Part 4_(0) free porn video

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Frank joined the army and I missed him terribly.

Jennifer would let me know how he was doing but it still didn't help.

One day Jennifer came by. It was a teacher planing day so no school. Grandma was at work and I was in my usual outfit as Sarah.

"Do you want to go shopping ?" Jen asked.

"You know it", I said excitedly .

I grabbed a bag with my boy clothes just in case we went back before my grandma got home then hopped in the car.

On the way to the mall she told me Frank wrote me a letter.

Excited I opened the letter, it was addressed to Sarah. He always knew how to make me smile. He went on to tell me how he was doing and that he was safe and working in the motor pool, and was planing on going to school for aviation mechanics. At the end of the letter he told me that he loved and missed me.

With tearfilled eyes I folded the letter and put it in my bag. I decided to write him back latter.

When we arrived at the mall we did the usual thing. Manicures, pedicures walking around checking out boys.

I spotted my old friend Mike (really my only friend out side of Frank and Jen) over talking with some boys from school. We grew up togeather, always in the same class since kindergarten. Then last year he moved to a different school district so I don't get to see him often. But we had planned on a sleepover for the weekend.

Mike had no idea about what had happened to me over the last few months and knowing how he was I had know intention of telling him.

Then I herd a whistle when I looked it was Mike.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Jen asked

"I can't, he might recognise me I said".

"The real Sarah didn't." She replied

"Sarah and I went friends " i protested.

"He wont, now go chicken". Jen teased.

I walked over to Mike. Palms sweety and heart racing. I was completely scared he would recognise me and freak out.

"Hay beautiful" Mike said, "What's your name?"

"Sarah" I replied.

We talked for a few minutes the he said "you look real familiar".

My heart almost stopped.

"No, I don't think so", I replied "I'm not from around here."

We talked for a few more minutes the I went back to we're Jen was waiting.

"Oh my God, my heart is still racing " I said

Jen laughed then said "let's get back to shopping."

We went in a few stores and I found a rally pretty pair of bubble gum pink string bikini panties and matching bra.

When I got home I hid my new clothes in my hissing spot. A loose panel in my closet .

The next morning was Saturday and Mike would be there soon. I got up and ate breakfast then went to my room to get dressed. Since grandma was home and Mike was coming over I had to dress as a boy. But I had a new pair of panties I was dying to try on. I decided that they wouldn't know so I pulled out my new panties and put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror and loved the way I looked. The shiny pink fabric, and the string bikini cut made my hips and but looked great. I thought about how Frank would react seeing me in them. I finished getting dressed in black gym shorts and a white t shirt.

Mike arrived and the day went by uneventful. We were in the garage which was our usual hang out. Goffin around listening to music then we started wresrling.

During the match my shorts slipped down reveling my panties.

"What the hell dude, your wearing panties!" Mike said

"Why are you wearing them? When did you start? Are you gay?"

Mike was asking question so fast I had no time to answer.

I stood there speechless in total shock on the verge of crying when Mike noticed.

"Dude don't worry I'm not gonna tell you just suprised me. Relax, ok" Mike said.

After I called down I told Mike about Frank and I and how I pretend to be Sarah at the mall.

"Wow, that was you?" He said surprised.

"I just can't believe this, so you wear girls clothes and you had sex with a boy?" He questioned

"Yes" I replied

" So you actually let him stick his thing in your butt! Didn't it hurt" he asked

I replied " a little at first but after a while it started feeling really good."

"So you actually like it, I mean dressing as a girl and having sex with boys?" He asked

"Yes I do" I answered

We continued to talk for a while the Mike asked "Can I see your panties? I've never seen any one in them before, girl or boy."

I stood up and pulled down my shorts then lifted my shirt. Mikes eyes widened as he took in the view. I spun around slowly the stoped facing him.

"Wow, you actually look like a girl" he exclaimed

"Can I touch them?" Mike asked

I shrugged my shoulders and Mike slowly reached his hand out. He was clearly nervous. His hands were shaking. His fingers touched the fabric just above my tucked member.

He continued running his hand across the fabric then around my hips to my butt.

His touch felt great.

I had never thought of Mike in a sexual since before that moment. But with his hand rubbing my panty clad backside I couldn't help but notice just how cute he was.

Mike was about 6 inches taller then me, athletically built, he was half Mexican half white so he had a nice skin tone that just highlighted his features.

I found my self getting more and more aroused and looking at Mike' s lap i could tell he was to.

"You know, if you want to fuck me you can" I said.

Mike quickly removed his hand saying " No, I ain't gay dude. i just, I mean you,".

Mike was stuttering really bad something he only dose when he's nervous.

I sat down beside him and said "Frank ain't gay eather. He only has sex with me because I look like a girl. And if you think about it, I look like a girl, dress like a girl act like a girl so you would be fucking a girl with a few boy parts".

"But i can't , my mom would kill me if she ever found out." Mike said

"Ill never tell" I replied.

I could tell Mike was on the fence so I decided to make the first move.

I move in front of him and put a leg on each side then straddled him.

Mike was speechless but made no effort to stop me. I started to grind my self on his sick which he seemed to enjoy. Then I leaned in and kissed him.

Then Mike gave in and started making out with me while I grinded on him. I reached down and started undoing his buckle then freeing his cock.

Mike continued kissing me and rubbing his hands across my butt.

I reached behind me and pulled my panties to the side then put some spit in my hand and rubbed it on his member.

I then raised up and placed the head at my entrance and slowly lowered my self down. I still haven't seen his cock but it felt big and so nice penetrating my little hole.

After a minute or two I could feel his pubes against me. I then sat down the rest of they way forcing as much of him inside me as I could.

Mike started letting out soft moans as I started to raise and lower on his shaft.

Feeling his member inside of me stretching me out put me in a state of complete bliss. I started bouncing up and down fucking my self with his cock while kissing him. Precum was leaking out of me like a fountain.

Mike said " I am about to cum".

" cum inside of me" I replied

And with that his body tended up, I slammed down as hard as I could and he unloaded shooting shot after shot of hot gum deep inside of me.

We stayed like that while we both caught our breath .

I could feel his cock getting soft inside of me.

" wow, I can't believe I just tucked my best friend in the ass!" Mike said.

"Well, did you enjoy it?" I asked knowing the anwser.

"Oh yeah." Came his reply.

I herd my grandma yell out the back door " dinner is ready"

We both straightened our clothes and went in to eat.

We sat down at the table and I could tell Mike was nervous. Me, I was concentrating on keeping his cum inside me but eventually had to go to the bathroom.

About midway through the meal my grandma looked at Mike and asked " are you feeling ok. You're really quiet."

"I'm fine ", Mike replied, " I just have a lot on my mind with school and stuff." Obviously lying.

I knew he was concerned about what had happened, and being caught.

After dinner we went to my room and talked.

" I still can't believe what we done" says Mike. "Don't get me wrong", he continued "But I just can't wrap my head around it. I mean my best friend dresses like a girl wich is fine I'm cool with that but why am I so turned on. I'm not gay! Am I?"

I replied, " No, just because we had sex doesn't mean your gay. You were attracted to my girlish looks not my boy features. And like I said before since I want to be a girl and look like one you technically had sex with a girl."

"But your a boy", he protested.

We continued back and forth for a while, then I said "look just because we had sex didn't mean we have to be boy friend and girl friend. We could still be friends just one that your able to fuck when you want."

Mike sat in silence while we watched a movie. Then my grandma knocked on the door saying "it's time to get ready for bed.

I got up and went and took a shower. While in the shower I couldn't help but think of Mike's cock. I knew it was big but i haven' t seen it. I wentered what it looked like. What it tasted like. I continued showering then shaved my legs and returned to my room.

Mike went for his shower next.

While he was in the shower I decided I was going to surprise him and dress up. It was high risk because I never wear more than panties when my grandma was home. But I figured it was almost bed time and I could wear my pjs to cover up until she went to bed. With that decided I put on my pink Barbie panties with matching training bra, white thigh high stockings, a red plaid skirt and white top. Then my pjs.

Mike came in the room after his shower and seemed more upbeat. I guess he had time to wrap his head around things.

We started playing play station then he stoped and turned to me and said, "after I thought about it a while I'm glad we had sex. It felt really good, and I really don't care that you have boy parts. To me your a pretty girl."

"Thanks", i replied.

"I just feel bad that you didn't get off." Said Mike. "If you would like,I guess i could jack you off."

"No, I prefer to gum with my butt," I replied.

Seeing the puzeld look on his face I explained, "when a boy is fucking me the feeling of him sliding in and out makes me cum. I always gum harder that way the I do by jackin."

"But you didn't cum earlier" he said.

"I was close but you came before me"

"Oh, I'm sorry" he sheepishly replied.

"That's ok. You'll have plenty of opportunities to make it up to me". I said while leaning over and kissing him.

We started making out . I placed my hand on his already rock hard cock. I pulled his cock through the opening in his pajamas and could here him start to breath hard as I stroked him.

What about your grandma " he whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm just gonna suck it. We will wait tell she gose to bed before we do anything else."

With that I looked down seeing his magnificent member for the first time.

He was every bit of seven inches and thick. I could barely wrap my hand around it.

I went down and kissed the tip then started running my tongue around it before putting him in my mouth. There was a little bit of pre cum wich I greedily licked up. Then I wrapped my lips around the head and started to suck him in. In this position I could only get about four inches in before his cock was touching the back of my throat. I held him there and started rotating my head around then started to pull back keeping the light suction. His cock tasted so good. I could feel his hand go onto my head and he leaned back. I would suck him the pull him out and lick the head while catching my breath. Then tack him back in. His cock started to swell and his breathing more shallow. I knew he was close so I sucked as hard as I could then reached down and rubbed his balls. His body tenced up the he unloaded shot after shot of hot cum into my mouth. His cum taste different than Frank's. It had sort of a sweet flavor. Must be all the juice he drinks. I held him in my mouth swallowing every drop he had to give, then slowly I raised my head and stop when only the tip was left in. I locked around the tip then with a pop pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Holy crap, that was incredible! Did you actually swallow my cum?"

I noded and grined a little then put his deflating cock back in his pajamas.

About tthat time I heard my grandma say "What are you boys doing as she opened the door".

"We're just playing play station" I replied.

"Oh, ok. Well I'm going to bed you boys keep it down and don't stay up to late."

"Ok, good night",we both replied.

"Oh my God, we almost got caught", Mike whispered.

I let out a little giggle then we returned our attention to the game that had been on pause.

Once I was sure my grandma was asleep I stood up and removed my pjs to reveal my outfit.

Mike's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped.

I stood before him and gave a little twirl. "Do you like what you see?"

A node yes was all he could do as he sat there taking in the view.

Then Mike stood up and walked to me. He wrapped his hands around me placing one on my back and the other on my butt.

Pulling me close and kissing me.

We stood their kissing while Mike's hands romed my body. His touch sending shivers up Mike spine.

Mike pulled my top off and rubbed my chest through my bra and the other hand made it's way under my skirt and started rubbing and squeezing my ass.

Mike picked me up and carried me to the bed gently laying me down. He then stood up and removed his pajamas and underwear. Standing before me completely naked. Oh, he was so hot. His body was absolutely amazing.

He then reached down and unzipped my skirt and slowly removed it, leaving me in nothing but my Barbie panties and bra.

He then started kissing his way from my feet up my leg. I spread my legs as he kissed my panty covered cock. Then my belly and worked hid way up to my lips.

I wrapped my legs around him as he grinds his cock into me. His tongue massaging my tongue. His hand rubbing my nipples through the thin fabric of my bra. Then he sat up and rubbed both hands across my chest, down my belly to the waist band of my panties. Slowly he started pulling them off freeing my little cock from it's tightly tucked position. Looking down at me he spread my legs wide rubbing his hands up my thigh to my hips. He brought one hand to his mouth and spit in it then rubbed his spit into my eagerly awaiting hole. His finger moving in a circular motion and pushing in slightly. He the spit in his hand again and rubbed it over his cock.

I pulled my legs up as he lined the head of his cock against my entrance then he lowerd himself down and kissed me while he slowly pushed in. I could feel his cock spreading my hole little by little filling me up. Once his hips were against mine he rocked them pushing him self completely in me. I reached down placing my hand on his butt and the other around the back of his shoulder continuing to kiss as he started moving in and out.

"Oh my God, your cock falls so good" I whispered in his ear.

Kissing my neck then Mike replied " you are so hot and your ass is amazing."

He continued kissing my neck while slowly fucking me. With every thrust in he would rock his hips to get every inch of his cock in me.

With all the buildup from earlier I felt my self on the verge of orgasm in no time.

Squeezing his butt holding him inside of me as my orgasm hit. My body tenced up, my back arched and my ass spasming on his cock.

As I started to come down from my orgasm I grabbed the back of his head and stuck my tongue as far I'm his mouth as I could. He started to trust into me again.

A few minutes latter I told him to lay down. I then climbed on top and lowerred myself down on his cock. I started bouncing up and down and rotating my hips fucking myself with his cock.

Mike reached his hands up and started rubbing my nipples then he sat up and removed my bra. Then started licking my nipples. His hand lowered down and grabbing my butt guiding me as I rode his cock.

He wispered " I want to fuck you from behind".

I climbed off him then bent over resting my chest and head on the bed with my ass up in the air.

Mike kissed the small of my back then put he cock back in me.

He felt so much bigger in this position. His cock rubbing across my prostate with every thrust.

I could feel another orgasm building quickly. Then Mike pushed in deep and could feel his cock jumping inside me putting me over the edge causing another orgasm to rip through my body.

As our orgasms ended I rose up with his cock still in me. He wrapedd his arms around me. I turned my head and kissed him grinding my ass into him while I felt his cock slowly start to go soft until he slipped out.

We both lay down and drift off to sleep with him holding me and his cock he nessaled between my checks.


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My story begins about ten years ago when my husband Vimal had started the Garment Trade. Soon he met a man named Prem who was also in the same business, and he was senior in the field so and my husband became friends. Prem really helped to my husband’s Company. Being the same age as myself, Sajad and Prem had the same ideas about life and Vimal shared ambitions. They both loved the fast pace of commerce and wanted their pots of gold to be plentiful.Then one day, my husband told me that he wants...

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My story begins about ten years ago when my husband Vimal had started the Garment Trade. Soon he met a man named Prem who was also in the same business, and he was senior in the field so and my husband became friends. Prem really helped to my husband’s Company. Being the same age as myself, Sajad and Prem had the same ideas about life and Vimal shared ambitions. They both loved the fast pace of commerce and wanted their pots of gold to be plentiful. Then one day, my husband told me that he...

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As things went from boring to sleepy, you decided to wander around the apartment complex. At 2:00 AM most everyone seems to be asleep. Doors are all closed. The hall seems to drift off to nowhere. It was then that you came upon the door that had, in big yellow letters, "Lots of fun, and VERY naughty." You look closely at the door to make sure you are reading it right, and then you knock. A man opens the door, and when I see you, a smile grows on my face. "Hi," you say, " I'm...

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Evening time : I a in hurry to home, as today is very special day for me, today is my wife b'day and i want to give her a very special gift. She like expensive watch for that i already arranged. few thighs i want to share about my wife : she has average height about 5.4'' with good looking chubby body with big boobs and very big ass, i like her. She is always ready for fun and sex with some new styles and angles. She likes peoples , crowd parties and good food . I reach home , press call bell,...

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It was a good party. My friends, Ann's friends, mutual friends, and a couple of girls nobody knew, but they brought three bottles of Jack, so nobody complained. They took off soon enough, with a couple of guys, and left the bottles behind. And there was my celebrated cast iron chili, and nobody ever complained about that. All meat, no beans. As we started around four, everyone was gone by midnight. It was me and Ann, of course, and Romy, her best friend, just the three of us. I switched the...

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"I'm sorry Milord, you may not enter. Only these people are allowed inside tonight, which one do you wish to be?" asked the gate attendant. On the wall facing them were numerous masks, each with a name tag. "Tonight I feel like a Malcolm, tell me of him," answered the invited guest. Assisting with the donning of the mask the attendant began to tell him about the person he was to become. "Milord, Malcolm is single, a tall, robust, blond male. His interests include fencing, usually with a...

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I usually never drink but my friend was getting married and I had a few glasses of champagne. I was drunk and Jim said he would take me home. Instead he took me to his house and I woke up the next day naked in his bed full of cum and Jim was sucking one of my nipples as he finger fucked my cunt. When I stirred he looked at me and said "Your tits are amazing. Big and round and firm with nice plump nipples. I sucked them a lot last night." Then he pressed his hard dick against my leg and it was...

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PARTY1.TXT 1 of 4. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humil Dear Readers: This is a four part story that I wrote as a followup to an introductory story written by someone else. In the introductory story our hero lets his girlfriend Annie put panties and makeup on him for what he thinks is a little harmless fun between the two of them. She has other ideas ... The doorbell rings, and you tell me to the answer it. But I'm dressed only in panties. You smile sweetly and insist that I answer it...

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Rhapsody is a woman. Being half-Lirin, an elf-life race, she is shorter and slimmer than the average girl. Rhapsody is unique, however, having traveled through the fires at the center of the earth, absorbing some of the fire's power and having her body recreated on the other side. This experience left stunningly beautiful, flawless, with golden hair that almost glows of its own accord. Even before her trip through the earth, she was endowed with a voice musical and pure. After emerging from...

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Roses Roommate Gives Her a Helping Hand

She got home and immediately kicked off her shoes. Locking the door behind her she went upstairs to lay down in her bed. It had been a really long day.  ‘Rose?’ Her roommate gently opened the door, peeking in. ‘Yes, Amber.’ Rose rolled over and look towards the door. ‘I thought I heard you come in. Is everything okay?’ Amber came in and sat down next to Rose.  ‘Yeah… Just had a long day.’ Rose stretched out, trying to relieve her aching back. ‘I could give you a massage,’ Amber suggested. ...

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EvilAngel Nicole Clitman Young Blonde Corrupted By Sodomy

Blonde dreamboat Nicole Clitman looks stunning in sexy workout garb. She strips and posies to precede an intense butt fuck with director Mike Adriano. The athletic, perky-breasted goddess spreads her sphincter for some of Mike’s trademark tongue fucking, then effortlessly swallows his thick tool to the root. The energy heightens when Nicole rims his asshole. She takes a powerful rectal reaming loaded with nasty anal gaping and sloppy ass-to-mouth cocksucking. The sweet girl never lets up...

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MayhemChapter 8

Top came back a little over an hour later grinning like a mad fiend at the same time Weird surfaced from his daze. "The East Bay warehouses," Top announced triumphantly. "That checks," Weird nodded. "The first tracker on her limo stopped transmitting about midnight, just about the time she was supposed to have left the party. The second one didn't stop until they got right here." He placed his finger on a map of the Bay area. It was an area just west of East Bay. At one time there...

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The CatalystChapter 7 Work to Do and Friends in the Making

There I was, sweetly dreaming with my red haired, rough riding, sweetheart. I had one hand on her sweet, perfect breast, spooning her soft body and inhaling the sweet fragrance of her red hair. Then all of a sudden ... Sweet Mother of God! ... all hell broke loose! Greg was hollering in what sounded like a drill sergeants bark. “‘Up and at ‘Em’, ‘The Day’s a Wasting’, ‘We’re Burning Daylight!’” Behind him I heard Mary singing, “We got the coffee brewin’, and breakfast cookin’ and you two...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

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TimeslipChapter 7

"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...

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Love is a Drug Part 2

Chapter Three. They called me Arthur. Nobody knew any different. If you give a pair of exhausted parents the child they've just had together and point to its penis why wouldn't they go with the biology and say, 'boy'. Only I wasn't. By age eight I had developed such an all-pervading sense of internal girl that I couldn't hold it in any longer. Dad, going through his own struggles with divorce and allowing himself to fall in love with a man, told me I could be who I wanted to be...

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ZebraGirls Daya Knight Karla Kush 12192016

Daya Knight wants to be The Next Big Thing, and she’s hoping her voice coach, Karla Kush, will help Daya achieve her lofty goal! Here’s the real issue: Daya isn’t that good. Don’t get me wrong — Daya’s not a bad singer, but she no Mariah Carey. Or Lady Gaga. Karla has to break the news to Daya, but here’s the catch. Karla likes ’em young, and Daya’s barely 18…and still wears braces on her teeth! Karla can’t keep her mind off...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Harold Saves Her Husband Pt 03

Copyright Oggbashan July 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not, exist. These stories are set in an imaginary...

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Culture Clash

Culture Clash By Julie O Edited By Barry G. Note: This story was inspired by an article on the BBC website. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Marshall Graham intently watched the video being shown in college human sexuality class and...

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A brothers Benefit

After showing Michelle around campus, I went to my afternoon classes. I found myself daydreaming quite a lot, imagining all sorts of lewd things I'd do to my little sister. Visions of her hot, tight pussy constantly floated around my mind and I found myself shifting my legs through the day as my dick awkwardly rose to attention.It was half past four in the afternoon when I headed back home. As I passed by one of the university's gyms, I stopped and thought about actively working out again....

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Sex License

An ID card that, when shown to a person, will allow the holder to have sex with them. The targeted person will follow all commands from the holder that pertain to sex. The Sex License also ensures that no one else will interfere, and that they will obey all commands that aide the intercourse about to or currently taking place. The effected individuals will obey because they believe it to be the widely accepted law of their society, even if they personally object. The sex will always be...

Mind Control
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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

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Her 1st One Night Stand

Hello Everyone. I love to hear stories from a womans past. Drives me wild! My friend sends me TRUE stories from time to time. Here is one i recieved today. I copied & paste right from the email. ENJOYSo me and BFF left work one Saturday and decided to go get a drink at this bar called on Harrison Ave. We met one of our GF's in there so the three of us sat at a table at the end of the bar. There were these two older guys sitting literally at the bar in front of our table. The bar was no...

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Smell of Sex

I first learned of the magnetism of sexual odor as a teenager. In school, I was more cerebral than athletic. Consequently, I participated in science and debate clubs instead of sports. Reserved and shy, I was not popular with the girls. My senior year, trigonometry was being taught by a new teacher. Miss Howard was a young, gorgeous, 25-year-old slender blond of perfect proportion. Of course, she was the object of desire by the males in the class. On one science-fair field trip, which she...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 14

Chapter 14 – Wendy’s Ghosts People are full of surprises, as Amy was about to learn. The person you think you know the best, your closest friend, your family member, your lover, can conceal any number of dark secrets from you. It is human nature that all of us have our failings. It is human nature that each of us tries to conceal those failings from those closest to us, from those who we love the most. It is the fear of judgment, of rejection, over those failings drives people to do strange...

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