Demonic Nightmare 1
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
While Simon was staring down the army all he had to do for the time being was hold the army back until his allies could join in. The enemies were too far away to hear what they were saying even with Simons heightened senses, Simon could see the shadow moving on the shroud that the rape demon had which to Simon indicated that something was moving. This was when one of the demons with wings flew up in the air to get the height for the momentum to attempt to kill the human in front of them, suddenly, the demon in the air launched towards Simon, with everything the demoness had towards Simon. Midway Simon noticed that it was a female demon due to the presence of boobs this could be due to a female before Simon or an obese male with moobs (male boobs). This made Simon laugh slightly as he raised a hand to the incoming demon though he remained silent even when the demon made contact with Simon talons first. This pressure created a shock wave that created a dust cloud as the entire bridge shook.
‘HA THAT SHOULD KILL THE HUMAN NO ONE HAS EVER SURVIVED THAT… WAIT.’ The enemy sovereign started speaking as the dust started to settle down revealing what had happened.
The demoness was suspended in mid-air by the human which was impossible thought the opposing sovereign.
‘WHAT ARE YOU?’ the opposing sovereign demanded.
‘I’m surprised that you don’t remember me, the one who you sexually abused for 3 years.’ Simon spat back letting his anger out this moment was his moment to unleash the 15 years of anger. As Simon tossed the demoness to one side as didn’t physically move an inch.
The moment when the dust cloud happened from Simon’s point of view
As the demoness ploughed into Simon talons first, Simon quickly brought a demon blade out of his wrist at the moment of impact. This killed the demoness instantly, well the demon part anyway. Simon emptied the demoness out while the dust cloud was covering them. Simon not only took some of her memories which involved utter violence leaving her with the happy memories the ones that humans cherish as Simon striped the demoness of the demon sphere. This meant that the demoness was now human with the memories that would bring her happiness in her remaining life meaning that she wouldn’t need to live with the darkness she did and brought. To keep up the pretence Simon used her own power to create a time bubble around her but he infused that time bubble with the illusion of her demon form hiding the reality of what happened.
Back to reality
Over 100 demons took flight as they wanted Simon dead so they could take over the world and the extinction of the human race. All 100 demons began to fly in a formation that Simon recognised as a V formation from watching RAF aircrafts with his granddad before he passed. However his granddad was around long enough to see Simon’s partner Slamaria although she changed it to something more human so she didn’t create any worry for Simon’s granddad. Simon had also listened to the stories about Ella his mum. Apparently she wasn’t born a demon but full human until one day where she performed CPR on a dying person who passed their essence onto Ella making her a full demon where Slamaria took her in but not before allowing Ella to say her farewell to her father and mother. Slamaria also promised that they would be protected by her and Simon’s granddad recognised the person instantly when Simon brought her around.
This memory brought a tear to Simon’s eyes, funny what you remember in times of war. Simon pushed this thought aside as he focussed on the task at hand, he only had to hold the forces away from New York while Yuki’s plan is fulfilled by getting all of humanity in the subway system leaving the buildings empty so the fight can begin. Simon swallowed for the alliance to win he had to let his power of adaptability work which required a clear head, he had the skills needed to fight he just needed that little kick that his ability gave him. As Simon blinked he could see the weak points on the demon/demoness bodies including the one demon that he needs to knock him into the city, Simon then let a bit of his power out enough to transform both is arms into his demon arms, with the demon blades out. As the demons were getting closer, Simon launched into action taking out the closer one to him, using the demons body as a projectile which was still screaming. As the demon was hurtling towards the group one of them transformed his hand into an axe which sliced through the projectile.
Simon intended to use the demon as a distraction and a cover, this would allow him to get close enough to pierce the demon who sliced through the one hurtling towards them. This worked as Simon was able to pierce the demon or demoness as it was a shemale, which Simon only wanted a flesh wound enough for his poison could enter by which by using a minute amount of power he used a poison which alters the mind sending the infected individual berserk but also altering the mind to think that Simon isn’t there and the only enemies are the ones that are on the same team as the infected. This toxin is also highly contagious visually. (if a demon/human is looking directly into the eyes of the infected, it will infect them too but it shortens the lifespan of the infected and newly infected to only 5 minutes. Once infected) this allowed Simon to gauge the time left after this Simon had 4 minutes before he can release the signal to start and end the war. The toxin worked perfectly as the shemale began to attack its allies much to the confusion of the allies. Simon observed as he shifted back to fully human as he only had to dodge the demons attacking with only 2 minutes left.
By the time that Simon dodges all the attacking demons and purposely get sent flying into the city. While the demons were attacking each other because of the toxin, Simon made a bee line for the demon with the big fists that he needed to get hit by. ‘Hey wanker yeah you with the big fists and tiny dick, you’re not satisfying anyone with that not even the chavy sluts that permanently have their legs open.’ Simon shouted while he was running towards the demon he needed to punch him, Simon needed the demon to hit him with all his power behind it. They met in the middle as Simon was hit with the force needed to send him flying along with his own momentum and the opponents. Simon saw this all be it upside down on the trajectory towards Manhattan, Simon also saw that the few demons that got infected which was a clear 200 demons where they killed 4000 demons alone. While Simon was in the air he activated his signal to the others which was a single burst of energy as a shock wave.
‘That’s the signal, everyone get to the hatch this building due to the machine has been revealed. So everyone take flight, there are demons who cannot fly carry them outside. We need to stop this war before anyone other than demons get hurt. You all know what to do and Slamaria leave Simon to me and Ezio. Simon has made it clear to us that he wants to take the opposing sovereign down and we have to trust him as a sovereign and as a person.’ Yuki finished shouting to everyone as they took flight and carried those unable to fly into battle. The only ones left were the two sovereigns Ezio and Yuki.
‘We go out there we are advertising to the enemy that we are the bigger threats.’ Ezio said as calmly as he could.
‘I know but we have no choice all of our plans are in motion. Yours to capture and broadcast the battle to the world showing that demons do exist and that an alliance should be made. Mine to get all of humanity in Manhattan into the subway system and seal them in with food and water while the system is closed. Finally Simons plan to break up all of the demons into small forces that we can eliminate leaving the enemy leader to Simon.’ Yuki replied stating the obvious.
‘I remember the plans Yuki, are we really going to go down like this in a battle that we cannot win?’
‘Yes Ezio, though that’s a b
lunt way of putting it and you know the smallest of chances we have to take. Simon has shown us that, when he took on the nightmare demon to save us we owe him for releasing us. Which he did on his own accord he could’ve just got himself and Slamaria out leaving the rest of us to be brainwashed, but he didn’t. He survived the radiation in Chernobyl with no protection and even now he held the enemy forces off us for the time we needed.’
‘He is one of a kind, not just because he is a half breed, because he is a survivor even though Tristan forced Simon to become a demon without following the procedure set for new demons. Even then according to Slamaria and his small group of trusted demons he still allowed Tristan to say his goodbyes. We better go and face the same fate as all the other demons.’ Ezio said as began to hover when his wings started to flap. Yuki turned to a mist to fly as her main sphere was known simply as dark manipulation as she could control dark matter and anything linked with the shadows.
As the duo flew up the same hatch that everyone else had flown up moments before only to be confronted by the scene of demons being hurled through the air none of the coalition of demons that Yuki, Ezio and Simon had formed thankfully. They were the opposing army’s demon. The duo followed the direction of the demon they just saw from the air only to see a dark dome shielding most of the plaza.
As Ezio and Yuki approached dome only to see it disappear and a crowd to be situated in the middle of the dome, as the duo got closer to the crowd they noticed that in the middle of the crowd of 20, which had Simon lying on the ground at the centre of the group. The crowd was wary of the two demons especially when Yuki landed turning back to a demon instead of being a mist. ‘What are you lot doing here? You were supposed to be with the others in the subway.’ Yuki said while her voice full of curiosity.
‘We saw the video of someone taking on the army of demons and we wanted to help. None of us managed to get to the subway before it was sealed, we are all students here to look at the health sector as we are all hear on an attachment with a college from UK. None of us knew where the subway was so we were staying in a room at the hotel we are staying at that’s when we saw it every channel is showing the fight.’ One of the females said with a light voice she looked younger then she was as she was 18 but she looked 16.
‘When we saw the persons face we recognised him so when we saw him crash we all ran to his side to see if it was. That’s when the demon approached judging the information scrolling at the bottom of the screen which said demons. We wouldn’t budge that’s when the shield went up.’ One of the males said in the group his voice was deep but not so deep as some males.
‘You lot need to get out of here the opposing forces are moving throughout the city it’s going to be no time at all before they find us.’ Ezio said to the group of students in his strong Australian accent.
‘We’re not leaving Simon here.’ The female who spoke first said to Ezio.
‘No Laura you need to lead everyone needs to lead if any of you have your phone I will get you out of here so you’re not caught up in this war.’ Simon said as he stood up all be it a bit slow, he did just crash from the bridge where he was.
‘Are you ready to fight?’ Yuki asked Simon.
‘Yes I am even though it feels like I went 20 rounds with the Hulk, my first priority is getting these people to a safe place away from this war.’ Simon replied back to Yuki’s question.
‘Do any of you have your phone with you?’ Simon repeated his question keeping himself calm.
‘Hear but how will that get us out of here?’ Laura asked. Passing Simon her phone where he dialled a random number as the phone rung for 2 minutes before there was an answer. Even before the other person said anything Simon gave the authorisation that it was him phoning and not anyone else.
‘Do fairies have tails?’ (from the anime Fairy Tail where Makarov says the line to Natsu.)
‘What do you need Simon?’ Caty asked as Simon had put the phone onto loudspeaker.
‘We need a portal to get some people out of the war zone.’ Simon replied
‘Portals open Simon.’ Caty said as Simon disconnected the call and passed the phone back to Laura. Simon released a demon blade to write a symbol on the floor to open a portal when Simon felt a change in the environment. Simon only managed to complete the portal which opened underneath the small group of 20 where they fell through something came hurtling out of the sky towards Simon. This didn’t give Simon enough time to move out of the way but he did manage to get his hands up to block the strike.
As the group went through the portal Caty, Jess and a few others pulled them through, though they wasn’t expects to see Simon leg come through as the portal was open in the mansion against the wall directly in front whereas in New York the portal was in the floor so while it looked like he was exactly level with the wall whereas in reality the portal was on the floor while Simons leg was dangling through the portal while his other leg was bent as he was trying to pull his leg out of the portal as he was keeping it open. After 3 minutes of trying he managed to get his leg out allowing the portal to shut underneath him. Simon realised that he needed to let the beast inside takeover, as Simon removed the limiter that his human half provided as he started to stand up even with the pressure of the opposing demon using their power and weight to try and crush him.
As soon as Simon got to his feet he saw the look of sheer horror on the demons face, Simon used the energy that was being expelled when demons shift forms normally they shield the power away until they have fully transformed. Simon however was going to transform focusing the blast that would’ve been contained within a shield, directly on the demon that was in front of him. Simons power began to shift as the transformation was beginning but because he was doing it unshielded that energy had to go somewhere because Simon was focusing it into his arms that energy was moving from his feet through his body and into his arms blocking the assailant. Yuki and Ezio was looking amazed by the sheer power of Simon, they could see waves of purple pulsing through his body starting at his feet going up to his head making the trip to his hands finally. This was happening 14 times per minute in time with Simons breathing rates, though it only happened for 2 minutes as Simon was getting his full demon power under control so he didn’t go on a rampage. As soon as his legs were transforming shedding the human form revealing the demon within, the blast was unleashed in a bright light that was a mixture blood red and purple flames where they disintegrated the demon by the time the flames had engulfed him. Once the flames died down Simon was stood there looking at where the flames were. In his demon form with some minor alterations due to the sheer number of spheres that Simon had absorbed since he became a demon.
This was a different from his demon form before which means that unlike before as now he had control meaning his form changed to accommodate this control over all of the spheres Simon had. The only alterations from before was that Simon was now in control of eternal flames that demons possess though they were combined with extra spheres within himself that originally was lust however since all of the spheres were coming together to form the mythical sphere known in demon lore. Two spheres that had already combined were lust and wrath, however Simon ascended both spheres in unison allowing him to control both paths that the spheres can go making it able to use eternal fire that represents the two merged spheres.
This sphere merge made Simons wings turn the same colour as the flame he now possessed where the wing bones didn’t change the actual wings did. The only other spheres to merge was the shado
w sphere, nightmare sphere, Shape shifter sphere and the sphere of dreams (One of the spheres he absorbed back when Malcolm took him hostage). This gave Simon an idea of how to defeat the overwhelming demon odds against the coalition of demons, but first he needed to create a catalyst one that covered all of Manhattan. Simon knew that the largest building in New York was the Park Avenue Luxury Apartments which Simon knew from watching a lot of TV before he became a demon that it is located on 56th and 57th street, the Bank of America Tower on 42nd and 43rd streets and the Marvel building on 50th street. Though all of these seemed close to Simon but he needed three catalyst building to generate the power needed so he could place all of America and the demons in a dream land where Simon could even the odds with his own army. An army who knows which demons are allies and villains from one of the things that Simon holds dear from back when he was abused sexually. Anime!
To pull this off Simon had to get three or more structure to channel and give out power at the same time. This required an immense collection of power, So Simon used his shadow sphere to teleport to the locations he needed to put symbols on. Due to the control Simon now had which was making all the spheres merge at random points, Simon teleported like Nightcrawler in X-men and he used his demon blade to carve the symbol on the brickwork and metal on the building. Once all three symbols were drawn a dark aura enveloped all the buildings as the power had started to build. How the symbols would work for Simon was that each time the some power from any demon was used to kill another demon a small unnoticeable bit would leave there body to charge the three catalysts. However that wasn’t the only thing that was being absorbed the shadow realm was being used to charge the enhancement needed to plunge New York into a limbo between the real world and the world of dreams where Simon had more power and he could create his own army based off the only good thing from all the years of abuse.
Simon took off from the marvel building which he did last due to the proximity to Yuki and Ezio, they were just stood there dumbfounded from what Simon was doing and what his demon form was. Since he had removed the limiter that his human side was exerting all the demons in Manhattan could sense that the sphere merge was happening as Simon was becoming the mythical demon in all of the lore that demons had. All the opposing demons could see that Simon was the biggest sovereign that was one of the most dangerous to the eradication of the human race, however they were all busy with the three sovereigns joint army, they were far more skilled then their opponents though they lacked in numbers they made up with fighting skill.
Simon, Ezio and Yuki were waiting in Times Square when they were suddenly surrounded by 2000 demons they had the bigger portion of the opposing army on them as they are the leaders. All the demons were coming in from all angles the three sovereigns were forced to stand back to back. The three sovereigns were waiting for them to move first so they didn’t get separated and picked off.
‘Ready?’ Yuki asked Simon and Ezio.
‘Ready’ Ezio replied
‘Let’s do this!’ Simon pitched in revealing his demon blades and even they were altered due to the sphere merge. Before they looked like the hidden blade out of Assassin’s Creed whereas now they were pulsing with the purple and red flame in sync with his heart beat with each pulse when it reached the tip of the blade a small fire was coming out of the blade.
Once Simon said this and his blades were out the opponents attacked. While 500 wrath demons were heading straight on towards the trio, 500 genetically spliced demons which controlled the spheres of speed and transformation. The 500 pride demon were taking to the air while the remaining 500 lust demons went into the buildings looking for any one human or demon to eliminate. From the outside you could barely see the three sovereigns in the middle of the sheer mass of demons. While the outside was rammed pack with the demons pouncing and all of the attacks couldn’t be seen on the outside the battle on the inside was just starting.
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The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...
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Judy Bondi looked around the room she'd been led to and marveled. There was no other word for it, she marveled. The room had a high ceiling; there were windows along one side that let in lots of afternoon sunlight. There was a small alcove off to one side with a bed in it. A bed with the most wonderfully soft mattress she'd ever known in her life, and huge pillows that covered the headboard. Off to another side of the room, another small niche, with what passed for a toilet and a tub....
Gradually over the next few weeks tensions eased a bit, the fraternization rules were relaxed and Germany became a much better place.The rubble clearing still went on though, it had to, the building work was moving on quicker than most of us had anticipated.I'd met Eva's younger brother Manfred and I'd managed to get him a job on our building gang as a tea boy and general labourer, he still did a bit of black market wheeling and dealing, but mostly he was kept busy working and he was getting a...
HistoricalWENDY Last week I got naked with my best friend Rachel and our Business Writing Teaching Assistant (TA) Tom. That's right. I, Wendy Olivia Witney, a virgin and the daughter of a Baptist minister, was an eager participant in a three-some. Surprised? Don't be. I'm still the same boring preacher's daughter that I've always been. I just stepped out of myself for one night, and things happened. I wanted them to happen again. My Business Writing class has lectures on Monday, Wednesday, and...
Before the Civil War NOTE: The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war between the United States of America (the "Union") and the Southern slave states of the newly formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis. The presidential election of 1860 resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office. The Union rejected secession, regarding it as rebellion. REMEMBER: This is just a dirty sex story and is not...
Prologue: The Western Front 1915 He needed time to think. The noise, the sights were overwhelming. The smells of cordite and blood nauseated him. Major William Stewart, King’s Royal Rifles, was scared. He never expected it to be like this. Hunkered down in a fetid shell hole, his batman laying next to him, gurgling his life away, the Major was miles away from home. He lay on his back and looked at the sky. He tried to clear his head and make sense of what was happening. ‘Major, Major!’ the...
(Please note because of how I am writing this story it is important that you do pick a first and last name or else the main characters name will be John and his last name will be Doe which will then make the last name of his family the same. I use the name Hayden Logan, am only informing you of this should you not feel like picking one yourself, others have voiced that if I was to give the character a name I should just make it so. I on the other hand feel there should be some freedom and the...
Prank War By: Lyrissa "And I believe that is check," Wrathion said with a wide smirk on his darkly handsome face. Anduin Wrynn, prince of Stormwind, merely sighed. His opponent was wily and resourceful, and even though Anduin was quite bright, Wrathion often succeeded in distracting him somehow to claim victory. Of course it - was- just a board game. The two princes were sitting at their regular low table in Wrathion's private quarters upstairs in the Tavern of the Mists, high in...
SPOILS OF WAR The members of the NightWatch, occupying the towers around the main compound, stared out into thesemi-darkness unexpectantly. The snow-covered landscape glowed blue againstthe black sky and the scene was still, aside from the occasional stirringof the cormorants on the wide silver lake to the east. On a clear night likethis, the lights of an approaching vehicle could be seen from many kilometres.And incoming aircraft, increasingly unlikely these days, would be pickedup beyond...
“Ace,” Denise said as she tossed out a card.“Ten,” I countered.I was playing War, the card game, with my friend Denise Wright on a warm summer afternoon. We had graduated high school a couple weeks before and had the summer free until university started. Denise’s parents were away so we had her house to ourselves.“Mine. Five.”“Three.”“Mine. Seven.”“Seven.”War is one of those silly, mindless card games that one normally plays out of sheer boredom. Each turns over a card, highest wins. Ties go to...
First TimeCast of Characters 1. Sergeant Nate Harris Point Man M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 2. Sergeant Mark Hoover Intelligence M16 Rifle M9 Beretta S&W Model 625 JM 3. Sergeant Luke "Doc Kennedy Medic M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 4. Sergeant George Webster Radioman and Forward observer M14 Rifle M9 Beretta 5. Sergeant Ryan Sherman Demolition specialist M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 6. Master Sergeant Hank Foley heavy weapons M249 S.AW. Beretta M9 7. Captain Robert Randolph Commanding Officer of special forces team...
Introductions were made and most everyone was seated. They were short one chair. Pappy elected to lean against the wall rather than get an extra chair from his or BB's apartments in the barn. He wanted to know what was going on and wouldn't take a chance of missing something. Though he loved Sean, he still wasn't completely comfortable with this Wizard business and controlling the animals. Sean was sitting in a highchair beside Seth. Martha's motherly manner settled everyone and even...
Eric Esterhazy 2046 There were so many other things Eric would rather be doing. For instance, he could be doing something to address the scandalous rate of immigration from the war-ravaged regions of the world: scarred as they were all the way from India to Kazakhstan and from Tajikistan to Azerbaijan. He could be consolidating his position as Treasury Secretary by outlining innovative new tax cuts and further rationalisation of public expenditure. He could be actively promoting the causes...
MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...
Summer in England, 1945.I paused to take it all in and let peacetime wash over me. At last, it felt real. An American bomber named Enola Gay had ended it all after six years of madness and slaughter.I lit a cigarette, watching the train huff and puff slowly out of the station. Looking out over the station car park, everything was green. Peaceful, too.Picking up my case, I meandered into the street. I was a fifteen-minute walk from home and there would be no Stukas with their insane, banshee...
HistoricalI was among the first of our soldiers to march into Berlin, I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms, but what we were greeted with was worse, far worse.It was total apathy; these people had endured everything over twelve years of tyranny, twelve years of being careful of what they said or who they said it to!Occasionally, we saw bodies still hanging from lampposts where the last few fanatical S.S. men had hanged them or dogs gnawing at the rotting corpses lying in the streets. The dogs...
HistoricalI joined the British Army at the age of 16. I joined my adult regiment in October 1986, during the last throws of the cold war. My first regiment was based in the UK; however, the regiment was due to move to Germany towards the end of 1987. Before the move I was informed that we were going to deploy to Kenya for three months, we were flying out of the country on the 26th of December. I could not believe it; I travelled quite a bit as a k**, including living in the US and Australia, and whilst...
I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...
Before Dawn, 23 March 2004 Forward Operating Base Chosin, Babil Province, Iraq “But let us forget warfare, again, for a little while. My name is Marcus Randal, and I have been wondering what your name is since I laid eyes on you.” I said. She looked into my eyes and said, “Marcus Randal. Oh my. I have never fucked a man before I learned his name, even if I forgot it later. I do not think I will ever forget your name. I hope you won’t forget me. I am Lance Corporal Loni Hellström.” “Your...
'The Leader' looked out over the city, and smiled. It had taken many years to ensure that the city fell, and the inhabitants would come to worship him as a saviour to the people, and the plan had worked well. A cough behind him, he turned to face his second in command - Darius. This was a man who knew exactly how far he could go before the leader would stop him, and had many times with just a word. Darius spoke in a mocking tone -"They await outside Leader, a delegation to announce...
Chapter 1 : Homecoming It was Saturday the 15th Dec 1940 at about 07.30 in the morning when Lt Tony Nash RNVR wearily trudged homewards, he was feeling dirty and tired after traveling nearly all night from Portsmouth Harbour Station to London Waterloo, and then on to Stratford underground station, the nearest station to his home in East London. The underground railway platform was full of people still sleeping on the platform or, just beginning to wake to face a new day of queuing for food or...
Erotic FictionPeople think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...
Best Porn GamesHello indian sex stories dot net readers , friends, I’m Andy back again after 1 year with a very fresh & new story happened in my life. I had posted my sex saga with my maid Karuna in 3 different stories. After I left my house, I did not get any touch with Karuna. But to my luck, I found my new crush. Her name is Aishwarya (Name changed for privacy). Aishwarya is my brother in law’s wife. She was a great fan of Aishwarya Rai & always used to compare with her many times. Her age is about same as...
A short story of one officer’s last battle and the aftermath. “The galaxy is a very unfriendly place.” I was remembering what my number one drill instructor, sergeant Crabs had said on my first day of basic training. You know what? He knew just what he was talking about. I have learned that the hard way over the last 10 years. You see I am Major Mike Miller, Sardonic space defense forces. And this is the story of my death. Well for all that is practical it was my death and then again in a way...
Freyja is the goddess of love. Perhaps a more accurate description would be to say the Freyja is the goddess of sex and lust. She is sought after by giants, the mason who rebuilds the Walls of Asgard; by Hrungnir ‘the brawler’ who duels with Thor; and by King Thrym of jötnar who steals Thor’s hammer.Freyja is also associated with war. She collects the chosen of the slain warriors with the valkyries after a battle. Half of them go to Odin, while Freyja keeps half of them for herself.Freyja...
A Girl's War By Cindi Johnson © 2006 Part 1 ------ I recalled something my father told me during one of his more lucid alcoholic states. "Danny," he said, "always keep your secrets. Bury them deep. Hold them down with a strong grip. Strangle them, violently, when necessary. You let them out, and they'll come back around and take you down. Trust me on this, Danny." That odd memory came back to me as I gazed at Tania's reflection in the pane glass window. She looked so...
Jackie awoke to a wet, squelching noise. As she looked up, she saw her best friend Miranda riding on top of monstrous behemoth. The elfin brunette's eyes were wide with a mixture of terror and ecstasy. Her short brown hair bobbed up and down as the thick, brick-colored girth plunged into her pussy. Looking in the other direction, Jackie let loose a terrified scream. Her boyfriend Jasper was caught in the arms of a woman with skin as pale as death. The woman was biting in the young man's throat,...
FantasyFirst, before we begin the story, we have to determine your gender. Are you a male or female?
Mind Control