Cuckquean Diaries First Time
- 3 years ago
- 34
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"Must you go?"
"I must. Someone fucked up and the Koreans are saying they'll only talk to me."
"Mmm-hmm," I smile slyly at my husband, "and this has nothing to do with that time the Korean purchasing manager had to give that presentation to senior management while under her skirt, your cum was slowly dribbling out of her and running down her leg?"
"Are you accusing our best clients of manufacturing a crisis, just to get laid?" he says in mock-horror, a smile playing across his lips.
"Well, once you've finished giving that Korean girl what she wants, hurry back. I'll be so bored by myself on this huge yacht..."
"I'm sure you'll find a way to amuse yourself. I've instructed the crew to see to your every need."
"My every need?" I coyly raise an eyebrow.
He laughs, "See you in Monaco."
A peck on the cheek and he's gone, striding across the dock, the sea breeze ruffling his crisp white shirt.
"Would ma'am care for some champagne? Captain says we're about to cast off."
It's Isabella, my husband's favourite member of the crew, looking magnificent as always. She wears the same white blouse and navy skirt as the rest of her colleagues, but it seems to fit her 19-year-old body better, clinging to the curve of her hips, her young breasts already overcoming one blouse-button, exposing an unprofessional amount of cleavage and, from where I stand, a hint of lacy black bra underneath.
Oh yes, my husband has told me many stories about Isabella.
I meet her eyes, a wicked smile playing across my lips. I take the proffered glass.
"Thank you, Isabella, I would love some champagne."
From horizon to horizon there's no sign of sail, nor ship, nor shore. Just the gentle rolling of the Mediterranean sea as the yacht cuts through the waves. Above, the cloudless dome of the sky is darkening from blue to inky black.
The stars are coming out. Not the paint-speckle you see in the city, but a deep ocean, swirling with luminescent algae. The milky way isn't a pale smudge on a beige canvas, but a full river of stars sweeping from horizon to horizon.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" says Isabella from my elbow.
I push my glass towards her to refill.
"Magnificent, yet not so magnificent as this Tokaji."
"This is one of your husband's favourites too. Did you enjoy the dinner?"
I look up at the young girl, standing at my elbow, the night breeze worrying a lock of dark hair loose from her tight pony-tail, and a perverse thought strikes me.
"Pour yourself a glass, and join me," I indicate the empty space on the other side of the small table.
"I'm not sure I'm allowed to drink on duty."
"Come," I say, "my husband promised you'd see to my every need," I catch her raised eyebrows, "and I need a drinking-partner."
She smiles, "Well, when you put it like that..."
As she slips into the chair I notice that two buttons on her blouse have become unfastened, exposing her to mid chest. Our eyes flick up to meet each other and we both laugh, realising we were checking each other out.
She takes the stem of the small crystal wine glass in her long fingers and brings the rim to her full, red lips. She delicately takes a sip.
"Holy shit, this is good."
She sighs and leans back in her chair.
"Don't get to do this often, then?"
"Only when your husband is aboard--"
She abruptly blushes, her cheeks flushing in the flickering candlelight.
I laugh, "He's never been a stickler for rules, my husband."
Another perverse thought strikes me, "Isabella, you were watching me earlier weren't you, when I was sunbathing..."
She flushes again, it's quite adorable.
"... completely naked?" I continue.
"I'm sorry ma'am. You have a very beautiful body and I--" she trails off.
I grin wickedly, relishing her discomfort.
"Do you find me attractive?"
"No ma'am, I mean yes ma'am, I mean not like that, I-- I don't normally go for girls but I think that you-- I find you-- you--" she trails off, her face bright red now, her head bowed in shame and humiliation.
"I'm sorry ma'am. I should go," she starts to stand.
I lean forward and place my hand atop hers, "No, don't go."
She sits back down.
"I think it's sweet. I've never been someone's girl-crush before."
She blushes again, "I'm sorry ma'am. I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't tell m--"
"I won't. Thank you for being honest with me."
She smiles sweetly, and then a cheeky grin flickers across her lips.
"So you've never dated a girl, ma'am?"
I laugh at her boldness.
"Never dated, no."
"But you've-- oh," she blushes again. It really is quite endearing.
"Fucked a fair few of them, yes," I say, thoroughly enjoying her discomfort.
She smiles shyly, "what's it like? Being with a girl? Is it better than..."
"Different. Just different. Women are less aggressive, more attentive. Another woman will always make you cum."
"Oh, I always cum with-- my boyfriend."
"You mean my husband."
She goes the reddest yet this evening. Even the tips of her ears are flushed full tomato-red.
"You know about that?"
"I know about that."
"Well, he said he told you everything but..."
"He told me everything."
"Wait, even the thing with the anchor?"
"The thing with the anchor is my favourite."
Suddenly the tension seems to flow out of her, and she leans forward on the table as if exhausted.
"Ma'am, you have no idea how relieved I am. I was tearing my hair out, deciding whether or not to tell you. So this 'cuckquean' thing is for real?"
"It's for real. Imagine my husband fucking me while you're bound kneeling on the floor, forced to watch."
She closes her eyes for a moment and a shudder passes through her young body.
They flick open: "OK, that's hot. I get it now," she thinks for moment, "When he gets back do you think he'll--"
"We'll have to see won't we."
"We will."
I drain my glass, then stand, slightly wobbly from the alcohol.
She stands too, "Are you OK ma'am? Let me take you to your cabin."
"I'm fine, I'm fine!"
But she links her arm in mine and we walk together down the corridor to my cabin.
We pause outside the door, and our eyes meet. I can't. I shouldn't. She would, but I shouldn't. I'm going to. I open my mouth but she interrupts brightly, "I'll see you at breakfast!"
I smile and nod, darting quickly into my room to hide my shame.
I slip into my nightdress and into bed, but I cannot sleep. In my mind, I imagine what might have happened if I had invited Isabella into my room. I imagine her lips hot and frantic on mine. Her fingers slipping my dress from my shoulders, then caressing my body. My hand slips between my legs as in my mind's eye she dips her head, cupping my ass in her hands...
I cum quickly before drifting off into a dream of rolling waves and tangled limbs.
In the morning, guilt sets in about the events of last night. What would my husband say? I step into the shower and let the hot water cascade over my back and shoulders as if to wash away my shame and humiliation.
If it was just a fantasy, he'd probably laugh. If I acted on it without his permission... I don't know how he'd feel about it. I've never slept with a girl without him being involved in some way.
I'll tell my husband about the fantasy. He'd like that, and then maybe with his permission, I can act on it... I suppose flirting some more can't help. He did tell me to amuse myself... but no further than flirting!
At that, my thoughts return once again to my fantasy from last night and I smile to myself. Now guilt free, I turn in the shower and let the jet play between my legs. I guess I could stay here a bit longer...
"This is as close as we can go, ma'am. Isabella will bring you the rest of the way in the launch."
The captain and I lean on the starboard rail as the sea breeze caresses my long hair and plays with the hem of my light sun dress. He grips the rail with two hands weathered by wind and sun to the colour and texture of old leather.
Ahead of us, a low and lichen-covered island blocks the entrance to a small bay. In that bay, the captain says, is the most beautiful clear water, and soft white sandy beach.
Isabella meets me at the launch.
"Hello, you. Recovered from last night?"
"Of course," I smile bashfully.
She takes my hand as I step into the launch and before long we're off. Isabella guns the engine hard and soon the small boat is bouncing over the waves heading for the island. At this distance I can't see the narrow passage between the peninsula and the island, but then Isabella brings the boat around and I can see she's lined it up perfectly. As we approach she slows right down and the narrow craft slips between the sheer rock walls.
There's a moment of stillness and I glance up at the towering, craggy pillars on either side, glistening with the salty spray of the ocean.
And then we're through. All around me is the magnificent turquoise lagoon, white sandy bottom but water so clear you couldn't tell if it's only a metre deep or a hundred. Slower now as the narrow prow slips through the still surface of the lagoon. Ahead, a driftwood jetty protrudes from a broad strip of sun-soaked sand.
I can see why we're the only ones here. Behind the beach the cliff is sheer. As sheer as the sides of the defile we just entered. A narrow staircase switches back and forth across the cliff face.
Isabella has cut the engine completely now and we drift on momentum towards the jetty. She turns back to me.
"There used to be a monastery at the top of the hill. Abandoned by the monks in the 17th century and used for a time by smugglers and pirates," she gets a wicked look on her face, "they say they used to raid for slave girls all along the European coast, even as far as Ireland, and bring them here to be auctioned to Ottoman Princes and Berber merchants."
I drift into a brief fantasy of standing naked and bound on an auction block, as coarse-haired Ottomans and well-dressed Berbers haggle over how many pounds of silver I'm worth...
"We're here, ma'am."
There's a brief moment as dream fades into reality when it is Isabella who is doing the haggling, only her kohl-rimmed eyes visible under a diaphanous jeweled veil. She beckons me from the block and I shuffle towards her on bare hobbled feet, "Show me what you learned..." she whispers.
I shake my head and stand, the sea-breeze whisking away the whisper of fantasy. I take Isabella's hand, letting her help me onto the jetty. I slip off my sandals and feel the sun-warmed wood under my feet.
"It will take half an hour to set up for lunch ma'am. If you'd like a swim, I suggest you do it now."
"Thank you, Isabella."
I turn away from her and walk to the end of the jetty, stretching my muscles for a few lengths of the lagoon. Now the boat is moored, the lagoon is so still the water is almost flat, like a sheet of glass. I feel Isabella's eyes still on me as I slip my sun dress from my shoulders. The fabric, heavy with salt-spray, slips easily from me and pools around my bare ankles.
Feigning obliviousness I tug at the knot of my string bikini and let that fall to the floor too. I complete my stretches, enjoying the feel of sun and sea-breeze and lustful gaze caresses my lithe body.
From standing, back arched, I execute a perfect dive into the lagoon. The water is wonderfully cool on my skin after the baking sunshine and I start to front-crawl with powerful strokes towards the island at the entrance to the bay.
The cliff wall facing the lagoon is craggy and sheer. I turn and start back towards the beach.
Isabella has set up a reclining chair, a cooler, a small table draped with a white tablecloth with its own upright chair, all under a white awning, pale fabric rippling in the light breeze.
I wave at her.
"Hey, you should come in, the water's lovely!"
She laughs, stands up from the reclining chair and walks out onto the jetty. I swim to meet her.
"But I'm not wearing swimwear!" she protests.
"Neither am I," I retort with a smile.
I can see that she's torn.
"Come on, there's no-one around."
She grins, "OK I guess, just a quick swim."
She walks away from me as she starts to undress. There's something about the way she does it though, arching her back as she unfastens the buttons of her blouse, wiggling out of that navy skirt... It's carefree and sensuous, like a nonchalant striptease.
She stretches to unfasten her bra, oriented perfectly in profile for me to admire her magnificent endowments, then turns, a wicked smile on her face, one breast cupped in each hand.
I catch a split-second glimpse of her bare ass as it sails overhead before...
She lands, knees tucked into her chin in a perfect cannonball. A wave of water catches me full in the face. She surfaces, hair plastered to her forehead to find me alternately laughing and choking.
"I can see why he likes you; that's exactly what he'd do."
She smiles, then theatrically pretends to check me out, "And I can see why he likes you..."
I grin back at her, languidly rotating in the water to lie on my back, floating, eyes closed against the blazing sun. The water on my belly and chest is already starting to dry. I feel her eyes on me, lingering on my trimmed bush.
"You should come visit us sometime," I smile, "spend a weekend at our house in the countryside. I think you'd have a good time."
I don't hear her dive. My first clue is the bubbles caressing me as they rise between my legs. Startled, I swing upright just in time to see her surface, grinning, six feet in front of me. That cheeky minx must have swum underneath when I was talking!
"Right, you've done it now!" I cry with a grin and lunge for her, but she darts out of reach and starts to swim swiftly away. Quickly I follow.
She's a strong swimmer but my athletic build is swifter in the water, particularly naked, than her curvier shape. She glances behind to see me gaining on her.
Then she's out: climbing hand over hand up the ladder at the stern of the little launch we rode out here. Quickly I follow and almost tumble into the boat, finding her giggling beneath me.
We wrestle playfully, both of us giggling like schoolgirls and then I have her arms pinned above her head and our eyes meet and we suddenly realise what's been happening.
"Oh no," she says, innocent but with the hint of a smile playing across her lips, "the wicked slaver has caught another poor slave-girl. What will she do to her?"
Before I have even thought about it my lips are on hers, hot and hungry and eager and we're making out in the bottom of the boat. Her hands are still pinned in mine but we're starting to grind against each other, each using the other's body and each rock and motion and shift in position sends waves of pleasure washing back and forth between the two of us.
Slowly my conscious mind catches up with my body.
"No, this isn't right," I say, sitting up.
"What's wrong?" Isabella asks, "did I do something wrong?"
I smile, "No, but I might have. I shouldn't be doing this..., my husband..."
"If you could ask him, what would he say?"
"He'd say yes."
"So what's the problem?"
I don't have an answer for her.
Suddenly a wicked look crosses her face. She wiggles out from under me and sits back against the side of the boat, propped up on a coil of rope.
"He can't possibly object if you don't actually do anything..."
She spreads her legs and starts to caress herself. She's bare and smooth, her skin glistening with a sheen of sweat under the hot sun. With her left hand, she cups one breast, tracing slow circles on her nipple with her finger-tips. Her right hand slips down between her legs, the tips of her ring and middle fingers caressing her lips, then parting them and slipping easily inside. I watch transfixed.
"No, he can't complain if I were to tell you that since we met, I can't get you out of my head. That last night I rubbed myself to sleep, thinking about how you would taste, how it would feel to be between your legs, devouring you..."
Her fingers slip out, slick with arousal and she starts to slowly rub herself. I feel a growl escape my throat. Her left hand pinches and twists her nipple.
" I thought about you teaching me to eat pussy. Your fingers laced through my hair as you instructed me on how to eat pussy like the girls you've been with before... and I would try so hard to please you, but you would be a strict teacher..."
Her fingers are almost frantic on her clit, her breath coming out in ragged gasps.
"...when I mess up you take me over your knees and smack my ass until it stings. You make me finger you and lick you again and again through orgasm after orgasm until my jaw aches and I can't do it anymore and I collapse on the bed, panting and quivering and you would look down at me and that look-- oh God-- that look--"
She cums hard, almost bent double as her body is wracked by the powerful climax. By the end she's on all fours in the bottom of the boat, shaking from head to toe and panting hard. I'm leaning back against the opposite side of the boat and my fingers are on my clit although I don't remember putting them there. My eyes are wide and I am dripping wet. She looks up at me and our eyes meet and she knows what I want, what I need. In my mind's eye, my fingers are already in her hair, grinding myself into her mouth...
She grins wickedly, "Would ma'am like some champagne?"
I have no response to this. A shudder of sexual frustration ripples through my body, and suddenly I want this girl as I have never wanted anything before in my life. I want to take her as my possession, to grind myself into her mouth as I cum again and again from her hungry and eager tongue. I stare after her in undisguised animal lust as she pads lightly across the sand, her perfect round ass swaying with each step.
I slip my dress back on and the feel of the fabric as it slides over my swollen darkened nipples is exquisitely intense. Back on the beach, under the awning, Isabella is still completely naked, pouring champagne carefully into a flute.
"Lunch is served, ma'am."
Indeed it is. The white table is laden with cold meats and cheese and thick slices of crusty french bread. Horniness and hunger war with each other in my heart and before I know it I am sat at the table, smearing creamy pale brie all over a slice of bread.
Isabella is kneeling at my side, "do let me know how best to serve you, ma'am."
I take a bite of the brie -- magnificent -- and slowly look her up and down.
"I'm not sure about this new uniform."
She stands and spins, casually, but with the sexual energy of a dancer twirling around a pole.
"Do you not like what you see?"
"I'd prefer something with a collar. And cuffs."
She grins, "is that what you have your servants wear at your country house?"
"Something like that. I think it would suit you."
"Looking to steal me away from the Captain?"
"I don't know. Are you looking to be stolen away?"
"What girl doesn't want to be carried off to foreign lands and forced to satisfy her master and mistress's every desire?"
I smile, "What girl indeed?"
"Well, mistress, what do you desire of me?"
Our eyes lock. Slowly and deliberately I pour a dribble of champagne from my glass across my breasts. The liquid is cold and the bubbles tickle as it splashes across my chest and starts to trickle down under my dress.
"Oooops. I seem to have spilled. You'll have to clean it up."
She grins, knowing what I want. She leans in and her lips and tongue are like sparks of electricity across my chest. She slips the straps of my dress from my shoulders and licks the champagne from between my breasts, her tongue tracing circles around my nipples.
She sits back, kneeling in the soft sand at my feet.
"All clean mistress."
"Oh but now my dress is all wet. I will have to take it off."
I wriggle out of my dress and sit back down on the seat. Neither of us can take our eyes off each other.
This time there's more champagne, and it trickles down between my breasts, across my smooth flat belly, and down across my clit and lips. The caress of the cold and the bubbles on my swollen clit send a shudder through my body and the sensation is so intense I have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out.
"Oh no, what a careless mistress I am..."
I catch her smile as she dips her head between my legs, even as I am lacing my fingers through her hair, bringing my lips to hers.
What she lacks in technique she more than makes up for in enthusiasm. She buries herself in me, delving deep with her tongue, hungrily devouring me, tasting my juices. My fingers tighten in her hair.
She moves her lips to that knot of pleasure-flesh, taking it between her lips, caressing and circling it with her tongue, drawing it into her mouth and sucking on it. I pour more champagne down across my belly and she eagerly laps it up, the bubbles tickling me as she eagerly guzzles down the sparkling wine as it cascades across my swollen clit and lips.
She takes her hand from between her legs and her fingers, slick with her own arousal, slips between my lips and that thought turns me on as much as the feel of her probing inside me.
"A bit low-- low-- ungh--" I shudder as she starts to rub my g-spot with her long fingers.
I don't last long.
As I climax my fingers clench tightly in her hair, grinding myself into her mouth as the muscle contractions ripple through my body. A cry escapes my throat and soars up through the still air into the blue sky.
Afterwards, she stands, shaking, chin slick with my juices and grinning like a maniac. She plants a sloppy kiss on my lips and I return it passionately. It's too hot to embrace and so we lie next to each other in the warm sand under the awning, feeling the breeze on our bodies as seabirds wheel in the sky above.
"We have to stop, I just heard the gang-plank go down!"
"Don't fucking stop," Isabella pants, "I'm so fucking close!"
I grip her wide hips and hammer her harder, the thick hot-pink strap-on slamming deep into her again and again while underneath her fingers squirm against her clit. With each thrust, my hips slam against her cheeks as I drive the dildo deep into her. There's one of Isabella's toys in my ass, a butt-plug my husband gave her. It has a little metal marble inside it and with each thrust the marble taps against the side of the plug, and it feels like someone's fucking my ass.
So hot.
"I need you to cum for me. Cum hard for me."
I lay a stinging hand print on her ass-cheek and she moans, writhing in pleasure under my brutal assault. She lowers her head to the bed as I pound her and her long hair falls forward, exposing the thick red collar around her neck, matching the wrist- and ankle- cuffs which embrace her limbs.
"Oh fuck, I'm close, I'm close," her breath is coming out in shudders, "I'm cumm-- nngh--"
I keep hammering her even as her young body is driven by the powerful orgasm, pounding her shuddering, writhing body with that thick silicone cock. For a moment I wish I could shoot a hot load into her. Finally, Isabella collapses onto the bed, panting and quaking with the aftershocks. The thick veiny strap-on slips easily from between her lips, the shaft slick and glistening with her arousal.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Fuck. Those are my husband's footsteps in the corridor. Oh, fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit.
"Quick!" I slap her ass, "into the wardrobe!"
She opens the door and darts in amongst my summer dresses and my husband's shirts. I kick her blouse and skirt under the bed, quickly slip a summer dress over my head and have a split second to compose myself before he steps in the cabin door.
"Did you--" he stops short, mid-sentence, and then gets the dirtiest smirk.
I follow the line of his gaze, down my body, at--
Fuck. I forgot to unstrap the strap-on.
I'm standing there in the cabin, beautiful light floral summer dress on my bare skin, rudely rent by this huge pink strap-on dildo. I don't know what to say. I look at my feet, my cheeks ablaze.
Calmly he crosses to the drinks cabinet, takes out a glass, pours a generous serving of whiskey.
"Isabella," he says, "come out of the closet."
She emerges too, sheepishly, also flushed bright red. She comes to stand next to me. We must have looked a picture, her completely naked apart from a bright red collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs. Me, draped a tasteful sun dress, straight off a Milan catwalk, apart from the thick veined dildo protruding rudely from between my legs.
"I'm so glad you girls got to know each other while I was away."
He looks at Isabella, "been taking lessons have we?"
"Yes sir," she says meekly.
"Well," he says with a wicked grin, leaning back in his chair, "why don't you show me what you learned..."
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SpankingA note to readers - keep in mind that I never had a plan for these diaries. I'm only sharing them with the world because I can now handle the reflection that comes with reading them. As a result, they don't fit into chapter form all that well and at certain spots things skip ahead if I wasn't writing much at that time or had little to say in my entries. I have tried to find logical breaks to fit into a chapter format for this medium. Hopefully it is working for you and you are able...
It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then. For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a...
Diary Entry: September 2008 What the hell is going on here? Ryan and I both slept in and when we woke up I wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. All he said was, "crazy night, last night." I don't really understand everything that happened. I feel terrible that it did and yet, I don't feel like I did anything wrong. It's not like I wanted this to happen. I was just doing what he told me. I feel dirty. I can still feel Tom's cock inside me, still feel his cum. I don't want...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. This girl will open her legs for the whole room. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you can." I could hear Ryan getting the crowd of guys...
Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...
What follows is an extract from the diaries of my French grandfather who died after a long, full, amorous life at the age of 90 in 1992. He willed the diaries to me his youngest grandchild because I had followed in his footsteps as a journalist. The diaries are full of erotic encounters and I hope to publish more extracts in due course. This is a fairly typical one. I realize that the style may seem quaint at such a remove in time but as the extract deals with age-old themes I do not think...
Part 2 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries. These questions cover parts 3 and 4 of the diaries. Again, thanks to Matt for putting the questions together. Away we go ... 1. You obviously had some deep struggles. How close did you come in 2007 to giving the dream of being a girl? How were you able to get past the stress and doubt? Do you have any recommendations for those who might be in that situation now? The answer lies...
I have been writing a diary since I was a young boy; every day, I write in my journal explaining what I have achieved or just a random thought for the day. I always do the entries within thirty-six hours, no matter where I am. I never miss an entry. I have been writing them since I was ten years old, sometimes I would go to the big box under my bed where I stored the diaries & read through some of the c***dhood dilemmas I was having at the time. I put everything in those journals. Things...
The door shut and there I was naked, my ass on fire, my bladder burning for release with collar attached at 4 pm in our back yard. I stayed put since there were no instructions with this. Looking back at the glass door, Nikki was pressed naked against the glass door while Chance fisted her pussy and she held on for dear life. 'Yes this is how he started with me. Just wait bitch, soon your skinny ass will be out here naked too.' I thought, further surmising that Chance apparently felt...
Hearing the sounds, clearly, of lovemaking coming from our bedroom--the thought of it being "our" bedroom breaking my heart but at the same time stimulating my mind and OMG, I'm dripping all over the floor as I crawl towards OUR bedroom where SHE is fucking my Master. I was hearing it...could I handle seeing it? I'm not I crawled into the room I could see Master forcefully fucking her, her legs up around his shoulders as He was taking her in the somewhat modified missionary position....
She could hear them approach...their footsteps, and she heard laughter. She could only imagine the evening they had together. An evening she paid for through her work. She labored so that her Master could have fun with another woman. He didn't need the money, really, but it turned her on so much to give it to him, to surrender it for his pleasures. Whilst she cleaned, tidied up the place, prepared it for them. Whilst she could not cum. Whilst she had to be in this cage, butt plug in place, cock...
I can't explain it. I have always wanted to watch my husband fuck friend or another female. The thought of it turns me on to the point that I get very wet and can nearly cum without even touching myself. My husband Mark and I have been married 18 years. We have an excellent marriage. We are totally comfortable around each other and our sex life is great. Mark is a great wife lover. I definitely appreciate that he takes his time to give me pleasure, and the fact that his cock is huge doesn't...
VoyeurAuthor's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my diaries. Please leave a review when you're done! Wet, slutty kisses, Alexandra Diary Entry: August 2007 What a night. It's 3:00AM and I can't concentrate. Ryan had me over again last night to show me my pictures and to talk about the sites. The pictures came out pretty good. I like some of them, some not so much. Modeling is fucking hard. The camera doesn't lie. I thought I was thin. Thin! Yeah right. There's a little flab...
[Author's Note: The only way I know if people are reading these diaries is if they leave a review or send me an email. I'd certainly prefer both and answer all reader email. Thanks! Alexandra] It took me a while to begin writing in my diary again. They say rape changes a person. I know it changed me. It changed my relationship with Ryan completely. He was there for me, comforting me, helping me, but things were never the same after that. What was this beautiful, amazing love...
Introduction: On a separate note, if you read my story Incest Diaries & would like for there to be another installment, just comment your choice through this storys comments log. THIS IS IN NO SHAPE WAY OR FORM MY STORY. I CAME ACROSS THIS ONLINE. I ENJOYED IT & THOUGHT MANY OF YOU WOULD TOO. THIS STORY DEPICTS ANIME CHARACTERS FROM THE CARTOON INUYASHA (those characters being Rin & Sesshoumaru). IF YOURE INTO FANFICTION , THIS THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU. NOTE , IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THE...
The Christian Female Discipline JournalE.E. Norcod, D.D., Ph.D., EditorFacilitating the Submission, Obedience and Discipline of Girls and Women Throughout the Christian WorldVolume X, Number v, May 2003Editor’s Forward to the Issue In this issue of the CFDJ we continue our series of the Christian Discipline Diaries, one of our most popular features. These are reports from our congregations who are out there spreading the Word of the Strict Observance Bible Evangelical Church of Christ...
It leaves little to the imagination the title of this escapade. Fucked and wasted drinking all day in the sun, hyped up on x drenched in beer a corner away from the brass band churning out march anthem after march anthem, whilst getting sucked off from a 50 year old squatting behind a kiosk. Her maxi dress was pulled up to her hips squatting as if she was pissing. Looks however may be deceiving as she was actually chin deep with my entire dick shaft. Arm outstretched holding on to the mobile...
It was a great erotic journey till now. I and Pranati both sat on the sofa, discussing how to evoke them. I got a great idea. It is easy to generate new ideas to seduce anyone. She was busy cutting her nails while listening to my plan. Me: Mom, is Keshavi fucked by dad? Pranati: I told you already she does not want to hang out with men. She is a lesbian. Better leave her. Chaap! I slapped my bitch mom. She threw the nail cutter aside. Me: I did not ask for your suggestion, mom. You told me...
IncestHello all, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru, back to tell my sex saga in a story series – Bengaluru diaries. Thanks for all the responses which mean a lot. This is a continuation of my previous story. After spending a weekend in Ooty with two gorgeous girls, I came back to Bengaluru. After 3 days of total fucking exercise, we were so tired that we didn’t even speak to each other for 2 days. By now our college days were getting over so we had to use most of our time together. One morning as I was...
Hey raj here… This is the continuation of the love diaries 1. While madhu was busy with the guests I kept myself busy with my laptop watching porn and exploring iss. I heard guests leaving but still continued with my work and soon madhu was on the door with transparent maxi and clearly visible nipples. She was looking hot. She came near me and was watching the porn with me. I asked her why are you having sex with me, she said your uncle is not satisfying these days and she knew that I have an...
IncestPart 1: 2We didn't talk about it after that and we never said a word to Tea either, and I was rapidly starting to feel uneasy about what had happened. It didn't help that Paulina's responses to my texts were as minimal as they possibly could be, and didn't give out any hint of her true feelings or thoughts. So, I was happily surprised when Paulina invited me for a sleepover the next Friday.Once we were alone in her room I...
Diary Entry: July 2007 This shit can't go on. I called in sick to work and Mom and Dad were supposed to come over tonight. I had to cancel both because of the big fucking bruise on my face. One thing I'm not going to tolerate is Jack hitting me. That's just not right or fair or anything like that. I'm not going to turn into one of those hookers who get hit by their manager. I'm not fucking doing that. My face is sore. I can barely move from the sex and the massive dildo and...
[Author's Note: I have tried to find logical breaks in these diaries to begin and end the different chapters. It's not easy to do because I didn't write my journal thinking it would ever be read by the public. As a result, it might make it hard for new readers to follow along or for an avid reader to remember exactly what was going on when they read the last installment. This is Chapter 4 ... Chapter 3 ended abruptly, so for everyone's benefit I've duplicated the last little bit of it...
I was sitting at my desk at work and looking at my co-workers. There were sixteen of us the large open area. The boss didn't like cubicles; he said that they cut down on employee interaction and he thought it inhibited productivity. I was sitting there looking at the nine men and seven women — there used to be thirteen men, but that comes later in the story — and I wondered if the men were like me and the women like my wife. What secrets were there that I couldn't see? Were the men as...
“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...
AnalFrom Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...
Visiting the cats of my 22 year old niece. (Part 1)In the spring of 2016 our cat had four kittens. Because we just lost two cats my wife and I decided to keep two, and give the other two away to the 22-year-old daughter of the sister of my wife, Jenny. She went to study in Amsterdam and had her own apartment there.I know Jenny and since her birth and watched her grow to the beautiful young woman she is today. She is tall, only slightly smaller than I am, beautiful long black hair, slim with...
I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous collection of odd personalities from different walks of life sharing intimate and intense details of their sex lives...
“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...
Group SexPart 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...
After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.
First TimeCUM DIARIES: When we went out on the Mediterranean Sea. It was a chance encounter. Chances that you do not normally ever want to un-counter. Anything can get your heart racing but nothing is more satisfying than the euphoric feeling of winning a bet with a girl who leaves you open to the classic: "ask me anything" followed by a biting top lip and a slow shy wink turning away from you, gazing over her shoulders, lifting her hips to show you her tight ass. Gazing with narrow eyes sucking her...
She woke to find the house, as always, empty, but for herself and the cats. There was a comforting feeling to the emptiness by now. It had existed long enough to warmly blanket rather than wetly smother. Today, however, the comfort was gone, and there was only the feeling of blank, empty space -- space that had not been filled yet. She shrugged, for she had felt such things before, when she first moved in, or when she was in one of her black moods. Perhaps she was headed for another. At least...
Belling the Cats, or Tatsu Tames the Twelve (Tatsu Story III) By C Part I It was noon in Tatsu's Garden, and in a clearing in the midst of the rhododendrons,an urgent meeting had been called. Basilissa, the most influential of the Plump-BottomedWarblers, had summoned all her sisters–and such was her prestige thathundreds had come. Most sat around her on the grass, their legs demurely crossed.Ordinarily, they might have savored the cool dampness against their netherparts; but their anxiety...
On several levels, Terry had to herd cats, or, in the case of working with American intelligence, selectively herd specific cats in a much larger pack of slavering bureaucratic cats. The metaphor struck him repeatedly, and, for he and the concubines depended, above all, on Dolores, his first concubine. While she gave many people the impression of an oversexed airhead, and she was known to encourage that impression when useful, she was actually his right hand and executive officer. Her people...
Hello everyone! ASW here. I feel like there are a bunch of cuckold stories and topics, but not very many around cuckqueans. There are definitely a few, but I love the topic so I’m giving it a go. I have several different scenarios for this flying around in my head, so I will probably eventually add several branches. Not all the customization options will be applicable to every branch, but I’ll try to keep the options updated as new branches get added. Update: I just started adding name...
The Princess Diaries - Part 2 Foreword: This is the continuation of Kevins journey into total feminization at the hands of a guy he met online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The working day dragged along. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours. I was becoming more restless as my shift on the counter of the plumbers merchants crawled to it's conclusion. I passed the time thinking about my forthcoming weekend away with...
The Princess Diaries - Part 1 Foreword: The following story is partly autobiographical and part fantasy.. Having been a fan of Fictionmania for a while, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own story. This is the first time I've attempted any form of writing since I was at school, well over 25 years ago. I already have the basic outline in mind for part 2, should anyone be interested in a further installment, but I also welcome your reviews and...
Author's Note: The Sex Rehab Diaries is an ongoing series, featuring the intimate confessions of the patients of Dr Clark's group therapy class for sexual addictions at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health "I'm Stacey, and I'm a sex addict." I knew I wasn't the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer'. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I'd read the...
“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...
HardcoreSIDE NOTE , IF YOU'RE UP HERE TO COMMENT FOR ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF "Incest Diaries" THEN COMMENT BELOW. Thank You & Enjoy. Hot Springs- Chapter One kimono: formal Japanese dress -sama: title meant to show respect to the receiver hakama: formal divided skirt for Japanese men Glancing up at the noon sky, Rin took in a large gulp of air as the scent of spring's cherry blossoms gently drifted to her. The breeze was strong that day, and it blew her long, silky black hair around...
This is only my second story. Had the idea for this in my head for a while but needed to work out the kinks (no pun intended). As much as I loathe seeing "part one of nineteen" of stories here, I think this might have the potential to be a series. Interested in your thoughts and feedback. As always, please be firm, but gentle. Kisses. The Vamp-Ire Diaries This was easily just as good as everybody said it was, thought Taylor as the buxom young co-ed with pinup girl looks gave him...
People say they are happy, but are they? What is the purpose of our living? Some answer that in terms of success, some in terms of fame, some in terms of money and some like me answer in terms of happiness. But the question is that have we really found the reason to be happy? Can we sustain the happiness or is it just a momentarily pleasure? At least I don’t know the answer. But isn’t it the obvious that we should do what we like to do. I do sex! Yes, sex makes me happy. Lots and lots of sex....
Hi guys! You all know me. Don’t you? I am Malvika Kapoor, 39 from Mumbai. Those who haven’t read my previous stories, go on read them after reading this one and I am sure you will have a good time. I am a married woman. I have a wonderful life as a wife and as a mother. I think I am performing my duties well. I have a pretty good sex life with my husband which more or less consists of about two sex positions: missionary and doggy. I usually do not cum with him and this is why I take a shower...
20th May 2015 : I had a busy day today. The long meeting hours with clients really suck and it sucks more when they are old fellows. I was going to the parking in the basement of my office situated in Bandra when my phone rang. It was Siddhartha, my husband. He told me that his flight had landed safely in Mumbai and he would be home within an hour. One part of me was happy that my hubby was coming home after 4 weeks and the other part was sad because I won’t be able to fuck Ishan till Sid was...
Hi folks! How are you doing? This is Malvika Kapoor with another story of my adventures. We live in unwanted circumstances and remain unhappy but we don’t want to change them. We fear of our closed ones, the society but we don’t fear the true spirit of being. We are meant to be adventurous but we lose that spirit and try for gathering the comforts all our lives. I have made my decisions. I won’t compromise now with my adventurous spirit and will do whatever it takes to please myself. You know...
Alison grew up west of the Range, among sheep, wheat and summer dust storms. She learned to drive tractors and to repair dam pumps on the farm and everything else in the small school.Each Christmas holiday her brother, her mother and she drove out the farm gate towards the rising red sun. f******n or fifteen hours later they turned into the jungle garden of her grandmother's rambling white weatherboard house overlooking the bay and, beyond, the ocean. Already Alison's grandfather had died and...
CUM Diaries: This is Chapter 1 of the Poker Games introducing the Berber Girl of Morocco. I had stared at him for a little while longer than the usual gaze on throws towards his dealer. Unafraid how this would make him feel, I never realized the amount of freckles he had on one side of his face. This was bewildering, my Vienna guy had a be-speckled left hand side. It was actually quite pronounced, I only caught it however because I happened to gaze the second he removed his long blond fringe...