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You know sometimes you see or hear something that gives you a private smile? Well, occasionally I hear or see the phrase ‘3G’, and when I do it reminds me of an incident that took place a long time ago, and some distance away from where I now live. So read on if you’d like to find out why…


If I remember rightly, I was twenty three at the time. It was just after Christmas, and around the time of New Year, 1974. I’d left home about two months before, and I was still getting used to being my own shopper, washer-up, laundryman, cleaner, clothes-ironer, and general all round dogs body.

All this domestic stuff was new to me, because when I’d lived at home my mum had always done all the housework and chores, and I’d pretty much let her get on with it. Now it was a different story. It was up to me to do everything to feed, clothe, and perform all the boring domestic tasks for the most demanding of task masters, myself. The only thing I didn't do was clean my bed-sitting room, which was on the first floor (first is the one up from the ground floor, for our American readers) of a big Victorian terraced house, in the heart of bed-sit land, near the centre of a large(ish) city in the West of England.

I had my own front door key to let me into the house, and my own room key to let me into my room, but there was a cleaning lady who insisted on coming into my private space once a week to mop the walls and polish the carpet. Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean. She was a busybody if ever there was one. She took great delight in dishing the dirt on all the other tenants to me whenever she saw me, so no doubt she had a few choice words to say about me to the other tenants when she saw them too.

Well, this story doesn't concern her, although she does make an appearance in the epilogue, so look out for her at the end of the tale.

Like I said, I now had to do my own shopping, and the only time I could do most of it was on the weekends. I didn't finish work till nearly 6.00pm during the week, and in those days, in good old England, all the shops shut at 6.00pm.

And so it came about that one cold and wet Sunday afternoon I found myself traipsing around the shopping streets of my home town. I was looking for a shop that was open (most of them didn't on Sundays back then), so that I could stock up on cornflakes, bread, sandwich fillers, and all the other vital things a single bloke has to buy.

It was cold and it was wet, and I got cold and I got very wet indeed. By the time I got back to my room with my two heavy bags of shopping, my coat was dripping, my hair was dripping, the shopping was dripping, and my soaking wet trousers were stuck to my legs, and dripping into my squelching shoes.

Needless to say, the first things to do were put the shopping bags on the draining board next to the sink, then hang my wet coat on the back of the door, and put a towel on the floor underneath it to soak up the drips. After that, I took off my shoes and socks, wrung out my socks into the sink and then hung them over the edge of it, then stuffed my sopping shoes with newspaper and shoved them under the bed. Lastly, I peeled my trousers off my legs, then emptied the pockets of loose change, notes, keys, and wallet, and finally hung them up next to my coat, to drip onto the towel below.

I was now standing in a damp jumper, damp and tight T shirt, and very tight, skimpy black briefs (all the rage at the time). I took off the jumper, then found another towel and stood in front of the mirror on the back of the wardrobe door, and watched myself as I dried my shoulder length hair and soft scrubby beard (also all the rage at the time).

I thought I didn't too look bad really. I’d filled out a bit since leaving home, now that my diet had more junk food in it, but I was still the svelte young hunk that I’d been since my swimming days as a teenager. Well, I thought so anyway, and it prompted me to start thinking about girls, and my lack of regular sex with anyone other than my own two hands. Mind you, I was well practised at it, I’d been practising since I was thirteen, and by now I reckoned I must be pretty much perfect!

I remember looking at my sexy young body and thinking, ‘This is purgatory, and very frustrating. I do everything I can to be nice to girls, and all I get is, “But Jim, I couldn't possibly go out with you. I think of you too much as a friend, but I do think you’ll make some lucky girl a wonderful husband.” It drives me mad!’

It certainly did, and I remember my thoughts moved on to, ‘I don’t want to be a “wonderful husband, I want to be a despicable bastard, girls always go for the bastards.’

Feeling lonely, wet and miserable as I was, I just threw myself on to my bed at the side of the room. It made the bed bang against the wall, and a couple of seconds later the wall banged back.

‘Oops, I've upset old Madge again,’ I thought, ‘ah well, can’t win ‘em all!’ and with that I pulled the eiderdown over myself and curled up to try and get warm. I know I succeeded because when I woke up it was gone 7.00pm, and I had to get on with making myself something to eat, and trying to dry out my clothes.

The shoes would have to dry for a couple of days, but I had spare ones, so they didn't matter, and I had spare socks, but I needed my trousers for the following day, so after I’d forced down a rather unappetising meal of a hastily heated frozen fish portion and some baked beans, I had to get out the ironing board and try to iron them dry.


Time was getting on a bit, it must have been around 9.30pm, and I was happily ironing the steaming legs of my trousers, when there was a knock on the door.

I couldn't think of who it could be at this time of night. I didn't really know any of the other tenants in the house, and the cleaner wasn't due till Wednesday. So feeling a bit put out by someone disturbing my busy ironing session, I put the iron onto its stand at the end of the ironing board, and went over to open the door just a crack and look out to see who it was.

In the small pool of light that spilled out from my room onto the unlit landing, I saw a shortish, pretty blonde girl of about twenty two, with large brown eyes, a small mouth, and a pale complexion, wearing something light coloured, that was long and shapeless, and standing with a paper cup in her hand.

“Hello, I'm from upstairs, and I know this sounds corny,” she said, “but I don’t suppose you've got any sugar have you?”

I remember I looked into the attractive face the words had just come from, took in the soft brown eyes, the nervous smile that played around the edges of her pale pink lips, and the long straight blonde hair that framed it all so captivatingly, and couldn't think of anything sensible to say.

“I… I… uhhh… don’t have any I'm afraid.” I replied when I’d regained some of my senses.

“I don’t use it myself. I've got to look after my sylph like figure you see.” and I smiled a short thin smile. It was the same sort of half-hearted smile you’d give a stranger you met in a lift.

That was the trouble with being shy. How do you react when a perfect stranger starts talking to you? Especially if that stranger looks to be perfect in more ways than one?

I’d always had problems breaking the ice with girls, and even in my twenties, I still struggled to overcome the fear of saying or doing the one wrong thing that could end a relationship before it even had time to realise it existed.

The girl smiled sympathetically at my feeble attempt at humour, and I felt the warmth in her eyes like the kiss of the sun on a mid-summer beach. Then her expression changed to one of disappointment, and she turned and walked along the landing and grabbed the banister, ready to go back up the stairs to her room on the next floor up.

“ ‘s okay,” she said, “I thought I’d ask on the off chance. The shops round here are all shut on Sunday, and I like to have sugar on my cornflakes in the morning.”

“Sorry,” I said, “I gave up sugar nearly a year ago now, …when I noticed my trousers were getting a bit tight.”

She looked back at me with an odd, but not unpleasant expression, and I swear her eyes were scanning slowly down the door, hoping to get a good look at said trousers. Then her face lit up a bit, and she smiled again as she started climbing the stairs.

I closed the door, then realised that opening it had moved the towel away from under the coat, and now it was rucked up in a crooked line on the carpet. So I moved the towel and spread it out under the damp coat again, then picked up the iron from the stand and continued trying to smooth the trousers the girl had been so eager to see. A few seconds later I heard the door of the bed-sit above clunk shut.

When I heard the door go, I stopped ironing for a second, shrugged my shoulders, shook my head, and smiled to think of the strange encounter I’d just had. Then I dismissed it as a one-off, a never to be repeated event, like winning the pools, or being struck by lightning.

On some kind of subliminal level I recognised there was something else going on than just a request for sugar when she’d knocked, but what it was I really couldn't tell. However, I did notice that not all of me was happy to treat the event as being over and done with, and I had to adjust my pants to allow for what was growing inside them. The trouble was, I couldn't forget the pretty face, the long blonde hair, the sparkle in the soft brown eyes, the warmth of her smile…

I started to hope she might come back and give me the chance to offer her some honey as an alternative to sugar. So I found myself straining to hear any movement in the room upstairs while I turned the trousers first one way, then the other.

I’d never really bothered to listen before. The new couple had only been up there for a couple of weeks, and in the past I’d just silently sworn at the noise they made when they clumped around in heels and heavy shoes.

‘Neither of them was brought up in a flat,’ I’d often thought.

Presently the muffled sound of voices floated down through the ceiling. I found I could distinctly make out the blonde girl’s voice as she talked to (presumably) her boyfriend, but I couldn't quite hear what was being said.

‘At least the floors aren't as thin as the walls in this house,’ I thought, although it felt like it sometimes.

The voices stopped, and a little while later the sound of the door opening and closing upstairs sounded with muffled vibration through the ceiling and walls of my room. Then I heard the sound of shoes clumping down the stairs, and after a few seconds there was another knock at my door.

This got me worried. I thought it might be the boyfriend coming down to have a go at me for talking to his girlfriend. After all, she’d looked as though she was wearing some kind of night dress when she’d visited me, and perhaps the boyfriend was the jealous kind? I wouldn't put it past him, most blokes I know are very possessive about their girlfriends, and don’t like any other men even looking at them, let alone passing the time of day with them.

After a few seconds, while I was still debating in my head whether it would be safe to answer the door or not, there was another knock, and this time a voice came with it.

"Hello? Can you hear me?” said the female voice outside the door.

‘Phew!’ I thought, ‘had me worried there for a moment’, but I still wasn't sure how many people there were waiting on the landing. The thought came to me that perhaps they’d both come down to have a go.

‘Well if they have I’ll just be as nice as I can and hope to calm ‘em down,’ I thought, ‘and just for good measure I've got the iron handy.’ and with that I cracked the door open just enough to look out.

The short blonde girl was standing there in the shadows on her own, and looking different somehow from our last meeting.

“Hello,” I said, “you had me worried there for a minute. I thought it was your boyfriend coming down to beat me up for talking to you.”

“No,” she said, “he’s going to sleep now, coz he’s knackered.”

I remember I smiled when she used the word ‘knackered’. Back in those days it was almost a swear word, and I hadn't expected someone who looked so sweet to use such a word, and spoken as though it was part of her normal speech.

“But won’t he mind you coming down here again?” I said, “Or does he think you’re going to ask one of the other tenants for a cup of sugar?”

“No, I told him you looked a bit down when I saw you just now,” she said, “and I told him I was coming down to cheer you up.” And with this she held up a full glass beaker toward me, while she smiled in the semi darkness behind it.

I opened the door a bit more, the better to see her in the light.

“Can I come in?” she said, “I don’t bite you know.” and with that she pushed the door fully open and started walking in to the room as bold as brass.

I was a bit distracted for a second or so by the thought that the towel would get all rucked up again, but then I couldn't help but stare when she came into the light. The something light coloured, long and shapeless she’d been wearing before had now been replaced with something short, frilly and transparent.

At the same time she started to stare too, when she saw me standing there in just a small tight T shirt, and very skimpy underpants that were rapidly getting tighter.

“Uhh… are you sure?” I said, and feeling a bit embarrassed, I quickly turned my body away toward the ironing board.

“Course.” she answered, eyes aimed squarely at the bulge in my pants while she moved further into my brightly lit room.

“Oh! And by the way, you do know your nightie’s a bit see-through? And I can see your uh ...nipples.” I said, and looked away for a second.

“Course,” she said, “and you do know you’re not wearing your kecks?” Then she stopped, turned, and looked me straight in the eye.

“Anyway, I said I was coming down to cheer you up. So I thought I’d wear something that’d cheer you up.” She said, and just stood there.

I was a bit shocked. I’d never been in such a bizarre situation in my whole life. My rant about girls not wanting to go out with me earlier hadn't been directed at anyone in particular, and I didn't think that any deity had heard it and decided to let me be the ‘despicable bastard’ I’d wished for. Yet here I was, standing in my room, hot iron in hand, with an attractive stranger of the opposite sex standing right in front of me, wearing nothing but a smile and a see-through baby doll nightie that almost reached her crotch and left nothing to the imagination.

I didn't know how to react, or thought I didn't.

“You’re not gay are you?” she said, as she watched my pants getting tighter.

“No, I don’t think so. Not the last time I looked anyway.” I replied, and then I realised what she meant as she continued to stare at my now very full pants.

I think we both knew then that the situation had changed. Neither of us was decently dressed, so we were both putting ourselves in a vulnerable position, but then it dawned on me that the girl didn't even have any knickers on, just the short flimsy nightie, and very pale, slightly goose bumped skin showing through beneath it. I also noticed her nipples were hardening under the sheer fabric of the nightie, and I wasn't sure if this was a come-on or a tease.

Then I noticed another thing, she had matching collar and cuffs (as the saying goes!). She was a true natural blonde. Who knew?

Well, I did now, and it was pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that I was partial to blondes.

She’d known exactly what she was doing when she left her boyfriend upstairs, and presumably so had he. Especially if she’d stripped off her proper nightie and put on the one she was wearing now. To top it all off she’d then filled up a glass with what looked like water, but probably wasn't, then put on some strappy heels and come down the stairs to try and get into my room.

‘I wonder what else she wants to get into,’ I thought, as her eyes stayed firmly fixed on the hard ridge in my pants.

“What’s in the cup?” I said, as a weak attempt to distract her.

“Vodka.” she replied without looking up.

“Neat?” I asked.

“No, it’s about half and half, vodka and lemonade. Want some?” and with that she held up the glass toward my face.

“Uh, no thanks, I've got to get this ironing done for the morning.” I said.

The girl squared up to me, lifted her chin to face me, and with a very disarming smile said:

“Look! You know why I'm here, and I can see you’re not gay, so why don’t you just sit down over here on the bed with me, and let’s relax for a bit?”

With that she kicked off her heels, walked over to my rather narrow bed and sat herself down, then looking up at me she patted the bed next to her with her left hand and smiled.

“Like I said, I don’t bite.” she said, and took a sip from the glass.

I stood there feeling a bit sheepish, and fought a losing battle with my morals for all of two seconds, then I put down the iron, and trying to look braver than I felt, I walked awkwardly over to join her on the bed with my bulging pants leading the way.

As I reached the bed she piped up:

“But I do like to suck now and then.” Then she laughed, and handing the glass up to me, she grabbed my pants with both hands and slowly pulled them down to my ankles.

“That’s better,” she said, “now we’re even. See? It wasn't so hard was it?”

“Um, …it is now.” I said, and blushed bright red. Then I stepped out of my pants and kicked them away.

“You’re not kidding.” she said, as she took a good look at what stood to attention in front of her. Then she took George in her hand and started to feel him gently all over.

This is where the ‘3G’ bit comes in. I don’t know about you, but I've given my meat and two veg names. My penis is George, and my two balls are Gladys and Gloria, sometimes known as the twins, and the three of them together I think of as ‘3G’. So now you know where that came from, and this is where it’s going…

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked her through gritted teeth. She was softly caressing George into the hardest erection he’d ever known, and Gladys and Gloria weren't being left out in the cold either! The twins were tingling away merrily, and sending mild shivers of intensity into George’s back and sides with each gentle stroke of her fingers.

“Ooh, I don’t know,” she said, “my boyfriend’s tired out. We've been at it all afternoon, and he couldn't keep it up any longer, so I decided to let him get some sleep.”

“But I heard you talking to him, and you said yourself you told him you were coming down here. Unless he’s blind he’ll know you changed into this little nightie. So doesn't he mind?”

“Not really,” she said, as she stroked George with an almost hypnotic rhythm.

“He knows I got to have it all the time, and if he can’t give it to me then he knows I'm gonna look for it somewhere else.”

I must admit I was finding it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the sensations radiating from the now rock hard George, and the two other ultra-sensitive G’s.

I was afraid I was going to drop the drink, so I pulled away from her for a second to put the glass onto the small bedside table, next to my radio/alarm clock, but even as I tried to pull away, she tried to pull me back and I only just managed to reach the table with the drink without spilling it.

So now, with the drink safely out of the way I could relax and enjoy the sensation, and enjoy it I did.

I stood directly in front of her, head back, eyes closed, trying to not fall over, and gently holding her head with both hands, as the warm waves of sexual stimulation spoke to my senses in a dozen different ways. Lifting me up, spinning my head, vibrating my abdomen, tingling my spine from the bottom of my hips to the very top of my scalp, and all points between, while the muscles in my legs tensed and un-tensed, and my toes curled with every new wave of pleasure.

After a couple of minutes of eyes closed floating rather dreamily in a sensual world of my own, the intense sensation in my groin was spreading warmly through my whole being. I could feel myself gradually rising toward a possible crescendo, so I tried to bring myself back to earth by opening my eyes.

I thought it was only fair to return at least some of the compliment she was paying my three best friends. So I lightly cupped her beautifully rounded left breast with my right hand and felt her erect pink nipple hard against my palm through the ultra-smooth, sheer fabric of her nightie. Then I bent over and tried to reach down to the inviting V between her legs with my left hand. The conscious effort it took to do this brought the sensations down a notch or two, and held me back from the brink of reaching the point of no return.

When she realised what I was trying to do, she made things easier for both of us by standing up and opening her legs a little. Then I lifted the hem of her nightie, and slid my hand slowly and gently south from her tummy button toward the soft blonde bed of downy pubic curls below.

When I reached her pubic hair I slowly ran my fingers through the soft springy curls and tapped lightly on her clitoris with the ends of my fingers. Then I carefully rubbed my hand all around her moistening mound to help cover my fingers with her freely flowing fluids. With them nicely wetted, I slipped my fingers past her warm outer labia, in between her soft and slightly puffy inner lips, and finally inserted my middle finger into her already open, hot, wet, and dripping hole.

I remember that when my finger slid past the entrance and into the warm, and very soft wetness of her velvety vagina, she gave a small whimper and started to thrust her hips toward me, rubbing her engorged little sex button against the palm of my warm wet hand, and breathing in short sharp breaths each time she did so.

The two of us stood like this for several minutes, leaning toward one another for support, each one of us feeding off the rhythmic movements of the other, and enjoying the low, insistent animal sounds the other was making as we built up the intensity of the sensations in our bodies toward a mutually hoped for climax.

The room got hotter as we began to close in on the elusive feeling we were both physically striving so hard for. Soon the sweat began to flow easily from the fully open pores of our writhing bodies, and we found ourselves breathing louder and harder in unison with each stroke and thrust.

We were both becoming slippery all over, and our shining skin glowed as the sweat beaded on our foreheads, and ran in streams that flowed freely down our arching backs and legs, and slowly soaked into the carpet beneath our spasmodically curling toes.

Within a couple of minutes I felt the tension in her body suddenly rise. Her breathing grew much louder, she began shuddering and moaning, consumed by the moment, and enveloped within her all consuming passion. Finally, with a loud squeal she slapped her legs shut against my hand, took a deep breath, and arched her body forward and her head back, stopping me from stimulating her any further.

She held her breath as her rigid body jerked and jerked again for what seemed like an age, but must have been only a few seconds, then she breathed out in a long slow guttural growl that eased into a purr of contentment as she relaxed her whole body, and her already trembling legs began to sag at the knees.

I forgot all about my own pleasure and helped ease her down till she sat on the side of the bed. Her eyes were half closed, there was sweat running down the sides of her face and dripping off her chin onto her already soaking wet nightie, and she shook uncontrollably as though she were shivering with fever in the heat.

After a good few seconds like this she began to regain some composure. The shaking eased to a faint tremble, and she reached over to pick up the glass and take a couple of sips. This seemed to calm her down even more, and with the shakes almost gone, she smiled up at me.

“Hmmm! Thanks for that. I really needed that one, and my boyfriend just couldn't get me there, bless ‘im. The trouble is, once I've started I got to keep goin’ till I get there. And I can’t stand the frustration if I don’t get off, it drives me mad, like an itch you can’t scratch, you know?”

“An’ he was falling asleep on the job, so I thought I’d come an’ see you instead, an’ I'm glad I did.”

I was a bit dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say to such open and honest thoughts, spoken in such mundane tones.

“Phew! I'm ‘ot,” she said, smiling up at me again, and wiping some of the sweat off her eyebrows with the back of her hand.

“That was a good one, you should be proud of yourself, you've got very nice hands.” She smiled.

“Thanks,” I said, “so 'ave you.”

Then she suddenly took George in her hand and pulled me toward her.

“You didn't come yet did you? Let’s see if we can do something about that.”

With this she put the glass back on the table, cleared her throat, licked her lips, then slid her tongue down his shaft, and took George slowly and sensuously into her mouth. She looked up at me as she did so, with those doe eyes that now had a wicked glint in them, and a slightly muffled “mmmmmm,” came out of her nose.

Looking down at what she was doing, I was lost for words. I’d never had this done to me before, and this new feeling was completely unexpected, and exciting. My eyes began to close as she slid her tongue all around George's bulbous head, and along and around his hard and pulsing shaft, and she tickled the hair on my straining balls with the very tips of her fingers. Then she giggled like a schoolgirl and reached out to grip me round the buttocks with both hands and pull me further toward her.

Once more I felt myself transported by the wonderful sensations, but this time to a high and newly found plane of feeling I’d never been to before, far away from my cramped and grubby bed-sit. With my eyes closed against the harsh light of the overhead bulb, I saw dancing shapes of bright swirling colours on the inside of my eyelids, and felt sparks of sharp warmth pinging in the muscles of my arms and legs. I felt waves of liquid heat washing from my loins down my trembling legs to my feet, and tingling up my spine to raise the hairs on the top of my scalp with every forward and backward movement of her head. Meanwhile my lower tummy muscles clenched and unclenched with a growing, glowing sensation of blissful pleasure.

After what seemed like forever I felt the rising tide of sensation becoming more urgent with every thrust of her lips. I felt the tension suddenly takeover my muscles and knew my orgasm was almost here. Then it arrived, and the wave of delicious heat broke over me like the rolling, crashing curtain of white horses in a surfer’s dream.

I felt my head throbbing, my pulse pounding in my ears, my leg muscles went rigid, and the orgasm shuddered through my whole body like a jack hammer. There was an overwhelming feeling of release as my pelvic muscles spasmed once, twice, three times, and my semen spurted out to mix with the hot saliva in her questing mouth.

The girl had felt my orgasm rising and she helped me on my way by stroking the twins at the vital moment. This caused my scrotum to suddenly tighten like a knot, and help bring the timeless moment of pleasure to its explosive conclusion. Then she swallowed my hot fresh sperm in several large gulps, each one timed to accept a new gush of thick warm orgasmic soup, as it shot from the end of George's bulging head and into the back of her mouth.

I was floating far above the ground, on my own personal high, and I remember thinking to myself, ‘this must be what it feels like to score the winning goal in the Cup Final. YES! YES! YES! I did it! I made it! I got there! I WON!’

And from feeling on top of the World, the sudden release of tension made me feel faint. My spasms grew weak, and what remained of my personal prowess oozed slowly out. It dripped thickly into the warm and waiting mouth of this strange but beautiful girl, who’d turned my whole world upside down, and showed me a new side to myself I never even knew existed.

With my flow of fluid slowing to a drool she started to suck hard. With her finger and thumb wrapped tightly around George, she pulled her hand toward herself, and literally squeezed the last of my sperm from the end of my softening shaft onto the waiting taste buds of her twirling tongue. She then swiftly drew it to the back of her mouth and eagerly swallowed it while making loud slurping noises. And all without dribbling a single drop!

With the orgasm fading, my weak and shivering legs could hardly support my weight, and I slumped down next to the girl on the side of the bed, sweating, panting, and grinning like an idiot.

She gently patted George as he slowly deflated, then looked up at me with her large brown doe eyes and smiled with satisfied contentment.

I smiled back at her with stinging eyes under sweat soaked brows and slowly lowered my head. She did the same, and we sat there with her head on my shoulder, and my head resting on hers.

We stayed like that for a good few minutes while we recovered in silence, each of us in our own private world, savouring the after glow of sweet exhaustion. Then we both took a couple of energising sips from the now half empty glass of vodka and lemonade.

“I think I’d better be getting on with my ironing.” I said, with heavy limbs protesting at the very thought.

She turned to look at me with eyes half closed, sucked in a deep breath and said:

“Yea, and I suppose I’d better be getting back upstairs too.”

With that she drained the glass, wiped her lips with the back of her hand, and pulled herself unsteadily to her feet, with the eiderdown still trying to cling to her sticky wet bum cheeks and labial lips.

I carefully helped her unstick herself then collected her shoes, and knowing that the vodka would start to hit her soon, I walked her to the door.

She turned and smiled at me through heavy-lidded, unfocused eyes, kissed me lightly on the cheek and said;

“Bye…. See you!”

Then she slipped out of the door into the darkness of the landing without ever looking back.

I kept the door open so that she could see her way to the staircase, and stood there wearing only my wringing wet T shirt and smiling, with a very soft but still fully extended George swinging his goodbye wave to her as well, as I watched her up the stairs till I heard her open her door.

With the girl gone back to her room, I turned back into mine and closed the door. Then I took off the wet T shirt, and went back to ironing my trousers, while now completely naked and wet, and covered with a heady mixture of our combined, sweet smelling sweat, and pheromonal sexual juices from head to toe.


Wednesday came around and so did the cleaner.

“Do you know what happened to that couple in the room over yours?” she asked me when she came barging into my room without even a by your leave.

“No.” I said, “Why?”

“Well, they left on Monday. They were supposed to be here for the next three months, but they just put the rent and keys in an envelope, with a short note to the landlord, and left it on the mantelpiece for me. I found it this morning when I went in to do their room”

Then she moved closer to me, as though to share a shocking secret, and looking around to make sure no-one else could hear, she continued in a low voice:

“Between you and me, I think it’s all very strange!’ And I thought they were such a sweet young couple too.”

“Hmm. Strange indeed!” I said, “I didn't see much of them, but I remember she looked quite pretty.” With that I quickly looked away to hide the smirk on my face, while my insides did a somersault and took a nosedive toward despair.

I didn't want the cleaner to know I felt desperately sad and yet blissfully happy at the same time. I was wistful and sad that I’d never see the pretty blonde hair, the soft brown eyes, and the lovely smile again. Yet I was happy in the knowledge that we’d shared some of our most vulnerable and intense moments together, for a short while at least; and I smiled inwardly as I remembered what sweet memories the want of a cup of sugar had brought to my door.


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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 11 Painful Memories

Kisa stood in the kitchen and scowled at the pantry door. How many times had she wandered in here and absent-mindedly opened it? At least three times a day, and now that she was here again, she had decided to look through the whole pantry and discover just what it was that she was looking for. Her missing memories really bothered her. She had just assumed that something would come back to her in the last few days, but all she got was static. Vivid images of the old man stirred something up...

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Keith, a 35-year-old man woke up. But he couldn't see anything. He couldn't hear or even move. He sensed he was sitting up. But that was all he could tell about himself. He thought back to what he had last remembered and it was all very typical. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep in his own bed. Then when he woke up he was here. It was a total blank. He started to struggle against his restraints. Suddenly he was outside. He was with the hottest guy at school,...

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Altered Fates Memories

Author's note: The Medallion of Zulo gives the user certain skills that belong to the person they change into, if the user becomes someone who already existed, as opposed to using new clothing and just changing into a "new" person. If the user holds the clothing they used to change with while the change is completed, the user gets more of those skills. In this story, I wondered what would happen if someone with a remarkable memory became another person who also had an...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 8 Reliving Changed Memories

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Eight: Reliving Changed Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies “What are you reading?” Marissa asked, hugging me from behind. My lover's round breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard, making me shiver. We'd been making love with Evaline almost non-stop since I'd arrived in Vegas to see her. I almost said the truth of it as I turned off my phone. It would be bad to blurt...

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Sweet Memories

She walked in the door and set her purse on the table in the entryway.  It had been a long day and she was ready to shut out the world.  She was restless.  She knew why.  She hadn't seen him in a week and her body ached for him.  She stood in the entryway for a moment, gathering herself and figuring out what she wanted to do next when she happened to notice something on the floor near the entrance to her kitchen.  She walked over and bent to pick it up.  It was a small, shiny cufflink. She...

4 years ago
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Photographs and Memories

Photographs and memories All the love you gave to me Somehow it just can’t be true That’s all I’ve left of you – Jim Croce, Photographs and Memories I stood at the top of Mrs. McBride’s staircase, zipping and snapping my pants. Her son Kenny, at the foot of the stairway, hadn’t seen me coming from the bathroom. I watched for a minute as he tossed coats aside and rummaged through the women’s purses. I saw him pick up a brown purse. It was my purse. He opened the wallet and hesitated. He...

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 11 Lost Memories

Almost a month later to the day I returned to the SlendaBond Training Facility. Virginia was not with me on this trip. I visited Morgan Richmond again briefly and again set out with the training director, Charlie, for another tour. I hoped to see many things this time that he had not shown me on my initial visit. "I am just dying to see how far you good people have gotten bringing Stephanie under control!" I said. "We have been able to embed many post-hypnotic suggestion words in her...

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Bittersweet Memories

The sun beat hot on the narrow path which wound through the fresh spring garden like a cobbled stream. Victor thought there would have been more people on the garden tour on a day like today, but he hadn’t seen a single soul since he had parked his old beater about a mile back. As he walked, he saw a small placid pond choked with leaves fallen from a gathering of oaks, huddled around the pond like a Savannah watering hole. To his right, Victor saw a refurbished bird bath tipped carelessly and...

4 years ago
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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 8 Reliving Changed Memories

Linda Davies “What are you reading?” Marissa asked, hugging me from behind. My lover’s round breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard, making me shiver. We’d been making love with Evaline almost non-stop since I’d arrived in Vegas to see her. I almost said the truth of it as I turned off my phone. It would be bad to blurt out that my daughters had lost their virginities tonight to their father. Both of them. Back home in Rainier, Washington, my husband had deflowered them both...

1 year ago
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Sweet memories

When I was 23, I worked with a cute, petite, brunette 18-year-old girl who was unhappily married. Soon after she started, we would sneak away to a secluded area during the lunch break and fuck around. It became routine, daily almost, where she'd be up against the wall and I'd finger her while she jerked me off till we both came. She would come so hard, sometimes cutting off circulation to where my fingers would be numb temporarily. It was beautiful. I made sure she came first, and when came, ...

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Molten Memories

Molten Memories Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: This story involves involuntary mental changes, resulting in a personality shift - while the TG is not exactly involuntary, it would not have been voluntary if the MC had retained their original...

2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 37 Many Memories

After everyone had calmed down a bit, I contacted Renée. "Thank you for the help. I wasn't sure how I was going to get passed Dr. Livingston's abilities." "I didn't think that spike of fear was normal, " she replied. "I'm guessing that Michael and his family are safe now?" "Yes they are. I'll be in touch again when we go after the other hostages." "Good. Give them hugs from us." Katherine and Jenna had calmed down enough that I was able to offer the hugs from Renée. Of...

3 years ago
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Bringing up old memories

I'm Hope and I'm twenty-two. I have an older brother named Jack. He is twenty-four, and we're both brunettes. Be both lived alone in separate apartments. When I was nineteen and he was twenty-one, we had a sexual fling. I had sex with my brother and we were an incestuous couple for a few weeks. It was a great fling, but I think in the end, he was just trying to get over an ex. She broke his heart and he was emotional. So, one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex in my room. This was...

1 year ago
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Play date memories

My memoriesIt's been a few weeks since I've been with her..I think of last few times we had been together as the delicious details are still fresh in my mind..my mind combines the days into one day of total relaxation and sexual frenzy.As I write, recounting those wonderfully sexy days spent, I feel myself swell, my pants restraining my growth, the familiar tingling inside my body..I write this throughout 2 days, adding little parts and edits, whenever and wherever idle circumstance...

3 years ago
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Memorial Day Memories

Hi there! It has been soooooo long since I've had a chance to write anything about my gym bunny experiences and I'm aching to get something on here once again. For close to a year, it's like I've been in a little rabbit hole and the foxes are keeping pace above me. They just won't give me the chance to come out. I've been nibbling on my stocked supply of carrots for too long. I need more! So, at least I thought I'd share some memories that I wrote last year (2016) for my...

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Secrets of forest Memories

July 4th party finished at 2 or 2:30 am, Ben and me went back home, I was so happy because of my birthday present. Ben was so happy too by the same reason, strange? No, just funny we gave each other a great gift and was delicious In the way home we talked about 4th july carnival, the play and fireworks, we were pleasant and relaxed, our bodies were rested and we both satisfied, well that was that I thought. At home, near 3:00 am, we were starving, sex produces hungry, we wento to the kitchen...

4 years ago
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Ash Covered Memories

The fire spat at the darkness, disrupting the comfortable silence. Like insects of the night, embers flew on fiery wing toward the glowing stars overhead. He stared into the flames. Fingers of heat plasma clung to the fuel and blindly, mindlessly, converted the available matter into carbon, radiant heat, and smoke. It was a sight that never failed to mesmerize, yet he dreaded it. For there, amid the ceaseless motion of heat and light danced memories of a life past and gone. Eyes focused on...

2 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 15 Tuesday Night Memories

Yankee Swap, Chapter 15: Tuesday Night Memories "Kim that is really amazing! I expected it to be days or weeks before you remembered anything, but to have this detailed memory come back so soon is incredible." Kim had told Narya of her dream of becoming Kendra, how the whole thing seemed to be a movie where she knew what everyone was thinking. "I will say again you need to be wary of what you attribute to other people. What you 'know' your mother was thinking may just be...

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My memories

After several vacations in Florida with my family, we decided that we would enjoy buying a home and there year round..My task was simple. I was to drive to Florida by myself, and dedicate three solid weeks in the scouting of employment, rental property investment, and a home in a exceptionally rated school district. On my scheduled day to begin my trip, I found it difficult to leave my home. I had become very accustomed to almost daily, day long, alcohol fueled sexual relations with my wife.....

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CorruptionChapter 5 Memories

Caleb was aware. He just didn't know where he was. He couldn't feel his body either, but he was aware. "How did you get here?" Al asked in surprise, appearing in front of Caleb as a wraith-like reflection of himself. "I don't know," Caleb answered. "I was talking to Kim, and suddenly my head hurt, and then I was here. You tell me! You're supposed to be the brains behind this partnership. Why do you look like me?" Al's attention shifted, and Caleb could see that he was studying...

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Memories A Story By Jack Spratt The roar of the jet's engines is the only thing intruding on my grief. I still can't believe it. Nicci is gone, she and her husband Frank drowned off the Florida coast in a severe tropical storm, they and seventeen other passengers. She and Frank were to enjoy a relaxing two week sailing trip, sort of a second honeymoon, the first time they were away from home alone in years. Nicci is my sister and we were close, very close. She married Frank over fifteen years...

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Comdex Clothing and Confusion Part 2 Changes and Memories

Comdex, Clothing and Confusion, Part 2 ? Changes and Memories Beth Williams Copyright 2003 I would like to thank ALL the comments on my first story. I will take the criticisms to heart. I may not agree, but I will keep them in mind. I would like to add the following: Yes, I understand that few men are "passable." However, I typically spend 10-24 days a year "en femme." Much of the story is autobiographical. I am indeed 375 pounds and 6' tall. I am a computer geek. I am and have...

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Fifties Memories

FIFTIES MEMORIES BY JANICE I am a seventy five year old man with no close living relatives but for a sister about a year older than me, I was packing to move to a retirement community, hopefully the last move I would ever make. I came across a dusty manila envelope that, for the life of me I could not remember seeing in years, more likely decades. Well, instead of pondering what it held, I did the intelligent thing;...

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Miss Britt Memories

Thinking back over the years I spent with Miss Britt, some memories come back to me that I omitted from the original story. THE FACIAL BOX. On 1 occasion a large envelope arrived from Heathers Leathers in London. Miss Britt read it and left it lying on her desk when she left the office. I glanced at it and it looked like a drawing of some sort of cabinet , but I did not read the letter that came with it. A few days later a contractor came to see Miss Britt and the both went down...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 337 Memories

“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...

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Sweet Memories

My Sweet Lovely Tigress, It was early Saturday morning at 5.30am that I awoke from my restless sleep… you see, all night I was tossing and turning and my dreams were filled with romantic dreams/visions of us together… I could see in my mind’s eye, us together entwined in a passionate embrace, exchanging longing kisses which were long belated… lying on my bed, it felt so real that at last my dreams had come true… that my yearning for you would be fulfilled… With my eyes closed, I whispered a...

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Highway Memories

As she drives down the highway, her mind wanders to the last time that she and her lover were together. She could still feel the first embrace of his arms, the first kiss on her lips, and the smell of him after being apart for so long. Oh how she missed him during those weeks that they could not be together. How she longed to be with him, if even for a few brief moments, but she knew the reasons why they could not be together and accepted them no matter how much it hurt her heart. She could...

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Repressed Memories

REPRESSED MEMORIES by BobH. (c) 2003 "She was stunned when our sessions first brought those memories to the surface," I said, "could not believe her own sister - now her brother - had used a magic stone to switch bodies with her when they were children and that she had been born a boy. Until she found the stone." "She switched bodies with me," said my companion, "not knowing the stone only works when both want to switch." "People never believe how easy it is to plant false...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 14 Futa Ghosts Naughty Memories

Chapter Fourteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ōjo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to...

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The Memories

There are many things that stand out in a person’s mind over the years. You remember your first day at school. You remember the day you graduate from school. You remember the day you get your driver license. Sometimes it is a simple thing. Sometimes it is the smell in the air or a song playing in the background. Still there are memories so vivid and so powerful you remember them for the rest of your life. Here is one of those memories. It was a normal day and there was nothing about it that...

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Mountain Memories

Sometimes there are events in life that are short-lived but remain an important and wonderful memory. This is one of those memories. I have always loved the mountains. Not the barren western high country but the dense, tree-covered, misty slopes of the Great Smoky Mountains. There was and still is no better place to find solitude. The nature of my work allowed me a four-day weekend every six weeks. Many times each year I would load the car with camping gear and start the six hour trip to...

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Introduction: Memories This happened in the summer of 1972. Im writing now because I recently saw a girl on TV whose unusual name and resemblance brought the memories flooding back… She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman Id ever...

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Sweet Memories

I haven't thought of my first anal experience in years, but today, the memory came to me. I would like to share the story with you. We were quite close and very open about all things, and since Mike was much more experienced than I was he had taken it upon himself to make sure I had a well-rounded sexual education... The conversation turned out something like this: "You know honey, I have never met anyone like you," Mike said, "you have never turned down any kind of sex. You were a virgin...

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Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...

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a story of memories

it was almost a surprise the first time she emerged from the shower and he was privileged to be there. beads of water clung to her body and she shown in the morning light coming through the window. he crossed to her and after a glance in her eyes he bent over to dry the water from her. with towel and tongue she allowed him to touch and then to bend over her for a kiss. he began not on her mouth but on her soft breasts licking the drops of water off. slowly, he swept his tongue around the...

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Gay first time memories

When I was about 18 I had my first sexual encounter with a man. I was in the navy and me and a buddy had been drinking and were picked up by this guy who said he would take us back to our ship which was in Jacksonville( I think, it was a long time ago) I just thought he was being friendly. On the way there he said we could stop off at his place for a drink which is where we wound up. I was already quite well d***k and my buddy was too, in fact he fell asl**p. While my buddy was asl**p this guy...

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Holiday memories

For a little winter sunshine break last year, DJ and I decided to head off to Gran Canaria for a few days. Our goal was to just relax in a nice hotel and recharge our batteries after what had been a very busy period of work and various other commitments…although we were obviously looking forward to spending some time exploring the Maspalomas dunes and having some naughty adventures too!We had booked ourselves into a lovely beach front hotel in San Augustin, which was close enough to allow us to...

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Random Memories Glory Hole Memories

Number One:I love it when, just as one of my glory hole visitors is just about to come, that their cocks become so firm and stiff as the body prepares to expel the load of sperm both he, and I, are there for in the first place!Number Two:I love it when AS they are ejaculating, that I can feel the powerful muscular contractions at the base of their balls and cock shaft, as the sperm is forcefully jetting out into my mouth! That's the epitome of any and all glory hole experiences! There's nothing...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 3 Memories

Yankee Swap, Chapter 3: Memories "Hurry up - I'm getting cold!" Ken was hopping from one foot to the other to keep them from freezing on the cold concrete floor. Of course they wouldn't freeze in August, but he was nervous as well. He and his best friend Cindy were in her garage changing their clothes - with each other. It was a silly thing to do, but they were 6 years old and bored. Her clothes were much too small for him anyway, he thought. She passed him her dress and he...

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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

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Sweet Memories

I am laxmi aged 52 years now and the narated story is hapand to me exactly twenty three years back. I have joined in a bank in Hyderabad along with new recruits aged between 21 to 29. Youngest among all is Raju is just completed his degree and joined with us. I have completed post graduation and i have sex experience with my brother-in law and we are going to be married within a couple of years. I have a good friend rani is in love with one of the co- empyoyee ravi and they are going to marry...

4 years ago
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Hidden Memories

She heard Cody murmur something to her but she didn’t understand him because she was almost asleep. She’d ask him tomorrow what he had said. She fell deeper into sleep as she felt his hand caressing her thigh. On the ride to her house things weren’t exactly awkward, there was tension and she didn’t know why. Last night was nice, so why was she feeling this way? Cody hasn’t looked at her since they got their clothes on. She had a bad feeling that something was going to happen and...

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Hidden Memories

Introduction: Ok, some people have asked me about me having any involvement with someone in the military and I havent. I dont have anybody special like that, though sometimes I wish. I just have an idea of what that life what must be like. Anyways this story is a new one, I hope you like so far. Im not sure if this one will have ten parts like my last one. I know how I want it writen, I just dont know how long it will actaully be, so be patient for my next part. Sorry for any mistakes I didnt...

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Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...

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Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day Memories School had just ended for me and my sister. Separated by just over a year (me at 21, her just turning 20), we were in separate colleges and returning home at about the same time. During the drive I could think of nothing but the pure bliss that would be relaxation after the intense studying of finals. I pulled into the driveway and there was my sister. A sight for sore eyes indeed. Standing at barely five feet tall she stood with a hand on her hips and a playful scowl on...

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False Memories

‘Mr. Kisaragi, my severance check is in the mail. Once it comes in, I can pay the rent in full!’ ‘No, Tom. You live in this apartment for months, you pay for it! I’m making it easy for you. I let you have extra time to pay and you still can’t pay. No money tomorrow, no apartment! No money, and you leave. But you still pay for living here. I know people who can make you pay.’ Once Kisaragi slammed the front door of the complex, the woman standing next to Tom hugged him and broke out in tears. ...

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Olivias Prom Night Memories

He was 19 years old, though he had just graduated from our high school. He was 6’1 with dark brown shaggy hair (usually looking like he needed a haircut, even right after he’d gotten one) and eyes the color of maple syrup. He had a thin build, yet his arms and legs were well defined. He had played rugby throughout high school, only was one of the back field players, as opposed to the thick necked guys in the scrum. When he had asked me to prom I thought he may have been teasing me, as one...

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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

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Sweety fucked my friends

Hi, this is vikram again, thanx for all of your comments given on my last story, now i am giving you a recently held mass fucking of my lovely and sexy wife sweety. She is a real slut. For those who are new let me tell you her figure again. She is a real fucking bitch with 34 – 30 – 38 size. Long black hairs and white complexion. This story happens when some of my friends came to delhi for trip and stayed at hotel. On the same day i had invited them to my house for dinner. I did not told...

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Making Sexy Memories

She took my hand and we both walked down the hall. "Damn, you look good in that bikini. Pink looks really good on you, Faith." "We're on our honeymoon, so you are guaranteed to get laid at least fifty times," she reminded me before she brought me to the wall by the door. "We love each other, Dante," she stated before she kissed me. We made out for a moment and I brought my hands to her thighs. I rubbed them ever so softly as her hands came onto my crotch. Her lips slowly parted from mine. "Your...

Oral Sex
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Reprising Memories

Let us dive back into history as we row our boats down towards the castles of memories...... And then momentarily get lost into of the memoirs of illusions.... gliding in the air breathing fresh old air and floating through the wet warm waters of vices drinking from the lips and from the lollipops seeing how they opened up and how they closed down slowly smoothly and softly scrubbing the skin caressing the skin sucking licking touching and fucking the skin rubbing one skin next to the other...

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Hotel Fucking in Atlanta Memories

This very hot pic posted today by eyesonu, stirred up an old memory.The girl in the pic reminds me of a young local student ecsort I once fucked at the Atlanta Sheraton, about 15 years ago. Nice memories of the encounter and events surrouding it.I was at a trade show as part of a group of about 12 people from various businesses. I had some free time after lunch and arranged for this girl to come to my room. We had a fun time even though the girl was new to the work, and quite nervous. She was a...

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my memories

The memory of life Time.Well i was 21 years old, and the world in me feat, thats exactly what we think, we are invincible, and. We at 21, omg, we love women's, but is time to talk about me,I always like older women, it was around December of 1995, this woman name is Maria she was at list 40 years old, very well taker of it, and amazing legs, she have the most beautiful smile, I seen her for amount always wait in the bus stop, she was ready to going to work, she always well dressed, always...

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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 46 Plans Confrontations and Bad Memories

Precisely at noon, the phone rang at the McGrath home. Caitlin picked it up, as the bedside phone was at hand while she got ready for work. "Hello?" "Hello." There was a pause. "Is Erin there?" "Um, yeah. I'll get her." Caitlin carried the phone to Erin's room, where she was draped across her bed watching TV. "It's for you." "Who is it?" Erin asked suspiciously. She didn't feel like dealing with Mary or Louise -- especially if Toby wasn't going to call... "Well, I THINK...

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Sweety Bhabhi Ne Mere Samne Jeans Utari

Hello friends mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai , age 26 , height 5,8 I’m good looking or mein ek achhi rich family se hoo …frends mein bahut time se fsi blog ka reader hoo or mujhe fsi blog bahut pasand hai to maine deside kiya ki mein bhi apni life ka real incident jo mere saath hua hai aap sabse share karoo or aapkie comments suno ki aapko mere saath jo hua hai wo kaisa laga ye mera mail id hai please aapke jo bhi comment hai wo mujhe kare …… Friends ye story shuru hoti hai 4 month pehle ,mera...

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Ginsu Memories

‘Ding Dong!’ The doorbell rings, but Donna keeps reading. ‘Her defenders flee shamelessly, leaving the princess at the mercy of the pirates. As the barbaric hoards swarm aboard, she desperately seeks sanctuary in the captain’s cabin. Without warning, the door explodes in a shower of splinters leaving the dark shadow of a pirate blocking the only exit.’ ‘Ding Dong!’ ‘The forsaken princess feels the thick callused hand of the pirate encircle her waist. She feels the excited breath on her neck,...

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