Las 55 reglas de una esclava Spanish
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Llegando a casa
Abrió la puerta de la entrada a su casa, agarrada de la mano de su nueva aventura, las dos eran jovenes, pero una era experta en estas artes y la otra era una novata que aún no había salido del armario, o tal vez no quisiera salir, tan solo probar esa fruta prohibida, pero el hecho es que las dos estaban tan calientes como aquel día de primavera, cuando el Scirroco sopla con fuerza desde su lejano desierto y golpea España con saña.
Entraron con paso titubeante, hasta llegar al sofa y allí se sentaron las dos. Sin soltarse de la mano. Sin siquiera decirse nada. Solo se oía sus respiraciones excitadas y entrecortadas.
Jessica y las ninfasLa detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. Vestida con su ropa preferida, la detective treintañera se siente más cómoda, con unos vaqueros de color claro, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas, una camiseta también blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver su ombligo y una gorra de béisbol dejando caer por detrás su preciosa melena de color castaño claro recogida en una coleta. Tras varias informaciones las pesquisas la llevan a un edificio abandonado en el centro de la...
Jill aparc? el coche como siempre, a unas manzanas del almac?n. Llevaba haciendo esto durante casi dos meses ya. Cada jueves sin falta. Le hab?a costado mucho conseguir un confidente dentro de la triada. La mafia china no aceptaba a ning?n desconocido. Siempre que un agente intentaba infiltrarse, o bien le ignoraban impidi?ndole penetrar en la organizaci?n, o bien desaparec?a del mapa. Desde que la hab?an asignado a la brigada de crimen organizado, Jill decidi? buscar otro camino. Si no iban a conseguir un infiltr...
La profesora Miller y las dos vecinitasHe visto un anuncio por Internet y una profesora que dice llamarse Señorita Miller da clase de inglés en una casa en mi barrio. Es por la mañana, llamo al telefonillo, me responde una voz con acento pero se la entiende el español, subo al piso, llamo a la puerta, de repente se abre y la veo, ella debe de tener unos cuarenta y tantos, lleva una falda muy ajustada con la cintura alta, una blusa blanco satén y unos tacones altos, es rubia y lleva...
*************Decimotercera parte************* El agotamiento me venci? pronto. Eran poco m?s de las diez cuando not? c?mo se me cerraban los ojos a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Mi primera intenci?n fue acostarme. Pero claro... ?el maquillaje! As? que tuve que hacer de tripas coraz?n (unas tripas que segu?an implorando m?s comida despu?s de la escueta cena) e ir al ba?o a devolver mi cara a un estado natural que cada vez iba a ver menos y menos en mi vida. Aprovech? para aliviarme. No me hubiera gustado despertar...
*************Novena parte************* Me acerqu? directamente a la persona que atend?a el bar. Era una mujer de unos cuarenta y tantos a?os, muy bien conservada. Estaba sentada delante de la caja registradora. Ten?a el pelo rubio (creo que no he visto tantas rubias juntas en mi vida) en un conservador peinado recogido en un mo?o bajo. Era muy delgada y s?lo destacaban dos impresionantes pechos, algo ca?dos, en su figura recta como la de una escoba. Vest?a un feo uniforme de camarera de rayas verdes y bla...
*************Duod?cima parte************* A medida que avanzaba la tarde entend? por qu? Dalia nunca parec?a estar en una postura relajada, aunque estuviera sentada, comiendo o de cualquier otra manera. Al parecer, mi due?o hab?a elegido para m? que fuera elegante y sexy al mismo tiempo. Eso requer?a aprender toda una nueva forma de moverme, de sentarme y hasta de comer. En algunos puntos me parec?a a los juegos gestuales de mi nueva amiga, pero en otros me separaba. Ella era m?s... vulgar hasta en eso. Per...
*************Octava parte************* Apenas un minuto m?s tarde estaba de nuevo sentada ante el tocador donde Isabel hab?a depilado mis cejas la tarde anterior. Repar? que estaba lleno de productos que no hab?a visto en mi ?ltima visita. ?Todo esto es lo que vas a tener que aprender a usar, Laura ?me dijo Isabel con su voz siempre agradable. Con la rotundidad de su cuerpo, con su belleza y con esa voz tan profundamente sensual, una idea me daba vueltas por la cabeza. ?C?mo pod?a carecer de de...
*************S?ptima parte************* Entr? al ba?o y cerr? la puerta detr?s. Dej? la maquinilla y el gel sobre el lavabo. Ah? me ten?a de nuevo, delante del espejo. El pelo era una aut?ntica mara?a y ten?a ojeras de haber llorado y de no haber dormido lo suficiente (?o lo hab?a hecho?. Segu?a sin saber qu? hora era... ni qu? d?a, ni siquiera qu? a?o). Suspir? y me quit? el pijama. Volv? a mirar mi cuerpo desnudo. Me fij? de nuevo en mis diminutas tetas. ?Joder! ?Ni siquiera estaban proporcionadas!. Eran una peque?a protuberancia con...
Insisto, mi cuñada una gordibuena q me saca d eje, después d tener nuestros primeros encuentros, la relación fue distinta, ya mas confianza, nuestros juegos a doble sentido son mas seguidos, cada vez q la saludo, si estamos solos le como la boca, y le mando mano a su hermoso culo, si hay alguien la apretó bien a mi para sentir esas tetas grandes q me vuelven loco, disimulando un abrazo de familiaEn una ocasión me toco ir a hacer un tramite muy temprano, q al volver a casa la cruzo, iba...
*************Decimocuarta parte************* Mi rubia tutora tuvo que consolarme con caricias en el pelo y palabras tranquilizadoras. Yo, por mi parte, estaba m?s que dispuesta a dejarme mimar. Me apoy? sobre su pecho, grande y duro, hasta que mis l?grimas, que por fin hab?an salido en torrente, amainaron de nuevo. ?Despu?s del cambio, los primeros reconocimientos no son agradables, lo s? ?me dec?a, cuando iba recuperando mi compostura?. Ni siquiera conoces a?n tu cuerpo como para que te lo examine ...
*************Sexta parte************* Hab?a amanecido cuando Isabel abri? la puerta con energ?a. Yo estaba dormido y casi me cuelgo de la l?mpara del susto. ??Arriba, perezosa! ?dijo con su voz cantarina y aparentemente siempre feliz?. ?El d?a ya ha comenzado y hay un mill?n de cosas por hacer! Llevaba un vestido en tonos morados que dejaba ver el nacimiento de sus abundantes pechos y se estrechaba en la cintura, marcando una cintura de avispa. Terminaba aproximadamente un palmo por encima de la ...
Las Hembras © 2004 by DrDan In all honesty, I didn't give it a good deal of serious thought when I initiallydiscovered it. Sometimes people pull pranks, occasionally a little girl willhave a mean older brother, and once in a while some warped youth will do somethingmacabre as a means of gaining attention. As it was, my job as a parole officeralready attracted the attention of various miscreants, although I'd yet toencounter an individual savvy enough to locate my home address. That,...
*************Und?cima parte************* Cuando recog? la bandeja con la comida, lo que encontr? era tan escaso que me dieron ganas de llorar: un plato de espinacas hervidas y un filetito de pechuga de pollo a la plancha. Ni la sonrisa comprensiva de la camarera me anim?. Busqu? con los ojos en la sala a Dalia pero no la encontr?, as? que me sent? sola y empec? a devorar las magras viandas. Mis costumbres antiguas me llevaron a intentar engullir a grandes bocados... pero me di cuenta de que, simplement...
*************D?cima parte************* En mi vida anterior, ir a la peluquer?a era un tr?mite que ten?a que cumplir cada dos meses m?s o menos. Entraba en el local de Luis, un se?or mayor y calvo (como casi todos los peluqueros, curiosa paradoja) y le preguntaba si ten?a un rato para cogerme. Me sentaba en la una butaca que parec?a tener cien a?os y a los veinte minutos sal?a con la cantidad de pelo imprescindible para peinarme. Y eso era todo. Mi conocimiento de lo que representaba para una mujer, para m? mis...
*************Primera parte************* Hace tanto tiempo que no tengo un orgasmo que ni siquiera estoy segura de lo que se siente. S? que jam?s tendr? otrto en mi vida, pero hace mucho que no me importa. He aprendido a vivir as? y a disfrutar cada relaci?n sexual. S?, tengo una vida sexual y me encanta. El hecho de que no me pueda correr no la hace peor. Dejadme que vuelva la vista atr?s y os cuente algo de mi. Nac? como var?n har? aproximadamente treinta a?os, creo. Todo ese periodo de mi vida est? bastante ...
The Game ... first time sex: Part 20 Gaming in Las Vegas Please read chapters 1 - 19 in order understand the context for this chapter. From the feedback that I receive, I promise that the preceding chapters are worth reading. I send a very sincere thanks in advance for to all of the loyal readers for leaving comments. The title of the first chapter is "The Game First Time Sex rev 1" for anyone just finding my diary. Please use the search feature to find all of the chapters. There are several...
First Time*************Cuarta parte************* Isabel me sac? de mi habitaci?n. Me cogi? de la mano para llevarme a otro recinto dentro de la misma planta. ?No, no ?me dijo en cuanto empec? a andar?. No lo hagas as?... Para caminar con esos tacones tienes que cimbrear las caderas... Mover el culo de un lado a otro y poner los pies como si lo hicieses por una cuerda a diez metros de altura... as?... A ella le sal?a con una absoluta naturalidad. Tanta que ni siquiera me hab?a fijado en que caminaba "sobre la l?nea". ...
I had little time for contemplation on matters of the heart because when I arrived back at CCC I found the prairie ablaze, and it was literally all hands to the pumps. The area affected was just to the east of where the Medicine Man Exercises were taking place, and it needed so much man power to contain the inferno that the exercises were put on hold, and the current BG attending Exercise Medicine Man, along with Canadian fire crews and OPFOR, were deployed. After a week of non-stop flailing...
Well I want to tell this story. This story is about a virgin. Who goes to Las Vegas to have some fun. A young man from West Philadelphia. Plans a trip to go to Las Vegas. He saved a lot of money to get a plane ticket. He packs up a few things and he. Heads down to the airport. He definitely makes sure that he has everything. Once he gets to Philadelphia International Airport. He gets in line to show his plane ticket. He got on a first class flight to Las Vegas. He enjoyed flying first class for...
El bus de las 9Vengo de jugar un partido, voy en el autobús de camino a casa, es de noche, sobre las 9, voy con el pantalón corto y una camiseta, estoy cansado y me he colocado casi al final, voy solo yo y el conductor que ni se fija en mí por el retrovisor. De repente el autobús se para, veo que hay un atasco y al final se ven luces de ambulancia, debe de haber un accidente, toca esperar.Un poco más adelante veo varias chicas de veintitantos que miran hacia adelante, son curiosas. Veo que...
Vecinos a las 6 de la mañanaSon las 6 de la mañana, como muchos días Mónica se levanta de la cama tras sonar su despertador, tiene que ir a la Universidad pero no se levanta tan pronto por eso, sabe que su vecino se levanta a esa hora. Mónica se da una ducha rápida, sale sin secarse, desnuda y con el cuerpo mojado se acerca a la ventana que da al patio con los vecinos, casi tapada por unas cortinas blancas la chica se coloca en una silla mirando hacia abajo, a la ventana de su vecino de...
This was not something that we planned. After all, a boss should never have an affair with a subordinate. But it happened, and I can't say I regret it.Let me start with the situation. My name is John Eltimon, and I'm the general manager of a small food products distribution company in Los Angeles.This story happened during a trip I recently made to a vending trade show in Las Vegas. This show is where people who sell the foods sold in vending machines try and convince the thousands of small...
Straight Sex*************Segunda parte************* Cuando despert? hab?a recobrado mi voluntad, al menos aparentemente. Estaba preocupado. De hecho, estaba aterrorizado. Me incorpor? en la cama en la que estaba tumbado. Lo recordaba absolutamente todo. Sin embargo, hab?a perdido toda noci?n temporal. ?Cu?nto tiempo hab?a pasado privado de conocimiento? ?Horas? ?A?os? ?Me hab?an "transformado" completamente? ?Hab?an siquiera comenzado a hacerlo? ?Hab?a sido todo una pesadilla? Mir? a mi alrededor. Estaba en una habitaci?n d...
*************Tercera parte************* La habitaci?n ten?a una puerta blanca que estaba cerrada. Gir? el pomo y se abri? sin problemas. Fuera lo que fuera el sitio en el que estaba, no era precisamente una prisi?n. El pasillo era como el de cualquier hospital privado, luminoso y silencioso. Una enfermera me vi? asomar y acudi? corriendo a mi lado. ?No, Laura, no. No puedes salir ?dijo, cogi?ndome de los hombros y devolvi?ndome al interior del cuarto?. Enseguida vendr? el doctor y podr?s hablar con ?l. ?Per...
[i]WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...
Julia DeMarco was a genius, a scientific protégée, and an extreme techno-nerd. She could read and write well before her third birthday, had graduated from MIT before her fourteenth birthday, and received her third doctorate before she could legally drive at the age of sixteen. The breakthroughs in long distance holography which she developed while getting those doctorates were immediately adopted by the military. But for security reasons, it was not until she reached her eighteenth birthday...
Exhibitionism‘CindySpice, you are an amazing woman.’ Hello Las Vegas! That was my motto for three beautiful nights and two and a half days. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, how true that is. At least it is for me. I had never been to Las Vegas before though I’d had the opportunity to go once before but just didn’t think it smart at the time. Looking back I’m grateful that I didn’t go when I had the chance because I don’t think I would have done all that I did this time, probably not even...
*************Quinta parte************* De nuevo con mi pijama y sola, volv? a la habitaci?n. Mi primer deseo al llegar a ella fue darle dos patadas a las est?pidas sandalias y caminar a gusto y descalzo. Me cost? unos segundos entender que no pod?a hacerlo. Que para m?, la comodidad en los pies era ahora precisamente esa herramienta de tortura que llevaba puesta. Suspir? frunciendo el ce?o y los labios en un gesto infantil que no era propio de m?... pero representaba muy bien c?mo me sent?a. Volv? a acercarme...
Bryan had always promised to take me to Las Vegas. Each time he told me of his plans to go, they did not include me. I was hurt. I knew I had no business feeling that way. It was his entertainment. I knew my place in his life. I was not his girlfriend.He usually took his girlfriend Lisa. He went to Las Vegas often. I had never been and had all my life heard stories of Las Vegas and wondered what it was like in person.This particular week Bryan told me of his plans to go. He said he was bringing...
TrueThe next day, we flew to Las Vegas. Evan lived a couple of hours from the Portland airport. Since Noelle was going, too, she hopped a ride with us and we all traveled together. It was a quiet trip, at first. I was exhausted from the day before and my relatively sleepless night. Every once in a while, Evan would look at me, squeeze my hand and smile. I knew he was worried about me, but I was just tired. The flight was uneventful and the cab ride to the hotel took less than twenty minutes....
En muchos aspectos, Victoria Willow es una chica común. Cabello castaño oscuro, ojos color avellana, un cuerpo algo atlético, unos pechos de tamaño normal, medianos, un trasero redondo y pequeño. En la universidad tiene calificaciones normales, ni muy altas ni muy bajas. Tampoco es la chica más popular ni una marginada. En resumidas palabras, conociéndola superficialmente, Victoria te parecería una chica promedio. Sin embargo, hay algo que la hace especial: su mala suerte. Y particularmente, su...
Las Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...
Introduction: Joan has a new bikini. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I work Joan scouts for possible sexual adventures. The next business trip was to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a wonderland of adult fun: Casinos, Showgirls, famous performers and wonderful hotels and resorts. The hotel we were staying at was the Cosmopolitan. We had a Lanai suite. It was a two level suite with a private plunge pool and direct access to...
Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (, you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (, on the...
This a continuation and maybe the last story in the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. ***On Wednesday afternoon, the doorbell rang and I walked over and opened the door to see a messenger service man with a thick envelope. "Ma'am, I have a delivery for Jessica Summers." "I'm Jessica Summers," I said taking the envelope. "Thank you." I looked at the return address, it was from the travel agency I use. I opened it...
Interracial"Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation."Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been married three years and had been...
Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...
Love StoriesAndee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversLAS VEGAS The ClubThe next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed. Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money. Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught. Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats. Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to...
ExhibitionismThe trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...
Jan was ecstatic with the news! Her husband, Terry, had just called and told her that his company was having its annual corporate business meeting in Las Vegas and that he, as a senior manager, was allowed to bring her along on the trip. Jan and Terry had been married just over ten years and they hadn't had a vacation in the last seven - and Vegas was going to be the perfect place to renew their sagging sex life. There had been subtle changes over the past two years, their once imaginative...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
The first pic is of my sorority Big, Katie, and me in Las Vegas where we attend school at UNLV. We are pictured at one of our hotel room engagements (more on that later). She and I have become good friends but not in any way that I would have predicted. No we are not lesbians. On the contrary we love men and started our own business in Las Vegas performing together for mostly visiting businessmen and convention goers. We are lucky to be going to school here as I know of no other city like it...
ExhibitionismI was in Nevada for a military joint services exercise at the Nevada Test Site north of Las Vegas. I had been there for over a week and living with a hundred or so hot young men had made me extremely horny for a cock. As luck would have it I was tasked with driving a group to the airport in Las Vegas for their flight home. Their flight left at 11 and I did not have to be back at the base until midnight.On the way to the airport to drop the group off I passed by a mini mall shopping area that...
I was in Nevada for a military joint services exercise at the Nevada Test Site north of Las Vegas. I had been there for over a week and living with a hundred or so hot young men had made me extremely horny for a cock. As luck would have it I was tasked with driving a group to the airport in Las Vegas for their flight home. Their flight left at 11 and I did not have to be back at the base until midnight.On the way to the airport to drop the group off I passed by a mini mall shopping area that...
Well the time has finally come. I am headed to Las Vegas to pick up my baby. He don't know it yet but I have a weekend full of orgasms planned for him. I hope he can handle 3 women and 3 tiny blue pills lol. It has been awhile since I've seen him so he's all mine on night one. I pick him up at the airport as usual dressed in heels, low cut blouse, skirt, and no panties so he can taste how much I have missed him. I greet him with a hug and a long kiss and he pays me back with the usual pat on...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Wife LoversOnce Upon A Time In Las Vegas by The Rebel Adam Hughes checked into the Starglow Hotel in Vegas and he found his room dull, and without charm. Two Double beds, TV set chained to a bureau, bathtub, bathroom and a couple of nightstands. Done in a tacky turquoise shade of blue green, God. "All the rooms in rooms in this town look alike," he sighed as entered. 5'11" and just a little overweight at 32 he felt his body complaining about the weeks constant on- the -go activity. He...
Fear And Lusting In Las Vegas By Cooper There is nothing more depraved than beer drunk Southern Baptists on a tear in Las Vegas. Nothing. Spending most of the year wearing pants that are three sizes too small in the crotch area, married to frigid women with bee-hive hairdos on their heads-- and in their skirts-- pounding Bibles and burning crosses, these hypocrisy-drenched Jesus freaks come to Vegas once a year, hit the Casinos and make Jim Morrison look like Jim Baker. Let...
Las Vegas (m/f)I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot.I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female...
Slut Puppy’s Las Vegas Fantasy – yet another part of the ongoing training of a real life member of BDSM Library Part 1 This fantasy began with several short chat exchanges two weeks ago, we’re co writing it as we go: Slut Puppy: *Sneaks in and tip toes over to Sirs chair, tickles the back of his neck and whispers in his ear... I'm back Sir* Jay Mac: and is you pussy wet he asks? Slut Puppy: It is now... Have some interesting news Sir Jay Mac: what is that? Slut Puppy: Have a trip planned in...
The first summer after college I interned at a New York financial company in NYC. At the company worked Kiran, a 34 year old South Indian woman who was amazingly beautiful, but married. She was supposedly married at 20 to a man who was 30 back in India and had moved to America 3 years after the marriage. With him she had 13 and 10 year old daughters. I credit them with her figure, 34C-28-32, something she had to have gotten after giving brith. She swayed when she walked and everyone noticed....
Lori had been Ronnie's wife for fifteen years, and they were very happily married and deeply in love. She was only in her mid-thirties and they'd had three children during their years together. Having kids, however, had only seemed to make Lori a sexier and more lusty woman in bed with Ronnie. They regularly made love and Ronnie and Lori both enjoyed the hot lustiness of the physical pleasure they both had in lovemaking together. One evening, Ronnie and Lori had been making love, and they'd...
© 2002 LaffWithMe Press "Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation." Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been...
Four months had passed since Jennifer had her fling with Gary. We had stopped discussing that subject about two and a half months ago. Now it was pretty much a distant memory. I still hadn't decided what I wanted from Jennifer. She stopped asking me about it and I didn't bring it up. It was July and time for a vacation. Jennifer and I talked about several possible places we could go and ended up deciding to take our vacation in Las Vegas. We had never been there and the airfare and hotel...
Before I start, I think I should give a brief description of myself. My name is Sue, I’m 44 yrs old, 5’6” tall, 140 lbs, natural redhead (I can prove it), blue eyes, 36b, smallish boobs just asking to be sucked & squeezed, proper housewife with 2 k**s and married 23 years (Joe). I have a set of pouting red-lips made for cock sucking and my husband loves it, but I don’t swallow. My pussy is meticulously trimmed to expose my soft and tender lip and I also enjoys giving head to my husband...