Samia - 5 free porn video

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Sur la route.

La bonne me dit:
— Merci et bon voyage, Mademoiselle.
Entendons-nous, je n'ai pas fait ça par intérêt pour la bonniche, mais pour tester mon pouvoir sur Julien. On redescend. Son père nous attend. Qu'est-ce qu'il a décidé, le gros? Il donne des billets à Julien en disant:
— Voilà ta semaine.
Sa semaine? Il n'a plus 12 ans, quand même! Enfin si, par certains côtés. Julien me donne aussitôt l'argent. Bien... Je dis au père:
— Au revoir, Monsieur. On sera là dans un mois, pour les préparatifs du mariage.
Je dis à Julien:
— Va dire au revoir à ta mère.
— Oui, Samia.
Quand il est sorti, le père me pose la question:
— Tu ne demandes pas d'argent?
— Non, je veux un mari soumis, pas de l'argent. Vous me ferez un cadeau quand je le ramènerai "clean".
— Clean, ça veut dire?
— Désintoxiqué.
Le père me prend par la taille et me colle à lui en disant:
— Tu me plais, toi. Je suis sûre que tu es vénale, mais qui ne l'est pas... Si tu réussis, je te proposerai un job dans mon usine.
— Un job intéressant?
— Je crois...
Et là, il m'embrasse sur la bouche. Je me laisse faire un court moment, puis je me dégage doucement en disant:
— Beau-papa, nous ne sommes pas seuls.
La petite bonne nous regarde en souriant, mais ça ne le dérange pas. Il me donne une claque sur les fesses en disant:
— Tu me plais de plus en plus.
Dès qu'on est sorti de la villa, je récupère mon sac dans la jeep et je laisse les clés sur le contact. On prend la petite route qui va vers la ville. Bien sûr, je me dis: « Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous? » N'importe quoi! Bah, on verra bien... Je ne veux pas trop réfléchir, j'agis à l'instinct, je réfléchirai plus tard.
J'entends une voiture arriver et je fais un signe de la main accompagné d'un grand sourire. Le conducteur s'arrête. Je lui dis:
— On va vers l'autoroute, ce serait très gentil si vous pouviez nous déposer dans la direction.
Il est d'accord, on monte dans la voiture. L'homme habite dans la région, ce n'est pas un Parisien en week-end. Il a une quarantaine d'années et il est plutôt sympa.
Je m'assieds à côté de lui et on parle. Non, le jeune homme n'est pas mon petit ami, c'est mon demi-frère. C'est un tout petit peu plus crédible que mon frère, étant donné que j'ai des cheveux presque noirs et la peau ambrée, je suis la nuit, tandis que Julien est blond et pâle comme... la lune. Je remonte un peu ma robe rouge et la main du chauffeur s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je lui dis:
— Vous pourriez peut-être nous déposer au péage de l'autoroute, M'sieur...
— C'est que...
Je prends sa main et la remonte jusqu'aux poils de ma chatte. Il me jette un rapide coup d'œil et dit:
— D'accord...
Je le laisse un peu jouer avec ma chatte, ça ne mange pas de pain. Au contraire, ça fait plaisir à tous les trois: ma chatte, lui et moi. Pourquoi dépenser de l'argent pour un taxi alors qu'on peut demander à des gens de vous déposer.
Mon chauffeur peloteur nous amène au péage. Je lui donne un baiser et on sort de sa voiture. En descendant, je me trousse pour lui montrer mes fesses. Le pelotage, c'est le prix de la course, la vue de mes fesses c'est le pourboire!
Je laisse passer quelques voitures immatriculées dans la région. En voyant arriver un petit autocar, je m'avance avec mon plus beau sourire. Merde! Il ne s'arrête pas. Ah, si. Il s'arrête un peu plus loin. Je crie à Julien:
— On court.
J'arrive à la portière du conducteur. Il baisse sa vitre et je lui dis:
— Mon frère et moi, on va vers le Sud...
— Montez. Les prêtres veulent bien vous prendre.
Les prêtres?? Je fais le tour et on monte. Les passagers sont tous des gens d'un certain âge. Ils nous sourient, moi aussi. Dans le fond du bus, il y a deux prêtres... en soutane! Je leur dis:
— Bonjour. Merci beaucoup de nous prendre.
Un des prêtres est un gros homme chauve, ou alors on lui a raté la tonsure. Il a le nez assez rouge. J'ai l'impression qu'il doit abuser du vin de messe. À côté de lui, je découvre un prêtre beaucoup plus jeune. Le gros ecclésiastique nous dit:
— Soyez les bienvenus, mes enfants... Ne soyez pas surpris de nous voir en soutane, nous sommes des intégristes et nous allons à un congrès à Marseille.
— Oh, c'est une chance mon Père, nous allons aussi à Marseille.
— Dieu nous a mis sur votre chemin, ma fille. Je me présente: père Martin, curé de Varennes-en-Argonne et voici le Père Lucas, curé de Stenay.
Je réponds bien poliment:
— Enchantée. Moi, je m'appelle Samia et mon demi-frère, Julien.
J'ajoute un peu plus bas:
— Il est un peu demeuré.
Vu la tête d'ahuri qu'il fait pour le moment, c'est très crédible.
À l'arrière, il n'y a qu'eux deux et un homme âgé dormant appuyé contre la fenêtre. Le père Martin est sympa. Il nous explique la raison de son intégrisme. Franchement, ça me saoule, mais je fais semblant d'être passionnée. Ils emmènent des retraités catholiques de la région des Ardennes passer quelques jours dans une maison mise à leur disposition par Monseigneur l'Évêque.
De mon côté, je lui raconte un peu n'importe quoi. On était en vacances chez des cousins au Crotoy, mais mon frère rêve de voir la Méditerranée. De mon côté, j'ai eu une pneumonie et j'ai beaucoup prié Sainte Sara pour guérir, alors je voudrais aller aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer pour la remercier. Belle petite histoire, non? En plus, c'est vrai, je veux remercier Sainte Sara, mais de m'avoir dégotté Julien. Il me demande:
— Tu es une gitane?
— À moitié mon père, ma mère est une Rom.
— Ce n'est pas un peu dangereux de faire du stop quand on est une fille aussi belle que toi et qu'on a une robe aussi courte?
— Je prie tous les jours le Seigneur pour qu'il nous protège... Nous ne sommes pas riches, on ne peut pas se payer le voyage en train.
Le père Lucas intervient dans la conversation:
— J'espère que vous restez sérieuse, mon enfant.
En disant ça, il a tout à coup un petit air lubrique qui me semble de très bon augure. Je réponds:
— Parfois oui, parfois non, mon Père. Je dois parfois faire certaines choses pour avoir de l'argent, afin d’acheter des médicaments pour mon frère épileptique. Comme on dit: " nécessité ne connaît pas de loi "
Je pousse un peu pour avoir les larmes aux yeux, mais en réalité, j'ai plutôt envie de rire. Heureusement, Julien a pris une mine de circonstance.
Le père Martin soupire, puis me répond:
— Comme vous avez raison, ma fille... On est parfois obligé de faire certaines choses. Si je vous disais...
Là, il baisse la voix:
— Si je vous disais que le père Lucas et moi-même commettons parfois le péché de chair, mais nous nous confessons... l'un, l'autre.
Ben voyons... Je sens qu'on va s'entendre comme larrons en foire, les pères et moi. On discute encore un peu. Il me dit qu'on va voyager toute la nuit et qu'on sera à Marseille demain, en fin de matinée. Ils ne vont pas à l'hôtel, car ils n'ont pas un gros budget pour emmener les pensionnés en vacances.
Je remarque la montre du Père. Je lui demande:
— Oh! vous avez une Rolex, mon Père?
— Oui... euh... un cadeau d'un de mes paroissiens, certainement une fausse.
Je prends son poignet et je regarde attentivement sa montre en disant:
— Non, non, c'est une vraie Rolex.
— Vous croyez? Comment voyez-vous cela?
— Parce que l'aiguille des secondes est fluide, elle semble flotter sans à coup. Les aiguilles des secondes des fausses ont un mouvement saccadé.
Ils sont impressionnés par mon explication. Il faut dire que j'ai déjà eu quelques Rolex dans les mains, quand... euh... passons.
On s'arrête à une station d'essence pour faire pipi et manger. Le père nous conseille un sandwich. Julien a vraiment l'air à côté de ses pompes. Il faut dire que je le désintoxique à la dure: pas de joints, pas de coke et même pas d'alcool... C’est moi, sa drogue!
On choisit des sandwichs et des bières. Dès qu'il a vidé sa bouteille, Julien me demande:
— Je peux avoir une bière de la région? S'il te plaît, Samia. Je... ça me fait du bien, juste une s'il te plaît.
J'adore quand il me supplie comme ça. Je le laisse un peu attendre. Si on était seul, je le ferais ramper et lécher les semelles de mes chaussures. Je finis par lui répondre:
— C'est trop cher.
Le père Lucas lui donne une pièce en disant:
— Tiens, va chercher ta bière.
Julien prend la pièce en remerciant, mais il me regarde... je vais dire, peureusement. Genre: « Je peux? » Je lui fais un petit signe de tête et il bredouille:
— Merci Samia.
Il va acheter ce qu'il y a de plus fort comme bière de la région. J'adore le contrôler. Le père Martin me fait remarquer:
— Tu es sévère avec lui.
Aah, on se tutoie? Je réponds:
— Il a tendance à trop boire et il n'a pas fini sa croissance (surtout du côté de sa bite!). Je fais ça pour son bien.
On parle encore un peu... de moi. Ils me font des compliments, je suis si belle, et puis mes yeux noirs et puis mes... Comme ils louchent dans mon décolleté, je propose:
— Mes nichons?
Ils pouffent comme des collégiens.
— Oui... Vous êtes une très belle jeune femme.
Le conducteur vient nous dire qu'on doit repartir. On remonte dans le car et on va s'asseoir à l'arrière. Il y a un retraité, le Père Lucas, moi, le Père Martin et Julien. La nuit tombe et dans la pénombre, la main du père Martin s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je le laisse faire. C'est un prêtre, après tout. Il fait de plus en plus sombre dans l'autocar. Tout le monde dort ou somnole ou fait semblant. Le père met ma main sur la bosse qui déforme sa soutane et me dit à l'oreille:
— Ma chère enfant, jouons cartes sur table. J'ai envie de toi et tu n'es manifestement pas une oie blanche. Quatre cents francs pour une pipe au père Lucas et à moi.

À suivre.

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Fucking An Older Guy In A Public Bathroom

It snowed here today. Not much fun. But it set my mind thinking back to an encounter one summer about ten years ago.____________Christ knows, it was warm enough when I left the house; after a few miles on the bike I was really feeling the heat.I was in my mid-20s and, having moved to the city a few years earlier, was making the most of the opportunity of a few days off work to get out and about on my mountain bike during a trip to the coast to visit friends.Not that I'd seen many mountains; the...

3 years ago
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Shia and Hannah

They chose a few things and went into the fitting room, and walking into a stall together. "Alright, Hannah, I'm going to try these bras and panties and stuff on, and I'm going to model them. Tell me how they look, 'kay?" Hannah answered with a slight nod, and tried on her bathing suit first. She rubbed her hands over body, not satisfied with the amount of fat on her behind. "I guess I'll have to get a bigger size.." she sighed. "Go ahead, Shia, it's your turn now." Hannah sat...

4 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 23 The Watery Dagger

Wednesday, January 27th – Mount Shasta, CA "Listen. I can't talk more," her husband said over the phone. Joy burned inside Christy. It was so amazing to hear his voice again. "But I know about him. Can you get back soon?" "I'm in California." Some of her excitement died. It would take almost a full day of driving to get back home. Christy stood naked in a cave in on the slopes of Mount Shasta. At her feet, her new concubine Sable knelt, staring up with love. Just minutes ago,...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Ch 08

Chapter: August ‘The Sun and the Moon’ Life is as full of treasured moments as it is of hardship, though the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome can seem insurmountable, weighing so heavily that it seems even Atlas must be crushed under its mass. When those special gifts keep coming, it is easy to be desensitized or to focus on them to the expense of missing greater opportunities. And if you do see them, what then? Will it be eyes on the prise to reach for something that might just...

4 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty

FRIDAY JULY-15 Thursday was quiet with school presenting some kind of a challenge as the VCE exams got closer and closer. However it was nothing I would have any problem handling. In fact I was more than a little grateful when quite a few of the teachers asked me and several of the other more advanced students to assist some that were struggling with either assignments, homework or just plain schoolwork in general. At least it managed to take my mind off the phone call from London that we...

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Village FeteChapter 16

"Did you get a chance to speak to old Mossy, our very own Gentleman's Hair Stylist?" asked Julia fresher and cooler after her multiple ducking, although still tender from the attentions of the odious Mrs Patterson and a bevy of other unpleasant village ladies, whose names were inscribed for ever in her mind. (They might not know it yet, but they were all due to be paid back with interest in the days that followed)... "Yes" answered the loyal Beatrice, "He had been asked to lend the...

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Sister Act

Sister Act Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was an act, nothing more, but as I stood there next to her, I had the strangest feeling wash over me, as if my life was about to take a nasty turn, only I didn't know why I felt that way. Mom was sitting next to dad, watching us closely as my sister and I stood waiting for their judgment. Just being there, dressed up like that, was due to an accident. My cousin was supposed to be there, but she took a header off her bike,...

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The Night Bus

Holly looked over at the bed. Her husband was lying there on his back, his beer belly creating a huge swell under the bedcovers. He sported a three-day beard and he was snoring loudly once again. She wondered what she had seen in him when they first met. It certainly wasn’t what she saw in him today. Ever since they married just over eight years ago, he had let himself go. He no longer bothered to dress smartly or even to brush his hair properly. He never made plans for them to go out at the...

3 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 6

My Sissy Life Part 6 As I went to my room to change into my serving uniform I realized that I was home alone. I guess I was really into my cleaning. A few years ago, if I was left home alone I would have tried to run away, but now I just keep up with my chores. It is strange how things change sometimes, besides where would I go if I did run away. I quickly got out of my cleaning uniform and went to take a shower. I knew I better hurry, I only had an hour and a half to get ready....

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Hunting For Love

After much planning, I purchased the supplies and made the trip to the game preserve. I had been there before but just to take photos. This time I was planning on bagging some real game. As I began the hunt one afternoon, I carefully looked around. I did not see much that warranted stalking at the moment but I was patient. My intended game was very elusive. I would have to use all my skills to be successful. I figured the final prize would be more than worth it so I was not worried about...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 13

Our life revolved around the movie for the next two months. George ended up loving Abby’s thoughtful and skillful script corrections, and once the screenwriter realized George didn’t care how he felt about it, he turned over a new leaf and stopped whining like an idiot. The one dark spot of the movie was the unexplained accidents that kept occurring. It was like the movie had its own gremlin causing trouble for the producers. Sometimes it was a special light that failed in the middle of...

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Crystal ClearChapter 29 Scandal Damage Limitation Wild Sex

Dan bumped his head a couple of dozen times against the wall in the bedroom he'd been in with Ellen. The act looked funny given he was naked and sober, but so were the rest of us. He'd dropped the newspaper that repeated the story in a British tabloid about me carrying around pornographic and lewd pictures that had been sexted to me or taken by me on my cell phone. I took his head pounding as an indication that my publicist hadn't the slightest idea how to cope with this sudden release of...

2 years ago
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Chapter 42: MY FUTURE IS DECIDEDThe island is at peace, the mainland threat is gone. The island should be secure. Life should be peaceful. And b**st is gone. Happy, perhaps. But still gone. What does all this mean for me?Within a week of our victory against the invaders, Alex and Addama decide to go ahead with their marriage. She feels it is good for a positive, celebratory change. So early evening, with the world quieting down again, Alex and Addama approach Tessra and me at the edge of the...

2 years ago
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Wooing The Boss 8211 Part 2

Hey, this is the second part of my sex story.As always please remember to send me your feedback at .The story continues from the point I left it at. I woke up in the morning at 7:30.I looked around for Priya and I didn’t find her there.I remembered the events of the previous night and I smiled to myself.I was getting somewhere after all…As I got up and began stretching,Priya entered the room. I figured she had gone home to change because she now wore a yellow sleeveless shirt,and dark blue...

2 years ago
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Youve Got Mail

Randy typed the last few lines of data into the system. His dual psychology and computer science degrees had finally paid off. The special program he had developed had proven to be workable. He had converted it into a virus and then encapsulated it in a program that replaced the clock in the system tray on a monitor. As far as he could tell, the virus would get through most anti-virus software, since it appeared to be the clock, and it was not apparent to the user of the computer that the clock...

Mind Control
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Bedtime Story for My Pet 3

The first two Bedtimes Stories were created for the woman who was my pet at the time. This new one has been created specifically for the enthusiastic listeners to the first two. I asked for suggestions and most of the responses I got contained the thought that my pet should be punished for something this time around. So since I've learned that many listeners enjoy following the instructions as they're given, I've arranged for my pet to punish herself (so you might want to have a belt...

4 years ago
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Enslavement a Bedtime Story for Subs

You wake unable to open your eyes. You are not sure why. Perhaps they are taped shut, though you don't feel any kind of pressure. You finally realize that your eyes are open. You just can't see. You are tied in a position that has you on your hands and knees. Your elbows are tied to their respective knees, and there is some kind of rod tied between your ankles, making it impossible to put your legs together. Your wrists are bound together and secured to the floor with some kind of bracket....

2 years ago
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Luck Ch 05

‘ARIES STARK MURDERED- AUTOPSY REVEALS POISONING.’ Rip Howard looked at the front cover of the brand new, hot off the press edition of ‘celebrity skinz’. ‘Bullshit.’ he said to himself, reading over the article as he waited to see Hector Landon, head man in charge here at celebrity skinz and the only man that can make or break a reporter’s career with the snap of his fingers. He had done a lot of work in the past for Hector, but all that stopped after he was black listed. Now Hector had no...

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Daddys DiaryChapter 15

I considered talking to Peter before I spoke with Dylan, but in the end I thought it was best to follow the advice I gave Jackie and get the story from my daughter first. I picked her up in front of school as planned. "What's going on, Dad?" she asked when she got in the car. "Let's get you some lunch and then talk, O.K.?" I responded. After I had gone to the taco shop drive thru and gotten her what she wanted to eat, I navigated the car to a spot in the adjacent lot, way in the back,...

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The Olympic Spirit

Kate was bothered and starting to question her life choices. She was 21, going to college part time and on-line, had no boyfriend or romantic involvement with anyone, and knew that it would be at least another five years – if everything worked out – before she could possibly graduate from law school, her academic goal. And she didn’t even know any guys she wanted to bong, let alone have any real prospects. Given that Kate had a near genius I. Q., was 5’7”, 115 pounds with long flaxen hair,...

Straight Sex
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The CallChapter 3

Somehow I thought there would be more satisfaction to telling my wife I told you so. On my way back to the bar I realized there was really no satisfaction at all, families were going to break up over all this, and mine could very well be one of them. I took my seat next to Terry; he was sitting quietly just staring into his drink, I don't even think he was aware that I had returned. "Did Barb say how it started, or why? You guys always seemed like a pretty happy couple to me; why would...

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I Was A Teenage Nymphomaniac

Dear Diary. Sunday, March 12. It's my birthday today, Diary. I'm fourteen, yay me! Daddy says that I'm a big girl now, and it must be true because he keeps looking at my boobies while he says it. Last night while we were in the shower he showed me how to get them extra clean. He even showed me how to get really clean down there, and I must be doing it right because it felt really good. Today I'm going to celebrate my birthday with all my friends. Tomorrow I'll let you know how it...

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The foot job

Still working on the beginning too but here goes. Guy is home in apartment waiting for his guest. Girl knocks on door he answers, she is stunning and guy hopes date goes well. They sit and watch a anime or Watever, they watch sumthin and the girl goes, get between my legs. Guy is surprised and before he can say sumthin she says " I like playin in your hair" {earlier she had her hand in his head} Guy sits on floor and tha girl plays in his head, it feels good. He closes his eyes and...

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DianneChapter 6

--Tuesday, 25th May, 1999-- I awoke to late afternoon light streaming in through my bedroom windows. Almost full-length floor to ceiling, the tinted glass panels looked out over the smaller buildings nearby and out to the rivers in the west. From my bed I could see boats out there on water that glimmered gold with the lowering sun. Yawning, I stretched languorously, tightening and loosening my muscles as I considered getting up. The clock on my bedside table read four-fifteen pm, telling me...

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F45103 Cosmopolitan

Cary had read about oral sex many times in Cosmopolitan. The magazine talked about it matter of factly. Apparently lots of girls do it. They run "how to please your man" articles all the time. The big question in girl's minds was always "Do I have to swallow? If not, then what?" They said you don't have to swallow but they also made it pretty obvious that the guy wants to come in your mouth and not on your hand. It was also obvious that the guy would be really impressed if you do swallow...

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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Penny Pax Georgia Jones Lady Boss Orientation

Adriana Chechik tries on her clothes until she finds the perfect outfit for her job interview. She heads to her appointment at the advertising agency and sits across from Penny Pax and Georgia Jones at the boardroom table. She answers their tough questions keeping cool and collected. They offer her the job and invite to their mandatory orientation retreat. When Adriana arrives at the retreat, she sees Georgia and Penny suntanning in the nude by the pool. Georgia is applying oil to Penny’s...


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