Ein heisser Sommer
- 3 years ago
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Anja ist gerade 18 geworden und hat einen Körper, um den sie jedes anständige Mädel beneiden würde. ihre endlos lange Beine sind schlank, aber nicht so dürre, wie bei den Models in Paris und ihre festen Brüste füllen ein C-Körbchen gut aus. Stolz kann sie auf ihren perfekten Oberkörper sein, sagt man und ihr Gesicht wird oft mit der Schönheit und dem Glanz eines Diamanten verglichen. Wallend fällt ihr hellblondes Haar über ihren Rücken.
Bei Sandra, ihrer besten Freunden sieht es etwas anders aus. Was ihr an klassischer Schönheit fehlen mag gleicht sie durch Größe und Niedlichkeit mehr als aus. Wenn auch ihre Beine nicht ganz so schlank sind wie die von Anja, und der Oberkörper nicht ganz so perfekt, so kann sie immer noch stolz auf ihre D-Oberweite sein. Ihr kindliches Gesicht wird von roten Locken eingerahmt und ihre Augen sind dunkelgrün und tief, wie klare Bergseen. So mancher wollte in diesen Augen schon ertrinken.
Die beiden Engel kennen sich nun schon seit fast zehn Jahren, seit Anja neun war und Sandra acht. Über die Jahre hinweg entwickelte sich eine Beziehung zwischen den beiden, die mittlerweile weit über Freundschaft hinausging und sich gerade in eine lesbische Liebe und sexuelles Verlangen verwandelte. Die einzige, die von dieser Beziehung wusste war Anjas kleinere Schwester Katharina. Sie ist 16 und ihrer großen Schwester in Sachen Schönheit mehr als ebenbürtig. Ihr junger Körper ist noch jungfräulich und unberührt. Natürlich gibt es Jungs, die mehr von Katharina wollen und sie ist sich dessen vollauf bewusst. Doch sie genießt das Wissen, dass ihre vorgetäuschte Schüchternheit sie noch begehrenswerter macht, als sie sowieso schon ist. Sie spielt dieses "Ich bin sooooo unschuldig"-Spiel ziemlich gerne, aber insgeheim hat sie sich schon entschieden, welcher Junge es verdient, ihre Jungfräulichkeit zu beenden. Schon bald wird es soweit sein,ihre Eltern werden nicht da sein. Alles ist vorbereitet und es wird das perfekte erste Mal sein. Mario wird der Glückliche sein, er weiß es nur noch nicht...
It took Tandra and me a half hour to unpack and get used to this palace that Carson Sommers regarded as a summer cabin. We'd been invited to join Carson and his daughter on one of the patios that surrounded the Olympic-sized pool the retreat sported. Seeing it from the window of our room was a matter of looking outside. Getting from our room to the pool itself required a circuitous route that almost had us lost. But the unguided tour revealed a ballroom that would rival anything you'd find...
Jeez, it was cold and wet on that hill. Doesn’t matter who you are, cold and wet is cold and wet. We were sent here, repurposed “special operators”, backing up a last-minute operation to take out a really bad dude. Not the tough kind, the just yucky kind. Without his army of crazed minions, he’d be a nothing burger. He was just in the right place at the right time to take over leadership. They say he’s married to somebody’s sister or something. You know, actual qualifications for a radical...
Juni, Sommeranfang. An den Tag werde ich mich wohl noch lange erinnern. An die Gefühle, die meinen Körper durchfluteten, als ER ihn unter Kontrolle hatte. ER mit seinen sanften und zugleich kräftigen Händen, ER mit den großen, dunkelbraunen Augen, die mich zu hypnotisieren schienen… Ich saß gerade am PC und blätterte ein paar Mails durch. Draußen waren’s gute 28°C im Schatten und ich zog es vor, mich bis zum späten Nachmittag dieser Hitze nicht auszusetzen. Auf EinsLive spielten sie...
"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm. "Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann...
Sommerhitze Martin blickte Sehnsüchtig zu seiner kleiner Schwester rüber. Er begehrte Mila schon seitdem er denken konnte und jetzt, kurz nach ihren 18ten Geburtstag, starrten nicht nur seine Augen zu der süßen Blondine rüber. Seine Badeshorts saß verdammt eng. Mila rekelte sich auf ihrem Badehandtuch und scheinbar unbewusst streckte sie ihren Körper, der scheinbar einigen alten Säcken aufgefallen war, wie Martin missmutig feststellen musste. Auf dem Bauch liegend, um seinen vor Erregung...
BDSMEs war ein sehr warmer Abend, die Sommersonnenwende, und meine Nichte hatte eine Gruppe ihrer Freunde hier auf den Bauernhof eingeladen, um eine Party zu feiern. Ihre Freunde, einschließlich ihres Mannes Jeff, sind keine Partylöwen. Ungefähr zwei Dutzend versammelten sich vor der großen Scheune und machten nicht wirklich viel, außer Unsinn und zu trinken. Ja, es gab Alkohol, da die meisten weit über 21 Jahre alt waren, war das kein Problem. Ich hatte vorgehabt, sie in Ruhe zu lassen, während...
Group SexMia hatte ihr Abi gerade in der Tasche. Manche Leute würden sagen, dass es doch ziemlich überraschend war mit welch gutem Ergebnis. Insgesamt hatte sie eine glatte 2,2, trotz ihres Rufes als Schulmatratze. Ausgerechnet das Ergebnis in der mündlichen Matheprüfung in Mias ausgewiesener Schwächedisziplin war eine 1,7. Zwei der drei Prüfer waren männliche Lehrkräfte und es kam der einzigen weiblichen Kraft im Raum fast schon unheimlich vor, dass Mia tatsächlich auf die Fragen immer genau die...
Teen„Los, schieb IHN rein!“ „Wo? In deine Fotze?“ Mit einem Grinsen wandert mein Blick zu den Anderen, die sich begeistert die Schwänze reiben. „Du weißt genau, dass ich keine von diesen billigen Fotzenutten bin. Also… Entweder du fickst mich jetzt in mein Arschloch oder ich lass mich vom Nächsten voll stopfen.“ Lexa schaut sich ihre strammen Mitschüler mit lustvollen Augen an. Die Gruppe von insgesamt zehn Leuten befindet sich auf dem Knabenklo der Schule. Es ist kurz vor den Sommerferien und wie...
Rööööööt Rööööööt, weckte es mich. Mein alter Wecker war wirklich nervtötend. Müde schlug ich mit der Hand nach dem Gerät und schaltete es über die große Taste auf der Oberseite sofort aus. Endlich Ruhe, dachte ich mir, es waren schließlich Ferien. Um genau zu sein war heute der erste Tag der Schulferien und ich war froh, dass ich die Schule erst einmal für ein paar Wochen hinter mir lassen konnte. Ich war mit meinen 21 Jahren zwar keine schlechte Schülerin, aber eben längst nicht die beste,...
IncestIn diesem Jahr wollen Linda,Evi,Gala und Tia jeweils in ein anderes Land reisen und am Ende ihrer Reisen einander von ihren Erlebnissen berichten. Endlich ist der Sommer gekommen und die vier Mädls stehen am Vienna Flughafen,um sich voneinander zu verabschieden. Linda ist 20,schlank,blond,hat graue Augen und üppigen Busen.Sie trägt ein türkises Top,eine Jeanshotpants,lässige rosa Sportschuhe,einen blauenBh,aber kein Höschen.Ihre Reise geht nach Hamburg. Evi ist 19,zierlich-anmutig,hat...
Man sah Claudia König ihre Krastbürstigkeit nicht an. Eigentlich machte sie eine eher unschuldigen Eindruck aber das täuschte. In Wahrheit hatte sie es ganz faustdick hinter ihren blonden Haaren, besser gesagt sie war sogar ein Biest. Immer war sie nur auf ihren Vorteil bedacht und zögerte dabei nie ihren Prachtkörper für ihre Zwecke einzusetzen. Dies war schon während der Schulzeit so. Sie war an sich eine sehr gute Schülerin, aber sie hatte in der 10. und 11. Klasse massive Probleme in...
Hallo, mein Name ist Alec, ich wohne in Deutschland und bin 33 Jahre alt. Genau genommen ist Alec nur ein Spitzname, den mir meine englischsprachigen Freunde gegeben hatten, weil sie Probleme bei der Aussprache meines wirklichen Namens hatten. Aber er hat sich inzwischen irgendwie festgesetzt, also - das bin ich. Ich bin eins dreiundachzig groß schlank, habe dunkle, kurze Haare und grau-blaue Augen. Meinen Lebensunterhalt verdiene ich in diversen Jobs - ich konnte mich noch nie so richtig...
Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...
My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...
I stared at my reflection in the mirror on Saturday night as I carefully put the final touches to my make-up and fastened my necklace and bracelet in place.To my relief the hickeys Darren had given me were already beginning to fade. The overdose of concealer I had applied had done a good enough job, at least for the most obvious mark and the two dark patches above my collar bone were hidden by the high collar of the dress I had chosen for the evening’s event. My tummy still churned when I...
CuckoldHi guys I’m Srikanth Varma of 22 years age 6 feet height and 7 inches cock. I am a regular reader of ISS and now I am going to narrate a story which was happened one month back. I used to live in sr Nagar near to Ameerpet and at one day I went to walking for one mnc and there one beautiful girl named Lakshmi aged 22 with round boobs and perfect sized body. I didn’t even spoke to that girl on that day but every time. I got a chance I used to stare at her big boobs and her beautiful ass and...
Imagine a big guy with a rubber mallet in your chest and he's banging on a steel drum. That's what it felt like the first time AJ touched me. I didn't feel it with my first boyfriend and I sure didn't feel it with my husband the first time. I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper. My son AJ was standing behind me. He kissed me on the neck and then reached into the top of my blouse and gently held my nipple between his fingers. He said "That's the most beautiful thing I ever saw",...
Hello dosto aaj se pahle bhi main apne jivan me hone wale wastvik khani likhta aaya hu or ye gatna abhi 3 mahine pahle ki hai friend thora sa main apne bare me bta du main dikhne me masum lrka lagta hu main dubla patla larka hu but mere andar sex ka stamina bhut hai or randi ko bhi chodta hu to wo bhi jhr jaati hai pahle ek do paise de ke milta hu uske baad khud bulati hai or main agar bol du ki paisa nahi hai to free me karwane ko bhi tayaar ho jati hai to aap soch lo mera kiss had tak ka josh...
It was in late March of the following year, 1807, when a letter from Anson's prize agent arrived with the mail from Plymouth. There it was, in neat writing. The captain's share to which Anson was entitled from the sale of the captured enemy ships was set at £3,937 10s of which £3,543 15s remained after the prize agent took his cut. When he added the over £900 he already owned, this was a substantial sum. For the next two days, Anson was busy detailing his plans to invest the...
100% fiction! The summer after I got out of High School I learned even more lessons, although these were not from any teacher in school. I was shopping at a store in town and I saw my older sister. I remember how when she was still living at home, mom and dad would have her babysit me. This went on all the way up till I was in my second year in High School. Now, I was 18years old and out of school and she was living in town. When I saw her once more, she looked really good. She was wearing a...
IncestMy name is Danna and I shared a story with you last week about my first black experience. I have fucked Allen twice since I sent in the article, and each time it has been incredible!!!I am 32 years old, lily white, 5'5" tall, 120 lbs, 40D chest, 25" waist, and 34" hips. Before Allen, I had only fucked one person, that being my husband. As I mentioned in my letter last time, I am totally "normal" with the only exception being my insatiable desire to be gangbanged by a group of well-hung black...
Bil·dungs·ro·manˈbildo͝oNGzrōˌmän,ˈbēldo͝oNGks-/ noun1. a novel dealing with one person's formative years or spiritual education.Chapter 1The Cardellos“Probably because when I was twelve, I watched my uncle fuck my sister Katie like five different ways till Tuesday, and then I lost my virginity the next night fucking her the exact same way.” That was my answer, after deliberate thought, to the question, “How did you become such a fantastic lay?” posed by Lucy Spellman not two weeks ago as we...
I had been a grounds-keeper at that college for at least six years now. I originally came there to get a degree myself, but times got rough and I had to slack off the classes in order to pay the rent. Anyways, I ended up being one of those statistics--the one that says you quit school to work and then don't go back because you get caught up in stuff. Now here I was still mowing lawns and trimming hedges, which I guess I didn't mind because it helped me keep my athletic, muscular body toned and...
GayLucy Parker had no fear. No second thoughts. She wanted this. She wanted sex with her nephews. And she wanted sex with their girlfriends. And she wanted sex with their mother. She should be worried. She should even be disgusted by the thought of having sex with them. But she wasn't. In fact, she was kissing Claire Parker. Claire was 48, but she was in a terrific shape for her age. She tried her best to keep herself fit. And, of course, she had a very intense sex life, which only helped...
I shifted uncomfortably behind the cash register, trying to pay attention to what the customer was saying. I was distracted by a few things. The nipples on top of my tiny breasts were hard enough to cut glass and showed through my bra and the thin dress I was wearing. My pussy was wet enough that it had soaked through my thong, making them uncomfortable and I was sure that everyone in the store could smell how turned on I was. But the main source of distraction was the little...
Hello incest lovers, I am Vimal and live in Chennai. I love this site and going to narrate my true story to all of you. I am working in chennai for 4 years. I am working in a BPO in chennai and my wife is also working in chennai. We stay in a rental house, The house owner’s daughter name is Kausalya, she is working in a software company used to ask all her doubts with my wife. My wife was taking care of all needs of her. She was really a good looking girl with small size of breast, any one...
IncestJulie and I are standing at the hotel's entrance as the clients' black limousine pulls up. The uniformed driver comes around to open our door. Julie gives me a look that says, "I impressed." The driver takes her hand as she steps into the car. We both are able to appreciate her small firm ass while she enters. As she sits, the long slit up the right side of her dress displays a long lean dancer's leg. I step in and sit closely by her. The driver closes the door. We dimly follow him around...
Chapter 5: Barocca's Recruiting - Barocca Finds A FriendLater that evening in her quarters, Barocca plopped down onto her bed in disgust. It wasn't until now that Barocca realized what a daunting task she had ahead of her, in trying to contact the girl she wanted, and then recruit her. Even though Barocca now had a phone with secure access to the outside world, the type of information she needed wasn't exactly easy to come by.Barocca hadn't kept that much of a personal phone or address book...
New York City Some colleagues and I decided to take advantage of the warm Friday afternoon, so we headed to a midtown outdoor café for lunch. On this sunny afternoon the streets were alive and the café was busy. However, you sitting in the corner, wearing that yellow sundress, with the sunlight shimmering off your dark hair quickly caught my eye. I tried to join in with my coworkers’ banter, laughing when I thought I heard a joke, chiming in to make it seem like I was paying attention to...
“About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting… “About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting my grandmother who was delighted that we had visited. She liked Scott who I had been dating for about three years. I was...
AnalWhile most everyone but the crew was still asleep, Scooter and Crystal got their heads together in the early morning half-light. "If we're going to make this a qualifier for Randy, we're going to have to get him and Nicole out of Duane's raft," Crystal said. "And, I want to run with Nanci and Mom, at least today." "Guess we can do it," Scooter said from behind the roar of the big propane burner that was heating wash water. "How's about you take Noah, and I'll take Randy and...
It was almost eerie. After dad had returned from plowing the road once again, we'd all sat down around the table preparing to eat breakfast. The eerie part was, that no one was really talking. Before, there had been light-hearted banter, laughter, several conversations taking place at once. Now, there was virtually nothing. I had caught several knowing looks between the girls and mom. They were fleeting, quick yet somehow communicative. It became clear to me, the three of them were sharing...
Chapter 4We relaxed a bit and i was beat and was ready for bed as Julia sat on the sofa cuddling Simon and Tam next to her too. She really was a lucky girl i thought ! Julia asked me to show Tam his room and i asked her who shes sharing a bed with tonight , she said she wasnt sure yet and winked.I showed Tam his room which also had its own en suite and he was very pleased with it and gave me a hug of thanks and then started to kiss me deeply which was quite nice , as he did i was rubbing his...
They went into the kitchen and he had her sit at the table. He sat down beside her. He knew that he would have to coach her on how to survive in this world that was so backward compared to her world. If she made a slip, the public would brand her either a crazy person or worse, the UFO nuts would hound her to death. " I don't even know your name." "It's Thea." "Thea, I don't think that you're ever going to get back to your world again. I have always been taught, as apparently you...
by Vanessa Evans Part 6 As mentioned before, both Alice and I are on the same psychology course and we were both looking forward to the human sexuality part of the course. We’d been told that we’d have modules on it in each year of our course, getting deeper and deeper into the subject in each subsequent year. Well we had to wait until the early new year for the first module and we were told that we’d be doing things that were designed to really look into our own beliefs and attitudes...
Seth Lightfoot, 4th degree Waabanow, sat quietly meditating in a cave a long distance from the three young men who were tied and cuffed in chairs. Seth opened a leather pouch and put some of the contents into his mouth, washed the herbs down with some water, and just waited. In about half an hour, the Waabanow’s mind had changed. It now wandered the surrounding tunnels and caves, and focused on the three young men: ‘Pissy’ Parsons, ‘Jimbo’ Alexander, and Eddie Consol. The three of them were...
100% fiction! It was my 22nd bithday when i woke up an empty house . My family was away but,my aunt was told to watch me. She lived a mile away making it easy for her to pop in regularly. I wasn;t worried about it. cooki outta bed to the smell of breakfast cooking. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and my aunt was standing over the stove facing away from me. The first thing i noskin tighticed was her skin tight leggings. They hugged her thick thighs and her big, round ass making my blood flow...
IncestHi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience inside a moving train with my cousin sister-in-law, Janani. She is 27 years old and looks so very beautiful. Her skin complexion looks somewhat like a white foreigner, milky white and even parts of her arms looks slightly pink. She is slim, chubby arms and about 5’4” tall. She is a very hot woman and has a 1.5 year old son. She lives in hyderabad with her husband and in-laws and her parents are in...
IncestWhen Amy woke again, it was morning. The only evidence she had that it had not been merely a wonderful dream was the pleasant aching in her cunt and ass and around her thighs. She awoke alone in the bed, but remembered vaguely having had at least one--and occasionally two--pairs of arms about her during the night. The fact that the pairs hadn't always matched was of little importance. She didn't exactly wake up horny, but if she'd had the chance for a leisurely morning fuck, she'd have...
I had been working long hours and seven day weeks. That is the only way I can explain missing my daughters growing into such attractive young ladies. It all started after I had gotten ill and lost my job. I was home watching television. The girls were going swimming and their mom was at work. My wife has an international sale career and is away from home several days a week. Let me describe my angels for you. Pen, short for Penelope is the oldest and just turned 19. Julie is the youngest at 16....
IncestIf You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...
If my husband, Jason, had known how things were going to turn out, I don't think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is. Jason and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 35, but people tell me I look five years younger. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 24 38 figure. I would be naïve if I didn't admit that...
Chapter 2The PartyAt the end of their successful meeting Serge invited Adrian and of course Daniel to a party at the home of his employer for that evening. It was an event with a large number of people invited from the arts and business community artists, buyers and supporters of the arts and some musicians and a few from the theatre community. Adrian and Daniel arrived together and Daniel looked spectacular with his new hair style and wearing one of the new outfits which were purchased that...
Also ich bin nun 60 Jahre alt und bin ziemlich gefrustet. Mein Leben ist ziemlich öde. Jeden Tag der selbe langweilige Job. Alles öde. Das einzige was mir Spass macht ist ficken. Es gibt soviel geile Weiber, die ich auf der Strasse sehe. Ich bekomme immer Ficklust, wenn ich junge Mädels in engen Jeans sehe und sie einen tollen Mädchenarsch haben. Ich bin nicht wählerisch, obwohl sehr jung besonders reizvoll finde. Alle Mädels will ich vögeln, wenn sie gerade die Geschlechtsreife erreicht haben...
I was just finishing lunch at a little deli when I saw someone outside who I thought I recognized. The woman looked like a Mom of kids who played with my kids when they were younger. I finished my sandwich and went into the store that I saw her enter. I remember her as a even though she tried to hide her hot body under baggy clothes. I entered the store and immediately figured I was in the wrong place. I must have seen wrong. I was in an adult video store with rack after rack of tapes, dvds and...
Erotic(Sorry this has taken so long to update. I had writer's block and then I have to confess another project overwhelmed me. But now I'm back to this.) (The Present) "You know I heard what you said to Zhang Lee." "Hmmm?" Duncan replied as he attempted to keep an innocent expression on his face. "I do NOT fight all my duels in the nude." The pair of Immortals smiled at each other. They both remembered other meetings; some romantic and some in friendship when one or the other was...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume I The Lady Who Picked Me Up -- Tales Of Sport And Hunting : Part One She was a princess, queen of the Highway. Sign on the road said "Take us to Madre." No one can save her save the Blind Tiger. He was a monster, black dressed in leather. She...
Hello my fellow boys, girls, men and women reading sex stories. I just completed my college and waiting for my offer letter for software company .I stay in rented home .Trying for other jobs too and updating my technical skills too .I stay with another friend of mine too .We stay in lower part of home .Our house owner in the top floor. I look good ,fit body with no tummy ,wealthy family and fair ,had my own vehicle .Had a naughty mind .Love pornography a lot ,watching women on road ,massages at...
IncestBetsy called me back the following evening. "We had a nice talk," she said. "But it was just preliminary. Nothing to report. We're meeting again, later in the week. Bye!" She hung up! Damn, the woman loved to tease me. Oh, I could call back, and she'd string it out a little, but I knew Betsy wouldn't have anything more significant to tell me, and I knew she wanted me to call back, just for the satisfaction. So, reluctantly, I let it pass. Four days later, she called me again -- in...
In the first Chapter, Robert Long was found by his sister in her bra and panties. Where he confessed that he couldn't help himself. Jessica Long then decided to help Roberta find her true self. By the end of the summer, Roberta has been wearing some kind of feminine clothing since April. We now find Roberta about to start her new school. It is not what she expects. Mom, I Can't Help Myself Chapter 2 Roberta: First Day at Miss Lynne's School for Girls By Jennifer...
It's been almost a year now since I took over my father's talent agency, abandoning my life at the time to come out and try to maintain his very profitable business - meeting and well, sleeping with, a pretty big amount of celebrities. I had told myself that after six months I'd call it in and go back East to the lifestyle I grew up in. But now, I think that at least a little more time spent in Hollywood might be in my best interest. I stood right now in the airport lobby, having just...
Tony safely and calmly exited the parking lot and pulled out onto the street. Where to Tony asked over the intercom. Dave pushed the button. “To Bill’s house.” Dezi touched my arm. “Tell him we can’t go there Bill.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because Pam is there.” I started to say. ‘You’re Pam,’ but I realized she wasn’t Pam. she was Dezerea Dave had heard, but he didn’t understand why she couldn’t go home. The stress and mental conflict between Pam being a slut and who she had always...
A Bright Idea By Meryl Davids Pete couldn't wait to get home, Mary, his flat mate, was going to be away, and he would have the flat to himself. He realised how lucky he was, in finding her, when she advertised for a flat mate. She had wanted another female, but he talked her into it. Mary had thought that he was safe, and not a little effeminate. She had basically taken over their finances, and all of the costs that had to be met jointly came out of a joint account that she had...
Cynthia and I have had our share of problems. We got married young and we were deeply in love. We still are, but things seemed to have leveled out for us. Our kisses became more chaste and our lovemaking sparse and routine. After years of marriage, and hundreds of nights spent together I often felt like I was alone as we shared a bed. She was an amazing woman and I truly adored her. She was the perfect wife and an exemplary lover so there was no reason for our distance. Had we become too...
Now that I had 3 men needing regular blow jobs I was pretty happy.It was after my big cocked realtor visited that I began with Pete.He was the man groping my ass at my door,promising me he wanted anal.I knew he didn't but I did love the thought of taking one the size of his.About an hour later I serviced Pete for the first of many times.A week didn't go by that I didn't have atleast 8-10 loads to swallow,then it changed.Pete had developed a habit of dropping by everytime he saw a man leave my...
“Uncle Andre, how good to see you again!” said Gwen, smiling warmly. “Gwen, it has been much too long. I wish we had had time to talk at the funeral but unfortunately pressing business drew me away much too quickly.” He was tall, trim and looked ten years younger than a man in his late fifties. His Van Dyke beard gave him a somewhat mysterious aura, his hair still full but graying, eyes almost black. “But here we are now,” she replied motioning him into the living room. He had called that...
Introduction: I saw a man I did not know go into my house when my mother was the only one home The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like I often did, at breakfast I told Mom that after school I was going over to Tims house to play video games. We decided that...
Now I haven’t seen Mrs Brooking for a couple of weeks due to work commitments but who should I notice whilst grabbing a sandwich from the local supermarket? I spotted her full round buxom ass bent over the vegetable counter. So, I casually walked over to her and gave her ass a playful tap to which she shot bolt upright about to give me a stern telling off. Mrs Brooking instantly smiled once she realised it was my hand on her arse. How are you she enquired? Much better for seeing you again I...