Head Girl's After School Detention Class free porn video

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I was in my final year at secondary school and had generally been a well behaved student, having only ever been placed in detentions for minor breaches of school rules, such as forgetting my PE kit or handing homework in late. However, with just over a month to go at school, I was involved in an incident which resulted in being summoned to the Head Girl’s study to explain my actions and also to be punished for what I had done.

Our Head Girl was Sixth Former, Joanne Wilson. Joanne had the reputation as a no -nonsense, extremely strict, young lady who would really lay it on if you were unfortunate enough to get sent to her. Many pupils at the school preferred being punished by the teachers rather than having to report to Joanne after school. She made it clear that she was different and also that she was in charge. The most obvious statement of this was the fact that Joanne wore a blue, long sleeved school blouse as opposed to the white blouses that all the other girls at school had to wear.

Joanne quickly earned her reputation as a strict disciplinarian amongst her fellow students and the tales of what went on in her study quickly spread around school. She spanked hard and also would lay the implements, such as the school strap or cane across fellow students’ bottoms. Her punishments were given hard and were meant as a reminder not to visit her study ever again.

I got on with Joanne, but on that day in May 1992, I was to experience how she dealt with naughty pupils. Our History Mistress, Miss Manson was absent, and no cover teacher turned up to her class to supervise us. We were on the second floor of the school building and we soon began to mess around. Paper, large sheets of card and many other items were thrown from the window. It was great fun. That was, until Miss Rebecca Mulligan, the young Music teacher walked into the room to investigate the noise. Miss Mulligan opened the door just as I was dropping another load of pens and pencils out of the window.

“What are you doing?” Rebecca snapped at me. I was shocked and tried to avoid her gaze but she soon closed the distance between us and stared right at me.

“I asked you a question, young man.” Rebecca Mulligan placed her hands on her hips and continued to stare at me. “What are you doing, Peter?”

I was in trouble and I knew it. The class was silent as Miss Mulligan and I faced one another. “I’m sorry Miss” I said quickly, trying to search frantically for an acceptable explanation that would placate Rebecca. “We were just having a bit of fun, Miss because no one turned up to teach us.”

Miss Mulligan walked over to the window and peered out. She shook her head when she saw the items that we had been throwing out of the window and then turned around to face me. “I want you to report to the Head Girl after school today and we’ll deal with your unacceptable behaviour young man.” I was sure that I saw Rebecca Mulligan smile at the mention of the Head Girl. She knew what that meant for any student.

I tried to protest, but nothing would come out of my mouth. I was in total shock. Rebecca Mulligan made us return to our seats and she sat behind the desk at the front of the room. We sat in silence for the rest of the lesson until dismissed by a clearly angry Rebecca. The rest of the afternoon passed slowly as I contemplated what was coming my way. My classmates, Karen and Paula tried to reassure me that Joanne would probably go easy on me as it was my first offence.

I knew this would not be the case. I had passed by Joanne’s study door a few times that year as she was caning students and was shocked at the noises coming from within – the swish of her cane and then the cries of pain which followed shortly after. My friends who had experienced corporal punishment at Joanne’s hands spoke of how severe she was. I had even seen the marks left across Nicola Dugan’s bottom and all she had done was forget her homework twice in a term. I had done something much worse. Joanne would certainly make me pay for it.

At 3:15pm the bell went to signal the end of the school day, and I slowly, and reluctantly, made my way along the corridor to Joanne’s study. I stood outside for a few moments, looking at the brass name plate on the door which read “Head Girl’s room.” I knocked quietly on her door, hoping that Joanne wouldn’t hear it, but she did. Within a second, I heard Joanne’s stern voice, “Come in!” If I had thought I was going to get off lightly, her tone of voice dispelled any such thoughts. I was really in for it. I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open. I reluctantly stepped inside and closed the door quietly behind me.

I was standing facing Joanne Wilson, the eighteen year old Head Girl. She stood about six inches smaller than me, but Joanne had such an air of confidence about her. She walked over towards me and stopped within inches of me. I was breathing heavily with nerves and could smell Joanne’s sweet perfume. She spent what seemed like an age staring at me, not saying a word. She eyed me up and down and at one point I felt her sizeable breasts brush against my chest through her blue school blouse. Joanne moved back and then shook her head.

“Well, I never thought I’d see you in here, Peter.” Joanne said as she reached for my trousers. Her hands began to unbuckle my belt, and I tried to move away and protest.

“No, please, Joanne!” I unintentionally grabbed her hands to stop her. The next thing I felt was a slap across the right hand side of my face which brought tears to my eyes.

“Don’t you dare!” Joanne shouted as she regained her composure and finished unbuckling the belt, pulling the button of my trousers undone and then yanking them down to my ankles.

“You will do exactly what you are told.” Joanne stared at me. I really was going to get it. “Oh, and by the way, you will address me as “Miss” or “Head Girl”, do you understand?” I was still struggling with the pain that continued to burn down the right hand side of my face, but managed to mutter, “Yes Head Girl.”

“Remove all of your clothes and place them on that chair over there.” Joanne indicated with her left hand to a chair in the corner behind me.

I said nothing but reluctantly began to undress. I removed my school tie, unbuttoned my shirt and took that off too. Joanne continued to stare at me. I bent down to remove my shoes and socks and pulled my trousers off, gathering the bundle of clothes up and placing them neatly on the chair. For some reason, I had become aroused and my erection poked out through my boxer shorts. I hoped that Joanne wouldn’t notice, but she had.

“I said everything off, Peter.” Joanne said quietly and she smiled, knowing the embarrassing position I now found myself in.” She moved back to within inches of me and I felt her warm hands slip into my boxer shorts. Joanne deliberately ran her hands over my throbbing hard cock and stroked my balls with her other hand. She shook her head and tutted.

“Naughty, naughty!” Joanne continued to stroke my cock and balls gently. Then her hands grabbed the elastic of my shorts and they soon hit the floor. I was then instructed to place them on the chair with the rest of my clothes. I obeyed and was soon standing in front of Joanne once again.

We stood in silence for a few moments, watching one another. Joanne then ran her right hand through her long, dark hair. Her hands then started stroking my chest. “Well Peter, I think you know what’s coming your way, don’t you?”

I stared into Joanne’s blue eyes. “Yes Miss.” Her hand wandered back to my private parts. “I’m sorry Miss.”

Joanne strengthened her grip around my cock, smiling as I winced with pain. “As much as I would like to wank you off and watch you cum, I promised Miss Mulligan that you would get a beating you will never forget.” Joanne let my private parts go and moved away from me and walked over to her desk. She then began to bring out a collection of implements which she placed on her desk one after the other. She smiled as she saw my reaction to seeing the hairbrush, slipper, ruler, school strap and wooden paddle placed neatly on the desk.

“Oh Peter, don’t worry.” Joanne smiled and moved over to the cupboard beside the door. The door creaked as she opened it and reached inside. “I promised Miss Mulligan that you will get a thrashing so that’s what you’ll be getting.” She laughed quietly as she brought three canes out of the cupboard, swishing one of them through the air just to see my reaction. I was shocked and this delighted Joanne.

“I know you’re interested in how I punish people.” Joanne walked back over to her desk and gently laid her three canes next to the other implements. “You asked Nicola to show you her bottom, didn’t you?” I nodded and looked at the floor. Joanne continued to laugh. “She didn’t sit for four days apparently.” Joanne walked over to me and stood within inches of me once again. She ran her hands through my hair and kissed my forehead gently. “Don’t worry Peter you’ll not be able to sit down for a week once I’m done with you today.” Joanne continued to stroke my hair gently. “I want you to remember this forever and understand what it feels like to get sent to me.” Joanne ran her hands down the side of my face and then down my chest, returning to my cock once again.

“I also want to beat that out of you.” Joanne gave my cock another hard squeeze and smiled as I winced with discomfort.

“But we’re going to have a little bit of fun too, Peter.” Joanne moved away from me and lifted the chair that was behind her desk and moved it into the middle of the room. She sat down and ironed the creases out of her knee length black skirt with her hands. She looked up at me as there was a loud knock on her door. I panicked but Joanne just laughed. “Come in!” She said and the door opened. I tried to avoid looking around, but couldn’t resist. The door closed behind me and I was aware that there were at least three other people in the room. They would all be able to see me standing there. Naked.

I looked round and saw five ladies standing there. Student teachers, Miss Bryony Parkinson the PE Mistress, Miss Natalie Atkinson the English Mistress, Miss Rebecca Curran another trainee English Mistress and Joanne’s Prefects, Emily Saleeb and Deputy Head Girl, Lindsay Pinkham. Joanne laughed even harder as I turned back to face her. “Miss Mulligan wanted you to be totally humiliated so we reckoned what a better way than to get punished by as many of us as possible. Lindsay had already moved up to Joanne’s desk and picked up the ebony-backed hairbrush which she tapped against the palm of her hand. “I know you have heard about how hard Lindsay can be and now you’re going to find out, you lucky young man!”

At that moment, I felt my arms being grabbed, and became helpless as Natalie and Emily marched me towards Joanne, who sat back as I was positioned across her knees. She moved me around until she was comfortable with my weight over her lap and then rested her hands on my back. She began to rub my bottom, and I awaited that first smack. It felt like an age as Joanne continued to massage my bottom, not saying a word.

I looked up to see Lindsay, in her three-quarter length long sleeved white school blouse and far too short grey pleated skirt standing in front of me. She was that close I could smell her sweet perfume. Her scent was amazing and my erection grew, pushing against Joanne’s strong thighs. I looked up at Lindsay, who’s heaving breasts pushed against her blouse. The buttons struggled to contain her well-formed breasts and I wished that I could touch them. Joanne was unaware of my dirty thoughts as she raised her large right hand and brought it down from a great height, ensuring that it landed in the centre of my buttocks with a loud “crack!”

It wasn’t until the third, full force spank of Joanne’s hard right hand that I reacted. I think I was in shock at how hard and violent a hand spanking could be. I reacted to the third smack by bringing my right hand up from the floor and trying to cover my bottom with it to prevent Joanne from hitting me anymore. I also squirmed around on her lap for all I was worth, determined to escape this most humiliating punishment. Joanne, extremely experienced at dishing out corporal punishment, took my futile resistance in her stride. She pushed my right hand back to towards the floor and simply slipped her free left hand under my stomach, pulling back towards her and gripping me as tight as she possibly could. There would be no escape from this punishment.

At that moment I saw Lindsay step closer and straddle my head and shoulders. She closed her legs and her weight meant I was going nowhere. Within seconds, Joanne had resumed her assault on my bare bottom, spanking hard and fast, distributing strokes equally over my buttocks. I tried to move, but Lindsay’s weight prevented me from going anywhere. It seemed like an age had passed as Joanne continued to spank hard. Tears welled up in my eyes as I lay helpless across the Head Girl’s lap and I could feel my bottom growing hotter and hotter as Joanne Wilson took out hr frustration on my upturned buttocks in front of her.

In reality it had been just over five minutes, but it felt a lot longer, before the Head Girl stopped and resumed running her fingers across my hot and sore bottom. Lindsay opened her legs wider and stepped off me, moving back to Joanne’s desk where she picked up the ebony hairbrush once again. I suspected what was coming next. Joanne continued to massage my burning and bruised bottoms and then suddenly she stopped.

“Right Peter, get up and don’t you dare dribble on my skirt!" Joanne commanded and I struggled to get myself off her comfortable knees. Joanne stared at me as I struggled to stand and then she got to her feet. I noticed from the side that Lindsay had replaced Joanne in the chair and was preparing to continue the punishment.

“Back over Lindsay’s lap, Peter”, Joanne motioned with her left hand for me to bend over Lindsay’s sexy knees.

I duly obeyed and Lindsay Pinkam stroked my hot and sore bottom, even running her hand between my legs, feeling for my erect penis.

“Lindsay says she can hand spank harder than me Peter.” Joanne had taken up position in front of me and I looked up at her as she stroked my hair with her left hand.

“So, you’re going to be the judge of that.” Joanne took the hairbrush from Lindsay and stepped away, just as Lindsay went to work on my bottom with her small right hand. Miss Pinkam frantically spanked, equally between my left and right buttock, even slipping deliberately onto my thighs and backs of legs, delighting in every yelp and squeal I gave as a result of the punishment. Again, it felt like an age, but in reality, was about five minutes, before Lindsay reached up with her left hand to take the hairbrush from Joanne.

“Joanne said you wished to see what a proper spanking was like,” Lindsay stroked the brush across my sore bottom and began to laugh.

“Well, you’re certainly going to feel that, young man”. Lindsay took the brush from my bottom and held it high above her head, before bringing it crashing down on my right buttock. The pain was intense and I screamed with pain but this was ignored by Lindsay who frantically beat my bottom with the hard hairbrush. I tried to get away from the horrible implement but Lindsay used her strength to hold me in place, spanking hard and often, oblivious to me screams and cries for her to stop.

Lindsay continued for a good five minutes before she paused and allowed me to stand. She was going to put me in an awkward position. “So, naughty boy,” she stared up into my tear soaked eyes. “Who hits hardest – Joanne or me?” I was damned either way so muttered that I did not know. Joanne laughed and came forward and grabbed my semi-hard penis, pulling me over to her desk where she pushed me down.

“Well, you’re going to get a treat right now.” I hadn’t seen the trainee PE Mistress, Bryony Parkinson take up position behind me and as Joanne and Lindsay held me face down over Joanne’s desk, the 24 year old wrapped out 36 extremely painful smacks with the slipper across my buttocks. Added to this, Bryony ensured that she caught me in the creases between leg and thigh, which would ensure that I’d feel her contribution for days afterwards. Joanne continued to hold me as Miss Natalie Atkinson the English Mistress took the strap across my bottom. By the end of her twenty four full force strokes I was crying uncontrollably and Joanne allowed me up to wipe my eyes.

Soon after, I was bent back over to receive twenty four strokes with the wooden school paddle from Miss Rebecca Curran. This was hard going as Rebecca took a long pause between each stroke. Then, finally, Senior Prefect, Emily Saleeb used a carpet beater to rip my bottom to shreds with thirty six no nonsense, violent strokes.

Joanne and Lindsay then led me into the corner of her office, where I was instructed to stand with my hands my head, facing the wall. Obediently, I obeyed and listened carefully as the ladies talked through the punishment that they had just administered. I waited as each lady left the room and I was soon aware that it was just Joanne and I left. Once more, I felt Joanne close to me and her breasts poked me in the back through her blue cotton school blouse. I felt her breath on my back and exhaled softly as her hand massaged my red and sore bottom.

“Well, naughty boy,” Joanne stroked my bottom softly and her left hand wandered over my balls and stroked my cock. “Out of Lindsay and me, who hits hardest?” Her hands continued to stroke my private parts. I didn’t want to answer but feared the consequences if I didn’t.

“With the hand, it’s definitely you, Head Girl.” I turned round to try and face her, but Joanne pushed me back so I was facing the wall and then returned to stroking my cock and balls.

“Good answer Peter.” Joanne’s perfume was really turning me on. “However, Lindsay can’t cane students so I’m going to show you who the hardest lady in this school is.” With that she swung me around to face her and marched me back to her desk where I was pushed over and moved quickly into position.

“You’re going to get twenty four strokes with the senior dragon cane and you will count and thank me for each one, young man.” Joanne already had the nastiest cane in her collection in her right hand and was taking aim by the time I had replied “Yes Miss.”

Joanne tapped the middle of my bottom gently with her cane to judge where her first stroke would land and continued to do this for what seemed like an age. I then looked round to see her run her free hand down her blouse and skirt before returning to her original position. “Are you ready young man?” I returned to looking straight ahead and reluctantly answered “Yes Miss.”

Within seconds, that first, stinging, bottom burning stroke landed right in the middle of my bottom and I struggled to keep my position. The pain burned and burned and I forgot to thank Joanne. She snapped at me, “Don’t you need to say something, naughty boy?” All of a sudden I remembered and said quietly, “One. Thank you Head Girl.” Joanne smiled and took aim for her second stroke. “That’s better Peter.” Joanne then took the cane back behind her head and brought it down with a “crack!” across my right bum cheek.

“Two. Thank you Miss.” I replied.

The caning lasted fifteen minutes before it was “twenty four. Thank you Miss.” I could feel the warm sensation of blood running down my bottom and was wiping tears away from my eyes due to the pain and discomfort I was feeling. Joanne calmly replaced the cane on her desk beside me and began to rub my bottom to soothe me. I looked over at her and could see that she had removed her school tie and had unbuttoned her blouse, enabling me to see her white silky bra underneath.

“I get very hot after punishing people.” Joanne ran her hands up and down my back and continued to smile at me. She was breathing heavily and I watched as she got to her feet and moved towards the cupboard where I had seen her take the canes about an hour ago.

“I’m going to clean you up and then we’ll have a chat Peter.” With that, Joanne removed some wipes and plasters and walked back over to me where she cleaned off the blood and applied some plasters to my cuts. Joanne then walked over to the sofa in her room and sat down. After a moment she spoke,

“Come over here young man and sit next to me.” Joanne indicated where she wanted me to sit with her left hand and I was soon sitting next to her. Her Coco Mademoiselle perfume was strong and her hands returned to my cock and balls.

“I’m sorry I had to do that to such a nice boy like you Peter, but you gave me no choice, did you?” I began to breathe heavily as Joanne began to gently move my cock back and forwards.

“No Miss. I’m sorry Miss.” I replied as Joanne moved my cock faster and faster.

“I’m going to masturbate you and I want you to come all over, do you understand?” She then stuck her tongue down my throat and we kissed long and hard. I placed my hands around her large breasts and feeling her blouse turned me on even more. As we continued to kiss, my hands wandered down between Joanne’s legs and up her skirt. I could feel that her knickers were soaked through and as we explored one another, I came, shooting my spunk across the room. Joanne continued to kiss me for a while until she stopped and smiled at me.

“Good boy.” She regained her composure and moved away from me, buttoning her blue school blouse as she did so. “I have to go and fetch Miss Mulligan now to show her how we’ve dealt with you.” Joanne got to her feet and pointed towards the far corner of her room. “You need to be in the corner with your hands on your head, facing the wall. Do you understand, Peter?”

I nodded and was soon in the corner as instructed. Joanne closed her door gently behind her and as I waited for her to return I thought what had happened to me in detention that day. At the thought of the spankings I had received, I began to go hard and by the time the door opened and I could see Joanne with Rebecca Mulligan, it was solid and pointing to attention. This fact was not lost on the twenty six year old Rebecca who marched straight over to me and immediately began rubbing and prodding my sore buttocks.

“Good job Joanne, but I think he enjoyed it too much.” Rebecca swung me around one hundred and eighty degrees so I was facing Joanne and Miss Mulligan. Joanne looked disgusted at the erection that I had and remained silent.

“Well, I guess I can get rid of that in about a minute.” Rebecca laughed and was soon on her knees masturbating me gently. I placed my hands on her shoulders as Rebecca continued to stroke my cock and balls gently. All of a sudden, I rubbed against Rebecca’s pink, long sleeved blouse and shot my load, catching the right side of her blouse and dribbling onto her black knee-length skirt. It didn’t seem to upset her too much as she continued to wank me off until every last drop of spunk was out.

“Well, I told you that I could make him come quickly, Head Girl.” Rebecca wiped her hands and got to her feet before leaving the room. Joanne was soon facing me again. She kissed me full on the mouth and we put our arms around each other. Joanne moved my hands around to her breasts. Even through her blouse and bra, I could feel that her nipples were erect. We held one another for a while before Joanne instructed me to dress, and we left her office together. It was the beginning of a beautiful, and sometimes painful, relationship.

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After School Detention

Lacy sat on the front edge of the teachers desk facing her fellow students on detention. Spreading her legs as wide as she could exposing her nicely trimmed pubes to the girls in the front row. The boys at the back enjoyed the view but knew that was all they were going to get. To look. "Like what you see, girls? If so please come and kneel before me" Lacy stood and moved round to sit in the teachers seat. She looked up to see the athletic blonde standing before her. "Jen .. ni … fer?" The girl...

3 years ago
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Detention with Mr Sullivan

A deep and harsh voice yelling “Aubrey!” swiftly woke me from my stupor. “Aubrey, you know my rules about sleeping in class. You’re staying after school for detention.” “I can’t stay after school, I have to work!” “You should have thought about that before you slept in my class. It’s either detention after school or go to the principal and face possible suspension.” The possibility of suspension was more than enough to keep me quiet. I was devastated. Never in my four years...

3 years ago
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Detention 90

By: Robert Jimenez Typically I hated going to school, but after spending time with Chris for the majority of the weekend, I was actually excited about seeing his face in class. I had fallen asleep smiling Sunday night, and had woke up smiling Monday morning. My happiness almost disturbed me. I wasn't used to being happy for more than one day-more than one hour actually. But I felt relaxed and anxious all at once; relaxed because for once things were going smoothly, with no excessive...

2 years ago
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Detention 91

The bus ride to school was quiet and boring for the first ten minutes or so. I was sitting in the very back row of the bus, looking out the window, when I heard a boy call my name. At first I figured that he was talking to someone else, because obviously I wasn’t the only person named Brandon in the world, and also because I really don’t know too many people--who knew my name. So I ignored it, and then the guy said, “Hey, Brandon.” I turned and so Scott Howard making his way toward the rear...

3 years ago
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Detention with Mr Sullivan

Introduction: This is my first story. So what can I say? I tried to limit the character descriptions to leave more to your imagination. I hope you enjoy it. c: After a long night of studying, more like cramming, I was sitting in my pre-calculus class trying not to fall asleep. My teacher, Mr. Sullivan, was a tall and attractive man. Between his dark, curly hair and serious eyes he could make even the most unintelligent girls in his class try their best to pay attention and make good grades in...

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I looked up from my textbook and looked around the classroom. Almost half the students in the classroom were asleep and the teacher was too absorbed in her book to care. It was the last class of the day and she had given us the last part of the period to study. I laid my head down on my desk and let myself start to drift off. I was nearly asleep when I felt a sharp wrap across my knuckles. "Ms. Agosto, my class room is not a place for sleeping and I expect to see you back here after school for...

4 years ago
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Caitlins Detention

You see, I'm a first time teacher. This group of students are the first ones I've ever taught and it was maybe two months since I had started teaching. Since this was my first try at teaching a class, they'd send in some 70 year old stiff to watch from time to time. He'd criticize me after each class saying how I should focus more on empowering them or how I was too lenient when someone broke a rule, and I'd be forced to follow his will while he was around or else I feared I'd get in...

2 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 12 Lanas Detention

When Lana reentered the classroom, she found Dr. Lewis sitting at his desk underlining something on a sheet of paper. She boldly walked up to the front of his desk and looking up Dr. Lewis said, "Did you forget something, Lana?" "I wanted to say that—hey wait a minute, how did you know my name? You didn't even call role?" "Doesn't mean I don't have the roster," he said showing her the paper he'd been studying. Lana saw that it was, in fact, a copy of the class roster and that Dr....

2 years ago
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Sleepover 3 Detention

It's Not Summer Anymore Unfortunatly And Me And Spence Are Back In School. Although, Even Because We're In School Dosen't Mean We Can't Have Some Fun. Well, It's Friday Today And The Bell Just Rang To Go To Second Period. Me: Spencer! Spencer: Hey Dude. I Haven't Seen You All This Week. Why Haven't You Talked To Me? Me: Spencer, Take It Easy School Just Started. I've Been Trying To Get To Know My Teachers And Stuff. Spencer: Oh. Do You Have Miss...

3 years ago
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Teen Diaries 20 Detention Threesome

Hi, I'm Hayley. I'm sixteen with brown curly hair down to my shoulders and freckly skin. I'm a sophomore and last night I had detention for the first time. I cried when Mr. Hall gave me detention for texting in class. It's the first time I've ever gotten in trouble at school and my parents were so mad at me when I told them. Detention started five minutes after school on the third floor in room 324. I thought there would be more students there, but it was just me and two senior guys. They were...

Group Sex
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Natalie looked at her watch. “Ten past four. Ten past fucking four!” she said to nobody in particular. As far as Natalie was concerned, it wasn’t fair that she was the only one that had been given detention. Okay, she had a reputation with the lecturers for being a bit disruptive but on this occasion, she was trying to hear what Miss Williams was saying. It was that cow Denise that had been sat behind her poking her with a ruler that should be in detention. Typical that Miss Williams should...

Straight Sex
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I sat on a wooden bench outside the principal's office fidgeting and waiting for my audience with the principal of Wilson Elementary School. I think that because I knew that I was guilty the bench seemed even harder than it really was, even so it reminded me of a pew in the church where my parents worshiped before they were divorced. My big mouth had gotten me in trouble with Mrs. Chance, my homeroom teacher and I assumed that our iron-fisted principal, Jan Hunter, would hand out some type of...

4 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 10 Detention

Saturday 21-April 2007 At the end of a long day, Chris collapsed into his bed groaning. He'd got up at six a.m. on a Saturday to do his parent stuff early, so he could go to play soccer with his mates, a Saturday morning practice for the trials. They'd practised twice during the week, but he'd only been able to make one of them, and then only by getting up early and going to bed late. What a relief! The parent thing was over. He had no idea how Shahia did it. He couldn't imagine looking...

1 year ago
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Little Piggy 7 Double Detention Thursday

Thursday Little Piggy walked down the street away from home heading to school. She was mastering the training belt and knew how to accentuate or not its affects. At the end of the block was Coach Gray standing next to a big black pickup. 'Feeling better today?' he said looking down at her. 'Yes, sir.' she said with a smirk and a salute. 'Did you practice?' She knew what he meant. She held up the ball bag and twirled her dress smoothly and gracefully. 'Get in. I'll give you a ride.'...

2 years ago
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Jaya Raped in Detention

Jaya got the short end of the stick again. The principal has assigned her to the third to twelfth grade detention room. It was pretty much a glorified babysitting job, except the teens are the worst of the worst. She was warned the teens could get rowdy, so be prepared to do some yelling. Planning doing some paper grading, Jaya had her head down for with her nose stuck in her student’s papers. Every once in awhile Jaya would hear the teens gasp, then giggle loudly. When she looked up, they...

3 years ago
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Detention Training

When the bell went for the last time and school was dismissed the students for Detention came to the Detention room where i was waiting. I had Training with the Athletics team at the same time, so I had let them know that they should go through their normal warm up and what they where to continue with until I finished with the Detention. Now the room was almost empty as just seven students had detention all of whom I had already had sex with. When I realized I decided that i would let them...

3 years ago
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Detention Affair

I was working as an aide to a development center for the local school district. It was called a development center but in reality was a special school for students with behavior problems that the regular schools didn't want to deal with. The grades ran from 6th through 12th with most of the students being in high school. My job included various tasks from answering the phone to making copies to even helping out with the lesson plans of the teachers. My third year there a new policy was...

3 years ago
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Detention for Missing Homework

"Jason, how do you say 'pay attention' in Spanish?" An angry voice from Senorita said. "Uh...yo no se Senorita." The class laughed, but an immediate glare from Senorita shut them all up. "Didn't think so, pay attention now, or I'm going to give you a detention. Yeahyeahyeah, he thought to himself. Same thing she says everyday, yet he still hadn't gotten a detention. Class went on, and Jason dick only got harder as he looked at Senorita more. He watched as her boobs jiggled...

2 years ago
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She wrapped her fingers around the handle, turned around and said, "Just don't let them get to you and I'll see you at lunch." My first day at school. Don't think I'd ever felt so nervous in my whole life before. I could feel every single pair of eyes watch me as i walked to the middle of the class room, barely able to look up. "...My name is Mr. Wilson and I'll be teaching you about Religious Education this year." That's right. I'd sold out, given up and gone against everything i used to stand...

Straight Sex
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Detention Excess

Informed she has no contract extension: Ms Moore makes her final detention supervision at Glebe College; a truly memorable one....Ms Rochelle Moore, was fed up with cocky assistant principal; Bob O’Hearn. But he ran the relief budget. Sure she was a term only temp teacher and she really wanted to be re-hired again but she kept getting the extra shit jobs. This place wasn’t the type of school any teacher; temp, relief or permanent was climbing over everyone else to get into. But here she was...

4 years ago
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Passing Time in Detention

James walked into his class, as usual, about ten minutes late. His shirt hanging out and his tie was untidy, he personally could not care less. He entered the classroom and made his way to the back without making any apologies. The teacher which he had not taken any notice of, frowned. “Excuse me,” she said in a quite voice. James ignored her. “HEY!” yelled the teacher. James turned. “Yea?”. “Detention, this afternoon,” the teacher replied. James had not really noticed that this teacher was...

Straight Sex
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Little Piggy 6 Double Detention Wednesday

Wednesday Little Piggy was up early, or more to the point she had a restless night. Her first thought in the morning started when she rolled over and the big prongs stuffed in her folds and pucker moved. What a feeling she thought to herself. She sat up on the bed and rocked back and forth renewing her excitement from yesterday's events. LP was a little bleary eyed and the walk to school went much like the walk home the day before. She had to stop a couple times and shake through the...

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Detention With Miss Downey Miss Downeys Story Chapter Four

Seventeen-year-old sixth former, Debbie Griffin couldn’t take her eyes off the clothes brush that sat on her Form Mistress’ desk. She tried her best to return her concentration to her History homework – the reason why she was sitting in detention that Tuesday afternoon. Debbie looked across the classroom at her fellow detainee, Leah Ellis, who was busily writing away. Debbie Griffin looked briefly at her Form Mistress, Helen Downey, before trying to return her full focus to her essay, but it...

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Matt and His Teacher enjoying a naughty detention

Jenny Murray was 24 years old. She had 34D breasts, not huge, but she didn’t want to seem to appealing to students, so she just wore a plain white bra, a loose white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a knee-length skirt with a small slit down the side, and her hair tied up in a loose bun, with a couple of stray locks, and she was proud of her physique and she knew that several of the later year boys found her attractive from the occasional glances and peeks when she bent down. Fresh out of...

3 years ago
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Detention sucks

I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...

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Womens House of Detention

The voice rang out sharply in her ears. "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty on all charges. So say we one, so say we all." Heidi was stunned! She was innocent. Well, maybe not completely innocent. Yet, she didn't kill anyone. She was not a murderer. Sure, some jewelry might have wound up in her purse. Maybe a few checks had been forged. But, come on, Murder! She looked at the twelve jurors. They did not look back. How could they have believed that slutty bitch of a...

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Miss Jay stood before me, her pert nose in front of my face. "Martin," she said in her usual scolding tone, "I will not tolerate your attitude any further! Your attitude is disrupting the whole class!" "You're the only one who is disrupting the class," I calmly replied. She moved away from me, her eyes wide with shock, her face flush with anger. "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed. "HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK AT ME!" For a minute I thought she was going to hit me. Now THAT would have been...

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Lisas DilemmaChapter 2 Tuesdays detention

Lisa woke from her recurring dream to find her cunt soaking wet and her nerves jangling with anticipation for the detention at four thirty that afternoon. The dream started as soon as she went to bed and laid her head on her pillow. She was surrounded by the seven students, all naked and waving their rock hard cocks at her. There was Ted ordering her to suck this cock and fuck that cock with her cunt or that one with her arse, all the time he was spanking her rock hard erect nipples with a...

1 year ago
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What Happens to Bad Girls in Juvenile Detention

I was a bad kid. My parents said so. My school said so. And now the court had said so also. I sat there listening in shock as the judge told me I had to go to a juvenile detention center. I heard my mom crying. My dad looked angry. How could this be happening? I had gotten suspended for giving boys blowjobs in the school bathroom. Then I had gotten arrested twice for smoking pot. My parents had tried to warn me. I kind of wish I had listened. They took me in a van to the Bloss juvenile...

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A School Masters Tale Detention 1

Detention, I had to admit was normally the most boring of aspects that came with the job as a School Master, in a ladies finishing school. I was eager to see my lady. I did not want to be there any more than they did, but there was I sat in a room with three maturing young women, in their late teens, who had misbehaved at some point during the day. I was reading some notes and then. “Sir?” the young blond haired woman stood in front of me. Her tight fitting blouse was the first thing I...

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Little Piggy 8 Double Detention Friday Final

Friday Little Piggy woke up in the morning with a stretch and a wiggle and an 'mmm.' She looked over at the ball bag laying next to her bed and wondered if Coach was going to give her a ride today. This made her squeeze her knees together and groan. She was thinking about what the teachers said and the note she brought home. Letting them know she might be a little late coming home. Her father interrupted her train of thought as he stuck his head in her door and said, 'Come on. Get...

1 year ago
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Detention Of Barbie

Although Ashleigh was very fond of teasing and leading on boys, she hadn’t yet had sex. Oh, she had given a few blow jobs now and then, but she wouldn’t consent to sex. The way she saw it, she was just too good for high school boys. She’d wait until she found someone really worthy to touch her; until then, she’d be a virgin. Just because she was a virgin, however, didn’t mean that she dressed the part. Only 16, Ashleigh was often mistaken for being in her 20s with her outfits. Today, Ashleigh...

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Introduction: My detention with Mr. Embrey I head down the hallway to detention. Ugh. This is SUCH a waste of time. I could be rehearsing lines or doing homework! I decide to dress fashionable one day and everybody panics! I wore my new corset/tank top, a short black skirt, and my black ankle boots. Hey I have a curvy body but Im proud and loving it. I wanna show it off! But no thats inappropriate I enter the room and theres Mr. Embrey. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. He has to run detention...

1 year ago
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Detention sucks

I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...

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“Hey, Gamm,” beamed Aren Collins.“Hey, baby,” the retired grandmother replied. “How are you?”“I’m fine. Thanks! And you?”“Doing good, sweetheart! What’s going on?”“I saved up some money and I want to buy momma’s robe,” shared the soulful, effeminate teen.“Really,” she smiled broadly. “That is so sweet. How much is it.”“$318.50”“Oh my! How about you pay half and then Pops and I will pay the other half.”“Okay, that works! I just needed you to use your credit card for the purchase.”“Absolutely!...

4 years ago
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JerseyBean gets detention

Its the last lesson of the day at the girls reform school, class 4C are all 18 years old and the most disruptive in the school but as headmaster I am in total control, or so I thought.It a very traditional school with a strict dress code as headmaster i am dressed in full cap and gown, the girls wear flat black pumps, knee high white socks knee length pleated tartan skirt with white blouse and their hair must be worn in pigtails at all time.The lesson is going well as I teach the girls about...

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I got Detention and my erection got me extra credi

School was almost over for the year and everyone seemed be acting a little roudy in the classroom, especially today as we had a substitute teacher. Finally she had put up with as much as she could take and sent several people to see the principal. There were several rude comments made about her being too harsh, we were just having some fun. She responded by giving myself and another student detention after class. We settled down and finished our studies till the bell rang. The two of us that...

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Ms. Robinson was the only teacher at Mickinly High School that all the boys wanted to fuck. She was perfect, with voluptuous breasts and a nice firm ass. Her clothes were always tighter than they should be and she loved the attention it got her. But someone had found out that she wasn't looking for a man in her life, rather a woman. This didn't stop the boys from watching her hips dance as she crossed the room, her long brown hair flowing along behind her. I, on the other hand, found it rather...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 12 Another Detention Before Heading Home

As she neared Mr. Jacob’s room, she spotting Jenna and Roach leaning against one of the lockers and making out. As Roach spotted her, he pulled away from Jenna rather abruptly, and beckoned her over. “There you are, someone had a busy day I think, Jenna was saying two girls came back from a very long bathroom break and could not stop talking about your activities.” Holding up his marker, he pulled open her robe and turned her so that her back was against the lockers. “Now, how many in total....

2 years ago
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Lisas DilemmaChapter 3 Tuesday night and the Wednesday detention

Ted ordered Jenny to dress and suggested to Lisa that she straighten herself up but leave her urine soaked clothes in place. He then announced that Jenny should make her way home and tomorrow morning present herself to him in the pavilion before the start of school. "By the Way Jenny, bring with you, your three favourite sex toys and at least two items to be used as spanking tools!" he demanded. He told Lisa "As you're soaking wet in piss, we shall walk home and you will invite me to...

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