Samia - 5 free porn video

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Sur la route.

La bonne me dit:
— Merci et bon voyage, Mademoiselle.
Entendons-nous, je n'ai pas fait ça par intérêt pour la bonniche, mais pour tester mon pouvoir sur Julien. On redescend. Son père nous attend. Qu'est-ce qu'il a décidé, le gros? Il donne des billets à Julien en disant:
— Voilà ta semaine.
Sa semaine? Il n'a plus 12 ans, quand même! Enfin si, par certains côtés. Julien me donne aussitôt l'argent. Bien... Je dis au père:
— Au revoir, Monsieur. On sera là dans un mois, pour les préparatifs du mariage.
Je dis à Julien:
— Va dire au revoir à ta mère.
— Oui, Samia.
Quand il est sorti, le père me pose la question:
— Tu ne demandes pas d'argent?
— Non, je veux un mari soumis, pas de l'argent. Vous me ferez un cadeau quand je le ramènerai "clean".
— Clean, ça veut dire?
— Désintoxiqué.
Le père me prend par la taille et me colle à lui en disant:
— Tu me plais, toi. Je suis sûre que tu es vénale, mais qui ne l'est pas... Si tu réussis, je te proposerai un job dans mon usine.
— Un job intéressant?
— Je crois...
Et là, il m'embrasse sur la bouche. Je me laisse faire un court moment, puis je me dégage doucement en disant:
— Beau-papa, nous ne sommes pas seuls.
La petite bonne nous regarde en souriant, mais ça ne le dérange pas. Il me donne une claque sur les fesses en disant:
— Tu me plais de plus en plus.
Dès qu'on est sorti de la villa, je récupère mon sac dans la jeep et je laisse les clés sur le contact. On prend la petite route qui va vers la ville. Bien sûr, je me dis: « Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous? » N'importe quoi! Bah, on verra bien... Je ne veux pas trop réfléchir, j'agis à l'instinct, je réfléchirai plus tard.
J'entends une voiture arriver et je fais un signe de la main accompagné d'un grand sourire. Le conducteur s'arrête. Je lui dis:
— On va vers l'autoroute, ce serait très gentil si vous pouviez nous déposer dans la direction.
Il est d'accord, on monte dans la voiture. L'homme habite dans la région, ce n'est pas un Parisien en week-end. Il a une quarantaine d'années et il est plutôt sympa.
Je m'assieds à côté de lui et on parle. Non, le jeune homme n'est pas mon petit ami, c'est mon demi-frère. C'est un tout petit peu plus crédible que mon frère, étant donné que j'ai des cheveux presque noirs et la peau ambrée, je suis la nuit, tandis que Julien est blond et pâle comme... la lune. Je remonte un peu ma robe rouge et la main du chauffeur s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je lui dis:
— Vous pourriez peut-être nous déposer au péage de l'autoroute, M'sieur...
— C'est que...
Je prends sa main et la remonte jusqu'aux poils de ma chatte. Il me jette un rapide coup d'œil et dit:
— D'accord...
Je le laisse un peu jouer avec ma chatte, ça ne mange pas de pain. Au contraire, ça fait plaisir à tous les trois: ma chatte, lui et moi. Pourquoi dépenser de l'argent pour un taxi alors qu'on peut demander à des gens de vous déposer.
Mon chauffeur peloteur nous amène au péage. Je lui donne un baiser et on sort de sa voiture. En descendant, je me trousse pour lui montrer mes fesses. Le pelotage, c'est le prix de la course, la vue de mes fesses c'est le pourboire!
Je laisse passer quelques voitures immatriculées dans la région. En voyant arriver un petit autocar, je m'avance avec mon plus beau sourire. Merde! Il ne s'arrête pas. Ah, si. Il s'arrête un peu plus loin. Je crie à Julien:
— On court.
J'arrive à la portière du conducteur. Il baisse sa vitre et je lui dis:
— Mon frère et moi, on va vers le Sud...
— Montez. Les prêtres veulent bien vous prendre.
Les prêtres?? Je fais le tour et on monte. Les passagers sont tous des gens d'un certain âge. Ils nous sourient, moi aussi. Dans le fond du bus, il y a deux prêtres... en soutane! Je leur dis:
— Bonjour. Merci beaucoup de nous prendre.
Un des prêtres est un gros homme chauve, ou alors on lui a raté la tonsure. Il a le nez assez rouge. J'ai l'impression qu'il doit abuser du vin de messe. À côté de lui, je découvre un prêtre beaucoup plus jeune. Le gros ecclésiastique nous dit:
— Soyez les bienvenus, mes enfants... Ne soyez pas surpris de nous voir en soutane, nous sommes des intégristes et nous allons à un congrès à Marseille.
— Oh, c'est une chance mon Père, nous allons aussi à Marseille.
— Dieu nous a mis sur votre chemin, ma fille. Je me présente: père Martin, curé de Varennes-en-Argonne et voici le Père Lucas, curé de Stenay.
Je réponds bien poliment:
— Enchantée. Moi, je m'appelle Samia et mon demi-frère, Julien.
J'ajoute un peu plus bas:
— Il est un peu demeuré.
Vu la tête d'ahuri qu'il fait pour le moment, c'est très crédible.
À l'arrière, il n'y a qu'eux deux et un homme âgé dormant appuyé contre la fenêtre. Le père Martin est sympa. Il nous explique la raison de son intégrisme. Franchement, ça me saoule, mais je fais semblant d'être passionnée. Ils emmènent des retraités catholiques de la région des Ardennes passer quelques jours dans une maison mise à leur disposition par Monseigneur l'Évêque.
De mon côté, je lui raconte un peu n'importe quoi. On était en vacances chez des cousins au Crotoy, mais mon frère rêve de voir la Méditerranée. De mon côté, j'ai eu une pneumonie et j'ai beaucoup prié Sainte Sara pour guérir, alors je voudrais aller aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer pour la remercier. Belle petite histoire, non? En plus, c'est vrai, je veux remercier Sainte Sara, mais de m'avoir dégotté Julien. Il me demande:
— Tu es une gitane?
— À moitié mon père, ma mère est une Rom.
— Ce n'est pas un peu dangereux de faire du stop quand on est une fille aussi belle que toi et qu'on a une robe aussi courte?
— Je prie tous les jours le Seigneur pour qu'il nous protège... Nous ne sommes pas riches, on ne peut pas se payer le voyage en train.
Le père Lucas intervient dans la conversation:
— J'espère que vous restez sérieuse, mon enfant.
En disant ça, il a tout à coup un petit air lubrique qui me semble de très bon augure. Je réponds:
— Parfois oui, parfois non, mon Père. Je dois parfois faire certaines choses pour avoir de l'argent, afin d’acheter des médicaments pour mon frère épileptique. Comme on dit: " nécessité ne connaît pas de loi "
Je pousse un peu pour avoir les larmes aux yeux, mais en réalité, j'ai plutôt envie de rire. Heureusement, Julien a pris une mine de circonstance.
Le père Martin soupire, puis me répond:
— Comme vous avez raison, ma fille... On est parfois obligé de faire certaines choses. Si je vous disais...
Là, il baisse la voix:
— Si je vous disais que le père Lucas et moi-même commettons parfois le péché de chair, mais nous nous confessons... l'un, l'autre.
Ben voyons... Je sens qu'on va s'entendre comme larrons en foire, les pères et moi. On discute encore un peu. Il me dit qu'on va voyager toute la nuit et qu'on sera à Marseille demain, en fin de matinée. Ils ne vont pas à l'hôtel, car ils n'ont pas un gros budget pour emmener les pensionnés en vacances.
Je remarque la montre du Père. Je lui demande:
— Oh! vous avez une Rolex, mon Père?
— Oui... euh... un cadeau d'un de mes paroissiens, certainement une fausse.
Je prends son poignet et je regarde attentivement sa montre en disant:
— Non, non, c'est une vraie Rolex.
— Vous croyez? Comment voyez-vous cela?
— Parce que l'aiguille des secondes est fluide, elle semble flotter sans à coup. Les aiguilles des secondes des fausses ont un mouvement saccadé.
Ils sont impressionnés par mon explication. Il faut dire que j'ai déjà eu quelques Rolex dans les mains, quand... euh... passons.
On s'arrête à une station d'essence pour faire pipi et manger. Le père nous conseille un sandwich. Julien a vraiment l'air à côté de ses pompes. Il faut dire que je le désintoxique à la dure: pas de joints, pas de coke et même pas d'alcool... C’est moi, sa drogue!
On choisit des sandwichs et des bières. Dès qu'il a vidé sa bouteille, Julien me demande:
— Je peux avoir une bière de la région? S'il te plaît, Samia. Je... ça me fait du bien, juste une s'il te plaît.
J'adore quand il me supplie comme ça. Je le laisse un peu attendre. Si on était seul, je le ferais ramper et lécher les semelles de mes chaussures. Je finis par lui répondre:
— C'est trop cher.
Le père Lucas lui donne une pièce en disant:
— Tiens, va chercher ta bière.
Julien prend la pièce en remerciant, mais il me regarde... je vais dire, peureusement. Genre: « Je peux? » Je lui fais un petit signe de tête et il bredouille:
— Merci Samia.
Il va acheter ce qu'il y a de plus fort comme bière de la région. J'adore le contrôler. Le père Martin me fait remarquer:
— Tu es sévère avec lui.
Aah, on se tutoie? Je réponds:
— Il a tendance à trop boire et il n'a pas fini sa croissance (surtout du côté de sa bite!). Je fais ça pour son bien.
On parle encore un peu... de moi. Ils me font des compliments, je suis si belle, et puis mes yeux noirs et puis mes... Comme ils louchent dans mon décolleté, je propose:
— Mes nichons?
Ils pouffent comme des collégiens.
— Oui... Vous êtes une très belle jeune femme.
Le conducteur vient nous dire qu'on doit repartir. On remonte dans le car et on va s'asseoir à l'arrière. Il y a un retraité, le Père Lucas, moi, le Père Martin et Julien. La nuit tombe et dans la pénombre, la main du père Martin s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je le laisse faire. C'est un prêtre, après tout. Il fait de plus en plus sombre dans l'autocar. Tout le monde dort ou somnole ou fait semblant. Le père met ma main sur la bosse qui déforme sa soutane et me dit à l'oreille:
— Ma chère enfant, jouons cartes sur table. J'ai envie de toi et tu n'es manifestement pas une oie blanche. Quatre cents francs pour une pipe au père Lucas et à moi.

À suivre.

Pour tous renseignements : [email protected]

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Selena and JoeChapter 29

Selena's train pulled out of the station right on time at 6:36 allaying any worries she would miss her 9:30 start time at Wall Street Global. Her goodbye with Joe was still tearful, although they said goodbye so many times in the past half day. Once on the train she had the days Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Plus, she had Joe go over everything he had done the day before with hopes it might give her insight on anything discussed at WSG. She was still a bit nervous that she might miss...

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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 16 Sunday ndash The Barbeque

It wasn’t too often that Joan and I had slept with another person in our bed. There might have been times when the kids were babes, but since then, our bed had been our own. It was therefore a bit of an interesting sensation being sandwiched between two females and having that nice feeling that which ever way I faced, I had a lady to hug and spoon and another behind me who’d then spoon me. When we awoke, I did have to get out of bed by moving down the middle as both escape paths were blocked...

1 year ago
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Lesbian sex in our own village

Hello friendsPari here.Our maid,s son Raza went back to their village in south India.One evening when we were to doing 3some. Maid asked us if we like to haveAnother lady joins us is sex?We both AJ and I said why not more the merrier. But we do not want any oneTo knows about what we are doing. You know the life in small village if one find outThen every one will come to know.Maid said this lady is nice she is about 40 nice body she have.But there is one condition she just wanted with female to...

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The Awakening of Love Ch 13

I do not know any of the television personalities in this chapter! CHAPTER THIRTEEN Jake walked into the salon one morning to find Ashira trying patiently to handle a client that was very irate. ‘Miss, if you can’t calmly tell me what the trouble is, I can’t help you,’ Ashira said, trying to be as patient as possible, she saw Jake behind the client. ‘Do you need help?’ he mouthed. Ashira shook her head and returned her attention to the client who lowered the volume a little. ‘I paid for...

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The Babysitter

The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...

3 years ago
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Something New Under the Sun

Something New Under the Sun I love your cock and balls and breasts The way you can be my woman or my man The way I can be your husband or your wife You make me me, as I make you you; Together, we are one--and two-- No man knows what a man is until he has been On both the giving and the receiving end Of an erection, having been both cock and cunt, Both male and female, both man and woman; Therefore, my dear, no one knows what a man is But one like you or me, a...

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Ms Story

As she sat next to him in the booth at the restaurant, she was very aware that their position was atypical and that people noticed. Every other couple sat across from one another at their tables, booth or not. But he had insisted and wouldn't answer when she asked why... over and over again. He'd merely smile and say, "You'll see." She was tired of waiting and wondering. They talked casually over the salads. She told him, once again that his choice of dressing was disgusting and that mold...

3 years ago
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Shower With A Vampire

Introduction: I was asked yesterday for more vamp fic, so this is one i wrote ages ago I need to get home. Damn, I still dont like being out in the dark even though Im 21. Even though I was told vampires and werewolves are just myths, I still think there are evil things lurking out there. Tonight is even worse, its a full moon, and its giving me goosebumps, I wasnt planning on leaving town this late, but when theres a sale in Ann Summers I cant help it. I get absorbed by all the sex toys. That...

1 year ago
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A Typical Summer Evening with Mom

I had such a great time living with Mom that summer, just over a year ago, that I have lived with her ever since. Mom was finallly pretty cheerful and enjoying her life five years after her difficult divorce. I guess for her, life began again at fifty. Staying reasonably fit, although rather plump, and having done a little casual dating, she had gotten her confidence back up and she was doing fine. I had been divorced myself for over a year, and although I was 30, I was not looking for a...

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To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch 02

Alicia awakened with the sun, as she had the day before. This time, however, she felt rested. While the dirt floor was a far cry from her feather-stuffed mattress, it was a great improvement over sleeping on sticks and pine cones. With only a little food remaining, and not enough knowledge to live off the land, she knew that she had to move on. She could only hope that she was moving away from her kidnappers, and not walking right into their arms. After a quiet prayer to the gods to that...

3 years ago
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The Projectionist A Valentines Gift

I had one of the best high school jobs as a movie theatre projectionist. Don’t get me wrong, though. There was stress involved, and the nights were long, as I was on the closing shift and had to stay until the last movie ended. But it was great! I could complete my homework, sleep, read a book and occasionally spy on people. On a particularly uneventful Valentine’s Day, I participated in my first voyeuristic act. It was still early, but the auditorium was slowly getting filled. I initially...

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My name is Joe. I’m going to tell you a story. No, not about me, I’m just your ‘average Joe’. But I have a friend who is really something else! His name is Leonard. His friends all call him Leo. Leo & I worked in the oil fields in south Texas. I’m a roustabout while he is a high rigger. I don’t have any special talents, but Leo is an artist. Not a painter or a sculptor, but he can draw anything you want. A flower, a butterfly, animals, fantasy creatures, or just intricate abstract designs....

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The Old Police House

It was a bit off the beaten track, but my tour of the north of England was going well.Staying at small guesthouses, I was visiting the more remote parts of the north, those small towns and villages you have never heard of but there they are on the map.Tonight’s guesthouse was intriguing, to say the least. The address was The Old Police House, Birch Grove. It was easy to find on the Satnav and was a short road, a cul-de-sac, with many trees on either side. I wondered if these were the birch...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 219

This one is compliments of dorsetmike Bibbo was killed in a fire and badly burned. His two best friends were asked to go to the morgue to identify him. First one went in and after looking at the face, said turn him over. He then shook his head and said that’s not Bibbo The other friend went in. As with his friend, he said turn him over. He then also shook his head and said that’s not Bibbo. How do you know, asked the policeman? Well, they said, Bibbo was pretty unique and this guy...

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I was at the mall on my way to the Converse shoe store to buy another pair of Converse shoes. Originally, I only had black Converse high tops as my shoes for my numerous outfits and things got boring when so many different outfits matched one pair of shoes. Since I love Converse and I wore them religiously since I was little, I decided to buy another pair of high tops. When I arrived at the store, I was greeted by an employee.This employee was female. No, she was not a really ugly, old, and fat...

4 years ago
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It turns out that when you die, you really do go to heaven. I didn’t turn into a ghost and get guided to the pearly gates, though. Nah. Instead I woke up on the floor, which was very hard and definitely not a nice fluffy cloud. It also wasn’t all bright and shiny. I think it was an apartment Don’t get me wrong, it was a pretty nice apartment. Spacious, full of comfy looking furniture, and there was a big bay window that probably had a really nice view, if some jackass hadn’t covered it up with...

3 years ago
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Finally Anjali Mami Is Mine

Hi, guys, I am Varun Malhotra 19 years old … Average Gym Fair Body with around 6 inches hard fat cock and 5’7 height.I basically hail from Ranchi but right now studying Designing in Bangalore. After reading ISS for a bit long time now, I decided to share my experience which happened around a year back…between Me and my Maami(Anjali). I hope you all like my experience, I’ll be waiting for Feedbacks and Replies on I was all always attracted towards women of all ages like 24 or 37 it was just the...

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This is a true story, the names were changed to protect the innocent... I've always wanted to say that. Karen and I were twenty-one, free and white. It was Saturday, we both had some money and the time and we both liked to go bar hopping. I'd met Karen in college, my freshman year. She was funny, smart and pretty and we, at the time, had both had a crush on the same guy. Then we both found out that he was flirting with the other one, dropped him and became close friends. Anyway, that...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 19

‘Perfect…’ J.J. Hanson muttered as he trailed his lips over the creamy globes of his wife’s breasts. They had always been so lusciously full but now they seemed even firmer… almost like she’d gotten breast implants only they still felt completely natural. Sophia writhed and cried out when he sucked her firm pink nipples into his mouth… she’d never reacted quite so forcefully to such stimulation before! ‘Oh God, J.J. …’ she breathed. ‘That feels so wonderful! Yes… keep doing that… it feels so...

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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 23

The weekend had been one of the best in my life, but then Monday morning brought me another pair of ruined panties. For the first time since my very first period, I was completely taken by surprise by its arrival. Usually I got crampy or moody just before it started, but I’d noticed nothing this time. Then I remembered the wonderful side-effect of having an IUD. School that morning felt different. I had a girlfriend named Samantha Juliet Green and we had spent a wonderful weekend getting to...

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Scoreland Holly Brooks Are Busty Strippers the Best Fucks

Most clubs do not allow the dancers to fuck or suck-off the patrons on-property. But this is a club at SCORELAND so the girls can do anything they want. As Holly’s show opens, Johnny is hypnotized staring at the nubile stripper shaking her tits and ass on stage. She has him in her honey trap. Johnny aims to seal the deal. He must shove his cock in her pussy or go down trying…Holly sits on his lap for a lap dance and grinds and bounces her way into his heart and onto another body...

2 years ago
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House Sitting

One week I was house sitting for my mother who went out of town for a while and I thought this would be a great week of jerking off. This one particular day started with me just being naked around the house all day, then after a while I decided to insert my butt plug and keep it in me as long ass possible. Throughout the day I would wander out in the yard naked and just enjoy the sun on my skin and the thrill of being exposed outside (avatar picture). I would sometimes just lay out in the yard...

2 years ago
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You Might Meet a Stranger

She watched herself in the big mirror behind the bar as she took a sip of her drink, then shifted her eyes to the man on the far side of the club. Watching him watch her. Watching him want her. It was a strange, exciting feeling. Making her heart pound. Making her very aware of herself and how she moved. Making her a little afraid and a lot aroused. Standing as he was in the shadows, she couldn't see much detail. Short hair, broad shoulders and a strong body that filled out his suit very...

4 years ago
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Ingrid Willem and Jan Happy or Unhappy End

I was lying on Ingrid’s couch, completely exhausted with sexual and emotional tension. I had wanted to go home, but it had been too late to catch the bus, so Ingrid allowed me to stay overnight. After reminding me, with a naughty grin, “But please don’t forget our little agreement! You’re not to come while you’re under my roof!” But she and Willem had gone upstairs, to her bedroom.And there I was. Horny and desperate. As long as Ingrid was with me, looked at me, smiled at me, said sweet things...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing pt35

Vaguely, Stacy was aware of her husband and Betty exchanging a few words. Jared got up and went across the room for something. When he returned, he was tearing open a foil condom wrapper.Helen was still showering attention on Stacy's tits and playing with her cunt. Frank got between the young woman's legs with cock in hand, ready to give the nymph a good strong fuck. Helen held up a hand. "Now honey, I want you to fuck this little doll and I want you to make her cum. But, you are not to cum...


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