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Ill See You in My DreamsChapter 3

Cyrus's secret was out, and it was a relief. The girls knew he had dreamed of pawing and poking and almost starting to rape them, over and over again. That was shameful and embarrassing. But they'd accepted it as natural for a boy, albeit without enthusiasm. He smiled. They'd also accepted his dream cock, straight and hard and deep. It was easier to be around them now. With Melanie, it looked like it hadn't just been some accident or trick when she'd asked him over. She really seemed...

5 months ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 24

By Friday after school, the butterflies in my stomach were in full flight. I knew I shouldn’t be nervous. It was just Sam. It was just a dance. Mom and I sat in the living room while I put the dark blue polish on my fingernails. Mom helped me get it on my toenails without smearing. I couldn’t keep the stupid grin off my face. “I was curious,” Mom started. She seemed a little nervous and that made me nervous. “Do any of the kids at school have a problem with you and Sam being a couple?” “Dan...

1 year ago
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MagicianChapter 58

As a group we went around the corner into the corridor where the prison guards had Mage Clara pinned and restrained. Also in the corridor was the beheaded corpse of Johannes Trithemius who appeared to have not gone onto the next life without a tremendous struggle, admittedly to no avail. Despite being heavily shackled as well as what appeared to be sedated by the guard medical Mage judging by the syringe lying next to her, Clara was still struggling as well as swearing vilely at all of us...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 25

“Wake up,” Sam murmured next to my ear. “I smell bacon.” I stretched and rolled in her arms. While I could also smell the bacon, it was the lingering scent of our night together that had me humming as we kissed good morning. I’d lost count of how many times Sam made me cum. Between her mouth, fingers, and my new favorite toy, my body ached in ways I’d never felt before. I wasn’t sore exactly, just well-used and completely sated. When we broke our kiss, Sam grinned at me. “If you keep that...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 25 Pour Some Sugar on Me

NMDHS Locker Room, Parkhill, Ontario 8:22pm, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Oh, my sweet Lord,” I whispered to myself after drying off from my shower. I just couldn’t resist opening the little pack that Ms. Dillon gave me out on the court. While I knew the main item in this package, the address and instructions almost floored me. It read, ‘Ms. Candara’s apartment is 1903, at One-London Place, Queens Street. This is the tall, new luxury building just east of downtown. Park in the visitor’s...

3 months ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 9

"Join us for a hot tub, it would help you relax after your drive. Michael and I will join you in a minute, OK?" The girls went to their respective rooms, like it was 10 years ago again. Karol came up to me and said, "Your daughters are lovely, Michael. I picked up a bit of jealousy from Ruthie, but Mika seems really to be OK with all of this." "Jealously, really ... Karol, what makes you say that?" "When you said, 'the one on the left is Ruthie, ' I picked up an immediate...

1 month ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 2

That night after I masturbated for what felt like a dozen times I finally could stop thinking about what I had seen at Hayden’s house. I hadn’t masturbated that much since before Tumblr banned all their porn. I kept picturing those chubby asses and the girls standing there waiting for all those black guys. They didn’t even seem to know all their names and yet they gave them sex all at once. I used to think of girls as the gatekeepers. They are the ones that have to hide away titties and...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 26 Hatchet

Richard snarled in anger as he stood up, shaking his hand he looked at the woman. "I'm going to rip your head off," he said as he charged the woman. Jerri dodged the man's clumsy attack and grasped his wounded hand. Turning she slammed him into the wall where he bounced off. Moving quickly, Richard jumped on the woman and grasped her in a bear hug. "Got you now bitch," he growled out. Laughing, Jerri replied, "You think so? Do your worst." Suddenly she screamed out in agony and...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 71

Three days later I attended a Council meeting with Morgana as she explained the offer that had been made by Merlin to retrieve his journeyman. “Whilst I believe thirteen female Mages is a good exchange rate which, along with the release of Mage Hermes from his torment, makes economic sense, I’m not happy that he appears to be capable of getting away with what was, to all intents, torture, murder and rape at so little personal cost,” Mage Cixi stated after Morgana made her case. “This is why...

2 years ago
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That Barbie Doll

When you work in advertising the whole name of the game is ideas, and the execution of those ideas. I had become a major partner in our agency by my sheer execution of ideas for our best customers. I was thought of as the hot shot by the controlling partner, but the name of the game in advertising is diversity. I had my own “idea guys and gals”, but I knew the Shiners, the controlling partners in Shiner & Shiner, were always trolling other agency’s for creative minds. When they added Dave...

1 year ago
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MagicianChapter 84

Mages don’t believe in dreams, in a similar way that they do not believe in crystal therapy, tantric sex, auras, or the myriad of other ways mundanes use to distract themselves or make money from the gullible. Nor do we do religion, although we’re very much aware of Angels and Demons and they tell us there is a God and that he has a plan. It’s just that belief in God requires faith. We actually know. So different rules apply to us, though what those rules are the Angels aren’t saying. We’re...

4 months ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 43

The sun streaming in the east-facing window finally awakened Jack Martin at seven-thirty. He was startled when he saw the time; normally he was up at five o’clock. Then his memory of the previous night came back in a flood. Looking down, he realized that Samantha’s cheek was resting on his chest, and her arm was laying over it. Then he remembered what one of the men had said the previous evening: how he would awaken with her golden hair spilling over his chest while the fragrance of her...

9 months ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 9

Scott and Carlton had discussed the role of the Gnat and decided that the raw specifications were not enough. To gain a better insight, a duel between a later model HAC in the anti missile role and the Gnat would probably give a baseline. Having more time in HAC command, Scott would take the HAC and representing the newbies, Carlton, the Gnat. This command structure would best represent the actual initial condition at the introduction of the Gnat. They quickly set up two simulators and...

4 months ago
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Tempus FrangitChapter 4 Capitulus IV

Sylvia and Rose bounced into the bungalow – or whatever you like to call it – just after five o'clock, as if they had not a care in the world. The two grinning Neanderthals they called 'Win' and 'Mol' followed them. Two guys Douglas and I took to referring to -- between ourselves -- as 'arsehole' and 'asshole'. Hey, I never would have imagined that the difference between American English and the real thing, would come in so handy. Anyway Douglas's temper got the better of him and...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 7

Cory could not stop the feeling of dread engulfing him, as he was taking out the items from the hidden safe in the wall, as indicated by his master. He had seen some of them before; others, he could only guess what they were for. His knowledge on inflicting pain while striving to chase elusive pleasure was marginal, at best. Xavier hadn’t seemed so bent on playing rough, except for his usual domineering and arrogant attitude that made the man feel like he was entitled to everything and...

2 years ago
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A True TaleChapter 12

The security detail arrived for the diplomat and was waiting for him to depart. Anyone taking close notice of the detail would recognize the similarity this group had to that of a band of bandits know to be in the area. There were 9 mounted on horses; 3 dark elves armed with long bows and twin short-swords, 2 half-elves armed with X-bows and long-swords, 3 humans armed with lance & shield also a broad-swords, the last was an ogre armed with a bastard sword and obviously the leader, there...

1 year ago
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Cheer Raider Sabre PantherEpisode 10

[Opening Theme: “Violet Skies” by In This Moment] “Quickie on Base! Uncle Sam Wants Us!” Matt and Jennifer rode quietly to Artemis Base in the back of one of the Humvees. Jennifer had her helmet off and held it in her lap. The soldiers had brought in a flatbed truck to haul Panther away from the school, it was now following just behind them. When they arrived, a soldier led them into one of the temporary support buildings that made up the camp. He...

4 months ago
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A Good ServantChapter 11

A single ray of light broke the unnatural darkness of the room. “Our society is in danger,” a deep voice resonated, as the quill relentlessly scratched the paper. “Why?” the second voice inquired. “It’s creeping in, this flimsy ... emotion,” the first one to talk answered. The last word was spoken as if it was foreign, unused in normal conversation. “I don’t understand. We gave them everything. They are conditioned to be content.” “Maybe this is where we were wrong. Contentment is not...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 3 Union school

The best day in my life was when I turned seven and I could go to Union school being away from the Burg and away from my father was like breathing lighter air. Everyone had to go to Union school. That was Union Law and it superseded local law. Union school was such a long part of our society that it too became an Old Tradition and therefore was good. At school I learned that Nilfeheim was a Water-World and that we all originally came from a Planet named Earth and settled here long time...

4 months ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 18

Kevin Colby, my boss, actually fronted me the geld to get me into the cheapest apartment in Phoenix: the Cantwell, room 202, $350 a month including basic utilities. I finally had running water and a bed not made of concrete and smelling of gasoline or oil. I was livin’ the dream! Well, dream might be a slight exaggeration. I was driving again. Well, driving is prominent on my work resume. I was kind of out of shape, but loading my truck every day was kinda fixing that. One good thing about...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 60

Within an hour the remainder of the people from Prendwick arrived at the palace. Although they had left much later, they had flown in a direct line down over Germany, and didn’t have any problems getting from the airport into the city, either. Finishing lunch, there was a phone call reporting that a large church delegation headed by the Pope himself had arrived at the palace to review plans for the coronation. “Oops!” Karla exclaimed. “Here’s trouble ... maybe.” Then she said, “Susie, I need...

5 months ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 36 Finding a place to live

When we got back to Miss Lori's inn, I made sure that Chandra had plenty of water. I had her sit, and made her stretch. While she was doing that, I begged some ice from the kitchen and I rubbed her leg down before I carried her to her room. I wrapped the ice in a towel. "Keep the ice on your leg and flex it occasionally. If it gets uncomfortable, remove it and flex it. I want you to stay off of the leg until morning. Understood?" She nodded tiredly. "Good, I'll see you in the...

7 months ago
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The Magic WandChapter 15

He’d barely gotten his whole dream mapped out for Mindy when the door crashed open and Jerry Parker and Susie Beltone rushed in. Neither Bobby nor Mindy knew, at that point, that Mr. Nelson had informed their parents that, if they missed more than two days of a scheduled detention, that an additional week of detention would be “awarded.” If they missed any of that scheduled detention, then suspension would be automatic. Both missing students were seniors. If they were suspended, neither Jerry...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 24

Nobody was saying a thing. Waiting was the pits, Cory thought, as he eyed the door for the umpteenth time with troubled eyes. Were they really prepared for what was going to come through that door, should Edgar get caught? He could not tell, and he didn’t need to check on his partners in justifiable crime, to know that they were thinking the same thing, maybe not worrying as much, but dealing with their own thoughts in their own ways. Xavier sat on a chair, his eyes set on the door, too,...

1 year ago
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Rebas TranceChapter 6

The next evening... “Wait, why am I strapped to this table?” Eugene asked as he noticed that his body hair was gone ... and felt something else was missing. His cock ... it was gone now, too, and the wound had been cauterized. But why? He looked at Jake, who smiled wickedly at him as he dangled the man’s own dick in front of his face. What the hell was going on here? Eugene really panicked now, despite the lack of pain, as his prick had been cut off in his sleep. “Don’t worry, Gene. We’re...

3 months ago
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SOSChapter 12

Janus 2.0 The drone had just shoved me into the Pod. I looked around for the release to the hatch, and the warning light for launch started flashing. I quickly strapped myself in as I felt the acceleration and I was lifted out of my seat as the pod started falling. Holding onto the harness, I tried to reach the console of the pod to contact the ship before I hit the atmosphere. It was too far, I couldn't reach it, I felt for the first time what must be anger. I had no idea what Janus was...

6 months ago
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 28

January 26th, 2007, Thursday Thad He hadn’t been expecting a dinner invitation from Madam Gao, much less one to dine at the Waterbar with its stunning view of the Golden Gate Bridge. When he and Kjirsten arrived, he was surprised to see Dayna Spyderchylde seated beside Madam Gao. “No talk of business until after dinner,” Madam Gao proclaimed. That suited Thad perfectly and so their meal was uninterrupted by serious matters. With after-dinner coffee, Thad admired the view of the bridge...

1 year ago
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Office WorkloadChapter 2

Characters introduced in this chapter: The author(me): A 27-year-old single male who just got a new job after a few months finding for one Miss Jenna: She is the interviewer in the previous chapter and also the General manager of human resources in the company. Miss Huo Ren: She is the receptionist of the office Mrs. Madison: She is the registered nurse working on the nurse bay in the office Mrs. Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of HR...

8 months ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 10

The following day we began to hear rumours. They were odd at first, not making a lot of sense. It soon became apparent that many people on board were blaming Islamist terrorists and fundamentalists for the attack at Balmoral and the murder of the Royal Family. This, so the rumours suggested, was in revenge for either the Israeli attack on Mecca, or the fact that the Middle East was barred from being collected. Some were blaming the Jews as well, and a few times when we were in the refectory...

8 months ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 11

I awoke with a start, the last residual emotions of the dream leaching out of me. I felt disgusted with my body each time the dreams happened, but I knew more, now. I knew the monster’s voice, as well as a bit of what he looked like. Still, to see him help murder his father while I watched through his own eyes was unsettling. The feelings of superiority, glee and even arousal were disgusting, and I felt tainted by them. I looked over and saw that Lillian was still resting, so I went and got...

2 years ago
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Out of ReachChapter 05

The funeral service is in the large chapel of the funeral parlour which is beside the cemetery. The parlour staff are surprised to find it’s standing room only, so the media are asked to leave to make room for more family and friends. The owners are a bit concerned because they can tell the number of mourners in the chapel exceeds the approved capacity level but no one wants to make anyone leave, other than the media people. The front row is taken up with family; the Cables, the Watsons, and...

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Office WorkloadChapter 8

Characters introduced in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Setting for the current chapter: Mrs Patel House: House where Mr and Mrs Patel lived. Its a double storey terrace house Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone The music did what it was supposed to do. I was hard as a rock by...

2 months ago
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The Walk of LifeChapter 2 What the future held

Once inside, I locked the door and took a deep breath. Hopefully that would put an end to that, but somehow I doubted it. I took my time cleaning up and getting showered before unlocking the main door and heading out the sliding door on the other side, which was rarely used and straight up to my room. A knock came at my door shortly after entering. I opened it to find Meagan, still in her nightgown. She pushed me back in my room and walked in behind me. She closed the door behind her. “What...

8 months ago
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GND 30Chapter 26

The next couple of weeks turned out to be rather more eventful than I was expecting. Oh, they started off with our relationship continuing to build steadily, but then we took quite the sudden jump forward. I’ll get on to that in a moment. Saturday, Mel was working camera with Judy on a ‘normal’ commercial TV advertising shoot – Judy is fully aware that her income from making porn is at the whim of the studios and their fickle money men, so she takes most any kind of film-making commission,...

1 year ago
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Summer CampEpisode 29 Daddy Help

That evening, after lights out, the girls of cabin 7 continued to talk about the disaster. Finally, Heather couldn't take it anymore. With a brusque shove, she pushed open her bedding and jumped to the floor. "It's unfair... ! I'm going to call Dad..." Making sure she was 'properly attired' in shorts and tee shirt (she didn't want to get into any more trouble than she would be for roaming after hours), she snuck out the cabin and headed for the pay-phone at the admin building. Five...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 16 The Truth will out

I woke up a couple hours later to the abrupt buzz of the dryer finishing, finding myself on my side with my right arm underneath Caitlin. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, but my left arm was around her, and up her shirt which was hiked up, and my left hand was on her breast massaging it. Her left hand however was down between her legs, not fingering herself, but actually softly jerking off my cock. She was moaning lightly. “Maybe I should wake him. He might get mad if I were to start...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 59

While the others had been planning, Sir Henry, after supplying the Staff with the details of the escort, turned immediately to organising signatures of the escorts which he then rapidly transmitted to the other 119 vessels. The MC captains had been on the planning net and had their own planning under way as the master was being drawn up. They took the planned tracks onto their 'puters and moved immediately McCock approved. Still in cosmic they positioned themselves about the supply train...

2 years ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 8A

Des It was several years later. Del and I still lived in our cave and Del had not changed one beautiful inch, but I had. I was now 18 and had my full height, or at least I hope so, and was the same as my father and the strength to match, though I took on more of my mother's looks. It had been over two years from the last trouble we had with the bully from Del's childhood by the name of Ilnirastvalysh. He had shown up hunting for Del and I, but found only me while I was hunting in the woods...

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Bridge WorkChapter 2

"Catch," she said and tossed the six pack at the dim figure sprawled below her. A thin drizzle fell outside the shelter of the bridge. Cars passing overhead made splashing slithery echoey sounds. She pulled off her raincoat, her sweater, her t-shirt, and bra. She dropped her jeans and panties and sat on the sleeping bag, the thin mattress did little to soften the cement. She bent forward and took off her running shoes and socks and slid her pants the rest of the way over her knees and shins...

2 years ago
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A Pound of FleshChapter 2

The next day, Nicky went to work as I had instructed him and officially resigned, giving them two weeks' notice (that way, if something happened to me, he'd still have good references). His supervisor was nice enough to count the day before to his credit despite him being ill and using it as a personal day, and he also permitted Nicky to use up some vacation time that he had accrued before coming back for the final week. This meant that Nicky would have some time to get his stuff moved out...

1 year ago
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A Pound of FleshChapter 10

“So, you wish to sell your soul as well, both of you?” Satan turned to Chelsea and Monica now. “We love ... Dave ... and Nicky ... far too much to spend eternity without them,” Chelsea asserted for her part. “I don’t care if Nicky is a boy, girl, futa, whatever ... Nicky is my soulmate. When Nicky’s soul goes, so does mine. Forever. Even if it did mean torment, I would be there to suffer it at Nicky’s side. Same is true with Dave, he is beloved ... he is papi, too ... though Nicky is my...

5 months ago
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My Fairy TaleChapter 8

We picked up a few items we needed at home, and went home. I told the girls about how we had elected government at my home and how it worked. They were mostly just glad that the town accepted what we did and was not going to imprison me. We worked to catch up on what I had missed during my recuperation, although they would not let me work overly hard. We took a little ride around the community during the next week to tell everyone about the meeting to decide about the new judge and police...

2 months ago
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Carree Loves Billy AwakeningChapter 4

"Our relationship is supposed to be based on honesty and you were not honest with me if you had all that bottled up. I swear to God, it's like the nuns put me in a soundproof room and announced to the world that I had a vocation and anyone who said anything to ruin it would be stricken from the earth. I even asked my mother about it, and she said, 'don't be silly; no one thought you were going to be a nun. My cousin Clarice took you on a retreat once when you were 12, when she was a...

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Who Chooses the ChosenChapter 5

Picking his way carefully through the gravel along the ridge of the hill, Harper had a quick look around him over the undulating countryside covered with patches of woodland, trying hard not to look back at the swamp behind him. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary he turned around to see the rest of his Fist stark against the skyline as they followed him. Taking a bearing from the sun again he tried to work out the best route over the next hill to the river. The plan was to...

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Country BoysChapter 20

Pepper swung the horseshoe back and forth until satisfied with the smoothness of his swing. He let loose, and watched the horseshoe fall four feet short of the post. Pitching more than two and a half pounds forty feet made it a little difficult to judge just how much energy to put into a throw. Sometimes a horseshoe would just land flat and lie there. Other times it would bounce a couple of times before coming to a stop. Sometimes it would cartwheel past the post. He shook his head and said,...

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Nina Was Her NameChapter 2

The solution to our problem of not enough drivers was both simple and complicated. All of the wagons carried what was known as a “towing bar.” This could be used to replace the bar at the front of the wagon where the draft animals were attached, and the front of one wagon could be hooked to the rear of another. Thus, two wagons could be hooked in tandem, and only one driver was required for two wagons. In extreme situations, even more wagons could be hooked up this way, but the practical...

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Stone of the PhalanxChapter 3

"Phalanx? Phalanx? Wake up Phalanx. No time to sleep, now" "Wha... What? Where am I?" "There you are. I was afraid something had happened to you." "What was that Phalanx stuff? How long have I been unconscious?" "You were unconscious for about 15 minutes. Now that the 3 Stones have been combined, the Phalanx has formed. Once I join with you, you will be the embodiment of the Phalanx." "15 minutes? I have to find my sister!" Frederic jumped up and ran in the house, tearing...

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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 27

The next morning, the plot thickened all right, but not as expected. Melville surprised us yet again. Shortly after the second vehicle change to bring Dr. Rourke to meet Sara and Donna, Melville's patience must have run out because what happened next shocked all of us. Three cargo vans converged on the vehicle carrying two of Jerome's operatives and Dr. Rourke. Without warning, the bad guys jumped from the vans and opened fire, using automatic weapons. Surprise and overwhelming force...

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Wife on FilmChapter 4

"This is great!" Rex said, obviously overjoyed at both the immediate visual pleasure and the untold manipulative potential that May's tape had. "I just knew you'd like it, honey," May cooed, loving Rex's affectionate approval. They were lying on the big round bed, naked and sweating from a recent session of love-making, lounging comfortably in front of the big television screen. Rex had had a video tape of himself and May running while they were fucking and May had popped in her...

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The Companys Greatest AssetChapter 4

Cassie is drinking and flirting with the men who have sat with them at the jazz bar when Leon tells her, "Go put this money in the juke box and choose a couple of slow songs. I want you to dance for the men in this room." The guys sitting with them all agree loudly and she picks a couple of slow sexy songs. The room all watches her every move as the music starts and she begins to slow dance with herself. In her fishnet body stocking she looks to be some kind of 3 dimensional porn movie...

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Marie HedleyChapter 3

Jean said later that Herb Brown had not been able to take his eyes off her while they were in his house. She thought he was interested in her. Jean said Kim was wrong, Herb was not a nerd he was a shy, but nice man. She said she thought he was kind of handsome in a homely sort of way. I told Jean a guy could not be handsome and homely both. Jean said that Herb was. Kim said that any guy would be interested in her if she gave him several long looks down the neck of her blouse. Kim said that...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 25 A Better Kiss

Monday was a really good day. My mom took the morning off from work again, and I took the morning off from school, and we went to the doctor's office to have all my stitches taken out. After examining my various healing wounds, the doctor pronounced me as progressing nicely, and he removed almost all restrictions from activities. He did caution me that my ribs would still need a lot of time, and he told me not to go into the weight room and stress my arm for a couple more weeks. On the other...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 11 Sucker Punched

Three. That’s how many people had visited his blog that week. After three months of promoting it, his website, he’d had three visitors. Well, three visitors were better than none. One of the visitors had clicked on the link to an ad for low cost cell phone services. Dexter stared at his website wondering what he could do to increase traffic to it. He knew the site lacked that essential something that would draw people. The problem was that he didn’t know what was missing. The website was...

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Ed BiggersChapter 15

It was hard to believe that three months had passed since his return to Arizona. Over the course of that time, he had taken the kids rock hunting, watched stars through the telescope, and taught the kids how to ride a pony. Now his time with them was coming to an end as they were going to return to the college in a few short hours. Kelly sat up in the bed and looked down at him, seeing that he was awake. Her hand wandered down his body towards his cock. He smiled when her hand reached it and...

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With Strength and SteelChapter 12

"Holy hell," I said softly under my breath as I turned the Sedan onto the two-mile long driveway, my keen eyes surveying the miniature castle nestled between huge manicured gardens and an overflowing lot of cars. The dwelling, I refused to call it a house, was almost obscene. A boxy construction of dark stone and gold-painted woodwork that only looked good on old Victorian mansions, with bright light flooding from it's multiple huge windows that looked out onto foliage and statuary not...

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LegaciesChapter 3 Football game goes viral secret revealed

The good Doctor had early on last night shut down the land lines and all of our cell phones, except for the visiting general, in response to the overload of calls from the media trying to reach me or get a quote from the family. Voice mails exceeded the capacity of the phones so all were deleted. The General had gone out early and bought copies of all available newspapers. The sole theme in the headlines was, "INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS AND THE ASSASSINS FOOTBALL TEAM SUFFERED MAYHEM ON THE...

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Stupid BoyChapter 5 Comeback Kid

I woke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt the presence of a warm female body in my bed. I felt a wave of pure bliss and I nestled my dick against her panty clad ass. In my sleep, my right hand found a handful of tit. I felt a hard nipple pushing through fabric into my palm. This was almost better than waking up to a blow job. Sleep started to leave my brain when I became aware I had no idea who was in my bed. To my surprise, it was Tami. She had apparently...

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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 5

Symphony was too tired that night to do more than eat and go to bed. She had no trouble explaining to her mom and dad why she was late because, upon returning home, she found them in the living room fucking madly. Symphony watched as her father worked his long prick in and out of her mom's cunt for a moment, then she went off to bed. The next morning Symphony was awakened by her father, who wore nothing but a bathrobe. Beneath the covers she wore only her black silk panties. "Wake up,"...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 11

Ron couldn't believe that he hadn't killed the twit. He had been after him for two weeks but he was never alone. Barbara was his girl. He had killed Michael because of his nasty rape of Barbara. He should have been given a medal! Why she hadn't told the authorities puzzled him but he loved her so she must have had a good reason. That Ken guy had been a previous boyfriend. He had somehow hypnotized her. Ron had recognized that right away. She wasn't happy but she stayed near him anyway. It...

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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 2

“Welcome to the Magic Kingdom!” Linda cheerfully announced, I supposed for our amusement. She then joined the four newcomers to give them their first introduction to her former magical realm. Other than the smog-free sky and clean healthy air, at first not much seemed to have changed in our trip between worlds, but within moments things just started to feel different, and better. I was indeed back home once more! The gently smoldering teleportation circle we found ourselves within was in a...

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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 5

Finally, after I came inside Mara, I told Dad, “Go ahead and cum now.” Naturally, he came instantly, and then I ordered Agent Frostbite to, “Release him at once. He’s been restrained for a crime that he didn’t commit long enough.” The agent then uncuffed Dad, who felt his wrists, at which point I told them both bluntly, “Okay, no half-measures anymore. I now claim the whole bodies of everyone here. I also claim the whole bodies of everyone who has set foot in this house today. That should...

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Salamander 2Chapter 21

Tuesday, 4th of December, 2035 (Mandy) I woke up the next day feeling pretty good. A quick check revealed that all the bruising was now faded to nothing and I had none of the soreness I'd had the previous day. I seemed to be all healed up. Sleeping lots, and getting a large quantity of food down me, must have given my regenerative abilities what they needed to repair my body. I leapt out of bed and began to get ready. Gwen came in from her room getting up herself, "Hey you should be in...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 5 The long journey comes to a close

“What was that?” Alyssa gasped. “We’re picking up an emergency distress beacon” John replied over the din of the klaxon. He pushed a button reducing the volume to a much more subdued level. John looked at the monitor for more information. “It looks like it’s a freighter experiencing engine trouble. They need a tow or spare parts.” “Are we going to help them?” Alyssa asked, excited at this unexpected turn of events. “It could be a trap” John frowned. “They might be genuine though!” Alyssa...

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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 15

"Move your ass, whore," a voice from above me shouted into my face. Slowly I became conscious, fighting to open my eyes. My eye lids felt as if they were made of lead and my body seemed to be floating although I was lying on a cold, hard surface. There was a bright light just above my head but the room was dark and noisy. I could hear a lot of voices, laughter, loud music from a distance and the clinking of glasses all around me. My body was being rocked back and forth and I had a slight...

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Trails WestChapter 8

“Two Trails To Mexico” Rita Osorio Anderson and her Papa, Earl Wayne Anderson, own Rita’s Cantina and Cafe. Rita has a light complexion, with reddish-blonde hair. The dark-eyed beauty of Mexican and White parents, loves to flirt. When her Papa and her Momma split up, she chose to live with her Papa, after he told her he’d build her a cantina on the border if she’d stay. She’s the reason the cantina is filled with men from both sides of the border. There are a few young women from Mexico...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 30 Farewell Gail

Friday Week 11 It was early morning before both woke up. Dave remembered what had happened last night and his determination to make love to Gail in a way that ensured that she got the maximum enjoyment. "Good morning beautiful one, are you alright?" he asked solicitously, his conscience feeling bad. "A bit sore, but very happy, after all I'm lying next to you" was all she said. He pulled her to him affectionately, kissing her gently, but then passionately. He caressed her body...

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Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIPrologue

As weddings settings go, it could not have been much prettier. The small church was made of grey stone, its steeple nearly obscured by the falling snow. The tiny parking lot was filled to capacity with the excess vehicles overflowing in both directions down the adjoining road. As was the custom of this parish, the walkways were lined with luminaries, small paper bags, the sides of each one carefully cut out to form a design of a dove or a cross or other holiday symbol, and then filled with a...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 12 Interlude

Allison was waiting for me in the glade. "So, how was your evening with Shannon?" "Allison, a gentleman does not kiss and tell," I chided her. "Right! Don't make me hurt you. It's up to you though. Either you can tell me, or I can stop helping you with her. What do you think, benevolent assistance or flying on a wing and a prayer? You might as well tell me anyway. You know she is going to and then it will be too late to get your side of the story in." "Okay, okay. I was just...

6 months ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 20

As we made our way along the corridor, we kept an eye out for any shops or stalls that claimed to be enchanters. We had stopped in a few that we found but felt that they were terribly overpriced for what they were offering. We planned to visit the other shops, then stop by the one that had provided services to us the last time we were here, so that we had a basis for proper comparison. We came across a shop as we started towards Arvin’s shop and figured that we would stop in. We entered the...

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A Wifes Submissive JourneyChapter 2

Susan had a few days to reflect. She thought about her young neighbor and how Nadine appeared strong and overpowering. Sue could practically feel the young woman standing in front of her and staring into her bewildered eyes. A shiver went up her back when Sue recalled how easily Nadine seduced and gained complete control over her. She remembered Nadine's parting remarks after the sexual episode the other night. The young woman ordered Sue to refer to her as Mistress when they were alone or...

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Jasons TaleChapter 22 North Isle

As part of the signal system I had to assign pennant numbers to all the ships. It was either that or spell out “Pirate’s Gift” every time I wanted that ship to do something. Pennant numbers were easier. Shark would be number one. I probably wouldn’t be sending any messages about my own ship, but what if I moved to another ship? What if King Tom wanted Shark somewhere and sent a signal? Shark needed a pennant number, too. I gave Wrong Place, Thunder, and Sword numbers two, three, and four,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e7 Josie Bolton 26 tattoo freak

ADD MORE PLAY WITH THE TONGUE PIERCING Series 9, Episode 7: Josie Bolton (26), from Peterhead We fade in on a desolate, baron coastline ... Wind and rain whips over rocks and tufts of grass, above a deserted beach ... Rain spatters against the camera lens and wind whistles over our microphones. There is no-one for as far as the eye can see. We pan away from the beach and look inland at a small carpark, picnic tables, and public toilet block. It’s hard to imagine who would drive out here...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Sturm Und Drang

The day of the Loyal Address in Birmingham dawned bright, and the cloudless sky promised a warm, English spring morning. I heard birdsong as I rode along the towpath from Britannia towards the canal basin at Gas Street. However, as I approached the basin the odour of the canal and its surroundings intensified while the bird song slackened. Eventually there was no sound of birds, and I held a cloth to my nose to avoid choking on the stench. Foundries, textile mills, tanneries, and all manner...

1 year ago
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“Can we sing for a while please?” this tough little girl asked me. “Anything specific my dear?” “That song from the movie ONCE?” “Which one?” I asked. “If You Want Me,” she answered sitting alongside me. I moved the songbook over so she could see it better and flipped it open to number 55... ISABEL Are you really here or am I dreaming I can’t tell dreams from truth for it’s been so long since I have seen you I can hardly remember your face anymore When I get real lonely and the...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Death in Cloisters

There is a particular ambience about an ancient place of worship, and the interior of Tewkesbury Abbey was no different. An amalgamation of incense, mildew, dust and sanctity, melded into a pervading atmosphere of divinity. Truman and I spoke in hushed tones. “We will determine if Captain Hutton is up in the tower. He came here to place a sentry on the roof. Perhaps he and... , “ I sought for the name of the missing trooper, and Truman delivered. “Titmus, Colonel. Frederick Titmus.” “Yes,...

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Preferably DeadChapter 6

We laid out a plan in which I would buy her time for tomorrow night. That would be our excuse for getting together. As soon as the place had pretty well closed down for the night, about 3:00 AM, I would sneak out the window and fetch the wagon I was going to use to haul away Jean and the girls. Meanwhile, Jean would gather the girls in our room and feed them to me one at time through the window. The biggest problem was going to be getting clothes for all of the women, including Jean. It was...

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SylvieChapter 2

What I have come to think of as "Our Big Change" happened a couple of months after Sylvie gave me the present of the pen set. The start of The Big Change came about because our copy machine broke down. I thought since the day of Sylvie's gift there seemed to be a subtle change between the two of us; I felt when she talked to me her voice was a littler softer than it used to be and the difference was especially noticeable when compared to how she spoke to Richard. I noticed she always came...

11 months ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 14 War No matter how good the win is some of Godrsquos Children still die

When breakfast was done, the Taylors went to the lower deck where the 223’s were parked. The side door had just been opened and Bull Dog and the other pilots were in their planes. Sam was standing by the chairs where the shield team would sit. Most of the shield team was standing with Sam watching the 223’s. “Well, I see you didn’t fall overboard.” John shook hands with his assistant. Jenny gave Sam a hug, “At least not more than once.” “No, sir! I see the Marines are still watching your...

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Family SwappersChapter 7

Thelma Cassidy smiled for the photographers and kissed her son affectionately. She was secretly pleased that her daughter- in-law Sylvie was not present for the photographs, even though she had told the family that she was deeply insulted that Sylvie couldn't even get out of bed to see her. "Cassidys don't get sick!" she told Tim, sternly, when he tried to explain his wife's sudden illness to her. "At least not when they're campaigning, they don't!!" she added. Arlene stood nearby...

11 months ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 7 Meeting Kimi

I mumbled mostly to myself, “Well Z, I guess you sleep alone tonight.” I could use some sleep. I headed to my room in the Companion’s Lounge. I opened the door and almost turned on the room light. That petite –might be 150 cm and 40 kilos if that– Chinese lady I saw hugging males at dinner was now sprawled out in bed reading a book. She got up and met me halfway with a hug that made me feel as if she was upset at something. “I’m Kimi. You must be Z. I guess I’m the last to welcome you on...

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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 14

“Girls, stop and think about what you are saying,” Opal Anne chided the wives. “You don’t think your men will trust you and maybe you shouldn’t have switched husbands. With thinking like that why the hell would a man trust you?” “Opal Anne do you really think it’s that simple? To tell you the truth I find things about Mick that I love more than Rory,” Raylene said. “And I find things about Rory that are much more attractive than Mick,” Betty Mae added. “But that doesn’t matter! Don’t you...

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The HealerChapter 41

‘How goes the resource gathering?’ the senior Master asked the collected group of Masters overseeing the operation. ‘We successfully regrew the storage and processing vessels and have now begun to fill them again,’ the head of the group replied. ‘What of their security?’ ‘We are keeping them near our core vessels and using smaller tenders to bring the materials to them. Inefficient but, we believe, effective.’ ‘Yes, the group looking for any observation craft or sensor devices of this...

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Life Under MistressChapter 2

Losing your loving sexy wife to another man would have been bad enough. Losing her to another woman might have been devastating to any male ego, especially if she was acting out some kinky lesbian sex fantasy she had without including me in it. Losing her to some polyamorous kinky mix of sexes, or even to a BDSM sex dungeon would have been bad for our relationship I guess. BUT NEVER, DO YOU HEAR ME, NEVER in my MOST wildest nightmarish fantasies did I ever even imagine that I could lose my...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 3 Monday August 2 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010 Jake kissed Alice chastely at the front door. “I’m glad you’re joining us,” he said. “It’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, not the treatment. That was boring.” “Sorry, they can be that way. But try to get another treatment every day. Also, the sooner you move in the better. Kara manages the household. She can help. For instance, she can hire movers to bring your stuff here. The more time you spend with the rest of us the better.” Alice...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 15

Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks. “Any ideas?” asked...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 56 A Night of Surprises

"What is she talking about?" Shannon asked. "I have no idea." Allison answered. "Okay, Jimmy, you've had your fun, now put the house back together and let's see if we can find out what's going on here." "And you may want to consider putting some clothes on her while you're at it." Shannon added. "One thing at a time," I thought as I pressed Samantha gently away. Despite the tears her face was almost shining with something I had never seen in any of my previous visits. Hope....

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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 16

As the titans of industry, the really harmful ones, also experienced hot, molten gold poured down their throats, I naturally felt that the lesson was much more absorbed. It was hard for too many people to feel too much empathy for these scoundrels, and to the extent that they did so, for any of the scum that I judged, well ... I rid them of it. Empathy was good, lack of empathy bad, but one shouldn’t let it cloud one’s judgment, of course. “That leaves oppressive leaders, according to my...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 79

Jokes for children A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer; bartender says “sorry, we don’t serve food here.” Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse. What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh. What do you call an alligator detective? An investi-gator. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. There are two muffins baking in the oven. One muffin says to the other, “Phew, is it getting hot...

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SleepwalkerChapter 64 Changes

"I know, Mother." Allison said, again. It was going to be a long night no matter what and it was already off to a bad start. Since we had returned home from the hospital Mom and Allison had been arguing about whether or not she should spend the night with me. The idea was that I have someone to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't have any further problems. Mom seemed to think that perhaps Allison had other ideas about sharing my bed. "I'm just saying that you are supposed to be...

4 months ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 13 All Roads Dont Lead To Rome They Lead To Death So Live While You Walk The

"... Well I better be going now, thanks for listening, I don't think I have to mention to watch Liz for me; we may have a mother but as you know Lana, we don't REALLY have a mother. I trust DoubleD to try to care for her and the babies but she's going to need big sisters to guide her through many things to come," her pussy gave a gush and she threw it an annoyed look saying, "I said come not CUM you stupid hole, can't you think of anything else!" Looking back at the screen she said:...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 4 More Medical and Psychological Experiments

When we got to the hospital, we gathered outside before heading in. Ryan was happy to see us, as was Edward, the neurologist. "Glad you could make it, Alex. We've got a lot to get to today. We also have a lot to talk about, but we can do that as we do other things. I've got you scheduled for something fairly soon, but I think we can manage your MRI if we don't waste too much time." "You realize that you will probably want to check the girls as well, since we have different abilities...

10 months ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 24 Alabama

Ashley’s bus pulled up to the Birmingham Convention Center at two o’clock on Saturday afternoon. Ashley, Kyle, Marina, Dave, and everyone else that had been in the Wednesday rehearsal got off the bus. Behind the bus, a two-axle truck also pulled up and stopped. A few minutes later, a dozen ‘roadies’ from the BCC were unloading the truck and carrying the band’s musical instruments into the large arena. Ashley took Dave’s hand and led him into the large theater. She explained, “I’ve sung here...

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Mind the TimeChapter 16

"Might I speak to the Access Commissioner, Gary Zalewski, please?" "Whom shall I say is calling?" "Vee." "Oh, my God ... it's the Princess!" If you want to discombobulate a secretary, there is absolutely nothing like a call from a real live princess. In a weird sort of way, it was cute ... tiresome ... but cute. Naturally, the secretary connected Vee to the commissioner ... she pushed all the right buttons except the one that kept Vee connected to the commissioner's secretary....

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 192

Laura's pain over the thought of Yvette sleeping with both Rhonda and the Director of Offer Management during her husband's absence was very great. But she still had Randi to see nearly every other day, and of course April, who reported directly to her. Anyone would want Randi, and, Laura realized, having slept a few times with April only made her want to do it more. I wonder why her boyfriend, and now Yvette, keep saying she has a big ass, Laura thought, admiring it from behind her desk...

10 months ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 75

My internal alarm clock woke me at five AM. I opened my eyes and saw Tamara asleep next to me. I felt a warm body snuggled up to my back and remembered Susan had been there when we went to bed. I rolled over and sure enough my Jaclyn Smith look-a-like was there. I stretched and pulled the covers off both of us. She stirred as I crawled over her. She rolled into my vacated warm spot and snuggled up to Tamara. I noticed Lena was snuggled up to her mother on the other side. I made my way to...

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Two Naughty MomsChapter 3

The first thing Angela was aware of when she awoke the next morning was her wet, throbbing, juicing pussy. Smiling, the naked mother rolled onto her back beneath the sheets and savored the sensations of her stacked body. She was very sore. Her jaw was sore from sucking her son's cock so hard and her pussy lips were slightly raw from his furious fucking. Even her ass cheeks ached from bouncing so furiously during the throes of fucking. But the feeling of contentment and lust she felt was...

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My Brothers WifeChapter 3

“Woah, what a nice place! Much better than mine!” Moriah exclaimed as she rushed into my arms, just seconds before Lizzie and Reggie arrived, “so, let me see if I get this right. I’m to be your ... wife, right? But you’ll also fuck your brother’s wife here and some old flame of yours? Hell, yeah, sign me up!” “You’re totally cool with an unfaithful husband from the outset ... and with having to service my brother, his wife, my old flame, and her hubby, too?” I stipulated carefully, even as I...