A Night To Remember free porn video

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I’ve been with my girlfriend for five years. We met at college when we were both eighteen and got together after regularly bumping into each other jogging around the college campus. I have to admit I changed my route to follow her so I could gaze at her bum in her running tights! Debbie is 5’ 5” and slim with long blonde hair, blue eyes, a small, tight bum and a cup tits. What she lacks in boobage she makes up for in nipples. They’re thick, long and get incredibly hard when aroused or if it’s cold!

When I was plucking up the courage to ask her out I mentioned her to a friend of mine who was on the same course. He said she was incredibly shy and quiet. When I finally did start to speak to her when running, she let me do most of the talking, but I realised she wasn’t shy as such, she just preferred to listen. When she did speak it was always worth listening to.

She also turned out to be very sexually adventurous. We kissed on our first date and fucked on the second. Sex was incredible from the start. Debbie is mostly submissive and I’ve found myself fitting into the dominant role easily enough, even though I sometimes wish Debbie would dominate me more. We’d both come up with fantasises to try and made a pact that anything one of us wanted to try, the other would do at least once.

Now I could go into detail about a lot of our exploits, but this is about the first evening we spent with Sarah. We’d discussed the possibility of a threesome, either FFM or MMF, several times in the past but never followed up on it as Debbie had trouble relaxing around strangers. Debbie had been with one woman in the past and wanted to explore that side of her sexuality more. Neither of us had many casual friends and didn’t want to risk the close friends we had by attempting to enlist them in our fantasies. Sarah was one of the rare people that Debbie trusted on first meeting. Unfortunately, she was Debbie’s manager which definitely fell into the ‘too complicated’ category.

To make matters worse we’d been to works together and spent a drunken evening with Sarah talking about sex and flirting outrageously with each other. She made it clear that she was up for a little experimentation and admitted to us that she had some experience a dominatrix! We left the party, horny as hell, with Sarah sending text messages to Debbie’s phone describing what she would like to do to Debbie in great detail! We got back to our flat and practically ripped each other’s clothes off to fuck on the sofa.

Debbie said Sarah apologised for the text messages the next day at work claiming she was drunk and couldn’t remember sending them! She still flirted but Debbie made it clear that nothing could happen while they worked together. About six months later Debbie was head hunted to another firm and handed in her resignation. That changed things immediately and as soon as Debbie’s resignation was processed, Sarah invited us to her house for a food, drinks and whatever that led to!

We immediately accepted the invite which was the following Saturday night. I tried to talk about what would happen but Debbie quickly decided she would rather just turn up and go with her instincts. Something she always preferred to do as her very active imagination and fantasies always made the real event seem dull in comparison!

My nerves were on edge by the time Saturday evening came. If Debbie was nervous she showed no sign but that was typical of her. It was a warm night so we dressed casually; jeans and a t-shirt for me, a long wrap around skirt over tan hold-up stockings, high heeled, beige suede calf length boots and a tight vest top with no bra or panties for Debbie. Debbie not wearing underwear was not a shock to me. She rarely bothered in the summer and the stockings were for my benefit! The taxi arrived and it was a short drive across town to Sarah’s large, detached house. Taking a deep breath I held Debbie’s hand and pressed the doorbell.

Sarah greeted us warmly kissing both of us on the cheek. She was wearing a long, flowing, sleeveless summer dress. The dress buttoned up the front and the top buttons were undone to display her cleavage and her white lacy bra! Sarah is in her mid-thirties so around 12 years older than Debbie and I. She has dark brown hair and olive skin. She’s a little taller than Debbie at 5’ 7” although their height was about the same with Debbie in heels and Sarah in sandals. Her body is a little rounder and softer compared to Debbie’s very slim body but still in great shape. As a bloke I don’t guess dress sizes, so let’s say Sarah had bigger boobs and a rounder bum compared to Debbie and was probably a dress size bigger!

We followed Sarah into the large conservatory at the back of the house and she poured us drinks. Dinner was a cold buffet set out on the patio so we could enjoy the evening air. Sarah relaxed us by chatting about the house and plying us with drinks. I found I was getting drunk quite quickly as my glass always seemed to be full! I looked at Debbie and saw that she was the same. I also noticed that the buttons on Sarah’s dress seemed to be failing as another one was open to show more cleavage and the skirt buttons were undone almost all the way to her crotch! Sarah caught me looking and crossed her legs letting the skirt fabric fall away from them and giving me a glimpse of her panties. I glanced up and Sarah winked at me.

“I like your boots Debbie, but aren't you too warm?’ Sarah asked.

I glanced down at Debbie’s legs and saw that her skirt had fallen away from her legs revealing her boots and stocking tops. Without thinking I reached over and stroked the top of her thigh where the nylon ended and the flesh began. I felt my cock stiffen.

‘A little but they turn Dan on,’ she confessed.

‘I can see that!’ Sarah laughed, ‘They turn me on too but I think Dan is cruel asking you to cover your legs on such a warm night. Take them off.’

The last words were pleasant but obviously an order. Debbie quickly unzipped her boots and kicked them off then stood up to slowly roll each stocking down her legs. She sat down again and crossed her legs, letting the skirt fall away again so that Sarah could see her thighs.

‘Much better. Dan, if you like the stockings do much I think you should wear them for a while.’

Again, the inflection of her voice didn't indicate a suggestion. I’d cross dressed for Debbie a couple of times and had always got excited wearing stockings so I stood up, kicked off my shoes then removed my jeans and socks. I could feel my cock pressing against my tight underpants and saw Sarah and Debbie looking at my bulge. I sat down, rolled the stockings up as Debbie has taught me then pulled them up my legs. My legs are pretty much hair free as I have ginger hair. When I was done I stayed seated.

‘Let’s have a look then,’ Sarah said with a smile.

I stood up and walked up and down the patio giving both girls a close look at my legs and the large bulge in my underpants. As I approached Sarah’s chair she reached out and stroked my thighs. She turned me around 360 degrees stroking my legs, bum and briefly brushing her hand against my cock.

‘Very nice thank you, you can sit down now.’

I returned to my seat and Debbie put her hand on my thigh, stroking me as I’d stroked her. My cock ached to be released from my underpants but I had to settle for another gulp of wine.

‘Can I see your underwear now Debbie?’ Sarah casually asked sipping her drink.

‘I’m not wearing any,’ Debbie confessed, her cheeks reddening and her nipples hardening.

‘Well come and have a look at mine and see what you think!’ Sarah said.

Debbie stood up and walked over to Sarah’s chair. I leaned forward in my seat eager to see what would happen next. Sarah stood up and looked at Debbie expectantly. Debbie reached out and slowly undid what few buttons were left fastened revealing Sarah’s body. Debbie removed the dress from Sarah leaving her in a white thong and bra. I could see brown nipples and aureoles through the thin bra, a flat belly and a slight camel toe in the tight panties. From where I was sitting I could confirm what Sarah had said about shaving her pussy when we had flirted at the office do six months ago. Sarah twirled around to give us the full view and then leaned towards Debbie and kissed her on the lips.

Debbie responded immediately, kissing back and putting her hands on the back of Sarah’s head and on her waist. They kissed for a couple of minutes, exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues then broke apart.

‘Shall we go inside where it’s a little more discrete?’

We picked up our discarded clothes and drinks and followed Sarah into the living room, dropping the clothes in the doorway and taking seats on the leather sofas. Sarah pulled the curtains and switched on some mood lighting then came and sat next to me. Without a word she put her arms around me and we kissed, her tongues twisting and darting in and out of each other’s mouths. I felt Debbie stroke my leg then brush against my hard cock.

‘You’re both lovely but I want to play with Debbie while you watch us.’ She breathed at me ‘Go stand by the fireplace. Take off your underpants and t-shirt. You are not to remove those stockings until I give you permission.’

‘OK,’ I said jumping up and heading for the fireplace.

‘Wait!’ Come back here please,’ Debbie called in a commanding voice.

I returned to the sofa, my heart beating madly in my chest with excitement.

‘From now on you will respond to any of my requests with “Yes ma’am.” Failure to do so will mean punishment. That goes for you too Debbie,’ Sarah explained.

‘Yes ma’am,’ I said hanging my head.

‘Turn around, bend over,’ Sarah said.

I did as I was told, bending over and touching my toes. Sarah stood up and moved to my side slapping both bum cheeks with her hand. She didn't slap me very hard but it was exciting and humiliating at the same time. Sarah motioned that I should straighten up and then pointed at the fireplace. I walked to my spot and turned around. Sarah was sat on the sofa next to Debbie again. They both looked at me expectantly, so I pulled my t-shirt over my head then slowly pushed my underpants down. Stepping out of them, I adjusted my stockings to make sure I didn't get punished for them sliding down my legs then stood with my hands by my side. My erect cock waved around in front of me. My cock is 7”, uncut and thick with sparse ginger pubic hair. My balls are hair free.

‘Nice cock.’ Sarah breathed in her sexy voice, ‘Go and give it a kiss Debbie.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie said sliding off the sofa and approaching me on her knees. She took my cock in her hand and gently kissed the head of my cock, the tip of her tongue just teasing my slit.

‘That’s good enough,’ Sarah said, ‘now stand up, face me and take your clothes off.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie said standing and turning her back to me. I resisted the urge to reach out and touch her but only just!

Debbie pulled her top over her head and dropped it to the floor exposing her small breasts and freeing her erect nipples. Next she reached to her waist and unhooked her skirt letting it fall to the floor with her top. Sarah ran her eyes up and down Debbie’s body taking in the huge, beautiful nipples, shaved pussy and long legs. I looked down at Debbie’s bum and realised my hard cock was only an inch away. I leaned forward and rubbed it on her bum. I thought I was discrete but Sarah caught me.

‘Dan? Did I say you could touch Debbie?’ she asked sweetly.

‘Err, no,’ I said flustered.

‘No ma’am,’ Debbie insisted, ‘that’s two punishments.’

‘Sorry ma’am,’ I said excitedly.

‘Come here and get on all fours in front of me. Debbie, could you hand me that bag by the telephone stand please?’

‘Yes ma’am,’ Said Debbie

I practically sprinted over to Sarah, knelt down then put my hands on the floor wondering what she had in store. I heard the bag unzip and resisted the urge to look up. I heard Debbie gasp at whatever Sarah had revealed and my heart skipped a beat.

‘First punishment,’ Sarah said.

I felt cold, wet lubricated fingers on my arsehole then a firm pressure as something was inserted in my arse. I grunted with pleasure as the butt plug was pushed home and felt string or something hanging down my bum and over my balls.

‘Now you have a tail to remind you to curb your animal urges.’ Sarah laughed, ‘Now your second punishment. Debbie is going to spank you. Six smacks with her hand and if I think she’s holding back she’s going over my knee for twelve smacks.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie said and she moved to kneel alongside me.

I braced myself but wondered if Debbie would spank me. She never had before, preferring to go over my knee if that was the game we were playing. I wondered if she’d hold back just so she could be spanked as she slapped me for the first time.

‘Oww,’ I said without thinking. My lovely submissive girlfriend had just slapped my arse as hard as she could!

It turned out it wasn't as hard as she could and my cheeks were stinging by the time she’d administered three smacks on each buttock. Two of her slaps pushed the butt plug deeper in my arse making me grunt with pleasure. I smiled inwardly thinking we’d really got into something new here!

When Debbie was finished Sarah made me go and stand by the fireplace again. I stood up straight trying to look as dignified as I could with an erection, wearing stockings with a with a fake horse tail hanging out of my arse! I didn't forget to say, ‘Thank you ma’am’ though. The stockings and anal penetration were all things I’d tried before but the spanking I wasn't too sure about!

When I was back in place Debbie was still kneeling on the floor waiting for instructions. Sarah stood up and stood in front of her, Debbie’s mouth just inches away from her pussy.

‘Take my panties off Debbie,’ Sarah said.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie said sliding her hands up Sarah’s thighs to hook her fingers in her panties then slowly pulled them down her legs.

My mouth watered as Debbie revealed Sarah’s sex. Sarah stepped out of the panties then reached down and gently pulled Debbie to her feet.

‘Take my bra off.’

‘Yes ma’am.’

Debbie reached around and deftly unhooked Sarah’s bra then pulled it forward off her shoulders. Sarah’s breasts spilled out, full and firm with brown nipples pointing slightly upwards. They were magnificent! Sarah put her hand in Debbie’s hair and pulled her mouth to a nipple. I saw Debbie’s mouth open then close on the offered tit. Sarah’s right hand stroked Debbie’s hair as she suckled, the left found one of Debbie’s nipples and played with it.

‘Harder,’ Sarah whispered as Debbie sucked.

Sarah tangled her hand in Debbie’s hair and pulled her face into her breasts. Her other hand was pinching Debbie’s nipple. As I watched, Sarah turned her face to mine and smiled. My cock twitched at the look of pure lust on her face!

Sarah kept Debbie sucking at her nipples for five minutes, making her switch nipples but always keeping her left hand tugging and twisting Debbie’s right nipple. I could see Sarah’s face was flushed and wondered if she would orgasm just from nipple play. I’d got Debbie close before but she usually had to touch her clit to push herself over the edge. As I was thinking that Sarah let go of Debbie’s nipple and grabbed her right hand, pushing it between her own legs. Debbie moved her fingers, exploring Sarah’s cunt to find the sweet spot. It didn’t take long before Sarah’s breathing was rapid and her face flushed as Debbie frigged her to orgasm.

Sarah pulled Debbie off her tits and pushed her hand away then kissed her deeply before flopping down on the sofa. She patted the seat next to her and Debbie joined her.

‘Did you enjoy the show Dan?’ Sarah asked slyly reaching for something on the sofa.

‘Yes ma’am,’ I said.

I saw Sarah playing with a rectangular box on the sofa then felt a vibration in my bum from the butt plug. Sarah pressed again and the vibration intensified. I gasped and Debbie looked at me in confusion.

‘Remote control butt plug,’ Sarah explained holding up the remote then switching the vibrations off, ‘We’ll come back to that!’

I slumped with relief. As I mentioned I've been penetrated anally before but fingers and a dildo during blow jobs, nothing vibrating. I wasn't sure what to think but noticed that Sarah kept the remote to hand. Sarah slid off the sofa and knelt on a cushion in front of Debbie, pulling her bum to the edge of the sofa and parting her legs. I saw Debbie lick her lips in anticipation.

‘Dan, some and kneel next to me so you can watch,’ Sarah said.

I moved over and knelt where she indicated, my mouth dry in anticipation of what I was about to see. Suddenly the butt plug was vibrating in my arse again making my balls pulse and my knees weak. It switched off and I realised I’d not acknowledged Sarah’s order.

‘Bend over and kiss Debbie’s nipples,’ Sarah ordered.

‘Yes ma’am.’

I took a nipple in my mouth and started sucking, very aware of my exposed arse. Sarah spanked me with her hand – harder than Debbie and twice as many slaps. Halfway through the punishment, Sarah switched the vibrator on high again and I cried out in pain and pleasure. Debbie stroked my hair as the spanking finished and the butt plug was switched off again.

‘On your knees,’ Sarah ordered.

‘Yes ma’am,’ I said immediately kneeling up.

‘Good boy,’ Sarah said taking my cock in her hand and gently stroking me back to a full erection.

She returned to Debbie, handing her the remote control.

‘There’s a pulse button just there. Press it randomly as I lick your clit’.

‘Yes ma’am!’ Debbie said smiling at Sarah then winking at me.

Sarah settled herself between Debbie’s legs and began to gently lick her thighs, pussy, anus and clit. Debbie purred and spread her legs wide, Sarah guiding the leg furthest from me on to her shoulders. I leaned backwards to have a look at Sarah’s bent over arse and saw her fingers working her own clit. I felt the butt plug pulse in my arse and turned back to look at Debbie. She smiled at me and pressed the button three more times to make sure she’d got my attention. The intense pulsing made me shiver with delight.

‘Dan, stroke my back. All the way down to my bum but no lower!’ Sarah ordered, her voice muffled by Debbie’s cunt.

‘Yes ma’am,’ I said.

I stroked her smooth, olive skin with both hands working across her shoulders and down her spine to her lower back. I felt her shiver at my touch, especially when I was running my fingers over her lower back. It was getting warm in the room and I began to appreciate Sarah’s point about it being too hot for stockings.

Debbie’s breathing got harder as Sarah found the right spot on her clit and the pulses from the dildo in my bum got more frequent as Debbie neared orgasm. I could hear Sarah moaning and looked back at her bum again, stroking her lower back as I did so. She had three fingers buried in her cunt and I could hear them squelching in her wetness. Her puckered arsehole was open and I imagined leaning down and licking it. The vibrator in my bum suddenly switched to full again as Debbie got my attention. I turned back to her seeing the red flush over her tits that indicated she was about to cum. I shuffled my knees around to get comfortable as the vibrator switched off and managed to get my cock under Sarah so her right boob was gently brushing it. I held Debbie’s gaze and stroked her leg as well as Sarah’s back as she threw her head back against the sofa. I felt Sarah shiver under my hands again and realised she had cum too, probably for the second time now I thought about it and knew what to look for.

Sarah’s head came up, her face flushed and her mouth shiny with wetness. She released Debbie’s leg then leaned over to kiss her offering her the fingers she had frigged herself with to suck. Debbie sucked them clean then ran her tongue between them to get every last drop. I was still stroking Sarah’s back as I’d not been told to stop and I was so close to her that my cock was brushing her thigh. I felt myself getting close to the point of no return and briefly wondered about cuming on Sarah’s leg. I decided it wasn't for me to decide and moved back taking my hands off her back to reduce the stimulation.

Sarah and Debbie kissed for a few more minutes then broke apart.

‘Lie on the floor on your back Debbie,’ Sarah said gently.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie said lying on the rug next to me.

‘My turn for oral. Dan? Kneel behind me and rim me while Debbie licks my clit. Do a good job and I’ll let you fuck me.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ we both said in unison.

Sarah reached into her bag of tricks again and pulled out a rabbit vibrator. She positioned herself over Debbie and lowered her clit to her lips. I watched from behind as Debbie eagerly sucked Sarah’s large clit into her mouth and pushed her arms out from under Sarah to finger fuck her. I leant forward and pressed my mouth to that lovely puckered arse and started to lick all around it. Unseen by me Sarah started to fuck Debbie with the rabbit. I felt the butt plug pulse in my arse, unsure who had control of it. I moaned in Sarah’s arse then stuck my tongue firmly into the centre feeling it slip inside. I pushed my tongue in and out slowly, the pulses in my arse matching my rhythm letting me know it was Sarah who had the remote!

I heard Debbie cry out as she had another orgasm then Sarah shifted position pushing back against my mouth. The butt plug pulsed quicker and I matched my tongue thrusts to the new urgency. When I was at a speed that Debbie liked she stopped pulsing and moaned:

‘Just like that. Keep going.’

I grunted but kept my tongue moving on her arsehole. It only took another minute before Sarah was shaking against my mouth as she came again. She pulled away from me and my tongue came out of her arse. I looked down to see Debbie laying under Sarah, her face and hair wet with cum and sweat. I bent down and kissed her quickly which Sarah recovered her composure.

‘Bring that cock here and fuck me hard and fast Dan,’ Sarah demanded bending over the sofa, ‘cum inside me. Debbie, kneel next to Dan and watch him fuck me and stick two fingers up my bum.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ we said in unison again.

I moved behind Sarah and waited for Debbie to lube her fingers. When she was ready I slid my cock into Sarah’s hot, wet pussy from behind and started to fuck her as hard as I could. I thought I’d last no time at all but the pressure of the butt plug as I moved in and out seemed to slow down my orgasm. Or it did until Debbie slipped two fingers up Sarah’s arse and started to stroke my cock from inside!

Sarah came with a scream as Debbie’s fingers pushed deep inside her. I got myself under control again until Sarah triggered the vibrator in the butt plug. It went on at its full setting and I had just about enough control to push my cock in as deep as I could before I was shooting my load deep inside her. Debbie leaned in and kissed me, her fingers rubbing my cock through the thin dividing skin. My orgasm kept going for a good thirty seconds until I pulled out and collapsed on the floor. I had to pull the still vibrating butt plug out of my arse as Sarah collapsed next to me as the remote was nowhere to be seen! Debbie moved between us, stroking and kissing us until we started breathing normally.

‘Clean me up with your tongue Debbie,’ Sarah said opening her legs.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie smiled.

Debbie slipped between Sarah’s legs and I pushed myself up to watch her lick my cum from Sarah’s pussy, thighs and arsehole.

‘Don’t think I didn’t notice you removed your tail without permission Dan,’ Sarah said gently.

‘No ma’am,’ I said wondering what she was going to do to me.

Debbie finished cleaning Sarah and put her head up waiting for new instructions.

‘I think a break and a drink is in order!’ Sarah exclaimed, ‘you can take those stockings off now Sissy Boy!’

It was dusk now so we went and sat outside on the patio and drank cool margaritas. None of us put clothes on and the cool evening air cooled our skin. Considering what we’d just done to each other and the fact that we were naked our conversation didn't mention sex at all. After an hour it was starting to get a little chilly so we tidied up and moved back inside.

‘Right, part two if you’re up for it!’ Sarah announced.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie and I said automatically!

‘Dan, wait here while we get ready,’ Sarah ordered then led Debbie back into the living room.

I could here conversation and laughter but couldn't figure out what they were doing. After a couple of minutes Sarah called me and I walked through to see what they had in store for me. The room was dark and I could just make out Debbie and Sarah standing in the shadows by the fireplace. The mood lighting went on revealing the two ladies wearing black tights and strapon dildos!

‘Oh my God!’ I cried out, amazingly turned on at the scene. I love nylon on ladies more than anything and the strapon dildos were an exciting addition!

Debbie’s dildo was about six,” long, thin and smooth but Sarah was wearing a realistic strap-on cock that looked huge on her slim figure but turned out to be 8” long and as thick as my own cock.

‘Bend over the sofa Dan,’ Sarah ordered.

‘Yes ma’am,’ I said, my voice breaking a little with nerves.

I bent over and spread my legs to get my bum at the right level for Debbie. At least I hoped Debbie was going first! Both women moved behind me and knelt down then I felt a squirt of lube land on my arse. Several fingers massaged it over and inside my anus then I felt someone kneel behind me. The head of the strap-on pushed against my arse and I pushed back against it trying to open my sphincter. I felt the dildo penetrate me then slide smoothly up my bum in one motion until I could feel nylon covered legs pressing against the backs of my thighs.

‘Give him a minute to get used to it then start fucking him slowly,’ I head Sarah whisper

‘Yes ma’am,’ Debbie answered.

I felt like I wanted to use the toilet at first but the feeling soon went away. Debbie slowly pulled the dildo out and then slid back in until she was pressing her thighs against mine again.

‘Oh that is sexy as hell!’ Sarah moaned, ‘I've fucked several people but never watched it being done live!’

Encouraged Debbie started to fuck me properly, pulling the cock almost out of my arse before pushing it back in. Her hands grabbed my bum and pulled my cheeks apart to get the full length of the dildo in me. I pushed back, encouraging her to fuck me harder feeling my cock growing and pulsing as I was penetrated.

‘Nice erection Dan. Some men don’t get hard when they’re fucked. You must really like it!’ Sarah exclaimed reaching down and giving my cock a tug. I felt Debbie shift positions, standing behind me rather than kneeling. The dildo slid out of my arse and I pushed my hips back trying to locate it.

‘Keep still,’ Sarah cried smacking my arse.

I stopped moving and felt the head of the dildo against my anus again. Debbie slipped it back up my arse and started pounding me from her new position. I cried out and gripped the sofa, turning my head to finally look back at my girlfriend. Her face was blushed with excitement as she pounded my arse as fast as she could. I could see the tell-tale flush on her tits that indicated she was about to cum. My cock was still hard but I had no urge to shoot my load yet I felt like I was experiencing mini orgasm after mini orgasm.

Debbie cried out and stopped fucking me and arched her back which pulled the dildo out of my arse as she came. She looked like over balancing but Sarah was there to catch her, guiding her to the floor. I turned around to make sure she was okay and found my legs were barely responding to command! Sarah kissed Debbie then pushed me forward to kiss her while she unbuckled the harness. I watched as the harness was removed and saw a second dildo on the inside of the harness pushing through the open crotch tights Debbie was wearing. No wonder she’d come so hard!

Sarah urgently pushed me back into position and knelt behind me, slapping my arse until I was in the perfect position for her. I felt more lube hit my bum then the realistic dildo was pressing against my arse hole. Before I could prepare myself to receive it the head pushed through my well lubricated sphincter. I felt a little discomfort but no pain. Sarah held the cock in place for a moment to let me get used to the feeling. I pushed back at her to indicate it was okay and she slowly slid the full length of her silicon cock into my arse.

I moaned as I felt her thighs hit mine indicating I was taking the full length in my arse. Sarah began fucking me slowly but firmly, her lust stopping any consideration for my newness to this! I felt her stand up behind me as Debbie had done and it felt like the cock went all the way into my guts. I cried out in pleasure and felt Sarah’s soft tits press against my back as she leant her weight on me and moved her hips back and forth to fuck me.

‘How do you like being sodomised Dan? Are you my bitch now?’ Sarah muttered in my ear.

‘Yes ma’am!’ I managed to reply.

I felt Debbie moving around at my side and felt her hand curl around my cock. I moaned as I realised she had a stocking over her hand and was using it to wank me off. I wouldn't last long with that sensation and the pounding in my arse. I felt my orgasm start deep down in my arse and move to my balls as Sarah buggered me. Debbie squeezed my cock harder rubbing her free hand, also covered in nylon, over the head of my cock. After a couple of minutes I was shaking like mad and filling Debbie’s hand with cum. I thought Sarah would stop but she carried on pounding my arse. Debbie let go of my cock and sat up.

‘Make him eat it!’ I heard Sarah say, sounding really out of breath.

Debbie held her hand under my face and I lapped cum from her nylon covered hand, greedily sucking the fingers. Sarah started to moan loudly and her movement changed to short hard strokes. Debbie stood up and moved to stand next to her. I looked over my shoulder to watch her run her hands over Sarah’s tits and squeeze her nipples while kissing her neck. Sarah came loudly and I felt my bum splashed with liquid as she squirted. She fucked me for another couple of minutes and I was rewarded with another squirt on my bum. Finally she pulled out of me and collapsed on the floor panting.

Debbie removed the harness and pulled the internal dildo from Sarah’s pussy, deep throating it to clean it off. I knelt back and, making sure both women were watching, ran my hands over my wet bum and licked Sarah’s juices from my fingers. Debbie pushed me forward and started to lick Sarah’s juice directly off my bum until I was clean.

We were all hot and sweaty again so the girls removed the nylon and we went outside to have a drink in the cold night air. By the time we got cold enough to come inside it was 2 am and we were all exhausted. Sarah rang for a taxi, apologising for not offering us a bed for the night as her husband would be home early in the morning. I was shocked that she was married and doing this, but Debbie told me he was well aware of us and would join in if that’s what we wanted, but he’d been away for a month and Sarah didn't wanted him to herself for the day. My mind boggled at the possibilities!

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The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...

2 years ago
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GNight PixieChapter Six GNight

Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 4 Secrets

The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...

4 years ago
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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 6 GNight

Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

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tonights girlfriend

This story is regarding my mom named rittu aged 42 years and she has a very ripe luscious fig og 383438 and she always looked gorgeous in saree.I reallu used to admire my sexy mom but never had that feelings of sex with her.My father had a business in delhi but due to loss he shifted to Chandigarh and mom once in a week used to visit my dad .I am 21 years now studying in college in delhi and had very few friends and often used to chat on net.I had a special friend named amit who was from...

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Knight in shining armour

Being a CPA, she'd been able to save a bunch by closing her expensive office in Phoenix's central business district. Now, at a fraction of the price, she only needed to rent a post box in the same uptown stylish and upscale address that at one time been her plush office. Her clients were happy to email their spread sheets to her, knowing her work was professional and accurate, as were her insights and opinions. She'd bought the business from an elderly man, inheriting his clientele. Those...

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

4 years ago
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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

2 years ago
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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 5 The Heart Remembers

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibGorrilaChapter 5: The Heart RemembersThe water streamed across George and Dawn's entwined bodies.  It traced the lines of George's lean muscles and caressed Dawn's impossible curves.  They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together.  George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet.  He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them over...

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Knight of Passion

Knight of PassionAlone in her tower, Princess Mariella could hear the sounds of battle coming from below. Out of her window, she could see down into the courtyard of her prison, the tall stone spire that had confined her for close to five years now. Far below, the cobblestones were streaked with scorch marks, long black lines of soot that crisscrossed the ground and spread up the walls. She felt tears welling in her eyes. The poor knight.He wasn't the first person who'd come to rescue her. She...

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Knight and Dey 1 First Day of a Second Life

Knight and Dey 1: First Day of a Second Life By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "All right, crew, eyes forward!" the police sergeant ordered the three officers under his command. "Every year, somebody tries to show off by riding to school in an unauthorized manner. Specifically, down Bleaker's Hill!" and he pointed at the very steep hill in front of the two men and a woman. "It is our job to catch the perpetrator, and to make an example of him! This school will be highly...

1 year ago
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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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Knight Errant

Knight Errant 1. Argument "Sophie, you must do as I say - I command you to obey me!" Sophie flashed anger and then smiled sweetly at the young Knight. "Peter, you have always tried to order me about ... Even as children, when we played together, you always wanted to be in charge ..." "Sophie, - I am in charge - I am master of this castle, and you are my prisoner!" "Peter, you know very well that you are too soft-hearted to lock me in your dungeon ... It was your brother,...

3 years ago
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Knight Owl and Black Hawk

It was a night like any other winter night in the City of Brockton. The snow was falling gently, the wind was light almost non-existent as two vigilantes keep a silent watch together over their fair city. Brockton used to be a nice city, it was once the ‘Shoe Capitol of the World’. The City of Champions, as its downtrodden citizens called it. Brockton was the birthplace of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler. It seemed to everyone living in the towns adjacent to Brockton that...

4 years ago
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Knight and Dragon Ch 20

For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...

4 years ago
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Knight and Dey 2 Top Dog

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...

3 years ago
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Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...

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Knight and Dey 4 What Kind of Friend

Knight and Dey 4: What Kind of Friend? By Ron Dow75 Vice Principal Weatherwax and Mr. Knight were out talking by the man-sized hole in the high fence the separated the front yard from everything else around the blue Four Square style house. Behind them was a red-and-blue striped tent that covered most of the back yard, right up to the hillside. In a light so dim it would be darkness to others, a teen with shoulder-length dark hair, stood in bare feet on a trapeze...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 29 Back To Camelot

Grace, Kim and I had a nice long chat and decided to take the twins with us to return to Camelot to see if we could locate the missing cheerleaders. I didn't have any evidence that we would find them other that a nagging need to try. We called the twins into my den and sat down to talk with them. I had to convince them that what they were about to hear would be hard to believe but they had to accept it on blind faith. I started out, "Girls, you remember the cave you saw on your...

1 year ago
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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

1 year ago
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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

4 years ago
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I kept up pounding in and out of her, as she yelled at the top of her voice, watching her dig her nails into the bed. I knew if I pulled out of her now it would either kill her or drive her over the edge and the thought stayed on my mind, and I made it up quickly. I pulled my dick out of her and watched as she collapsed down onto the bed. “Why the HELL did you do that? I was about to cum!” “You know you liked it, babe” “No, I hate it when you do that, now shove your dick back in me and fuck...

1 year ago
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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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It was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...

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Knightly Encounter

The day of the jousting tournament started with bright sunshine and a warm gentle breeze. I was sitting along the side of my father, the Lord of the Manor. When suddenly my eyes caught sight of a knight, in shining armour, sitting astride a magnificent black horse. He came to where I was seated and held out his lance, I then proceeded to tie my kerchief to the end. Off he rode to the starting position. When my father dropped his kerchief to signal the start, the knight’s horse reared and...

1 year ago
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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

2 years ago
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Nightshift Compensations

She knew she shouldn’t be doing it as she crept towards their bedroom but with her daughter at school and Tony deep in the arms of Morpheus it was a too good a chance to miss.  Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound.  She wasn’t sure what would happen once she reached the edge of the bed.  Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but she had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and the thought of being rejected absolutely terrified her, but she was willing to take the...

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Midnights Embrace

  Midnights Embrace      In the darkest hours of the night she awakens gently, somehow sensing that she is not alone. Her deep brown eyes search through the veil of darkness that fills her bed chamber until, in the doorway she sees the silhouette of the Midnight Visitor whose arrival she has for so long desired.    There is no feeling of fear or anxiety in her heart, only the feeling of cherished love that emanates from him like a calming warmth that pushes aside the chill of the winter...

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Knightly Adventure

It’s dark as you look out into the night. Your small cramped room illuminated by the soft glow of the candle light. It had been a rough fourteen years you went through to train. You had almost given up hope during your trials of knighthood, but you persisted and ended up here. In a cramped servants quarters in Hevidish Castle that stinks of filth and smoke. Your life had never been an easy one. You were born into a peasant family. Your mother had died giving birth to you. It hit your father...

1 year ago
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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...

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Nightshift at St Peters Hospital

All was quiet in the halls of St Peter's Hospital. I had just made my final rounds for the night and headed to the breakroom. I was hoping to shut my eyes for just a few minutes and gain enough energy for Mr. Le Blanc's 4 am visit. Mr. Le Blanc had been a my patient on the fourth floor for 2 weeks now. He had been admitted to the hospital for injuries he sustained in a car accident. Tomorrow he was to be discharged at noon. So I had to try and make my move soon. Mr. Le Blanc was 34 year old,...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.

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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

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Nightout Mei Wife Ke Friend Ki Sath Hua Jordar Palag Tod Sex

My id is Sb couple ek bar jarur pde…maaja ayeg…sachii kahani meri jubani apne reviews jarur dee…taki new story or share karsaku…especillay couple,girls,ladies….Or land bhi lol Ye bat kuch 1week pehle ki hai,mei meri wife or wife ki friend or uska husband humne nightout ka plan banaya sab set hogaya, hum 2-3 din se pehle se exited the ,kyoki is baar hum drinks ka bhi program rakhne wale the, Mei bata du meri wife mast figure 32*34*32 dusky color sexy adaye jaise 1 mast bhabi mei hoti hai...

2 years ago
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Knightly Affections VII

Daniel wove through the crowded hall, acknowledging guests and courtiers, exchanging pleasantries and well wishes all the while focusing on Sir John who was engaged in conversation with the Duke and Duchess of Clarington. As Daniel sidled up to John, the Duke, a rather flagrant and boisterous boot-licker, launched into a flattery strewn tribute to the prince which amused John to no end. He knew of Daniel’s distaste for insincerity and false praise. But being the honoree made one prone to such...

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Knightly Affections VI

Standing in his tunic the Prince examined the ring. It was truly a work of art. He remembered when he first saw the completed ring, before knighting John. It was a breathtaking masterpiece: a thick silver band with scrollwork; a faceted square ruby clutch set into 4 prongs. He remembered taking John's hand and slipping the ring onto his finger as the soon-to-be-knight knelt before him.“Rise, Knight,” he had said to John. “Rise and be known from here on as Sir John.”John had stood, flushed...

2 years ago
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Nightclubbing In A Mini Skirt

NIGHTCLUBBING IN A MINISKIRT By Satinmaid, under direction from Mistress Lisa My girlfriend Jane asked me to wear a skirt for her one day. She just mentioned it straight out of the blue. I was sitting in the living room waiting for her to get ready as we were supposed to be going to a club. I had on black jeans, boots and a long sleeved black top under my leather jacket. The club was a sort of industrial/goth sort of place. Jane came into the living room. She looked great...

4 years ago
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Knightly Affections V

Upon collecting themselves from their mental escapades, the two momentarily went about the business of returning to their respective roles. Sir John finished grooming Oroboros and the Prince took leave to prepare for the evening’s festivities. He could not help but marvel at Sir John’s consideration…a welcome home feast, the next day’s hunt…even an indulgent bath…no detail was too small. So great was the Prince’s exuberance, he bounded up the castle steps three at a time and sprinted through...

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Knightly Affections IV

Sir John had heard Prince Daniel's return before he actually saw him. It was Oroboros that gave his Prince's arrival away: the steady rhythm of the horse’s hooves on the cobbled entry of Strathmore.Several years ago, during a campaign in Greece, he found this stallion…neither a war horse, nor battle trained but an exceptionally smart equine. The two grew together as rider and steed should, their relationship slowly evolving into companionship. Giving the horse to the Prince as a gift was an...

2 years ago
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Knightly Affections III

Upon the fifth day of ceremonies and solemnity to honor the fallen heroes of the Allied kingdoms, the remembrance celebrations concluded. Prince Daniel, eager to return to his duties as chief historian and royal archivist, (and also to ‘restore company’ with Sir John), bid his compatriots adieu and mounted his faithful steed, Oroboros. Sitting upright with the authority befitting his station, straight backed and chest out, a solid but gentle grip on the reins and his feet planted firmly in the...

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Knightly Affections II

Sir John's sleeping quarters were perfectly adequate. More than adequate in fact. His quarters, while spartan, contained almost everything to make him comfortable: his bed (of straw covered in furs during the winter, a light wool blanket in the warmer months) just large enough for him to stretch out to sleep, a chest made of alderwood having the Prince's coat of arms inlaid with ash (a gift from the Prince himself), a modest campaign desk and a small stool. The stone walls were secure around...

3 years ago
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Knightly Affections

It was 2 days before the weekend of Great Remembrance and Prince Daniel not wanting to leave his favorite knight Sir John without saying farewell, stealthily made his way through the dark and damp castle passages into the knights’ quarters. The heavy oak door creaked as it lazily opened to reveal the sight of Sir John, asleep on a makeshift mattress of wool and fur…his well toned, naked body splayed across the bedding and bathed in the moonlight shining through a nearby window. What a sight to...

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Nightout Become Bisexual

Hello friends , These is vishal from mumbai . I am an regular reader , I decided to post my own story and share with you guys . I am an bisexual guy I have an gf her name is vinita , we have regular healthy sex with each other . I have an childhood friend name raj . Me and raj fuck each other from our childhood , and I have share these with my gf vinita and she has no problem with .Vinit is also interested to have sex with an girl , vinita has an friend name priya and me and vinita have helped...

2 years ago
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Nightblade Genesis

Note: This story contains objectionable content. Minors are encouraged to find something else to read. As for those who believe gender transformational fiction is sinful and evil, you can stop reading now. Go back to undermining free speech. Authors Notes: At the end of the three tales that follow, this universe will be open to any author. Before then, please email me at [email protected] for the specifics. This tale, in itself, contains NO TG, but sets the stage for the ones that...

1 year ago
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Nightblade Spirit Of Radio

Author's Notes: This is the first story in a new TF/TG universe. This universe will be open to any author at the end of the third tale. Comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated. A thanks to Brooke for pointing out a few things that should've been obvious to me. This story contains sexual content, course language and should not be viewed by minors. Nightblade: Spirit of Radio By Lucretia "This is Katie at Ninety-two-point-nine, WDTH. Goodnight." Moment's later, a pretty...

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Nightblade The Lawyer

Author's Note: This is the second in a soon-to-be open universe. Rules and some guidelines are listed at the end of the story. Any resemblance to reality, and you should think about professional help. I would really appreciate any comments regarding this story, either by using the 'Add Review' link, or by email at [email protected] This story is dedicated to its editor, whom wished to remain unnamed. Nightblade: The Lawyer By Lucretia "Court is adjourned until nine A.M....

3 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

2 years ago
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going out to the bar was something i didnt do often. I usually was a more reserved type of guy .So on this night i dont know what lead me to a strip bar but there i was with a facefull of tittys and ass and throwing back shots of henny when suddenly i was approached by this beatiful woman by the name of red you see this woman was not any ordainary woman this woman knew what she wanted and knew what she liked she was a freak im talking the true def.....of nasty, sheliked objects in her ass she...

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Nightshift Compensations

She knew she shouldn’t be doing it as she crept towards their bedroom but with her daughter at school and Tony deep in the arms of Morpheus it was a too good a chance to miss.  Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound.  She wasn't sure what would happen once she reached the edge of the bed.  Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but she had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and the thought of being rejected absolutely terrified her, but she was willing to take the...

Love Stories
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Standing outside the club, daring myself to go in, I just wished the local t-girl I was to meet hadn't cancelled. It seemed a great plan...on solo holiday in the Algarve going to a gurl friendly club with a local who knew the place. Right I'll go in for one drink so my night wasn't totally wasted. Inside the club was fairly busy with a long bar ahead and booths lining the walls. I walked carefully over to the bar...didn't want to trip up in my stilettos. A friendly barmaid took my...

2 years ago
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1. Casey Rodgers waited back stage at the Civic Center, his tummy fluttering with excitement. It was shownight for his dancing school, and everyone was rushing about frantically preparing for their numbers. Very soon, he'd be out on stage dancing before a large audience, the culmination of months of exhausting rehearsals. The long period of training had left him as tense as a tightly strung bow. The murmuring crowds he'd seen out in the theatre had added considerably to his last...

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I'm sure almost every one of my classmates would consider our 8th grade English class with Mrs. Jensen extremely dull and at times excruciatingly boring. How important was it really to include a subject sentence in your first paragraph? I don't think the real world worked that way. And who cares what the difference between a simile and an analogy was? It was all comparisons. Both Ferraris and Corvettes were adequate descriptions of fast cars. Why would I need to describe what kind of fast...

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