A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 03 free porn video

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‘Mommy, is it Halloween?’ Anna asked.

Startled, Dani looked at the calendar. It was October twenty-eighth. With everything that had happened lately, she had forgotten about Halloween. ‘Almost, Babe,’ she told Anna. ‘Three more days.’

‘What I’m gonna be?’ Anna asked.

‘And me?’ said Sean.

Dani sighed and put down the basket of dirty clothes she was carrying. Another day of undone housework. ‘I guess we’ll have to go costume hunting today,’ she said.

‘Yay!’ Sean and Anna shouted.

Dani called her mother at work. The rental company that her mother worked for also ran a party goods store, and the Sheridans usually bought party and holiday supplied there so they could use Dani’s mother’s employee discount. ‘Sure,’ Dani’s mother said when Dani asked her about buying Halloween costumes for the kids. ‘Just make sure they bill it to me.’

‘What about Sean’s?’

‘His, too. Sean’s my grandson now.’

‘Too bad Dad doesn’t see it that way.’ Dani, Jason, and the kids had gone to her parents’ house a few days before. While they were there, Dani’s father had completely ignored Sean. When Dani had confronted him about it, her father’s only explanation had been, ‘It’s typical for Ben to freeload off you again.’ Then he had gone for a drive. He still hadn’t been back when the Sheridans had left two hours later.

‘Don’t worry about your father,’ her mother said. ‘He’ll come around.’

‘I hope so,’ Dani said.

Jason was still sleeping, he had worked overtime and hadn’t gotten home until four o’clock that morning. Dani managed to persuade Sean and Anna to be reasonably quiet while they got ready to leave, then loaded the kids into the car. ‘We’re going to need a minivan,’ she muttered as she leaned across Anna to fasten Melanie into her car seat.

‘I like minivans,’ Anna said.

‘I don’t,’ said Sean.

‘Who asked you?’ Anna said.

Dani unbuckled Anna and took her out of the car. ‘Do you want to go get a costume?’ she asked sternly.

‘Yes,’ Anna whined.

‘Then you apologize to Sean. Honestly, Anna, I realize it isn’t easy to suddenly have a new brother, but you are being just plain mean to him, and I’m getting tired of it.’

‘Sorry, Mommy.’ Anna climbed back into her car seat. ‘Sorry, Sean.’

‘Okay,’ Sean said.

He and Anna made toddler jokes all the way to the store. ‘That car’s ugly,’ Anna said. ‘It’s pee color.’

‘It poop color,’ Sean replied.

‘It’s caca color,’ Anna said, laughing.

Dani put a stop to it when Sean said, ‘It shit color.’

‘Sean, we don’t use words like that,’ Dani said.

‘Jason does,’ Sean said.

‘Jason doesn’t know any better,’ Dani said, silently cursing her husband. She had been trying since before Anna was born to get him to stop swearing, at least in front of children. Obviously he still wasn’t getting it.

‘My daddy say it,’ Sean said.

Dani couldn’t let herself say anything judgmental about Ben to Sean. ‘Well, some grownups do say things like that,’ she said, choosing her words carefully. ‘And grownups can decide what they want to say. But people don’t like to hear little kids using words like that. So could you please try not to say it again till you’re grown up?’

‘I try,’ Sean promised.

When they got to the store, Dani had to decide how to juggle the three kids. It was the first time she had taken all three of them somewhere by herself. Melanie’s carriage was in the trunk of the car, but pushing the carriage would mean that Dani wouldn’t be able to hold hands with Anna or Sean. Finally she decided, even though the baby was a little too big for it, to put Melanie in her Snugli, which was also in the trunk, leaving Dani’s hands free for the two other kids. As it turned out, this wasn’t totally necessary, since Anna and Sean insisted on holding hands with each other.

They spent over an hour looking at the selection of costumes, which was slim only three days before Halloween. Finally, they found a clown costume for Anna. When he saw that Anna was going to be a clown, Sean wanted to be one too, and Dani managed to find a similar costume in his size. Even though she hadn’t been planning to, Dani also bought a costume for Melanie: an M&M. ‘She’ll be so cute,’ Anna said.

‘So will you and Sean,’ Dani said.

‘Yeah, but we’re not M&M babies,’ Anna said.

‘We clown monsters!’ Sean said.

‘Clown monsters?’ Dani repeated.

‘Well, we look like clowns, but we’re really monsters,’ Anna said. ‘Right, Sean?’

‘Right, Anna,’ Sean agreed.

Dani arranged for the costumes to be billed to her mother, then took the kids home. On the way, she swung through a fast-food drive-through, since it was almost time for lunch. When they got home, Jason was still asleep. ‘Can I wake up Daddy?’ Anna asked.

Dani looked at the clock. Twelve-fifteen. ‘Go ahead,’ she told Anna. ‘Just duck if he throws his pillow like last time.’

Anna giggled. ‘Okay. Want to help me, Sean?’

‘No,’ Sean said. ‘I want lunch.’

Anna ran upstairs, and Sean sat at the kitchen table. He was quiet, and it worried Dani. Tom had told her to make sure that Sean knew it was okay to talk about his feelings, but not to try to force him to talk. What concerned Dani wasn’t so much Sean’s reaction to Ben’s death, from what she had been told and had read, he was acting perfectly normal in that respect.

The problem was that, although Sean obviously adored Anna and liked to ‘help’ with Melanie, and although he now regularly called Dani ‘Mommy Dani’ or even just ‘Mommy,’ he didn’t seem to like Jason. Jason, showing unusual insight, didn’t try to act like a father to Sean, or even an authority figure, leaving that job to Dani. Instead, Jason made time to take walks with Sean, or play games with him, or any one of several things that a father could do with his son but that friends could do also. Sean would have none of it. He spent time with Jason willingly enough, but when it was over, he invariably climbed onto Dani’s lap and snuggled into her, saying, ‘I love you, Mommy Dani.’ Dani hated seeing the hurt in Jason’s eyes when Sean rejected him this way, but she didn’t know what to do about it.

On Halloween night, Jason and Dani took the kids trick-or-treating near Dani’s parents’ house. Jason had arranged to have the night off so he could be part of the fun. He carried Melanie the M&M, while Dani took Sean and Anna to the houses for candy. The two children kept a running debate over who was getting more candy, until Sean hit Anna over the head with his plastic pumpkin. ‘Hey, that’s enough of that!’ said Jason, taking Sean by the arm.

‘Shut up!’ Sean screamed at him, startling everyone. ‘You not my daddy! I hate you! Shut up!’

‘Sean, stop it!’ Dani said, picking him up. He continued to scream. ‘Can you finish up with the girls?’ Dani asked Jason, struggling to hold onto the flailing Sean. ‘I’d better get him inside.’

‘Sure,’ Jason said. ‘Come on, Anna.’

Dani carried Sean back to her parents’ house. By the time they got there, he had tired himself out with his tantrum, and Dani laid him on the guest room bed to sleep until Jason and the girls returned. ‘What happened?’ her mother asked.

‘I’m not really sure,’ Dani admitted. ‘Sean and Anna got into a fight, and when Jason tried to break it up, Sean started screaming at him. He was totally out of control.’

‘Is he all right?’

‘He’s sleeping.’

‘I meant Jason.’

‘I don’t know,’ Dani said. ‘I think he was really hurt. Sean told him that he hates him.’

‘Little kids sometimes say that when they’re being punished,’ her mother said.

‘I know. Anna’s said it to me. But Sean keeps rejecting Jason, and this just kind of summed up the whole situation. Sean said Jason should shut up because he isn’t Sean’s father.’

‘Poor Jason.’

‘Poor Sean,’ Dani said.

I know you feel bad for Sean,’ her mother said. ‘You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. But don’t put Jason’s feelings aside.’

‘I’m not.’

When Jason and the girls got back, Anna had to show Grammy Lynn all the candy she had gotten. Then Dani and Jason loaded the kids in the car and headed home.

Once the kids were in bed, Dani said, ‘Jason, I’m really sorry about-‘

‘I don’t think this is going to work out, Dani,’ Jason interrupted.

‘How can you-‘

‘Just listen to me, damn it! I can’t spend the rest of my life with a kid who hates me!’

‘Jason, he’s two and a half! He doesn’t even know what hate means!’

‘Well, he sure as hell sounded like he does. And how do you think I feel seeing him every day?’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘He looks just like his father, doesn’t he? And even if you didn’t fuck Ben, I know you wanted to. For all I know, you did when you left me.’

‘The way you were treating me before I left, the last thing I wanted was to be around another guy!’ Dani said angrily.

‘You promise me a son, and when we finally have one, he’s your ex-lover’s!’

‘I promised you a son?’ Dani repeated. ‘Excuse me? We have two beautiful daughters, and I had no more control than you over what gender they are. You always tell me how happy you are to have them, Jason. Is that bullshit?’

‘I love our girls. But I wanted a son.’


‘Sean isn’t our son, Goddamn it! He is Ben’s son! What the fuck do you think that little screaming fit of his was all about! He calls you Mommy, he calls me Jason. What the hell do you think that means, Dani?’

‘I don’t know!’ Dani yelled, finally losing her temper. ‘You can’t deal with him, fine. You can be the one to explain to a two-year-old why he has to live in a cardboard box in the middle of the street!’

She snatched her pillow off the bed. ‘Where the hell are you going?’ Jason demanded.

‘Downstairs on the couch. Right now, I don’t even want to be in the same room as you.’

‘Fine. Here’s a blanket.’ He threw the blanket into the hall, and locked the bedroom door behind her as she stormed downstairs.

* * *

Dani couldn’t sleep. The couch was too narrow to allow her to toss and turn, so instead she stared at the ceiling. The strangest phrase kept repeating itself in her mind: ‘Should have been, should have Ben. Should have been, should have Ben.’

Then she was aware that Ben was sitting beside her. She knew she was dreaming, but reached out to touch him. ‘How are you?’ he asked, taking her hand.

‘Well, I’m finally asleep,’ she said.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Ben, I know messing with my mind always entertained you, but I’m too tired right now.’

Ben laughed. ‘I’m sorry you and Jason had that fight,’ he said.

‘I’m not.’

‘You will be. So will he. Sean needs both of you.’

‘Sean needs you,’ Dani said.

‘I know. I wish to God I could be there. But you know everything happens for a reason, Dani. The universe has a sense of symmetry.’

‘I miss you.’

‘I miss you, too,’ he said. ‘I have too much time to think now.’

‘About what?’

‘About what should have been.’

The phrase began again in Dani’s mind: ‘Should have been, should have Ben.’ Over it, as she realized that she was about to wake up, she heard Ben say, ‘Take care of Sean, Dani. Don’t let his mother hurt him again. I love you.’

I love you, too, she started to say, but then she was awake. Someone was crying upstairs. She started up, but stopped when she heard Jason’s voice coming from Sean’s room. ‘It’s all right,’ Jason was saying softly. ‘It’s all right. Just a dream. I won’t let anyone hurt you. It’s all right.’ Over and over, the same gentle litany he used when Anna had bad dreams. Dani smiled and went back downstairs to get her pillows.

* * *

When she woke up the next morning, Jason was already awake. ‘I’m sorry,’ they said at the same time. They laughed. ‘I really am sorry,’ Jason said. ‘I had no right to say some of the things I said last night. I was just so upset that Sean won’t let me be his father….’

‘Jason, I think he doesn’t want you to be his father because he doesn’t want to lose you the way he lost Ben,’ Dani said. ‘Ben was his father, and Ben died. Little kids’ minds work in strange ways. It could be that Sean’s afraid that anyone he calls ‘Daddy’ is going to die.’

‘But his mother left him, and he calls you Mommy,’ Jason said.

‘He doesn’t remember his mother very well,’ Dani pointed out. ‘And there’s a big difference between leaving and dying. Anyway, I said some things last night that I shouldn’t have, too.’

‘Let’s pretend it didn’t happen,’ Jason suggested.

‘Let’s not,’ Dani said. ‘But let’s forgive each other.’

‘All right. So now that we’ve forgiven each other, can we kiss and make up?’

Dani laughed, but before she could answer, they heard Melanie babbling in her crib. They knew from experience that this meant it was only a matter of time before Anna woke up. Jason groaned. ‘The short ones strike again,’ he said.

‘We’ll put them down for an early nap this afternoon,’ Dani said. ‘We’ll make up then.’

‘I thought Anna didn’t nap.’

‘So we’ll close the door.’

Sure enough, Anna and Melanie were both awake when Dani went in. She carried Melanie into the hall and found Sean standing at the door to his room. ‘Where Jason?’ he asked.

‘In the kitchen,’ Dani replied.

Sean went to the kitchen, followed by Dani and Anna. ‘I sorry I yell, Jason,’ Sean said.

‘It’s all right,’ Jason said.

Sean hugged him. ‘You a good Jason,’ he said.

‘You’re a good Jason,’ Anna echoed.

‘Anna,’ Dani said reprovingly, ‘you don’t call your father Jason. You call him Daddy.’

‘Then how come Sean calls him Jason?’

‘My daddy in Heaven,’ Sean said. ‘This not my daddy. He my Jason.’

Jason looked away for a second, trying to get something out of his eye. Dani was pretty sure the something was a tear.

* * *

After church, they drove to New Hampshire to visit Steve, Robin, and Denise. Robin had offered to go shopping with Dani and the kids, since both girls were outgrowing their clothes. Dani also wanted to get a few things for Sean. ‘We’ll have to take two cars,’ Dani said.

‘No, you won’t,’ Jason said. He took Melanie’s car seat out of the back seat of the car and buckled it into the center of the front seat. ‘You keep forgetting, this car has six seatbelts,’ he said.

‘I don’t forget,’ Dani said. ‘I just don’t like having kids ride in the front seat.’

‘We’re just going into Somersworth,’ Robin said. ‘Melanie will be fine. And it makes more sense than taking two cars.’

‘Besides, your husband said he’d go with me to look for a second car,’ Steve said. ‘If you take your car and Robin takes ours, how are we supposed to do that?’

‘Walk?’ Robin said.

‘Hitchhike,’ Dani suggested at the same time. She and Robin laughed.

‘Women,’ Jason said.

‘Can’t live with ’em, can’t live with ’em,’ Steve agreed.

‘Don’t you mean, can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em?’ Robin asked.

‘I mean what I said.’

‘Come on,’ Dani said. ‘Let’s leave these two to be pigs.’

‘Yes, please do,’ Steve said.

Robin helped Dani fasten everyone into the car, and they headed to their favorite secondhand store in Somersworth. Anna, Sean, and Denise spent the ride singing Barney songs. ‘Why do we let them watch that show?’ Dani said.

‘I don’t know,’ Robin said. ‘So we can get our housework done?’

‘I guess,’ Dani said. ‘So how come Steve finally gave in about getting another car?’

‘We decided if we aren’t going to have another baby right now, I should go to work so we can save for a house. We actually have some saved now, but Steve wants to put down as much as we can so we’ll
have a smaller mortgage. And if I’m going to work, we’ll need two cars.’

‘Who’s going to watch Denise?’

‘Our neighbor, Janey. I’ve watched her kids for her the last couple weeks. She’s going on second shift, so she’ll be able to watch Denise while I work, and I’ll watch her kids while she works.’

‘Sounds like a deal,’ Dani said.

‘Sounds like a deal,’ Anna echoed.

‘Sounds like a deal,’ Denise said, copying Anna.

‘Sounds like we’ve got a carload of copycats,’ Dani said.

‘It not nice to copy,’ Sean said.

‘That’s why I do it,’ Anna informed him.

Robin laughed, and Dani rolled her eyes. ‘I think I should talk to Jason about not teaching Anna to have an attitude,’ Dani said.

They got to the store and got the kids out of the car. Dani put Melanie in her carriage, and instructed Anna to hold onto the side of the carriage as they crossed the parking lot. Robin held Denise and Sean’s hands.

While Dani and Robin looked at clothes, Sean, Denise, and Anna entertained themselves in the store’s play area. ‘What an adorable bunch of kids,’ said an older woman who was looking at baby clothes nearby.

‘Thank you,’ Dani and Robin said.

‘Now, who belongs to who?’ the woman asked.

Robin and Dani hated questions like this, but they answered anyway. ‘The blond and the baby are mine,’ Dani said.

‘And the curlytop is mine,’ Robin added.

‘What about the little boy?’ the woman asked. ‘He is with you, isn’t he?’

Robin and Dani looked at each other. ‘He’s, um, he’s my nephew,’ Dani said. ‘He’s staying with me.’

‘Oh, that’s nice.’

She seemed about to ask more questions, so Dani and Robin excused themselves and went to the boys’ clothing section. ‘What a nosy old bird!’ Robin whispered to Dani.

‘I know.’ Dani sighed.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘We get asked that question so often, and I didn’t even think about Sean when I answered. I feel bad leaving him out, but I don’t know what to tell people. He isn’t my son.’

‘Just tell them he’s yours, and don’t worry about what his relationship to you is,’ Robin advised. ‘He might not be your son biologically, or even legally, but he is in your heart, and that’ what counts.’

‘You’re right,’ Dani said. But it didn’t quite feel right. She wanted to do something to give Sean an identity in their family, but she didn’t know what.

* * *

She found out the next day what she could do. Shortly before noon, Martin Franklin called. ‘How’s it going with Sean?’ he asked.

‘As well as you might expect,’ Dani replied. ‘There’ve been some rough spots, but we’re getting through it.’

‘How are your daughters getting along with him?’

‘Well, Melanie’s only four months old. Anna started calling Sean her brother the day he came home, and they get along about as well as any brother and sister.’

‘Is he seeing Phyllis?’

‘Not as often as I’d hoped,’ Dani admitted. ‘I gather she works a lot, and Jason has a huge family who all want to meet Sean, so we haven’t had a lot of time to spend with Phyllis. But we’ve seen her a few times. She’s coming for dinner tomorrow night, as a matter of fact.’

‘That’s good,’ Franklin said. ‘It’s important that he keep ties with his biological family.’

‘What about his mother’s parents?’ Dani asked, immediately wishing she hadn’t. ‘Did he see them before Ben died?’

‘I believe Ben took him to visit them a few times. I’ve tried to contact them to let them know that Sean is with you, but I’ve gotten no response. I’m sure they must have heard about Ben’s death by now, but if they don’t seem interested in knowing where Sean is, it’s their problem, not yours.’

‘Aren’t you supposed to be job hunting?’ Jason asked, entering the kitchen and seeing Dani on the phone.

‘It’s Ben’s lawyer,’ Dani replied.

‘I’m sorry?’ said Franklin.

‘My husband was asking who I’m talking to,’ Dani explained. ‘So what can I do for you, Mr. Franklin?’

‘I wanted to set a time for you and Jason to come to my office and sign the guardianship papers,’ Franklin replied. ‘If you’re sure you want to keep Sean, that is.’

Dani looked questioningly at Jason. ‘What?’ Jason asked.

‘Mr. Franklin wants to know if we’re going to sign the papers for guardianship.’

‘Of course we are,’ Jason said, surprised, as though there had never been a question. ‘When?’

‘When can we go?’

‘Today, if you want.’

Dani consulted with Franklin, who told her to be at his office at three thirty. After she hung up the phone, Dani put her arms around Jason. ‘Have I mentioned how much I love you?’ she said.

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I was sorta expecting it, but it was still a surprise the first time an Earth Hero came through our bank. We had quite a few men who wanted to be crew on our warships and earn some easy money but could not swim, and I had to have something for them to do. I set four of them up as pairs of bank guards so that if anything happened one could continue to watch while the other went for help. One pair had the mornings and the other pair had the afternoons. I still remembered the bank at Long Cut...

2 years ago
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Change Of My Life 8211 Part 3

Hi.. This is Natalia again. Thanks again for your response!. This is third part of my story. In this part only I found my husband. So read thoroughly. In the last part I said how my sis changed me into a real beauty. And I said about my dream of getting a cock all.of my own. She also promised me to do so. The same day after we had lunch. She called me inside her room. And asked me to help in wearing dress. I also helped. Then she asked me to remove my dress. And she gave some dress. A skirt...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 26 Dark Ride Dungeon Raid

Muffin and Timothy were a pair of ponies. Muffin was white with brown patches and Timothy was brown with white patches. The two ponies were working with a pair of dogs--a poodle named Britches and a boxer named Buttons. They had a comedy act and then they'd mingle with the audience with a pair of human handlers, Jane and Larry. The act and audience interaction took 20 minutes, the cast would rest for 10 while the audience changed out, and the next show would begin. From 9 AM to 5 PM the team...

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Too Close For Comfort

Fear, confusion, panic . . . all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn’t move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, “HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!” Khari Brevins, her...

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Breast Nipple torture

Breast / Nipple tortureOkay so the Life style activities I enjoy are extensive. One word of phrase barely constitutes an insight into what I like about it or how it makes me feel emotionally or physically. For me receiving Breast / Nipple torture is one of, if not the most delicious way to receive pain. (But I’m always open to ideas!)My nipples have always been sensitive, I’ve had them pierced, had the piercing ripped out, although not intentionally or as part of play, and still get off on the...

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Cry HavocChapter 16

Qi spent the night sleeping on a hospital bed, with his head elevated. The sensation of a full mattress under him was unsettling. As he lay there waiting for sleep to overwhelm him, the cushiness reinforced feelings of weakness and helplessness. His sleep was dreamless. Waking up was confusing. There was a body next to him in the bed and her breath was tickling his neck. He knew it was a "she" because her breasts were pressing into his arm and side. Tears started running down his...

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My first Bi sexual Experience

My first Bi sexual Experience.......After months on adult sites,Chatting to horny couples I came across Emma and Will both in there 40's. Been married for 15 years and have four k**s. Like a lot of married couples after years of marriage there sex life wasnt very good. Till a few years ago when they decided to fuck other people. Both being bi sexual it made it more fun and there was never a shortage of willing partners. For a couple in there 40's they where very attractive. Emma was about 5.6...

1 year ago
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Bus Trip Blowjob

I'm sitting on the bus from New York to Boston, trying to sleep but not being allowed to by the uncomfortable seat and the stuffy air of the Greyhound. I picked the seat in the back right next to the bathroom, on the bench that has three seats. This is usually my go to seat so I can lie down and sleep the trip away. Unfortunately for me though, today the bus is packed and I'm sharing the bench with some other guy; one seat between us. The guy is probably about 25-30 years old, a little older...

4 years ago
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Free admission

This is a true story. Like most men, at a young age when you see your first naked body other then your own, your mind does weird shit. I was having the curiosity of what it might be like with another guy. So when the opportunity was there I took it. That was in California during high school. Had my first bi-sexual encounter and loved it. But this story tells of my first big bisexual encounter in 2007 with a Black man. I was running with this "crack ho" (didn't know until later she worked as a...

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I was drunk

My husband and I planned a night of a nice meal and maybe a drink or two afterwards in a club. He had brought home a new low cut sheer top and a micro-mini skirt and he insisted I wear this. I said half jokingly if panties were optional and he said "panties are not allowed or bra. You'll have a coverlet on top ." He had earlier bought me a sort of cape affair and I asked him what the occasion was and he replied" oh you'll see." I showered and was really surprised when I finished that this was...

2 years ago
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Women are Stupid

Yes, I know the title "Women Are Stupid" will cause an uproar. It's bound to in today's world. And when an author is assailed by critics - as I am sure to be - he inevitably backs off or tries to weasel his way out of the controversy or claims he's misunderstood. Or misquoted. Or something. Not me. I really believe it. Women ARE Stupid. I'll take it a step further. Not just some women, not even most women. All Women. They're ALL stupid. I have a story that illustrates it. I don't...

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It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall I'd discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and I'd have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool...

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Adjusting to a New Life Chapter 1

John awoke to blinding light, and incredible pain everywhere. His eyes burned horrible from the light, so he shut them and groaned. He tried to open them, but it hurt too badly so he compromised, and opened them to slits, just barely keeping his vision. This didn’t hurt too badly, so he slowly opened his eyes until he could stand to see. Once he had his eyes open, he realized that it wasn’t really blinding light, but a white ceiling. He tried to speak words, but his throat was incredibly...

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Makaleas Cakes

She was rich and gorgeous and felt she was above everyone else. Almost 21 years old, she was on break from college. Makaela wore a beautiful white dress with a white flower in her long hair. Her mother’s party was beautiful, pink and white flowers adorned the house. Well dressed millionaires filled the estate and were busy having a great time. Makaela’s mother couldn’t be more proud. Despite her daughter’s large ego, she was still a sweet and wonderful girl. Even more beautiful than any...

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Affair With Son8217s Teacher

Let me tell you one thing first, this story of mine is 100% or rather 500% true. Thats all i can say. Rest is up to you to believe in its genuineness. The names of people in this story may or may not be true, owing to confidentiality. So, here i begin. My name is Nikhil Oberoi. I am 37 years of age. I am an investment banker with HSBC India, living and working in Mumbai. I am married and have a son(Rohan) and  daughter(Rhea).My wife is Aleena Oberoi and is also an investment banker, but with...

3 years ago
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Makes You Think

Today has been hot, reports claim hottest day in years. My fractured her ankle last week and wanted to visit her ex fiancé, so I offered to drive her. Long hours on crowded roads even though we left early. Finally we found a place in the shadiest part of the carpark. I helped her out of the car but she shrugged off my steadying hand, determined to walk alone to see him. I stayed back, giving her space, privacy, which is probably why I noticed the guys a little further away, some in uniform,...

4 years ago
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Taxi ride home

I’m a bi guy in my early 30’s and have been with a couple of guys before this night So I’m was on a night out with a few friends and it was time to go home so a leave the club a head to a local taxi pick up spot. I get in the first taxi and tell the driver my address. He is a guy in his late 40s maybe early 50s. We make our way and begin chatting and before long it turns into him asking me if I got lucky tonight to which I replied “no not even a blow job “ the pair of us laughed he then says he...

4 years ago
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Czech the Mileage

Recently, Our BMW failed it’s MoT test. It was nothing serious but it made us realise that old cars don’t run forever. It was over fifteen years old and starting to show it’s age. We had bought it whilst my husband was still able to work and had more money and now we couldn’t afford to replace it with a new one. I still earn a good wage but not that much so we decided it was time to find something that would fit our budget. We had the little hatchback for everyday running around but I wanted...

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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 4

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 4 ..what a day I loved the tennis, Bradley was a pretty cool guy, but crikey what was happening! I only had something like 4 weeks left now so I was determined not to buckle under this, for my Mum and sisters sake. The next two weeks were quiet, I lounged around the house that suited me counting down the days. David continued to do our breakfast but work late. Mum pottered about. Jasmine continued meeting Thomas and kept coming back to say that Bradley had asked...

1 year ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 15 A Run in the Park

I wake up in Neena's bed. I am still boiling. I had no relief last evening. Quite the reverse. Neena used me and used me and then used me again. I licked and sucked her. Feet.Toes. Calves. Knees, Breasts. Nipples. Tongue. Labia. Clit. Finally, after she had come, she made it clear that her anal bud required a long and careful lick. She was absolutely clean, thank goodness but even if she hadn't been, I know my duty was to obey her. Then she handcuffed me to a short chain fixed to the side...

2 years ago
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Amber Lamps

( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...

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James and SonChapter 10

After giving my son and my father time to bond, I continued taking Leo around to meet the rest of the family. He exchanged scents with them, they welcomed him with lips and tongues. Things were just getting started and most of the family hadn’t arrived yet, but there was already some pretty hot action happening around us. Leo wanted to offer up his ass to everyone he met, but I had priorities. We sat back and cuddled on a couch for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies with our hands. Then,...

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Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour

Fleur gasped approvingly as the clothes separating her from Harry’s flesh vanished and her sex pressed against his organ where she had been grinding it. Her juices began to coat his shaft. The French witch wasted no time in reaching down and grasping his pole. She began stroking the firm rod while her tongue continued to duel against his. His powerful hands gripped her bum and kneaded her tender flesh. Fleur’s attraction to Harry grew with each passing second. Finally it reached a point...

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New Bride fucks two strangers at the wedding recep

It was a beautiful setting for a wedding. The bride, Kate, and her husband had chosen to have a small ceremony, set on the beach, with just their closest friends and relatives in attendance. Everyone was in the festive mood that comes with a wedding. The husband could hardly take his eyes off his lovely wife. The ceremony was short, the guests gathered on a secluded spot on the beach near the hotel where the bride and groom where staying. Pictures were taken, vows were made, everyone...

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Black Neighbor helps her out PT3 Blacken

It was barely dawn when Amber awoke, she didn't feel quite as sore this time. In her morning clarity she reasoned her situation, the only safe way would be not to see him anymore. Her pussy ached at the thought, she had to call her husband. It was early and he was still getting ready, putting her on speaker phone Kyle patiently waited for her to bring up Henry while they exchanged pleasantries and she asked about his trip."I was with Henry again." She spoke nervously."Is everything ok?" He...

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Teaching my daughter to be a bimbo part three

Part three,Hi there X hamsters. I hope you are enjoying my stories about how I am training my daughter to be a bimbo.The next couple of days there were practicalities to look after and I wanted to establish a routine for us.But first of all I needed to make my mark on Cindy. I booked into the local tattoo parlour and we both went down there the very next morning. I knew exactly what I wanted, but did ask Cindy if she wanted to know. Being the perfect bimbo she just looked at me and said "I want...

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Summer Vacation With Aunt8217s Daughter

Hi guys..I m back with new story.Hope you all liked my previous story.Those who don’t know me..I m sam from bangalore doing my degree in reputed college.I m 21yrs old and is capable of satisfying any women of any age.Oil massage, body to body massage, a-zservice is provided by me to any gal of any age, even who are interested in sex chat..Those who are interested can contact me Now coming to the story this is real incident happened whn  I  was in ninth standard.I had finished my exams and was...

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Message to my dirty whore

Im goin to order you to get on your knees then tie your hands behind your back. Then as i hold your face and spit in your mouth and treat you like the dirty little whore bag that you want to be!!! My whore, my slut, my fuck doll, my slave!!!Then i stick and apple in your mouth and bend you over...I move behind you to look at your fuckin arse and spit on your pukkerd little hole!!i slowly get my dry middle finger and start finger fucking your dirt pipe! Ur moaning and whimpering and i just tell...

4 years ago
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Night at the Casino

“Hit me.” The suspense is killing me. A lot is riding on what happens now. I hold my breath as the anticipation builds. I start to doubt myself. It was an impulsive decision, one I may seriously regret. I start to have doubts as I look at the 7 and 3 on the table in front of me. “Ace – that makes 21 and black jack. Congratulations” I start at the chips the dealer is placing in front of me. I do a mental calculation in my head. Wow! That’s $5,000! I release the breath I was holding in. I...

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Friday afternoon about 2:00 PM, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was a courier with a parcel.I didn’t want to leave the door open as it was cold and windy outside, so I invited him in. He needed my signature on the receipt and as I signed, I glanced down at the bulge in his crotch. Mmmmm, formidable looking it was. I handed the receipt to him and he gave me the parcel and I put it on the floor. I said, “That is a mighty hot looking package you got there bud.”He looked confused and...

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Make A Wish

“I’m really sorry, mate,” the man said. He leaned forward to take his hand. “I don’t get it,” the kid said, trying to hold back the tears. “It’s just kicking a football around.” “I know,” he sighed, patting his hand. “It’s just with all this COVID business, the team’s in quarantine up in Queensland for the finals. We can get you up there, but the club officials are insisting you’ll have to stay in isolation for fourteen days before you can meet them.” They shared a look. Both knew that number...

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It was tough not to thrust my hips some more and dump my goo in Ashlynn Luker, one of the damn-sexiest pieces of ass I’d ever had, and the fact I was paying for that ass made it somehow even MORE erotic, step-sister be damned! Ashlynn was not dumb. She knew the deal, knew what was expected, and was OK with it. Ashlyn Luker had long ago decided that it was part of being bought, but even more so she felt safe to do this. As long as Johnathan Roberts (me!) went slow, she felt like it would go...

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My Birthday

            It’s my birthday, and the whole world seems to have forgotten me, no calls from my parents, friends are all out of town this weekend, a real bummer.   I am twenty seven years old, not currently in a relationship, consider myself attractive, that is five three, 34c, size eight, short blonde hair, not skinny, just curvy in the right places.   I am not going to let my birthday slide, I have been shopping for a new outfit to wear to my local bar this evening, it is a simple red silk...

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Free Clothes

I guess it is something that goes through the mind of every new or closeted crossdresser. Shopping for new clothes as a guy is awkward because it is difficult to do without making it obvious it is for you. Yeah you can go online, but it’s tough if you’re not used to the sizing and the clothes never seem to look the same as the picture. Thus, when searching for playmates on Craigslist, if you find someone purging some clothes, you have to check it out. And that’s exactly what happened. I was...

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Stepdaughter Laura

Let me start by saying this is all true. My wife and I have/had been married for ten years, that is until a year ago. This was the second marriage for the both of us. My wife was married thirteen years before she divorced. She has a son thirty-nine and a daughter thirty-five (eleven and seven at the time of her divorce). My ex and I divorced after a twenty-seven year hitch and I have no kids of my own; there are a lot of stories connected to my ex (more on that later). My wife and I had...

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New Symbiote Saga

It had spent millions of years hurling thru space till it landed in the water of this blue planet and bonded to a life form. It needs a host to survive in an active state. The one it had bonded with was known as Peter Parker/Spiderman. But few knew him by the last name. His life had been lonely for many years. His friends were few as was the number of his mates. He desired more, but didn't have the mind set and powers to do it. He wished for control over his life as well. These were the deep...

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Net MommyChapter 6

I dropped Rick at the gate of our building and went on to park the car in the basement. When I reached back, he was standing near the lift, waiting for it to descend. We reached our apartment. I opened the door lock. Rick pulled open the front door and entered into our living room. I followed him. He put all the shopping bags on the sofa, turned and locked the door from inside, properly fixing door latch from inside. I watched his hurried activity; he was making sure that no one, not even my...

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Brads mom

***The story I am about to tell you is a true story. It all began back in summer of 2002.First let me give you a little background. I'm black and lived in a small town, where everybody I knew was white, and rich. I'm talking filthy rich. It seem like all my friends had tons of loot.My father worked at a plant an hour away, he worked very hard so that we could afford a small condo in this town, so I could go to a better public school. I guess that's why my father always went crazy about my...

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Schulmatratze Hannah

Disclaimer: Diese Geschichte dient weder der Verherrlichung von Mobbing noch derer Vergewaltigungen! Diese Geschichte dient ausschließlich der Unterhaltung gedacht! Jede Parallele zu real existierenden Personen ist rein Zufällig! + + + Hannah saß mit ihrer Freundin Isabell auf der Wiese des kleinen Waldschwimmbads. Beide waren seit einigen Monaten 18 und gingen in die 13. Klasse. Hannah hatte dicke, schulterlange blonde Haare, war schlank und hatte einen runden Po, feste C-Brüste und...

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The Masks

A Horror Story Short Story #3 © Oct 1996 Rewritten Oct 2003 John sat naked on the earthen floor, nervously playing with his manacles. There were twelve links of steel chain joining his iron wrist cuffs together, and forty-four links securing that chain to a u-shaped bolt driven deep into the brick wall. He had counted them over and over again, and tested the strength of every link more times than he could possibly remember. Other than stare at the masks lining this room, his prison,...

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