- 4 years ago
- 18
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Dani and Jason slept late the next morning, leaving Melanie to entertain herself in her crib a little longer than usual. When they finally got up, they found that Melanie had gone back to sleep. They went back to bed too, although not to sleep. By nine thirty, they and Melanie were downstairs, dressed, and fed. ‘I’ll call Phyllis and Steve and Robin and ask what time they want us to pick up the kids,’ Jason said.
He took the cordless into the den to make the calls. Dani thought that she heard him dial three times, but assumed that one of the lines had been busy. ‘Steve and Robin are keeping Anna till after lunch,’ he informed her when he came back. ‘Phyllis and Sean were just leaving to see his old sitter, and she said she’ll bring him back here after, probably just before we go get Anna. So come on, because we have an errand to run.’
‘Really,’ said Dani. ‘And I follow your orders since when?’
‘Sorry,’ Jason said. ‘Please get ready to go somewhere with me. I’ll take care of Mel while you get ready.’
Dani was ready in ten minutes. ‘Where are we going?’ she asked Jason.
‘It’s a surprise,’ Jason said. He stopped her when she started to buckle Melanie into the car. ‘We’re taking my car,’ he said.
‘Jason, your seatbelts don’t hold her car seat very well,’ Dani protested.
‘We aren’t going very far, and the problem will be solved when we get there,’ Jason said. ‘Trust me.’
Dani could see that arguing wasn’t going to get her anywhere, so, saying a silent prayer that they would get wherever they were going safely, she got into the car. Jason was right, they didn’t go far. He stopped at a car dealership about two miles from their house. ‘What are we doing here, Jason?’ she sighed.
‘You’ll see. Come on.’
He carried Melanie into the dealership, with Dani reluctantly following. ‘We’re here to see Mark,’ he said when a salesman approached them.
‘I am Mark,’ the salesman said. ‘You must be the Sheridans. Hi, Cutie,’ he added, tickling Melanie’s chin. Melanie gurgled and tried to grab his nose. ‘The one I told you about is right outside,’ Mark said to Jason. ‘It’s all ready for you to try out.’
‘The payments are going to be what we talked about, right?’ Jason said.
‘Well, as close as we can get. It depends on what finance rate we get, which we don’t have any control over, and on what we get for your trade-in.’
‘I can accept that,’ Jason said. ‘Okay, let’s see it.’
‘Jason, what on earth do you think you’re doing?’ Dani demanded in a whisper as they followed Mark outside.
‘Don’t worry about it.’
‘I am worried about it. How do you think we’re going to afford- Oh, Jason!’
The salesman was standing in front of one of Dani’s dream vehicles: a Toyota Sienna minivan. ‘Jason, we can’t possibly afford this,’ Dani said.
‘It’s used, Dani,’ Jason said. ‘We’ll be paying for it till Melanie’s in kindergarten, but we can afford it.’
‘Jason, this, plus the mortgage and all our other bills?’
‘Mrs. Sheridan, I understand where you’re coming from,’ Mark said. ‘But really, the payments won’t be as much as you might think. Mr. Sheridan, if I could have the keys to your car…’
‘Jason, you’re going to trade the Z24?’ Dani said. ‘But you love that car!’
‘You and the kids are more important,’ Jason replied. ‘I’ve seen how hard it is for you to get the three of them in and out of your Oldsmobile. Besides, you’re right about the seatbelts in the Z24. How much sense does it make for me to hold onto a car that we don’t even dare to put the baby in? So you’ll finally have your Sienna you’ve been wanting for years, and I’ll drive the Oldsmobile.’
‘And Mr. Sheridan tells me you own the Z24 outright,’ Mark said. ‘Those do pretty well on resale, so we should be able to give you a good trade on it. Our used car manager will take a look at it while you try out the Sienna.’
Dani loved the minivan, it handled better than she’d expected, and she was impressed with how easy it would be to get the kids in and out. But she still wasn’t sure about buying it. ‘Jason, it’s great,’ she said when they returned to the dealership. ‘But-‘
‘We do have the money,’ Jason said. ‘For one thing, I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you, but I got my raise. I’ll be getting another dollar an hour.’
‘Jason, I can’t believe it! You’ve been trying for that raise for months! I’m so glad you finally got it, but still-‘
‘For another thing,’ Jason continued, as though Dani hadn’t spoken, ‘we were talking about getting a minivan as soon as we found out you were pregnant with Melanie. So I’ve been putting some extra money in the bank every week, on top of the regular savings and the house fund. Since we bought the house, I’ve been able to put more away. We have almost two grand for a downpayment for this, plus the Z24. The payment will be about what we were paying for the Olds and the Z24 together, but since the Olds is paid off now, we won’t be paying any more a month than we have been. Dani, I want to do this for you. Especially if we decide to go through with what we were talking about last night. A mother of three needs a minivan, and this is the one you’ve been wanting. If you don’t let me get it for you, you’ll ruin my life.’
Dani laughed and kissed him. ‘All right,’ she said. ‘Thank you, Jason.’
‘Just taking care of my family.’
It took a while for the approvals and all the paperwork to be done, but Dani, Jason, and Melanie went home in the Sienna. When they got there, there was a message on their answering machine. ‘Hi, folks. This is Rebecca Perry. I was hoping we could talk about Sean spending some time with us. Give us a call.’
‘I wonder if Julie’s been in touch with them,’ Dani said after they heard the message.
‘She must have been. They are her parents.’
‘Ben told me she and her parents didn’t always get along.’
‘So call them and find out.’
Dani dialed the number that Rebecca had left. Rebecca answered on the first ring. After a few minutes of small talk, Dani said, ‘So, when were you thinking about seeing Sean?’
‘We’re going to be down that way next weekend,’ Rebecca said. ‘We figured we could swing by your place, maybe take Sean for the day, then bring him back around supper.’
‘That sounds all right. By the way, Rebecca, have you heard from Julie lately? A friend of mine said he saw her in Portland not long ago.’
‘Julie? No, we haven’t heard a thing. So we’ll see you next Saturday, probably around ten?’
‘All right,’ Dani agreed. ‘Thanks for calling.’
She hung up. ‘So, have they heard from Julie?’ Jason asked.
‘She said they haven’t,’ Dani replied.
‘She was lying.’
‘How do you know, Dani?’
‘She answered me way too quickly, and didn’t seem interested in the fact that Julie was seen in Portland. I think she would have had more questions about that if she didn’t already know that Julie was around.’
‘So what are you going to do?’ Jason asked. ‘Not let them see Sean?’
‘They can see him. They can even take him out for the day, like Rebecca just said. But think about it, Jason. From what they said at the mall, they never came down here to see Sean when Ben was alive. So why would they be coming down here now?’
‘You tell me.’
‘Beth said Al saw Julie in Portland. So she’s probably living there again. They’re coming here to pick up Sean, and they’re going to take him to see Julie.’
‘And you’re okay with that?’
‘Of course I’m not okay with that! Julie’s a bitch!’
‘I thought you never met her.’
‘I didn’t,’ Dani admitted. ‘She refused to meet me. She didn’t want Ben to have anything to do with me, which is one reason for thinking she’s a bitch. Then there’s the fact that she left Ben for another guy while she was pregnant with Sean, and she left Sean so she could go party.’
‘So what
are we going to do?’ Jason asked.
‘What can we do? Rebecca and Pete are Sean’s grandparents, they have a right to see him. And I don’t know what, if any, visitation rights were given to Julie when Ben got custody. I’ll call Martin Franklin and see if he knows. I will tell you one thing, though.’
‘What’s that?’
‘If they don’t have Sean back when they say they will, I will call the police. And if the police won’t do anything, I’ll go get him back myself. I lost Ben. I’m not going to lose Sean.’
‘What do you mean, you lost Ben?’ Jason demanded.
‘Never mind,’ Dani said. ‘He died. That’s what I mean. We have to go pick up Anna.’
They left the house in the minivan. ‘What do you mean, you lost Ben?’ Jason asked again when they were on the road.
‘For Heaven’s sake, Jason, give it a rest,’ Dani said. ‘Ben was my friend. We hadn’t spoken in over a year because of a stupid thing I said, and before I had a chance to apologize and patch things up with him, he was killed. What do you think I mean?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe that really is all, or maybe there was something more than what you’re telling me.’
‘Or maybe you’re being a paranoid idiot! I married you, didn’t I? I’ve spent almost five years with you, haven’t I?’
‘Except for when you left me,’ Jason said.
‘I left you because you were an abusive asshole, and you were starting to be abusive to Anna.’
‘I never hit you or her.’
‘No, but you sure as hell came close. Anyway, if we’re going to argue, let’s at least stick to the topic, and not get into this whole separation thing again.’
‘Fine! So what did you really mean?’
‘I really meant what I’ve already told you a half dozen times I really meant! Jason, why is it easier for you to believe that I’m lying than that I’m telling the truth?’
‘You’re right,’ Jason said after a moment. ‘You’re right. You’re my wife, and I should trust you. And I do trust you. But you know I’ve always been jealous of Ben. I’ve never really understood why you married me instead of him.’
‘Because you wanted to marry me,’ Dani said.
‘Well, you wanted to marry me, too, right?’ Jason asked.
‘Right.’ Dani wasn’t sure if she was lying or not.
* * *
When they got to Steve and Robin’s, Steve’s car was nowhere in sight. ‘They must have gone to run an errand or something,’ Jason said. ‘I’ll go see if they left us a note.’
He went up to the door. ‘Can I get out, Mommy Dani?’ Sean asked.
‘Jason’s just seeing if Uncle Steve left us a note to let us know where they are,’ Dani replied.
‘But can I get out?’
‘Not right now, Joey.’
‘I not Joey,’ Sean said.
Jason came back to the van. ‘They’re waiting for us at Wal-Mart.’
‘I not Joey,’ Sean repeated.
‘Joey?’ Jason asked.
‘I didn’t say Joey, did I?’ Dani mentally kicked herself.
‘Yes,’ Sean said.
‘Who’s Joey?’ Jason wanted to know.
‘I don’t know. I didn’t even know I said it.’ Another might-have-been, Dani thought.
A week after she and Ben made love, Dani’s period was late. Cursing herself for not insisting on protection, Dani waited nearly a week, then finally bought a pregnancy test. While she waited for the results, she daydreamed about having Ben’s child, a little boy she would name Joseph. Joey, for short. Ben might be angry if she was pregnant, but surely he wouldn’t desert her and their child.
The test had been negative. Two days later, Dani’s period had arrived. She was never sure why it had been late, and she’d never told anyone about the pregnancy scare. But she’d never stopped wondering what if, or thinking about a little boy who would have looked exactly like Ben. Exactly like Sean.
‘Well, you did say it.’ Jason folded his arms. ‘Let’s go find our daughter.’
Steve, Robin, and the girls were in the toy department at Wal-Mart. Anna and Denise were holding matching Barbies. ‘We were just wondering if you were going to show up,’ Steve said. ‘What took you so long?’
‘I bought Dani a present,’ Jason said. ‘It’s outside if you want to see it.’
‘First we need to pay for these Barbies,’ Robin said.
‘You don’t have to buy Anna’s,’ Dani said.
‘We do, actually,’ Steve said. ‘We promised them last night that if they did everything they were told, they could come here and pick out anything they wanted that was less than ten dollars. The Barbies are on sale.’
‘I hope you said thank you to Uncle Steve and Auntie Robin,’ Jason said to Anna.
‘Thank you, Uncle Steve and Auntie Robin,’ Anna said obediently.
After they left Wal-Mart, Steve and Robin offered to treat the Sheridans to dinner. Since Jason had to get home to get ready for work, they turned down the offer. ‘That was kind of dumb,’ Steve said. ‘It would have only taken you twenty minutes to get to work from here, but it’ll take you over an hour to go home, then go to work. Why didn’t you just bring both cars so you could go to work from here?’
‘I had to make sure Dani didn’t drive too fast in her new toy,’ Jason said.
‘Well, we’re going to have to drive fast if you’re going to get to work on time,’ Dani said. ‘Thanks again for keeping Anna, guys. We’ll have Deeny sometime in the next couple weeks.’
‘Just let us know when,’ said Robin.
Sean and Anna both fell asleep on the way home. Melanie stayed awake, babbling at the van windows. ‘Who’s Joey?’ Jason asked again.
‘I told you, I don’t know why I said that,’ Dani replied. ‘I didn’t even know I did. You sometimes call the girls by the wrong names.’
‘I call them by each other’s names. Ben’s middle name was Joseph, wasn’t it?’
‘Oh, for crying out loud,’ Dani said. ‘Yes, it was. And Sean looks a lot like Ben, which is probably why I called him that.’
‘That might be it.’
‘What do you think, Jason, that Ben and I were secret lovers and had a kid I stashed somewhere or something? Drop it. I need to concentrate on driving.’
When they got home, Jason kissed the kids and got into the Oldsmobile without saying anything to Dani. Then he rolled down his window. ‘Maybe you and Ben weren’t secret lovers, but you do have his kid,’ he said. ‘And maybe you should worry more about your own kids.’
‘What happened to, I love Sean and I want to adopt him?’ Dani asked.
‘I still do. But you’re acting like Sean’s the only kid you have or want. I don’t know what was between you and Ben that made him decide to give Sean to you. I just hope you’re telling the truth.’
‘I just hope you like our couch,’ Dani said angrily. ‘Because that’s where you’re going to be if you keep up these accusations.’
‘Now you’re kicking me out of bed? What’s next, Dani, throwing me out of the house?’
‘Don’t go there, Jason.’
‘Fine. I’ll go to work instead. I’ll see you when I get home, if you can be bothered.’ He left a strip of rubber at the end of the driveway when he took off.
‘Mommy, why’s Daddy mad?’ asked Anna, who had woken up when Jason kissed her.
‘Because Daddy needs to get a life,’ Dani said. ‘Let’s get inside and figure out what’s for supper.’
The biggest problem Dani had with the fight wasn’t that Jason had gone to work angry. She knew that if he hadn’t forgotten his anger by the time he got home, it would at least have lessened to the point where they could talk rationally. The problem was how close he had come to guessing the truth about her relationship with Ben.
* * *
When Jason got home at two a.m., Dani was still awake. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that.’
‘I shouldn’t have accused you of lying,’ Jason replied. He gave her a hug. ‘I forgive you.’
‘We need to talk,’ Dani said. ‘If you’re too tired, it can wait till morning.’
‘It is morning,’ Jason pointed out. ‘And we have church, so we wouldn’t be able to talk till afternoon. Let’s get it ove
r with.’
‘The thing is, I didn’t tell you the whole truth,’ Dani said.
‘Maybe I don’t want to hear this after all.’
‘Probably not. But I need to tell you. I didn’t marry you so I could lie to you. Ben and I were more than friends. But it ended before you and I got engaged.’
‘But not before you and I started seeing each other.’ It was not a question.
‘No,’ Dani admitted.
‘You cheated on me with him while we were going out.’
‘Did you sleep with him?’
‘Once. That was when it ended.’
Jason punched the couch cushion. ‘Damn it, Dani, I did not need to hear this at two in the morning!’
‘I tried to get you to wait till later to talk.’
‘Why are you telling me this at all?’
‘Because it’s what you believed anyway, and I was tired of lying.’
‘Were you in love with him? Even after we got married?’
‘Yes. But after that one time, nothing happened. And that is the truth.’
‘Are you in love with me?’
Dani knew that their entire marriage probably rested on her answer. So she lied. ‘Yes, I am.’
‘Okay. I wish you hadn’t told me about you and Ben, but at least you were honest. Can we go to bed now?’
Jason fell asleep before Dani was even ready for bed. Dani lay awake for over an hour. Jason now knew the truth, but not all of it. And what he didn’t know, that she wasn’t in love with him and never had been, was something he couldn’t find out.
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I slowly strolled towards his door. 'If I know Gillian, she didn't waste any time,' I thought before I stopped in front of it. 'I hear moaning in there now. Damn, did Gabe actually go for her? I know she is sexy, but would he fuck her after what we had?'I clenched my fists for a moment and felt a few drops of sweat falling from my forehead.I hit my palm with my right had a couple of times. 'Damn it; maybe I am jealous. I don't even know for sure that they are having sex in there, but I feel...
TabooI am currently in relationship with a girl named Ellen. We have been going out for 6 months or so and generally speaking we have a great time. She really enjoys sex and every time we see each other we make sure to make the most out of it. Ellen is 21 years old and leaves with her parents. They all live together in a great mansion by the sea.. Given that the summer has already started i spend most of the weekends at her place.. The house is big enough and it has it even has 3 guest rooms.. The...
Hello friends meri peechhli kahani “Antarvasna” aapne padhi hogi. Usme maine shweta VIDHI BHABHI ke saath ghati ek raat ki ghatna ka varnan kiya tha. Aur us ghatna se mere antarman ki vyakultaon ka bhi zikra kiya tha. Darasal us ghatna ke baad se meri saari dincharya hi badal gai thi. Mai ab rajesh bhaiya aur unke pariwar se kata-kata rahne laga tha. Ab main apna jyada samay office me hi bitata tha. Roj subah 8 baje tak main office ke liye nikal jata, aur raat 10 baje ke baad ghar wapas aata...
The queue, waiting for the first lift is large, but my eyes focus happily on the blonde hair of a woman ahead of me, rather than the floor indicator above each lift. I love women like her, slim, mature, maybe even over fifty, dressed in a suit, shiny hair in a bob style, elegant and feminine.I am going into the same lift as her, just so that I may gaze discretely at her and enjoy her good looks. My head thrills at the possibility that she has a thin blouse and underneath, a Camisole top. ...
Nice Next-doors Neighbour: Awesomely attractive "Apple-Cheeks" is Actually Jolly Juicy 'JACOBI'Nice Next-door Neighbour "Apple-Cheeks" is My Main Curiousity as Cunning Cute 'Cunny' to 'Come'.It takes several years to get to know her step by step: Where does she live: Which door, which floor?At the back like me, or at the street-side? So, what is her name? It takes ta few years to conquer her!=================================================================================Nice Next-door...
Eating Italianby Jim Robert Bader "Hello," my girlfriend smiled at me with a winsome expression as she answered me at the door, looking good enough to eat, and with very good reason. "Hi yourself," I said as I took her in with a long and thorough study, seeing the cute little dress she had on that was so short that it showed off her legs from crotch level on down to her beautifully well-shaped feet, currently adorned by a pair of lacy thong sandals. "Come inside," she said with her breathy...
I called in to see my mother in law of twenty years to see if she wanted anything doing because of the snow and to have a coffee. She had already been down the street for her newspaper and started to tell me that someone had built some snowmen sitting on the seat. I thought nothing of it until she said it had a big willy and the other one had tits with big icy nipples. She seemed a little excited telling me, but I was gob smacked when she came out with “I would be no good sucking on him,...
So it was now the early hours of sunday morning, pat's husband was due to start his evening shift that evening , so we had to go, pat and myself climbed into the back of their car, whilst he drove back to theirs, it was a warm summers night, the cool breeze was welcome , pat was half awake and half asleep, she was snuggled in to me as much as the restricted space would allow in their sports car, on occasion i spotted roger looking at us in the rear view mirror, he smiled and carried on driving,...
Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park - Part 2 of 5 a story by PRIM The story so far: Roger Pressington rebels against the sissy clothes his mother Thelma chooses for him. Fortunately the boy's grandmother Valerie is a match for his independence. However, Thelma asks her good friend Sonia Forbes-Withers for help, knowing that she and her mother Agatha have made a good job of bringing up her son Jodie as a pretty, nicely dressed boy. The Pressingtons are invited to Sweetwell Park to see...
“I want to be your perfect little slut.”I want you to approach me with cool, calm authority, so that there is never any doubt I will do anything you say. I want you to run your finger softly and tenderly down my jaw line, just before you pull back your hand to slap me.I want you to strip me naked and sneer at me as you pinch my nipples, all the while telling me how hard you are going to fuck me, how you are going to pound my pussy flat so that I can't sit for a day or two. I want you to d****...
Room 1408F Mike exited his apartment and walked over to the mailbox. He hadn't checked it all week and assumed it would be full of junk-mail. Sure enough, he found it filled with letters. He quickly went through it sorting out his roommate's mail in the process. John was just as forgetful. People of his generation never used the mail. That was what email was for. Finally, Mike came across an odd post-card. It was a picture of an old hotel in the middle of New York City. ...
Frank waited to come out of the guest bedroom until after he heard Ginny and Kaitlyn out in the kitchen the next morning. He put on the pair of slacks from the night before, and took the rest of his clothes from where he had them in the guest bedroom, over to his own bedroom. He changed into some old clothes, planning on spending most of the morning working out in the yard. When he went into the kitchen, to get some coffee, he thought Ginny was acting strangely around him. He said good...
Just before taking the final shot at sinking the black ball Tom was momentarily distracted yet again. This time it was the sight of his dangling cock swinging around down between his legs that had caught his eye. It was in that momentary glimpse down at his soft dick that Tom remembered another incident that had just taken place only a few days ago. He been at home by himself in the evening, in the nude of course and watching TV in the family living room. He heard his parents come home from...
I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Stacey - The Beginning My wife no doubt thought that I fancied Stacey but she clearly never knew the lengths that I might go to, to make my dreams come true. My name is Paul and I am 46 and live in Scotland, my wife Daisy is a gorgeous and very sexy 41 year old and we have a happy marriage and good sex life. But then the girl next door is something...
In this cold and uncertain world, life is beyond difficult. For some more than others. Lately, I feel like the universe has been kicking our collective asses. Men and women, Blacks and Whites, straights and gays. We’re all feeling the pinch in this horrible economy. The world has turned upside down and most of us feel that there’s very little we can do. What can we do to hold back the chaos which invades our lives? My name is Jacques Simon. I’m a Haitian-American police officer living in the...
I was lying nude on my husband was on top of me guiding his penis into my vagina.i was completely aroused and wanted my husband to fuck me really hard but this was no special night.he cummed in just 4 strokes.he got off me,cleaned himself and lied beside me–ignoring my feelings.I just lay there—nude–unsatisfied. 2 years back i got shifted to Mumbai after i got married to vivek,a nice looking,handsome guy.i was 24 then and he was 27.since then we are sharing a very busy life in a rented...
My wife of twenty years Sonya and my 19 year old daughter Tania had left the house about thirty minutes ago for a whole day at the shops and the beauty parlour. I had planned to catch up on some of my latest porn downloads using my ultra big screen TV.I was sitting naked on the lounge chair watching a particularly great fuck movie. I’d lubed up my cock - it was long, hard, slippery and glistening as I wanked it slowly.My peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by a frantic banging on the front...
Hello everyone! Mera naam Shanaya haii aur ye meri 3rd story haii. Meri pichlii 2 stories pe aap sabkaa response dekh krr maine ek aur story share krrne ki sochi. Meii app sab se request karungii ki agar aapko te story acchi lage toh please apnaa feedback dijiyegaa. Mera email id hai. Aap sabka feedback mughe bahut help karegaa. Aap sab apne experience aur fantasies bhi share krr sakte hai jinhe meii apnii stories mei use krr sakuu. Please apnii suggestions zaroor dijiyegaa. Email – Mera naam...
Yes, we bought the boat. It was, to us, more like a small ship than a large boat. An island trading type ... of the kind used in the South Sea islands, in and around Tahiti. The type of ship that carries small shipments to and fro between small islands; what ever needs carrying and is too heavy for a catamaran but not big enough for a steamer. To get out of Belize City we had to sail south until we came to one of the few access points through the barrier reef. The Barrier Reef is a series...
Winter break started, and the twins were home from school. They sat at the table with their dad as they all munched on breakfast. “When’s Mom coming home?” Brittney tried not to sound desperate, but she was. Her pussy had been on fire without her mother’s tender touch. And no amount of masturbation seemed to make up for it. To make her horny matters even worse, she could not get the image of Daniel’s massive dick out of her head. “Penelope’s mother is recovering nicely.” George looked over...
Hi honey. I had to leave for Colorado. Erin's having some problems and landed in the hospital. I called your office but they said you were in a meeting so I made you dinner and left this note for you. The boss told me you could have the rest of the week off too, so Natalie won't be home all alone. I'll call you and let you know when I find out what's going on. I love you so much, baby! Take good care of our little girl for me. Oh, and I left you a little surprise in the DVD player for...
They say that twins share a special bond. The fact that my twin brother and I both turned out to be bisexual seemed to support that theory, in my mind at least. I am a very friendly outgoing person, had a great childhood, cheerleader in high school and then later in college. Never liked the education part of school but did okay on the social side. As for my sexual side, I was always curious and although I never considered myself overly sexual, I did like to try new things. In some cases that...
Group SexMark's chin rested on Flick's shoulder as he peered down at the pages of the report Drew had shared with them both. He grunted to let Felicity know he had finished reading the pages that were currently open and was ready for her to turn over to the next ones. Together they quickly absorbed the remaining pages and Flick turned her head slightly to meet Mark's eyes and confirm he was finished. "So, let me just make sure I've got this right and we are all on the same page here," said...
Part 1- ‘Chance Enounter’ I pulled our car through the open stern of the ferry and parked where I was directed. It wasn’t crowded today. My wife Sarah and I had been visiting the island for almost a decade after discovering it our first summer together. Some years the vehicles were packed so closely together that it was hard to open the car doors enough to squeeze out and get to the stairs. Sarah carried our wool blanket, and I carried our shoulder bags. We hurried up to the open observation...
Glad to meet you all here in my second part of the story. If you have missed the first part, please check it out to feel the reality of the story. Before going into the story, I really like to thank each and every one of you who mailed me to share your comments regarding my story. It was really heart-warming and made me write this 2nd part. Here you go. Hearing a boy calling him, he at once sat down on the floor. Since he had taken his hand off my panties, I came back to almost normal. The boy...
note,Don't ask me about part two, because I didn't write thisgirlfriend maneuvered me into a night of group sex that was my first with a man, but not the lastA few months after my divorce I moved down the coast a short way from San Francisco, to a smallish town where I hoped to get some of the quiet I had long craved. The divorce had not been especially angry or bitter; after a while my wife and I simply had nothing to say to each other, and while we rarely argued, the long silences at had...
Lissa sat in the front room of her apartment that night, all dressed up for her first date in five years. In a few minutes, Matt would arrive to drive her to a party that one of his friends was throwing. The two of them had been studying together for over a week now, and he had finally "worked up the courage" to ask her out, as he had put it. He was so charming that she had immediately said yes. Now as she sat there in the apartment awaiting his arrival, she felt extremely nervous....
My wife and I were out at a local bar with some friends. She had taken her wedding ring in for cleaning, so she wasn't wearing one. We had been dancing and drinking, but around midnight everyone decided to call it quits. My wife had been getting lots of attention from some local young cowboys. They didn't realize she was married as her ring was off.As we were getting in the car, I realized I had better go back into the batroom before the drive home. She went back in with me. The young cowboys...
The International Women's Freedom Front Part I By Katie Dale John Tallon's father Paul was a successful doctor, so successful that John's mother Beth was able to stay home and not work. She was happy with that. They were a traditional Christian family with traditional - maybe old fashioned - Christian values. They went to their local church every Sunday, and were always volunteering for various church charity functions. Paul was considered one of the best Gynecologists in...
A woman had been stabbed by her husband in a domestic dispute in a house in the street that I live yesterday . Last night a police woman had knocked on my door asking questions. She was Polynesian, taller than me by 20cm, wearing her bullet proof vest , truncheon, stun gun, pepper spray, etc .. very imposing figure.Did I know the couple ? No Did I notice anything different before this afternoon?NoOkay thanks. If you do remember anything please get in touch with local police station.I closed the...
I got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s. The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little tired after hauling...
AnalXiong left the room for what seemed to be a few hours. I didn’t know exactly- he had taken my watch. When he returned, he had a clear plastic bag under his arm. He handed me my clothes and told me to get dressed. I grabbed my panties from him and quickly put them on first. Wasting no time, I put on my jeans. I turned my back to him and put on my bra and t-shirt. He stood expressionless he observed my every move. I felt reassured in my clothes. Finally, I had a sense of privacy. That wouldn’t...