Jennifer's Tale, Part I free porn video

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How it Started.

I’ve been punished every Saturday night for more than five years. And I don’t see that changing any time soon - at least I hope not. The ritual has gone through several changes. And the person doing the punishing has changed. First it was Poppa.

He started not long after my mother ran away with the younger Martin boy. Then when his health was failing, Poppa convinced his sister, my Aunt Rinnie, to take over. But while she agreed with Poppa about sparing the rod and spoiling the child, her heart was never in it. So quick as she could, she turned my punishment over to Uncle Jamie.

Poppa and I had been very close since I was big enough to help around the farm. He always treated me with kindness and respect (which was more than I can say for Mom). He taught me to be self-reliant, work hard, and go after what I wanted. And right now, Uncle Jamie is what I want more than anything else in the world.

Mind you, he isn’t really my uncle - he’s they guy who married my mother’s younger sister. And my mother was 20 years younger than my father, which made Uncle Jamie much closer to my age than any of my other relatives.

I’ve liked Uncle Jamie for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until he came here to run the farm, and took over my punishment, that I fell in love with him.


All my life it seems like I’ve spent most of my time alone. And most of that time I spent reading. Or dreaming. Poppa used to call me his beautiful dreamer when he’d find me lying under the giant oak gazing at the clouds, or lying in the hayloft watching rays of sunlight from the knotholes make patterns in the air. I loved to read books from the library about ladies in distress rescued by handsome noblemen. And once in a while I’d sneak home a True Confessions and get myself all worked up about what a ninny the confessor had been just waiting for things to get better instead of doing something to make it happen. That’s what I’d do, I always told myself: make it happen.

Often I dreamed that some day my prince would come riding up on his white charger, sweep me into his arms, and whisk me away to his castle in the mountains. The same mountains that reared their gnarly white heads over our farm. When I first imagined that happening, I was too young to worry about what would happen once we got there. It was just the wonderfully romantic idea of being swept off my feet.

Later, when I got more realistic about myself and my life, I was forced to admit that there really weren’t any castles in the mountains. But all the same, somewhere deep inside, I still believed that wherever life might take me, I would be going there with my own personal prince.


I was a late bloomer, as they say. All the girls in my class had started to develop, and I was still as straight as a board. It tended to make me even more of a loner than I was naturally. Finally, a few months after I turned 14, my breasts decided that maybe it was time they made themselves known. But, much to my irritation, they took their freakin’ time about it. Then, not long after my 16th birthday, two things happened that changed my life completely.

First, my mother ran off with the younger Martin boy. Second, my body suddenly decided it was time for my periods to start. And just as suddenly, Poppa decided that he had been too permissive with me, that I was getting much too lax about my responsibilities.

“So you’re going to start paying for your misdeeds, young lady,” he announced out of the blue, “to make sure you don’t turn out to be a slut like your mother.”

My jaw must have dropped as I stared at him in amazement.

“And don’t try to tell me you’re too old for spanking, because that’s exactly what you’re going to get. Every week. Starting tonight!”

Any number of times over the years, when I had made him mad, he’d bent me over and give me a dozen swats or so. As far as I was concerned, that was what “getting a spanking” meant. And I knew he was really upset about Mom running away. So I thought, what the hell, he’ll get over it. Boy, was I ever wrong about that!


I’ll never forget that first Saturday night... Dinner was over and he still hadn’t said anything else about what he planned to do. I wasn’t sure, but I had the feeling he was watching me the whole time I did the dishes, instead of reading the paper like he usually did. But as soon as I finished, he walked over to the table, and now he was staring at me.

He picked up a kitchen chair and carried it very deliberately to the middle of the room, set it down right in front of the fireplace, and said, in a kind of funny voice, “Get yourself over here, young lady.”

He indicated a spot in front of the chair. But once I was there, he pulled me even closer, so I was standing right between his knees.

Then, sounding a lot like a preacher, he told me it was his responsibility to make sure I grew up “pure,” and he started praying out loud for God’s help. I couldn’t tell if he wanted it for himself or for me, but it went on a long time. Finally he tried to unfasten my jeans, but he was so clumsy at it that I reached over and undid the side for him. He jerked them down — along with my panties, grabbed me around the waist, and sort of flung me over his knees. Then came my first bare-bottom spanking. It was more painful, and lasted longer than I had imagined. A lot longer.

I didn’t know what to think as I got into bed that night. I couldn’t think of anything I had done that would make him think I deserved that much pain. And he didn’t really seem all that angry while he was doing it. I kept gently rubbing my derriere as I tried to figure it out; soon the pain seemed to diffuse throughout the area, and I fell asleep with strange thoughts in my head and strange feelings in my belly.

The next week, the procedure got a little smoother. He had me take my jeans and panties off entirely. After my spanking, he hugged me and told me I was going to be fine. Then he handed me my pants and sent me off to take my bath.

One Saturday, after that routine was pretty well established, he had me take off my jeans and panties before he started to pray. He acted like it was a mistake, but the next week it was clear that that was the new routine. When he put his chair in front of the fireplace, I knew that, without any prompting, I was supposed to suddenly be standing there, naked from the waist down, while he prayed for the goodness of my soul. Then he’d spank my fanny for ten or 15 minutes. I don’t remember much about those early spankings themselves, but I loved it when he hugged me afterward. He stayed sitting down and had me walk around and stand between his legs. Then he’d wrap his arms around me and gather me to him. He’d whisper in my ear what a good girl I was, how brave, and stuff like that. I really ate it up. All the while, he’d be lightly rubbing my sore fanny and it seemed to make the pain go away -almost like magic.


It was during that summer, as I tentatively explored what was happening to my body, that I stumbled onto the wonderful world of masturbation. I had heard the girls at school giggle about it, and I knew the dictionary definition. But it had never been real to me before. Amazingly, I still hadn’t made any connection between my spankings and a desire to masturbate. I looked forward to doing it on Saturday nights more than any other time. But for a long time I thought that was just to comfort myself.

What thrilled me most that fall was Poppa giving me a bathrobe for my 17th birthday. It was the first one I had ever owned; it was so beautiful and soft, and it felt just fabulous against my skin.

I couldn’t believe that Poppa had been so extravagant, but that Saturday night it all came perfectly clear. (Actually, it wasn’t until the next day I figured out that the bathrobe had been part of his new plan all along.)

After I finished the dinner dishes that Saturday night, he told me that from now on I was to take my bath before my punishment.

“When you’re finished,” he said, his eyes looking just past me with such intensity I knew something unusual was happening, “put on your bathrobe and come out here.” Then he added quietly, “Just your robe.”

I quickly looked away so he wouldn’t see me blushing, and I managed to answer calmly, “Yes, Poppa.” But my heart was pounding wildly as I ran my bath. I wasn’t sure what was coming next, all I could think, over and over, was, “He wants me naked under my robe. He wants me naked under my robe.”

For the first time that night, I realized that I was really excited - sexually excited, I mean - before a punishment session. But that was nothing compared to the feelings that shot through me as I stood in front of him in my new robe, and he told me to take it off, lay it on the davenport, then come back and stand in front of him again.

When I came back, it was a real struggle not to try hiding my newly developed tits by slouching. But somehow I managed to stand up reasonably straight, my hands clasped modestly in front of my mound, which had only the barest hint of a downy covering. Poppa slowly reached out and took one of my hands in each of his. Except for the circumstances, a natural fatherly gesture. But I noticed that instead of bowing his head as he usually did, he stared at my naked body the whole time he was praying.

I can’t remember that prayer exactly, but the gist of it was, now that I was becoming a woman, we had to redouble our efforts to overcome my base nature, to eradicate the sins of the flesh, and generally save me from myself.

When he had finished praying, he said to me, still staring straight at my tits, “You’re getting too big for a hand spanking to be much punishment. You need something stronger now.” His eyes were roaming the room as he spoke. “I know, bring me Shep’s old collar.”

As if in a dream, I turned and walked over to the door, where the collar that had been worn by the dog I had gown up with, a large German Shepherd, had been hanging ever since he’d gotten too old to run and Poppa had to put him down. I took it off its peg and instinctively unbuckled it as I returned. It was a little more than a foot long, made of sturdy leather. It struck me with another shocking tingle that the buckle had been polished and the leather recently oiled. This was obviously not the spur of the moment idea his words had suggested.

“That should do nicely,” he pronounced, slapping it loudly against his other palm. “Come here.”

He laid the collar in his lap and took my nearest hand to pull me over to his right side. In the past, he had let me drape myself over his knees, but that night he pulled my left hand behind my back and pressed me gently forward. Because I couldn’t use both hands like I was used to, he reached up and placed his left hand against my chest to help lower me into position. His hand just “happened” to land on a breast, and he cupped it firmly all the while he was maneuvering me into position.

Once he was satisfied that I was exactly where he wanted me on his lap, he let go of my breast and placed his hand in the middle of my back like always. But then he surprised me once more by announcing, “You’ll likely be squirming a bit more than usual tonight. I think you may need some help staying put.”

And with that he reached under my chest and again took a firm grip on my right breast. Then began my first adult punishment.

After a couple of minutes with that strap, my fanny felt like it was on fire. Poppa was right about one thing: I did do a lot of squirming that night. It was that night too, as I gyrated on his lap, that I realized for the first time what the hard bulge, straining against the leg of his overalls, really was. After that, I tried every way I could to grind against that bulge. I’m not sure what it did for him, but just the idea of it jacked my excitement level up another two notches.

When he finished, I thought I’d die from the pain. But even as I walked back to my room, with the soft fabric of my robe caressing my burning cheeks with each step, it wasn’t long before the pain seemed to dissolve into passion and I suddenly couldn’t wait to jump into bed and attack my soaking pussy. That night I experienced my first full-scale orgasm. From then on, I looked forward to Saturday nights with lust in my heart.


Our Saturday night ritual hardly changed at all for the next three years. Except that every year, on the Saturday night nearest my birthday, Poppa would announce, in his prayer voice, that since I was bigger now, he’d be adding another five minutes to my punishment.

I don’t believe he actually did that, at least not beyond the night when he said it. Straining to achieve my first orgasm of the night while I was still on his lap, that’s what was on my mind. I couldn’t even see the clock. My impression at the time was, the length of my punishment depended on what kind of mood he was in. Now I wonder if he didn’t just keep on strapping my behind until he came. Sometimes he let out a moan just before he quit, but I never saw anything to prove it one way or the other.

What I do know is that for me it seemed to get better every week. The orgasms, I mean, well really, the whole punishment scene and how I reacted to it. I’m not crazy about the pain, but considering what follows, it’s worth every minute.

Like I said, we went on that way for nearly three years. Then Poppa started getting weak. For a long time he wouldn’t admit anything was wrong. When he would make an occasional comment, I just shrugged it off with one excuse or another. I couldn’t deal with the idea that something might be really wrong any more than he could. Finally he saw a doctor and we found out that just about all through the past year the cancer we didn’t know about had been taking over his body.

After while, he “rented” one of the Shelby’s hired men two days a week. And finally he asked his sister to come and live with us and look after things. In his zeal to make sure I grew up “pure” (and maybe to justify himself, too) he insisted that Aunt Rinnie take over my punishment when he no longer had the strength.

My Aunt Rinnie was a very irritating woman. She and her older sister had never married; they looked after Grandpa until he died and then continued to run the old homestead on their own. She was very stubborn and set in her ways. I had never liked her, even as a child, and I’m sure it showed in my behavior. So it wasn’t hard for her to believe I needed punishing. Actually she was nearly as strong as my father, but she lacked his motivation. There was clearly nothing sexual in it to her and she tended to quit before I was as turned on as I was used to getting. So I’m afraid I fell into the habit of egging her on a bit. Well, quite a bit, to be honest.

Crossing her up by generally acting like a spoiled brat gave me some degree of satisfaction through the week, and it definitely improved her performance on Saturday night. At the time I didn’t think that much about my misbehavior, but I’m sure, looking back, that it triggered the key change that transformed the rest of my life. What I mean is, my persistent misbehavior was the main reason Aunt Rinnie felt she had to turn my punishment over to Uncle Jamie shortly after he arrived.

My father was failing rapidly, and it was clear we needed someone to run the farm. So Poppa and Aunt Rinnie put their heads together and decided Uncle Jamie was the one.

As I mentioned, Jamie isn’t really my uncle. He married my mother’s younger sister, but she had dumped him a couple of years earlier, because she couldn’t take all his religion. Least ways, that’s what Poppa told me. Jamie did seem to me to be tather religious, and of course that didn’t bother me, I was used to it. But he also had a very playful nature. He used to take long walks with me - I called it exploring - and we’d roughhouse a lot. I’d try to tackle him and he’d either pin me down on the ground or toss me in the air. He could toss me really high.

Of course, that was when I was a little girl. Now he was back with us for good and we didn’t wrestle anymore. But the way he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off me whenever we were together, I sometimes wasn’t sure whether he was seeing me now, or remembering our wrestling days.

Jamie was supposed to take over his father’s ranch, but they were always at logger heads because he wouldn’t accept any of the improvements Jamie wanted to make. So when Dad called, he jumped at the chance to run our farm. From the moment he moved in, we spent most of our time together. I became his teacher. It was really kind of strange — there he was, bigger, stronger, smarter, but I was always telling him what to do! I mean, he didn’t know where things were kept, what had already been done and especially how we did things around here. He said he really appreciated that because he didn’t want to disrupt our routines or make it difficult for me by suddenly doing everything differently.

I wasn’t sure how much he believed that; I had the impression that it seemed to him like a good excuse to keep me close all day. And for my part, I did my best to keep him wanting me close. I brushed against him as often as I could find excuses, leaned against him when I was complaining about being tired (he always bought that one), and pressed myself against his side or his arm whenever we were checking a pesticide label, reading instructions, or other stuff like that together. Sometimes he put his arm around me in a brotherly sort of way when I did that and sometimes he just pretended not to notice.

So regardless of whether he really meant the part about not disrupting our routines, I was truly glad to hear those words because they gave me hope that somehow I would be able to teach him Poppa’s Saturday night routine.


That first Saturday night after Uncle Jamie arrived, Aunt Rinnie took me to her room for my punishment. She didn’t believe in ritual. And I had no interest in trying to get her to follow Poppa’s ritual, even if I could have imagined her doing it. Which I couldn’t. She just gave me a short, pointed lecture about improving my behavior and then gave me ten or 15 cuts with a thin, whippy switch she had cut herself somewhere. It really stung like hell and didn’t do all that much to get me excited either. I resolved I had to find a way for Uncle Jamie to take over my punishment. And the sooner the better.

The next day, when we were cleaning up in the barn after milking, Uncle Jamie seemed like his mind was elsewhere. Finally he came out with it, “What was that all about in Rinnie’s room last night?”

“Oh,” I replied, trying desperately to sound nonchalant, “It was my Saturday night punishment. Aunt Rinnie took over when Poppa got too weak.”

“Aren’t you rather old to be getting punished like that?”

“Not according to Poppa and Aunt Rinnie.

He said Grandpa punished them all as long as they lived at home. I think he punished Grandma, too. But I’m not sure about that.”

Jamie didn’t say any more right then, and I kept looking at him sideways, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Later he asked me why I behaved so badly toward Aunt Rinnie. That really caught me off guard. I could hardly tell him my real reason. I didn’t want him to know what a schemer I was. But you also want him to think you need punishing, I reminded myself. So to Jamie I replied, “I don’t know, sometimes something just seems to get into me and makes me say things or do things I’m not too proud of afterwards.” And then I added, “Doesn’t that ever happen to you?”

“Sure. I think it happens to everyone at one time or another. And Rinnie can be pretty... abrasive.”

“Yeah, well. I’m sorry when I give her such a hard time. What the heck, I figure I’ve got it coming, it’s not that big a deal.”

A couple of days later, when I came back from collecting eggs, the back door was ajar, so I didn’t have to whack it open with my hip, which usually announces anyone’s arrival to the whole house. As I went about putting the eggs away, I realized the conversation I was hearing was Aunt Rinnie asking Jamie to take over my punishment.

“She needs a man’s hand,” she was saying; “It’s just not the same coming from me.”

“Well that may be, but it just doesn’t seem right to me, punishing a young woman her age like she was a little child...”

“That’s the mistake most folks makes,” was her prompt and adamant reply. “Especially those as have no children of their own.”

I couldn’t hear any reply from Uncle Jamie, but Aunt Rinnie barged on anyway. “You’ve seen the way Jenny treats me, and the way she sloughs off her household chores. If we shirk our duty now, it won’t be no favor to her. She needs to learn responsibility and respect for her elders now more than ever.”

“Well, maybe you’re right.” But he didn’t sound convinced, more like he didn’t want to go on arguing with Aunt Rinnie.

“I’ll tell you one more thing you don’t want to hear, Jamie McTavish. Soon you’re going to be the man of the house around here, will ye nil ye, and if you don’t follow through and keep punishing the child, you’re not only telling her you don’t care, you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with her behavior, and I don’t believe you want to do that to her.”

“No, of course I don’t want to do that to her. But don’t you think there are other ways than corporal punishment to maintain discipline?”

Aunt Rinnie surprised me by thinking that one over carefully before she answered. “That may well be, Jamie,” she said, and my heart sank. “But you have to remember, that’s the way she was raised. According to my brother, he’s used the strap on her every week for years, and I can’t believe any stern-faced scolding is gonna make any impression on her at this late date. No matter what you think, the rod or the strap’s the only language as young folk understands. You owe that much to her, Jamie. And you owe it to Harold, too.”

“Well, when you put it like that...”

“Only way to put it! And one more thing. You’d better start this Saturday, because if you wait till after Harold’s gone, you’ll never find the right time to start.”

I almost shouted with joy from the back room when I heard Jamie reluctantly agree he had better begin the next Saturday.

That night, replaying the conversation in my head, it gradually sunk in what Aunt Rinnie had said about Poppa. For the first time that night I admitted to myself that he was really dying. It was like a dam burst inside me and, muffling my sobs in my pillow, I cried myself to sleep.


The next Saturday evening, I was as skittish as a new calf. I’m sure Uncle Jamie thought it was because I was upset about being punished by him. It never would of occurred to him that I was worried he might not punish me. At supper that evening, Aunt Rinnie had announced that Jamie was going to take over my punishment, starting that evening. Not trusting what I might say, I just bowed my head in what I hoped looked like acquiescence. But Aunt Rinnie wouldn’t let it go.

“Well, child... what have you got to say about that?”

“That’s...fine,” I stammered. Uncle Jamie looked thoroughly embarrassed, and I added, mostly to reassure him, “I was sure he would, sooner or later.”

That night while I was cleaning up after supper, I managed to sass Aunt Rinnie, or speak disrespectfully of her, four times. And I “forgot” to clean off the stove and did a substandard job cleaning out the sink. When I came out of the bathroom in my robe, Aunt Rinnie pronounced me a willful, obstinate girl, and decreed, handing Jamie her switch, that I should receive 25 strokes, ten more than her usual allotment.

“No thank you, ma’am.” To my great delight, he pushed aside her switch and declared, “if I’m going to punish her, I prefer to use this.” He patted the wide, sturdy leather belt he always wore.

Aunt Rinnie was impressed. “That’ll do the job nicely I should think. I’m going to turn in.” She went to her room and almost immediately she had her little TV set tuned to one of her favorite programs.

Earlier they had decided he would punish me in the big room, same as my father had. For several minutes at the dinner table they had debated whether he should do it in his bedroomTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

1 year ago
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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

2 years ago
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Tale of the Wizards Apples

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...

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A True TaleChapter 9

Mia only took a second to think and then quickly removed her dress step out of her slippers pull off her stockings and then blew out the lantern before pull down her underpants and climbing into bed. The next morning Mia was shocked at the fact that the old man only slept touching her in a kind manner but never made any type of sexual move. He was dressed and watching as she climbed out of bed and dressed. The both walked to breakfast where they met Lord Kronk. Kronk asked how they slept...

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The Tale Of Swifty Black

THE TALE OF SWIFTY BLACK BY Dorothy StrangeloveSunlight shone through the window of the village church, beaming multicoloured rays of light through the stained glass, onto the man who was knelt in prayer at the altar. His voice echoed in the empty room as he said his piece to god, the light shone and bounced off his fine jewelled rings and the heavy gold cross and chain around his neck and it seemed to illuminate the whiteness of his embroidered shirt. "Oh Lord,"He said, "I am but a humble man,...

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The Tale of the Torch Singers Wife

THE TALE OF THE TORCH SINGER'S WIFE by enduringshades PROLOGUE Linda James was driving home in her husband's, Leo, SUV. She was distressed. She had been invited to the BRITs the night before, but her name was not on the guest list. Her husband's agency was supposed to have made the arrangements, but all they had done was book her a hotel room, just for her, and she had had to pay and she really couldn't afford it. She had thought the hotel room had been booked for her...

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Tales from the FuturePart 2 Iversons Tale

The group watched Iverson intently as he took a long swig from his mead pouch. The darkness fell around the group as they sat beside the brightly burning fire, drinking their mead and finishing off their stew. Iverson finally spoke: - Well. Where to begin? He mused tantalisingly. The young men shifted impatiently. All bar Romian, Luther and Iverson himself had rarely met let alone experienced the wonders of women! They all wanted to know what it was like! As highly hormonal...

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Miss Layla Smith tales a tale

My name is Ms Layla Smith, and I am, as you might say, a lady of negotiable affection. This is quite wrong indeed. My price is rarely negotiable, since the customers willing to negotiate obviously are not wealthy enough to afford me. I am a true professional, discreet and perfect in every manner a gentleman could ask for. I know what they want before they even know it themselves, when to smile, when to stare, when to lie, when to be the ever so modest little flower, and when to be the...

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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Three Tale of Two Sisters

Another true tale... I've told it as accurately as I can from memory. Hopefully someone out there might enjoy this! Background ---------- The year was 2004. I had built up something of an online presence, with profiles on most of the personals sites out there - both as a guy, and as my girly alter-ego. That summer, two rather interesting women got in touch with me. Introducing Mistress Pink... ---------------------------- I had a profile on a well-known UK BDSM site. This...

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The Tale Of The Wizards Apples Revised

The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the inn. If he inched any closer to it, he'd probably set his motley on fire. He called out to the tapster for another mulled wine. "After you earn your keep you old trickster. Tell us a tale to gladden our faces and warm our frostbitten hearts." He bellowed back in return, followed by the murmur of much agreement by my fellow trapped passengers. I had been on my way home from the Christmas Court...

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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunnys Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

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The Lancers Tale The Ripening

The Lancer's Tale "The Ripening" By Ranbarth of Dusain Author's Note: Some readers may find parts of this story familiar. This is not ~d?j? vu~. ~The Lancer's Tale~ is actuality the rewrite of a public domain Victorian erotic novel from more than a hundred years ago, one that we have transposed to Overlord's Zhor. It has undergone a great deal of rewrite and we hope that the result gives it some merit as a new work of art in i...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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Seafarers tale

My name is Jack, better known to all and sundry as Jack the Rat, with another enthralling tale of my lusty adventures. I am a sea salt with years of experience of the high seas and the lowlifes that populate it. I have been at sea so long that when ashore I have problems walking a straight mile. Me dad was a second mate on board an old tramp steamer, and when me ma passed away, me dad took me into the service and left me brothers with an aunt in Bristol. Me aunt was a right river, and me...

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The Elbow Trick A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia

The Elbow Trick - A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia By Caleb Jones Jack and Francine were sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! They were in their favorite spot, inside the tree house her older brother had built when he was a little boy. They had been kissing since the fifth grade and they had just graduated the seventh. For all of those three years only the two of them knew they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and not just the good friends everyone else assumed they...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

2 years ago
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A twisted tale 8211 1

Why is uncle (mama) sleeping my mother’s (amma’s) bedroom? An introduction. Notes: this is purely a work of fiction. No person(s) depicted in this writing are based on any true known person(s). About the tale: “a twisted tale”, is account of 20 year old amitabhe learning about the secrets of his family. The tale is told as chapters, the focus is not graphical sexual content, the only the thing guaranteed is the originality of these accounts. These are extracts from the diaries of amitabhe. “it...

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A True TaleChapter 10

The old man and Mia entered the room and slowly got ready for bed. Naked they both climbed into the blankets and after adjusting their position with Mia backed to the old man’s front they drifted off to sleep. Mia enjoyed the strong arm draped over her with his huge hand covering her breast softly squeezing and rolling it in his hand. The next morning the old man told Mia he would be back in two days and left. Panicked, Mia told Lord Kronk that the old man had left stating he would return in...

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Eddies tale part1

I never knew my father. Mom had told me he died in a car accident but as I got older I believed her less and less. Whenever he was brought up she always changed the topic which was fine with me because I couldn't even remember him. And so it was growing up just me mom and my brother tom. My mom, Kathy, worked hard to support us. We weren't rich by any means but she did the best she could to make sure we never went without. The years had taken their toll on her but she was still beautiful....

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Almost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...

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The Tale of Leigh and Jo

The Tale of Leigh and Jo By Kelly Blake Edited and Proof Read by Andrea Lena DiMaggio and Alison Mary; artwork by the incorrigible Belle Meade Author's Note: This little tale would definitely not have been possible without the help of the above mentioned ladies and their staff. This tale is dedicated to all those who have 'little secrets' and unyielding families. "New Year's Day..." Mother, we always called her mother, and I were in the sun room. She wanted to...

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A Tale of Two Sissies

A Tale of Two Sissies By Sandy Brown This story is a tribute to Sandy Thomas. For those of us who came of age before the internet and sites like Fictionmania, Sandy Thomas books were a lifeline for us. I sat at a small table in the dimly lit bar, sitting directly across from one of the most beautiful looking middle-aged women I had ever seen. She passed my most demanding standard, which was, "Would I would love to look like her when I am her age?" Yes, I had instantly...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...

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A Tall Tale From The Badger

I 'spose all you johnny foreigners think we British don't talk about sex. 'Tisn't true y'know, well, not all the time like you lot. It's just one of those things put about by people that are jealous of us bein' English. Stereotypin', that's what it is. If you say things loud enough and long enough then people'll believe it. Y'know the Froggies are always sayin' that they have a monopoly on culture. Huh, don't know when they translated Shakespeare from the French! And like Germans...

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A tale to tell

A tale to tell A tale to tell My little slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.I sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.Awkward and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality about him that I...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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Mai Corns Tale

This is the tale of a witness to the events chronicled in the tale of Miss Pepperidge, parts one and two. It occurred in the world of Templeton College, so compellingly described by Charles Petersunn. This tale is told with the approval and support of author Petersunn. == == == == == == == == == == Mai Corn stumbled a little as she walked from her plain-sight hiding place to her room. She wasn’t drunk. Indeed, she hadn’t had anything to drink all evening. But she was excited, more excited...

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A sexy wife shares her exciting tale of infidelity with her loving cuckold

The last few weeks of the busy season had Dan working sixteen hour days, six days of the week. Even a few hours on Sunday. Just before eleven he had finally called it quits and made his way home. The house was quiet and empty. The text from Sylvia, his wife, at six- thirty said that she and some girl friends from work were going to check out ladies night at the recently refurbished club near the store where she worked. The lure of discounted cocktails and DJ orchestrated dance music always...

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An Enchanted Tale

Long long ago, in a sleepy little kingdom deep in the woods, a lone cloaked figure came riding slowly into the village. This quaint village sat at the base of a very big hill, at the top of which sat a large imposing castle, which in turn protected the village. The village was quiet and dark and the rider was curious as to why. It looked charming enough, but there was a sense of foreboding and dread that permeated the whole town. The figure rode slowly through town, stopping at a small market...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The tale of the big bad wulf

Just a translation of one of my stories."Daddy?""Yes, honey?""Daddy, I love you.""Yes, my dear, I know. Daddy loves you too. But now close your eyes and sleep.""Daddy?""What's up, dear?""Daddy, I can't sleep. Please, lay down next to me and tell me a story.""Hm, okay. What do you want to hear?""Just tell me the tale of the big bad wulf!""But Baby, then you won't sleep all night.""But please, daddy, pleeease!""Okay then. Once upon a time, there was a little girl, almost as cute as you. She...

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The Witch Hunters Tale

THE WITCH HUNTER'S TALE copyright 1998 by Scott K. Jamison The fire crackled merrily as the travelers finished their song. The Adventurer turned to the Witch Hunter, flashing his slightly maniacal grin. "It's your turn to tell a story tonight, my friend." The Witch Hunter set down the stake he'd been whittling. "I suppose it is, at that. Any requests?" "Something with sex in it!" called the Cat. The Maiden pouted. "Do you think of anything else? *Can* you...

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A Hunters Tale

A Hunter's Tale By Scrambler J Copyright July 2000 Hunter's Tale Chapter One My name is Mike Dayton. I'm a Hunter for the Guild, yesterday was my 39th birthday and I've been a Hunter for the last twenty-five years. I stand six foot five, two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle. I've got short blonde hair and light green eyes. What is a Hunter? Simple, we are those that stand between humans and the nightwalkers. No, I don't just mean Vamps, or vampires...

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Sam and Dennis A Tale From The Girls Locker Room Part I

Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...

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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties 3

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES #3 By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 4 I woke up the next morning, and I did not feel well. I took off my negligee and looked in the mirror. My body was red and swollen all over. It seemed that where more hair was removed, the redder that area was. My face was a bright red, and hurt the most. Thankfully the areas that were the least red were my back and my butt. So at least I could lie on my back and sit on my butt. I remembered that Debbie had...

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Saga 3 8211 Encouraging My Brother To Deflower 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, this is Sravya penning down my experience again in ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. Thanks everyone for the appreciations for the previous two fantasies. Both of them and this present one include a set of common people. So go through all for a better understanding. I’m providing the links above. 1....


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