A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 04 free porn video

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‘Mommy Dani, my daddy still in Heaven?’

Sean was playing with the race track set that Jason had just bought him, and he didn’t look away from it when he asked this question. But Dani knew that whatever she answered would be very important to him. ‘Why do you ask that?’ she said.

‘I want Daddy visit me. Grammy visit me, and Meme and Pepe, and Beth. I want Daddy visit.’

‘Well, if your daddy did come to visit you, you probably wouldn’t be able to see him.’


‘Because now that your daddy’s in Heaven, he’s an angel. He watches over you, and maybe he even does come to see you. But people can’t see angels. But you can still know he’s there.’

‘I think he here now!’ Sean said.

Dani smiled. ‘I bet he is,’ she replied. ‘Your daddy probably misses you very much, and I bet he comes here as much as he can. God lets angels go to see the people they love.’

‘I wish God let me see my daddy.’ He abandoned the race track and climbed into Dani’s lap. ‘You see my daddy?’

‘No, sweetheart, I can’t see angels either,’ Dani said, stroking the little boy’s hair. ‘But I know that your daddy would want to make sure you’re all right, and that Jason and I are taking good care of you. So I know he’s watching over you.’

‘I know, too,’ Sean said. ‘Mommy?’


‘What a angel?’

Dani was trying to frame a response when Anna answered. ‘It’s like, they go to Heaven to see Jesus,’ she said. ‘And Jesus lets them have wings so they can go see their family. ‘Cause angels can fly. And they live on clouds, and eat ice cream all day.’

Dani had to choke back a laugh at the image of angels flying around with ice cream cones. ‘That- that’s pretty much right, Anna,’ she said.

‘Will I be a angel?’ Sean asked.

‘When you go to Heaven, you will,’ Dani replied.

‘When I’m gonna go to Heaven?’

Dani didn’t know how to answer this. She didn’t want Sean to be afraid of dying, but she understood this as another way of his to ask when he would see his father again. ‘When God decides it’s time for you to go,’ she said finally. ‘And only God knows when that will be.’

‘You can ask God,’ Anna said.

‘How?’ Sean asked.

‘You pray. You ask God to take care of people, and you ask him things you want, and things you don’t know. I’ll show you.’

Dani and Jason hadn’t taught Sean to pray, it didn’t seem to be something Ben had talked about with the child. Now, it seemed, Anna would teach him. She got on her knees and folded her hands, the way her parents had taught her. Sean copied her. ‘Now, you listen,’ Anna told Sean. She closed her eyes. ‘Dear God, please bless my mommy and Daddy, and Melanie, and all my aunts and uncles, and all my cousins, and Gramma and Grampy, and Grammy and Bubba, and my friends at church.’

‘And Grammy and Meme and Pepe,’ Sean said.

Anna opened one eye and glared at him, then shrugged. ‘Yeah, okay. And bless Sean, and tell him when he’s gonna go to Heaven.’

‘And my daddy.’

‘Okay. And bless Sean’s daddy, and give him lots of ice cream. Amen.’

‘Amen,’ Sean echoed. ‘That praying?’

‘Yep,’ said Anna. ‘You should say your prayers in the dark night when you go to bed. You can say them with me tonight.’

‘Okay,’ Sean agreed.

‘Can I play with your racetrack?’

‘Uh huh.’

The prayer lesson forgotten, the kids turned to the racetrack. Dani smiled. They were starting to feel like a family.

* * *

Melanie chawed on her fist and fussed. One tooth had already broken through, and it looked like another was not far behind. ‘She noisy,’ Sean observed.

‘She’s getting teeth,’ Anna said.

‘How you know?’

‘Mommy said.’


Jason looked up from the newspaper. ‘Is it me, or is Sean fighting with Anna a lot lately?’

‘They’re fighting,’ Dani said. ‘But I think it’s good.’

‘It’s good that they fight?’

‘Sean’s sticking up for himself,’ Dani explained. ‘The first couple weeks, he did anything Anna said, and she got used to bossing him around. Now when she tells him to do something, he questions it instead of just doing it. I think that’s good.’

‘I guess,’ Jason said doubtfully. ‘Are we going to church today?’

‘Yes, dear. That’s why the kids and I are dressed up. Unless you’re planning to go in your long johns, you might want to get dressed.’

Jason yawned. ‘Maybe I’ll stay home.’

‘Jason, you can’t! I can’t manage all three of them by myself, especially with Melanie teething! If she gets too fussy, I’ll have to take her to the nursery, and then I’d have to-‘

‘Relax, Dani, I was just kidding,’ Jason said. ‘I think you’re getting a little too stressed.’

‘So would you be, if you took care of them all day. You don’t usually have to put them to bed, and you sleep all morning. With Melanie teething, I can’t even sleep at night.’

‘I think it’s a good thing you’re starting your job tomorrow,’ Jason said. ‘It’ll give you a break from these guys.’

‘And from you,’ Dani said.

‘Excuse me?’

Dani grinned. ‘I need a break from you.’

‘I’ll give you a break.’ He tried to grab her ass.

‘Jason, the kids!’

‘Then come upstairs. They’ll be all right.’

‘No. Go get ready for church.’

‘You’re no fun,’ Jason said. He went upstairs.

Dani had spent a few weeks looking for part-time work. It wasn’t easy. After Anna was born, she had worked as a substitute teacher. But six months into her pregnancy with Melanie, she had been put on bed rest, and hadn’t worked since. She had substituted in so many different schools that she hadn’t been anywhere often enough to get references, and the eight-month gap in her resume made some personnel departments look twice, then get rid of her application.

Through a church friend, she had finally gotten a seasonal job at a mail-order company in Portland. It would give her and Jason enough money for Christmas, at least, and there was a possibility of the job continuing after the holidays. What had decided Dani on the job was the hours she was offered: nine to two Monday through Thursday, with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. A three-day weekend, plus hours that allowed Jason to take care of the kids while still getting enough sleep and allowed Dani to get home before Jason had to leave for work. And the pay was good enough that the twenty hours would more than cover their extra expenses. The church friend had offered this as proof that God was looking out for the Sheridans. Dani agreed, but also considered it proof that Ben was looking out for his son.

Jason, as usual, finished getting ready for church at the exact moment that they had to leave. They were putting the kids in the car when, through the window that had for some reason been left open, they heard the phone ring. Jason looked at Dani, who shrugged. Jason went to answer it. He came out a minute later with the cordless phone. ‘It’s for you,’ he told Dani.

It was Beth. ‘I’ve got some bad news for you,’ she said.

‘Beth, the last time you said that to me, someone had died. Please tell me that isn’t what happened this time.’

‘No one died,’ Beth said.

‘Then what’s the bad news?’

‘Julie’s back.’

Dani’s heart dropped. ‘What’s wrong?’ Jason asked, seeing the look on her face.

Dani signaled that she would tell him later. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked Beth.

‘I was talking to Al last night. He saw her at the bus station in Portland.’

‘Is he sure it was her?’

‘He talked to her, Dani. I hope, for your sake, that she’s still too busy partying to want Sean.’

‘I hope so too,’ Dani said. ‘We’re on our way to church, Beth, so I have to let you go. I’ll give you a call later. Thanks for letting me know.’

‘Okay,’ Beth said.

Dani gave the phone back to Jason. ‘What’s wrong?’ Jason asked again.
< br> ‘Julie’s back in town.’

‘Shit!’ Jason clapped his hand over his mouth, realizing that the children might have heard him.

‘I agree,’ Dani said.

* * *

The next morning, Dani started work. Sean cried when she was getting ready to leave. ‘You say you not go away!’ he wailed.

‘Sean, Honey, I’m just going to work,’ Dani tried to explain. ‘I’ll be home in a while. And Jason will be here while I’m gone.’

‘Daddy go work. He not come back.’

Dani had forgotten that Ben had been on his way home from work when he’d had the accident. ‘Sean, I know it’s hard to understand,’ she said. ‘But lots of people go to work every day and come home just fine. I promise, nothing’s going to happen to me. I’ll be home.’

‘Don’t worry, Sean,’ Anna said. ‘Daddy and I’ll look after you.’

‘What about Melanie?’ Dani asked, smiling.

‘Melanie’s a fish,’ Anna said.

‘A fish?’ Dani repeated.

‘Yeah!’ Anna said. ‘She has a tail.’

‘She does?’

‘I wanna see her tail,’ Sean said.

Anna pointed, illogically, at her sister’s head. Melanie smiled and gurgled, trying to grab Anna’s finger. ‘See?’ Anna said to Sean. ‘There’s her tail.’

‘I see it!’ Sean said excitedly.

Dani kissed Jason goodbye and left for work, hoping that Sean wouldn’t be too upset when he noticed she was gone.

Since Dani’s job only consisted of taking catalog orders over the phone, she expected to be bored most of the day. The first two hours, she was trained in filling out the order blanks and managing the multiline phone system, but then she was left mostly alone. She couldn’t even chat with her coworkers, since the managers ‘strongly discouraged’ the workers from talking to anyone other than the telephone customers. With nothing to do, and the phone ringing infrequently, Dani’s mind wandered.

She had met Ben when they were both fifteen. Ben had been finishing eighth grade, Dani had been in tenth. They had met at their friend Darcy’s house. Darcy knew Dani from gym class, and knew Ben because he had the newspaper route through the mobile home park where he and Darcy lived.

The day Dani and Ben finally met was warm and sunny, and Dani and Darcy were outside reading a play that Darcy was trying to write. When Ben came into Darcy’s yard, Dani’s first thought was that he was the best-looking guy she had ever seen. Her second thought was to hide. She was reading the part of a man in Darcy’s play, and was dressed accordingly, with a bowler hat that covered half her face and an oversized suit coat. This was not Dani’s idea of a guy-impressing outfit.

Ben was persuaded to help with the reading of the play. After they were done, and Darcy decided that the play needed too much work to be worth it, they were at a loss for something to do. ‘We could act out movie scenes,’ Ben suggested.

‘What movie?’ Darcy asked.

‘I don’t know,’ Ben said.

They debated a little while about which movie to act out, and finally agreed. Ben and Darcy quickly chose parts, but Dani couldn’t decide. Ben suggested she play the female lead, and Dani replied, ‘I can’t be her, she’s pretty.’

‘Well, you’re pretty,’ Ben said. As Dani stood there dumbstruck, and Darcy started to laugh, he quickly added, ‘In your own way, I mean.’ But Dani knew he had meant what he said.

At her sixteenth birthday party a couple weeks later, Ben asked her out. Three weeks after that, they broke up. But it was too late for them to stay out of each other’s life.

Dani was interrupted by an influx of phone calls. The rest of the shift passed with no break, for which Dani was grateful.

When Dani got home, Jason was outside with Anna and Sean. Jason was trying to teach Anna to ride her bike, which Anna wanted nothing to do with. Dani parked on the street in front of the house so she wouldn’t interrupt the lesson. As she headed up the driveway, Anna burst into tears and started yelling at her father. He yelled back. Sean, ignoring them, climbed onto the bike and rode it perfectly around the driveway. Dani had to laugh.

Jason and Anna looked around when they heard her. ‘Mommy, Mommy!’ Anna shouted, running to her.

Dani gave her a hug and said, ‘I didn’t like what I just heard. I think you’d better say sorry to Daddy for talking back.’

‘Sorry, Daddy,’ Anna said contritely.

‘Okay,’ Jason said. ‘I think we’ll forget the bike for now. I want you to go inside and take off your shoes. You can play in your room for a little while.’

Anna started to argue, but, seeing the look on her father’s face, decided she had better obey. Dani went over to Sean, who was still on the bike. ‘I’m home, Sean,’ she said.

‘Why you go?’ Sean asked. He wouldn’t look at her.

‘I talked to you and Anna about that yesterday. I have to work so we have money to get things we need.’

‘No,’ Sean said, shaking his head emphatically.


‘You should say goodbye.’

Dani realized that he was referring to that morning. ‘I’m sorry, Sean,’ she said. ‘I know I should have said goodbye, but you and Anna were having such a good time that I didn’t want to interrupt you. I promise, tomorrow when I go to work, I’ll say goodbye.’

‘Promise?’ Sean said.


‘Okay.’ He hugged her. ‘Watch me ride Anna’s bike!’

Since she’d barely seen Jason that morning, Dani kept him company while he got ready for work. ‘How’d the job go?’ he asked. He handed her one of his workboots. ‘Can you get the knots out of that?’

‘Work went all right,’ Dani said. She worked at the knotted shoelace. ‘Honestly, Jason, I can’t understand how a twenty-six-year-old who works on machines for a living still hasn’t learned to untie shoes so the laces don’t knot.’

‘When I get home from work, I have more important things on my mind than knotted laces,’ Jason replied.

‘Like what?’


Dani finally managed to untie the shoelace, and threw the boot at him. ‘Sleep’s all that’s on your mind?’

‘Well, it isn’t whether I sleep, it’s where. Like next to my gorgeous wife.’

They kissed, and Jason eased her down on the bed. Then he looked at the clock and swore. ‘I’ll give you a raincheck,’ he said. ‘I have to leave in fifteen minutes. So what was work like?’

‘Boring,’ Dani said. ‘All I did was answer phones and write down orders. They don’t even let us talk to each other.’

‘Was it busy?’

‘Kind of, I guess. The boss said I could bring a book to read or something between calls, so I probably will tomorrow. How were the small fries?’

‘Melanie didn’t want her bottle, so she’ll probably be very hungry when she wakes up. I managed to get her lunch into her, but she ended up with mashed bananas all over her head.’

‘Did you clean her up?’

‘With a washcloth. She’ll need a bath tonight.’

‘She needed one anyway. What about Anna and Sean?’

‘Let’s see,’ Jason said. ‘Anna got a time out for hitting Sean in the face and refusing to tell me why. Then Sean got a time out for calling Anna a shithead. Then Anna’s blocks were taken away because she wouldn’t let Sean use them. Then Sean got put in time out again for throwing crayons at Anna because she didn’t want to share those either. I had to separate them at lunch because they tried to start a food fight, and both of them napped for about half an hour before I caught them screaming in Sean’s closet again. Why do they keep doing that?’

‘They told me there’s a monster in there, and they’re trying to scare it away,’ Dani said. She was trying not to laugh at the way Jason had listed the misbehavior.

‘Well, anyway, out in the driveway was the first time all day that they’ve been around each other more than a couple minutes without fighting,’ Jason said. ‘Now I understand why you were so stressed out.’

‘Poor baby,’ Dani said. ‘Maybe I should make you watch them more often. I could join a gym or somet

‘No, thanks,’ Jason said. ‘Four mornings a week is more than enough.’

Jason was on his way out the door when he finally remembered to tell Dani, ‘Someone called for you earlier.’

‘Gee, thanks for telling me. Who was it?’

‘I don’t remember. I wrote it down by the phone. See you tonight.’

‘Have a good night,’ Dani said. She went into the kitchen. On the pad by the phone was written, ‘Call 555-6781. Julie. Important.’

Dani ripped the page off the pad and tore it up. If Julie Ryan was waiting for her to call, she had a long wait ahead of her.

* * *

Both Dani and Jason were glad when Friday arrived, because Dani didn’t have to work. Jason had also managed to get the day off, so they made plans to spend the day with the kids. ‘Can we go to Cheesy Cheese?’ asked Anna, meaning Chuck E. Cheese, which she had seen advertised on TV.

‘I don’t know, Babe,’ Dani said. ‘It’s kind of far.’ The nearest Chuck E. Cheese was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, an hour away.

‘Can we go to Funtown?’ Anna asked.

‘Anna, you know Funtown’s only open in the summer,’ Jason said.

‘Well, where can we go?’ Anna asked.

‘Grammy Phyllis?’ Sean suggested.

‘We’re going to see her later, after she gets home from work,’ Dani said. Phyllis had invited them for supper that night. ‘But we have the rest of the day to spend together.’

‘The puppy place?’ Sean said, meaning the pet store at the mall.

‘We go there all the time,’ Anna complained.

‘I think we can go to the puppy place,’ Jason said. ‘And since Sean got to pick that place, Anna, you can pick a place you want to go, too.’

Anna thought. ‘Can I spend my dollars?’ she asked.

‘Yes,’ Dani and Jason replied together.

‘Toy store,’ said Anna.

Jason seemed about to veto the idea, so Dani spoke up. ‘That isn’t that crazy,’ she said. ‘We could get some ideas of what they want for Christmas, and maybe even get some presents now, if one of us can keep Anna and Sean occupied.’

‘I’ll find a nice box for Melanie,’ Jason said. ‘If she’s anything like Anna, she’ll like that better than a toy.’

‘I don’t like stupid boxes,’ Anna said.

‘Anna, don’t say stupid,’ Dani said.

‘Sorry,’ Anna said. ‘Can we go to the toy store?’

‘Yes, we can,’ Dani said.

‘Melanie’s turn to pick,’ Sean said.

‘I think Melanie will be happy wherever we go,’ Jason said. He smiled at the baby, who was lying on the floor batting at her gym.

‘Anna, why don’t you get your purse, and I’ll help you count your dollars,’ Dani said.

‘Okay,’ Anna said. ‘Come on, Sean.’

Sean obediently followed Anna upstairs. ‘What are we going to do about Sean?’ Jason asked.

‘You mean money? That’s why I want to find out how much Anna has. We’ll give Sean the same amount.’

‘But Anna earned that money doing her chores. She might get upset if she sees Sean getting money without working for it.’

‘Jason, she’s three. She got her money for picking up toys and putting the cat food down at night. I don’t think she’d even notice, and it isn’t like we owe her an explanation anyway.’

The kids came back, and Dani and Anna sat down to count Anna’s money. She had twelve dollars. ‘Mommy, Sean doesn’t have chores, does he?’ Anna said.

‘No, because he isn’t three yet,’ Dani replied.

‘Then how can he have money?’

Jason gave Dani an ‘I told you so’ look. Dani rolled her eyes at him. ‘Well, Daddy and I were going to give him some money,’ she said to Anna.

‘Can I share my dollars with him?’

This was the last thing Dani was expecting to hear. She looked at Jason, who seemed equally surprised. ‘That’s a wonderful thought, Sweetie,’ Dani told Anna. ‘I’m very proud of you for thinking it. But you can keep your dollars. Daddy and I will share our dollars with Sean this time.’

The toy store was across the street from the Mall, so they spent the day in the area. Anna and Sean were surprisingly well-behaved, they had one argument about whether to have lunch at McDonald’s or Burger King, which Dani and Jason settled by taking them to Pizza Hut. Melanie, who seemed quite proud of her newfound grabbing ability, almost carried a rattle out of the toy store, fortunately, Dani noticed it in the carriage before they got outside. ‘That’s my little klepto,’ Jason said affectionately, as he headed back through the store to replace the rattle.

They didn’t manage any Christmas shopping that day. Sean and Anna didn’t want to be separated, Anna wanted to stay with her Daddy, and Sean wouldn’t let Dani out of his sight. But watching the kids exclaim over things that they saw in the store at least gave Dani and Jason some ideas for gifts. Anna spent her money on a set of character dolls from her favorite TV show. There were two different sets, and since Anna only had enough money for one, she persuaded Sean to buy the other. ‘Anna, you should have let Sean pick his own toy,’ Dani said when she realized what Anna had done.

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I will never forget meeting Kenny, my wife's boyfriend for the first time. It was about 3 months after my wif began her affair in early 1989. Back then I did not know I was a cuckold. All I knew was that I loved my wife, and I still thought my wife loved me, even though she told me she would not end her affair. I figured I would ride out her craziness. After all we had 2 k**s and had been married for 15 years.I wanted to meet my wife's boyfriend because she wanted to bring our 2 k**s to go...

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Changed my life

Hi, this is Anish and wife’s name is Sona. Though not very beautiful, she has an attractive face with a 34C-28-36 figure and I usually notice men looking hungrily at her. For quite some time I suspected that Sham, male Muslim friend of mine and Sona were having regular intercourse but were being very discrete about it. The closest I came to witnessing one was during one of my lunch breaks when I came home to find his car parked in front of house. But this time I did not have the key to the...

4 years ago
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Stressful Business

“Kenzie, can you check this for me?” Kenzie Hennessy brushed aside the black hair raining over her paperwork and glanced over at her boss, saw the folder marked Tapas, and rolled her eyes. Brian James had been stalling on that client for too damn long. For a moment, she actually forgot the man’s name, since they’d both been calling him Tapas for months, given that they’d always take him to lunch for that particular dish when trying to coax him into signing. But now that Mister Tapas was...

3 years ago
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Stolen Ch 01

Elisa was in the kitchen doing the dishes, trying desperately not to think about Nick. ‘It’s illegal for a guy to look like that and to be single! It’s Eve tempting Adam, or Adam tempting Eve. He is so very tempting…No! Don’t go there. Remember?? No men. They are the problem, not the solution. Just dry the dishes and think of something else’, she ordered herself. ******* Completely frustrated, she went on to drying the dishes and as soon as she touched the wine glass it all came back. How...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 26

11:05 Thursday, September 12th, 1991 235 Montgomery St, Suite 239 San Francisco, CA 94104 "First, we'll announce that he's been given a special assignment," the forty-ish woman with the severe navy blue dress suit said. Sharp-featured, with the trademark pageboy haircut that Deb Reineau carried off far more ably, this lady was gaunt to the point of emaciation. Privately, the Gunny wondered if she preferred women, her wedding band and the pictures on her desk of smiling children...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Show on Earth

You turn down the radio and try to keep the car on the road as you again pick up the small scrap of paper that was pressed into your hand at the club last week. "The Greatest Show on Earth," it said, "Girls and their Beaux, Guys and their Studs, Naughty Mommies, you name it, we have it." Then there was directions to some place out in the desert, you almost didn't go, but the stresses of the week (especially that fucking tease, Jillian, from work, wearing that tight blue dress again that showed...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Lily Adams Swap Fucking Touchy Feely Fathers

Devon Green and Lily Adams were excited for their weekly father daughter gymnastics session. The dads began by stretching their opposite daughters out making sure they were nice and warm. The dads started getting a little too handsy though. They were getting close to private areas that did not really get touched too often. The girls were unsure how to react, but they transitioned gracefully into their gymnastics training regardless. When the girls regrouped, they told each other what was going...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party

y For those of you dont know my stories from my boarding school i just explain. Big sister is not sister at all, is senior girl who look after new girl like me and i am her servant for first year. There 8 girls together in my dorm. We must do everything together. Every week we get report book if any bad mark girl gets punishment with cane on bare bottom. This is usual punishment at my school. Olenna is girl stood beside me in shower first night. When we look at each other naked we both knew...

2 years ago
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Undercover Ch 02

Why on earth had she accepted this assignment, Erin wondered for the billionth time while stuttering around on a muddy road in heals too high for comfort. The wind was blowing fast, swirling through her newly dyed curls and making her shiver in her thin city clothes. She stared with longing at the entry door as she was gradually closing in on it. But first she had to cross an area better designed for hiking boots than stilettos. How a company could be placed in the middle of nowhere, 10...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 5 Autumn in New York

Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...

3 years ago
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FFM first timeWe had been living on the Great Barrier Reef islands for two years and decided to move back to the mainland. After some decision making this meant settling back to a popular resort town that wasn’t too large. After the island life we didn’t want to be living amongst three million people in a city. We chose the second of our hot spots and concentrated on searching for a job. M was placed quickly. I was approached to manage a small resort about two months later and accepted.The...

2 years ago
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Tough Competition Part 8211 3

My name is Amit and I’m from Jaipur. I’m 30 yrs old and work as an Engineer in a multinational company. This is my first story on indiansexstories2.net and is completely fictional. Please feel free to share your comments at or Half way through the second drink, awkward nervousness gave way to more relaxed curiosity. “It looks like it went well for you,” Sonya said to break the ice of what they were both curious about. Maya realized residual from Amit’s cum bath must still be visible. She...

2 years ago
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Shanghai Interrogation

Shanghai Interrogation ?Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaahhh!' ?Again' ?No, no please... mercy... not there, pleeeese not there, ple.... Iiiiiiiaaaaah! ' Ropes creaked and the splayed figure hanging between the thick posts archedand surged in another spasm of agony as the carefully heated rod touched thewrinkled brown rosette of her anus for the second time. ?Where is he...? Where did he go...? Tell me or it will be worse... my menhave barely started yet...' The woman lifted her head; eyes glazed with...

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Dost Ne Maa Chodi 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto me parmood aap logo ne part 1 me padha ke kaisa mera dost ravi ne meri maa chod di,ab agay ke kahani Jab me baatroom se fresh hokar bahar aaya to me sidha drawing room me gaya waha dekha ke ravi nahi tha to mai kitchen ke taraf gaya main ne dekha ke ravi maa se lipta hua tha wo maa ke dera dera gaand masal raha main dono love bird ko kitchen me chod kar office janay ke liya ready honay chala gaya jab me tayaar ho kar aaya to ravi is baar wahi baitha hua tha me bola ke ravi office...

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A Tale Of Lust 8211 Vanita 8211 Part 3

I came home at night to avoid any interaction with her husband, I was at bed thinking about the incident just took place with me. I was in heaven and recalling each and every thing that has happened.Sooner my tool has started saluting I played with it imagining vanita in the bed with me, I came again with a thought of tomorrow’s session. I woke up late, was having my bath when the door bell rang… I didn’t paid attention since my tool was in total erected position and I was playing with it while...

4 years ago
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Me my daughter 4 the trip

I awoke to the wildly exciting sight of Jessie sliding down my morning stiff cock, letting out a squeal of pleasure as she pushed down hard, impaling herself completely. The tight heated wrap of her around me brought a groan of sheer pleasure from me, Sarah was watching, and she grinned at me."Good morning Daddy, your cock was so nice and hard, so we thought this would be a great way to wake you up!"I felt Jessie lift up, then she started to slide her heated core up and down, up and down. She...

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Surprised Mom Married Again Blacked

My name is Joy. Let me first start off with by telling a little about myself. I am a freshman at the University of Texas and studying to be a nurse. I have been living on campus and it has been okay so far. I might not be a model but I have no problem finding a man either. I'm 5'8 and a brunette. My hair stops right at my shoulders. I'm a 36c in bras. I don't have a problem finding a man but I been so busy. Despite what movies and TV has taught me college has not been non stop partying and sex...

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CD spank

It's been a few days since I have gotten all Dolled-up and Slutty so I can get down on my knees in front of you!!! I have a brand new SEXY Leopard print...SKIN TIGHT mini dress and all the sexy Lingerie for underneath! Why not watch me slowly take off my dress for you and expose my sweet panty bulge!!!Then turn me over and SPANK this Whore! Make me do NAUGHTY, dirty things! Feel free to use your imagination and to try any kinky fantasies! Just send me a picture, and a way to reach you. Then we...

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Cumming or Going

I prey on the helpless and the young. I prey only on those that are as beautiful as I am. I am not conceited. It's a fact. The more gorgeous they are, the sweeter their cum tastes. Every night I roam the dark lit streets searching. Sniffing the air for the smell of sexual heat and young hot hormones. Searching for that special someone that I could feed off and you never know one day, someone I could love. I have never met anyone yet who had the same sexual desires and stamina as I do. ...

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John was a clergy man of the Papal Mainframe who had gone to place a guard and shield around the planet of Trenzalore to stop the Daleks, Cybermen and pretty much every other nasty creature in the universe from getting their hands on whatever was broadcasting a signal from the planet surface to every point in time and space, whatever the signal was it was impossible to decode and struck fear into the hearts of every creature that heard it. In a situation like this it was inevitable that sooner...

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The Siblings

THE SIBLINGS By Donna Dee My story actually begins when I was 14, so please bear with me while I set the scene. I wasn't tall, I wasn't fat, in fact I was pretty much your average schoolboy, the youngest member of an affluent family, but I wasn't spoiled, at least I never thought so. My father was an eminent surgeon, my Mother was his anaesthetist and they worked at the town hospital on a permanent evening shift, four until midnight, at least five and often six nights per...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 37

Mr. Frank came back with what appeared to be a sucking machine. He said, “OK, let’s see if this cow can give us some milk!” He started attaching the suction tubes to Rachel’s udders and positioning the tubes so that they would go into a bucket. Then, he turned the machine on. Rachel’s nipples started getting longer as they were sucked into the cups, which were transparent so that everyone could watch. The more suction that was applied, the more her nipples went into the tubes. They were now...

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Team Building

I heard she was a demanding boss, but being two levels below her, I never really had to interact with her. I sure enjoyed watching her though. She wore a black dress that barely concealed the perfect curves of her body. Her breasts were average to small, but framed against a flat chest with broad shoulders for a woman, they stood out as a firm reminder that she was a powerful woman. She had curly black hair that cascaded about her shoulders, and coal dark eyes. You could always hear her...

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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 2

Teil 1 = https://de.xhamster.com/stories/beatrice-die-kleine-schwanznutte-teil-1-717716Beatrice wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 15

"Navy Harbour" this is "Gorgon", I am powered up, request clearance for the outer marker, I have onward clearance; information golf; over. "Gorgon", you are cleared for the outer marker via the inner marker and the departure channel. Be advised "Vance" and "Washton" have just entered the approach channel but you will be clear at the inner marker; call control at the outer 4315 over. "Cleared for the outer marker. 4315 at the outer. Moving now "Gorgon" clear." "Navy control,...

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BurrChapter 65 More Dominos Fall

Ned left for the airport with the last group of sales people and we had two hours of peace and quiet before I had to leave for school. Suzanne reminded me that I would be alone the following weekend and I told them to have a good time in San Francisco. I could tell that they were tired after several long days in a row. I could also tell they were not looking forward to their west coast trip. Mr. Oldham wanted to know about the upcoming football schedule. I handed him the folded piece of...

1 year ago
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AlRincon.com/en is a site that's about sex and other stuff. Case closed. That's my take on what this site offers and it is a pretty damn accurate one. They have some sex, and then, they have some other stuff. Get it? No? Okay, let me expand a little bit so that you don't cry me a river and call me lazy for not being too detailed in my reviews. Alrincon.com/en/ has popups, has sexy pictures, videos, videos that are not sex-related, they have viral clips wallpapers, they have...Okay, now that you...

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As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that’s when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. ‘Good morning mommy!’ I said as I walked into the kitchen. ‘Good morning sweetie,’ she answered. ‘Where’s dad and Mike?’ I asked looking out the window for dad’s truck. ‘They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?’ she replied. ‘Ah, no reason,...

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On Valentine’s Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

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The road whipped by as she drove her small Honda Civic to the local community college. Not a day would pass when she would look out the window at the lake as she passed over it and dreams of travelling would consume her. She would imagine that instead of the lake next to the college, it was a lake somewhere in the South West where she was starting her life over with no ties, no friends, nothing but her and her thoughts.Today was different though, the person sitting beside her was the last tie...

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