Honey Hollow
- 4 years ago
- 21
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.
Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.
This story is dedicated to the memory of Dame Agatha Christie, and is partially inspired by her Poirot novel ‘The Hollow’.
Part 1 – Prologue
‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ shouted the lovely redheaded reporterette from in front of City Hall at 7:00am, Tuesday, April 26th. ‘Channel Two News has learned that tonight’s Council Meeting will include ratification of the Police Department and Fire Department’s planned promotions!’
Needless to say, the very full MCD room was paying rapt attention.
‘These ratifications will not require a second reading of the bill,’ said Bettina, ‘and the promotions will go into effect next Monday, May 1st. Important positions to be filled are the Major Crimes Lieutenant position, vacated with the medical retirement of Lt. Tanya Perlman, and the Captain of Administration, vacated by the promotion of Della Harlow to Deputy Chief. Promotions from within would create new vacancies, as well.’
‘Another item on the Council’s agenda is the second reading of the bill to accept several Boards of Inquiry findings, which include the finding that Detective Joanne Cummings Warner was wounded in the line of duty. She should receive the Purple Order next Monday.’
The Detectives all began clapping for Joanne, who blushed as she sat at her desk.
Bettina was not done: ‘And as the political races in the State become white-hot with rancor, the SBI is becoming a central issue of the Election. Governor Jared has made it a central plank of his campaign that the SBI will be totally overhauled, and could be reduced severely. SBI Director Jack Lewis is defending his organization, saying it is the premiere law enforcement organization in the State, especially in the War on Drugs, and he has promised to strengthen the SBI and give it more authority over law enforcement in all of the State’s 96 counties.’
‘And in local races,’ Bettina said, ‘the District Attorney’s race tightened over the weekend, with incumbent Gil Krasney leading 50-48 over Jenna Stiles, within the margin of error. Experts say this is due to endorsements of Ms. Stiles by State and National Women’s groups, and an infusion of contributions to her campaign that has allowed her to run new advertising. Councilman John Colby is now unopposed, as his opponent was arrested for DUI in the City over the weekend, and dropped out of the race after Channel Two News broke that story yesterday. And now let’s go to Sports with Nick Eastwood. Nick!…’
‘By the way, where is Martin Nash?’ asked Julie Newman as she poured herself some coffee.
‘He’s probably getting fitted for that new Lieutenant’s uniform he’s going to need on Monday.’ said Detective Theo Washington, with his ‘movie star handsome’ grin. Several Detectives laughed, but Cindy and I exchanged silent glances.
‘Captain,’ I said, pretending to be quiet but knowing my voice would be heard, ‘all Detectives, Classroom ‘J’, at 8:30… sharp.’ More quietly, I said ‘Masters, too. And I’ll let the Chief know.’ With that, I left the room, which had suddenly gotten quiet in my wake…
Part 2 – Revelation
As I screened Classroom ‘J’ for bugs, my thoughts went to what had happened the Thursday and Friday before, April 21st and 22d…
‘Chief,’ I said to Chief Moynahan as Cindy and I stood in his office on Thursday, ‘I am ready to determine the next MCD Lieutenant.’
‘It’s about time!’ exclaimed the Chief. ‘We are up against the deadline on that.’
‘Yes, sir.’ I said. ‘I am going to go talk to Martin Nash now, but the offer has to be couched in… proper terms. May I indulge you, sir, to take a little trip with me and Captain Ross? And apologies in advance for the theatrics.’
‘Chief Griswold said there would be days when you did strange shit like this.’ said the Chief. ‘But I’ll play along. I think I know what it is, anyway. What about you, Captain?’
‘I submitted Nash’s name to the Commander, Chief.’ said Cindy. ‘I have no idea what he is up to right now… par for the course around these parts.’ A red crowbar was waved in her general direction. Moynahan chuckled as we headed down the hallway…
(Author’s note: at this point, dear readers, you may wish to pause and figure out what the Iron Crowbar is up to (besides no good). What will happen with the MCD Lieutenant position?)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The River that flows through the Town and then southeasterly towards ‘The Vision’ and Midtown begins in a set of springs in the mountains north of us, the mountain whose finger forms the ridgeline upon which the Allgood’s home, Promontory Point, and the Cabin reside upon. The River actually starts in the State north of ours, but is fed by springs all along the way until just north of the Water Works.
Near the northern border of the County there sits an old farmhouse. The property’s east line is the River, which is hardly more than a large gully and creek at that point. The northern border of the property is the County Line… and also the State Line with the State to our north.
The farmhouse was on the highest point of the property, which sloped gradually and did not seem like a hill. It was fairly large and two stories, with high ceilings and probably a cellar. It was painted white and was in good condition… though no one has lived there for sixty years. The front door of the house faced south, and a barbed wire fence, now overgrown with weeds and muscadine vines, ran along the property line about 30 yards behind the house. The backyard, once manicured, was now a fallow field like the farmlands.
To the south, there was a dip, a depression in the earth. There had been apple orchards and lines of grape vines at one time, growing in the furrow gouged out by the River. The trees were now untended and ‘feral’ and formed a forest of sorts that seemed sunk into the ground as viewed from the farmlands. The farmland stretching to the west was still seemingly good soil for growing crops or raising cattle or horses… but lay fallow for the most part.
There were trails leading north along the River and on into the hills. On a pretty day, people sometimes came up and picnicked on the grounds. And I’d heard that the Presbyterians used to come here and hold their Rogation services, to pray for blessings for the crops.
Scientists from the University and other Schools often came up to study the soil, which seemed fine… but had traces of radioactivity from very heavy elements that did not exist naturally. They could not explain the lack of deterioration in the house. In addition, strange lights had been seen on the property, which was difficult to get to, served only by a poorly maintained road that wound around the sunken forest and came up along the west side of the property.
Everything from ghosts to aliens to the Slender Man had been reported being seen. It was the County’s contribution to those things abnormal and paranormal in the world. But worst were the reports of cries and screams coming from the forest of trees in the Hollow. Sounds of screams that some thought came straight from the gates of Hell itself. There were animal howls on occasion, but these screams were distinctly human, and it was said that those who directly heard them were destined to share the fates of those before them, and be eternally damned to make those same screams for all eternity.
is was Point Hollow.
On Friday morning, some University college students that came up decided to set up their tents on the front lawn field. These students took soil samples for their class, water samples from the River, and went all through the old farmhouse. As the sun went down and it turned dark, the three guys and three girls set up a fire pit, broke out food for cooking, and of course opened up the cooler full of beers… okay, they’d long since started on the beers…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thursday, April 21st. I led Cindy and Chief Moynahan into the Federal Building and up to the third floor. As I used my Consultant card to gain access to the FBI areas, I was met by the new receptionist, an attractive young woman with brown hair in a ponytail, glasses over her pretty eyes, and large breasts. Her body was curvy, voluptuous, and maybe a bit ‘stocky’.
‘They’re waiting for you, Commander Troy.’ she said. ‘You can go right on on.’
‘Thank you.’ I said, leading my fellow Officers into the conference room. Inside was Martin Nash, as well as FBI Special Agent Sandra Speer and Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone. The other two persons in the room surprised Cindy and the Chief… one was the Deputy Director of the FBI, and the other was… Chief Emeritus Griswold.’
‘Thanks for seeing us today.’ I said as the DepDirector had us all sit down. As he often did, he remained standing, slowly pacing behind Jack and Chief Griswold.
‘So what’s this about?’ asked Jack Muscone. ‘Trouble?’
‘In a manner of speaking, it could be.’ I said enigmatically. ‘For someone, anyway. I am here to talk to Mr. Nash to gauge his desire to become my next MCD Lieutenant.’
There were murmurs of praise and congratulation from everyone… except the DepDirector. He was peering at me, and I felt the power of the man reaching out and trying to get into my mind… and Cindy was doing likewise.
‘That’s great, Martin!’ said Jack Muscone. ‘But why did you need to talk to him here, Don?’
‘Well,’ I said, ‘the job is Martin’s… if he wants it.’ I replied. ‘But there is a mitigating factor in the decision he’ll be making, and all of you will need to help him with it. It’s a matter of the Bible… Matthew 6:24.’
Everyone looked confused, except the DepDirector and now Chief Griswold.
‘Forgive me for not knowing my Bible well enough, Commander.’ said Chief Moynahan in his peculiar inflection. ‘What would that verse beeeee?’
‘Well, sir,’ I said, ‘Jesus Christ said it Himself: ‘no man can serve two masters’. And that is true… Martin, you are going to have to choose… between being the MCD leader and a Lieutenant in the Town & County Police… or remaining a Special Agent with the FBI.’
You could’ve heard a pin drop.
Cindy’s eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of her head. Chief Moynahan was nodding his head as he absorbed the information. The FBI agents in the room looked surprised, but more at the fact that I knew than anything else. The FBI DepDirector had a pursed smile on his face as he attempted to hide a bigger smile. And Chief Griswold’s handlebar mustaches were twitching about as merrily as I have ever seen them twitch.
I looked at the FBI Agents. ‘I hope none of you lost any money over this.’ Several pairs of eyes rolled.
‘How long have you known?’ asked Sandra, finally.
‘Oh, almost since the day Martin walked in.’ I said. ‘He was hired directly by Chief Griswold, and that without me interviewing him first, he was already superbly trained, he dresses like an FBI agent every day, and that is a compliment, he was already dating Sandra and it was no great feat to figure out where they’d met. Others remember seeing you two together at parties in the City… where you both were FBI Agents.’
I turned and looked right at Chief Griswold. ‘And you, Chief, are the one who hired him… to watch over me. I did not fail to notice who tackled me when we went after Ned at the Olivet Gym… and Martin was just as quick to stop me as Cindy herself was. In addition, he’s been the unofficial FBI liaison, which is fine with me, as I’d been telling y’all the same information up front that he might’ve given you.’
‘Four hundred years ago, Jack…’ said the DepDirector with a twinkle in his eye, teasing his operative.
‘You got that right, sir.’ said Muscone, not rising to the bait, still stunned.
‘And to make sure you requisition the firewood sir,’ I said to the DepDirector with a wicked grin, ‘I happen to know that ‘Nash’ is your sister’s married name… and Martin is her son, and therefore your nephew.’
‘I give up.’ said the DepDirector. ‘Griswold, you didn’t tell him, did you?’
‘Not one thing. I didn’t know he was your nephew, either.’ said Griswold, then turned to me. ‘You’re right, Crowbar. The Deputy Director asked me to bring Nash on with us in order to help keep you safe while you started busting up Malone and the really bad stuff in our County. We thought it would just be the white supremacists, but then you went and found not only Wargrave, but your ‘Moriarty’. Nowadays, I don’t know if there are enough FBI agents in the world to protect you… the only one capable of that is the Blue Crowbar over there.’ Cindy smiled at the Chief for that compliment. I nodded vigorously.
‘So, Martin.’ I said. ‘I need to know by tomorrow of your decision. I’ll be glad to have you if you remain with us, and I’ll understand if you return to the FBI.’
‘Thank you, sir.’ said Nash. ‘I do appreciate the offer.’
‘Talk with Sandra about it, this affects both your lives.’ I said as I got up. ‘Okay, Crowbar 2, we need to be getting back, if y’all will excuse us.’ Chief Moynahan and Chief Griswold came with us.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Martin Nash came into Headquarters later that day, looking around furtively as if he were sneaking in after curfew.
‘Martin?’ called out Julie Newton as he passed by Vice. ‘Detective Na-ash?’ He finally realized he was being called.
‘Sorry, Julie,’ he said, coming into the Vice Room.
‘Here’s that data you wanted on Michael and Eleanor Burke.’ said Julie, handing him a file folder.
‘Thanks.’ he said.
‘You all right?’ Julie asked, peering at him. Then she dropped her voice and said ‘Did they finally tell you they’re going to promote you?’
‘Well, don’t say anything to anyone.’ said Martin. ‘But let’s just say… something was mentioned.’ Julie gave him a knowing look and a smile.
As he came back into the hall, Cindy Ross called him into her office. Once the door was closed, Cindy said ‘Well, consider me shocked. I had no idea, and the Commander never said a word to me. He is soooo going to get a crowbar beatdown for that.’
Nash gave what was for him a smile. ‘Well, ma’am, I wouldn’t trade the experience here for the world. I could never have learned as much with the FBI as I did from Commander Troy, and Chief Griswold, and you.’
‘As Chief Griswold would say,’ Cindy replied, ‘you’ve learned how to kiss ass. I’m still the student as much as you are. And whatever your decision, it’s been great working with you here. But that’s not why I called you in.’
She extended her hand and handed Nash a small box. It contained an engagement ring.
‘It’s a Troy family trait to be blunt and direct.’ Cindy said. ‘You and Sandra have more to talk about than your job. So make a real decision. I’m not needing that ring, so if you want to give it to her, you can pay me back for it over time. If not, or if you want to get another one, just hand that one back to me.’
‘Uh, wow.’ Nash said. He then looked up. ‘Ma’am, there is one other thing. I’ve been essentially undercover here, and I don’t want these guys to think I’ve been a spy on them. If I do go back to the Bureau, what should we tell them?’
‘I don’t know.’ Cindy said. ‘But I damn sure know who will have that one figured out.’ She then said, alm
ost under her breath: ‘He figures out everything.’
Part 3 – Personnel Matters
At 9:00am Friday morning, Helena buzzed me that I had two people to see me. They were Martin Nash and Sandra Speer. I made observations as they came in and sat down at my invitation. Cindy was sitting on the sofa, also peering at them.
‘I don’t know which way you’re going on the job choice.’ I said. ‘But congratulations on the engagement.’ They looked at each other, then back at me.
‘Oh, c’mon.’ I said. ‘Sandra walks in here with her hands behind her back, then tries to hide her left hand with her right hand out of sight of my vision under the edge of the desk. And of course I see the light in her eyes that a newly engaged woman just cannot hide.’
‘Why do we even try, Martin?’ Sandra asked with a ‘knowing’ smile on her face. She held up her left hand, exhibiting the ring. I made another observation.
‘Why, indeed.’ Cindy said in reply to Sandra. ‘I gave up a long time ago.’
‘Yeah, right.’ I said, rolling my eyes on purpose. ‘Guess who gives me the most practice every day. So, Captain Ross… is Mr. Nash staying, or is he returning to the FBI?’
‘Returning.’ Cindy said.
I nodded. ‘She’s good.’
‘How did you know?’ asked Nash, looking stunned. I looked over at Cindy. She just began laughing uncontrollably. Martin and Sandra looked at her quizzically.
‘She guessed.’ I said. ‘I had no idea, myself.’
Cindy said ‘I did play the odds, as it was better than even that you’d return to the FBI, Martin. While the Commander was observing Sandra and her best friend… the diamond, of course… I was looking at your face, and it suggested relief at having made a decision… and we’re back to the better than even odds, again.’
‘As to what we are going to tell everyone else,’ I said, ‘I am going to announce that you have taken a new job with the FBI, that Jack Muscone stole you from me. So you’ll be here for the May 2d Promotions and Awards ceremony, then your resignation will become effective. No one will have to know that you were already an FBI Agent. I can also pretend that I knew you were going to accept the FBI’s job offer, and you might want to tell people you’re going to Quantico, to which you’ve already been, of course.’
‘That’ll work.’ Cindy said. Martin nodded vigorously.
‘Okay guys, go announce the engagement to everyone, while Captain Ross and I do paperwork.’
Martin said ‘Sir, I wanted to say that it’s been really good working with you. I’ll never be able to do what you do, but I’ve learned a heck of a lot along the way.’
‘And you did an excellent job with us.’ I said. ‘We’ll be seeing you both as we work together on things, but I am going to miss having someone who out-GQ’s Theo every day…’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And so it was, this Tuesday, April 26th, that I watched from in front as all the Detectives filed into Classroom ‘J’, and sat down in the school-classroom-style desks.
‘Secure that door, Captain Ross.’ I said. Cindy closed the door and stood so that the narrow vertical window in the door was blocked.
‘Okay, everyone.’ I said. ‘I’ve decided to go ahead and tell you a few things, and they had better not get out of this room before May 1st. First, if you bet that Martin Nash would be the next MCD Lieutenant, you have lost your money.’
Amongst the gasps I said ‘I’m both happy and sorry to say that Mr. Nash has accepted a position with the FBI, and he’ll be leaving us after the ceremonies on May 2d. I know Martin will do great with the FBI, but I’m sorry to see him go. I really appreciate the job you’ve done with us, Mr. Nash.’ I led a round of applause for Martin, making him blush a bit.
A moment later, as the applause died down, I said ‘So that leaves the MCD Lieutenant slot open. Lieutenant Croyle was given dibs and has chosen to stay with Vice, and I don’t blame her for that. Fortunately, we have someone who not only is very qualified as a Detective and a leader, but he has agreed to make the move. Your next MCD leader is… Lieutenant Wes Masters!’
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
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Madam Clara did not just have Lucy attend her 'classroom' that day; the soft ginger girl was made to stand in the corner facing the walls while other 'pupils' were brought to attend. Such was the wealthy woman's lust for her kink as the domineering schoolmistress, she had also paid for three males to attend her 'class' that day; each deeply submissive male had been propositioned on attending Ruth's house of pleasure on that occasion, and had eagerly volunteered for the positions, the...
Posted: July 20, 2014 - 09:28:52 amBruce panted in a mixture of fear, disbelief, and anticipation, his balls and anus tingling as he was gently tugged by the leash up the stairs; the beautiful mature form of the woman before him keeping his cock rock hard. Wicked smiles from passing madams and clients alike fell on the couple, but Bruce was oblivious to everything else but his superbly dominant captor now. They passed many rooms, walking to a frosted glass door at the far end of a corridor;...
Madam Ruth was more than pleased with her days work as she descended to the bed and stroked the soft white body of the helpless sissy, Poppy mustering a whimper as the dominant Madam. Cupped the soft pink scrotum and gently worked the dainty cock to an erection; she was scared but the surreal situation along with the gentle warmth of the two females, combined with the Madam's overpowering assertiveness, made her cock stiffen with sexual pleasure as it was stroked. Ruth smiled softly.'That's it...
She had always been so vulnerable, growing up with the other boys it was so obvious she was not like them. Now in their late teens as adulthood announced itself to the others by adorning them with bodily hair and a developing musculature, they laughed at the soft hairless form of the one who was well known to them, but only from an external perspective. The feminine tendencies peaked within her at this time; she found other boys strangely attractive, and something also stirred within the loins...
My flight had been delayed for over an hour by what the airline described as a slight technical problem. I have an aversion to flying anyway, so that hadn't done much for my confidence. To be honest, the news that the aeroplane I was about to spend more hours than I really wished to - flying mostly over water - had bleeding-well broken down before we'd even got on board the bloody thing, had made the journey a nightmare for me. Anyway at least it was a somewhat pleasant surprise to me that...
“I will allow you to use a blanket and pillow tonight due to the weather will be in the 60s. In the morning you will be up at 5:30 am to help with the dogs, as well as Mary’s dogs, she will be bringing them by before taking us to the airport. Attached is a set of chores you will see as well as things you are allowed to do while I am away.” 1) Every morning you will make sure the dogs are allowed outside to use the bathroom and since Mary’s dogs will be there as well, let her’s out first,...
“Yes, I would grab me a coke and while you are up to feed the dogs.” Mike patted her on the head. Melissa got up and headed to the kitchen and returned with a coke. “Sir um where is the dog food?” In the white container in the far pantry door, there is soft food in the fridge, one tea spoon of soft mixed into their dry food. Boss is the only one that gets Beef Veggie; the other two get Beef and Gravy.” Melissa turned and headed back into the kitchen. As she portioned out the dry...
The year was 2006 and I had just recently graduated high school and moved into my first apartment with my girlfriend at the time (also bisexual) and two other roommates. Our first night in the apartment we happened to be attending a local music show. We didn’t have our mattresses or anything moved in yet, however we’d still made plans to meet up with one of my ex-boyfriends and take him back to our place afterwards. My girlfriend, Jenny, really wanted me to have my cock inside her while having...
"God damnit Greg! Not again!" exclaimed Lilly as she looked down over her pale 34G tits at the small flaccid penis of her husband as he held himself over her at arm's length.Greg sighed as he rolled off his wife to lay beside her on the bed. "I'm sorry Lil, but I'm getting older. It can't be helped." He rolled over on his side facing away from her and sighed again. "Maybe we can try again tomorrow?"Lilly glared over at her husband as she crossed her arms under her immense chest. Soon enough she...
The year was 2006 and I had just recently graduated high school and moved into my first apartment with my girlfriend at the time (also bisexual) and two other roommates. Our first night in the apartment we happened to be attending a local music show. We didn’t have our mattresses or anything moved in yet, however we’d still made plans to meet up with one of my ex-boyfriends and take him back to our place afterwards. My girlfriend, Jenny, really wanted me to have my cock inside her while having...
BisexualWhen Uncle Karl died he left his five hundred acre dairy farm to my cousin, Kaye. All except for forty acres of swamp and woods off in one corner. It was covered in cedar, poplar, a rocky ridge and deer moss-filled swamp. (Sphagnum moss) Not even the cows would graze on it. The blessing was mosquitoes wouldn't live in it, either. Kaye was a spiteful, hateful woman that did all she could to get me out of there. I refused to sell the place. It finally came down to a grudge. I didn't sell out...
Melissa sighed with relief as five o’clock arrived, and she stepped out the door to see Beth waiting for her. Jumping into the car, Melissa scanned the area looking for any signs of Lesslie. "Sweetheart don't bother. I have already looked, and there are no signs of the little bitch." Beth reached over and patted Melissa's leg and gave her a reassuring smile. " Now let's get you home so you can change." They arrived at the airport just before 8 pm, parked and went in to wait...
Stepping into the back room he glanced out the window of the door. Melissa was still curled up where he had left her, and all three dogs lay around her. He quietly opened the door and stepped out side. All three dogs took notice and got up and trotted over to him. Mike knelt down and patted all three while quietly speaking to each one. Still not moving Melissa slept soundly. Her dreams filled with a room full of horny dogs. She was laying on a floor, a dog over her and she was...
“Blast, who could that be?” I had just settled down on the couch to watch the match of the day and the doorbell rang. I had my bowl of chips and man dip and a drink all set out. Chrissie was wasn’t going to back from a business trip till the early hours of the morning so I was in shorts and dressing gown hoping for a quiet night in. I opened the door and was surprised to see a rather pretty girl in school uniform. I must say she fitted it very well indeed. The skirt was short and tight and her...
Hi this s the real incident happened before seven years. I belong to a orthodox family from kerala and were living as a joint family. It was a function called vela in our village and whole village was in festival mood filled with relatives. In our village bursting big crackers and crackers show s very famous event. Everything started from there. By the way the man who was the hero in this story s my sisters husband who s average build good looking and handsome working for a medical company at...
Police Detectives George Smith and his partner Police detective Charlie Foley wait outside of their boss's office. After they had been sitting for a while Charlie to his friend and he Said "George did the police chief tell you why he wanted to see us"? George looked at his friend and he shook his head no, after a short nerve racking and irritating wait they were finally able to speak the chief of police. After some small the Police chief got down to business. "Gentleman your probably...
Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...
Straight SexBy G. lacy Panties This is part two of a story I wrote a little while ago Hopefully my writing is getting better or at least bearable as I work on my writing and editing skills! And yes for fun I changed the names from my original write to names from Dr Who just to see if anybody caught it or was a fan (thanks to those who noticed) Thrills and Frills in silk Satin and Lace part 2 Well I finished my first week in the shop and now it was Sunday. I got up late and...
I wiped the sleep off my eyes as I slowly woke up from my afternoon nap. I decided that I needed a shower to fully wake up. Normally I wouldn’t give a care but my Mom was coming over to my apartment to drop off my 14 year old brother. My parents had decided that they badly needed a secluded vacation so they decided to leave my brother to the only free nanny in the world. Lucky me. I unclasped my bra; letting my D cup pear shaped breasts come free. I’m sure in a couple of decades...
As she lay in the tub of warm water, soaping herself, her mind wandered back to the past few weeks she had spent with him. The last fifteen years of sex with her husband had always been good, and the last few years had been even better as they had both matured and learned how to please the other. However, in the past weeks, even their usually great love-making had reached another level in intensity and frequency. She couldn’t quite place what had brought it on. It could have been that she had...
Hitchhiker Story of older woman (55 y.o.) getting a ride from a 17 y.o. boy My name is Tom. I am 17 and just got my license. My dad took his time taking me to the license branch so that is why I was a little late getting to drive legally. Most of my friends have been driving for almost a year already. Anyway this is the story about my first time. Let me start by describing myself. I am 6’ tall, dark brown hair, hazel eyes and about 150lbs. Tall and skinny. I am not very...
WITH HALF THE PRINTS SIGNED and more to be printed, we had to head west. Clarice changed our routing so we would spend a night in Kentucky to meet with a Bishop who wanted the same installation of the Stations of the Cross for a remodel of his cathedral. He invited us to visit and assess the site. We’d seen some pictures of the inside of the cathedral, but the outside was a sprawling mass that was the worst possible 1960s neo-gothic revival. Mostly, it just didn’t have any windows below...
Steve Jackson's annual Labor Day party was something that many of the employees of our city's civil engineering department looked forward to each September. Jackson, a senior engineer who had been with the department many years, was at the top of the pay scale and owned a large house in one of the nicer parts of town. Steve spared no expense when planning his parties and they were always quite lavish, with catered food, several kegs of beer, and an open bar that he himself tended with a loose...
Hello ISS Readers,well I am accidentally had to visit through this sex sites.Initially reading all these stories were very interesting.I feel that most of the mom son fucking stories are imaginary and falsehood.May be some stories with cousin sister or siste in law or with aunties may be true.Reading all those stories make us emotional and horny of course.Most people do not mind about the sin behind sexual contacts. As a suffered man I want to tell my real experience to control the hony mood of...
IncestSex and drama. We usually try to avoid having too much of both because it can be had for one’s health. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them, though. The name is Damon Louverture. A tall and ruggedly handsome young Black man living in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. These days, I’m taking up Business administration at Carleton University. Ottawa is the most boring City in the Western Hemisphere. Inhabited by zombie-like Government drones, self-absorbed and deeply...
Hypothetical - i****t/Taboo I went on to consider why the law forbids i****tuous relationships and why religion proscribes such acts.It is said that any c***dren born of such relationships are likely to suffer from physical, mental and emotional defects. This matter is hotly debated by the experts in the literature. As far as I can see the jury is still out on this one, but even given that it is true, in times when contraception is safe, and sexual intercourse can be engaged in with little...
I decided to rent our spare room to a young girl. Actually she would live there for free and entertain my husband and my self. My husband loved to see me have sex with a young girl. This girl was perfect. She was petite with large tits. She was very willing in exchange for the free rent. The first night I brought her naked to our room as my hubby sat in a chair to watch. I removed my shirt and my bra and then the rest of my clothes. I have large firm D tits and he loves the girls to suck them...
So here I was, sitting at the controls of Matt's Helm as the cat loafed along under just enough sail to leave a little wake. I looked up and saw Beth sunning herself forward, a most distracting sight since she had shed her bikini as soon as we got underway. After a year and a half I still marveled at the glorious creature who graced my life. As I watched my lady enjoy the beautiful Caribbean day, I thought back to the previous weeks... Theatre was done. I'd been involved with school...
A clock ticked somewhere in the house as Daniel stumbled down the second-floor hallway in the early morning. He’d just exited the guest bedroom, leaving Khadra stuffed with his cum. Every time he thought life had hit peak crazy, it went up a notch. Ahead in the gloom, he could see a white, shimmering figure near his bedroom door. Daniel’s feet quickened and his heart skipped a beat. In the gray, pre-dawn light, he could see her red hair and he could almost make out her freckles. Daniel...
Last night we had a small pool party at our place with some sexy couples that ended up way more wild than we anticipated. The event evolved into an incredibly erotic, suck & fuck-fest… We did our first full swap! However, what happened after everyone left was just as hot! After everyone was gone, my husband and I were in the kitchen cleaning up the last of the party dishes. I was wearing my micro-bikini top and jean mini-skirt that wonderfully complimented my 34DD’s and sexy curves of my...
Meanwhile, what Brad didn’t know was that Jeanine was thinking the same thing. Brad’s wife was a tall blonde, statuesque and striking in her features. Her 36DD chest was the crowning glory of Brad’s success, replacing her 34B tits she developed in high school and college as a basketball player. Right now, the next door neighbor’s son was feasting on those tits, while his hands explored her freshly fucked pussy. Jeanine moaned. ‘Gary, do you ever go soft?’ She could feel his last blasts of cum...
I watched as two bullets hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground, smashing his head against the concrete as he went down. “Raaaaaaandyyyyyy!” I screamed as I ran to him, oblivious to the guy still holding the gun. I kneeled over him watching the blood slowly seep out of the wounds on his chest as he struggled to breathe. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god! SOMEBODY HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! The ambulance is already coming Randy please stay awake!” I looked at his as he struggled...