Shota Cock Garden Party story I found
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"Happy Count-up day, Greg." A computer-simulated voice chimed as I rolled out of bed after a night of fitful sleep.
"Thirteen plus thirteen," I murmured in a low flustered voice. "Not that it matters for boys... Always a boy never a man."
I had hated my count-up day since the first time I realized that my technical age had ceased to increase. What a bland term for the years following a male's thirteenth birthday. A cruel joke of being chronologically and mentally an adult but physically child.
It had been one hundred and sixty-nine years since the shota plague wiped out every human male who had entered or passed through puberty. At first, it had been hoped that once it's initial run, the epidemic had made itself extinct, seeing as it's hosts had all perished. Subsequent tests had shown that it had mutated into a different nonlethal form in the surviving population. Unfortunately, this new syndrome had changed what passed as an adult male. Now after passing through puberty y chromosome bearing humans were unable to put on muscle in an appreciable amount. The average height of an adult male had gone down from six-foot-tall to barely surpassing five foot one inch. Beards had become extinct and any body hair was rarer than albino alligators. And worst of all impotence had left every man with a useless cock.
I entered my private bath and started brushing my teeth in preparation for the day. After gargling a copious amount of mouthwash, I walked across my dorm room and groggily plopped down at my lab station. Through half-open lids, I admired the vial of red liquid that was the final answer to my doctoral thesis. "If this works, I'll be the first boy to get a stiffy in over a century." I giggled as much from sleep-deprived hysteria as from my poor attempt at humor. I carefully placed the bottle in a foam case and continued preparing for the defense of my dissertation.
I picked up my toothbrush and placed a healthy amount of toothpaste on the bristles. As I worked the brush back in forth over my I wonder how a woman will react to seeing it stiff and erect.
The old contraband recordings I had seen painted a picture of women being driven to wanton extremes by a virile penis. Females of bygone eras would do anything to get fucked by an alpha male. I had seen them pretend to be unable to pay for services they had just purchased, easily tricked by men pretending to be movie agents, and some would even fuck their close relatives.
I stepped out of the shower, water dripping off my flesh. I towel dried myself as I giddily thought about how next year at this time, I would be a twenty-seven-year-old man. I ran a hand over my smooth chin, imagining how it would feel with a few days old stubble growing upon it.
My walk to the train station was a blur. Lascivious fantasies filled my head, causing me to make a wrong turn more than once. Once gotten my head out of the clouds and found the subway station and safely boarded the train car that would take me to the University, I couldn't help but look around at all the different women sharing the carriage with me. Not surprisingly, I was the only male riding today. All pregnancies were now asexual, so if a woman could, she chose for her child to be female. Only ten percent of fetuses had shota syndrome severe enough that they could not be genetically modified. Of those, only one percent would be born male.
A sexy blonde walked up to me and mussed my hair. "Don't see a cute boy every day. Tell me, how old are you?"
I stared up at her. Her golden locks curled around her face-framing it perfectly. She wore a form-fitting red pencil skirt and tight white dress shirt, both of which worked to accentuate her amazing figure. Her dark hose shaped her legs just the way I liked. As I gazed into her radiant blue eyes, I realized I had yet to answer.
"Plus thirteen..." I stammered in response after an awkward pause.
She gave me a knowing grin. "Double lucky thirteen. So, are you going to University?"
"Yeah, I'm a graduate student. I'm supposed to defend my dissertation today." I replied, trying to deepen my voice like some of the ancient actors I idolized.
"A doctor," She stated with just a mild hint of shock. "Not too many boys try for something so substantial."
"Yes, well... I'm not most boys." I retorted as I involuntarily gripped the case holding my life's work.
This statement was more accurate than she could have guessed. I was the only male on the planet whose mother had been purposely chosen him to be so. My mother, Trista Hart, the most celebrated geneticist alive, thought she had found the cure the shota syndrome. She modified my genome and dubbed me the first-ever "clean" baby. Much to her disappointment, I was stuck with an impotent dick and a body incapable of the classic masculine physique like every other male child.
"You certainly are more handsome than most," she answered with a mischievous smirk. "Whenever you are free come look me up. I would love to study a subject like you." She pushed a business card in my hand before sliding out the now open subway doors and disappearing into the crowd.
I looked at the gold embossed card that had just been pressed into my hand. In a fancy cursive hand, it stated that the hot blond who had moments ago been flirting with me was one Carla Creed a life study artist.
"Life study?" I mumbled quizzically to myself as I hurried along to my appointed trial.
Several hours later, I emerged from my interrogation dejected and defeated. I walked to the boy's room at the end of the hall and locked myself in the last stall. Tears welled in my eyes as I clutched my case to my chest. Those bitches didn't even listen! They barely even looked at my papers. All they wanted to know was what makes me think I can succeed where Trista had failed? As though I'm not intimately familiar with her work. Fuck, I am her work. A failure at birth and a failure now!
I stormed out of the stall and washed my tear-stained face. My eyes were bloodshot, and visage was blood-red with the rage I was feeling. "I'll show them."
I opened the case and pulled forth the vial. Its crimson liquid gleamed in the harsh fluorescent light. I popped the top and downed the serum before I could talk myself out it.
I don't know what I was expecting, but I felt absolutely no change. "Nadda, I guess those bitches were right. I should have felt something... anything almost immediately."
Depressed, I let out a long exhale before gathering myself and starting toward the exit. When suddenly, a sharp pain tore through my abdomen. I fell to the floor, feeling as if I was about to burst open.
My name is Rakhor and although I have the appearance of a tall, good-looking black man in his early twenties, I am actually much more than that. I am the God of Balance, Justice and Travels. A Trickster who acts as a force of balance on a cosmic scale. When I look at the world these days, I find myself disgusted. Seriously. Women are getting out of control and men are doing nothing to stop them. Women are the fastest-growing group among prison populations. I’ve got mixed feelings about that. ...
Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...
A Darker Universe by Mermaid Master, Delisha, Dina & slave bodica Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved This material may not be sold but may be freely reproduced and distributed without charge as long as it is done in its entiretyThis is a variation on the NUDEP stories by Nialos Leaning found at This story takes things another step further. It includes overt sexual activities between teens. If this will be offensive, DO NOT READ IT. It is a...
This is a normality-self insert story where a character of your own choosing either one made up by you or a character from your favorite movie, TV show, game, book, comic, or manga is placed in which ever fictional universe that you want and given the power of universal acceptance to do what ever he or she wants to do. First pick a universe you want this story to take place in, then make or pick your character for that universe the rest is your choice.
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So I'm starting a new universe which anyone is welcome to add to. Below is a list of rules for this new universe. The stories can be done in first person or third person but my first set of stories will be in first. This universe is very much like our own except for one major difference, the gender roles are reversed. What that means is that while our bodies remain the same, everything that is attributed towards male and female has been reversed. In our world what is associated...
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I am NOT the simply sharingWith humble and joyous thanks to Gypsy Isabella.Beloved, my heart is full to the brim as we celebrate two decades together. Will you accept these words as a small tribute to our love? As I look into your eyes, I see you as you are now, and I remember the evening when you first shared my table. Since that wondrous night, we’ve grown from boys to men. We buried friends and raised a god son. We celebrated holidays and simple days with the incredible community...
Notes: this is my first story (as you may tell) and this story may not transition or conclude as a normal story would. I do appreciate tips [email protected] The Alternative Universe. By Joanne Chapter 1 John was a shy and lonely man, after leaving his teenage years recently behind him he has found it hard to cope with the real world, This is his story on how he eventually was able to cope with his fears and...
Reverse Universe By Ender Eric had never been one of the popular boys in school. While he was not a nerd or a bully target, he had never been a well noticed boy. Some of that was by his own doing, while the rest was because of his place in the school social order. He always dreamed of dating and having sex with some of the beautiful girls in his class. In many of his classes there was one girl, Mary, who was absolutely hot. She had started budding early and by sixteen, she was...
Welcome to the Marvel Universe, it is I, the god who created this reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex. Nasty stuff. Just pick a story below and start reading.
Two families and their children explore nudism, family sex and learn a few family secrets. This story takes up after Chapter 26 of BSC07 the First Lifestyle Nudist (also found on SOL). I have the author Murray Wilson’s permission to post this chapter. I have imagined a course of events for the families. The story is not canon to his universe. He has reviewed a draft. Any errors are mine alone. The following is all fantasy the characters and situations are all imagined. No relation to...
The family feud universe is such a wonderful place. There’s cum drenched sex for all but not only that, some of the main characters are either people I’d love to meet or emulate myself in real life. Any character capable, willing or not, to bare themselves before total strangers, masturbate to orgasm, take a cock in their ass or swap cum with another woman is my sort of girl! But wait, there’s more. All this and bondage too. Tightly bound tits, gags and other assorted toys abound but hey, why...
Welcome to the Marvel Universe X. It is I, the God who created this multiverse reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex, perverse stuff... nasty stuff. Please motivate me to contribute more to this story by becoming a Patron:
**Readers disclaimer, this is a parody work of many other much greater stories. The purpose of this is to explore alternative erotic world's of these popular universes. The only regular stipulation is that most of these adventures will be Conducted by a group of alternative characters who as a reader will take some time selecting at first so the storyline will go slowly at first as you the reader chooses who you want to see and what they are doing in the adventure.** Who you are is not...
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May 12 - 16, 1975 Introduction When I began my senior high school years, I elected to do the advanced maths course; what was then called "Level 1 maths", but these days is probably "3 Unit", or for people in the US, it is the equivalent of "AP Math" (Advanced Placement – a precursor of university / college level). About twelve of us opted for that class, which was taken by Mr King – our normal maths teacher, and one of the top teachers at the school. Back with I was in 5th form (or...
Author's Note: I've added a "Score" feature. You will now have three main stats: Notoriety - How well known you are at Celebrity University. Making connections with famous people will help to boost this score. The more famous the person, the bigger boost you will get. Kinkiness - How 'deviant' you are. Performing sexual acts outside of the norm will raise this stat. Honour - Basically, how much of a dickhead you are. Are you a nice guy, or are you just an asshole. The idea is that certain...
Fantasy“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...
I was ten when both my parents died in an auto accident. They had had me late in life; I guess I was one of those unexpected surprises. Uncle Sebastian had taken me in, he was my father’s elder brother and my only real relative. It wasn’t easy for him, money was always tight, and he had no experience in raising a teenage girl but bless him, he stuck at it, and I loved him for it.Now having completed my A-levels, I was off to university and on my own for the first time in my life.It had been a...
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SpankingPrologue He’d turned my own sister against me. Seeing her there, naked save for his collar, looking at him with that empty-headed smile on her face, it threw me into a fit of rage. It made me want to burn the world. Starting with him. I ascended high into the heavens like the goddess I was, inhaled deeply, then let loose the fires of creation. My fire didn’t just scorch the earth, it melted it, bathing them in flames hotter than the sun. The rising heat and expanding gases twisted the...
FantasyJust as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...
You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...
FetishI was a freshman at Harvard University. No, not that Harvard. Mine was a small liberal arts college in Eastern Oregon, near the Washington border. It's mission was to "Further Education Through Education." Whatever that meant. Truth was, the only people who went there had no place better to be. As for me, I was supposed to go to the actual Harvard or wherever. My grades in high school were perfect, I volunteered at soup kitchens, and I even published a few top selling apps on the Apple store....
Group SexAfter I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office. I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of...
First TimeAh the unhallowed halls of Hela University, sister school to Hades University and according to those who know, the much more sinister sibling. It is located on the opposite side of Hell as Hades U, and is a Women's University with a very special student body. Slime girls studying shifting, vvitches testing their spells, suckubi practicing seduction, orges organizing orgies, cat girls capturing masters, dryads blossoming and ensnaring sweet beebabes, cowgirls shooting looks that beg you to milk...
LesbianElizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...
IncestYou wait in the waiting room to meet the Dean. You are nervous because it's not normal to meet the Dean but you didn't meet the minimum standards for acceptance into this university and you had to beg to be let in. The Dean agreed but required you to meet with him in order to prepare you for the university. The Dean comes out and asks John Smith and you stand up to shake his hand. The Dean is handsome and has a great physique. His dark hair has only a few gray hairs. He guides you to sit in his...