Creating My Hot Wife_(0) free porn video

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As I start posting I realize there will likely be requests to explain a few things like who we are, where we came from, how we arrived here, and finally why I want to begin telling our story. Those details will gradually be embedded in everything I write while trying to be as close as possible to the actual experiences we've had over the past 24 years. I will be honest, giving you the highs and the lows of our alternative lifestyle. Although I believe we both have few regrets, this journey wasn't always easy...especially for me. I love what we learned but I'm not writing this trying to sell any aspect of our lifestyle. We've come to realize few couples can navigate all the shores we visited.

This will be a long story or most likely dozens of stories, a kind of documentary of sexual adventures between two educated and professional people, married nearly 44 years with a large happy family of kids and grand kids. Add to that, I was an ordained senior pastor for 12 of those early years and somewhat known with a local and international ministry... Until I resigned the stateside ministry to focus on my real passion, a blossoming ministry in the abroad. That decision to move, the ensuing six months of preparation, studying a foreign language, preparing our team, the funding and the last minute obstruction, led me to a place of an ongoing sabbatical from ministry and an inescapable life review. In its place was a progression of self generated business expressions and time for serious investigations into the one area I was most uncomfortable to teach or counsel... Sexuality. We approached this through the eyes of marriage counselors, often in an analytical way, marveling at how healthy broad inclusive sexuality can be compared to our prior prejudicial perspectives. What we learned on this journey became in many ways defined by "truth can be stranger than fiction."

We explored the Hot Wife thing first although back then I don't think that term had been invented yet. Open Marriage was the common term. It happened to be the predominant topic on a late night radio show we which we occasionally followed. At the time it was the highest rated late night show in America. The host was a very sexy woman with a sultry voice and she explored all things sexual with plenty of guest interviews. We often heard couples talking about how the husband prepped his wife before her "date..." A sexual date with her new guy driving up to the house and her husband giving a loving kiss as she left with full knowledge she was going to get her brains fucked out! What's more and inconceivably, the husband loved this weird arrangement. The stories were simply outrageous to both of us at the time. Unthinkably perverted... yet somehow intriguing. I'm sure some seeds were sown during those shows that would eventually sprout in the future.

Our Hot Wife experiences eventually led to years of swing club experiences which included starting and managing clubs and sex with hundreds of couples or singles. Those experiences opened the door to bisexuality, to teaching massage to countless couples first through swinging and then at group massage clubs we started. We even taught massage at national conventions to well over 200 people at the same time! That led to my wife working at our State's most upscale gentleman's club for nearly three years, one of our most valued experiences. Somewhere along the line we even dabbled with BDSM. During much of the time we explored polyamory relationships for both of us, which led to lecturing at notable national conventions about polyamory, which directly led us to living together in a MFM triad relationship. Finally, after all that we separated, each with different lovers for ten years. Believe it or not all of the above was done with minimal resentment or accusation. Our continual friendship allowed us to reunite later when we hit our 60's where we are now but with rich life experiences we would never have known if we had stayed together those ten years.

In the coming chapters I'll tell you exactly how it happened to us, a couple as conservative as they come. Christian. Republican. Right to Lifers. Rush Limbaugh listeners. A couple who once sincerely believed masterbation was wrong and oral sex was perversion sex. You will also learn what worked and didn't work in opening up new sexual ideas and desires with us both.

In telling this story my intent will not be to denigrate the established church. They arguably have some valid roles in our society. I will however expose what I now believe to be fraudulent aspects of the typical Christian dogma regarding an array of sexual expressions. I hope to help, maybe heal some of the pain caused by that dogma and its respondent guilt, and to free as many as I can to more fully embrace sexuality, enjoying eroticism as our Creator intended. To that end I view the last 24 years as a quest to discover and understand "Truth vs Indoctrinated Tradition." Glean from what we've learned...what you will.

Finally, I don't pretend to be a good erotic writer and I have some apprehension in taking on the criticism I know will be forthcoming from my lack of skill and chosen style. So try to be kind and patient. I'm not sure how much time this writing will take out of my busy schedule. I will post as often as possible. There's much to tell and much even after all these years to process. Maybe recounting and writing it down will help with that.

Chapter One

How It All Started

Have you ever been so deeply disturbed you couldn't speak? It happened to me back in February of 1994. So I went for a hour long soul searching and prayerful walk. My wife of 20 years, faithful years, joyful years, had just confessed that her 28 year old night supervisor, ten years her younger had been hitting on her every night...for weeks. I called her on it only because I began noticing new make up, new nails, new hair styling, new clothes and most telling, a new radiant glow. It was easy to see something had to be going on. The disturbing part... she was responding to the attention and obviously was attracted to him. I instinctively knew some line had been crossed in our marriage and everything from then on might be different.

Ashley was still a beautiful woman. She was a striking brunette, with long shoulder length wavy hair, matched with a killer smile, a soft radiant personality, a slim 130 lbs, medium tall at 5'8", and delightful C cup breasts with unbelievably large protruding I've rarely seen in another woman. When it comes to nipples, at least for me... Size matters!

Raising kids, building and maintaining "the nest" takes a toll on a young woman or a couple who wasn't appreciating the need to invest in themselves or in their marriage. Ashley got momish. She got frumpy. And our marriage was exhausted by the time our kids were starting to graduate and leave home. Let me be clear. We had a great family life. Ashley was pregnant at 19 and gave me four really wonderful children. She worked hard raising the family including homeschooling them for 9 years. All the kids were very smart and tops in their classes when they entered high school. They entered the public system so they could play sports and three of them became athletes worthy of scholarships.

As great as our family life was I never forgot...Ashley chose to be with me rather than travel the world. I loved her for all she gave up to be with me.

For years we were an exceptional team in counseling other marriages within and without our church. We are both empaths. We love people and are wired to serve others over ourselves. That became the problem. As good as our marriage was, rarely arguing, pretty good sex, and enjoying just being together no matter what we did... We were wearing out with the details of parenting and were quite surprised, maybe shocked, that all our sacrifice culminated when those kids started leaving us. We were becoming the typical empty nesters that suddenly realizes... "We are still young. What are we going to do with our lives now?" That led to Ash telling me, "I think it's time I find a job."

Ashley with her linguistic skills found employment at at the national offices of a large company that I will not name, but all of you would recognize it. Initially she started on the night shift 12-8. It was not ideal but it had its advantages... An eventual entrée into the lives of top management and the exciting roles they could offer. It also provided idle time, secluded areas, and perfect opportunities for a young handsome supervisor's seduction. I had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

There was much to contemplate on that long walk. On one hand I loved the changes I saw in Ashley. She was coming back alive and radiant again. Did I really want to loose that? I knew she loved me and if I asked her to, would quit the job. But where would that leave us? Most likely she would fall back into the same funk she was in before all this and in addition would have to deal with the loss of excitement and attention the job provided. I didn't want to put her or myself through that. On the other hand... This whole thing made me angry, intensely jealous, and insecure about what I still meant to Ash. I was in extreme mental torment and something I had never known in my 20 years with her.

Did I really want things to go back to where they were? No. Was there an alternative? Maybe, but not something that easy to imagine. My mind was racing and full of intense emotion. I was wrestling with the essence of infidelity. Only this time it wasn't some other couple. It was too close to home. It was us and I never thought that would happen. I was pretty sure they had not slept together...yet. But from my counseling perspective I knew the physical part usually happens well after the emotional part was already in place. Once someone tastes the deliciousness of a hot new attraction, a new potential lover, the excitement is similar to taking "crack" for the first time. It's a dopamine rush and it's really hard not going back for more. Yup. For me that infidelity line was already crossed and was probably crossed weeks ago. It pissed me off. It was a fucking real life dilemma.

Then it hit me and I made a huge leap in my thinking. What if I let her go with it? Really go with it. What if I let her fuck him, Alex. That would let her experience that fantasy and maybe blow it up with "reality." What's the saying... "The only way to really deal with a temptation is to give into it!" There's really some truth to that notion. The very moment I locked on to that thought I experienced a strange body shock, an erotic shock, an instantaneous raging hard on shock. The mere thought of letting Ash fuck someone else had never seriously occurred to me. I mean what husband ever considers that? Certainly not some husband that loves and adores his wife as much as I did. Even still, it seemed so hot in an outrageous way and at the same time made me so angry/jealous. It was the most intense mind fuck I had ever experienced. After the hour walk I knew there was really only one choice...because I still had that "hard on."

When I got back Ashley was home alone in the bedroom cleaning. I said, "Darling we need to talk. Come over and lay down with me."

She did and soon we were making out, clothes were coming off, and she was stroking that hard on while I was playing with her clit while sucking on those luscious nipples. We were both getting close. Both hotter than we normally were together when I slowed down and said, "I want to discuss this Alex thing before we cum. If we cum I don't think I can tell you this." She stopped and turned to me with a very apprehensive face. I decided to continue playing with her clit while saying... "I can't ask you to quit. I know you love your job. I know you love the attention Alex is giving you."

"Jim...I'll quit! I don't want this to come between us. It's not that important."

"I know that Ash. Neither do I," I replied. "But if you quit what then? Go back to where you were? Semi depressed? And then have to deal with the loss of everything you now enjoy? No Ash there is another way. Let's just go with this. Play it out. Enjoy the excitement and attention Alex is giving you. It will be hot as hell and we can share that together. Look at yourself. You're all turned on and hotter than you've been in years. That's because Alex is making you feel desirable again. I can't do that for you the way he can. I really can't and you know that is true if you are being honest with both of us."

With a voice that had some panic in it, Ash said, "Jim, I don't need that. I'll quit next week!"

"Ash... I don't want you to quit. I like the new woman I see in you. I don't want to loose that. Please. I want you to go forward with this. Enjoy it. I want you to fuck him."

"You've got to be kidding! I would never do that! How can you even say that Jim? You're the only man I've ever known. I'm NOT fucking him! I'll NEVER fuck him!"

So there is was. Everything out in the open. Total resistance to my permission and the proposal might have died right there except for one thing. I was still massaging her clit and I knew her well enough to know she was close to cumming. That meant this was hot for her. That meant the idea of fucking Alex was down deep pretty erotic. So I said...

"Ash just consider how hot we are together right now. How many years has it been since we've felt this way? Do you want to loose that? We can take it slow. Give it some time and see if you want to accept some his advances... slowly, and only if it feels right to both if us. I have one rule. You have to tell me about it every time something happens. Every detail. That way nothing happens that we don't share together. No secrets because we will live it all together...Step by step. Look at me Ash. I'm as hard as a rock. Doesn't that tell ya how damn intense this is for me just considering what you are going to experience? Ash, has he kissed you yet? Let him. I know you'll enjoy it."

Maybe she had. I'm not certain but that is when I really knew what she was thinking. Ashley started quivering, cumming harder than I had seen in years, if ever. It made me cum too and she wasn't even touching me. A type of spontaneous eruption I had never experienced.

Now what 41 year old guy, married 20 years to the same woman ever gets to experience that? That's teenage sex! When it was over we just hugged and Ashley started sobbing. Things had changed and were going to change much more... and we both knew it.

Chapter Two

The Transformation

If there is one thing I've learned from those early experiences with Ash it is this. Never ever ever attempt to suggest, prompt, encourage, inquire or discuss new sexual ideas or plans while in the left brain mode, the problem solving mode. Always, and my friend I mean always, talk sex when she feels sexy.

Ideally talk sex when in bed and after she is in a excited erotic state. That means you should be on her clit with your hand or mouth, bringing her close but not allowing an orgasm. Edging her. Lots of ideas will seem good at that time as opposed to the logical mind or the post climax type of thinking. It would seem that this strategy is just common sense but I can't tell you how many times I've counseled guys that continually make the mistake of bringing things up over coffee, or in what they think is a perfect time... On a romantic night in a public restaurant where she will normally be nervous as hell that others might be eavesdropping. That's extreme left brain territory! Those same guys usually think they somehow just got the words wrong and want me to then give them a magic script that will convince their wives to go to some club or have a threesome or a variety of other sexual new steps.

After a lifetime of varied sexual experiences, eroticism is still a mystery to me. Sure, I know it's got a lot to do with brain chemistry. But it's more than that. Eroticism is entirely right brain, and full of imagination, creativity, hope and possibilities. Getting on an erotic high and riding it like a wave is very similar to using a drug to change your life. Except it's natural and it's safe. It also turns your black and white world to color. That's why some of our most creative people, our artisans, writers, musicians, all have used a protracted sexual high to launch them into right brain activity ending their type of left brain "writer's block." It's been my quest to understand that phenomena... To get on erotic highs, deny orgasms, and ride thise waves to accomplish more and create more with my right brain. That my friend is rarified air. That is the essence of a wonderful life. Cumming on the other hand needs to be strategically planned otherwise it will just ruin it all and causing you crash your plane back down to earth!

Ashley and I talked excessively over the next six months. We spent many hours in that erotic buzzed zone. That's where I discovered the power of edging to erase resistance lodged in the left brain. That's where we discovered our cultural indoctrination exists and where our "gross out limits" exist. Here's the thing about gross out limits... They are malleable. One day oral sex may seem gross. The next day you discover it's hot as hell. There are a myriad of "sexual limits" just like that. Looking back, it's amazing to see how many of those lines Ash and I crossed. Each time it was like opening a brand new room full of fun and oral sex and swallowing cum. Ash got so she loved it. Loved the power surge she felt when she caused a guy to climax in her mouth. "It's so up close and personal. It's feeling how much power I have over the guy at that moment!" she would tell me. One of the hottest scenes I've ever watched was her giving 12 professional guys blow jobs, one right after another, all lined up on high stools while a crowd watched. Hot as hell for her and one of the most beautiful things I've ever watched. There was a day when that would've been unthinkably gross, perverted and offensive to both of us.

Our favorite time to edge was in bed 9-11 pm just before she went to work at mid nite. Those times were full of anticipation. Sweet anticipation. I loved feeling her eroticism. She would kind of vibrate or shiver...and bit by bit was being transformed into a woman that loved the thrill of sexual imagination. How many wives, married twenty years or not, ever experience such intense fantasy exploration with their husbands? It was an adventure we shared that could not be duplicated with any other activity. Any other activity! We stopped going to movies and a variety of other forms of entertainment because we discovered a form of sex that trumped everything!

I'm searching for words to describe how hot it was to build the anticipation for being with Alex all night. We would imagine what might happen when they took breaks together or spend lunch hours together. When would they first kiss? What would that be like? When would he unbutton her blouse? What would he think when he saw those monstrous nipples? What kind of bra should she be wearing? What kind of panties? If any? Or especially how should her pussy be groomed?

Grooming. I came to spend dozens of hours tweezing her stunning vagina. Plucking was so much better than shaving. No stubble. It was like sculpturing a master piece leaving the most inviting "landing strip" above her clit but smooth everywhere else. It never was painful to Ash. In fact I think it was hypnotic. This was me prepping her to show off her most private area to another goddamn guy! That was anticipation in spades! I was so proud of her pussy and got so I wanted to show it off to the whole fucking world. (That's a future chapter!) Not all vaginas are beautiful to me. I've "done my research" and have seen several hundred "up close and personal." Ash may have the prettiest one I've ever seen. Its stunning. It's perfect. Like a flower.

The Alex affair didn't progress to sex very rapidly. For the first month nothing much happened other than Alex realizing this amazingly beautiful woman truly wanted his attention. He was shy and cautious and slowly got more bold and confident only when he started to really believe he was welcome to proceed without sexual harassment charges being an issue. Alex was a talented energetic charismatic kinda guy. Handsome, in shape, worked out, huge cock, and alone in a beautiful home with a gorgeous enclosed pool area. Yea, your basic jealous husband's fucking nightmare. It was obvious he was going to climb that corporate ladder rather quickly. Ashley was to him an unexpected, dangerous yet totally irresistible distraction...and a prize he ultimately coveted.

Ashley's desk was isolated so Alex could drop by anytime unnoticed. Within a few weeks he was with her as much as possible. The attention he gave was clearly seductive to Ash. I mean what woman wouldn't find it exciting to have a young handsome talented guy starting to idolize her? She talked about this all the time, acting incredulous that this could actually be happening to her. While in bed together and playing with her pussy Ash became a new woman, free, uninhibited, and more self actualized.

I remember the night when she confided they had their first kiss. It was fucking hot hearing her describe it. She was nervous telling me, almost trembling as she described crossing that line. "I'm a married woman! I've got a husband and four kids! I shouldn't be doing this! But I couldn't stop. It made me hotter than I've been in years!" She told me as she quivered. Right before my eyes Ash was being transformed into a woman that loved the thrill of eroticism. We had great sex that night. I fucked her living brains out and she came multiple times. That experience kinda changed things... Alex had kissed her. She enjoyed it. She told me about it. I didn't get mad. Instead we had some of the best sex we have ever had. I could feel it was kind of a mile stone for Ash who was still finding it difficult to believe playing around with Alex was not going to blow up in her face, alienate me and ruin our family.

Well that kiss led to many more kisses. Slowly progressing to regular longer kisses. More lingering kisses. Each time, Ash would tell me about it. Where they did it. How they avoided getting caught. When they did it and how it made her feel... Dangerous, illegal, outrageous, naughty, and erotically quivering. It continued to escalate until one night they got carried away and it turned into long long protracted French kissing, tongues down each other's throat type of thing. Ash told me about that with a distant look in her eye, high as a kite sexually, obviously reliving the experience. It was the first time I felt she was really "with him" while we were in bed together. I had little knowledge on how I should process all that but I can tell you with certainty, that moment became the new hottest sexual sensation I had ever experienced. Ashley was becoming his, in some ways completely his sexually, my worst fear, yet unbelievably and indescribably erotic for me. There was a duality going on inside me. Simultaneously I wanted to kill him and yet I wanted her to fuck him so badly it started to make me ache. Now why was that? I adored Ash in more ways than any husband I've ever counseled. Why did I now want her to fuck a younger more handsome man? It was a dangerous thing to desire this so badly. Why? Why? Why? I didn't understand it back then. I only knew it was now the pinnacle of eroticism for both of us and sharing that together was a singular experience we didn't previously know existed. Few couples ever go there without lawyers eventually getting involved.

Well from that point on things started moving faster. Soon she was coming home describing the first time "another guy" unbuttoned her blouse and felt her up through her bra and how glad she was that she had worn her favorite, one we had picked out at Fredrick's. I can't describe it the way she did, almost panting. Yup. We had crossed another line.

Surprising Alex backed off for awhile. I think it scared him. Maybe he felt he had put his career in jeopardy. I don't know. But within a week or so it happened again only this time he slid the bra down revealing those incredible breasts and massive nipples. Ash described how he gasped and the look on his face. And she LOVED it. Ash came back telling me all about it in bed the next night. "Do you realize no man has ever seen my tits but you? No one has ever touched them or stroked them or held them so tenderly or playfully pinched and sucked on my nipples. Only you... and now Alex. I think he enjoys them as much as you do, maybe more! I now have TWO men who adore me. TWO! Oh my gawd how did this ever happen? You should have seen his face. He was mesmerized. Are you sure you are ok with this? Jim, I don't think I can stop this!"

Yea mesmerized just like I was twenty years ago. I knew at that time Ashley was addicted to his attention. I could see the change in her. We rarely talked about us any more. It was now only about them and strangely I loved it. I wanted more. I wanted it to progress to sex so badly. It was time to step it up.

Soon after the breast play became quite a regular thing, Ashley told me she wanted to take Alex to church after work Saturday night. She said she was having plenty of discussions about God and since we were going as a family to the hippest church in the city, (about 7000 people, 7 services and superb music) she said she would take him to the 9:30 service and be there when I brought the kids at the 11:00. I said sure. Thought that might work without raising too much suspicion. Except this. She never showed. I took the kids home afterwards trying to explain her absence, expecting to find her there. She wasn't. That posed another problem because we always took the kids to a Sunday meal with our relatives, and my parents would be there. It left me in a very uncomfortable spot trying to find ways to explain to everyone why Ashley wasn't with us.

Afterwards, when she never showed at the dinner, I was more than worried. I was livid. We had cell phones in '94. Big clunky cell phones but her's just went to voice mail. Worse yet I had no idea where I should go to even start looking for her and as the afternoon slipped away panic mixed with anger started to set in. This was anything but erotic. What had I done? Have I lost her? Is she in trouble? Will she even come home? How could I ever go on without her... Little did I know. This was only the beginning.


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Creating the New You Salon Part Two

Creating The New You Salon By Shayla Elizabeth Part Two - The Explanation As Sasha dried my long mane of spiral curls the curl just kept getting tighter and tighter. 'My god,' I thought, 'how am I going to deal with this much hair?' After Sasha completed drying my hair it did appeared to have shorten by six or seven inches, even my bangs were now just at eye level. "Just as I planned the length to be," Sasha gloated. "Boy I feel sorry for you, Troy, I, I mean Shayla. I sure...

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Creating Crystal

Creating Crystal I Jennifer and I met when we were both in college. She was in the pre-med program specializing in Psychology and I was studying finance. We just seemed to be made for each other. We had the same likes and dislikes in everything from friends and food to ideology and lifestyles. We both enjoyed the outdoors and were kind of fitness nuts. We were married shortly after I graduated and had landed a job in investment banking. Jennifer still had three more years of school...

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Creating A Monster

Veronica?s dominance of me really took off the day I brought home a locking cock cage CREATING A MONSTER2006I wait on my knees, with the steel chastity tube locked between my legs, for Bootsie?s return. ?How will she come back? Freshly fucked or with semen residue on her glossed lips? Have I made a mistake by relinquishing all control of my marriage?2003?Oh Silas, honey. That?s the cutest thing I?ve ever seen!? Bootsie?s enthusiasm was bubbly as she locked the cage of the chastity belt...

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Creating My Hot Wife 5

Over the first few years of a pretty intense swinging lifestyle, I have often heard Ashley come out of a bedroom experience and tell me... "If that was all I knew sex to be as a married woman, I wouldn't like sex either. That guy thought he was some kind of stud but really was terrible...and worse yet had no clue!" "Well I trust you taught him a thing or two darling." I would typically reply with a Cheshire smile. "Hell yea! Half way through I took over and showed him how a woman...

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Cersei the Photo Shoot HOTWIFE

You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...

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Creating Mr Wrong

Creating Mr. Wrong by 2nn Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and go elsewherenow! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexuality offends you,please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story is a work ofFICTION; nothing more. Chapter 1: Meeting Mr. Right Paul turned off his special PC, slipped on his comfortable loafers andstood up. He said goodbye to the others and walked out. He didn't waveor salute and he used his foot to gently nudge the door open. Pauldidn't...

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Slingshot Billpart two

The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an’ everything else so there wuzn’t much left except the buildings, a corral an’ fences. Of the buildings there wuz the ranch house, a barn and a bunk house where the hired help stayed. There wuzn’t no hired help left an’ that wuz fine with me. I intended to use that building as sleeping quarters for the children while we gradually built on the main...

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Slingshot Billpart two

Introduction: Bill Tinker relates how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. I was telling y’all about moving close to Austin an’ getting another wife but I wuzn’t gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y’all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself.The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now...

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Slingshot BillChapter 1

My name's Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I'm tellin' you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It's a good thing too or we'd most likely starve to death. I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin' civilized tryin' to scratch out a livin'. My pa failed in everything he tried includin' farmin' an' ranchin' but him an' ma wuz never...

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Choto Temple Ch 02

Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...

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Spicy photo shoot from a novice photographer

On the eighteenth anniversary of the son of my best friend, Oksana, I decided to give him a really worthy gift of this event. I knew he wanted to be a photographer and become famous for his work, but he didn't have a good camera. I bought a good professional camera for him. Let it was quite expensive, but I really wanted to pamper Andrew.Andrew was quite a nice sociable young man, of medium height, but without the impressive muscles. In General, he made a good impression, but as a man I never...

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My photogenic wife

I’ve always been a keen photographer and I dearly wanted to take pictures of my wife in the nude as she has a really fantastic figure, but alas she’s always refused. An old friend of mine came to stay with us for a fortnight and Ratna seemed to take quite a shine to him. Two days before he was due to leave us he brought home a present for Ratna. It was a very see-through nightie in black silk. She was thrilled with her present and jokingly I suggested that she put it on and model it for us,...

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Hot Sexy Naughty Pregnant Photoshoot

I’m gonna share something personal today that is a major part of our lives. Me and Birgit haven’t shared an important news with you – we’re going to be parents. Yes, Birgit is pregnant since the first night in Ibiza. Weird, isn’t it? For many conservative people we might now seem officially the crazy ones, but it is our life and neither one of us see any problem with pregnancy and our common interest. Maybe you know that many pregnant women tend to be sexually more eager than usually.Like every...

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1st And Last Time My Chotu In A Pussy

Hello guys & gals, this is the 1st time I’ve seen a website like this where we can share our real life sex stories. I was browsing through porn sites yesterday (2nd Feb’15) and somehow reached this site, I was surprised and amazed with the stories,” THANK YOU; not sure how to ISS” and hope all the stories are real life. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. I’ve stories from my childhood, even before the sperm production has...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 14

For the rest of the week Betty and Midge continued with their 'job' of grooming Mr. Lodge's dogs. This left poor Cricket alone for most of these days. By Tuesday she got extremely bored and decided not to wait for the weekend before getting together with Pop's. She could be found every afternoon at the 'Chok'lit Shoppe' at the counter talking with Pop Tates. Every now and then they would disappear for fifteen, twenty minutes. And they would always use the same excuse, Pop's needed...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 10

After telling her parents the good news about the job, she returned to her private phone and gave a call to Midge's about it. Rrrrrinng! Rrrrrinng! "Hello?" "Hello Mrs. Klump. This is Betty Cooper. Is Midge there?" Betty answered. "Why hello Betty," Mrs. Klump responded. "Hang on I'll get her." "Hi Bets! What's going on?" Midge asked. "You won't believe this, but Mr. Lodge just offered you and me a summer job for eight hundred a week," Betty said cheerfully. "No...

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Hot bhabhi gangbanged during a photoshoot

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics, which you can read . Savita was dressed in a sexy saree that would grab any man’s attention. Ashok and Savita were invited by Bharat and other board members she sucked off yesterday. They made an offer that Savita could not resist. They were ready to publish a magazine for women like Savita who were into business. They wanted to do a photoshoot with Savita at her restaurant. This would boost the fame of her revenue, and she will be...

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22yo Bottom Get Plowed in the Hottub

Last Friday Kip and I had an awesome day snowboarding (blue skies no wind, although we could do with a little more snow). After riding until four o’clock, we rode down the run called Four O’Clock here at Breckenridge then we jumped on one of the local buses and went down to one of the local breweries for a beer. While sitting at the bar I checked some emails and Kip checked the online gay hookup app Grindr and saw that we had a message. Kip showed me the message and the photo of the very cute...

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Hottub Foursome

Last night (Friday night and St. Paddy’s day) Kip and I had a big night. No snow here and Spring Break crowds so we didn’t expect to be snowboarding early on Saturday morning. Some guys we know from Denver were up so it was 4 gay guys hitting the town!!! Kip’s sister was spending the weekend down in Fort Collins or Boulder or somewhere so we had the house to ourselves. 4 gay guys (Kip and I consider ourselves bi), pretty much unlimited speedo supply, a little bit of booze and a hottub – what...

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Creating My Hot Wife 132

I want you to take it out. Yes...out. Right now. I don’t care what size it is. All cocks are fun. I’ve never gotten tired of them even though I’ve played with more than you would believe. Get some lube and start stroking because I’m doing this story totally naked while playing with myself. Really. Not a stitch on with double towels underneath my bum. I am sure I’m going to cum many times while writing this...and these towels are going to be soaked. Hey! Don’t look at my face or my pussy....

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Creating My Hot Wife 15

Scott was/is a lawyer and a very good lawyer. When I needed something done, Scott always had the answers and our professional involvement soon blossomed into an unusual friendship. It was unique in that...”who ever gets a standing invitation to spend the night at his lawyer’s home anytime you’re in town?” Well... their beautiful guest bedroom with its private bath, mini kitchenette, walk-in closet and keyed exit to their lavish screened pool and spa area became my home away from home. I loved...

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A snapshot of novel My secret wife

The end… or almostOf course, dear reader, now you know how it ends, just like Don… who alone, at home knows that his wife is in the motel room with another man. He certainly imagines how things will turn out. ….however…If you like breathtaking descriptions, if you love to detect the most violent emotions of the characters, discover the most sinful abominable actions that will take place in that room… Then continue reading, and you will know what Ophelia is able to bare, between pain and...

2 years ago
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Creating New Life

I Have An Impregnation Fetish : Creating New LifeImpregnation sex is a totally different from normal sex. It's a sacred act of two loving, passionate people joining their bodies together to create a c***d.It's giving our bodies in the hands of nature and without any resistance or pressure - totally going with the flow of love. Opening our bodies and inviting each other to experience the deepest connection possible between humans: male and female.I thinking more and more often about finding...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 2

In Betty's dream state, she was dreaming some very erotic thoughts of what Archie would do to her, if he ever escaped Veronica's grasp. ((Archie was kissing Betty deeply, tearing off her T-shirt, tossing her to the ground and pulling her skirt and panties right off her willing body.)) While her dreaming went on, her hand slowly slipped back down to her blonde pussy hair and unconsciously started stroking herself in her sleep. ((Dropping to his knees, Archie now had an open access to her...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 3

This whole situation was surreal to Betty. She had never even considered having sex with a boy much less a dog. Earlier today, she would never had even imagined herself doing something this degrading and enjoying it to boot. The more of his prick she was sucking down, the more she was enjoying the experience. She pulled her mouth back, until only the tip remained. Since she was new at this, never having sucked anything before. She decided to experiment a bit. So she started flicking her...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 7

Back at the pond, Betty and Midge were still recuperating from their love making. The experience had exhausted them both. Under the warmth of the rays of the Sun, their bodies were now completely dried off. Betty was debating whether to get dressed and head back home or not when she turned to look over at Midge. She was watching her, there on her back, with her chest heaving with each breath that she took. This was a mistake on Betty's part. Seeing Midge's naked body started her juices...

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Jens Hottub Dream

Jen was relaxing in the hottub wearing her favorite red lacey bikini when all of a sudden Jake, her neighbor and long time interest jumped in beside her.Jen was surprised to say the least, especially since she had never spoken to Jake except for the occasional awkward "Hi" when passing on the street. She had taken an extreme notice in him since she first laid eyes on his tall, muscled body. She loved the way his eyes and his hair had the same deep brown color, and how, try as he may, he could...

Straight Sex
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Choto Temple Ch 14

Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...

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Choto Temple Ch 10

The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...

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Creating My Hot Wife 2

Who I Am and How We Met Up until this point I've said little about myself. Here's a brief personality bio. My German grandparents on both sides homesteaded their land just miles from each other. I had two of the best parents anyone could have. My entire family is pretty brilliant. I was the last child, the baby of the family. I grew up fast, huge for my age. Got my first guns, a .22 and 16 ga on Christmas and hunted by myself from that point on. Grew up on a very cool fruit farm. Had...

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Creating A Hellion

Creating A Hellion Elizabeth Parris Lonnie wasn't going to allow herself to go down the hopeless dead-end path that her mother and aunt had been forced to follow. They weren't forced she thought to herself. They were both smart, but they just couldn't imagine another life. Well, once every now and again Aunt Chloe talked about getting' out of here, but Ma always told her to shush up less she wanted trouble. That ain't going to happen to me. Gonna go down to the recruiter in the...

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Creating My Hot Wife 8

You might want to go back to CMHW 5 and read about Kevin's training and what he was primarily tasked with as a Seal. Once you understand how dangerous Kevin really was you might appreciate his answer when I posed these questions... "How can you stand seeing someone actually fuck Katie while you are in the room watching? I understand those fantasies really well. Ash and I do that all the time. But watching it happen in real time? Watching some schmuck aggressively take her, then his cum...

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Slingshot BillChapter 2

I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself. The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much...

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Creating My Hot Wife 11

------------- Sharon is very bright. Mensa bright. Her persuasiveness is only outmatched by her persistence. That meant she and I were going to have many bizarre conversations... similar to this one. “Jim, you and Ash have to come to our club. She's going to love it and I bet you’ll be surprised how we are affecting people there. You’ve been counselors. You, of all people, should understand how masturbation sets our sexual identity and inhibitions. And yet you won't even come check it...

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Hottest Roleplay With My Sex Slave Wife

Hi friends, I am back with another story of me, my wife and one of our hottest roleplay. After returning from our honeymoon from the Maldives, we became more close. Every night in the bed, we used to discuss my wife’s hardcore sex session with two big black cocks and how she turned wild on the bed. My wife made fun saying that my cock was not as big as a ‘black meat’. However, my wife was changed after that incident and she used to fuck me like a slutty pornstar. After a month, one night,...

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Creating My Hot Wife 91

"It is never too late to give up your prejudices. No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. What everyone echoes, or in silence passes by as true today, may turn out to be falsehood tomorrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields." It has been our quest in all our sexual adventures to prove "what is true and what is mere tradition." Hence, our chosen moniker "Truth vs...

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Creating My Hot Wife 60

I've been asked dozens of times by close friends, usually after a few drinks... "What is it really like being able to be with so many women?" Or... "How can you stand seeing Ash fuck so many men without wanting to kill them!?! First of all... There is a huge difference between the fantasy of having so many partners and the reality. Fantasies are great. They bring a special type of eroticism into your life. But in the reality of my experience with swinging sex, I've found it to be...

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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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My hotwife lost a bet

After watching Sunday Night Football and being fucked by Kenny, her 8.5" Big Black Cock fuckbuddy. My wife made a bet on the AFC Championship with Kenny. If she won the prize was $1000 CASH but if he won she would dress in a French maid outfit and serve his friends drinks during his SuperBowl party.My hotwife lost the bet and spent the afternoon of the SuperBowl getting a manicure and pedicure then came home undressed, laid naked on our bed so I could shave her completely bald. While showering...

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Creating My Hot Wife 100

Blame it on the internet. Not only has free access to videos stirred up interest, it has sexually educated men, and then given them an easy network within nearly every city in almost every country. There are millions of men worldwide playing with each other that never would have dreamed they would be doing so a few years back. Most of these guys do not consider themselves gay. I'm not even sure they accept the word bisexual. They just like getting their cock sucked sometimes and many like...

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Creating My Hot Wife 3

The Tables Turn and God Bless the Nude Beaches Ashley loves beaches and really loves nude beaches. No one was more surprised to find that out than me. We were married twenty years before I discovered that. You gotta understand. This was a mother of four, intensely Christian and conservative in most every way of thinking...except secretly loving nudity! I would've never guessed it. The subject never came up and I didn't have to talk her into going to "that beach" nor did I even suggest...

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Erotic Photographer and My Wife

Jane and I had often had silly conversations that despite being married 5 years, when we had sex it was more like fucking from a porno. She was usually loud and yelling out lots of graphic lines, while I was almost posing as I slid my cock in her and having her move into awkward positions so I could fill her from all angles.We had taken a bunch of photos of us together. Many with of graphic close-ups; my cock in full frame about to enter her, her lips wrapped around my cock, and the cumshot on...

Wife Lovers
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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

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