, so I bid you good day.” I turned and walked away from them, but listening carefully for the sound of a knife being readied to throw. I heard a hint of that, so I turned swiftly and said, “If you throw a...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 28

"My family, I have an announcement of great importance. It will affect every one of you. You must listen and learn. I have communed with the gods and I am going to be sent on a great journey. I will be going back to where I came from. I will be taking some of you with me. We will stay there less than one moon and then return. I believe those of you who stay, won't notice we were gone. We are going to travel through time. We will go to the future, where I came from, and then return. We will...

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Sauce for the GanderChapter 2 I Won

Monday, September 18, 2028... I’m not a heavy drinker, but I do enjoy sipping a single small glass of Bourbon on the Rocks in the evening; sometimes I’ll add some Ginger Ale. Saturday night I had polished off the last of my bottle of Ancient Age, and I had forgotten to replace it when I was out Sunday. I was on my way home from work when I decided to stop at my usual liquor store, and buy another bottle. It was just a normal purchase, but I did notice the projected size of the Power Ball...

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I Was My Sisters Sex SlaveChapter 13

Sue agreed, so I was satisfied, but I hoped that they would not pull these stunts on me again. Women—SHEESH! On Monday morning, between my first and second combo sessions, I calmly walked into the pool area. I almost choked pushing back laughter as a few girls tried to cover themselves when they spotted me. I wasn’t even hard at the moment, so I couldn’t help wondering what had them so excited. I walked to one end of the pool, nodding to the women I passed, and dove into the water. I swam...

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Her Week At Mountain MansionChapter 6

In the two days that followed, Cherie kept mainly to herself when her secretarial skills were not in demand in the conference room. She took long walks in the afternoon by herself when Herb allowed her the time off. But on her afternoon walk on Saturday, the day before the junket was due to end, Diablo followed her into the woods, treading along beside her faithfully. Faithfully, that was until he began to sniff at the nubile aroma coming from between her legs and then he became quite...