Samia - 5 free porn video

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Sur la route.

La bonne me dit:
— Merci et bon voyage, Mademoiselle.
Entendons-nous, je n'ai pas fait ça par intérêt pour la bonniche, mais pour tester mon pouvoir sur Julien. On redescend. Son père nous attend. Qu'est-ce qu'il a décidé, le gros? Il donne des billets à Julien en disant:
— Voilà ta semaine.
Sa semaine? Il n'a plus 12 ans, quand même! Enfin si, par certains côtés. Julien me donne aussitôt l'argent. Bien... Je dis au père:
— Au revoir, Monsieur. On sera là dans un mois, pour les préparatifs du mariage.
Je dis à Julien:
— Va dire au revoir à ta mère.
— Oui, Samia.
Quand il est sorti, le père me pose la question:
— Tu ne demandes pas d'argent?
— Non, je veux un mari soumis, pas de l'argent. Vous me ferez un cadeau quand je le ramènerai "clean".
— Clean, ça veut dire?
— Désintoxiqué.
Le père me prend par la taille et me colle à lui en disant:
— Tu me plais, toi. Je suis sûre que tu es vénale, mais qui ne l'est pas... Si tu réussis, je te proposerai un job dans mon usine.
— Un job intéressant?
— Je crois...
Et là, il m'embrasse sur la bouche. Je me laisse faire un court moment, puis je me dégage doucement en disant:
— Beau-papa, nous ne sommes pas seuls.
La petite bonne nous regarde en souriant, mais ça ne le dérange pas. Il me donne une claque sur les fesses en disant:
— Tu me plais de plus en plus.
Dès qu'on est sorti de la villa, je récupère mon sac dans la jeep et je laisse les clés sur le contact. On prend la petite route qui va vers la ville. Bien sûr, je me dis: « Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous? » N'importe quoi! Bah, on verra bien... Je ne veux pas trop réfléchir, j'agis à l'instinct, je réfléchirai plus tard.
J'entends une voiture arriver et je fais un signe de la main accompagné d'un grand sourire. Le conducteur s'arrête. Je lui dis:
— On va vers l'autoroute, ce serait très gentil si vous pouviez nous déposer dans la direction.
Il est d'accord, on monte dans la voiture. L'homme habite dans la région, ce n'est pas un Parisien en week-end. Il a une quarantaine d'années et il est plutôt sympa.
Je m'assieds à côté de lui et on parle. Non, le jeune homme n'est pas mon petit ami, c'est mon demi-frère. C'est un tout petit peu plus crédible que mon frère, étant donné que j'ai des cheveux presque noirs et la peau ambrée, je suis la nuit, tandis que Julien est blond et pâle comme... la lune. Je remonte un peu ma robe rouge et la main du chauffeur s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je lui dis:
— Vous pourriez peut-être nous déposer au péage de l'autoroute, M'sieur...
— C'est que...
Je prends sa main et la remonte jusqu'aux poils de ma chatte. Il me jette un rapide coup d'œil et dit:
— D'accord...
Je le laisse un peu jouer avec ma chatte, ça ne mange pas de pain. Au contraire, ça fait plaisir à tous les trois: ma chatte, lui et moi. Pourquoi dépenser de l'argent pour un taxi alors qu'on peut demander à des gens de vous déposer.
Mon chauffeur peloteur nous amène au péage. Je lui donne un baiser et on sort de sa voiture. En descendant, je me trousse pour lui montrer mes fesses. Le pelotage, c'est le prix de la course, la vue de mes fesses c'est le pourboire!
Je laisse passer quelques voitures immatriculées dans la région. En voyant arriver un petit autocar, je m'avance avec mon plus beau sourire. Merde! Il ne s'arrête pas. Ah, si. Il s'arrête un peu plus loin. Je crie à Julien:
— On court.
J'arrive à la portière du conducteur. Il baisse sa vitre et je lui dis:
— Mon frère et moi, on va vers le Sud...
— Montez. Les prêtres veulent bien vous prendre.
Les prêtres?? Je fais le tour et on monte. Les passagers sont tous des gens d'un certain âge. Ils nous sourient, moi aussi. Dans le fond du bus, il y a deux prêtres... en soutane! Je leur dis:
— Bonjour. Merci beaucoup de nous prendre.
Un des prêtres est un gros homme chauve, ou alors on lui a raté la tonsure. Il a le nez assez rouge. J'ai l'impression qu'il doit abuser du vin de messe. À côté de lui, je découvre un prêtre beaucoup plus jeune. Le gros ecclésiastique nous dit:
— Soyez les bienvenus, mes enfants... Ne soyez pas surpris de nous voir en soutane, nous sommes des intégristes et nous allons à un congrès à Marseille.
— Oh, c'est une chance mon Père, nous allons aussi à Marseille.
— Dieu nous a mis sur votre chemin, ma fille. Je me présente: père Martin, curé de Varennes-en-Argonne et voici le Père Lucas, curé de Stenay.
Je réponds bien poliment:
— Enchantée. Moi, je m'appelle Samia et mon demi-frère, Julien.
J'ajoute un peu plus bas:
— Il est un peu demeuré.
Vu la tête d'ahuri qu'il fait pour le moment, c'est très crédible.
À l'arrière, il n'y a qu'eux deux et un homme âgé dormant appuyé contre la fenêtre. Le père Martin est sympa. Il nous explique la raison de son intégrisme. Franchement, ça me saoule, mais je fais semblant d'être passionnée. Ils emmènent des retraités catholiques de la région des Ardennes passer quelques jours dans une maison mise à leur disposition par Monseigneur l'Évêque.
De mon côté, je lui raconte un peu n'importe quoi. On était en vacances chez des cousins au Crotoy, mais mon frère rêve de voir la Méditerranée. De mon côté, j'ai eu une pneumonie et j'ai beaucoup prié Sainte Sara pour guérir, alors je voudrais aller aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer pour la remercier. Belle petite histoire, non? En plus, c'est vrai, je veux remercier Sainte Sara, mais de m'avoir dégotté Julien. Il me demande:
— Tu es une gitane?
— À moitié mon père, ma mère est une Rom.
— Ce n'est pas un peu dangereux de faire du stop quand on est une fille aussi belle que toi et qu'on a une robe aussi courte?
— Je prie tous les jours le Seigneur pour qu'il nous protège... Nous ne sommes pas riches, on ne peut pas se payer le voyage en train.
Le père Lucas intervient dans la conversation:
— J'espère que vous restez sérieuse, mon enfant.
En disant ça, il a tout à coup un petit air lubrique qui me semble de très bon augure. Je réponds:
— Parfois oui, parfois non, mon Père. Je dois parfois faire certaines choses pour avoir de l'argent, afin d’acheter des médicaments pour mon frère épileptique. Comme on dit: " nécessité ne connaît pas de loi "
Je pousse un peu pour avoir les larmes aux yeux, mais en réalité, j'ai plutôt envie de rire. Heureusement, Julien a pris une mine de circonstance.
Le père Martin soupire, puis me répond:
— Comme vous avez raison, ma fille... On est parfois obligé de faire certaines choses. Si je vous disais...
Là, il baisse la voix:
— Si je vous disais que le père Lucas et moi-même commettons parfois le péché de chair, mais nous nous confessons... l'un, l'autre.
Ben voyons... Je sens qu'on va s'entendre comme larrons en foire, les pères et moi. On discute encore un peu. Il me dit qu'on va voyager toute la nuit et qu'on sera à Marseille demain, en fin de matinée. Ils ne vont pas à l'hôtel, car ils n'ont pas un gros budget pour emmener les pensionnés en vacances.
Je remarque la montre du Père. Je lui demande:
— Oh! vous avez une Rolex, mon Père?
— Oui... euh... un cadeau d'un de mes paroissiens, certainement une fausse.
Je prends son poignet et je regarde attentivement sa montre en disant:
— Non, non, c'est une vraie Rolex.
— Vous croyez? Comment voyez-vous cela?
— Parce que l'aiguille des secondes est fluide, elle semble flotter sans à coup. Les aiguilles des secondes des fausses ont un mouvement saccadé.
Ils sont impressionnés par mon explication. Il faut dire que j'ai déjà eu quelques Rolex dans les mains, quand... euh... passons.
On s'arrête à une station d'essence pour faire pipi et manger. Le père nous conseille un sandwich. Julien a vraiment l'air à côté de ses pompes. Il faut dire que je le désintoxique à la dure: pas de joints, pas de coke et même pas d'alcool... C’est moi, sa drogue!
On choisit des sandwichs et des bières. Dès qu'il a vidé sa bouteille, Julien me demande:
— Je peux avoir une bière de la région? S'il te plaît, Samia. Je... ça me fait du bien, juste une s'il te plaît.
J'adore quand il me supplie comme ça. Je le laisse un peu attendre. Si on était seul, je le ferais ramper et lécher les semelles de mes chaussures. Je finis par lui répondre:
— C'est trop cher.
Le père Lucas lui donne une pièce en disant:
— Tiens, va chercher ta bière.
Julien prend la pièce en remerciant, mais il me regarde... je vais dire, peureusement. Genre: « Je peux? » Je lui fais un petit signe de tête et il bredouille:
— Merci Samia.
Il va acheter ce qu'il y a de plus fort comme bière de la région. J'adore le contrôler. Le père Martin me fait remarquer:
— Tu es sévère avec lui.
Aah, on se tutoie? Je réponds:
— Il a tendance à trop boire et il n'a pas fini sa croissance (surtout du côté de sa bite!). Je fais ça pour son bien.
On parle encore un peu... de moi. Ils me font des compliments, je suis si belle, et puis mes yeux noirs et puis mes... Comme ils louchent dans mon décolleté, je propose:
— Mes nichons?
Ils pouffent comme des collégiens.
— Oui... Vous êtes une très belle jeune femme.
Le conducteur vient nous dire qu'on doit repartir. On remonte dans le car et on va s'asseoir à l'arrière. Il y a un retraité, le Père Lucas, moi, le Père Martin et Julien. La nuit tombe et dans la pénombre, la main du père Martin s'égare sur mes cuisses. Je le laisse faire. C'est un prêtre, après tout. Il fait de plus en plus sombre dans l'autocar. Tout le monde dort ou somnole ou fait semblant. Le père met ma main sur la bosse qui déforme sa soutane et me dit à l'oreille:
— Ma chère enfant, jouons cartes sur table. J'ai envie de toi et tu n'es manifestement pas une oie blanche. Quatre cents francs pour une pipe au père Lucas et à moi.

À suivre.

Pour tous renseignements : [email protected]

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The Refresher Course

The Refresher Course By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hello." "This is Evelyn Roberts, is Madam Rebecca there?" "Yes Ma'am she is, this is Sissie I will get her right away Ma'am." "Oh Sissie, it's good to hear your voice, please tell Madam Rebecca I have a business mater to speak with her about." "Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am." "Madam, Ms. Evelyn Roberts is on the phone and she says she has a business matter to speak to you about." "Thank You Sissie, I'll take the phone...

3 years ago
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Morning Swim

Your business trip abroad is soon to come to an end. You're thinking that'll you'll miss the apartment you've rented and the excellent facilitates that come with it. But as a young business woman abroad you have been missing one thing, and you're looking forward to that changing when you get home and fall into your lovers arms. Still, it's been too long and you have been looking for a chance to have some fun. After finishing your early morning swim and sun bathe you walk past a woman that you...

Group Sex
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BigTitCreamPie Roxie Sinner She Fucked The Pool Guy

Roxie Sinner was taking a shower. As she was soaping up her perfect tits, her pool guy walked in the house attempting to get a glass of water. However, he ended up getting a lot more, he started peeking as she showered and even pulled his cock out and started jerking off. Eventually she caught him. At first she was shocked but she soon began to feel flattered. From there, she let him play with her huge tits, he even got to fuck her tits and soon her pussy was being stretched in several...

4 years ago
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My Sex Adventure with two girls during Navratri

?Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri? A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri festival. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat, every part of India celebrated Navratri festival in their own way. Goddess Durga Pooja in West Bengal is their national festival. In Tamilnadu they display Kolu in each home. In Andhra, Karnataka and in Kerala, all nine days and...

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The Party

Here I was nervous as anything at the railway station, I had just phoned Bill to tell him that I was on my way as promised. The journey itself was uneventful and I arrived in the next town on time.I walked out of the station my nerves getting worse and scanned around the people all milling around. I couldn’t see Bill and started to worry, my eyes were drawn over to a woman walking towards the station looking incredibly sexy. My cock was starting to stir in my jeans as I realized that it was...

1 year ago
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Kissa Sins Twitter 8000 751000

How many times have you jerked off to Kissa Sins in the past? Too many to count? Once? Never heard of her? Bro, if it’s the latter, where the fuck have you been all this time?If you want to beat off to an amazing performer that is not afraid to embrace her weird fucking side, then you have to start following Kissa Sins on her official Twitter account: You will find a whole host of images, GIFs, videos, and updates about her gigs and life overall that will make you want to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Private Ria Sunn Ria Sunn and the Teacher

The stress of daily life is too much for Ria Sunn to handle, this gorgeous babe needs a way to relax and unwind, and that’s why she has hired George Uhl today on private, a tantric sex teacher who will show her the true meaning of the word pleasure and help her orgasm all her stress away! So watch this sexy tattooed beauty in action in Private Movies, The Art of Tantric Massage where she gets horny and intimate with her teacher and enjoys a sensual fuck that has her big tits bouncing until not...

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Sally Company Slut Part 6

Hi my name is Rob and this is the sixth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page Andyfrancis1. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private Wealth clients at the...

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Mrs Braithwaite Part IV

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part IV. By Geneva START The business all began for me one summer afternoon. I had been with my two friends and fellow coven members, Scillia and Liriope, at a monthly meeting of our coven the previous evening. The meeting finished, we were on our way back home. Feeling like a bit of sightseeing on the way, and maybe to take our minds off some of the events at the coven, we spent an afternoon on a tour at an old mansion that had been used in a recent popular TV...

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The Tugboat Man in King Arthurs Court

My wife was born 13,000 years ago in a place called “New Atlantis.” Go ahead and say it, “Stop fucking with me!!” But it’s true. Believe me. I’ve met her folks. Maria’s 335 years old. But, Atlanteans live for thousands of years. So, my wife’s no crone. In fact, she has the freshest face and hardest body of any chiquita on the beach at Ipanema. She is also the hottest female in two, star-systems. Yes, I said “star systems.” Her people emigrated here from the beta planet of the star we call...

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Black Cock Warning Pt4

I'm tied to a spanking bench on all fours. I've just been spanked by theboss and sucked his cock until he came in my mouth. I'm exhausted, my assstill stings from the strapping I got, I can feel the leather strap on myass and I can imagine the red marks it left on my white ass. As I try tocatch my breath, I think about the situation I've gotten myself intobecause of my lust for black cock. I've decended into the depths ofdepravation and humiliation in my quest for black cock. I'm now...

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Blackmailed into Gay Porn

 My problems started a few months ago; my wife and I had been drifting apart and I think she was seeing someone on the side. I needed some type of release from my daily grind and when I brought up sex to my wife it always turned into a drama session so I stopped bringing it up.I started visiting an adult book store by my job. It was out of the way and on the way home. The first time I went in I was in awe of everything about the place. After a few visits I went from a deer in the headlights to...

4 years ago
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Satisfying Girlfriend After Long Time

Hello, all the beautiful ladies and horny buddies of indian sex stories dot net. I have read many stories here and finally, I got chance and time to write down one of my sex encounters with my girlfriend. This is my first story so please forgive for my bad narration. This is Ray(name changed), fair colour and normally built and meat size is 7 inch in length and 3 inches in girth, currently working in Chennai. This story is about me and my girlfriend from Delhi Priyanka(name changed) figure...

2 years ago
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Fantasies makes me lose control

This of how my Fantasies turn me into a horney perverted mom. My name is Mellisa i am a 34 year old mother of 2 . My Daughter Missy and son Danny. I am 5 foot tall 110 pounds petite lady with average tits b cup. My husband works out of town so is only home on weekends. Ive always been sexually active. Since my husband not always there i spend alot of time taken care of myself so with that i fantisize alot and whats the harm in that. Well it all started one week when my sister had a new job so...

3 years ago
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“I’M GLAD YOU’RE UP,” Kate said. They got back from the Aquarium at one o’clock and the boys were bouncing off the walls. Lissa and I had awakened at noon got up to have our coffee. I wasn’t feeling too bad, but I knew that after my three o’clock study session with Rio, I’d probably be bushed. At least, I would have company in a nice warm bed tonight. I had a little pang of sorrow for the folks who would continue to spend every night alone in a tent. “Come here, Kitten,” I said, standing up...

3 years ago
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In Fidelity

This is a story of a couple in love. These lovebirds are Evan and Lily. Newly married, bound to each others and with vows to keep together through thick and thin. No love is like the ones between newlyweds, no lustful flirt shall come between it. (Un)fortunately for the lustful flirt in question, this couple have a couple of fantasies. These are thoughts and perversions they have barely admitted to themselves, much less to each others. Their vows are to loyalty and to trust, but not so much to...

2 years ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Six

The semester continued. I lived above my former girlfriend in our apartment complex. She still had her boyfriend and I continued to date occasionally. At least once or twice a week, we would get together for some no holds-barred, wild, hold on tight for the ride, mind altering sex. Every now and then, we would take the time to make slow, romantic love with each other. I loved both versions, of course, but I will always cherish the nights that we fell asleep in each other’s arms, our legs...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Parents Part One My Slutty Mother

Damnit, mom! I can see your nipples and bush showing from twenty yards away. There’s no way you’re not aware of that! Those were my thoughts as I climbed out of my lover’s SUV and saw her running up to greet us. Her C-cup breasts bounced up and down with her steps. Even if her hard nipples couldn't be plainly seen from that distance, their free movement would have made it known.She was barefoot, as always, and wearing her favorite tie-dyed maxi dress. It was made from t-shirt cotton, faded, and...

2 years ago
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Julies Memoires Eduardo 1984

About two years into my job repping pharmaceuticals, we were invited to a party at the company owner’s house. Charlie and Marge lived about forty miles from where we lived at the time. It was a sort-of cocktail-party-finger-food-buffet-kind-of-thing. I was wearing a dress with a medium long skirt. Always have enjoyed mid-calf-forties-fifties style skirts and dresses. Usually what I wear. I curl my hair to match the forties image. This dress was a little loose, so I was wearing a belt. Very...

3 years ago
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I am finally a woman Episode 8

I started my transition at 45, with the goal of becoming a sexy BBW. After two years of electrolysis to get rid of my beard and quite a lot of disgusting, unwanted body hair, by which I regained a smooth, dainty appearance, I began taking hormones a few days after my birthday. Although quite late, my decision to embrace my real gender finally signified the onset of a new era of inner peace and self-realization. I had always identified as a woman in my soul, and the blessed hormones were...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Sexy Bhabhi

Hey it’s kk again, back with another sex story for the pleasure of all my readers. I thank you all for the feedbacks. My email id is For the those who are reading my story for the first time, I am kk, 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches, fair, athletic and adventure loving guy. I always try to keep my life simple, but full of excitement and fun. I would be moving on to kochi, kerala for work purpose and would be staying there for a long time. Ok so, let’s jump in to the sex story. This happened when I...

3 years ago
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Head Check From Little Missy Checkout Girl

“ Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?”The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in the supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age.“I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight the menace of u******e drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into the computerized register before returning my license to me. “ Wow that’s how old you...

2 years ago
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White Boi Gets Dominated in Jamaica

Neil Pagginton the Third had it all. He was a successful businessman, a multi-millionaire and still in his 30's! He had all the right connections - his father had gone to Yale & Harvard, and his father before him. He didn't even have to take entrance exams. From there it was easy - a plum do-nothing position at his father's investment firm, stock option bonuses, a few insider stock trades here and there that the FEC would never look into and he was richer than most Americans ever...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon at the Cabin Ch 02

This is the second chapter of a story I have been working on about two friends. If you haven’t read chapter one, I recommend that you check it out first, it will give you a lot of background on the relationship that they share. There is more to come and any and all comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with question, comments, advice, etc. * You picked me up, wrapped my legs around your waist and set me on the railing. You allowed your hands to explore my...

3 years ago
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Mother8217s Submission

Alex Morgan was excited to be back in his home town. He was twenty-one and on summer break from the college he attended. But the reason he was excited wasn’t because he would see his old friends or the town where he had grown up. Over the past few weeks, Alex had met a woman online. The website was aimed at people who were into bdsm and Alex definitely identified as a Dominant. The woman, who went by Lonely_Sub, was a Submissive. She had had hard time finding a Dominant until Alex...

1 year ago
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A Woman Walks Into A Bar

My name is Mark Walker and I am one of the bartenders at The Mustang Club, here in Cheyenne Wyoming. It's not a bad place really... certainly not "world famous", but it's a fairly quiet, friendly little place filled mostly with regulars. Being a bartender, you get to meet a lot of interesting people, men and women. And if you remain in this business long as I have, you collect a number of unusual and sometimes quite humorous stories from what you see and hear from your customers.When people...

Oral Sex
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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

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