Le Journal de Thomas
- 3 years ago
- 42
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Author’s note: My uncle Ron died recently. While sifting through his files, I found journal folders marked MY STORY, writings about his life. I have edited these accounts and will post them when I can. These stories include bisexuality, incest, interracial and mature and group sex, etc. All sexual activity depicted here involves persons at least 18 years old.
This is pretty much a standalone story, but I highly recommend that you read all previous chapters anyway.
******************** 5A: On The Road — Colorado to almost fucking Canada, 1968
Fuzzy blonde Lucinda curled into my right side, her sleek thigh moving over mine. I stroked her butt.
‘Damn Ron, you sure feel good here. I’ve been getting used to you.’
Fluffy brunette Sally curled tightly into my left side, in similar but mirrored position and action.
‘Lucinda girl, you sure you want to let this guy go? He’s pretty good.’
I rubbed their sides, from butts to shoulders, but I especially concentrated on those fine butts.
‘You know what’ll happen if I stay. I’ll have to get a job. Yikes.’
They both slapped me, but not too hard. Ah, I knew their ticklish spots. Payback was sweet, very sweet.
My stay with Lucinda and her friend and neighbor Sally in that small eastern Colorado ranch town was splendid and sexy but quite short-term. I was a tall kid, free and legal, on the road, with no plans other than to see the world, and no destination except that written on my hitchhiking sign: FURTHUR.
My possessions were simple: A guitar in a vinyl sack. A rucksack for all the other necessities. Basic camp gear: mess kit, canteen, wool blanket, nylon sleeping bag and string hammock, ropes and tarp for shelter. Clothes: jeans, cutoffs, tees, briefs, size 16 socks and sneakers, flannel shirt, sweater, jacket, rain poncho. Tools and toys: repair and sewing kits, soap, compass, harmonicas, notebook, pocket radio, books, flashlight. Cheap dried foods. And all the maps I could handle.
The guitar made me a ‘wandering minstrel’. I sang for rides, sang for my meals and drinks, and sang my way into a few beds. The harmonicas helped too, I could make music while scrunched into tiny spaces.
Some of those tiny spaces were pretty hard on my thin 6’5′ body. Imagine sharing the back seat of a VW bug with another person, both with packs or rucksacks in our laps, and my bagged guitar shoved in there too. Tortures of the damned, I tell ya! Made me wanna blow a mean lowdown wail on my blues harp, the Squashed-In-A-Bug Blues.
From Lucinda and Sally’s town, I thumbed northward along ‘blue highways,’ through flat ranchlands and eroded badlands. Most of the rides were short, with truckers and ranchers and workers, and some lonely wives and curious young women.
A farmer gave me a ride in the back of his pickup and dropped me at the outskirts of a high-prairie town late one day. I went into a nearby Mexican eatery and ordered a couple tacos and a cup of water. Marcella the cute waitress asked about my guitar and my travels. Pablo the owner asked if I could play for a while.
I sat on a high stool by the counter, and played, and sang. Customers stayed, listened, and consumed. Every half-hour, a fresh beer appeared by my elbow. I sipped and sang and played until night deepened.
‘Pablo, Marcella, it’s been great, and thanks for the beer, but I should go now. It’s pretty dark out. I need to find someplace to camp for the night.’
‘Camp out? Oh no, hijo, you’re not gonna camp out, no way. We have a cot in the back room. You can sleep here. Just stay put and sing some more, ?si? Marcella, bring this boy another beer.’
I played until closing time. Pablo’s chubby wife Frida shut down the kitchen. Frida’s cousin Marcella brought me a full dinner and a pitcher of beer and a kiss on the cheek. She sat next to me, and munched an enchilada, and chatted about life and fate, while Pablo and Frida’s teenage son Jaime swept and cleaned, and their little daughter Katrina harvested the tables of salt, pepper and sugar shakers for refilling.
Marcella bussed my dinner remains. Katrina solemnly squeaked that I should follow her. I hoisted my guitar and rucksack to a small room with a single bed, table, and chair. She pointed out a shower stall and told me to help myself, then scampered away. I shaved, all except my wide moustache, and fell into the shower.
I pissed on my feet (to prevent athelete’s foot, right?) and shampooed my long slick black hair. I felt a breeze, then a hand on my shoulder. My eyes were full of suds. I felt, not saw, Marcella slide against me, her fine strong tan twenty-five-year-old stretched-hourglass body fitting just into my arms. I rinsed my hair and eyes and saw her quite clearly, her sharp dark eyes, high cheekbones, perfect nose, full lips. Her lips traced a path along my collarbone.
‘Ron, you are a nice guy and a good guitarist and a funny singer. You look pretty damn good too. Are you lonely tonight?’
‘Not any more, my beautiful Marcella,’ I said, leaning my mouth into hers.
I worked shampoo into her thick black hair and erotically massaged her scalp. She soaped my arms and chest and butt, and I did the same for her. I got her tasty chest very clean. We washed each other’s crotches thoroughly, and then moved down to legs and feet and back up again to groins. Our tongues traded slobber.
Drying each other took some time, what with all the slurping and sucking and fondling. Getting to sleep took quite a while too, what with all the slurping and sucking and fondling and fucking and crushing each other. Eventually, we snored. The best cure for snoring is a tongue stuffed into the offending mouth. Yum.
Some hideous demon clanged a hellacious loud bell right outside the door some time before dawn.
‘Ron, I have to go now, to help set up for breakfast. You can sleep as long as you need to, no problem.’
We sucked face for a few minutes. Marcella finally slipped out of bed, slipped on a red robe, and slipped through the door. I slipped back into slumberland. I escaped the realm of dreams a couple hours later.
I emerged in fresh clothes, toting my guitar and rucksack and the FURTHUR sign. Marcella shoved me into a chair and brought me a full breakfast with about a quart of the strongest sweetest coffee+cocoa mocha I have ever tasted. I started to protest the largesse. Pablo interrupted me.
‘Hijo, you were good for business last night. I sold lotsa beer and anojitos (snacks). Think of the food as a sales commission. And you made us all feel good.’ Pablo glanced at Marcella with smiling eyes. ‘You ever come this way again, you be sure to stop in. Mi casa es su casa, no shit, boy.’
Everyone hugged me adios except Jaime, who studiously concentrated on chopping vegetables. Frida came from the kitchen wiping her hands. She grabbed my cheeks and smooched me on the nose. Katrina hugged my knees from behind, bit my butt, and ran off laughing. Pablo gave me a manly abrazo. Marcella held my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Our eyes locked, and glistened. No tears! I grabbed my gear and left.
A dusty Studebaker sedan stopped for me. The driver was an older man in a threadbare black suit. I did not even have to see the bibles and tracts in the back seat — his whole aura screamed out, PREACHER!
He asked me if I was saved. I did not really feel up to a religious debate. I told him about my experience a couple years before, when my grandmother sent me to Oral Roberts University for a summer session.
‘Oral Roberts!’ It was almost a curse, coming from his frothy lips. ‘That charlatan! That spawn of Satan!’
He ranted about Oral’s sinful nature for the rest of the ride. Whew, I slipped by that one!
Please save me from the saved, OK?
Another late-late afternoon, a friendly (but not kissable) ranch wife in a pickup dropped me at a roadside rest somewhere beyond the N
orth Platte River, historically ‘a mile wide and an inch deep’ but now somewhat tamed. The truck radio predicted thunderstorms with heavy rain all night.
The rest stop was a little way off the highway. It had a restroom and running water, and picnic tables and a small BBQ grill sheltered under a wide steel roof. A nearby mostly-dry stream was lined with sparse shrubs and mesquite. I collected a pile of dry branches and kindling.
Dark clouds swept overhead. The sky turned almost black, two hours till sunset. A wind rose, much cooler than the hot still air of daytime. I saw a rainsquall sweep in from the north. Lightning crashed nearby. I was damn fucking glad I was under shelter, not standing out on a barren roadside hoping for a ride.
I changed from my cutoffs into jeans and a long-sleeve flannel shirt. I built a fire in the grill to boil water for cocoa. Rain and hail pounded down on the steel roof. Fuck, that’s loud! I almost didn’t hear the two motorbikes roar into the rest area until they rolled under the steel shelter.
Two lightly clad girls climbed off one bike, and one girl hopped off the other. All three girls wore shorts and light sweatshirts with school logos. All three were soaked and shivering. None wore helmets.
(Remember, this is 1968, back before there were laws for wimpy safety items like mandatory helmets. At least the drivers wore minimal gloves, and goggles to keep their eyes from filling with bugs.)
The passenger of the two-girl bike took control. She was tall and lithe, with shoulder-length brown hair.
‘We’ve gotta get out of these wet clothes or we’ll get hypothermia,’ she said. ‘C’mon, put on dry stuff.’
She unstrapped two duffels from that bike’s sissy bar and pointed at the duffel on the other bike.
‘C’mon Cindy, get your sweats.’ The shorter ponytailed blonde unstrapped her duffel and opened it on a picnic table. She dug inside and pulled out a heavier sweat suit. She stripped off her dripping outer clothes, revealing not-too-large black panties and bra exposing nicely-curved breasts and hips.
Cindy quickly pulled on her heavy sweats. She looked at me and grinned as the other girls also changed.
‘Enjoy the show, mister? Let us get warm around your fire and there’ll be no charge.’
I stuffed more dry branches into the burning grill.
‘Come and get it!’ I offered. ‘But I’ll expect an encore.’
The tall passenger’s underthings were red and showed a slimmer figure. Her driver, slightly shorter and with long black hair also in a ponytail, wore navy-blue skivvies on her voluptuous (not fat) body. These two grinned at me also.
‘We only give encores after a standing ovation,’ the voluptuous Venus teased. ‘I don’t see anything standing yet,’ she laughed, staring at my groin. Well, the audience *was* rising a bit.
‘So far, I’ve only seen a dress rehearsal,’ I responded. ‘When does the main show start?’
‘Sometime soon, but it only ends when the fat lady sings,’ Cindy cut in.
‘La la la,’ Venus chanted flatly. ‘Oops, that’s just another rehearsal.’
The flames rose higher. All three girls clustered around, holding their hands out to absorb heat.
‘You girls have cups? I’m boiling water for hot chocolate. By the way, my name’s Ron.’
‘Oooh, cocoa, I love it,’ the blonde said. ‘I’m Cindy, that tall girl is JoAnn, and chubby over here is Vanessa. Hey Van, would you grab the cups from our bags? And get the Everclear from mine.’
[AUTHOR’S NOTE: Everclear is ethanol anhydrous, 95.5% alcohol, 191 proof, the highest percentage possible in atmosphere. It is *potent* stuff and cannot be legally sold in many jurisdictions.]
Cups were fetched, cocoa mix was spooned into each, and hot water was poured. Cindy topped-off each with a good splash from her bottle. We all sat at the end of a table clutching our cups to warm our hands. Cindy and JoAnn sat together on the other side while Vanessa was next to me and bumped her leg against mine.
‘What’re you doing out here, Ron?’ asked JoAnn, cradling her hot cup.
‘Just thumbing cross-country,’ I said, taking another sip of potentiated cocoa.
‘Where from and where to, if you don’t mind my asking,’ said Vanessa, bumping knees again.
‘From San Francisco, to New York or wherever, but I’m in no hurry. How about yourselves?’
‘San Francisco? I don’t see any flowers in your hair,’ Cindy teased.
‘Yeah, well, I smoked them all,’ I deadpanned. ‘Whatta rush!’
JoAnn laughed. ‘We’re going from Boulder to Missoula, and we’re also in no hurry, none at all.’
I crossed my hands and wiggle-pointed my index fingers at various angles.
‘Ummm, I didn’t look real close at the map, but isn’t Missoula, like, in the opposite direction or something? I think you maybe took a wrong turn at Cheyenne.’
Vanessa giggled and jiggled, her long black ponytail and large tits bouncing oppositely. ”No hurry’ means we’re taking a scenic route, or at least a route with different scenery than we’ve seen before. We’ll cruise by the Black Hills and the Missouri Breaks and Glacier Park. We have all the time in the world.’
‘Yeah, this is a sight-seeing trip as well as a homeward journey,’ Cindy added. ‘We’re off to see the lizard, the wonderful lizard of ooze,’ she sang, over-emoting like a Broadway blonde.
‘That’s cool,’ I said, ‘I like ooze.’ I had to yell, actually, as another heavy burst of one-inch hail pounded the steel roof. Nearby shrubs were being shredded by the onslaught.
‘Holy shit, this is outrageous,’ Vanessa wailed, clutching my shoulders.
‘I don’t think we’re going anywhere anytime soon,’ Cindy shouted. ‘Anybody hungry?’
‘Yeah, I’ll get our mess kits and some freeze-dried whatever, that OK with everybody?’ JoAnn asked.
We all nodded. I added more water to the pot while JoAnn fetched the goodies. But first I reloaded the cocoa cups and Cindy splashed-in more Everclear. Our attitudes were definitely adjusting.
The north wind blew stronger and colder.
‘Damn, this is a bit much,’ I said. ‘I have an idea. Somebody give me a hand, OK?’
I pulled my tarp and some ropes out of my rucksack. I ran rope through the tarp grommets and strung it up in-between support poles on the shelter’s north side. With each of us working one corner of the tarp, we managed to get it lashed pretty tightly between the poles, providing a good windbreak.
‘Hey Ron, you’re pretty smart. This is, like, about five thousand percent better,’ Vanessa said. She gave me a hug. ‘Fire, and cocoa, and now protection — you’re our hero, Ron!’ She kissed my cheek. I smiled.
The pot of water bubbled and steamed. We reconstituted our freeze-dried glop and chowed-down. For dessert, Cindy handed out fat peanut-butter cookies. We washed them down with more cocoa and Everclear. Yes, our attitudes were quite happily adjusted by now.
‘Slide over, kids,’ JoAnn said, and skootched in next to me. She and Vanessa wrapped arms around me from either side. Each leaned over to kiss my cheeks, then leaned further and kissed each other right in front of my nose, with just a little tongue action.
‘Mmmm, this is pretty cozy,’ Vanessa said, and licked my ear.
‘I agree,’ JoAnn said, and tagged my epiglottis with her tongue.
Cindy was still on the other side of the picnic table. She looked left out. ‘Hey there, I’m feeling kinda left out,’ she said. She crawled under the table, pushed my knees apart, and nestled her head in my lap, her cheek rubbing against my fat but constrained erection. ‘Oh yeah, much better.’ She kissed my zipper.
‘Ron, this guy feels pretty attentive. Mind if I check him out?’ Cindy asked.
Before I could answer, Cindy had unzipped me. She goosed my butt, which I raised reactively, and she slid my jeans and briefs down a bit. My freed cock sprang to attention like a good soldier.
‘Oh yeah, a standing ovation. This deserves a re
ward.’ Cindy wrapped her mouth around me and slurped. She licked down and up my shaft, under my little head, swallowed my cock, then my balls, then my cock again.
Mmmm, a nice development. Vanessa and I felt under each other’s shirts while JoAnn assaulted my tonsils and Cindy vacuumed my manhood. My reaction was not slow in cumming. I exuberantly filled Cindy’s busy mouth with joy juice. She drained me. I would have fallen over without my two female fleshy supports holding me up. I gasped a bit. Getting old already?
‘Hey gals, this is great fun, but maybe we should work out our overnight arrangements before we pass out,’ I panted. ‘I suppose y’all have sleeping bags. I have mine, and a blanket. Let’s make a nest here.’
‘Yeah, good idea,’ Cindy said. ‘We have a couple blankets too. A nest sounds just about right.’
We slowly disengaged and dragged out the bedding. We soon assembled our nest between the windbreak tarp and the last picnic table. We poured more cocoa and Everclear and settled in.
‘Now where were we?’ JoAnn asked. ‘Oh yeah, we were right about here.’ She pulled off her sweats and skivvies, pushed me back, and sat on my face. I looked up from between her thighs at her bouncing boobs, and filled my hands, and worked my tongue in her tunnel and around her nub. She groaned and ground down.
‘Mmmm, I would sure like a good cigar,’ Vanessa said. She rid herself of sweatshirt and bra, pulled my jeans and briefs off, straddled my left calf, and started licking my dick.
‘More dessert for me,’ Cindy said, moving to my right side. She slurped my testicles. My guided muscle was immediately ready for full deployment. Could I get any harder? Nope.
‘You can have more cock later, babe,’ Vanessa told Cindy. ‘Right now, this pud’s for me.’ She slipped out of her sweat pants and panties, positioned her cunt over my straining member, aimed carefully, and oh so smoothly lowered herself. I slid in, deep. Vanessa groaned, ‘Oh fuck, he feels so fucking good, oh wow…’
Cindy peeled off her clothes and moved around in front of JoAnn, squatting just behind my head. She moved my hands from JoAnn’s breasts, replacing them with her own as she frenched JoAnn. I reached for Cindy’s vulva. I felt Cindy’s thighs, her bush, her slit. I tenderly pinched her clit while slurping JoAnn’s.
We kept at this for some minutes. Vanessa rose and fell on my cock faster, and came, ‘oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK OH FUCK OHHH…’ JoAnn swirled around my torturing tongue, and came hard, moaning unintelligible syllables. JoAnn leaned forward to suck Cindy’s nipple and joined her fingers with mine at Cindy’s cunt. Cindy wailed, and soaked, and came, her cunt muscles tightly clenching our drowning inserted fuckfingers.
JoAnn fell off my face, fell onto Cindy, locked her into an embrace, kissed her deeply, wrapping their long lithe legs together. Their gluteal muscles clenched spasmodically. They groaned together.
I could not help myself. I stroked the sides of the intertwined facesucking girlfriends and said, ‘Wait, stay on your sides holding each other, and lift your legs.’
I straddled their lower legs and lifted their upper legs onto my shoulders. I slid into JoAnn’s juicy joy box with ease, pushed all the way in, drew back out — long slow strokes, a dozen or more. I slid out, aimed at Cindy’s tipsy twat, sheathed myself, and played another baker’s-dozen slow count. I alternated, faster and furiouser, while JoAnn and Cindy kissed and tweaked nipples and moaned.
JoAnn broke contact with Cindy’s mouth and groaned, ‘oh oh oooh oh Oh OH OHHH…’ and wailed and shook. I pistoned faster into Cindy as she bit JoAnn’s neck and shoulder. Cindy gave a muffled cry and JoAnn cried in pain, but moved her had down to strum her own clit. Cindy cried again, mixed pain and pleasure.
I expected Cindy would have a hell of a hickey to show in the daylight.
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TrueThis morning my best friend, Cindy and I were talking. She asked me if I kept a journal, I told her I didn't. She told me her mother had kept one as a girl, and had started her on one when she was young. I asked her what she wrote in it.Cindy told me she wrote all of her special activities and stuff like that. She told me I should start one too. So when I got home from school, I got out this big notebook and decided, since I had recently discovered the joys of sex, that I wanted to start a...
Your sister has always been a bit wild, but she seemed to settle down when she got married. Now however, she’s been divorced and left alone to raise her son. Things seemed rough but now, now something isn’t right. And so you’ve found yourself poking around her place while her son and her went on a trip to NYC, looking to see if your haunch was right. when you found her journal. With shaking hands you open the journal to the start and look at the date, it seems like she started writing a few...
Incest(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page Six:Tuesday July 8th 0800HrsDear Journal: I had had the weirdest of dreams during the night and like a lot of dreams couldn’t remember it completely. The knock on the door brought the dishy steward in with the breakfast trolley and while he laid out the breakfasts we all took our time...
(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page One: I received this journal in a parcel my mum sent me but have never written in it till now. I am going to try to keep a memoire of all the things that happen to me, I don’t expect anyone to read this private view into my life.Friday July 3rd 1230hrsDear Journal, just a quick entry as...
Fast forward several years to when I found moms journal in a box in attic, as soon as I started reading it I remembered the "managers conference" she was taken too a few weeks after being asked by the black manager who was organising it. I glanced thru journal seeing there were several times mom was gang fucked that I didn't know about, finally came to entry a few days after mom and Patty had fucked several older black men, the one that asked if he could call mom did the Thursday after, told...
From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley by Millie Dynamite Copyright © 2019, by Millie Dynamite From the Journal of Thomas Riley — July 10, 20— Doctor Peters suggested I write things down, my daily happenings, feelings, the events that run wild in my life, and depress me. I figured it couldn’t hurt. That’s the reason for this book, journal, dear diary, and all that bullshit. He doesn’t say it, not in so many words, but he’s worried I’ll act out some of the fantasies I have...
CANDIE'S JOURNAL By Southern Candie ENTRY 1 Hi I am Andy, but my stepbrother calls me Candie when he makes me dress up for him. I decided to keep a journal of all the things that happened to me since that faithful day. The day my stepbrother caught me all dressed up in my Mom's lingerie and decided to blackmail me into being his sex toy. First though let me give you some background information that lead up to that day. I do not really remember my Dad, he...
Thursday. Intake This woman named Helen said I should start a Journal about my time here, so that I could make some sense of it all. That it would help me to put things into perspective. It's really hard to do that, but I'll try, for this week at least. Last week I was picked in the PCB lottery (Population Control Board). My first time eligible, and I was picked and notified. My mom freaked out, and everyone in the family got upset. My sister Heather cried like a baby, and told mom that she...
My name is Darin Taylor. I started a journal shortly after I turned twelve. The journal itself is just a collection of bits and pieces of my thoughts and ideas about things that have happened to me and my mom. I have kept the journal secret, but perhaps one day someone else my age may use what I have learned, so I have rewritten it as a continuous narrative. I just turned seventeen a few days ago. I received a scholarship to the university and will be starting college in a few weeks. This...
I live in west Michigan near the Lake Michigan shore. My husband Ron, like all of his family, is a recreational sailor. In the summers, he participates in the weekly Wednesday evening sailboat races on Lake Michigan. I had invited my special girlfriend Erin to have a mid-evening dinner with me, one of those evenings, at the restaurant which overlooks the marina. There we would wait to meet Ron after the races had finished. Because parking is sparse there, I had asked that she meet me at my home...
04/20/---CI dreamt I made out with EK. It felt so good. There wasn't any action around where the legs split off; though my leg did start to wrap around his. I no [know] he isn't thin. And he has turned into a real rebel now. If my friends knew I like him they would think I'm desperate like Vicky. I haven't liked EK for that long. Physical touch... This was just a dream, but God... I don't care who it fucking is. I want touch...05/06/---CYou know Mom's starting to suspect I am not...
TrueHe asked me to write something real. To write what I know. He said there is talent in my writing. I have to laugh, thinking maybe even he can’t see through the bullshit I write…but then again maybe he can. So this I write, what I know…what is me…as painful as it is going to be… I look at the journal before me, the latest of many I have hidden in a chest. Only this one unlike all the others is empty of words, with the exception of pretty phrases cut out of magazines and pictures of places I...
3/26/---- lying naked on the floor in my room listening to “I’ll Be Your Inspiration.” dancing in front of the window that work to me as a mirror. Screw clothesWithout any real relationships, I was constrained to my own sensuality and imagination. At a certain point in my life, I began staying up or getting up again late at night to dance naked in my room to a stereo turned quiet enough so that I was the only one in the house to hear it. I would listen to techno music and gyrate as...
TrueDecember chill has hit us but I still long for attention and fun. A few recent swingers parties were okay at best — but they keep me hungry for more.I'm very fortunate that I live this lifestyle and I wish that I’d started younger. My husband is awesome — he just is. I never really write about him much because he doesn't know I keep this journal. And he certainly doesn’t know about some of the things I do. They would probably crush him. I step out more than I should but we have a “don't ask,...
SwingersMy birthday was on a Sunday and all I had planned was a swinger’s club visit and some husband fun. I didn’t expect much to happen but I was hoping it would as the start of November had been disappointing, nothing other than a dud swinger’s party. In the event, I had a great romantic weekend on my birthday and hubby’s birthday was on the horizon as well. All good signs.I'd been bored to tears during the work week and I masturbated like a teenager to on-cam guys who had huge cocks. I had happy...
CheatingJournal One 7/7/16 It's a funny thing, really. I used to be one of those shy and reserved girls during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. I had a close group of friends and everything, but I was never known as the most outgoing or the most popular. I usually avoided going to school dances because it was just so far from my comfort zone (having the entire school watch me dance? no thanks), and I would hesitate talking about anything sexual in front of my friends because, well, I...
First TimeThis is a journal every sissy should read. Hope you like it, more to cum ;) by Lady Jayne Hills, Detroit Sissy Society CEO and True Boss Bitch. The Sissy Journalby Lady Jayne HillsDetroit Sissy Society CEO and True Boss BitchDay : 03/13/2019Time : 1:30 PMHow : Gr****rWhere : His Place - HouseName : ? 001 ?He hit me up on gr****r. We chatted and swapped pics. Sent girly pics first, then boy pics. He wanted to meet up right away. I went over to his house in boy clothes. He lives only a few blocks...
Sorry for delay in adding more but has been a hitch of a summer. Wife and I read more of MOMS journal over weekend, well I read it out loud as she sucked my dick. Picked up early spring when I was 15 , started when mom, dad, John and I were in church, we always say in back row, where most of us white folk sat, as minister was giving sermon said the deacon that she had sucked off at motel several times slid a note to her, when she looked back at minister he was looking at her with a smirk on his...
(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page Four:Monday July 6th 0800hrsDear Journal: I was awoken by the steward bring me my breakfast, I seemed to be that satiated with the sex off last night that I just drank the coffee and ate some toast then dozed again. Di and Izzy came into my cabin and jumping onto the bed telling me to get...
(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Starting Term has been published before but it is the start of a journal I hope to complete and is my work! First let me tell you a little about me, my name is Lady Charlotte Rose and I am 18. I am a young lady attending a finishing school for what are mostly either rich or upper-class women. I...
Back again, after reading in journal about the conference mom and Patty were repeatedly fucked and fed cocks to suck there was a calender gap of a couple weeks, I assume while Moms cunt, ass and jaws healed and got over soreness. There were no party's during that time in our rec room either, Jerome and Travis were at a loss too told me their dad's weren't talking about mom anymore, John next door wasn't coming over and at time we thought it was done, that mom had been used and abused at...
**I am doing my best to put her diary (journal)entries into story form.and keep it all connected. She must be writing in parts of her experiences that were more important first then filling in. also her english is not great so i do my best here. Even now she does not know i copied the journal , i wish i could have witnessed her escapades as they happened. but now that i know her very sexy secret life , i am more turned on than ever.**... i got a call from Artie.(this is her college friend) he...
The Journal of Jonathan Harker By Robin O. My name is Jonathan Harker. I had been looking for employment since I graduated from college six months ago with a degree in Eastern European history. My resume and photo on the Internet had not garnered me any job offers. In fact, I hadn't even had an interview. Then, I received an e-mail from an employment agency working for a prospective employer in Romania offering me employment as a personal secretary. As a college exchange student, I...
She was my 8th grade teacher. She was tall, a few pounds overweight, always dressed in skirts or dresses, and wore her makeup as if she was going out on the town. I loved her in 8th grade, and now, as a 18 year old college student and the PE teacher at the same grade school, I loved her even more. She and her lawyer husband, Kenny, knew how cash strapped I was so they were constantly giving me odd jobs around the house, at his law office, or house sitting to make ends meet. I...
Don, for those of you who haven't yet read my earlier journal entries, Don is my father. As a child, he was something of a Boy Edison and had acquired his first pattern by the age of sixteen. He had two more by the time he graduated from high school. He's never invented anything that changed the world, like Edison's light bulb or phonograph, but they did earn him a sizable income. Like Edison, he started out with a tiny workshop but now has several large buildings behind our beautiful, old...
IncestThis Covid world has been very difficult for everyone and, as swingers, my guy and I have barely played with anybody. The parties around here have really not been worth taking the obvious risk.I’ve managed to have some fun and my husband and I have played a few times — but I've spent more time trying to find worthy adventures as you can read in my journal entries.I’m always seeking new people but nobody, male or female, has jumped out at me for some time. Then, last week at work, I got a notice...
TrueLast few entries of a journal found among the belongings of Sgt. Douglas McBride. 2004 March 15, 2004 I was crushed. In the six months that I have been stationed in the Middle East, I have sent and received over one hundred letters and emails to my wife of three years. At first, her letters or emails arrived daily, sometimes even more than once a day. Most of my pay was going to our joint bank account in Kansas were we lived when I was stationed in the United States. I should have suspected...
My name is Kelley Anne Harvey. I began recording my private thoughts and my most intimate activities after reading my boyfriend's journal. I'm already discovering how therapeutic it can be to describe what I do and how I feel. Through this journal, I hope to get to know myself better. Since this file will be for my eyes only, I promise to be honest and hold back nothing. Truth, no matter how brutal, shall reign. I was born Kelley Anne Ellis on the nineteenth of April, 1968, to Edwin and...
Many weeks went by and my mind was never far away from that journal I saw Lucy writing in. The titles stirred my imagination and I was about to get my first look within days. Lucy was going away on a training session for work with a few of her colleagues and I knew I could take a peek while Linda was at work. I stayed over at Linda's the first night knowing that I would have the place to myself once she had left for work the next morning. I was at the kitchen table when Linda came over and gave...
Where exactly was I going with all this? I now had a girlfriend who I had special feelings for over and above the sexual fulfilment and a guy who I felt the same about too. And they were friends, former lovers, and lived close to each other.I had to make plans to go and see them both in England, but who should I stop with? Who did I want to see most? It was awkward.As soon as I had arrived back from the airport having dropped Yvonne off, Gary wanted to chat about things. Normally, he would want...
CuckoldAuthor’s note: My uncle Ron died recently. While sifting through his files, I found journal folders marked MY STORY, writings about his life. I have edited these accounts and will post them when I can. These stories include bisexuality, incest, interracial and mature and group sex, etc. All sexual activity depicted here involves persons at least 18 years old. This piece can be appreciated without having read all the previous chapters. But read them anyway. ******************** 9A: Don’t Know...
Author’s note: My uncle Ron died recently. While sifting through his files, I found journal folders marked MY STORY, writings about his life. I have edited these accounts and will post them when I can. These stories include bisexuality, incest, interracial and mature and group sex, etc. All sexual activity depicted here involves persons at least 18 years old. This piece can be appreciated without having read all the previous chapters. But read them anyway. ******************** 7A: Fucking in...
Author’s note: My uncle Ron died recently. While sifting through his files, I found journal folders marked MY STORY, writings about his life. I have edited these accounts and will post them when I can. These stories include bisexuality, incest, interracial and mature and group sex, etc. All sexual activity depicted here involves persons at least 18 years old. For readers’ convenience, most Spanish language speech and signals are given in loose English translation. This piece can be appreciated...
I will begin with explaining that there is nothing extraordinary about me. I was born into a modestly wealthy family of a reasonable social class. Having lost my parents rather early in life, I was shipped off to my grandmother’s where an army of servants and sycophants could ensure my proper education. In person, I am a tall woman with a dark look about me that has always ensued comparisons to gypsies or the fey. I am somewhat statuesque and have always maintained a wardrobe of jewel tones...