SleepwalkerChapter 64: Changes free porn video

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"I know, Mother." Allison said, again.

It was going to be a long night no matter what and it was already off to a bad start. Since we had returned home from the hospital Mom and Allison had been arguing about whether or not she should spend the night with me. The idea was that I have someone to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't have any further problems. Mom seemed to think that perhaps Allison had other ideas about sharing my bed.

"I'm just saying that you are supposed to be there to keep an eye on him. That's all."

"Mother," there was that word again; "I know that. Geez, I am not some sex starved little nympho just waiting to get his clothes off so I can..."

"Stop!" I said. "Please? Enough already, there is no need or reason for you two to be at each other like this. You're both just upset and taking it out on each other isn't going to help. Mom, I really want Allison with me tonight and I promise we'll be good. I'm a little wrung out from all this and I don't think I'd be up for anything strenuous anyway. Don't look at me like that, Allison! It wasn't meant as a challenge. As far as keeping an eye on me, that's actually going to be pretty easy. When I was out, Allison said I wasn't in her dreams either. So once we get to sleep, I'll head straight for the glade and we'll just stay together all night. If I suddenly disappear or start acting strange, she can wake me up. How does that sound?"

I could see her thinking about it, finally she answered, "Okay, I guess that will be alright. And you're right, it's the stress talking." She turned to Allison. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Forgive me?" She held out her arms and Allison slid in and hugged her.

"I'll forgive you if you forgive me," she said. "You know sometimes it's really irritating that he's always right about this stuff. It's the stress and lack of sleep that's bugging me. Going without sex doesn't help any either."

"Allison!" Mom pushed her back and rolled her eyes.

"Don't you Allison, me. I'm pretty sure I get it from you. I've seen how you get when Dad is sick."

Mom blushed scarlet and argued, "I do not! James, tell your sister she's delusional."

"Uh, sorry Mom, but she's got a point. When Dad had his appendix out it was pretty scary around here. I guess it runs in the family."

"That is simply not true. I can't believe you two."

"We could call Karen and get an un-biased second opinion," Allison offered. Mom started to answer but then apparently thought better of it, which of course Allison just couldn't leave alone. "Ah-ha! Chicken! You know I'm right." She hugged Mom tight again. "I love you, and I know that's as close to a confession as I'm going to get."

"That was not a confession, admission, or anything even remotely like either. I still think you're making this up just to throw me off. But I will grant that you can keep an eye on him and I am sorry for suggesting that you had other ideas. Now, set the table, dinner should be hear any..." the doorbell rang, "... second. Off you go. Allison, you set the table. James, pay the nice man and as an extra treat, I'll do dishes afterward."

Allison and I high fived each other as we headed for our appointed tasks.

"Oh, and Allison."

She turned back to see what Mom wanted. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Paper plates."

Allison just rolled her eyes and bowed low. "Oh yes, your Majesty, thank you, your Majesty." She turned and walked away mumbling just loud enough to be sure everyone heard, "We never use paper plates when it's my night to do dishes."

"What was that dear?" she sounded stern but they were both just playing the game.

"I was just wondering if I should try and find chopsticks for everyone." Allison said sweetly.

Yeah... sure she was.

The evening progressed smoothly from there. Even after sleeping all weekend I was still worn out. I was also very stiff. My muscles seemed unusually tight and I had no idea why. Allison cleared up the mystery when I said something about it.

"Jimmy, you hit Brad so hard you sprained your wrist; you broke two ribs on another guy; you were operating at about two hundred percent and then stopped cold. I'm surprised your whole body doesn't hurt. You probably slept through the worst of it."

"That certainly makes sense." I took a lot of time stretching before bed. Allison helped me with some of the more difficult ones, then we finally headed off to my room to catch up on some long overdue snuggle time. If there could be a more right feeling than her laying her head in that hollow between my chest and shoulder I can't imagine what it might be. We lay together in silence and each pretended to not notice the tears the other cried, though I felt each of hers on my chest and I'm sure she felt mine on her hair.

Once we were past the initial emotional rush there were things we had to discuss. I knew I wanted to talk to Bob about what had happened. The question was whether to bring it up in front of Rebecca. Don't get me wrong, I like Rebecca, and I trust her, but lately I just felt like the less people knew the better.

"I don't see how you're going to get around telling her," Allison finally said. "You trashed three guys bigger than you and she knows about. She's going to want to know how."

"Yeah, so do I, but I don't want her to know that what happened was basically me losing control and almost killing someone. That I really don't want to have to explain."

"Well I don't see how you're going to be able to get around it. You know she's going to want to see, at least I assume you're planning to do the whole 'instant replay' memory thing so we can see what happened before you start pumping Bob for answers. You were planning to let Shannon and I stay for that part, right?"

"Of course, don't be silly. You most of all because I need to know why what happened happened."

She looked at me for a second. "You're really nervous about this aren't you?"

"Sis, I'm scared to death of this. You don't understand what..."

She held her hand up to stop me. "You don't either, that's why we're seeing Bob. I know you're upset; no one likes losing control. Jimmy, I do understand what you're saying. I think I understand what you're feeling. I know you trust Rebecca, so do I, and I don't see how you can not let her see this. In fact, it might be better if she does see it, and hears whatever Bob has to offer by way of suggestion. If we exclude her there will be this huge question hanging in the air. I don't know if you've noticed, but FBI agents and unanswered questions are a bad combination."

I had to agree with her on that. Still, I just didn't like the idea of having this known by any more people than necessary. I was still anxious about it, but fortunately Allison is really good with stress relief. The rest of my anxiety vanished when I woke up in the elevator and found an envelope taped to the inside of the door. I opened it and found a note which said,

She needs to know.


It was written in the same flowing script as the previous note. I can't say for sure where it came from but I chalked it up to my own subconscious sending me messages again. Waking in the elevator was unexpected in itself. Normally if I already have a destination in mind I just wake up there with no need to "go." I dropped the note before the doors opened and it evaporated before it hit the floor.

I stepped into the glade and for a change I actually noticed that my ring was missing. Allison was there waiting for me and as soon as I touched her both rings faded in.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here," she said as she stroked my chest with her hand. "I guess it never occurred to Mom that if I wanted to have my way with you we could do it here just as easily. And I would love to make love to you right now, but there is someone who needs you more. Either bring Shannon here or take us all to the cabana, and brace yourself, she's really going to be a mess. I got to stay with you at the hospital, but she had to just sit at home and endure. She couldn't even talk to anyone or tell them why she was upset. So it's all been bottled up inside and that's never a good thing."

I closed my eyes and thought of Shannon and I knew she was crying. Behind my eyes I could see her sitting alone; staring out the window at a dark, cloudy sky, her dream reflected her mood and raindrops fell against the windows as tears fell upon her face. Something inside me wept for her and the sky over the glade filled with clouds.

"Hey," Allison said, bringing her hand up to gently cup my face, "don't do that," she said. "Shannon needs you to be strong and healthy and looking like nothing in the world is wrong or she will panic. She's hurting right now, not knowing what's happening, or even if you're okay. Be strong for her. We can all cry later, but right now she needs you whole." She kissed me softly on the cheek. "Okay?"

I didn't answer but as fast as it had come, the sad mood was gone, and the sun shined clear and bright again. I stood and pulled her to her feet and suddenly we were standing on the beach in our swimsuits. I held her hand and turned away from the water. A window appeared in the air and through it we could see Shannon sitting alone in a chair staring out at us. She was wearing the nightgown that I had gotten her for Christmas and playing idly with her Valentine's necklace. Her eyes were red and puffy and you could see the shiny trails where teardrops had dampened her cheeks.

We could see her eyes as she realized that the scene in the window had changed and then she was moving, rushing the wall as if it were a doorway, she passed through the makeshift portal like a ghost and practically bowled me over when she hit. Dream strength alone kept me on my feet as I caught and held her, my arms closing around her and I hugging her as hard as I dared, pressing her body against mine like I would pull her inside of me.

Through the sobbing she managed to speak, "You're here; oh you're here, thank you God. I prayed and prayed that you would be okay. That you would come back to me... Oh, Jimmy, I've been so worried."

All I could do was stroke her hair and hold her and try not to cry too much myself. I finally let go and pulled back just far enough to kiss her. Our mingled tears only sweetened the taste as our lips met and our tongues danced with joy at being together again. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but that kiss held volumes for both of us. Allison finally put her arms around us both and we took turns kissing her as well. I'm not sure when it happened but somewhere in there we moved onto the big bed and just cuddled together for a long time.

All good things come to an end though and this was no exception. There was much that still needed doing and as much as I wanted to just lay there and hold my two angels I was two days behind in my appointed work. I left the girls lying on the bed in each other's arms and walked outside. Hey, it was a nice try anyway. I had barely closed the door when it opened again.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Allison asked in a very irritated voice.

"I was just stepping outside to call Bob and Rebecca and set up a meeting. What's the big deal?"

"You're forgetting that you promised Mom we would stay together all night. That means everywhere. Or I'll wake up and go get her right now. For that matter, I don't even need to wake up, I can just call her."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. You think I wanted to leave? I was in the middle, remember? I liked it there. But this is more important."

"Yes, it is," Shannon said, "so are we staying out here, going back inside, or maybe moving to the office? Make the call; let's get going, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get back to some serious snuggling." She hugged me hard and continued, "And just so you know, I have plans for you next time we're alone."

Allison didn't say anything, just nodded her agreement. I flipped my phone open and dialed Rebecca and Bob simultaneously. One touch conference calling; now there's a dream for you.

The answer came in stereo, "Jimmy!"

"Yeah, I'm back. We need to talk, beach or office?"

Bob said beach; Rebecca said office.

"You letch; you just want to see me in my bikini. This is business."

"When did you buy a bikini?"

I interrupted, "Okay, office it is. Pick a door, we'll meet you there."

I closed the phone and led the girls over to the changing tent. I held the flap open and we all walked into the elevator. The doors closed behind me and the car started up. It stopped at the next floor and Bob stepped in, the doors closed and reopened again almost immediately and Rebecca was waiting for us just outside the office door.

"Wow, I never get here first. It's kind of nice for a change. So what the hell happened?"

"Rebecca," Bob chided her, "the polite thing to do would be to let us all go in and sit down before you begin your interrogation."

She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Fine, but can we get to it." She held the door as we filed in. Since I was likely to be the center of attention for a while I took the chair. Bob and Rebecca took the love seat and the girls, the couch.

"So, Jimmy," Bob began, "before we get started let me just say, and I'm sure that I speak for everyone, when I say that we are all very glad that you are okay. Both Rebecca and I were very concerned when Allison called. Now, I'm guessing something new has occurred?"

"You could say that. I almost killed Brad Russell Friday night. If Allison hadn't shown up when she did, I think I might have."

Bob was obviously shaken by this news; the look on Rebecca's face was even more shocked if that was possible. "You're serious?" she asked.

Bob waived her off and looked at Allison, "Allison?"

"I couldn't say anything before but yes, when I saw him standing over Brad, saw him start to shift into a new stance, the thought that went through my head was, 'Oh, my God, he'll kill him.' Bob, it was the scariest moment of my life. I screamed and he turned to look at me, and his face..." she shuddered, "... then he just sort of... wilted is the only word that I can think of. He didn't fall, or collapse. It was like watching a puppet with his strings cut."

Bob had been watching her face very intently and hanging on every word. "What about his face?"

"Well, it was like... like it wasn't him... I mean it was his face, but it was like there was no one there inside. It's like... okay, have you ever seen those full life scenes they do for the museums of like, cave men and early Indian tribes and stuff?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"Well it was like one of those. Just for a second. You know how the whole scene just looks so real that you think it may spring to life at any moment. Then you see their eyes and you know that no matter how real the scene looks that they're not. You can see the emotion on their faces, but their eyes are just empty."

"And Jimmy's eyes looked empty?"

"Yes. But just for a second, then it was like suddenly he recognized me and then he just sort of... wilted."

"That's not the half of it," I said.

"What do you mean?" Bob asked.

"It wasn't me that beat those guys up. I mean it was, but it wasn't." They were all looking as confused as I felt. "Okay, here. Give me second." I closed my eyes and concentrated on the events of Friday night.

I figured I was ready when Shannon suddenly whispered, "Whoa!"

I opened my eyes and I was standing in the parking lot, closing the trunk of the car. Just as before the first blow hit just as I turned, fortunately I didn't have to feel it again. Everything went forward as before, then, just as Brad pulled his arm back, the scene shifted.

"Stop!" Bob said. I froze the image.

"Whoa!" again, this time from Allison. "What just happened?"

"My question exactly," Bob said. I couldn't see him but I knew he was still sitting in the same spot. "What just happened, Jimmy?"

"I have no idea. Suddenly I felt like I was fifteen feet in the air and watching the whole thing."

"Like you were suddenly in observer mode?" he offered.

Realization dawned; I snapped my fingers and said, "Yes! Like that, but this was still different. Watch..." I let the scene play out and talked over it. "My body is reacting to what I am seeing, but I'm not controlling it. I'm just observing. Bob, Rebecca, I've never taken a martial arts class in my life. It's about to change again... there." I stopped the action when my perspective suddenly jumped back into a first person view. "Here my perspective has moved back to first person, but look at it... It's like I'm looking backwards through a telescope or binoculars or something... this is going to be messy."

The focus zoomed on me grabbing Brad's outstretched arm and breaking it. Shannon and Bob cringed physically, I know, weird that I would sense that when I couldn't actually see them. Allison just said, "Ugh! That is so gross."

Then, just like before, things seemed to slow down and I saw my focus narrow until I was concentrating on the place where Brad's neck disappeared into his skull.

"Oh... my... God," Shannon said.

"Shit." That last was from Bob.

Allison's scream sounded right on cue from somewhere off to the side and my view spun until I could see her running across the parking lot. Then everything faded.

I closed the scene down and it vanished like switching off a television set. We all sat for a moment and then Allison got up, climbed into my lap and hugged me. Shannon was right behind her, kneeling on the floor and wrapping her arms around both of us. I really wasn't sure what the sudden display of affection and support were for. Shannon pulled back and climbed up to sit next to me on the suddenly larger chair. Well, actually it was more a love seat now. Allison took the hint and the love seat was suddenly a sofa and she was sitting next to me.

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New Changes

I spend another quiet weekend alone in my apartment. This was almost a normal thing for me which I really didn't mind because it gave the time to dress in my stash of lingerie and other woman's clothes. I mean I loved my wife and all but she was often out of town on business. For as long as I can remember I had a hidden stash of women's clothes. I was a closet crossdresser. I had never really went out while dressed with the exception of Halloween, but those nights were the exception...

4 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 23 Changes

When Kathy was eighteen, I was able to present her with a medallion and a ring. Kathy is an Earth mage like me. One night about a week before her birthday, I’d been playing around with my jewellery as we were coming back from a mission. I’d been trying a new mixture and had smelted some simple looking medallions that looked like a 3cm by 4cm rectangle with the tips of the corners cut off. Kathy had been learning how to engrave, so I was planning on giving her a heap of medallions to play...

3 years ago
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The Book of Changes

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagarism of this work. THE BOOK OF CHANGES By Wyrdey As the team went off to prepare for the game, Mark Haradon suddenly remembered that he had left his boots in his locker. Shouting for his best friend Sam to wait for him, he turned and hurried back. Coach would be annoyed that they were late, but he could keep - being the star players had its advantages. Mark ran through the corridors towards his...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 7 Ebony Changes

Chapter 7: Ebony ChangesEbony made her way through the West sector of the Island, running an inventory and a check on all the wall jacks and the extension numbers, as Dee Dee had suggested. This was something that hadn't been done in a long time, and the activity helped take Ebony's mind off her thoughts of Barocca. It was the middle of the morning, and just about all the quarters were deserted, as the girls were off at their various duties or assignments. As head of security, Ebony had a...

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Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes I was doing it. I was finally making out with Brittany. I had a crush on her for years, a roller coaster of bad flirting and getting pretty close to closing the deal a couple of times. But here we were. On my bed. Making out. We had been at it for a while, her 5' 4" frame underneath my 6' 2" body, softly moaning as our tongues quietly fought each other. My dick was rock hard, 5 inches of pulsating flesh, excited to be finally holding this little brunette girl....

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Changes Meet James Richardson he works as a laborer in a factory of the Straton corperation. He is well built and very good looking. Little does he know this is the last day he will be an adult or even a man. He is going to work like always. He is seldom if ever late to work. But today it is all going to change, perminatly. His day starts as every day does getting up eating a big breakfast ans then kissing his wife good bye. He then gets in his car and leaves for work. His...

4 years ago
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Family Changes

Family Changes - Part 1 There was a knock at the door that startle Dan from his semi day dream in front of the tv, he got up to see who it was, opening the door there was a tall well built man standing there. The man said, "Hi there I've just moved in and I'm going around saying hi. Can I come in?" Dan didn't remember there being anyone moving recently and was about to tell the guy to beat it, when he felt a sudden calm over take him as the man spoke to him so he said, "Sure come...

3 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 2 Changes

Jack woke up later than he wanted, at almost eight, but all his aches and pains were gone. He felt like he was back to normal; no, better than that. He lit the stove and put coffee on, then went to the out-house to take care of business. That’s when he noticed his cock had changed. When he pulled his shorts down, he discovered that his penis, which had been circumcised when he was an infant, was now whole, and it seemed longer and fatter too. Examining his new foreskin, as he touched himself...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 42 Changes Changes Changes

“Hey, Will, have you got a few minutes to talk? We’ve got a proposal we’d like to talk with you about,” Paul Christie said to me, when we had finished our first sound check for the New Year’s Eve concert in Victoria Park. Paul had established The Party Boys back around 1983 along with Kevin Boritch, and since then it had served as a place for anyone between groups to join and play with. Even some big international names – Joe Walsh, Eric Burden – had played with them. “We hear you guys are...

2 years ago
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Habitual Changes

From the makers of the World Processor, Master PC, and BlueBerry Soothsayer comes the newest advancement in changing your life: the Task Master App! Having issues being the person you want to be? Well, that’s no longer an issue! Just install the app from whatever reputable app store your device uses, and you’ll be given a unique experience tailored to who you are! During installation, the user is scanned for who they are versus the deepest, darkest wishes of who they could be! Those...

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The New StartChapter 34 Changes

The honeymoon for Sonya and her new family was wonderful and when it came to an end, they were all physically exhausted but very happy. On the second evening of their stay Sonya had activated the controls in the bedroom. The bed had started its slow rotation. The walls had come to life with a verity of holographic scenes from soothing scenes of breath taking natural beauty to wall to wall scenes of the sex act being performed in almost every conceivable position, soft soothing and then...

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The Book of Changes

BOOK OF CHANGE BY [email protected] I'd never felt lower in my life. My marriage was officially over. I'd been gone for almost a week on business, and when I returned, the place was clean of everything that could in anyway be construed as "hers". Standing in the empty bedroom, reflecting on our marred union, I thought of Katie, my little girl, and wondered when I'd see her again. Marilyn had warned me, of course, had begged me to attend counseling, but pride was my master...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 24 Everything Changes

April, 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, after a night of passion which had lasted until after 3:00am, Anala and I slept in. I’d called Sensei Jim earlier in the week to let him know that I was going to stop attending for a time. He’d pressed me hard not to stop, but I simply didn’t have the time, at least until the end of the semester. I’d promised to reevaluate the situation at the end of the summer, but I knew what the conclusion would most likely be. Because we slept late, I...

4 years ago
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Private School or School of Changes

Private School or School of Changes by Lysa Myers I had been working part-time at the Lydia Whitson School for about 5 months. During that time I saw approximately 87 children ranging in age from 13 to 18. Most were girls. Some of those evidently weren't. I didn't know. I'm a psychologist, not a detective. My curiosity was aroused after talking to a 15 year old boy late one Friday afternoon. He was having trouble relating to the other boys -- acted slightly effeminate but...

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Test Subject Unusual Changes

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature adults who appreciate certain aspects of life that some might from offensive or simple not entertaining. If you do not enjoy transgender fiction then it's not for you. As the author I give you permission to reprint my story freely, so long as you give me credit for my work. If you are a writer, and feel inspired by certain plot details of this story, then feel free to borrow from it as much as you'd like. I'd love to read what you came...

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Life Changes

Life Changes: First, I need to explain a few things. I have a very beautiful and loving wife. We have had our difficulties over our twelve years of marriage but we both love each other very much. How it begin: For many years, I have had a fascination with diapers, I can recall as early as five or six, I was caught trying to ware my younger sister's diapers and plastic pants. Over the years, the lure came and went in varying intensities. It wasn't until the tail end of my first...

2 years ago
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Mistress Makes Some Changes

MISTRESS MAKES SOME CHANGES by Throne I guess we had both noticed it. My Mistress, Claire, and I had been seeing each other for several months. Our time together was a mixture of dating and domination sessions. In the beginning she had been a bit rough on me but it was gradually taking on a softer tone. After she spanked me, we snuggled and talked sweetly in bed. Or she would make me get naked, so she could admire my hairless body, but instead of punishing me she would just tease...

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ChangesBy NinjaIt was my senior year (High School) and I started dating Tiffany who was a 10th grader with a killer body. At first it was your standard relationship but then it started to evolve.The first step was when I fucked her 4 times one day at my house (my parents were out of town) and got her to put her panties on right away afterwards.We went back to her house for dinner. Her parents of course figured we had maybe kissed and here she is sitting at the table with 4 loads of cum pooling...

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Crystal ClearChapter 3 A New Album a Centerfold an Island and Career Changes

I slept between Crystal and Ellen the night we got back from Minnesota. I think we were sexed out because uncharacteristically no one made any overt gestures to any of the others regarding sex. We were cuddly and happy, and even went to bed early making up for the sleep deprivation we'd suffered when we opted to keep messing around until the wee hours while at Brite's home. I remember wondering what each of the women was thinking or dreaming as I drifted off. Were these moments a calm...

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A Fresh StartChapter 54 Plans and Changes

Lieutenants don’t run batteries, just like lieutenants don’t run companies. Captains do those things. Or at least in peacetime, they do. Things change rapidly when the bullets start flying. If you survive, you can get promoted quickly. During the Napoleonic Wars, the British officer corps had a ghastly toast when drinking, ‘Here’s to bloody wars and sickly seasons!’, since combat and disease were the two guaranteed methods for openings in the chain of command above you! During World War II...

2 years ago
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Changes. By Lady Claire Stafford Mumbai: Awakening. The room had heavy drapes over the windows but the glow from the floor level night-lights enabled me to see the dressing table, some chairs and the very impressive chandelier hanging from the centre of the ceiling. Above the bed head there were lamps on articulated arms. This was a seriously up-market hospital room. My right arm was draped across my tummy, it had the plastic hospital ID around the wrist. The other, with...

1 year ago
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Wifes life changes

Well I write this summery of the events of the past few weeks in chronological order more in amazement and disbelief as the events have changed my simple circular world of stability love and fidelity to one of fear and insecurity. What is more surprising it took days not weeks for this change. No chance to deliberate or come to terms just bin bam and thank you. You see my wife Lisa when we met was an innocent young 18 year old virgin, big in her church, taught at Sunday school etc. Very...

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Life Changes

Life Changes By Me I still lay awake at night wondering what happened that evening. Why would the gods do such a cruel thing to me? I am getting a little ahead of myself let me go back in time and fill you in on what happened. I was a very happily married man. I was married to my college sweetheart Samantha and had two children, Sue was my oldest at 4 and Eric (Named after his father) was 8 months. Samantha was a beautiful woman in my eyes. She was 5' 4" and weighed 125...

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Life Changes

I was in my 48th year when my 44 year old wife of 23 years was informed that she had lung cancer. With the prospect of a long battle for her health ahead of us, I made arrangements with my long time business partner to sell my half of our very successful business and devoted my time to being with my wife and helping her get through this problem. The battle proved to be long and painful. My wife went through chemotherapy, each treatment causing her so much pain she could barely sit up...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 69 Big Changes

March 29, 1992, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I took a shower, and explained to my wives what had happened. Neither of them were surprised that she’d asked me to make love, but they were just as surprised as I was about her having been a virgin. “You’re sure she’s OK?” Jessica asked. “She’s fine. We had a good talk before we got dressed. She chose me because she wanted her first time to be perfect, and I fit the bill. I had almost messed it up for her by the way I acted, but my...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 500 Everything Changes

Where did Trudy go in a hurry? She always sends a text, emails, or tells someone. I got the kids off to school and hit up Trudy to see what was happening. She told me she would talk to me later. Right now, she was incredibly busy. I sent Snowflake into Trudy’s clothes closet to find something to wear to school while I roused Trudy’s overnight guests. They didn’t want to wake up. Being told they wouldn’t get any breakfast if they didn’t hurry got them moving. They didn’t have cars here...

1 year ago
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Our life changes

It all started about 8 years into our marriage. We had recently bought our first home and had 2 young children. I was working shift work and she was temping at different places. I thought all was fine, but it wasn’t… Our life changes It all started about 8 years into our marriage. We had recently bought our first home and had 2 young children. I was working shift work and she was temping at different places. I thought all was fine, but it wasn’t… I began to notice that she was...

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Lockdown Changes

It was lockdown and Hannah was in her bedroom having first checked that Liz, her landlady, had gone out for a walk.Hannah was twenty-three-years-old and almost qualified as a solicitor. She was living away from home because the only job she could get was in a different town and so she rented a room from Liz. Liz was forty-five-years-old and so her mum’s age, and often looked on her as her mum, albeit she was actually her landlady.For years Hannah had fantasised about being spanked. It started...

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Big Changes

Big Changes an original story by CutePatti Jess was getting tired of hearing about all the female problems his sisters or his girlfriend were having. It seemed all they talked about was their sore breasts or their cramps or their bloating. At times he would just tell them to keep their problems to themselves, that he was tired of hearing them bitching and moaning about stuff that couldn't have been as bad as they let on. Usually one of them would tell him he should have...

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Chapter 1: The Beginning There have been many changes in my life. About a year and a half ago I was a 33 yr. old man name Lamar Thomas, Detective from Georgia. I was on vacation in Miami, Florida with my wife and two kids. After checking into our hotel I told my wife and kids that they could go to the beach while I went for a walk. So while I was out I decided to by my family some gifts. Stop at a toy store and bought my boys some water-guns. After leaving the toy store I was looking...

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Life changes

I walked through town that early spring morning trying to find Myself a job to hold me through the summer. The only thing i had found all Day was a stockers opening at a new store on the edge of town. It was owned By a new lady and her daughter that had moved to town only a few months Ago. My only problem was that the store handled only ladies fine lingerie And all types of underclothing. When i got home that afternoon my mom had told me she knew of an Opening but wasn’t sure if i would take...


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